Interesting facts about the ointment-balm "Asterisk. Chinese star balm gold star for toothache

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 28.06.2004

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Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images

Composition and form of release

in a tin jar 4 g.

in a plastic tube 1.3 g.

in vials of 5 ml; in a pack of cardboard 1 bottle.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antiseptic, locally irritating, distracting.

Indications for Balsam "Golden Star"

Influenza, dizziness, headache, colds, runny nose (as a symptomatic remedy in complex therapy), insect bites.


Hypersensitivity, children's age (up to 2 years).

Side effects

In rare cases, allergic reactions.

Dosage and administration

Balm for external use: a small amount of the drug is applied to separate areas and rubbed into the skin: with headache- in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples and the back of the head; with a runny nose- under the nostrils; with colds- in the chest, back, abdomen; with insect bites- at the site of the bite.

Pencil for inhalation: inhale into each nasal passage 5-10 times a day.

Precautionary measures

If allergic reactions occur, it is necessary to wash off the remnants of the drug from the skin with warm water and soap, stop using it.

Designed for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes, open wounds.


Danang Central Pharmaceutical Company No. 5, DANAFA, Vietnam.

Storage conditions of the drug Balm "Golden Star"

In a dry place, at room temperature.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Balm "Golden Star"

pencil for inhalation - 5 years.

balm for external use - 5 years.

Instructions for medical use

Balm "Gold Star"
Instructions for medical use - RU No. P N013736/01

Last Modified Date: 17.06.2008

Dosage form

Balm liquid


For 100 ml of the preparation:

active components.

Crystalline menthol (L-menthol) 28.00 g

Camphor 8.88 g

Peppermint oil 22.90 g

Eucalyptus oil 0.10 g

Clove oil 0.46 g

Cinnamon oil 0.38 g


Liquid paraffin up to 100 ml

Description of the dosage form

Transparent liquid of brownish-red color with a smell specific to essential oils.

Pharmacological group

Local irritant of plant origin.

Pharmacological (immunobiological) properties

The drug has a locally irritating, distracting and antiseptic effect.


Used as a symptomatic agent in complex therapy for influenza, headaches, colds, rhinitis, insect bites.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Damage to the skin, the presence of skin diseases in the areas of the intended use of the drug.

Children's age up to 2 years.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the lack of experience in pregnant and lactating women, the appointment of the drug in this group is not recommended.

Dosage and administration

Outwardly. The drug is applied in a thin layer on painful areas of the skin and rubbed: with a headache - in the temples, the back of the head; with a cold - the wings of the nose; with colds - rub the back and chest. For insect bites, a liquid balm is applied to the bite site.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible, in the event of which the use of the drug should be discontinued. The remains of the balm must be washed off the skin with warm water.


To date, no cases of overdose have been noted.


Not described.

special instructions

Avoid getting the balm in the eyes, on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, as well as on damaged areas of the skin.

Release form

Balm liquid; 5 ml in a white glass bottle with a plastic screw cap. Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.

P N013736/01 dated 2017-08-15
Balsam "Golden Star" - instructions for medical use - RU No. P N013736 / 01 dated 2017-08-15

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [runny nose]Viral rhinitis
Inflammation of the nasopharynx
Inflammatory disease of the nose
Purulent rhinitis
Nasal congestion
Nasal congestion with colds and flu
Difficulty in nasal breathing
Difficulty in nasal breathing with colds
Difficult nasal breathing
Difficulty in nasal breathing with colds
Infectious and inflammatory disease of the ENT organs
Nasal hypersecretion
Runny nose
ARI with rhinitis
Acute rhinitis
Acute rhinitis of various origins
Acute rhinitis with thick purulent-mucous exudate
Acute nasopharyngitis
Edema of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx
severe runny nose
J06 Acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, multiple and unspecifiedBacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract
Bacterial respiratory infections
Pain in colds
Pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Viral respiratory disease
Viral infections of the respiratory tract
Inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract
Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract with difficult to separate sputum
Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract
Secondary Influenza Infections
Secondary infections in colds
Flu conditions
Difficult sputum separation in acute and chronic respiratory diseases
Upper respiratory tract infections
Upper respiratory tract infections
Respiratory tract infections
Respiratory and lung infections
ENT infections
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract
Respiratory tract infection
upper respiratory tract catarrh
Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrhal phenomena from the upper respiratory tract
Cough in diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Cough with a cold
Fever with influenza
ARI with rhinitis
Acute respiratory infection
Acute infectious and inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract
Acute common cold
Acute respiratory disease
Acute influenza-like respiratory disease
Sore throat or nose
Respiratory infection
Respiratory viral infections
Respiratory diseases
Respiratory infections
Recurrent respiratory tract infections
seasonal colds
Seasonal colds
Frequent colds viral diseases
J11 Influenza, virus not identifiedPain with the flu
Influenza in the early stages of the disease
Influenza in children
flu condition
Incipient flu condition
Acute parainfluenza disease
Parainfluenza condition
Influenza epidemics
R42 Dizziness and impaired stabilityVertigo
vestibular disorder
Dizziness and nausea while traveling
Ischemic impairment of hearing and balance
balance disorders
balance disorders
R51 HeadachePain in the head
Pain in sinusitis
Neck pain
Headache of vasomotor origin
Headache of vasomotor origin
Headache with vasomotor disorders
neurological headache
Serial headache
W57 Biting or stinging by non-venomous insects and other non-venomous arthropodsAllergic reaction to insect stings
Skin reaction after an insect bite
Reactions to insect bites
Mosquito bite
Bite of blood-sucking insects
A bite of an insect
wasp sting

As mentioned above, all components are natural, of plant origin.

  • Camphor oil, cloves - have an antiseptic effect, inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, prevent microbes from entering the body, protect it from infections.
  • Eucalyptus is a kind of natural antibiotic that acts simultaneously against bacteria and viruses.
  • Peppermint oil is a very effective component that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which can positively influence the immune system and effectively relieve unpleasant pathological sensations, protecting against diseases.
  • Menthol - irritates the nerve endings, cools and relieves soreness.
  • Paraffin and beeswax act as a base, give a viscous consistency to the contents and the possibility of easy and even distribution on the desired area of ​​the body.

Given the natural composition, it is possible to use an asterisk for almost everyone, even children, but you should consider at what age this can be done.

Forms of release, price and possible analogues

There are three forms of release of the Asterisk balm - ointment, solid pencil and liquid solution.

  1. The ointment, which is usually produced in flat aluminum jars of 5 grams, has earned the greatest popularity. Dense in texture, with a sharp spicy smell and yellow color.
  2. Pencil for inhalation is very similar in appearance to hygienic lipstick in consistency. Helps to get rid of congestion - for this purpose it is sniffed in 2-3 approaches per day. This option is convenient and gently treats pain in the head if it is caused by a cold.
  3. The liquid consistency is convenient for rubbing and compresses.

It is convenient to take the medication with you, use it even outside the home, the shelf life is up to five years. At home, the medicine is best stored in the dark and cool.

External use stimulates blood circulation, dilates capillaries and lowers blood pressure. It has a positive effect on the brain center. Absorbs instantly without leaving a greasy sheen.

Ingestion is not allowed!

The price is quite loyal and ranges from 80-100 rubles, depending on the volume. If you need another similar way of intervention, the pharmacist in the pharmacy will offer to buy analogues, for example, Dr. Mom (treats arvi, and head, spinal, muscle problems), Kapsikam (intended to warm up the muscles), Finalgon (leads to vasodilation, which provides a noticeable pain reliever and controlling effect in the elimination of damage to the joints and muscles), Fenistil Gel (included in the list of histamine receptor blockers, proved to be the best for skin itching, eczema) and others.

Indications for use

Due to the versatile positive effect on the body, "Asterisk" will serve in many pathological conditions:

  • Migraine that started to bother you due to a cold, severe overwork, or sudden stress
  • Runny nose, rhinitis, mucosal inflammation
  • Cough, respiratory infections
  • Toothache
  • Bites of harmful insects, damage in the sea by jellyfish
  • In the list of complex medical intervention for getting rid of the influenza virus
  • Prevention of acute respiratory infections
  • To relieve stress and fatigue
  • Radiculitis
  • Rheumatism
  • Injuries, dislocations
  • Stretching
  • Edema
  • Dry old calluses on the soles of the feet
  • Seasickness

In addition, Asterisk is preferred by athletes for warming up muscles, as well as getting rid of muscle pain, joint diseases, injuries and bruises. There is evidence of effectiveness in fungal infections of the nails and cracked legs. But it should be understood that the manufacturer did not count on such a versatile operation and did not carry out relevant research, which means that if the instruction does not speak about the proposed method of treatment, such use of it may be fraught.

Long-term contact is not addictive and does not have negative consequences, so you can not be afraid and confidently rely on this effective method during the full course of treatment and for prevention.

Before using the "Asterisk", it is recommended to conduct an allergy test, for which it is applied in small quantities to the back of the wrist, an area with delicate and thin skin. If there are no negative reactions - you can put it into action.

Application methods

In order for the method of therapy to have the maximum effect, it is necessary to clearly understand how to use the balm correctly and where to smear it. This is paramount, because the speed of recovery directly depends on it.

acupuncture points

There are special points of application on a person, the so-called acupuncture points. It is in them that the procedure must be carried out. Information about their exact locations on the body can be obtained from a doctor, from special literature or on the Internet. A small amount of medicinal ointment is smeared in a circular motion and then massaged clockwise until slight redness appears. During the day, this can be done 2-3 times.

With a runny nose, inflammation of the nasal mucosa

With a runny nose, to relieve nasal congestion, with an already existing disease and in order to prevent it, it is suitable to smear under the nose, on the wings and bridge of the nose with massaging movements. Inhaled vapors lead to a decrease in bacterial contamination of the nasal passages, removal of puffiness, and a decrease in the produced mucous secretion.

Very well, this method of treating rhinitis is suitable for children, but it is extremely important to take into account the age - the child must be at least 3 years old, and conduct an allergy test, the medication is acceptable in therapy for children 3 years and older.

With nasal congestion, you can inhale the aroma for 3-5 seconds. A gold star pencil is well suited for this purpose.

For cough, respiratory diseases

When coughing, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, they cover the neck, chest in the area under the collarbones and on the back under the shoulder blades with an asterisk, massaging thoroughly. For colds, inhalations with a solid aggregate are effective, but an inhalation stick during pregnancy can only be used with extreme caution.

Liquid balm "Asterisk" is ideal for complex inhalations. At the same time, 2 drops of the substance are added to 1 liter of hot water, among other components. Having covered your head with a towel, you will have to stay over the steam for about 10 minutes, it is advisable to do the procedure before going to bed. It is not advisable to carry out such activities with a paroxysmal cough.

For headaches, migraines

A wonderful mixture due to its properties will help relieve discomfort in 10 minutes. If discomfort is associated with a cold, stress or overwork, then this is a great helper. The points of application for headaches are the temporal region, the bridge of the nose, the back of the head and the ears. With low pressure, relief is guaranteed.

Under stress

"Tiger Rubbing" is good for fatigue, depression, anxiety and nervous excitement . Spicy pairs have a calming effect on the psyche, lead to a state of balance and harmony. Often an aroma lamp is lit for these purposes. Oriental aroma wraps a person, relieves anxiety, gives an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.

For joint diseases, sprains, bruises

Troubles such as bruises and sprains are also easily treatable with the golden panacea. To do this, you need to carefully rub the composition into an unhealthy place, wrap the affected part of the body and leave for 2-3 hours. Soon this treatment will give a good result in the form of significant relief.

This is a great way to speed up regeneration in hematomas. At the same time, the vessels expand reflexively, the local blood flow and the synthesis of substances are significantly increased, which in turn contributes to the rapid recovery of the affected tissues. But it is important to take into account that in the presence of destruction of the outer layers of tissues, the medication is unacceptable.

And with severe injuries, you should not count on it as the main and only medicine. It is logical to consult a doctor, get an indication, and use it in combination therapy with other prescriptions.

For insect bites

For the beauty of the legs

Balm "Asterisk" is effective for swelling, fatigue, calluses on the legs, and you can hear reviews from nail fungus. Rubbing is applied to the prepared steamed skin immediately after taking a bath. With old rough calluses, it should be applied to the soles, paying special attention to problem areas. After that, it is recommended to wear warm socks. With swelling, you need to rub the ankle area. As an additional measure to get rid of edema, foot contrast baths are good.


It is not uncommon for a drug, despite its natural origin, to be harmful. In such a situation, you should immediately abandon the chosen path and consult with a specialist, after which, in accordance with the recommendations, make a decision to limit the medication or completely abandon it. Care must be taken when:

  • Hypersensitivity to components, the presence of allergic reactions.
  • Skin lesions in - wounds, abrasions, burns, irritations, acne. If the insect bite is scratched to the point of blood, the procedure is not recommended.
  • Children's age up to three years.
  • Pregnancy - due to rather caustic vapors and the ability of oils to cause a tendency to allergies, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Asthma, whooping cough.

Each of these cases is an absolute contraindication to use or a reason to use the remedy in minimal amounts.

If an unhealthy burning sensation, pain in the treated area was found, it would be wise to immediately remove the remnants with a damp cloth, and consult a medical professional for further use, using more gentle means of a mild principle.

In no case should you abuse the golden star, this will lead to such sad consequences as a burn of the skin, an allergic reaction, poisoning.

It is forbidden to treat areas of the body where there are mucous membranes, in order to avoid their aggressive irritation. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of clean water and seek medical attention if necessary.

With all types of processing, the method of using an asterisk is exclusively external.

How to open the Asterisk balm

Not everyone immediately understands how to open a small flat jar. There are several options: pry it with a knife, hit it on the floor, put it in a cold or warm place, use pliers… The design of the package is designed so that the lid does not fly off by itself. It is worth trying and choosing the simplest for yourself.

Over decades of use, a clear idea has formed about the drug as a really effective one. Asterisk ointment has reviews, most of them always positive. The tool has a democratic cost, besides, a few ml are more than enough for a long time.


At the moment, a large number of drugs have already been created to help get rid of colds and viral diseases. Among the leaders, which must be used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, is the legendary Asterisk balm - the owner of active ingredients that can cure both an adult and a child.

What is Asterisk Balm

Balm Golden Star is a budget medical product that was very popular in Soviet times. The Vietnamese asterisk, as it was popularly called, is a yellowish ointment, similar in appearance to petroleum jelly, for external use. This universal drug irritates the nerve endings and acts as a distraction, analgesic, antiseptic.


The composition of the Asterisk is limited to plant components and essential oils: clove, cinnamon, mint, eucalyptus, vaseline, camphor oil. Additional components are anhydrous lanolin, crystalline menthol, paraffin, beeswax, which help enhance the effect of the balm. Thanks to this composition, the gold star can be considered a natural product.

Indications for use

Basically, the ointment is used to treat the common cold, but this balm has a huge range of applications. It helps with headaches and toothaches, migraines, insect bites, joint diseases, with the appearance of calluses on the legs and swelling of the feet, with skin diseases, and all diseases that are accompanied by cold symptoms: fever, severe cough, irritation of the mucous membrane - severe runny nose, congestion nose. The use of the Golden Star will be a good prevention of influenza, a way to treat rhinitis.


In order to understand whether Asterisk is contraindicated for you, study its composition. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the balm. It is not recommended to use the cream for skin diseases, violations of the integrity of the cover, for skin burns. Contraindications for use are pregnancy, lactation and age up to 3 years. Overdose reactions have not been recorded.

Instructions for use balm Asterisk

The manufacturer of the Golden Star is not limited to the release of one ointment. In pharmacies, you can find funds in the form of not only an ointment, but also a liquid balm, an inhaler pencil. All three types have an effective therapeutic effect. These three types can be distinguished by packaging. All Golden Star products are sold without a doctor's prescription. Each type is used in a different way.

From a cold

An asterisk from the common cold is used everywhere. Nasal congestion can all types of this drug. Liquid balm is recommended for inhalation. Dissolve 1 tablespoon or 2-3 drops of liquid Asterisk in one liter of boiled water. The principle of this procedure is similar to hot potato inhalation: the patient bends over the solution and covers himself with a towel, sheet, etc. You don't need to take deep breaths. Perform this procedure in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes.

When it comes to the medicinal properties of the ointment, the question often arises of where to smear Asterisk with a runny nose. The ointment will have a therapeutic effect when applied topically or rubbed with a chest balm. With a point procedure, it is effective to smear the wings of the nose: apply a small amount of Asterisk, rub in circular motions for several minutes. After the procedure, wash off the ointment. The components of the preparations have a strong antiseptic and distracting effect. Use the pencil as a mobile inhaler: inhale 2-3 times a day.

For a headache

If you have a headache, therapeutic massage with ointment will help. For headaches and migraines, it is recommended to apply it to the inner, outer edge of the eyebrows, temples, temporal bone, which is located just above the ear. Scoop a small amount of the drug with your index fingers, massage the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for 5 minutes, then lie down for 15-20 minutes until the drug takes effect.

From cough

When coughing, liquid Asterisk will help. The essential oil has volatile properties, so the balm quickly enters the nasopharynx and lungs. Effective rubbing with balm of the chest. Apply Asterisk in an even layer without rubbing. Ointment Asterisk must be applied under the collarbone, on the temples, chin, under the shoulder blades. This method is perfect for the treatment of colds.

For toothache

Toothache will continue for a long time if you do not consult a specialist. But ointment will help relieve a strong pain attack. To do this, find a point located in the middle of the fossa under the zygomatic bone. Apply the ointment to that area and massage for 1-2 minutes. To enhance the effect, massage the earlobe with the ointment. Wash your hands after applying the drug.

The price of balm Asterisk

Prices for the Gold Star in pharmacies:



Release form



liquid balm


Danafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, Vietnam


Danafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, Vietnam

inhalation pencil


Since the Golden Star is an inexpensive, but sold drug, Asterisk has analogues around the world:




Release form


golden cup

The Thai analogue of Asterisk is used to treat swelling, bruises, sprains, joint pain, and is used for insect bites. The components of the Golden Cup have an anti-inflammatory effect. Inhalations with balm will remove nausea, fatigue, anxiety.

Golden Cup Phrmaceutical, Thailand

Chinese Tiger is useful for colds, runny nose, coughs, flu, inflammation and pain in the nasopharynx. It is recommended for headaches and dizziness, for injuries such as bruises, sprains. Helps in relieving itchy skin.

Xue Shan Bai Cao, China

It is intended for the treatment of skin diseases accompanied by itching: Neurodermatitis; Eczema; Atopic dermatitis.

DHU, Germany

Ointment, cream

Treats demodicosis, acne (pimples), has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect

Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company ORS,


An active pain reliever helps to cope with pain and other symptoms that occur with the following diseases: bone fractures, varicose veins, neuralgia, myalgia, arthritis of various etiologies, hematomas, sprains, sciatica, itching and burning of the skin caused by dermatitis.

AO Pharmaceutical, Russia

Naftalan ointment

It is prescribed for skin diseases, diseases of the joints and spine, extra-articular diseases of soft tissues and the motor system, disorders of the nervous system, burns, frostbite, hemorrhoids, sports injuries.

TOV "Biliol", Ukraine

About 20-30 years ago, the Golden Star balm (Vietnamese Cao Sao vàng [Khao Shao Wang] English Golden star balm), or as it is also called, "Star", was a constant guest in the first-aid kit of every inhabitant of our country. Not many people know that the composition of this miraculous ointment includes: clove, cinnamon, mint and eucalyptus.

Consider the instructions for using Asterisk ointment, its composition and tips for use.

Now in more detail about the ingredients that make up the "Asterisk":

Oriental balm "Asterisk" is created from a combination of extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils (used in traditional oriental medicine) and fortified with formic acid. Formic acid has been used since time immemorial to relieve pain of various origins and to heal many ailments.

  • Menthol crystal - 658 mg
  • Camphor - 124 mg
  • Peppermint oil - 258 mg
  • Eucalyptus oil - 65 mg
  • Clove oil - 5 mg
  • Cinnamon oil - 6 mg
  • Formic acid
  • Vaseline - 184 mg

❧ Menthol crystal

Menthol has a number of properties that make it possible to use it in pharmacy: analgesic, antibacterial, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic and antiseptic, antipyretic, expectorant and antianginal, causes reflex expansion of the coronary vessels, eliminates spasm of the bronchi, cerebral vessels.
Intended for the treatment of colds, rheumatism, for relieving muscle pain from fatigue, etc. Crystalline menthol is an important component of "Asterisk" for colds of the upper respiratory tract, for headaches of a cold nature, for backaches in the head, for migraines, and also for neuralgia, arthralgia and myalgia.

The cooling effect of menthol on skin receptors can reduce irritation and itching, for example, with allergies. It helps to reduce painful reactions, reduces inflammatory processes.
The analgesic action of menthol is preceded by a feeling of cold, slight burning and tingling.

❧ Eucalyptus (eucalyptus oil)

It has long been proven that eucalyptus oil has a stimulating effect on the receptors of the mucous membranes, and in combination with other essential oils is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. The essential oil of eucalyptus helps well with inhalation - it quickly and effectively clears the nasal passages.

Thanks to eucalyptus oil, Asterisk stimulates sensitive nerve endings and is indispensable for headaches and colds. Its aroma helps great as - "bloodsuckers" do not tolerate the smell of eucalyptus.

Much has been written about the amazing properties of eucalyptus. This remedy has proven itself very well for headaches, coughs, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, insect bites, indigestion and abdominal pain.

❧ Peppermint (peppermint oil)

Peppermint essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the mcntha piperita plant. It has a pronounced smell of menthol with a grassy tinge.

Peppermint oil is an excellent adaptogen, it contributes to the normalization of body functions and its resistance to external influences. Some biologically active points are recommended to be massaged with mint oil.
With colds, flu, sinusitis, peppermint oil cleans the respiratory tract well.

❧ Clove (clove oil)

The antiviral and antibacterial properties of clove oil can only be compared with the best coniferous antiseptics. It is perfect for preventing the spread, speeds up recovery during viral and colds, while the properties of clove oil are effective both in the case of airborne diseases and.

It is also used to treat serious injuries - bruises, wounds, burns, furunculosis, acne, pustular lesions, cuts, scabies.

❧ Cinnamon (cinnamon oil)

Premium quality cinnamon oil is obtained from the young bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree (cinnamonum zeilanicum), wild and cultivated in Sri Lanka, as well as the Seychelles and Madagascar.

Cinnamon oil is one of the strongest antiseptics used in homeopathy. It gives an excellent effect not only in the treatment of colds, flu, viral diseases, but also some skin infections. The healing effect of cinnamon is manifested in the stimulation of blood circulation, which is especially useful for hypothermia, colds, diseases of the joints and spine.

❧ Formic acid

Natural formic acid contains a large amount of organic zinc components. And zinc, as you know, is an antioxidant and immunostimulant. It turns out that in its action natural formic acid is similar to such widely used medicines as vitamin C or ginseng preparations.

Formic acid has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, warming and penetrating tonic properties. Thanks to this component, the Zvezdochka balm is used to relieve joint pain of various origins (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism) and to provide a restorative and tonic effect on the structure of muscles and joints.

❧ Camphor

Camphor (camphor) (camphor) is a solid volatile ketone with a characteristic pleasant odor. It has the ability to relieve various inflammations and warm.
It is recommended to use for rheumatic pains, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, inflammation of muscles and joints. When applied to the skin, it first cools the affected area and then heats it up, increasing blood flow. It is able to stimulate peripheral nerve endings, which, in turn, helps to reduce pain.

Helps to get rid of cough with colds and viral respiratory diseases and prolonged runny nose.

❧ Vaseline

Vaseline is a homogeneous, odorless, white or yellow, viscous-plastic mass that stretches in short threads.

Use of essential oils

Essential oils are successfully used in homeopathy for herbal treatment and, unfortunately, too rarely - in classical pharmaceutics. Essential oils easily penetrate the skin and show their effect by binding to the fats that make up the cells.
With a runny nose, it is customary to rub "Asterisk" under the nose; for headaches - apply to the temples; with mosquito bites, accompanied by unpleasant itching - smear the skin several times a day for speedy healing and relieve discomfort.

In Vietnam - where the "Asterisk" comes from - this remedy is considered quite effective and is used for many diseases. But Vietnamese doctors use it, taking into account acupuncture points - active points on the human body, into which a small amount of balm is rubbed. Moreover, for each disease, different combinations of points are used.

Instructions for use

With home treatment with Zvezdochka balm, you can use a simple method of rubbing a sore spot or acupuncture of certain points.

To rub on the skin, apply a small amount of balm and rub vigorously until completely absorbed.

Especially effective is rubbing the drug with your fingertips at certain acupuncture points. To do this, lightly smearing the skin with a balm at a certain point, you need to massage it without tension until the skin turns pink. Such a massage relieves pain and improves overall well-being.
However, it should be said that in cases of severe advanced diseases, such massage as an independent, isolated method of treatment will not bring much effect, so it is best to include it in the overall course of treatment.

Before using the balm, check if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

✅ When bitten by insects,, the balm is applied directly to the bite site. The sore spot is cooled, and the pain and itching recede for a while. It should be remembered that the balm categorically cannot be used for various skin diseases, as well as applied to open wounds.

✅ If you have a headache, then you need to rub the Asterisk balm into the temples and skin above the eyebrows for 20 seconds with light pressure. But you need to be careful and make sure that the balm does not get.

✅ For bruises, sprains or muscle pain, the ointment is rubbed in a thin layer into the sore spot.

✅ If you are seasick then rubbing the ointment into the temples and the back of the head will alleviate the condition. The same should be done with insomnia or.

For toothache

Toothache is a symptom that requires a mandatory visit to the dentist. But a strong pain attack will also help to remove the Golden Star balm, which, of course, does not cancel a visit to the doctor when the pain passes. As a pain reliever, we want to offer you the following acupressure.

Find a point located in the middle of the fossa under the zygomatic bone in front of the process of the upper jaw. Massage the point intensively counterclockwise for 1-2 minutes. Then massage 3 more points.

To relieve pain, you can also massage the point indicated in the figure below. Pinch the lobe with your thumb and forefinger, smeared with Asterisk balm, and massage intensively. The pain should stop soon.

Runny nose and cold

"Asterisk" helps a lot with a cold. However, to begin with, it would be good to find out what caused rhinitis, whether it is a manifestation of an allergy. If you are sure that you have caught a cold, and you have caught a bad cold, then resort to the next effective remedy. Take a small amount of Asterisk balm and gently rub your breasts without touching the nipples. The procedure can be repeated several times (3-4 times) a day. In chronic colds, it is useful to make daily rubbing of the back and chest with a small amount of balm.

Balm "Asterisk", of course, does not save from a cold, but in combination with a massage of the back of the nose, it makes breathing easier with a runny nose. To massage according to all the rules, find with your index fingers two symmetrical points where the back of the nose passes into the cheekbones (when you press in these places, you will experience a bursting, slightly painful sensation). Here are the reflex zones, the irritation of which clears the nasal passages.

Then apply a little balm to your fingertips and massage these points with rotational movements for 2-3 minutes, either increasing or decreasing the pressure. Repeat 5-6 times a day. Perhaps on the second day the runny nose will disappear.

With angina

angina is fixable. The point marked in the figure is located slightly above the Adam's apple, in the fold of the neck at the level of the hyoid bone. Lubricate this place with Asterisk balm and massage intensively for 15-30 seconds.

You can completely cure the disease with just a few clicks.

SARS and influenza

For apply a small amount of the Asterisk preparation on the index finger and rub it into the skin around the nose, in the submandibular and occipital regions, where a large number of biologically active points are concentrated. Can be rubbed into the brows.
Rubbing has not only a curative, but also a preventive effect. After some time, the procedure should be repeated.

And the 6 dots in the figure below help to effectively deal with the flu.

An important point located on the outside of the palm between the thumb and forefinger is very effective for increasing immunity and mobilizing the body's internal forces in the fight against colds, but do not forget that it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

At the initial stage of the flu, the following procedure helps well: spread the Asterisk balm on the foot, but not on the whole, but only on the heel and under the fingers, thumb and above the fingers. And then on the foot from the thumb it is necessary to hold the balm to the heel.
Then you need to put on coarse woolen socks and walk around in them. In addition, you need to drink plenty of water, fruit drinks are very useful.

There is one known way to cure a cold in a short time. By the way, this remedy is already considered folk. It really helps a lot, as I have seen from my own experience. It is necessary to rub the throat with the “Asterisk” balm with light massaging movements, then tie the throat with a handkerchief and drink lime in large quantities all evening. The very next morning you will feel that you have completely recovered.

Cervical osteochondrosis

With osteochondrosis, there is a good remedy - massage. However, massage must be done by a specialist. I want to offer a tool that is quite accessible to you. Use the drawing and find a point located on the back of the hand, between the metacarpophalangeal joints of the second and third fingers.

Rub the Asterisk balm into the found point and massage for two minutes. This tool helps with pain in the neck with osteochondrosis.

Such a massage is especially useful for those who lead, who, for example, have to spend a long time at the computer.

Prevention and treatment of sciatica

Lumbalgia is a paroxysmal sharp pain in the lower back, most often caused by osteochondrosis of the lumbar intervertebral discs. It usually occurs suddenly after (flexing the body forward or turning to the side).

Relieve pain physical rest, horizontal position of the spine. A massage with the Golden Star balm also gives significant relief.

Find the point located in the center of the popliteal fossa, shown in the figure, and rub the Asterisk balm into the nose with force. Next, you need to massage other points. Perform an intensive massage of the points with the "Asterisk" counterclockwise for 3-4 minutes.

Below is a picture that shows a point that also helps relieve pain in sciatica (sciatica). This point is located - in the recess between the outer ankle and the Achilles tendon at the upper edge of the calcaneus. Massage the point intensively with Asterisk balm for 15-30 seconds.

Press it with the tip of your thumb inward and forward. At the same time, squeeze the lower leg with the rest of the fingers on the opposite side.

✅ Knee pain. Use these points to relieve knee pain.

Correct choice of points

If the acupuncture point is chosen correctly, with light and not sharp pressure on it with the fingertips, a feeling of pain occurs.

Acupressure is performed with one finger. Having determined the location of the point from the description and drawing, press with a slightly bent finger. Gradually increasing the pressure, achieve a slight soreness and massage the point, making small oscillatory-rotational movements without shifting the finger along the skin. Usually, the point is pressed with the pad of the thumb or middle finger.
In no case do not press on the acupuncture point with your nails.

You can immediately rub the Asterisk balm into the point, or you can perform a massage procedure with a dry finger, and immediately after the end of the massage session, lubricate the point with a small amount of Vietnamese preparation.

Inhalation with balm "Golden Star"

In addition, the balm is used for inhalation. Inhalations are done either with the help of a special inhaler, or simply throw a little ointment into boiling water and inhale the fragrant steam.

Indications for the use of inhalation

  • Acute and chronic diseases, and;
  • professional;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses;
  • , respiratory, adenovirus infections in acute and subacute periods;
  • obstructive syndromes, laryngospasms, prevention of complications in the postoperative period.

Inhalations with "Asterisk" reduce hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi, thin and accelerate its evacuation, enhance the activity of the ciliated epithelium, helping to restore the normal state of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, reduce dryness of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

In case of flu, sore throat, any inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to add a little Golden Star balm (an amount equal to the volume of a match head) to boiling water (500 ml of boiling water), stir and, covered with a towel, inhale its vapors for 15-20 minutes. The essential oils contained in it dilate blood vessels, clear the respiratory tract and have a powerful bactericidal effect. Such inhalation should be carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. This method is especially effective in combination with massage of acupuncture points.

You can make the following inhalation - smear the Asterisk balm on the bottom of the tea saucer, sprinkle with soda and pour boiling water over it, inhale deeply.


It is good to use "Asterisk" for aromatherapy sessions. To do this, a drop of balm is placed in the aroma lamp, filled with water and a candle is lit.
Volatile essential oils evaporate quickly and enter the body when inhaled, and also irritate the millions of sensitive cells lining the nasal passages. These cells send signals directly to the brain and influence the emotions and nervous regulation of the functions of all organs. Therefore, you should know that, for example, when inhaled with the Zvezdochka balm, essential oils simultaneously affect both the physical and mental well-being of a person. The same thing happens if the balm is rubbed into biologically active points on the body.

I also want to add that the essential oils that make up the Zvezdochka are an unsurpassed remedy for blood-sucking insects. Flies and mosquitoes are sensitive to smells. The aroma of cloves and eucalyptus especially repels mosquitoes. When used for protection, it is enough to lubricate exposed skin or put it on a fire source - in a fireplace, a fire, on a candle or on a heated frying pan.
It is known that the smell of camphor, which is also part of the Golden Star balm, can repel not only mosquitoes, but also flies and even ticks.

Precautions and special instructions

Designed for external use only. Do not allow the balm to get into the eyes, on the mucous membranes, on the open wound surface.
After applying the ointment to the skin, there is a local increase in temperature and redness of the skin, at the same time there is a feeling of warmth and burning, which gradually disappears within one hour. When applying the ointment to the skin should not cause pain. In case of pain, swelling or rash on the skin, stop using the ointment and consult a doctor immediately.

There is evidence of the possibility of developing adverse reactions when using the balm. If allergic reactions occur, it is necessary to wash off the remnants of the drug from the skin with warm water and soap, stop using it for a while.
If the balm gets on the mucous membranes, remove the ointment with wet wipes and rinse with plenty of water.

Contraindications to the use of "Asterisk"⭐

  • allergic reactions. It must be remembered that the Golden Star balm can cause an allergic reaction, because all its components are strong allergens. In particular, this can be manifested by redness of the skin at the application sites.
    In order to prevent possible troubles, before using the balm, do a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of balm on the skin of the wrist from the inside. If after a while you feel a burning sensation and itching, and the skin at the site of application of the ointment turns red, then immediately wash everything off and do not use this drug again. Most likely it doesn't suit you.
  • Childhood. Also, children and adolescents should use the balm with caution. Moreover, for children under two years old, it is completely prohibited. And older children can use the balm only under the supervision of adults. The child may well want to taste the ointment, or accidentally rub it into the eyes.
  • skin inflammation(wounds, boils). It should only be borne in mind that, despite the minimum of contraindications, the Asterisk balm should still be abandoned by those who suffer from pustular skin diseases. Do not rush to use the balm even if the skin is damaged - this will further aggravate the problem.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnant women also often use Asterisk, considering it to be absolutely safe for the unborn child. Of course, balm cannot cause such harm as synthetic preparations. There are no chemicals harmful to the baby in the composition of the balm. But, it's still better to be careful.
    The fact is that the main contraindication to the drug is excessive sensitivity to the components of which it consists. As for a pregnant woman, it is sometimes impossible to foresee the reaction of her body. So if you are in a position, then before using the "Asterisk" just smell it, and if the smell seems sharply unpleasant to you, then it is better not to use it at all. Most likely, at the moment, this tool is not suitable for you.

Almost everyone knows about the Zvezdochka balm. It is a preparation with a thickish structure, which has a yellowish color and a peculiar smell. It is made in accordance with traditional technologies and recipes of the East. The substances in the composition of the ointment are of plant origin and are not inherently hazardous to health. Its healing properties can have a beneficial effect on the human body. The country of manufacture of this drug is Vietnam.

The composition of the balm and its effect on the body.

Vietnamese "Asterisk" has a harmless composition. It contains ingredients of natural origin:

  • vaseline oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil and other important herbal ingredients.

The antiseptic properties of the ointment are activated by menthol, camphor and clove oil. Oils not only cleanse the skin surface from infection, viruses, but also create a protective shell, thanks to which the infection does not enter the infected area of ​​​​the skin. Mint in the balm can protect the skin and have an analgesic effect. Mint also repels insects, can reduce blood pressure and improve the circulatory system. Mint has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, so many people like to add this plant to tea or various dishes. The balm itself is available in several forms. The most common and well-known shape is the small round jar. However, another type of ointment is the Asterisk pencil for inhalation. Sometimes you can find a liquid solution of the ointment.

medicinal action.

Ointment can have a medicinal effect when:

  • viral diseases;
  • with radiculitis;
  • with injuries;
  • elimination of rough calluses.

With pain in the head, the ointment can also have a beneficial effect. It is used for toothache, sinus pain and toothache.


Ointment "Asterisk" also has contraindications. Cannot be used for:

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • women who are in the period of pregnancy;
  • finally, if a person has intolerance to any components of the ointment.

During pregnancy, any woman worries about her child and tries not to use or use drugs that harm the body. However, it is during this period that a woman’s body is susceptible to infections and viruses due to weakened immunity. But at the same time, some doctors advise this remedy to pregnant women. This happens because, in comparison with other drugs, only Asterisk is able to have the most positive effect, while not causing adverse effects. Due to the organically pure composition, the balm, in comparison with other antiviral drugs, is the safest for the human body. In this case, you need to apply the balm on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and, after a few minutes, see if the drug causes an allergic reaction. Even medical staff do not advise using the ointment for bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, because oils can provoke bronchitis spasm.

The drug "Asterisk" is advised to use no more than 3 times a day. Contraindications include too much applied balm, as it can cause burns. In this case, thoroughly rinse the area to which a large amount of ointment has been applied and apply ice. It will take approximately 7 days to heal. These days, you can apply aloe juice to the affected area, this will speed up the healing process.

Indications for the use of balm for infectious diseases and viral infections.

It should be noted that the drug is used only for external use. In the treatment of viral infections and nasal congestion, it is necessary to apply the ointment to the upper surface of the nose. Then bring the ointment close to the nose and breathe for 30 seconds. If you are worried about coughing, it is advised to spread the balm on the skin of the shoulder blades, chest and neck. To make you feel comfortable, it is advised to apply the ointment before going to bed, and after applying it, cover yourself with a warm blanket.

Ointment "Asterisk" can be used for inhalation. With dry and wet coughs, inhalations are useful for speeding up the healing process. A liter of hot water is taken, then a small amount of balm, literally on the tip of a knife. Next, you need to take a towel and put the solution under your head, covering the solution with a towel and inhalation can be carried out on your head. In this case, you need to be careful, since the steam emanating from the solution can burn the mucous membrane. Another point that is important to consider is that with bronchitis and a strong wet cough, inhalation is prohibited.

The use of balm for pain.

If you have a headache, the ointment can also have a beneficial effect. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to rub the temples and the back of the head with the balm. After about 8 minutes, you should feel better. If you suffer from a toothache, it is enough to apply a balm on the outside of the tooth that is bothering you. If you bruised a joint or this sprain, you need to rub the balm on the area where the pain is felt. Next, wrap the affected area with any cloth. After about an hour, the pain should go away. For insect bites, the balm should be used with caution, since on a wound that does not have a cover, the ointment can cause allergies. It is recommended to apply the drug for the treatment of swelling of the legs and calluses. It is best to do this after a hot bath, as the feet will be softer and the medicine will be absorbed more quickly.

The action of the balm in excessive fatigue.

It has been proven that even air vapor emanating from the Asterisk ointment can have a healing effect. If you are tormented by depression or you are overworked, it is enough to breathe the air vapors emanating from the balm. Essential oils calm the nerves.
"Asterisk" is one of those drugs that should always be in any home. This is a unique remedy that can have a therapeutic effect on various diseases, bruises and ailments. The indisputable advantages of the balm include its budget.

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