Eye augmentation surgery. Removal of fatty hernias. How is the process

The Asian section of the eyes is characterized by a narrow palpebral fissure and the absence of folds in the area of ​​the movable eye. upper eyelid. Many people consider such eyes too narrow, small and inexpressive, dreaming of making the look more open. Thanks to the achievements modern surgery it has become quite possible!

Who needs an operation?

The operation aimed at correcting the Asian eye shape is called blepharoplasty. This surgical procedure medical indications does not have. Blepharoplasty is performed in accordance with the desire of the patient to change the shape of the eyes, to make the eyes wider and more expressive, and the appearance more European.

Note: Asian eye shape is found not only in representatives Mongoloid race! With such external feature faced by people of different nationalities, in connection with traumatic injuries, age-related changes and genetic diseases(for example, ).

In some cases, people with an Asian eye shape, living in European countries, experience serious difficulties with social adaptation, personal life and even employment, so blepharoplasty for them is the only chance to solve these problems, get rid of various complexes and psychological discomfort.

Plastic surgeons distinguish the following indications for correction:

  • hanging eyelids;
  • skin folds localized in the region of the eye corners;
  • omission of the corners of the eyes;
  • the appearance of fat bags in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids.

Successfully performed blepharoplasty helps to get rid of all these shortcomings, correct the incision and size of the eyes.

When not to do blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, aimed at correcting the Asian eye shape, like other types of plastic surgery, has quite wide range contraindications.

Doctors include the following factors:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • ophthalmic diseases;
  • phase of exacerbation of diseases occurring in a chronic form;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • serious violations in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • blood diseases of a systemic nature;
  • increased performance;
  • inflammatory lesions of the eye tissues;
  • blepharospasms;
  • the presence of acute infectious processes in the body;
  • renal and hepatic pathologies.

Also, blepharoplasty is contraindicated for future and nursing mothers, persons under the age of majority!

Important! Before the correction of the Asian eye section, the patient must undergo medical examination, allowing to exclude the presence of possible contraindications!

How to prepare for blepharoplasty?

Preparation for blepharoplasty involves obligatory visit such professionals:

  • plastic surgeon;
  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • anesthetist.

In addition, the patient takes blood tests ( , expanded, and , does and . In some cases, it may be necessary ultrasound procedure internal organs.

Approximately 2 weeks before the operation, the patient should refrain from smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, and hormonal medications. You should also follow a diet, consuming moderately. light food(with the exception of fatty, fried, salty, smoked dishes). On the day of the blepharoplasty itself, you should completely refuse to eat and drink!

Correction methods

For the correction of the Asian section of the eyes plastic surgeons apply the following methods:

The average duration of blepharoplasty aimed at correcting the Asian eye shape can be from half an hour to several hours, it depends on the methods surgical intervention and individual features sick.

What are the possible complications?

Asian eye size change surgically can provoke the development of the following undesirable complications in the patient:

Important! Most complications can be eliminated by inpatient treatment. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform a second surgical intervention.

Reduce development risks dangerous complications it is possible, strictly observing medical recommendations in the recovery and rehabilitation period. If you have any alarming, suspicious symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor without self-medicating and in no case resorting to methods traditional medicine! AT this case it can be very dangerous!

How is the rehabilitation going?

The patient can be discharged from the clinics on the day of the operation (if blepharoplasty was performed using minimally invasive methods), and in a day. The duration of the full recovery period takes about 2-3 weeks.

Note: the exact period of rehabilitation can be given to the patient only by his attending physician, since the duration of recovery depends on the methods of blepharoplasty, individual characteristics, and even age category specific person!

In the first days of rehabilitation, the patient may suffer from swelling, bruising and pain. make it easy disease state you can use painkillers and antibiotic drugs recommended by the doctor. enjoy eye ointments during this period is not recommended. When severe edema, it is better to apply ice or cold compresses.

The sutures are usually removed a few days after the plastic surgery. In most cases, patients return to work activities within a couple of weeks after the operation. However, if your profession requires excessive stress vision or intense physical activity, it is better to stay in the hospital longer, giving yourself the opportunity to fully recover!

During the recovery period (within a month), the patient must comply the following recommendations specialists:

  • refrain from excessive physical exertion;
  • secure good rest, sleep well;
  • refuse to use eye creams and decorative cosmetics;
  • do not wear lenses;
  • enjoy eye drops recommended by a doctor to eliminate dryness and possible inflammation;
  • when going out, be sure to wear sunglasses;
  • avoid strenuous activities visual apparatus(reading, working at a computer, watching TV for a long time, etc.);
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • sleep lying on your back;
  • avoid sunbathing, visiting the steam room or sauna.

Important! Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to minimize the risks of possible postoperative complications and speed up the period of full recovery!

In some cases, patients resort to such physiotherapy procedures to speed up rehabilitation:

  • microcurrent therapy;
  • lymphatic drainage massages;
  • electroporation.

Expected results

After finishing rehabilitation period edema and hematomas disappear, the results of blepharoplasty become noticeable. The patient gets what he was striving for - large, expressive eyes with European cut, open look. After a month, small scars become barely noticeable, and after a maximum of six months, they disappear completely. For the fair sex this operation makes it easier to use decorative cosmetics and opens up new possibilities for eye make-up!

Qualitatively performed blepharoplasty, in the absence of serious complications, does not require additional correction, and the results of this surgical intervention are preserved throughout a person's life!

Chumachenko Olga medical consultant

In continuation of the previous article, consider general rules eye shape correction, only now for Asian women. For owners Asian eye shape the so-called “heavy eyelids” are characteristic, when the moving eyelid is almost invisible, and the crease line is located low, above the very line of the eyelashes. When applying shadows on eyes with such a cut, they resort to a slightly different technique than in the case of European ones. The main difference is that when Asian eyes shadows on the upper eyelid are shaded not to the crease line, but slightly higher, so that the darkened area above remains visible even when the eyes are fully open.

To make Asian eyes look rounder,

Darken the strip around the eye with shadows, shading the shadows on both the lower and upper eyelids. As already mentioned, the shadows on the upper eyelid should be shaded upwards beyond the crease. In the middle of the century, the strip of shadows should expand somewhat. If you are doing makeup for yourself, do not forget to open your eyes often and check how high the shadows are blended up.

To make the Asian eye section seem longer,

apply eye shadow all over the edge of the eye, and then blend from the outer edge up towards the temples. At the same time, a smooth ascending line should be obtained on the upper eyelid. On the lower eyelid, start shading from the outer part of the eye and connect with the feathered shadows of the upper eyelid, as shown in the picture. It is important that in the center of the eyelid the shadows are not shaded too high, otherwise, instead of lengthening, you will get the effect of round eyes.

To give Asian eyes an almond shape,

use intense, saturated color. Shadows are applied to the edge of the lower eyelid from the lower growth line, and to a part of the upper eyelid along the ciliary edge, and then shaded to the outer corner of the eye.

To make Asian eyes look deeper and bigger,

the color is applied along the lower line of the eye, and then along the growth line of the upper eyelashes and shaded upwards, slightly above the crease of the moving eyelid. In this case, use shadows as dark as possible. To enhance the effect, on the moving upper eyelid, draw a thick line along the lash line with a dark pencil or eyeliner. If you want the makeup to look more modest and suitable, for example, for studying and working in the office, reduce the area covered by the shadows. Do not apply makeup on the inner corners of the eyes, under the lower lash line, and do not blend the shadows on the upper eyelid too high - it is better to stop approximately at the edge of the crease.

The shape of the eyes is individual for each person. But there are girls who do not like him, so they are interested in whether it is possible to change the shape of the eyes? Many even dare to take a desperate step - plastic surgery. But you can visually correct the shortcomings of your appearance with the help of makeup.

Is it possible to change the shape of the eyes with makeup?

How to enlarge small eyes?

If the girl's eyes are too small, then they can be visually made larger. To do this, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

Use eye shadow for makeup light shades. Dark colors can only be applied above the crease of the eyelid. However, contrasting shades should not stand out too much, as this will make the makeup look unnatural.

Light shadows should be applied under the eyebrows, which will give expressiveness to the eyes.

· But you should not use eyeliner for small eyes, as this will make them seem even smaller.

Bulging eyes correction

Girls with bulging eyes often wonder how to change the shape of the eyes? After all, such a deficiency can lead to the development of various complexes. But you just need to convert it to dignity. For makeup, only matte shadows are used. Need to give preference dark colors. A little light shadow is applied under the eyebrow to visually reduce the bulging eyelid.

Makeup artists advise eyeliner. Its color should match the shade of the shadows. But the use of mascara is undesirable. If you can’t do without it, then you need to take mascara of a brown or gray shade.

Change the section of the "eastern" eyes

Even girls with an oriental type of face dream of changing the shape of their eyes. As a rule, their eyes are very narrow, so they tend to make them rounder. This will also help proper makeup. First of all, you need to slightly bend the eyelashes up. Arrows will help visually enlarge the eyes. The eyeliner line should run along the entire upper eyelid. In addition, you need to highlight the eyebrows to distract from the flat eyelid.

Id: 11167 145

To begin with, I would like to clarify short description. Age-related changes in the shape of the eyes are usually not removed desired fat at the top and lower eyelids, as well as the removal of the skin of the upper eyelid that hangs over time.

These operations are known to all. As for changing the shape of the eyes in young age, then Asians are best versed in this matter. If you start searching the Internet about changing the shape of the eyes, then a ton of information will be related to such a question as "Augmentation of Asian eyes." Yes, for them this is a question that has been worrying since childhood. Even at the age of majority, it is not uncommon to give the "Operation for Europeanization of the Eyes".

But as for the European eyes themselves, there are very few operations for non-age correction and they are narrowly covered.

I would like to briefly mention what types of operations are offered for eye correction.

Upper eyelid reshaping: P riraises upper eyelid fully opening the iris of the eyeball.

"Glamour Line"(for me, this is a disfigurement of European eyes): opulling the lower line of the eye, giving it an S-shape.

As a result of the operation, the eyes look sick. It seems that the lower eyelid has lost muscle support and sagged.

Reshaping of the outer corner of the eyes (lateral canthopexy): atMagnifies the eye in length, rounding the outer corner of the eye.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty: removal of excess skin of the upper eyelid, to "open the eyes".

To give almond shaped eyes operations are applied Canthoplasty and Canthoplasty + Reshaping of the outer corners of the eyes. Canthoplasty "alteres" to a higher position, thereby lifting the outer corner of the eye.

For the Mongoloid look, the relevance of the Reshaping of the outer corner of the eyes and the "Line of Glamor" operations is due to the fact that the angle of inclination of our eyes and Asian eyes is quite different. So for Europeans, the angle of inclination is 5-8 degrees, and for Asians, 10 degrees.

As they say on the Internet, this look adds rigidity and aggressiveness, so they want to get rid of it. For such cases, the two operations mentioned above are quite effective.

What is good for an Asian is death for a European. The saying under this post is changing very well.

Operation Glamor Line is like unwanted effect for normal eyes. I would like to remake another saying: One thing hurts, and the other heals. (canthoplasty)

When you speak to some other eyes, everything is perceived somehow not so interesting.

Therefore, I want to give an example of my eyes and flavoring them with comments.

Not very pronounced, but it seems that I had the operation "Glamour Line". It turns out that there are a lot of eyeballs with outside. Thank God, this can be corrected with canthoplasty + reshaping.

Now we come to the most important thing for me - questions to which I have not found answers.

Due to the structure of the eye sockets, I have deep-set eyes, and this can be seen by looking at the inside of the eye, where the "emptiness" is created is not very beautiful shape. No matter how much I fiddle with makeup, almost any one emphasizes this ugly shape. Hence the question: Does anyone know if this is being fixed?

And another question that has arisen in me relatively recently is related to the inner corner of the eyes, the part in which the lacrimal gland. Are there operations that make it sharper and more elongated?

I'll include a few photos to make it clearer.

Here is what I would do with my eyes. But suspicions creep into me that this is not feasible.

OPEN QUESTION: Does anyone know of a prop for changing the shape of the eyes that is in any way related to what I described?...

Changing the shape of the eyes is now on the crest of popularity. This procedure can be performed as easily as changing the color of the eyes with contact lenses. Therefore, everyone who follows fashion trends can freely take advantage of the opportunity.

But canthoplasty is capable of more than just that. It increases the angle of the palpebral fissure affected by a burn, relieves blepharomyphosis (congenital narrowing of the eye section) and eliminates pop-eye. As a result, patients receive beautiful eyes that exactly meet their requirements, and look at the world with ease and admiration.

What is canthoplasty?

Canthoplasty - lifting of the outer corners of the palpebral fissure by moving and partial truncation of the canthus (lateral tendons). Along the way, the lower tissues are also normalized, so the procedure is often combined with a lower eyelid lift. Complement it and, which is beneficial for those who want to get rid of age-related changes around the eyes and model them to your liking.

In addition, it carries a lot healing effect, because it eliminates congenital and acquired defects:

Increases the narrow palpebral fissure damaged as a result of injury or burn;

Tightens sagging eyelids;

Normalizes the condition of the canthal tendon;

Prevents eversion of the lower eyelid;

Prevents the appearance of a "bulging" eye with myopia;

Weakens the pressure of the eyelids on the eyeballs with conjunctivitis and acute inflammation.

The effect of canthoplasty on the human eye

This procedure provides positive influence on the condition of the eyes, making them beautiful, healthy, attractive. In order not to hurt eyeball, during the operation, a special plastic shell is applied to it (as ordinary lens). Therefore, the pupil remains intact and visual acuity does not fall.

Canthoplasty can help patients of all ages:

At the age of 20-30, such an operation brings a wonderful cosmetic effect, changing the ethnic cut of the eyes to trendy and more attractive;

At 40-45 - effectively eliminates age-related changes on the face () and strengthens the canthal tendon;

At 50 and over - prevents eversion of the lower eyelid and bulging eyes (fisheye).

The cost of changing the shape of the eyes

Sign up for a consultation

Changing the shape of the eyes

The incision is made along the line of the upper eyelid, in the longitudinal natural crease skin. Its value is approximately 1 cm. If the procedure is combined with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), then only one access point is used. This is very beneficial, as the risks of postoperative complications are reduced.

After making an incision, the doctor separates and stretches the tendon, and then attaches it to bone tissue on the outer corner eye. Then he puts stitches and a disinfecting bandage. Since the incision is hidden behind a natural fold, it is completely invisible after healing. In parallel, excess tissue in the lower eyelid area can be removed.

After the procedure

Hospital stay is usually limited to a few hours, but at the request of a doctor, it can last up to 1 day. The sutures heal quickly, which is not hindered by any swelling or hematomas, which disappear on their own within a week. For this period, you should limit the load on the eyes: beware of bright light sources, do not watch TV, do not sit in front of a computer monitor.

The main discomfort in the first 2 weeks is the dryness of the mucous membranes of the eye and their irritation. But complete rest relieves these symptoms well. Preliminary results of the procedure can be seen in about half a month, the final results - a little later.

Canthoplasty cost

To determine the exact price, everything is taken into account: from the volume of intervention to the presence / absence of additional plastic surgery in the eye area. That is, if the main operation was accompanied by a facelift or eyelid lift, then the price increases accordingly.

For more detailed information contact by phone. So you can find out not only the numbers you are interested in, but also sign up for a procedure or consultation. Call, because the beauty of the eyes is the beauty of your soul, the guarantee of health and a happy life!

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