Gel fillings for teeth. What filling is the best. What are the types of light seals

Temporary fillings are designed to be removed after some time and replaced with permanent ones. Most often they are placed for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Let's say the doctor is not sure whether the nerve is affected or not. For this, a temporary filling is placed: if the tooth is sick, then the nerve must be removed. Healing fillings are most often hidden under themselves various medicines, which will need to be removed after a while. Those. a temporary filling is not the one that falls on the 3rd day after visiting the doctor, but the filling that the doctor removed himself without much difficulty. Arsenic is also covered with temporary fillings.

Permanent fillings

Permanent fillings are designed to last for years or decades. Permanent fillings vary in composition.

Materials for making fillings

  • metal fillings - from various kinds amalgams (an alloy of metal with mercury). The disadvantage is the presence of mercury harmful to the body. Also, the amalgam expands after installation. Often there is a chipping of the tooth wall adjacent to the filling, although in modern amalgam this disadvantage is minimized. Amalgam fillings are used for chewing teeth and in difficult situations e.g. in subgingival defects. They are also often placed under crowns when not important appearance fillings.
  • Glass ionomer cements have a good marginal fit and are cheap. Special additives nourish the tooth tissues with fluorine ions and prevent the development of secondary caries. But such seals are fragile and quickly erased.
  • cement fillings(powder + liquid). They also counteract the formation of "secondary caries", but are short-lived due to the fragility of the material.
  • Composites and chemical curing plastics- the most extensive group of filling materials that have come to the place of cement fillings. The difference between composites and plastics lies mainly in the content of the filler (most often it is porcelain). It is possible to conditionally divide composites into acrylic-containing, composites based on epoxy resins and light-cured composites. Acrylic-containing composites- very strong "breaking", very resistant to abrasion, but very toxic, and have a lot of pores formed during polymerization. Putting them on a healthy tooth, you can easily get pulpitis (inflammation of the nerve). It also often develops secondary caries(including on the teeth to which the filling is adjacent). Composites based on epoxy resins- more resistant to abrasion, but brittle. Of course, they are better than acrylic resins, less toxic. However, after a few years, such composites darken.
  • Light composites(light-cured, they are also photopolymer, they are also gel-cured composites) - the most popular material for filling teeth in our country. It is a mixture of polymer and filler, which hardens under the action of blue light emitted by a special lamp. They are beautiful, durable, curing control allows the doctor to make a tooth for as long as necessary and without haste. In addition, they have an extensive range of colors (almost all layers of the tooth can be reproduced in color and transparency), excellent polishability (i.e., a polished filling does not differ in luster from enamel) and sufficient durability. Today we can talk about five or seven years of impeccable service. Their main problem is shrinkage and marginal fit. Therefore, they are unsuitable for closing extensive defects and cannot serve as a substitute for prosthetics.

Disadvantages of light-cured fillings

Unfortunately, with all the positive qualities of modern light-cured materials, they have 3 serious drawbacks:

  1. Shrinkage during polymerization (or light curing). This shortcoming embedded in the chemistry of these materials. At the moment when the filling begins to harden, it shrinks in volume, i.e. shrinkage occurs. The degree of shrinkage varies from 5% to 0.8%, which leads to the fact that the filling comes off the walls of the tooth. True, several ways have been devised to deal with this drawback, but they are not always effective, and sometimes technically not feasible. And if the size of the filling is not large, then this is not a problem, but if the filling is large, then the risk of tearing off the filling and the occurrence of caries under it grows along with the size of the filling itself.
  2. The second problem is a continuation of the first, because shrinkage leads to the appearance of internal deformations in the filling itself, as a result, thin walls break off.
  3. Insufficient polymerization (or curing) of the filling. The fact is that under the action of the light of a polymerization lamp in the mouth, the seal hardens (or polymerizes) only by 60-70%. This affects the strength of the seal and its color stability. If any filling could be simply heated to 100 degrees for 15 minutes, then its strength would increase several times. This principle lies in the manufacturing technology of inlays from light-cured composite materials.

Based on site materials

A tooth filling is the most common service in dentistry. It is a material that fills an open root canal and serves to protect soft tissues and remotes from physical impact and spread of infection. Fillings are used in the treatment of caries, pulpitis and many others. infectious diseases root canals.

Types of fillings depending on the material

There are about a dozen different filling materials. Some of them are used less frequently, others are gradually gaining more and more polarity.

Specialists often call such a product an almagam filling. Almagama is a medical metal, an alloy of mercury, silver, tin and zinc.

Such products are durable and at the same time plastic. They are not subject to abrasion and physical defects. They can last more than ten years without changing their specifications.
The disadvantages of such a product include a contrasting appearance to natural teeth, which is why they can only be placed on chewing teeth. Also, such material is inconvenient to use: it is difficult to carefully place and fix it in the root canal.

Oddly enough, the presence of mercury in the composition does not harm the patient in any way. It is used only as a solvent and connects other metals. The concentration of mercury in the filling is so low that even if all 32 teeth are filled in this way, the dose of mercury will not exceed the maximum allowable. Danger can arise only for a specialist, therefore, when working, all safety rules must be observed.

Plastic is often hidden under the sonorous name "acrylic tooth filling." They are very cheap and therefore still quite popular. AT this case the price corresponds to the quality: plastic tabs are quickly erased, settle, lose their original shade.

Due to the porous texture, food debris and other contaminants accumulate faster on its surface. Thus, any roughness becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
The recurrence of caries after treatment with such fillings is not uncommon, so specialists try not to use this type of filling.
In addition, plastic is toxic and can cause much more harm to the body than when using a mercury-containing compound. The chance of inflammation of the nerve endings (pulpitis) doubles.

Ceramic fillings

This type of filling can be more attributed to microprosthetics. Ceramic fillings are more commonly referred to as inlays. Such material is not poured into the root canal, but is made in advance according to the impression made.

Ceramics ideally repeats the color and texture of teeth and can last for decades. No one will even guess about the presence of an inlay, so you can even put such a design on the front teeth: incisors and canines.
Inlays are still not very popular, many are afraid of the price of a filling, and the price of the product itself in this case is only a small part. The rest is the cost of manufacturing and installation.
Inlays not only play the role of filling root canals, sometimes they can be used as a support for bridges.

cement fillings

Cements is a group of filling materials, which is very actively used in dentistry. The peculiarity of this type of material is that they are applied in liquid form to the root canal and solidify already inside it. Any types of cements are very stable, they do not settle and do not change their shade. The average service life is about 5 years, and sometimes more.

The cements include composite, light polymer, glass ionomer and combined formulations.
by the most modern fillings are light. They harden only under the action of the light of a special lamp, they are applied to the channel in layers, thereby reducing the chance of possible shrinkage.

Types of fillings depending on the period of wearing

It is not always immediately possible to install a permanent seal. In some cases, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body after treatment. For this purpose, temporary fillings are used.

Temporary fillings

For temporary fillings, less durable, but at the same time plastic, water-insoluble materials are used. AT recent times non-permanent tabs are necessary only in the treatment of teeth from caries or pulpitis in a fluffy degree. Relatively recently, temporary fillings were also needed to remove the nerves of the tooth. The root canal was filled with arsenic - a poison whose action was aimed at destroying all nerve endings. To prevent arsenic from entering the oral cavity, the tooth was covered with a temporary filling. Today, anesthesia with arsenic is used less and less, and with it such products.

Permanent fillings

Permanent - this is the filling that is placed for several years, and sometimes for decades. How much it costs to put a filling on a tooth depends primarily on the material used.
Permanent filling is the final step in the treatment of many root canal diseases.

Installation of a seal

The installation is divided into three stages:
- Removal of infected areas of hard tissue.
- Expansion and processing of the channel.
- Application of the composition or the manufacture of a prosthesis in the case of ceramic inlays.
First, using a conventional drill, the specialist removes inner part tooth - dentin. Most often, with caries and other infectious diseases, it is this part of the hard tissue that primarily suffers. The problem of infection can be solved only by completely removing the infected area. Spend this stage fillings can be done without the help of anesthetics. A qualified specialist can completely free the canal without touching the nerve endings. With excessive sensitivity of the gums or enamel, an anesthetic injection is still recommended.
Next, the specialist expands the hole made. This is necessary in order to close the canal or remove the nerves of the tooth. Depulpation (removal of nerves) is necessary in case of severe damage to hard tissue, if this is not done, the patient will be accompanied by severe toothache. After such a procedure, the tooth becomes more fragile, because it loses nourishment from the body. At this stage, all the rules of disinfection must be strictly observed, otherwise an infection may get into the damaged part of the tooth.
In conclusion, the specialist applies inside root canal filling compound. In some cases, it may be necessary to install a kind of pillow inside the channel. It will prevent shrinkage of the material.
The first two hours the patient is not allowed to eat, drink and smoke, touch the tooth.

Filling price

What material a tooth filling is made of and its cost are very interconnected. In most cases, the neglect of the case, the time of the procedure, anesthesia and other frauds do not even play a role.
The average prices in Russia are as follows:
Temporary filling - 420 rubles.
Ceramic tab - 1950 rubles.
Reflective seal - from 2750 to 5000 rubles.
Composite filling - 2700 rubles.
Metal seal - 1560 rubles (in public clinics such filling is free of charge).

    • amalgam metal
    • plastic
    • Ceramic
    • Cement
    • Light polymer
    • Glass ionomer
  • Stages of installing a filling on a tooth
  • The best dental filling
  • What it is

    At least once in a lifetime, every person is faced with the need for dental treatment and fillings. However, few people think about what the installation process is, what materials they are made of, and what types of dental fillings exist today. Meanwhile, the installation of a filling on a tooth is a rather laborious process and requires great professionalism from the doctor in order to avoid its rapid loss or breakage.

    From the point of view of dentistry, a dental filling is a special material, viscous, but quickly hardening, with which the doctor fills the tooth cavity cleared of carious or pulpitis. In addition to filling holes, such material can be used for aesthetic restoration damaged enamel and other defects. The more reliable the tooth filling, the better tooth will fulfill its natural properties.

    There is currently great amount various materials used in the work of dentists. Dental fillings are temporary and permanent, they are made of plastic, metal, ceramics and various cements, and each of the existing materials is suitable for a certain type of teeth. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

    Types by service life

    According to the service life, types of dental fillings are divided into permanent and temporary. Permanent fillings are those that are supposed to last for years and are often time consuming to install. The material chosen for permanent filling must meet the requirements of safety, resistance to external influence and aesthetics. Purpose temporary fillings exclusively medical. Most often they contain medicinal additives in their composition and are installed for a short time.


    Another name for temporary fillings is diagnostic. They are used to identify symptoms that characterize certain types diseases. For example, when carious lesion not only the enamel can be damaged, but also the deeper dentinal layers, and even the pulp of the tooth.

    If, after the installation of a temporary filling material, the patient experiences pain, most likely he has developed pulpitis, which indicates the need to remove the affected soft tissues. Moreover, a temporary filling with pulpitis acts as a sealing substance, which excludes the ingress of a drug that mummifies the dental pulp, or a drug for its treatment in uncomplicated cases, on the mucous membrane oral cavity.

    Materials used
    CIMAVIT Pierre Rolland (France) Most often used in dentistry as a temporary antiseptic dressing which hermetically seals cotton swab impregnated with a drug and installed in the canal of the tooth. Such a bandage not only produces healing effect, but also allows you to check the tightness of the tooth before the final filling.
    Cimpat N Septodont (France) Fast curing paste containing zinc. It is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reactions and irritations. Suitable not only for use as a temporary seal, but also as an inlay for a permanent composite, as well as for good fixation of a temporary crown.
    Provicol VOCO (Germany) A filling material used to close small single-surface dental cavities. Removes allergic reaction for eugenol. This temporary filling with calcium helps to restore the vitality of the teeth.
    Clip VOCO (Germany) A preparation specially designed for the manufacture of dental inlays. As a lining, it provides a secure fit to the edges of the tooth. Contains fluoride to prevent secondary caries. Provides good insulation.
    Fermit Ivoclar/Vivadent (Germany) Highly elastic one-component material used both for restoration of teeth and for temporary crowns, dentures and tabs. When removed, it does not damage the edges of the tooth prepared for permanent filling.
    Systemp Inlay Ivoclar/ Vivadent (Germany) A light-curing substance containing antimicrobial components in its composition. It is used both for temporary inlays and for temporary restorations without the use of additional cement.
    Dentin-Paste (Vladmiva) Eugenol-free temporary paste used to seal medicinal products placed in carious cavities teeth. Contains dyes, so that the output will be a temporary filling Pink colour or yellow. Cures with moisture.
    Caviton GC Ready-to-use water-based plastic mass. Does not cause irritation of the pulp and mucous membranes of the mouth, non-toxic, hardens upon short contact with salivary fluids. Ideal for use in pediatric dentistry.
    MD Temp - Meta - Tempfill
    Temp.It-Spident The paste is easy to use, seals prepared cavities quickly and hermetically, is easy to remove and withstands well. heavy loads per tooth. Suitable for temporary surface filling chewing teeth. Hardens on contact with water.
    Tempelight F - Stomadent It differs from analogues in high plasticity of the mass before curing and excellent elasticity after, thereby ensuring complete tightness of the overlay adjacent to the tooth. Easily removed without the use of a drill.


    The main requirements for temporary filling substances are as follows:

    1. Reliable tightness and fixation of the drug when it is applied under the filling;
    2. Ease of insertion and removal of the substance;
    3. Absence of allergic reactions and irritation upon contact with the tissues of the tooth, as well as with the mucous and soft tissues of the oral cavity;
    4. The speed of hardening of the filling mass.

    Nutrition Features

    What can I eat and when after installing a temporary filling? The answer is simple. Using quality material there are no food restrictions. After installation, after a maximum of two hours, you can safely eat. However, it is worth remembering that temporary material is more susceptible to destruction than permanent, so you should not chew on hard and sticky foods, such as toffee or nuts, on a filled tooth. If, however, after eating, the filling fell out of the tooth, immediately seek help from your doctor.

    Terms of wearing

    When installing for the purpose of diagnostics - no more than a week. If a temporary filling with medicine is installed, the period of wearing can be extended up to a month. In any case, the integrity and tightness of the material are guaranteed for at least two weeks. So at long-term treatment the doctor either installs a temporary filling, the wearing time of which is longer than the standard, or changes it after one to two weeks.

    Bad habits

    If you're wondering if a temporary filling and alcohol are compatible, don't worry. The only thing that can happen to the temporary patch is when it comes into contact with, for example, red wine or other coloring drinks, it will darken. In any case, it will soon be replaced with a permanent one, so do not worry. A temporary filling when smoking will also not reveal any negative consequences, although both the first and second habits, in principle, are very harmful to both the teeth and the body as a whole. But the habit of biting nails, holding metal objects in the mouth (pins, needles, knitting needles, hooks, etc.) should be refrained from, especially if the composite is installed on the front teeth.

    Unpleasant sensations - itching, smell, taste

    Usually, subject to all the doctor's recommendations, no discomfort temporary filling does not cause, unless, of course, the patient's body gives an allergic reaction to the components of the material. However, there are also Unexpected situations. For example, what if the temporary filling smells and turns black, or if there is bitterness in the mouth, the taste of medicine, and the gum itches all the time? It also happens that a temporary filling dissolves in the mouth, which, in principle, should not happen. All of these signs may indicate either low-quality preparation, or about the depressurization of the sealing substance. In any case, contact your dentist immediately and describe any symptoms that are bothering you.

    How to brush your teeth properly

    It should be borne in mind that if you brush your teeth too actively, the filling material can gradually wash out, so you should not be zealous. The sealed tooth should be cleaned as thoroughly as the rest, but without pressing on the brush.

    Filling with medicine against pulpitis

    The composition of the filling material for pulpitis includes not only the upper part that isolates the pulp from external influences, but also the inner lining containing the medicine. The purpose of the drug depends on the degree of pulp damage. Most often, dentists prefer not to get involved with long-term treatment and mummify inflamed tissues in the area that is difficult for instruments to access. Are temporary fillings dangerous? with such filling for other teeth or oral cavity? Definitely not, if it is installed according to the rules and from good material.

    Filling with arsenic

    Arsenic is used for pulpitis in order to kill the nerve if it cannot be removed in one go. However, arsenic has a very negative effect on the structure of the tooth, so that over time, the enamel can turn gray and lose its luster.

    Permanent fillings

    In a filling substance designed for constant wear, other purposes:

    • First of all, such a sealing must be carefully and absolutely hermetic, on long years, seal cured from caries or a pulpless tooth, protecting it from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.
    • Another function is provide the tooth with its natural characteristics, i.e. depending on the purpose of the tooth (bite off or chew food), the material is also selected.
    • And last but not least important functionaesthetic. If repaired chewing surface teeth invisible to the eye, white cements or amalgam can be used, but a light filling on the front teeth, carefully selected to match the natural color of the tooth, will be the only way out for a person who cares about his appearance.

    Currently, a patient of a dental clinic can choose the material for dental fillings to his taste and wallet, because the choice is last years increased significantly compared to Soviet times. A good dentist, at the request of the client, will tell you about what dental fillings are, advise what to choose in each case, and at the end of the treatment he will definitely give recommendations for care.

    Types of materials used

    Gone are the days when the only materials for filling teeth were cements and metals. Today, any dental clinic can offer a choice of wide range materials. The inexpensive category still includes amalgam, cements and plastics. Better and more expensive: light-curing polymers, glass ionomers, ceramics. The latter allow you to match the filling substance to the color of the tooth enamel, which makes it possible to return the tooth to its original appearance.

    Let us consider in more detail the pros and cons of each material used for filling.

    Metal amalgam fillings

    The main composition of amalgam is an alloy of mercury and several metals such as silver, copper, tin and zinc. Thanks to silver, such an overlay acquires corrosion resistance and hardness, copper gives the material strength, tin accelerates the hardening of the material, and zinc gives it plasticity, prevents oxidation and reduces brittleness.

    To positive characteristics Such filling substances include: increased strength, plasticity, resistance to mechanical abrasion and moisture, mineralization of hard tooth tissues, antisepticity of silver ions.

    However, amalgam also has mass negative sides : if the technology for preparing the filling mass is violated, mercury poisoning and corrosion are possible in the aftermath, outwardly it is unaesthetic, changes the color of the enamel, has a low level of adhesion and high thermal conductivity, and gives a strong shrinkage when solidified.

    Currently, amalgam fillings are used very rarely However, improved versions of this material have already begun to appear. They have White color are very durable and non-toxic. Foreign dentists predict a great future for such material.

    Plastic fillings

    They are cheap, but also not popular at the moment. The main problem of such material is high toxicity, besides, they are not resistant to external influences (they are quickly deformed, erased and stained) and a secondary carious process often forms under them. Moreover, the processing of plastic for filling requires considerable effort from the doctor.

    Ceramic fillings

    Ceramics is highly expensive material, the manufacture of the lining from which takes a lot of time. And, nevertheless, this type of filling is in great demand among wealthy people, since ceramic fillings are very close in quality to the type and composition of natural tooth enamel. Such a material not only has a high margin of safety, but is also resistant to temperature changes, and also does not give a chemical reaction with the tooth and does not stain it. Sealing is carried out in several stages, because. the material is exactly matched to the color of the tooth and is made in a special laboratory. Perhaps the only disadvantage of ceramics is its high cost.


    In Soviet times, when the choice of materials was limited, cement fillings were used most often. Currently, their popularity has fallen somewhat, but this does not mean that they have ceased to be used in dental practice. So, for example, cement filling is most often used in pediatric dentistry, since it simply does not make sense to install light or ceramic dental fillings on milk teeth.

    Positive qualities of the cement mass: anti-caries effect, which reduces the risk of recurrent caries, ease and speed of installation, as well as removal if necessary re-treatment. Negative qualities: weak adhesiveness to the walls of the tooth, fragility, toxicity. Under cement, a mandatory installation of a gasket is required.

    Light polymer

    Most Popular and in demand for this moment material for the manufacture of dental fillings - glass polymer. It differs from the rest by the price affordable for each patient, with other positive qualities. The main advantage of this material is hardening under specialized ultraviolet lamps, i.e. before applying the lamp, the material does not harden and it can be given the necessary shape for as long as possible. Among other things, the light-curing filling material has increased strength, which allows you not to change the installed seal for many years. And thanks to the ability to choose the shade of the material that matches the color of the enamel, it will be impossible to notice it with the naked eye.

    Glass ionomer

    The last type of material that I would like to discuss is glass ionomer cement. He enjoy enough great popularity, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently. The main advantage of such a filling material is the presence of fluorine in the composition, which contributes to the prevention of recurrent caries in the sealed tooth. Also, this material is very good for filling milk teeth, as a base or insulating pads.

    It also has disadvantages, in particular, increased hydrophilicity, which requires the obligatory coating of the sealed tooth with a special varnish, which excludes the penetration of liquids into the lining and its further destruction. Also, this material is not sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress, and the process of installation and final processing of fillings from glass ionomer cements takes two days. However, this material excellent biocompatibility with dental tissue good adhesion, he non-toxic and subject to minimal shrinkage.

    Stages of installing a filling on a tooth

    Most clients of dental clinics do not have the slightest idea about the stages of processing a damaged tooth and installing a filling material. Meanwhile, this process is quite long and difficult.

    1. Any treatment of a diseased tooth begins with an anesthetic injection so that the patient can relax and not experience pain.
    2. The area damaged by caries is reamed to complete removal darkened enamel and dentin and the formation of a cavity of the necessary depth and shape.
    3. If the nerve is not damaged, the resulting cavity is thoroughly disinfected. antiseptic solution. If the pulp has already begun to become inflamed, actions are taken to remove it from the tooth cavity. Sometimes there is a need for a medicinal insert in the cleaned cavity, in which case the treatment process is extended for several days or even weeks.
    4. Ultimately, the tooth cavity is dried before filling.
    5. If necessary, a special antimicrobial pad is placed under the main filling material, on top of which an insulating one can also be placed. In the absence of the first, the second is placed directly into the dental canal. Its purpose is to isolate tissue fluids from toxic, for the most part, materials that are currently used for fillings.
    6. After all preliminary preparations, a filling pad is installed, which, using special tools, is adjusted to the natural shape of the tooth.
    7. The final stage of treatment is grinding and polishing.
    8. When paying for the services rendered, patients are given a guarantee for dental fillings. Most often, it is designed for one or two years, during which, if defects appear or if the material is destroyed, the dentist replaces the old filling with a new one for free.

    The best dental filling - how to choose it?

    Even after studying all the above information, it is difficult to answer the question of which dental fillings are best. There are a number of standard requirements for high-quality filling material:

    • the chewing surface of the filled tooth should correspond to the natural anatomical shape of this tooth, i.e. it cannot be absolutely even, since the fissures and tubercles of the enamel provide good chewing of food;
    • complete filling of the cleaned tooth cavity with minimal shrinkage of the filling substance and the absence of air spaces;
    • a good onlay should not come into contact with the surface of adjacent teeth if it is located on top. If the filling is lateral, then a point contact point with adjacent teeth is simply necessary. If there is a gap, pieces of food will constantly fall into it, which will inevitably lead to the destruction of the enamel;
    • The best dental fillings never go beyond the border of the tooth and do not create overhanging edges, under which food and pathogenic bacteria can accumulate;
    • in order to avoid premature wear, after polishing, the surface of the seal should be covered with a special composite material that completely fills all microvoids;
    • What are the best dental fillings? Of course, those that, after installation, guarantee the absence of toothache. If a pain remain for more than a few hours and do not decrease, which means that the material was incorrectly selected or the inflammatory process continues inside the tooth.

    In any case, only your dentist will be able to determine which dental filling is best in each case and for each individual tooth.

    Dental fillings are used in the treatment of cavities that have appeared in them during damage. Filling isolates sensitive tissues of the teeth, restores their functionality and protects against the entry of harmful microorganisms into the body, which at the same time is the prevention of more serious dental diseases.

    At the moment, there are two types of fillings in dentistry that differ in service time: temporary and permanent.

    Temporary fillings

    This type of filling is installed for a short period in order to prevent the ingress of medicines (for example, nerve-killing arsenic) into the oral cavity, as well as to check whether inflammation has touched the tooth pulp. Such a filling can be easily removed by a dentist for further treatment and replacement with a permanent one. Temporary fillings are made of plastic materials that are insoluble in saliva and water:

    • vinoxol;
    • artificial dentin;
    • sympathetic;
    • dental cements.

    The material from which the temporary filling will be made is determined by the doctor based on clinical picture sick tooth of the patient. During the installation process, it is necessary to prevent damage to the gums or the healthy part of the tooth.

    Permanent fillings for teeth. A photo

    Permanent fillings are placed on long term up to decades. The exact service life of such a filling depends on the professionalism of the dentist. What permanent fillings are made of depends on the preferences of the patient and the advice of the doctor. Permanent fillings are made from the following materials:

    Seal designs

    By design, dental fillings are divided into several standard types:

    • monolithic - a seal made of one material;
    • reinforced - a seal that has U and L shaped rods in its design to increase stability;
    • having a retention point - in hard tissues fixing structures are installed on the tooth to distribute pressure on the tooth and increase the durability of the filling;
    • having a thermal compensator - a design taking into account the coefficient of thermal expansion to increase the life of the seal;
    • two-layer - a combined seal made of two standard materials;
    • monochrome - a design made of a single-color material, suitable for restoring a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tooth;
    • polychrome - a seal that has a complex multi-color color scheme.

    To correctly determine which fillings for teeth are better and which design should be installed in a particular case, a specialist dentist will help after a medical examination, of course, taking into account the preferences of the patient.


    When is a tooth filling necessary?

    A visit to the dentist for the purpose of filling a diseased tooth is often caused by several reasons:

    • the appearance of defects on the hard tissue of the tooth due to carious lesions;
    • deterioration or complete destruction of the previously installed seal;
    • tooth decay resulting from physical impact.

    Dentists distinguish three stages in the development of caries, and at each stage of the disease, a person notices more and more unpleasant symptoms. At first, carious tooth decay may go unnoticed, since only the appearance of the enamel changes: small spot, and there is no discomfort.

    The stage when the damage has already reached the enamel suggests that painful sensations begin to appear when biting and chewing. In cases of deep carious destruction, the pain does not stop even when the damaged tooth is at rest. With such a course of the disease, a visit to the dentist and filling are inevitable.

    Types of seals


    Cement fillings have the following advantages - stickiness and chemical features, but they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, and are also erased over time. For the manufacture of colored materials, three types are used:

    • Silicate - consist of special glass and phosphoric acid compounds that release fluorine, which helps to get rid of caries.
    • Phosphate - low quality materials, the use of which is gradually abandoned. Today, phosphate fillings are used only for prosthetics.
    • Glass ionomers are effective for fillings. Their composition is very similar to the tissue of the oral cavity, which provides seals with high adhesion, which allows them to be installed in high humidity environments. There are modifications of glass ionomers created using ceramic or metal elements.


    Composite fillings are made of plastic, are highly durable, but usually last no more than 5 years. Materials from which composite fillings are made:

    Light-cured and nanocomposite

    Light-curing fillings are an excellent option for those who want to get a high-quality result, while maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the tooth. The installation of such composite fillings is carried out in all parts of the jaw.

    by the most the best option for filling chewing teeth are hybrid composite fillings and nanocomposites. Due to their excellent adhesion to dental tissue and the absence of harmful effects, experts consider them universal.


    Amalgam durable fillings have been widely used in the past. The material for amalgam fillings are different alloys, which are based on mercury. As advantages, strength, insensitivity to moisture and service life should be highlighted. The most common type of amalgam is an alloy of mercury and silver. Silver fillings with mercury, having all the above advantages, also do not darken over time.

    Amalgam has a small drawback - in an extremely small percentage of people, silver fillings with mercury cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of irritation on the gums. Before placing an amalgam, perform a sensitivity test, otherwise amalgam prostheses will have to be changed later.

    Stages of installing a filling in the dentist's office, video

    The filling process is a sequence of simple manipulations, which, at the request of the patient, can be carried out using anesthesia. Watch the video of filling teeth. After looking at the video of how modern doctors treat teeth, you will see that filling does not hurt at all. As a rule, dentists cope with the installation of a seal in relatively a short time: 30 minutes to an hour. Let's take a step-by-step look at the actions performed by the doctor in this case:

    1. the introduction of an anesthetic, the removal of pain;
    2. treatment of tooth tissues damaged by carious destruction, removal of the pulp and disinfection of the cavity, if necessary;
    3. choice of filling material, its manufacture and installation;
    4. performance x-ray where the doctor will see the results of the work;
    5. polishing the composite and applying an indelible varnish coating.

    Depending on the structure of the patient's teeth, the filling process can be carried out differently. For example, if the tooth canal is curved, the dentist will have to perform a retrograde filling in order to protect the tooth from the development of inflammation and securely close the canal.

    Can I put a filling myself?

    With sufficient skills in the field of dentistry, you can perform the installation of a seal yourself, while at home. Of course, in this way you can put protection when you need to urgently get rid of pain. However, if the tooth canal is affected by carious destruction, then it is not recommended to do the procedure yourself, it is better to contact dental clinic.

    To get rid of discomfort, the affected area must be treated. After alcohol treatment and the imposition of a temporary filling, you will have to visit the dentist immediately. Carrying out all the manipulations, it is important to carefully monitor that caries does not prevent the filling composition from seizing with dental tissue.

    What do you need to make a filling at home?

    As a composition from which you can make a filling yourself, a special powder is often used, which is sold at any pharmacy. There are also many filling kits on the market, which, in addition to the material, include a special spatula, as well as an oxidizing agent required for the primary processing of enamel.

    Permanent silver, metal or composite cannot be reproduced on its own. How long does it take to fill a hole at home? If you have experience and the necessary literature, you can close up a diseased tooth with your own hands in an hour and a half.

    Installing a seal with your own hands - a sequence of actions

    Filling a tooth or masking a defect at home is not so difficult if you have sufficient skill in dentistry. Let's take a look at the process of self-installation of a dental filling in order:

    1. First you need to prepare the material. The powder usually needs to be soaked in the liquid sold with it. The finished mixture should look like white clay.
    2. Next, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth, and apply on the area affected by caries special paste. The prepared tooth should be lubricated with Vaseline in order to protect it from accidental contamination.
    3. After applying the mixture and distributing it on the surface, it is necessary to wait for the material to harden. In this case, the oral cavity should be at rest. In about 30 minutes, it will fill the channel and the process can be considered complete.

    Such a homemade prosthesis can help in situations where carious tooth decay has not yet developed before the second stage. Light form caries will succumb well similar treatment, close up more deep damage fail, they are treated by specialists. Dentists say that it is better to apply a filling at home 1-2 hours before bedtime, and carefully remove it after waking up. So the therapeutic effect of the drug introduced into the dental canal will be maximum.

    Filling at home?

    How and with what can you fill a tooth at home? This can be done using a special powder that can be purchased at any pharmacy: Santedex. It is most often used for making fillings at home. This can be done like this:

    At home, a filling on a tooth helps only if the destruction has just begun. When brushing your teeth, you need to constantly monitor the development of caries and other damage. If caries is still at an early stage, then you can put a filling at home.

    Studies have shown that it is best to fill the tooth a few hours before bedtime and leave it overnight: this way it will work more effectively. In the morning, the filling will need to be carefully removed. The procedure will not completely replace a filling, but it will provide some advantages.

    If the pain has receded a little, then you can go to the dental clinic and put permanent filling. Now such fillings are very common, and they can even last for several years. There are some cases in which Santedex has saved a tooth from imminent extraction. The powder can be used even if tooth enamel heavily destroyed.

    Conditions for installation

    At home, a dental filling is installed under the following conditions:

    When installing, you need to lubricate the affected area so that the pain disappears. It is believed that you can use alcohol in order to anesthetize the nerve. But this will kill him and decomposition will begin, which will require urgent intervention by the dentist.

    You should also ensure that the mixture can be fixed on the tooth, and caries does not interfere with this. In dentistry, a drill is used to clean enamel from caries, and at home you can use acid, but carefully.

    Filling example

    Highly specialized stores currently have materials for home fillings. Usually, along with some powders, a special spatula is included for applying the mixture. First you need to treat the enamel with a special oxidizing agent that comes with the kit. Must comply following rules when applying:

    The material should be slightly less dense in the channel than on the surface. Strength is adjustable with a spatula. When installing, you need to periodically remove saliva using cotton wool. You should wait a bit for the aroma of the oxidizing agent to fade a little, which takes about a quarter of an hour. After all this, the procedure can be considered completed. It must be recalled that such an operation at home can only be carried out in the absence of pain.

    In all cases, it is possible to prevent the development of the disease at an incipient stage. Then the teeth will be in perfect order all the time - you just need to carefully monitor their condition.

    The classic treatment for caries is dental fillings. With the help of a filling, the functional and aesthetic function of the tooth is restored. The filling is made by a dentist directly in the patient's oral cavity.

    Fillings are made from a variety of materials. To date, the most popular are chemically cured composites, as well as light-curing composites that harden by exposure to special blue light. Light-curing composite fillings are durable, beautiful, and completely restore the color range of the tooth and its transparency.

    With extended defects in the dentition, doctors advise using dental inlays as an alternative to classic fillings. Inserts are made in dental laboratory based on accurate anatomical casts of the patient's teeth. The dentist fixes the made tab on the tooth using a special glue. The materials from which the inlays are made can be ordinary (i.e., fillings are made from them). More common ceramic inlays– last longer and more reliably than a classic filling. In fact, ceramic veneers are just dental inlays.

    In dental practice, there are two types of fillings - permanent and temporary.

    Temporary fillings. They are installed for a certain period of time, after which they are replaced with permanent ones. In most cases, they are used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. As an example, the following situation can be cited: the dentist is not exactly sure whether the nerve is affected by the disease or not. A temporary filling is installed - if after some time the tooth began to whine, then the matter is in the nerve and it should be removed. Also, temporary fillings cover various medicines that need to be removed after a while. The temporary filling itself does not fall out a few days after visiting the dentist. A temporary filling is one that a dentist can remove quickly and easily. Arsenic is also covered with such fillings, which destroys the diseased nerve.

    Permanent fillings. They are installed for many years, during which they must faithfully serve their masters. There are several materials from which permanent fillings are made.

    Materials from which seals are made:
    Metal. In the production of seals, various alloys of mercury with metal (in other words, amalgam) are used. The biggest disadvantage is the presence of mercury in the filling, which has negative impact on the body. Another nuance is that after the installation of the filling, the amalgam expands and the wall of the tooth, which is closest to the filling, breaks off. It should be noted that today the spalling of the tooth wall is reduced to an absolute minimum. Such fillings are most often used on chewing teeth and in difficult situations, as an example, subgingival defects can be given. Or they are installed under the crowns, if it does not matter how the filling will look.

    Fillings from glass ionomer cements. Of the advantages of glass ionomer cement, one can note its low cost and good marginal fit. In addition, such a filling includes special additives that nourish dental tissues with fluorine ions. Also, the re-development of caries is not allowed. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the fragility and rapid erasure

    Cement based fillings. Such fillings also do not allow the secondary development of caries, but they do not last long (fragile material).

    chemically cured composites. These filling materials designed to replace classically cement fillings. The main difference between these materials is the filler - in most cases it is porcelain. Composites of this type are divided into three subgroups - light-cured, acrylic-containing and based on epoxy resins.

    Composites containing acrylic have high strength, resistance to abrasion, but they are highly toxic. After installation, many pores appear (a consequence of polymerization). If you install such a filling on a healthy tooth, pulpitis develops - inflammation of the nerve. Even from an acrylic-containing filling, the development of secondary caries is significantly increased, even on adjacent teeth.

    Composites containing epoxy resins wear out much more slowly, but are more brittle. Fillings on this basis are less toxic, however, after a few years they tend to darken.

    light curing composites. They are also called heliocurable or photopolymer. This is one of the most common and popular filling materials in Russia. It is a mixture of filler and polymer that hardens under the action of special light emitted by a blue lamp. The advantages of this material, such as strength, beauty and plasticity, can be noted - the dentist can achieve the ideal result by controlling the hardening. You can choose the color of the polymer for any shade of teeth, the composite is perfectly polished and after installation is absolutely no different from a healthy tooth. Fillings made of photopolymer composites last for a long time - up to seven years. The main problem with this material is marginal fit and shrinkage. For this reason, they are not able to replace prosthetics, and are also not suitable for eliminating extensive defects in the dentition.

    Despite all the advantages of photopolymer filling materials, they have three serious drawbacks:

    1) Shrinkage. Alas, this drawback is contained in the chemical composition of this material. When the seal hardens, it reduces its volume - that's shrinkage. The filling can shrink in volume from 0.8 to 5%, and this will lead to the fact that the filling will move away from the edge of the tooth wall. Although dentists have come up with a number of ways to solve this problem, they are not effective in all cases, sometimes it becomes impossible at all. This filling would be ideal for small damage, but with large lesions of the dental tissue, problems arise - if the edge of the filling moves away from the wall, caries can form under it.

    2) If severe shrinkage occurs, during internal structure fillings can be deformed, causing the thin walls of the tooth to break off.

    3) Incomplete curing. This problem is due to the fact that under the action of blue light the seal does not harden completely, but only a maximum of 70%. Naturally, this is reflected in its color and strength. If it were possible to raise the temperature of the filling to 100 C for 15 minutes, it would become much stronger. This principle is used for the production of photopolymer composite inlays.

    Deuce teeth Cracks in the enamel of the teeth what to do

    Usually in the dentist's office they ask you: "What kind of filling for your teeth is best for you?". And this question is often confusing, because there are a lot of types of fillings.

    In order to no longer get lost in this issue, let's figure out what kind of dental fillings are, what are the most reliable and best types of them.

    In dentistry, they are distinguished by composition and application. These can be plastic, ceramic fillings, as well as temporary and permanent.

    Temporary are used for long-term treatment, when it is necessary to use drugs inside the cavity, and permanent ones are used for instant treatment at a time.

    This is a classic of dentistry, but it is used for not very large damage, but if the defect is especially large, then an alternative to fillings is used - tabs that can cover larger sizes.

    Today, clinics use several different materials to make fillings.

    Materials used to make fillings

    All modern materials are divided into several groups. Let's look at the types of dental fillings.

    Cement (silicate and silicophosphate) fillings

    This material is also able to withstand re-development tooth decay, however, it is very fragile and can last for a very short time, or be used as a temporary option.

    Although this material has outlived its best years popularity, however, it is not forgotten in some cases, as it has a low cost and is easy to use.


    Their popularity is due to the same factors as the previous ones - this is low price and quick easy installation.

    However, they have large quantity disadvantages:

    • when the material hardens, strong shrinkage occurs;
    • after a while there is a change in color;
    • increased abrasion of the material;
    • often possible .

    Such fillings are the prerogative of free medicine.

    Amalgams or metals

    This material includes silver and mercury, or other alloys containing the second element. It is distinguished by its hardness and service life of up to 10 years. This material is of concern due to its mercury content and possible harmful effects this element on the seals. It hardens for a long time and is difficult to use, the dentist must be highly professional in order to put a filling from such a material.

    On a note: When installing a product made of this material, the dentist should take into account the fact that it greatly expands during the curing process, and, accordingly, a fragment of the tooth wall, which is located near the filling itself, is possible.

    Their use is popular on posterior teeth, as well as under crowns when the composite is not visible.


    What dental fillings are considered the best of the inexpensive options are composite fillings. They include plastic, but they hallmark the composition is quartz powder, which provides them with the desired hardness. In addition, they are distinguished by relatively good color fastness and strength. Their service life averages 2-5 years.

    Light curing composites

    This is a group of materials that require special equipment in the form of a halogen lamp, they are also known as heliocurable or photopolymer. It is with its help that the lamp is given the necessary hardness. When asked which fillings are the best, you can accurately answer that these are those that are made from this material.

    Important: However, in order for the product made of this material to be as strong, durable and aesthetic as possible, it is necessary to carefully grind and polish it.

    If polishing is carried out every six months, then the color will last much longer. The most memorable feature of such materials can be called the mandatory use of special-purpose adhesives that can fix the raw materials “tightly”.

    It consists of various fillers and polymers that harden under the influence of the same blue lamp.

    It has a fairly wide color palette, so you can choose any desired color and shade, as a result - as close as possible to a healthy tooth.

    This material will last at least 5 years.

    But such a seemingly flawless material has three main drawbacks:

    • shrinkage, due to chemical composition can be up to 5%, which reduces the quality installed seal. That is why it is better to use such material in small areas;
    • with strong shrinkage, deformation is possible in such sizes that the thin wall of a natural tooth is chipped off;
    • incomplete hardening. The hardening of this material occurs only by 70%, more is impossible due to the peculiarities of the use of the lamp.

    Glass ionomer cement

    Dental fillings, which are considered the best for use in pediatric dentistry, as they contain 10-15% fluoride, which helps protect against reinfection. In addition, they are chemically bound to a natural tooth, and therefore the likelihood of various cracks is minimal. The coefficient of expansion under the influence of temperature is as close as possible to the same as that of dental tissues, therefore, this minimizes the risk that the tooth will crack.

    However, even such a seemingly ideal material has its drawbacks. These are reduced strength indicators, both in abrasion and in bending. In addition, they do not look particularly attractive, and, therefore, they are better used with more aesthetic fillings.

    Chemically Cured Composites

    This material was developed in order to replace conventional cement options. Them fundamental difference- this is the filler used, in this case it is porcelain. These composites can be further divided into:

    1. Light cured.
    2. Acrylic.
    3. On epoxy resin.

    Composites that include acrylic are highly durable and resistant, but they are very toxic. It is often noted that after the installation of seals from this material, a large number of since. And the consequence may be the development or secondary caries both on this tooth and on neighboring ones.

    Resin-based composites are more brittle, although they wear less. They are not as toxic as their acrylic counterparts, however, they will inevitably darken after a number of years of installation.

    How much do the products cost?

    What seals are better to put on the basis of their cost? It seems that the only correct answer to this question is that everything good comes at a cost. However, this is not so, in each specific case, it is necessary to build on specific features, and only they will dictate the future price of the seal.

    However, in order to gain some insight into pricing policy, you should know that inlays cost between 3000-14000 rubles, compomers from 650 to 1000 rubles, chemically cured composites from 600 to 800 rubles.

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    Basically, dental fillings can be divided into two types - temporary and permanent. Both of them perform their specific function. A temporary one is usually installed for medicinal purposes, when it is necessary to put some kind of material under it for a while. medicine.

    A temporary filling often performs a diagnostic function. If the doctor is not sure whether the nerve of the tooth is affected or not, he puts a temporary filling, and when he is convinced that the nerve is not damaged, he changes it to a permanent one.

    Permanent fillings are installed to the patient for years, sometimes even for many years, depending on the type of material from which they are made. There are currently 3 main types of fillings depending on the material:

    - cement,
    - composite.

    Cement fillings have been used very for a long time in dental practice. But such seals have a number of significant drawbacks. Main disadvantage theirs is a poor fit to the edges of the tooth, as a result of which the material can move away from the wall of the tooth. Remains of food fall into the formed gap, and secondary caries or new caries occurs along the edge of the filling.

    The second type of dental fillings is metal, they are also called amalgams. Such a seal consists of an alloy of a certain metal with mercury, which is the most important and significant disadvantage, because. mercury - having toxic properties. Also, such fillings look unaesthetic and have certain difficulties in installation, their hardening occurs within 2-3 hours. In connection with the above, metal seals are a thing of the past.

    And perhaps the most convenient and durable material that is often used in modern times is dental fillings made of composites. There are three types of fillings: fillings based on epoxy resins, acrylic-containing and light-cured. A couple of years ago, these materials were supplied to Russia from abroad, but today production has been established in St. Petersburg, Cherkassk and a number of other cities.

    Disadvantages of strong fillings

    The first and second types of seals have. For example, acrylic-containing fillings are quite toxic and can cause such after their installation as inflammation of the tooth, pulpitis, secondary caries.

    Epoxy resin fillings are less toxic but will darken over time.

    The most used today are light-cured dental fillings (light composites, gel fillings). Such a filling undergoes curing and hardening under the influence of ultraviolet light, although a lamp is also used when placing some cement fillings.

    The light seal is good, aesthetically pleasing, since it is possible to model it under anatomical shape tooth, and it is also possible to choose a shade that matches the patient's enamel. Over time, the color of the light-cured filling does not change. Such a filling is non-toxic, resistant, durable and allows you to restore the shape of even a significantly damaged tooth.

    Capabilities modern medicine allow each patient in the dental chair to choose the material for dental fillings, based on their desires and financial capabilities. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which seal is the most reliable. The choice of material depends on the specific tooth and the specific case and is decided by a specialist who, at the request of the client, will tell about the types of fillings, their features, give advice based on a specific case, and recommendations for further care.


    Metal amalgam fillings are an alloy of mercury and several metals such as silver, copper, tin and zinc. Silver makes them resistant to corrosion and hard, copper gives them strength, zinc gives the material ductility, and zinc accelerates the process of its hardening. This filling substance is characterized by increased strength, resistance to mechanical abrasion and moisture, antiseptic. However, it also has a number of disadvantages. For example, improper manufacturing technology can lead to mercury poisoning and corrosion, and such a seal is outwardly unaesthetic, changes the color of the enamel, and shrinks heavily when it hardens. Such seals are used very rarely, their improved ones appear that do not have these shortcomings.

    Plastic fillings are affordable, but also not very popular. This is due to the fact that this material is toxic and not sufficiently resistant to external influences. In addition, such a seal does not save from secondary carious process.

    Ceramic fillings are in particular demand among wealthy people. They possess high cost, but their quality is very close to the appearance and composition of natural tooth enamel. This material is durable, resistant to temperature extremes, does not enter into chemical reactions and does not stain teeth.

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