What fruits should you eat. When exactly should you eat different fruits? How to get the most out of fruits

"Don't eat fruit on an empty stomach!" or "Don't eat fruit after meals" - these and other common beliefs confuse anyone who has ever thought about proper nutrition. Let's figure out how long after a meal you can eat fruit, and when not.

So, correct usage fruit most often depends not on whether you eat an apple on an empty or full stomach, but on general condition your body. And, of course, on the acidity of the fruit you have chosen.

If you have chronic or minor gastrointestinal problems, then read these recommendations carefully and remember them to avoid negative consequences thoughtless consumption of fruits.

Who can eat fruit and how

healthy person no problem with gastrointestinal tract, fruits and berries should be consumed in the intervals between main meals, so as not to disturb the normal acid balance stomach. For example, you can eat strawberries an hour after dinner and you won't feel any discomfort.

The thing is that during the period of time between the main meals, all the food you eat at breakfast or lunch will be digested, and the acidity level will still be high. This will improve and speed up the process of digesting the fruit without feeling heavy in the stomach.

People with poor digestion and low acidity It is worth eating fruit 30 minutes before the main meal. The fact is that the acids that are found in fruits help improve the production of gastric juice, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and the process of assimilation of food.

People with hyperacidity it is worth carefully leaning on berries (especially cherries and currants), and sour apples are not recommended at all. Fruits should be eaten half an hour after eating, so that acids do not increase the existing high concentration acidity in the stomach acidity up to dangerous level. If you neglect this rule, then gastritis and ulcers are not far away.

By the way, no way does not affect the acidity only melon, it can be eaten one and a half hours before meals, in addition, the melon is rich in fiber and if it affects digestion, then only positively.

How to extract from fruits more benefit

So that fruits are not only a delicious meal for you, but also useful product, you need to follow some simple rules their use.

  1. Do not eat fruit when you have just eaten. You can eat fruits at any time of the day (if everything is fine with your digestive tract), but not after eating.
  2. If you ate fruit, then wait 30 minutes and only then eat another meal.
  3. It is best to consume fruits in the morning. They raise sugar levels and help wake up the digestive system.
  4. Do not eat fruits with foods that are difficult to digest. For example, with fried meat.
  5. Bananas and avocados are a heavy food and should not be eaten at night.
  6. Fresh fruits are better than frozen ones, and much healthier than canned ones (because they contain a lot of sugar).

Some fruits have their own special pros and cons, and ours digestive system may respond differently to them. Therefore, they should be highlighted as a separate sub-item in your head.


As we know, pears are quite a heavy product. However, the pear helps to awaken the appetite and improve digestion, has a diuretic property. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then you should eat pear before meals to improve digestion and go to the toilet more often.


A few pieces of kiwi can be eaten after dinner - they will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, relieve heartburn. Kiwi can be eaten with meat, fish, and even ham. You can not eat kiwi with dairy products - it is fraught with bloating and other digestive disorders.


You should not eat apples before meals if you have diabetes or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Fruit is richest source beneficial vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other nutrients. Mankind began to grow them a long time ago, approximately in the Stone Age.

But it's already historical facts, today we will talk about what rules and recommendations you need to follow in order to learn how to eat fruits correctly.

Remember your childhood, for sure, mother told each of us that it is necessary to eat them all year round in order to maintain good health. And this statement is certainly true, so why do many people have some difficulties with these wonderful gifts of nature.

So what is the right way to eat fruit?

For some reason, many people do not eat fruit either in the morning or in the evening, and there is a specific reason for this phenomenon - they simply do not know how to do it. And first of all, the explanation for such an absurd situation is the wrong attitude towards the fetus and one's health.

Greetings, friends! From this article you will learn when it is better to eat fruits. It may seem that you can always eat fruits, without special restrictions and rules, the main thing is to eat. So today we will find out when these fragrant and attractive gifts of nature are best eaten, in the morning or in the evening, and dwell on the properties of some of them.

For those people who do not have digestive problems, better fruits and berries are in between meals or an hour after meals. At this time, the digestion process will be in full swing, high level acidity will help to digest the fruit well. You already know, you should stick to them

If you have low acidity or poor digestion, then it is recommended to eat berries and fruits approximately half an hour before meals. The acids that make up their composition will enhance digestion and help the production of gastric juice.

With increased acidity, it is extremely careful to eat especially sour apples and cherries. Only half an hour after eating, you can afford to have a bite, otherwise fruit acids will increase the already high rate acidity. And this can provoke a peptic ulcer or gastritis.


A sweet gift of nature, rich in fiber, it is recommended to eat no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. It's about melon. But the recommendations of nutritionists do not apply to Italians, and they serve jerky with melon. And in Asia, melon is eaten after first courses or pilaf. They say that after 15 minutes even after fatty foods the feeling of heaviness disappears, as if after the use of enzymes.


Do you know that a pear eaten in the morning is poison? A pear during the day or even in the evening is very useful. It stimulates the intestines, has a diuretic effect. For lunch as a dessert, it will be very useful.

The pear contains quite coarse alimentary fiber. Interestingly, even when dried, it retains a storehouse useful substances, and therefore it is possible all year round indulge in its sweetness. Only after the pear do not drink raw water and do not eat meat.


It is recommended to eat no earlier than half an hour after eating. Otherwise, you may be at risk of indigestion. On an empty stomach, especially in the morning, do not eat oranges. If you like to drink in the morning Fresh Juice orange, it is better to dilute it with water. After an orange rich in organic acids, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly to keep tooth enamel from erosion.


After dinner, eat some tender kiwi fruit and you will never experience heaviness in the stomach or heartburn. You can combine kiwi with fish, seafood and meat. After fried food, kiwi will reduce exposure to harmful carcinogens.

Helpers in the process of losing weight

Many who want to quit excess weight avoid eating sweet gifts, worrying about the high sugar content in many of them. But you just need to know when, before or after a meal and which of them should be eaten so that they even contribute to weight loss.

List of best fruits for weight loss

First place occupies this product rich in grapefruit sugar. Such sugar contains few calories and is easily digested. If you want to eat after dinner, it is best to have a grapefruit snack.

Second place takes an apple. It is very useful to start the morning with an apple. And baked apples can be eaten at any time of the day.

Third place- orange. It’s good to have a bite to eat, but separately from other products.

Fourth place took the pineapple. Many have heard that this exotic fruit burns fat and helps with lunch and evening time digest food faster great content different enzymes.

In fifth place- banana. He is considered by many to be the worst weight loss doctor, but this is not so. Due to its calorie content, a banana may well replace your lunch or dinner in the afternoon.

So we learned today the answer to a seemingly strange question. But as you can see, dear readers, that the delicious fruits of nature can be consumed with maximum benefit for the body, just knowing when and with what it is better to eat them.

How to eat fruits.

“Don’t eat fruit on an empty stomach!”, “Don’t eat fruit for dessert!”, “Fruit after eating can cause cirrhosis of the liver!”, “Fruits cause tooth decay!”, “Fruit can cause diabetes!” - how many more such all kinds of horror stories are walking around the Web! You will read, be impressed, and decide that it is better not to eat them at all! Take your time, eat general recommendations about the time of fruit consumption.

healthy people not having special problems with the gastrointestinal tract, berries and fruits are best eaten in between meals - an hour after the main meal. By this time, all the food eaten at lunch or dinner will be digested by the stomach and go to small intestine. At the same time, the acidity level will remain high enough, which will improve the processing of berries and fruits.

People with sluggish digestion and low acidity gastric juice, it is best to consume berries and fruits before meals - about 30 minutes. Fruit acids, which are part of them, will help boost digestion and increase the production of gastric juice, and this in turn will have a beneficial effect on the absorption of the next portion of food.

People with high stomach acidity fruits and berries should be eaten with extreme caution, especially currants, cherries and sour apples. If you really use them, then only after eating - after 20-30 minutes. Otherwise, fruit acids will increase the already high acidity of the stomach, which can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer.

The exception is melon. This sweet fruit is rich in fiber, which prevents the melon pulp from being absorbed quickly. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating it no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after the main meal, regardless of the state of the digestive system. Although it is not so simple here! Remember the famous Italian dish - prosciutto (dried meat), it is customary to serve it with melon, and in Central Asia melon is eaten as follows - after the first, usually fatty, dishes and pilaf, melon is necessarily served, and after 10-15 minutes the feeling of heaviness in the stomach disappears, as if after the application of a complex of enzymes!

No wonder that the head can go round comes from such a polar variety of opinions and advice! I want to advise on this occasion only one thing - listen to your body, only it can tell you how to properly consume certain fruits! And I will try to give you some recommendations. Highly helpful tips are given in traditional Chinese medicine, I will also mention them.

Pear stimulates appetite, promotes digestion, has a diuretic effect and reduces the feeling of heat. Fresh pears contain fairly coarse dietary fiber, which enhances intestinal peristalsis, therefore, with disorders, they should not be eaten. But with constipation, pears from compote must be eaten. For anemia (anemia), it is useful to eat two large pears daily for lunch as a dessert. At the same time, the pears are peeled, the pulp is kneaded with a pestle and mixed with two teaspoons of honey. Heals pear and acute bronchitis: in a glass of pear juice, a dessert spoon of rosehip syrup is diluted and drunk half a glass three times a day.

The pear also helps with eczema, if its pulp is regularly applied to the affected area. Pear treatment can be carried out almost all year round, since the fruits, when dried, retain almost all biologically active substances. AFTER you have eaten a pear, you should not drink raw water, and also eat heavy food and meat.

One medium pear contains 10% daily allowance consumption ascorbic acid(vitamin C). In addition to its well-known role as an infection fighter, vitamin C promotes healing of wounds, bruises and abrasions. The pulp and peel of one medium pear is 4 grams of valuable fiber (in the form of pectin), which is 16% of the norm recommended by doctors. Fiber helps to normalize blood sugar levels, improves digestion. It is strongly not recommended to eat a pear on an empty stomach. An old Eastern proverb says: “In the morning, an apple is a rose to the heart! In the morning, a pear is poison to the heart!

- with symptoms of dyspepsia with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain and a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium, chronic inflammation intestines (enteritis, colitis), as well as with diabetes pears are prohibited.

As was known in ancient times, the healing properties melons depends on its maturity. For example, insufficiently ripened fruits are not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers and acute gastritis. It is also not recommended to eat melon on an empty stomach - it is considered safest to eat melon between meals so that it can mix with other foods eaten. AT traditional medicine melon has long been prescribed to malnourished patients, especially after past illnesses liver after surgery. But! Both sick people and absolutely healthy people should not drink after melon cold water and especially spoiled milk, kefir and yogurt - this leads to indigestion. A similar result occurs after a combination of melon with alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy melon. It is contraindicated in nursing mothers (it can cause severe dyspepsia in the baby), with diabetes, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with intestinal disorders especially dysentery. Healing properties melons have been known for a long time. Even the great Avicenna used melon pulp, seeds and even peels in his practice.

AT modern medicine melon is used mainly to cleanse the intestines (melon pulp has a pronounced laxative effect), which, by the way, helps in the fight against overweight. In order to reduce weight, melon juice is also useful in combination with apple and tomato (in a ratio of 1:2:1).

Kiwi. A few fruits eaten after a hearty meal will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and belching. Kiwi can be eaten with meat, ham, fish (especially salmon, shrimp), cheese, it is recommended to eat after eating fried foods to reduce negative impact carcinogens.

- at sharing with dairy products, indigestion, diarrhea, and bloating can occur.

- with nephritis;

With diabetes;

- before eating.

Grape: Freshly picked grapes cause fermentation in the intestines, accompanied by very unpleasant sounds, so it is recommended to eat grapes no earlier than 2 days after harvest.

Limitations of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

- after eating grapes, you should not immediately drink water, as this can cause diarrhea;

It is desirable that at least four hours elapse between the use of grapes and any drinks;

Bananas It is not recommended to eat on an empty stomach and drink water. Bananas increase the viscosity of blood and lymph, which leads to thrombophlebitis and varicose veins veins. In their composition, they are close to potatoes, they have a lot of starch, which means that eating bananas is unrealistic. Don't eat bananas with dark flesh (not the skin).

Limitations of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

- bananas should not be consumed in acute and chronic nephritis and other kidney diseases;

- you should limit the use of bananas for diseases of the stomach, digestive disorders, diarrhea.

oranges. The excessive use of oranges weakens the liver, orange juice is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Eating oranges should not be earlier than half an hour after eating - only under this condition you are not threatened with indigestion. And the acid contained in oranges corrodes tooth enamel, which is why you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth after eating oranges.

Limitations of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

- Do not consume oranges before meals or on an empty stomach: organic acids can damage the gastric mucosa. For the same reason, oranges should not be abused. After eating oranges, you should brush your teeth or rinse your mouth to protect your tooth enamel. Juice is better to drink diluted and through a straw;

- an hour before and within an hour after eating oranges, you should not drink milk.

tangerines considered a product in China daily use, but they, like oranges, should not be overeaten, consumed before meals and on an empty stomach, consumed together with milk - at least an hour should elapse between drinking milk and tangerines. Rinse your mouth after eating tangerines to protect tooth enamel.

Watermelon: it is not recommended to use it before meals and immediately after it - there is a possibility of digestive problems. Watermelon is eaten only separately from everything else! Preferably 2 hours or 2 hours after the main meal. It is also fraught with eating watermelon with bread, this combination guarantees increased gas formation. And, of course, we all remember that after eating this fruit, it is better not to visit places far from toilets - watermelon is famous for its diuretic properties. Try dropping the pulp into water - if the water just turns cloudy, that's good. If it turned pink or red, it means that the watermelon was fed with something, grown. It is better not to give it to children. Never take a watermelon cut in half or with a carved pyramid. Firstly, a lot of microbes accumulate on the surface of the southern guest, and wasps or flies attracted by the sweet smell can easily bring them inside. Secondly, it is not known with what knife the watermelon was cut - there could be more microbes on it than on all watermelons.

Limitations of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

- in the cold season;

- cold (from the refrigerator);

– in excessive amounts (indigestion may occur).

It is recommended to use lemon with vegetables or spices, squeeze the juice, use in the composition meat dishes. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that during pregnancy, lemon "calms the fetus", helps with nausea and vomiting.

Dec 6, 2014 tigress…s

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