Dried dates benefits and harms. Dried dates: what are the benefits and how to use them correctly? Dates for impotence, anemia and loss of strength

date palm fruits- exotic guests on our table, unfortunately, not yet appreciated by domestic buyers. The places where palm trees grow are located in hot countries where the sun shines most of the year, which has a beneficial effect on date fruits and allows them to literally soak up important for humans. trace elements and vitamins.

In the Muslim world, dates are valued for their nutritional properties and excellent taste. They indulge children instead of sweets. And adults in a desert area can live for several days, eating only dates washed down with water.

Are dried dates useful and why? To begin with, it should be noted that these are the only ones that are not processed sulfuric acid. In addition to this important fact, date fruits are a product that is unique in its composition.

Useful properties of dried dates

The benefits of dates for the human body can not be overestimated:

  • The fruits of the date palm are quite rich in vitamin and mineral composition. Their regular use will help replenish the missing chemical elements in our body. Dates are successfully used to treat hypovitaminosis and improving overall well-being.
  • Potassium and magnesium, which are part of the fruit, contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body. They also normalize the work of the heart and strengthen blood vessels.
  • High content oxytocin makes dates an indispensable product for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Date palm fruit naturally stimulates contractions, speeds up labor and relieves pain.
  • They are also used for prevention. liver disease.
  • The vitamins found in the fruits help keep skin elasticity, remove inflammatory processes and make it healthy.
  • The beneficial effect of dates on human nervous system. Fruits help to cope with stress and relieve depression.

By eating date fruits, we are enriched with vitamins and minerals, support the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stimulate brain function, and replace harmful sugar in our menu with.

Useful elements and chemical composition

and their nutritional value. Date fruits are a rather high-calorie product, from one hundred grams of which we get 292 calories. Proteins contained 5,4% , fat 0,9% , carbohydrates 28,1% from the daily intake for an adult.

The composition also includes fifteen minerals and salts, more than two dozen amino acids.

The vitamin composition is represented by almost the entire vitamin B group:

  • thiamine and riboflavin - 0.05 mg each;
  • pantothenic acid - 0.8 mg (16% of the daily norm B5);
  • pyridoxine - 0.1 mg.

A sufficient amount contains vitamin E - 0.3 milligrams and PP - 1.9 milligrams.

dietary fiber 6 grams.

Of the minerals and trace elements in one hundred grams of fruit, most of all are:

  • calcium - 65 mg;
  • magnesium - 69 mg;
  • sodium - 32 mg;
  • potassium - 370 mg (14.8% of the daily requirement);
  • phosphorus - 56 mg;
  • iron - 1.5 mg (8.3% of the daily requirement).

Healthy and healthy food

  • Date fruits are used in folk medicine since antiquity. They treat diseases of the cardiovascular system. Reduce high blood pressure.
  • Cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder stones and toxins.
  • Relieve inflammation in the joints.
  • And dietary fiber, contained in large quantities, is a prophylactic against oncology.
  • With the help of dates, they strengthen the immune system and recover after hard physical work.
  • These fruits are an excellent sleeping pill. Thanks to melatonin, which is part of them, you can successfully get rid of insomnia.
  • tryptophan- another valuable hormone for humans, which takes part in the synthesis serotonin. This substance stabilizes the mental state, removes depression and improves the performance of brain cells.
  • During pregnancy, date fruits are recommended to be used as a means of strengthening the muscles of the uterus. They are the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage.
  • The components of date fruits are beneficial for men, helping to improve potency and sperm production.

Dates are widely used in oriental cooking.. As a dessert and sugar substitute, dried fruits are served with or eaten with milk. Crushed fruits are added to salads and pastries.

An alcoholic drink is obtained from the juice, sugar is produced and. And flour is prepared from the core of palm trees, from which they are then baked.

Dates on a diet

AT diet menu date fruits are very popular.

  • Thanks to pantothenic acid This product regulates metabolic processes and speeds up metabolism.
  • A pleasant sweetish taste and a rich content of fructose allows you to replace sugar with fruits.
  • A snack on dates is quite consistent with the norms of a healthy diet. The fruits are quite high in calories and after eating them you no longer want to lean on junk food like sandwiches and instant noodles.

Maybe last up to ten days and include the fruits themselves, green tea, apples and oranges. Diet can help you get rid of five to seven kilograms excess weight.

A large number of date fruits is contraindicated with a fast metabolism, because dates increase the level of insulin in the blood, which causes a feeling of hunger with an accelerated metabolism. This is due to their properties in diabetes mellitus.

On a note. The menu of such a diet contains little protein, so the introduction of lean meat into the diet is recommended.

How to choose and store

The choice of date fruits is quite simple. When purchasing these valuable dried fruits, pay attention to:

  • dry- the fruits must be dry, but not overdried;
  • purity- good dates without damage and traces of mold;
  • color, which should be dark. It indicates maturity (immature fruits have a lighter shade).

Fruits with a stone are considered more useful, since during drying they retain all trace elements.

Many packaged dates are fresh, not sun-dried. Their ripening was due to the slow evaporation of the liquid. Some manufacturers first freeze the fruits, then thaw them and sell the products. Therefore, fruit varieties are conditionally divided into soft, semi-soft and dry.

  • Dried fruits slightly sticky and smooth.
  • Dried look wrinkled and easily translucent to the light. Dried dates are considered useful.
  • Canned with sugar syrup fruits look moist and sticky to the touch. This method of storage does not affect the quality of the product, but the body will receive less benefit from it.

The average shelf life of fruits placed in cardboard boxes and stored in a dry place is six months. In the refrigerator, the product is stored in a closed container.

Consumption rates

Adults can eat up to 5 items date fruits per day with peel.

Fruits are given to children from eight months in the form of compote. To prepare it, two hundred grams of dates are poured into a liter of water and boiled for five minutes. After five years, the child can be given one date a day.

Before eating or cooking, the fruits must be washed with hot water!

Harm of dried dates and contraindications

  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • ulcer diseases.

Date fruits are a very valuable product that can and should be added to traditional dishes. For example, bake duck with them or add to instead. Of course, we should not forget that overeating even the most useful product can bring only trouble. Three hundred grams of dates can cause constipation or indigestion. Be prudent and then the dates will delight you with their exotic taste and benefit your body.

We hope our material has helped you figure out what the benefits and harms can be when using dried dates.
How often do you eat these fruits? Do you like their taste? What results did the date diet bring?

Dates are an oriental delicacy familiar to many since childhood. Sweetness, which has healing properties, is in demand as a therapeutic component to combat many diseases. But you still need to use it carefully. Why? Let's try to answer this question.

The benefits of dates

The beneficial properties of dates can be judged by their unique composition.

  1. The fruit can boast of containing a considerable amount of dietary fiber, the main activity of which is to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal canal and regulate the stool. Dietary fiber is not digested by the body, due to which the intestines are cleansed of toxins.
  2. Due to the presence of pantothenic acid, dates are able to "monitor" the metabolic processes in the human body, have a positive effect on strengthening the immune system. In addition, a similar component controls the activity of the nervous system.
  3. Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for maintaining healthy hair and nails.
  4. Potassium - an indispensable and especially important component for humans - is also present in dates. Its role is to maintain the normal state of the muscles of the heart and the human skeleton. Even a small amount of treats (120-200 gr.) Can compensate for the daily amount of potassium needed by an adult. It is enough for children to consume only 2-3 fruits.
  5. Calcium in dates also contains a lot, in 100 gr. product of the order of 64 mg. This trace element is indispensable when it comes to the strength of bones, skeleton and teeth. That is why women in position and nursing mothers are recommended to include this product in the menu, because they need a special, balanced diet rich in many trace elements, including calcium.
  6. Dates are a highly fortified product. Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Ascorbic acid, Flovacin, vitamins K, D - the list is impressive. The product is energetically valuable, so the fruits of the date palm can be safely used as a full-fledged snack during the working day. A high-calorie delicacy, fast carbohydrates allow you to get enough soon, a person feels a surge of strength and energy.
  7. The presence in the fruits of minerals and a number of useful substances, such as iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, is invaluable to those who know firsthand about cardiovascular pathologies. The unique product contributes to the rapid recovery of forces after long journeys, moving. Therefore, it is recommended to take a treat for a snack on the road.

There are a lot of rumors and rumors around the amazing fruits that date trees give us, but one thing is for sure - this nutritious and rich in composition product has no equal in the benefits that it can bring to the human body.

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To whom dates are contraindicated

There are a lot of useful qualities possessed by dates. However, not everyone can use them.

First of all, people who are allergic to this product should be careful. The first time you need to try to eat only a couple of berries. If no discomfort has appeared (choking, coughing, skin rashes, etc.), then the fruits can be safely introduced into your diet.

Insulin-dependent patients should introduce this fruit into the menu carefully. The interval between insulin and taking treats should be 2 hours or more.

From an overabundance of dates on the menu, headaches can occur. You can eat 10 berries a day, no more.

Dates consumed in large quantities can depress the nervous system, resulting in drowsiness and fatigue.

The benefits of delicacy will be nullified if the fruits are constantly abused. Therefore, you need to take the recommended doses seriously and eat no more than 3-7 berries per day.

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Can dates be given to children

Dates are a sweet that kids will enjoy with pleasure. However, when it comes to children, certain rules must be followed in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. So, for example, pediatricians are advised to start eating this fruit from the age of 1.5 years.

First of all, you should perform a small allergy test. To do this, it is necessary to give a try to one fruit, from which the bone is removed in advance. If there is no reaction, then the child can safely be given dates, but in small quantities. Regular use of such a product will only benefit the children's body.

You can give it to children both in dry form and adding to homemade dishes or as part of compotes.

The use of dates increases immunity, improves brain activity, strengthens the skeletal system, and a sick child will recover faster. Also, the fruits of the date tree are able to relieve stress, cure anemia, replenish the energy resources of the body.

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Dates for weight loss

The question of whether this fruit is able to stimulate getting rid of extra pounds has been going on for a long time. On the one hand, the delicacy is quite high-calorie, on the other hand, satiety comes soon, even if you eat a small amount of the product.

Dates for weight loss are used in some diets, fasting days are arranged on their basis. They reduce cravings for sweets, act as an alternative to sugar, they are convenient to use for snacks. The sucrose present in the fruits is not deposited, but is transformed into an energy reserve.

If you use a date diet, you will be able to remove excess water from the body, normalize metabolic processes. Together with plant fibers, toxins are removed from the body.

How to choose dates

Dates need to be able to choose the right one. In the store, the delicacy is offered in dried form. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the fact that the fruits in the package are not stuck together, but are located separately from each other. It is desirable that the surface is not covered with sugar crystals.

If the dates are shiny and iridescent, it means they are greased to look more attractive. It is better not to buy such products.

Ripe fruits are dark, dry and wrinkled. But at the same time, dates should not be wrinkled. This fact indicates their strong overdrying.

It is necessary to carefully examine the skin, the surface of which should be free of mold. Acquire a delicacy that does not have visual damage, with a whole skin. Dates with a pit inside are much healthier.

Dates in the daily diet - how to eat

Usually, few people are interested in the question of what rules for eating dates you need to know. The product is usually consumed dried, whole, only the bone needs to be removed.

Important! The peel cannot be removed, because it is in it that most of the useful components and trace elements are located.

For consumption, take juicy fruits that will surely be sweet.

You can drink tea with a treat, because it is a great alternative to sweets and floury sweets.

Dates are often used as an ingredient in homemade baking. They can be an alternative to raisins.

Children from 8 months old can make compote from this product. To do this, 200 grams of dates are poured with water, taken in an amount of 1 liter. The composition is put on fire and boiled for 5-7 minutes, after which it is removed from the stove and infused for another 1 hour. Delicious compote is able to solve the problem and calm the baby's raging tummy.

Dates can be a great addition to already familiar dishes. For example, bake with duck, use to decorate ice cream, cook rice kutya with pieces of dates. Having shown a bit of imagination, you can please yourself and your family with familiar dishes in a new version - with the addition of dates.

Dates are appetizing, healthy and tasty fruits, eaten both fresh and dried - not only a great way to satisfy hunger, but also a great opportunity to fight back against certain diseases.

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Video: the benefits and harms of dates for the body

Dates are a product well known to us and loved by many since childhood. Since ancient times, the fruits of the date palm have been considered a delicacy. Widely cultivated in hot countries and sold all over the world. Most often, we buy dates in the form of dried fruits, because it is in the dried form that they acquire their characteristic sweetish-spicy taste. Like any product, dates can not be consumed by everyone. Consider what are the benefits and harms of dates, what is their role in human nutrition.

Useful properties of dates.

1. First of all, dates contain a large amount of dietary fiber (6.7 g per 100 g of product). Dietary fiber normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates stool. Due to the fact that they are not digested by the body, the fibers cleanse the intestines of toxins and participate in the restoration of its microflora.

2. The presence of pantothenic acid in dates indicates that they regulate the metabolism in the body, increase immunity resistance in acute respiratory diseases, control the functioning of the nervous system and adrenal glands. Keep this in mind when using dried dates, the benefits and harms are in an incomparable balance - and the advantage is in the direction of benefits.

3. A large amount of retinol, or otherwise, vitamin A, in dates will help keep your hair healthy and not split, and your nails beautiful and strong.

4. Dates contain the most important element for the body - potassium. It maintains normal cardiac muscles, as well as the muscles of the human skeleton. A small portion of dates - 150-200 grams will completely fill the daily requirement of potassium for an adult, and for a child to get the required amount of potassium, it is enough to eat only 2-3 pieces of date fruits.

5. Arguing whether dates can contain both benefit and harm, one cannot help but evaluate the amount of calcium contained in them - 64 mg per 100 g of the product. Calcium is a macronutrient that every person needs, because the strength of bones, skeleton and teeth directly depends on its sufficient amount in the body. In this regard, dates are recommended for pregnant and lactating women who need a balanced and calcium-enriched diet.

Dates also contain a number of vitamins, thanks to which the nutritional value of these fruits increases significantly:

  • Thiamine (B1);
  • Riboflavin (B2);
  • Niacin (B3);
  • Pyridoxine (B6);
  • Folacin (B9);
  • Ascorbic acid (vit. C);
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin K

The rich energy value - 277 kcal per 100 grams of the product suggests that dates may well be a full-fledged snack during the working day. A sufficiently high-calorie product, thanks to fast carbohydrates, they saturate the appetite, give energy and strength.

  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • manganese and others.

Dates will help maintain strength on long journeys, a tiring road. Therefore, a traveler should take a portion of date fruits with him for a snack, researchers and just lovers of a long journey have adopted this - overwork becomes easier to endure thanks to this healing product.

There are many legends that dates are such a nutritious and rich in composition product that by eating only it and drinking water, you can stay healthy and live fully for many decades. There are even reports of similar experiences. Perhaps these stories have some weighty basis, given the extreme usefulness of dates. But I want to warn you that you should not expose your body to such extremes. Moreover, dates include benefits and harms, and there are people who are better off refraining from including this tasty product in their food.

Contraindications to the use of dates.

Dates should not be consumed by people with diabetes. They very quickly increase the amount of sugar in the blood, which is unacceptable for people with increased glucose levels.

Dates have a high glycemic index and are also high-calorie foods. Therefore, dates should not be included in the diet of obese people who are overweight.

Dates should be used with caution for people with increased dental caries - the sugars contained in dates aggressively act on tooth enamel. And if it is damaged by caries, then there is a risk in a day to complicate the course of ordinary caries with pulpitis. However, this is a feature not only of dates, but also of most dried fruits.

As you can see, there are far fewer cons than pros. The benefits and harms of dates are a very subjective concept, but it’s still worth paying attention to the above points for your own peace of mind.

The norm of the use of dates in the daily diet.

Taking into account the benefits and harms of dates, the daily intake of fruits is 3-5 pieces per day. Only 1-2 large date fruits are enough for a child. This is the optimal amount recommended for replenishing vitamins and minerals. If you are carried away or just decide to eat more, you should not eat more than 300 grams. dates per day. Dates are digested for quite a long time thanks to dietary fiber, and by “overdoing” with the amount eaten, you can get the exact opposite effect - the stomach will “get up”, the intestines will react with constipation, and the digestion process will drag on for a long time. Then you can't do without medication. Therefore, always adhere to the measure so that this wonderful product brings only benefits to your body.

Dates in the daily diet - how to eat?

The best option would be to simply eat the dried dates whole, remembering to remove the pit. The peel should not be removed in any case - it contains many valuable substances and coarse fiber.

Choose large juicy fruits for food, they will delight you with a sweet and slightly tart taste. Dates are a great addition to tea instead of sweets and pastries. Even without sweetening your drink, dates will make your tea drinking pleasant and moderately sweet.

Dates can also be added to homemade cakes if you like candied fruit pies. Dates can be a great substitute for raisins.

Children older than 8 months can cook compote from dried dates, you need to pour 200 grams of dates with a liter of boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes and let it brew for about an hour. Such a compote will appeal to even picky kids, and most importantly, it will soothe the tummy and prevent the formation of painful colic.

Add dried dates to your favorite dishes - bake with duck instead of prunes, decorate ice cream and cook rice kutya with date pieces. A little imagination - and you will surprise not only yourself, but also your loved ones with the result.

Health to you!


What are dates?

Dates are the edible fruit of the date palm. The plant comes from tropical hot countries, and to be more precise, from the territory of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. The fruits of this palm tree reach us already in the form of dried fruit. In the same form, it is also used in the Muslim world, considering it a healthy delicacy and replacing sweets with it.

The homeland of the date palm is considered to be the territories of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, where evidence of the cultivation of this tree was found for 4 thousand years BC. e., although the Indians, for example, are convinced that it was their ancestors who were the first to discover and domesticate this tree. In the countries of the Ancient East, these fruits were almost the main type of food. This tree has been growing for at least 60 years, and each year brings a bountiful harvest.

The date palm is a dioecious, dioecious, wind-pollinated plant. When sown with seeds, an equal number of plants with male and female flowers grows. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences, for example, in female inflorescences there may be more than 10,000 flowers. One male plant is enough to pollinate 100 female plants. For the first time, artificial pollination began to be applied on the date palm. For the first time, the ancient Assyrians began to make it 3 or 4 thousand years ago.

Palm fruits, dates, are very useful for human health, as they contain a large amount of macro- and microelements and vitamins. It has long been used as an expectorant, emollient, laxative and energy agent, as well as to stimulate lactation. Tinctures, syrups and ointments from dates are used to relieve sore throats, bronchitis, colds, flu, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, cancer, inflammation of the spleen, conjunctivitis and eye diseases, pain in the abdominal cavity, inflammation of the genital organs, to remove warts, treatment of purulent skin diseases, with fever, for the prevention of dental cancer. Young leaves are used for diseases of the kidneys and heart. Date roots are used to treat toothache.

In places of growth, these fruits are eaten fresh, they are boiled, fried, but most often dried and dried. Dates are usually delivered to foreign markets dried or dried, as they cannot be stored for a long time. All year round, dried dates, sticky from sugar syrup, with reddish-brown flesh of various shades, are in trade.

Dates, which are sold in bulk, can be stored for a long time due to their high sugar content. But it is better to store them in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 0. Pressed and packed in small containers, the dates are pre-pasteurized, so they can be stored for a long time at room conditions.

Dates are the sweetest fruits because they contain about 50% sugar. These fruits are soft, semi-soft and dry, depending on how soft they are ripe. The most popular variety of dates in the United States - deglet nur (Algerian origin) - semi-soft medium size. Of the soft dates, the most famous are the medjul varieties (of Moroccan origin), they are also the largest.

Dates are sold fresh and dry. Do not buy dried fruits that are too shriveled (although they should be wrinkled) and those that have crystallized sugar and mold on the skin. You can store them for a whole year in a container with a tightly closed lid in a dark, cool place, and in the freezer for as long as 5 years. Dates are often used in confectionery, they are excellent in salads, pilafs, stuffing for stuffed chicken and lamb stew.

The main component of dates is sugar in different forms: sucrose (food sugar) and glucose (fruit sugar). These saccharides are considered the main sources of energy for the human body. The level of sugar content, which directly affects the nutritional value of the fruit, differs depending on the type of date and the degree of its ripeness and can reach 32%. Most of all sucrose is in the as-sukkari variety. Picking these fruits early reduces their sugar content as they are not quite ripe yet.

What are dates, the benefits and harms of dates for the human body are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. Here we will try to answer the questions of interest to this category of people.

Beneficial features:

Modern medicine has also paid quite close attention to dates as the subject of many years of study, academic research, during which

This useful fruit over the centuries has taken pride of place in the Arab-Muslim world as a gift sent down from above. After all, it is not for nothing that a large number of scientists, researchers and doctors around the world have paid and are paying close attention to it.

Date can be found in almost any country in the world, on the counter of any grocery store. Moreover, its price is relatively low. With all this, scientists beautifully call it a "source" - a source of a huge amount of useful and nutritious substances. The date is rich in various minerals, vitamins, phosphorus, etc. It has such a high content of iron and calcium that just a few small pieces of it enrich a whole bottle of some drink with these substances. The fact that the date is extremely rich in magnesium puts it at the forefront of other healthy foods and fruits. The fact is that magnesium prevents a person from developing such a terrible disease as cancer.

These healthy fruits are a very easily digestible and digestible food, thanks to which all the nutrients contained in them quickly enter the bloodstream, relieving fatigue and energizing the body.

Dates have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, relieve tension and pain in stomach ulcers. They are useful for liver diseases, helminthic invasion, dry skin, lip cracks, hair loss, brittle nails. They are rich in phosphorus, which helps strengthen bones and teeth. Dates are considered a natural laxative, they contain cellulose fibers that facilitate the process of digestion. Vitamin A, which is abundant in this fruit, strengthens the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and lungs, improves tone, and provides skin renewal. Dates are a worthy addition in the treatment of coughs, phlegm, inflammation of the respiratory tract and lungs.

These dried fruits are used as a cure for hypokalemia due to their high potassium content. They are also considered the main component for the manufacture of some medicinal drinks, since they contain large quantities of glucose.

These dried fruits are an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Moreover, modern medical research has shown that from a date seed at a very high temperature in an oxygen-free space, tablets can be made from excess gas formation and bloating.

The date is a source of a large number of mineral elements, it is one of the richest fruits in fructose.

Dates are also rich in the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is also essential for optimal brain function and maintaining a normal mental state, especially in old age. Tryptophan prevents aging: a sufficient amount of it in food allows you to stop the aging process of cells. In addition, thanks to tryptophan, dates have a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

In addition to tryptophan, these dried fruits contain another amino acid - glutamic acid, which prevents heartburn by neutralizing excess stomach acid.

Due to the rich chemical composition, dates can be recommended for people who are weakened after serious illnesses, overwork, and stress. They are an excellent general tonic for people engaged in intense mental work.

Dates contain quite a lot of potassium and traces of sodium - this is very beneficial for people with cardiovascular diseases.

The seeds contain an average of 23.2% fatty oil and 5.8% protein.

It is believed that dried dates have a beneficial effect on the brain, increasing its performance by 20% or more. Scientists believe that 10 dates a day is enough to meet the daily human need for magnesium, copper, sulfur, half of the need for iron, a quarter of the need for calcium.

According to their nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties, these dried fruits are equal to cereals. They are useful for adults, children, pregnant women. The composition of the date includes: a huge amount of carbohydrates from 44 to 88%, by the way, the latter contain an average of about 29 g of natural sugar (fructose, glucose, sucrose). Fats make up from 0.2 to 0.5%.

Dates are composed of 15 salts and minerals: copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, etc. The amount of mineral compounds in dried dates varies from 0.1 to 91%. 31 The fruit contains 23 amino acids not found in apples, oranges and bananas. Vitamins A, C, group B, and in particular pantothenic acid and riboflavin, are involved in the regulation of blood glucose levels.

Pectin and dietary fiber increase intestinal motility, thereby preventing the development of cancer. Dates do not contain cholesterol, and the fluorine and selenium they contain strengthen teeth and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The date is low in calories, so feel free to use it instead of sweets, and your weight will be normal.

According to the book "Dates - food, delicacy and medicine." The author is al-Karnaki Ibn Mirzakarim.


Dates are such a useful product that it would seem that it is not only possible, but also necessary to be eaten by every person. However, there are restrictions that do not allow some categories of people to include dates in their diet.

Dates should not be consumed by people with diabetes. They very quickly increase the amount of sugar in the blood, which is unacceptable for people with increased glucose levels.

Dates have a high glycemic index and are also high-calorie foods. Therefore, dates should not be included in the diet of obese people who are overweight.

Dates should be used with caution for people with increased dental caries - the sugars contained in dates aggressively act on tooth enamel. And if it is damaged by caries, then there is a risk in a day to complicate the course of ordinary caries with pulpitis. However, this is a feature not only of dates, but also of most dried fruits.

Do not eat them with exacerbations of stomach diseases. By increasing intestinal motility with a large amount of dietary fiber, they can aggravate the situation and provoke a new round of the disease.

A large consumption of fruits every day can lead to headaches, high blood pressure, impaired liver and spleen function. So the daily rate should be no more than 10 pieces.

The harm of dates is also in the fact that they are hard and long digested by the body. Do not consume before bed. It is best to eat them for breakfast or lunch.

You can not combine them with citrus fruits and tomatoes. When mixed with the acid found in these foods, carbohydrates break down and harm the body.

What are useful dates for men?

Even in ancient times, male warriors knew about their healing properties. With the help of the fruits, wounds were treated, especially purulent ones, for a long time to heal, a variety of inflammations, and they also helped in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Only for treatment, in these cases, unripe fruits were used.

When men went on military campaigns, they dried sweet dates, after which they took them with them. And they took a large amount, at least 2 bags. This was justified, since often, in the absence of other provisions, it was the dates that saved from hunger, helped to heal the wounds of the warrior himself and his horse. In addition, ripe fruits gave strength, eliminated fatigue during the battle, and helped to endure difficult transitions.

Dates also have a beneficial effect on the urinary system of a man, strengthening it and protecting it from various kinds of inflammatory processes. And for men who want to increase muscle mass and create a sexy body relief, date berries are a must. They need to be consumed in combination with a balanced diet and exercise. As a result, the muscles will acquire mobility and the desired volume, and the body will become embossed.

Date berries have long been used for potency, which in the amount of 1 cup were poured into 0.5 liters of milk and a spoonful of cinnamon was added to the mixture. Then the mixture was infused for a day in a cool place, after which the dates had to be eaten throughout the day, washed down with infused milk. As a result of such treatment, a man has a sharp increase in potency and seminal fluid production.

Few people know that dates do an excellent job with a hangover and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Grind 3-4 dates and fill them with a glass of warm water. Let it brew for 15 minutes and drink date water. The tool will not only remove the headache, but also eliminate nausea. Drink 3-4 glasses of the drink throughout the day for maximum effect.

Are dates good for women?

Numerous studies conducted by scientists from different countries prove that dried fruits have antitumor properties and can prevent the development of cancer. Given the high likelihood of breast cancer in women over 40, this product must be included in the diet.

In addition, dates serve as a powerful energy source: already 30 minutes after eating them, a person feels a surge of vigor and strength. This property is of particular importance for women who painfully endure menstruation, often accompanied by apathy, fatigue and loss of strength.

In addition, how are dates useful for women yet? The product has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, gently cleanses the intestines and relieves constipation. For those who are on a diet or adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, it is worth replacing sweets and flour products with dates.

Dates are recommended for pregnant women. It is believed that, due to the high content of the necessary substances, they can contribute to the rapid contraction of the muscles of the uterus, thereby facilitating the natural process of childbirth and the further process of a woman's recovery after pregnancy.

Dates are also capable of:

  • prevent premature birth and prevent miscarriage;
  • strengthen the muscles of the uterus;
  • reduce postpartum hemorrhage.

It is also important that some of the beneficial substances that dates contain get along with breast milk and to the newborn, thereby increasing its resistance to many diseases. Also, a few dates eaten a day by a nursing mother will save the baby from colic and improve the digestion process.

What do dates treat?

Decoction of dates in milk for cough:

The most effective will be a decoction of dates, cooked in fresh cow or goat milk. Such a decoction is able to cure a long, protracted, debilitating dry cough.

You need the following ingredients:

  • dates 7 pieces
  • milk 250 ml.


  • Dates must be washed and dried.
  • Milk (certainly fresh, otherwise it will curdle when boiled), pour into a saucepan and immediately send washed dates into cold milk.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer on the lowest heat for 9-10 minutes.
  • We are waiting for the broth to cool to warm.
  • We drink a decoction before meals and after meals, 2 tbsp. spoons. For a faster cure, a decoction can be taken every hour for 1 tbsp. spoon, always warm.

Do not throw away the remaining dates, eat them one at a time, distributing their amount throughout the day.

To increase potency:

Pour a glass of dates with 2 glasses of fresh milk, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder there. Mix well, leave for 24 hours in a cool place. Eat dates during the day with milk. Daily use of a mixture of dates, milk and cinnamon will increase sexual desire and make semen abundant. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period.

How to treat constipation with dates?

Pour 5 pieces of dates with 0.5 liters of water and boil like compote. Pour the cooled broth into a glass and drink on an empty stomach. And with the remaining "compote" do this: throw a handful of oatmeal there, mix and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Here's your breakfast, tasty and healthy.

Treatment of anemia, sexual weakness and chronic fatigue syndrome:

Place 10 fresh dates in a jar of ghee (about 1 liter), add 1 teaspoon ginger, 1/8 teaspoon cardamom and a pinch of saffron. Close the lid and leave in a closed warm place for a week. After a week, eat 1 date early in the morning. It is a good remedy for anemia, sexual weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome and morning sickness during pregnancy.

What are the benefits of dates in weight loss diets?

It is very difficult for sweet-toothed to refuse goodies, and even the dream of an ideal figure does not contribute to the rejection of desserts. Dates for weight loss help to hold out for some time without sweets. Experts recommend eating 10 dates a day, this will help maintain the daily norm of all elements important for the human body. Since dates contain large amounts of fiber, it is unrealistic to eat a lot of them. Fruits help improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver, normalize metabolism, and contribute to weight loss.

People whose diet contains dried fruits have stronger immunity than those who do not favor such products. Dates have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They are sweet in taste due to the natural sugar in their composition. Dried fruits are suitable for many diets. Despite the positive properties, excessive passion for such a product can be harmful.

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More on the same topic:

Among all the exotic delicacies, perhaps the most famous are dates. These small dried fruits are very popular all over the world, as they have a unique sweet and pleasant taste, which allows them to be used in their pure form or as part of some dishes and desserts. In addition, it turned out that these dried fruits have a lot of useful properties.

Description of dried fruits

Dates, which we are used to seeing dried on store shelves, grow on a special kind of palm trees. These are the so-called date palms, which are widespread on the African continent. Trees bear fruit quite often, and their fruits are the main diet for local residents. A lot of different dishes and drinks are prepared from fresh dates here.

From numerous African countries, dates are exported to all corners of the world. In order for them to retain their unique taste and useful properties for a long time, dried fruits are made from them. The fresh fruit looks softer, has a light reddish or yellow color and is arranged in large clusters.

Ripe dates are harvested from trees using special equipment. In poorer regions, there is a profession of date fruit picker - these are people who climb tall palm trees using simple equipment, cut bunches and carefully lower them down. After that, the fruits are selected, washed in clean water and soaked for some time.

Drying is carried out in modern ovens that allow you to control temperature and humidity. This is necessary so that dried dates retain a certain amount of their liquid inside, which will allow them to remain juicy and edible. If such fruits are dried out, they lose their natural qualities.

In some regions of Africa, drying fruits in open sunlight is still practiced, but this process is more laborious, and ready-made dried fruits can weigh several times less, as they lose a lot of useful components due to the lack of direct control of temperature and air humidity.

Fruits ready for export have a darker color, retain a rounded and elongated shape, are somewhat oily and wrinkled on the outside. Despite extensive drying, they retain most of all the nutrients, such as carbohydrates, that make them so sweet and tasty.

Composition and useful properties

The main feature of dates is their unique composition. Of course, if we talk about nutritional value, then, first of all, you should pay attention to the so-called BJU ratio. This abbreviation refers to the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a certain volume of the product.

Below we will talk about the nutritional value of date fruits.

  • Squirrels- about 5-6%, depending on the variety and method of drying the fruit. This component is a kind of "building material" for the human body. Proteins are indispensable for growth and development, as they contribute to the division and nutrition of cells.
  • Fats– from 0.2 to 0.5%. They are one of the sources of energy for humans, but an excess of fat leads to their deposition in the body. The extremely low fat content of dried dates makes them great for anyone looking to lose weight without feeling hungry.
  • Carbohydrates– 65%. Carbohydrates are an alternative source of energy that are used by our body much faster and do not accumulate in the form of fatty tissue.
  • Minerals and salts- 0.1-0.9%. Promote bone growth.
  • Oils- about 1%. Necessary for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, dates are popular not only because of the sweet taste and high amount of carbohydrates. Much more interesting is their chemical composition.

  • Vitamins of the PP, B, A, K, E groups. At the same time, substances such as riboflavin, folic acid, tocopherol, thiamine occupy the largest share among them.
  • Sucrose, natural glucose and fructose. They are indispensable and quickly digestible sources of energy.
  • A large number of micro and macro elements, including iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, calcium.
  • Amino acids and antioxidants.
  • Dietary fiber, often referred to as dietary fiber.

Compared to some other foods, dates do not have as many bioactive chemicals in their composition. However, they contain almost everything necessary to support vitality and tone in a fairly large concentration. There are cases when people ate exclusively these dried fruits and water for a long time.

Also, dates, in addition to their nutritional value, have a lot of positive qualities and are often recommended as a healing agent.

  • A large concentration of potassium in fruits has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Thanks to all the necessary vitamins, potassium is absorbed almost completely, stimulates the work of the heart muscle, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic.
  • Dates contain a fairly large amount of calcium, which improves the growth and restoration of bone tissue. Many doctors recommend adding dried fruits to the diet while recovering from injuries and fractures.
  • The low fat content, as well as a sufficient concentration of organic acids, prevents the risk of atherosclerosis. The walls of blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques faster, and new ones are practically not formed.
  • Dried fruits have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. An important role is played by tocopherol and thiamine, as well as some other organic compounds in the composition of dates. They improve the cognitive functions of the brain, including memory, concentration, mental activity.
  • Trace elements and antioxidants have a beneficial effect on liver and kidney function.
  • Dates contain a sufficient amount of fiber and natural dietary fiber, which quickly normalize the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, dried fruits stimulate the feeling of fullness, so even a small amount of them, eaten, allows you to get rid of hunger, but at the same time not to “go over” the extra calories. In addition, fiber improves the absorption of other essential components in the body.
  • Oils help soften food masses. Often, dates are recommended for people with chronic constipation, as the fruits, even when dried, give a mild laxative effect.
  • There is a strengthening of the hormonal background. Some doctors advise pregnant women to add dried fruits to their daily diet. They contain quite a lot of vitamins, so they contribute to the normal formation of the fetus, prevent exhaustion and beriberi in the expectant mother, and lactation improves during the lactation period.
  • Sudden changes in the emotional state are eliminated, the feeling of fatigue, both mental and physical, is reduced, and a general tonic effect is felt.
  • The biochemical composition of dates strengthens the body's natural immunity, allows you to cope with acute diseases or prevent the exacerbation of chronic conditions.
  • The health benefits of date fruits also lie in their nutritional value. Dried fruits are often prescribed to patients with iron deficiency anemia, beriberi, and general malnutrition.

Nutritional value and calories

Dates are a food product that has a very high glycemic index, which is directly related to the high proportion of carbohydrates in the composition. First of all, this means that its energy value is represented by glucose and its derivatives that are quickly absorbed in the body, so dried date fruits are not the best choice for a diabetic diet, but for those who want to lose weight, they are best suited.

It is estimated that 100 grams of dates account for approximately 247-270 kcal. This figure may vary depending on the variety and quality of the product, therefore, on average, 1 pc. This product contains about 23 kcal.

This explains why even a few dried fruits can not only induce a feeling of satiety, but also provide the body with the necessary energy boost.

What could be the harm?

The unique properties of dates make them a truly healthy treat. However, sometimes it is better to refuse it, since dried fruits can cause an undesirable reaction of the body or even harm health, especially if they are abused.

After eating dates, blood sugar rises sharply. This can be dangerous for diabetics and lead to hyperglycemic coma. For ordinary people, the abuse of dried fruits can cause changes in the emotional and mental state, sleep disturbance, and appetite.

It is also often possible to observe acute digestive disorders, which are manifested by diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.

Additionally, it is worth noting violations of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

In acute chronic diseases or exacerbation of diseases of these organs, it is better to refuse food containing dates.

Diet use

A diet based on the use of dates has recently gained popularity. Its main advantage is that dried fruits quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger and thus do not allow to get better, causing the rejection of excessive amounts of food.

When losing weight, dried fruits have some positive effects.

  • Metabolism is noticeably accelerated, which allows you to burn excess fatty tissue and prevent the deposition of cholesterol. In addition, pantothenic acid contributes to the normalization of metabolism.
  • The high fructose content makes the dried fruit very sweet. They can be used as a natural sugar substitute if the problem of being overweight is excessive consumption of sweets.
  • Frequent snacking on dates contributes to rapid satiety. The composition of the fruits is quite consistent with the norms of a healthy diet, and since the feeling of hunger disappears almost immediately, you no longer want to lean on junk and fatty foods.

Usually date diet lasts from 7 to 10 days. The main foods for this period, in addition to the dried fruits themselves, are apples, oranges and other citrus fruits, green tea with a high content of antioxidants. Drinking should be plentiful, as dates can cause a mild laxative effect.

It is permissible to eat about 200 grams of dates per day in its pure form or as part of any dietary dishes. It is important not to forget that there is practically no protein in their composition, therefore it is recommended to periodically eat lean boiled meat. With the right approach, such a diet allows you to quickly lose 8-10 kilograms.

The scheme is suitable for everyone, except for people with an accelerated metabolism. The fact is that a sharp increase in sugar, which occurs immediately after eating dates, is followed by increased production of insulin. With a fast metabolism, this condition causes a strong feeling of hunger and weakness, which in no way contributes to active weight loss.

Selection and storage

Today, there are several options for harvesting fruits. Many manufacturers prefer, for example, not to dry them directly, but to gradually evaporate the moisture.

In the store you can find these types of ready-made dates:

  • Dried- they are slightly sticky on the outside and have a smooth surface.
  • Dried fruits lighter, visibly wrinkled, can often let bright light through.
  • canned dates filled with a special sugar syrup. This method of storage and transportation does not affect the quality of the product, but its benefits are much less.

Dried dates are considered the most valuable in their properties. It is especially important that the bone is preserved in them, because it is it that allows you to save all the trace elements during drying. To choose the right quality dried fruits, you need to pay attention to some criteria.

  • Dryness degree. Normally, dried fruits can even be a little oily, but the main thing is that they are not too dry. If such fruits are squeezed between the fingers, then they should be moderately soft, but not ooze or crumble.
  • Purity. Quality dates should not show signs of external damage, mold, stains or cracks.
  • The color should be dark. Dates are known to darken when dried, so if you are offered to purchase dried fruits that are too light, then they are probably made from unripe fruits, therefore they do not contain nutrients and, most likely, have an unpleasant sour taste.

It is also worth paying attention to the expiration date. If the dates have been properly dried and stored in cardboard boxes in a dry place, the shelf life cannot exceed 6 months.

In refrigerators, dried fruits should be in a separate closed container.

How to eat and what can be cooked?

Dried dates are used in their pure form. They are used as a snack for tea, and also as a substitute for a sweet dessert. An adult can eat up to 5-6 medium fruits per day, and children are advised to drink compote with the addition of several dried fruits. Thus, a person receives a daily intake of carbohydrates.

In cooking, there are quite a few recipes using dried date fruits. For example, they are often used as a substitute for prunes in the manufacture of decoctions and other drinks or when roasting meat. You can often find dates or pasta from them as part of cakes and pastries.

Dried fruits can be chopped into oatmeal or semolina porridge for breakfast. The simplest salads based on beets, red cabbage, carrots, with the addition of feta cheese and dates are popular.

Interesting Facts

Date fruits have been known to mankind since ancient times. There is nothing surprising in the fact that they are distributed all over the world. There are some interesting facts about them.

  • Date palms are mentioned in history as the first plants that were artificially cultivated by man in order to obtain sweet and healthy fruits. We can assume that dates stood at the origins of the development of civilization.
  • There is a widespread belief that the use of dates is not recommended for people who live in regions where palm trees do not grow. However, there is no scientific evidence for this yet.
  • Dried fruits contain all the substances a person needs and at the same time are very high in calories. There are cases when people lived for a long time, eating exclusively date fruits and water.
  • Dates can be an indispensable remedy for colds - they help soften sputum and remove it with a cough.
  • A couple of dates and a glass of milk can provide the human body with all the necessary amino acids. If you decide to give up eating meat, then you will not find a better alternative.
  • Despite the fact that dates are contraindicated in patients with diabetes, they can save their lives. The high content of carbohydrates makes these dried fruits the best emergency aid in case of hypoglycemic coma. With low blood sugar in a diabetic, for example, in the case of incorrect insulin administration, it is enough for him to eat one or two dates to prevent trouble, which is much more reliable and effective than sweets or chocolates.
  • You can often hear that sweet stimulates the brain. In this case, dates will be the best choice, because, in addition to carbohydrates, they also contain tocopherol and a lot of vitamins that not only improve the functioning of the central nervous system, but also strengthen neural connections and prevent nervous strain and exhaustion.

All about the benefits and harms of dates for the body, see the following video.

Dates are an oriental delicacy familiar to many since childhood. Sweetness, which has healing properties, is in demand as a therapeutic component to combat many diseases. But you still need to use it carefully. Why? Let's try to answer this question.

The benefits of dates

The beneficial properties of dates can be judged by their unique composition.

  1. The fruit can boast of containing a considerable amount of dietary fiber, the main activity of which is to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal canal and regulate the stool. Dietary fiber is not digested by the body, due to which the intestines are cleansed of toxins.
  2. Due to the presence of pantothenic acid, dates are able to "monitor" the metabolic processes in the human body, have a positive effect on strengthening the immune system. In addition, a similar component controls the activity of the nervous system.
  3. Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for maintaining healthy hair and nails.
  4. Potassium - an indispensable and especially important component for humans - is also present in dates. Its role is to maintain the normal state of the muscles of the heart and the human skeleton. Even a small amount of treats (120-200 gr.) Can compensate for the daily amount of potassium needed by an adult. It is enough for children to consume only 2-3 fruits.
  5. Calcium in dates also contains a lot, in 100 gr. product of the order of 64 mg. This trace element is indispensable when it comes to the strength of bones, skeleton and teeth. That is why women in position and nursing mothers are recommended to include this product in the menu, because they need a special, balanced diet rich in many trace elements, including calcium.
  6. Dates are a highly fortified product. Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Ascorbic acid, Flovacin, vitamins K, D - the list is impressive. The product is energetically valuable, so the fruits of the date palm can be safely used as a full-fledged snack during the working day. A high-calorie delicacy, fast carbohydrates allow you to get enough soon, a person feels a surge of strength and energy.
  7. The presence in the fruits of minerals and a number of useful substances, such as iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, is invaluable to those who know firsthand about cardiovascular pathologies. The unique product contributes to the rapid recovery of forces after long journeys, moving. Therefore, it is recommended to take a treat for a snack on the road.

There are a lot of rumors and rumors around the amazing fruits that date trees give us, but one thing is for sure - this nutritious and rich in composition product has no equal in the benefits that it can bring to the human body.

To whom dates are contraindicated

There are a lot of useful qualities possessed by dates. However, not everyone can use them.

First of all, people who are allergic to this product should be careful. The first time you need to try to eat only a couple of berries. If no discomfort has appeared (choking, coughing, skin rashes, etc.), then the fruits can be safely introduced into your diet.

Insulin-dependent patients should introduce this fruit into the menu carefully. The interval between insulin and taking treats should be 2 hours or more.

From an overabundance of dates on the menu, headaches can occur. You can eat 10 berries a day, no more.

Dates consumed in large quantities can depress the nervous system, resulting in drowsiness and fatigue.

The benefits of delicacy will be nullified if the fruits are constantly abused. Therefore, you need to take the recommended doses seriously and eat no more than 3-7 berries per day.

Dates are a sweet that kids will enjoy with pleasure. However, when it comes to children, certain rules must be followed in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. So, for example, pediatricians are advised to start eating this fruit from the age of 1.5 years.

First of all, you should perform a small allergy test. To do this, it is necessary to give a try to one fruit, from which the bone is removed in advance. If there is no reaction, then the child can safely be given dates, but in small quantities. Regular use of such a product will only benefit the children's body.

You can give it to children both in dry form and adding to homemade dishes or as part of compotes.

The use of dates increases immunity, improves brain activity, strengthens the skeletal system, and a sick child will recover faster. Also, the fruits of the date tree are able to relieve stress, cure anemia, replenish the energy resources of the body.

Dates for weight loss

The question of whether this fruit is able to stimulate getting rid of extra pounds has been going on for a long time. On the one hand, the delicacy is quite high-calorie, on the other hand, satiety comes soon, even if you eat a small amount of the product.

Dates for weight loss are used in some diets, fasting days are arranged on their basis. They reduce cravings for sweets, act as an alternative to sugar, they are convenient to use for snacks. The sucrose present in the fruits is not deposited, but is transformed into an energy reserve.

If you use a date diet, you will be able to remove excess water from the body, normalize metabolic processes. Together with plant fibers, toxins are removed from the body.

Dates need to be able to choose the right one. In the store, the delicacy is offered in dried form. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the fact that the fruits in the package are not stuck together, but are located separately from each other. It is desirable that the surface is not covered with sugar crystals.

If the dates are shiny and iridescent, it means they are greased to look more attractive. It is better not to buy such products.

Ripe fruits are dark, dry and wrinkled. But at the same time, dates should not be wrinkled. This fact indicates their strong overdrying.

It is necessary to carefully examine the skin, the surface of which should be free of mold. Acquire a delicacy that does not have visual damage, with a whole skin. Dates with a pit inside are much healthier.

Dates in the daily diet - how to eat

Usually, few people are interested in the question of what rules for eating dates you need to know. The product is usually consumed dried, whole, only the bone needs to be removed.

Important! The peel cannot be removed, because it is in it that most of the useful components and trace elements are located.

For consumption, take juicy fruits that will surely be sweet.

You can drink tea with a treat, because it is a great alternative to sweets and floury sweets.

Dates are often used as an ingredient in homemade baking. They can be an alternative to raisins.

Children from 8 months old can make compote from this product. To do this, 200 grams of dates are poured with water, taken in an amount of 1 liter. The composition is put on fire and boiled for 5-7 minutes, after which it is removed from the stove and infused for another 1 hour. Delicious compote is able to solve the problem and calm the baby's raging tummy.

Dates can be a great addition to already familiar dishes. For example, bake with duck, use to decorate ice cream, cook rice kutya with pieces of dates. Having shown a bit of imagination, you can please yourself and your family with familiar dishes in a new version - with the addition of dates.

Dates are appetizing, healthy and tasty fruits, eaten both fresh and dried - not only a great way to satisfy hunger, but also a great opportunity to fight back against certain diseases.

Video: the benefits and harms of dates for the body

Calorie content and composition of dried dates. What are the benefits to the body of the components contained in dried fruits. Who better not to eat them. Product in cooking: how to eat and cook.

The content of the article:

Dried dates are the dried fruit of the date palm. The most commonly used food is the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). Trees reach several tens of meters in height. As a rule, they have a single trunk and long leaves with spines at the ends. The flowers are collected in panicles, small, yellow. In the first years, the tree yields up to 10 kg of yield, after 15 years - up to 150 kg. Dates are used in cooking, mainly in dried form, but fresh fruits can also be found. Palm trees delight tourists in many resorts, and for the purpose of export they are cultivated in Egypt, Israel and other countries in northern Africa and southwest Asia.

Composition and calorie content of dried dates

The product is quite high-calorie, and also contains a lot of carbohydrates. But, despite this, these dried fruits are considered to be a healthy treat, thanks to the vitamins, macro- and microelements present in their composition.

Calorie content of dried dates - 292 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 2.5 g;
  • Fats - 0.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 69.2 g.
Vitamin composition per 100 g of product:
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 22 mcg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.3 mg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 1.9 mg.
Minerals per 100 g of product:
  • Potassium - 370 mg;
  • Calcium - 65 mg;
  • Magnesium - 69 mg;
  • Sodium - 62 mg
  • Phosphorus - 56 mg;
  • Iron - 1.5 mg.
The main useful components of the product are:
  1. B vitamins. The basis of the body's metabolic processes and the normalization of the immune system. Without these important components, the functioning of the human body is impossible. And since they are water-soluble and are quickly excreted from the body, a person needs to replenish them regularly. Vitamin B1 is called an energy vitamin, B2 is a beauty vitamin, B5 is a healing vitamin, B6 is a vitamin for the nervous system, B9 is a female vitamin.
  2. Vitamin E. It is considered a vitamin of fertility and youth. This fat-soluble substance, a powerful antioxidant, is an essential component of almost all important biochemical processes in the body.
  3. Vitamin PP, NE. This is the basis of redox processes. Participates in the formation of hormones, supports the heart and digestive organs.
But the main benefit of dried dates is in the micro and macro elements contained in the product:
  • Potassium. Helps to maintain water balance, prevents the leaching of salts from the bones, is necessary for the heart and the musculoskeletal system.
  • Calcium. Responsible for the preservation of bones, teeth, participates in the production of insulin, starts metabolism.
  • Magnesium. It is considered the main anti-stress component, it also supports the cardiovascular system, the normal functioning of the endocrine apparatus.
  • Sodium. The main component of water-salt metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Phosphorus. In tandem with calcium, it forms the basis of teeth and bones, making them strong and preventing brittleness, helps restore vision, nourishes the optic nerve, and normalizes blood vessels.
  • Iron. This substance, without which the normal absorption of B vitamins, the production of hemoglobin and hormones is impossible.
The product also contains most of the essential amino acids. These are substances that are essential for the normal functioning of the body, but are not produced in it. Therefore, they need a constant supply from outside.

Useful properties of dried dates

There is a legend that the benefits of the fruit are so great that for several years you can only eat it and drink water. We do not recommend experimenting, but we will tell you about the scientifically proven benefits of dried fruits.

Eating them regularly can reduce the following health problems:

  1. Heart diseases. Prevention of diseases such as hypertension, tachycardia, heart attack, stroke, anemia is carried out. The heart rhythm normalizes, pressure decreases, the level of bad cholesterol decreases, the walls of blood vessels strengthen, the level of hemoglobin normalizes, and blood circulation improves.
  2. Excitability of the nervous system. Sleep becomes healthy and full, stress resistance increases, depressive symptoms, headaches and anxiety disappear. The work of the brain is activated, concentration of attention increases, memory improves, headaches and migraines disappear.
  3. puffiness. Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, excess fluid is removed from the body.
  4. Stones in the kidneys, bladder and gallbladder. Helps them to remove a mild diuretic and choleretic effect. There is an outflow of bile from the ducts, the liver is cleansed.
  5. reduced immunity. Efficiency increases, well-being improves, the body becomes less susceptible to viruses and bacterial infections.
  6. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The activity of the digestive system is corrected: heartburn is relieved, intestinal peristalsis is enhanced, and its microflora is restored.
  7. Bad skin, hair and nails. The condition of the nails improves - they become stronger and shiny. Strengthens and thickens hair. The skin is cleansed, fine mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.
  8. Acute PMS. The intensity of premenstrual syndrome decreases, the cycle of menstruation is regulated, it becomes less painful.
  9. Fear of childbirth, poor lactation. There is a normalization of the psycho-emotional state, relief of labor, an increase in milk production.
  10. low potency. Male strength increases, prostate adenoma is prevented.

    Despite the positive properties of the product, there are people who can be harmed by African fruit. It is not recommended to lean on these dried fruits if you:
    • Are you suffering from obesity. High calorie and carbohydrate levels can adversely affect the process of weight loss.
    • Have problems with enzyme production. A rather heavy product that causes discomfort of the digestive tract in case of enzyme deficiency.
    • You suffer from gastritis. Excessive consumption can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
    • prone to enteritis and colitis. Irritation of the large and small intestines is not excluded.
    Dried dates can also cause harm to diabetics. The presence of a disease such as diabetes mellitus is an absolute contraindication to their use. The thing is that the fruit of the date palm is the record holder for the glycemic index. They have an increased ability to increase blood sugar levels.

    How to choose dried dates

    When buying this delicacy, first of all evaluate its color. It should be uniform, not completely dark, as this indicates spoilage, but not quite light - such fruits are considered unripe.

    Wrinkles are a must. Their absence indicates underdoneness, which is why they can ferment. And an excessive amount indicates overdrying.

    There should be no stains, and dried dates should remain whole, with no protruding pits.

    But if you come across raw dates - take it without hesitation, in our area it is a rarity. And all because they, as a rule, do not dry, they are already plucked dry from the palm tree and transported in this form for sale. If you are lucky, when buying, pay attention to the integrity of the fetus, its uniform red-brown color, the absence of any damage, flaws, dots. Ripeness will be indicated by a slight separation from the junction with the twig and slipping of the stone.

    How to eat dried dates

    Date palm fruits are one of the most famous dried fruits in our region.

    The high calorie content of dried dates makes them an excellent snack, and the presence of useful substances classifies them as healthy food. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is optimal to consume no more than 10 fruits per day.

    But when added to dishes, you can increase their number, since heat treatment partially changes the structure of the product. Nutritionists note that the presence of this food additive in dishes and drinks eliminates the need to add sugar.

    Dried date recipes

    Dried fruits are such a versatile product that they are used in a variety of dishes - first and second, hot and cold, appetizers and salads, meat and fish, desserts and drinks.

    We will help you understand the information and tell you about the most popular dishes that acquire a special piquancy thanks to the famous dried fruits. After all, when wondering what to cook from dried dates, housewives can get confused, the variety of recipes offered is so great.

    We definitely recommend trying the following gastronomic delicacies:

    1. Beef in sauce. Even the tough part of the beef becomes soft and tender thanks to this sauce. Diced 500 g of beef fry in olive oil until golden brown. Toast a few slices of rye bread in the oven. Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a cast iron pot, add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, 200 g of dried dates, rye crackers and meat to it. Pour a glass of boiling water, simmer under a closed lid over low heat for 40 minutes. Thanks to the gravy, this meat is especially tasty with mashed potatoes and cereals.
    2. sweet chicken. A great recipe for the original preparation of such a popular product as chicken. Dried fruits will give it a sweet note, emphasize its softness and juiciness. Wash thoroughly, then dry the carcass of a medium chicken. Cut into cubes 100 g of ham, finely chop 100 g of hazelnuts, add to them 1 raw chicken egg, 100 g of finely chopped dried dates, 2 tablespoons of white wine and brandy, a pinch of salt and pepper. Rub the chicken inside and out with a mixture of salt and pepper and a clove of garlic. Stuff the bird, fasten the skin with toothpicks so that the filling does not fall out, put in a saucepan or baking dish, cover with orange slices and whole dates around. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for an hour and a half, until the skin becomes golden and crispy.
    3. Savory appetizer. It will appeal to everyone who likes to experiment with products, discover new shades and combine seemingly incompatible products. Take 150 g dried dates. Rinse them, dry them with paper towels, carefully remove the bones. In the middle of each date, put a piece of any blue cheese, close the fruit, wrap it with a thin strip of bacon. It is better to secure it with a toothpick. Put the appetizer in any baking dish or on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment. Drizzle each roll with balsamic vinegar. Preheat the oven to 180°C, bake for 20 minutes - check if the bacon is done, it should be crispy. Serve both hot and cold. The taste of this appetizer is fantastic.
    4. Fish with dates. As a rule, mackerel is taken for this recipe, but, by and large, you can choose any medium-sized fish. Take fresh or thawed fish, free from the insides. It is not necessary to cut off the head, so it will look better when served. Cut the onion into half rings, cover the fish with it, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Remove the onion, wipe all sides (including the inside) with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stuff with whole dried pitted dates. Secure with toothpicks. Lubricate the carcass on top with olive oil, wrap in foil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 40 minutes. Then slightly open the fish, once again brush with oil on top and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Serve chilled.
    5. Cupcake on beer. The peculiarity of this cupcake is in a very piquant, spicy taste. It literally melts in your mouth, leaving an incredible caramel aftertaste. To prepare it, take 100 g of black and white raisins, 150 g of dried dates, 100 g of candied fruit. Rinse thoroughly and then dry the dried fruits, cut the dates to the size of raisins and candied fruits. Pour 300 ml of dark beer into a saucepan with a thick bottom, send dried fruits, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a pinch of dry ginger, cardamom and nutmeg, zest of one orange to it. Bring to a boil and make a small fire. Add 120 ml of vegetable oil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool thoroughly. Beat 3 eggs until foamy, send them to the cooled dried fruit mixture, gradually introduce 320 g of pre-sifted wheat flour. Line the form with paper, pour the dough into it. Preheat the oven to 180°C, bake until tender (about an hour). Lubricate the finished hot cake with honey, let cool, wrap in parchment. Leave it like this for a day. Then cut into pieces and serve.
    6. Useful candy. Such homemade sweets will be a great alternative to store-bought sweets, the content of which is always unknown. Sweets will please both adults and kids, and parents will not only be sure of their safety, but also enjoy the health benefits. Rinse well in running water 100 g of pitted prunes, raisins, dried apricots and dried dates. Let drain, pat dry with paper towels. Take 100 g of any nuts - cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts or almonds. Lightly dry in a skillet. Grind all ingredients in a blender or meat grinder. Add 3 tablespoons of honey. Form into balls, roll in cocoa. Serve with tea.
    There are also many recipes with dried dates, thanks to which every housewife can easily prepare tasty and healthy drinks. Here are the most popular ones:
    • almond drink. Has a strong tonic effect. Take 50 g of almonds and soak overnight in water. Drain the water, grind the nuts with a blender, add them to 200 ml of mineral water, pass through the blender again. Strain the mixture, add 50 g of dried dates, a pinch of cinnamon and a couple of mint leaves to it. Beat again with a blender. Cool, add honey if necessary.
    • milk smoothie. An invigorating and tasty drink will charge you with a good mood for the whole day. Grind half a large avocado, 100 g dried dates, 1 tablespoon cocoa, 30 g oatmeal, a couple of ice cubes in a blender. When the mass is homogeneous, add 250 ml of cold milk to it, mix again. Serve with a mint leaf.
    • Dried fruits compote. This is a great drink not only for adults, but also for children. Cut into large pieces 4 ripe apples (variety - to taste). Pour a dozen dates with warm water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and put to the apples. Pour the base with 2 liters of water, bring to a boil, make a small fire and cook for 20-25 minutes. 5 minutes before the end, add a pinch of cinnamon. The compote should cool in a saucepan, under a closed lid. Refrigerate and enjoy the rich taste tinted with fragrant cinnamon.

    It is worth noting that dates are fruits with a thousand-year history. The Indians believe that the world owes the appearance of palm trees to them, but scientists tend to think that the birthplace of the tree is Mesopotamia, where, according to historical evidence, a fruit plant was grown in the 4th millennium BC. It was often painted on the walls of Babylonian and Assyrian temples. It is repeatedly mentioned in the sacred writings - the Bible and the Koran.

    From then until today, raw and dried fruits have remained a popular food item in the Middle East and North Africa. Due to their high yields, they have always been one of the most affordable in the growing area. The majority of Russians can afford them too.

    Watch a video about dried dates:

    In modern cooking, there are many ways to prepare this product. How to eat dried dates - on their own or in dishes - is up to you. But the fact that at least occasionally you need to pamper yourself with this sweetness is a completely unambiguous statement. After all, it is not in vain that people have paid tribute to the beneficial properties of the fetus for thousands of years.

    Dates- the fruits of the date palm, a tall tree of the palm family, with long (up to 6 meters) large leaves. Dates - juicy berries, large, oval or spherical amber-red color.

    Dates are an amazing fruit, which in many countries are credited with properties to improve health and prolong life. It is said that in China there are centenarians whose diet is exclusively based on dates. In any case, this is a very healthy product, and many nutritionists recommend eating it instead of sweets. In addition, dates have been known for their healing properties since ancient times.

    Doctors have found that low blood sugar often leads to the fact that a person experiences an exorbitant feeling of hunger, and after eating just a few dates, the feeling of hunger disappears. Thus, if a fasting person first eats dates when breaking the fast, then later he will be satisfied with a small amount of food, will not overeat and will not harm either his spiritual or physical health.


    Proteins (5.8%).

    Fats (0.2-0.5%).

    Carbohydrates - 60-65% - the highest percentage compared to all other fruits.

    15 salts and minerals. The amount of mineral compounds in dried dates varies from 0.1 to 91%.

    So, minerals are represented by phosphorus (30-350 mg/100 g), calcium (34-60 mg/100 g), iron (0.7-6.0 mg/100 g), potassium (up to 700 mg/100 g ), sodium (up to 1 mg/100 g), copper, magnesium, zinc, manganese, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, etc.

    Oil (0.2-0.5%).

    23 different amino acids that are missing from most other fruits.
    Dates are also rich in the essential amino acid tryptophan, which is also essential for optimal brain function and maintaining a normal mental state, especially in old age. Tryptophan prevents aging: a sufficient amount of it in food allows you to stop the aging process of cells. In addition, thanks to tryptophan, dates have a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

    In addition to tryptophan, dates also contain another amino acid, glutamic acid, which prevents heartburn by neutralizing excess stomach acid.

    Vitamin B (0.07-0.09 mg/100 g), B2 (0.05-0.1 mg/100 g), B5 (0.1-2.2 mg/100 g), vitamin C (up to 30 mg / 100 g), as well as pantothenic acid (B5), niacin, vitamins A, A 1.

    Pectin (0.5-3.9%).

    Dietary fiber (6.4-11.5%).

    Beta-carotene (30-145 mg/kg).

    Fluoride protects teeth from caries.

    Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease.

    Due to the combination of a huge amount of sugars (glucose and fructose (26-55%), which are quickly absorbed by the body) with vitamin B 5, date palm fruits have a valuable property not only to quickly satisfy hunger, but also to restore physical strength, energy and freshness of the brain and nerves. .

    Like most plant foods, dates do not contain cholesterol.

    The energy value 100 g of the edible part of the fruit - 142-274 calories, dried or dried - 340 calories. The fruits contain from 40.0 to 77.5% of dry matter. The date is low in calories, so feel free to use it instead of sweets, and your weight will be normal.

    Buying at least 200 g of dates on the market, you buy an incredible amount of minerals, salts and vitamins.

    Scientists believe that 10 dates a day is enough to meet the daily human need for magnesium, copper, sulfur, half of the need for iron, a quarter of the need for calcium.

    So, eating only dates and water, you can live for several years.

    Modern medicine has also paid quite close attention to dates as the subject of many years of study, academic research, during which numerous beneficial features this product.

    Among them:

    Dates are an excellent tool in the fight against harmful amoeba;

    Dates contain substances that kill pathogenic bacteria in the human body;

    Dates are an indispensable food and medicine for astronauts, and they are also much healthier than caviar;

    Dates contain substances that promote increased contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which greatly facilitates the process of childbirth in a woman, makes it quick and not so painful;

    Dates contain vitamin A, which maintains and improves vision at night;

    Due to the presence of vitamin B, dates are very useful for the normal functioning and development of the muscular system;

    Dates improve appetite;

    Dates are fruit, food, medicine, drink and sweetness.

    Of course, it is clear that a person can live without dates, but they are extremely beneficial for health.

    With mental stress
    It is believed that dried dates have a beneficial effect on the brain, increasing its performance by 20% or more;

    With physical fatigue and exhaustion
    Just half an hour after eating dates, even a very tired person regains strength and energy;

    With diseases of the respiratory tract;

    For cardiovascular diseases
    Due to the high content of potassium. In case of heart failure, dates stimulate the activity of the heart, serve as a tonic and tonic, restore strength after a long illness;

    With anemia, anemia;

    To prevent the development of ulcers and cancer of the stomach, intestines
    Pectin and dietary fiber increase intestinal motility, thereby preventing the development of cancer;

    To increase the amount of male seed;

    With impotence;

    With disorders of the nervous system;

    For successful labor
    It is very useful to use dates for women in order to restore the body after childbirth. Scientific experiments have shown that dates contain special stimulants that strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. And this, in turn, not only facilitates the process of childbirth, but also reduces the period of postpartum hemorrhage;

    With seasickness and motion sickness;

    With colds;

    To prevent miscarriages;

    To strengthen the walls of capillaries;

    To improve digestion, eliminate gastrointestinal disorders
    Dates are very useful for digestion, they have a cleansing effect on the digestive system. And the Russian scientist I. I. Mechnikov recommended consuming dates for intestinal disorders;

    To improve vision, reduce eye fatigue;

    To enhance blood circulation, reduce high blood pressure;

    To reduce side effects from many antibiotics;

    To prevent aging, dates prolong life;

    To enrich mother's milk with vitamins
    The use of dates by nursing mothers contributes to the enrichment of breast milk with many of the most important vitamins for the full development of the child, increasing the resistance of the baby's body to many diseases. Therefore, it is these fruits that modern nutritionists recommend to pregnant and lactating women;

    To heal bleeding gums
    The minerals contained in dates are very important for teeth. They are one of the building and strengthening of dental tissue substances. This is the reason for the benefits of dates for teeth;

    To strengthen the immune system;

    To prevent the formation of carcinogens;

    To reduce the likelihood of blood clots, to help increase resistance to infections;

    For children unbalanced and suffering from nervous disorders;

    To prevent heart disease and blood pressure related diseases;

    For the treatment of edema and dizziness caused by diseases of the inner ear;

    With premenstrual syndrome in women;

    To regulate blood sugar;

    To remove heavy metal ions from the body;

    To eliminate depression in pregnant women;

    To prevent arthritis;

    To suppress pain (contain substances similar in structure to aspirin);

    To reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer
    Sometimes patients do not have enough money for expensive medicines. But this is not such an irreparable problem. The benefits of dates in the treatment of cancer are very great. The patient can eat dates, and this must necessarily give a positive effect. During the year, dates can always be found in most shops at a relatively low price;

    To improve metabolism in the body and lower blood cholesterol levels;

    In the treatment of helminthic invasions of the liver and jaundice, due to the presence of vitamin B, dates are an excellent addition;

    Like date sugar poultices. They are effective for muscle pain.

    Since sun-dried and dried dates have a sticky surface and can be contaminated with contaminants and bacteria, they should not be kept outdoors for a long time, but should be washed before use.


    Gastrointestinal gas formation

    There are pressed dates with ground black cumin.

    Means for growth and lengthening of eyelashes

    Burn and grind a few pressed dates. Before going to bed, bring your eyes with the resulting powder.

    Disorder and pain of the colon

    Take on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and then eat 7 pressed dates. And in the evening before going to bed, take 1 teaspoon of camel hay oil and drink 100 ml of black cumin decoction.


    Often drink a decoction of dates with rice.

    Anemia, impotence and chronic fatigue

    Put 10 fresh dates in a liter jar, add 1 teaspoon of ginger, 1/8 teaspoon of cardamom and a pinch of saffron. Close the jar and leave it in a warm place for at least 2 weeks. After that, eat a date every morning.


    When treating a migraine, it is advisable to start with a back and neck massage. Next, the doctor will prescribe homeopathic remedies. In addition, you need to drink Chinese green tea daily, as it lowers intracranial pressure. In the first weeks after the start of treatment, it makes sense to drink an infusion of horsetail grass (1/5 cup 3 times a day) and eat 50-100 g of dates daily.

    Nervous diseases

    Eat dates with a glass of milk.

    Exhaustion and thinness

    More often eat dates along with nuts, such as peanuts.

    Recipe to improve mucus flow and soothe joint pain

    Make date honey and drink 3 times a day.


    Mix dates, honey, black cumin and Alexandrian leaf (cassia), taken in a ratio of 1: 1. Consume in small portions.

    Firming (tonic) means

    Grind an equal amount of pressed dates, camel hay, black myrobalan, ginger, cinnamon and mix everything with honey, heating over low heat. Then pour the mixture with coconut milk and eat like jam.

    To increase potency

    Pour a glass of dates with 2 glasses of fresh milk, add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder there. Mix well, leave for 24 hours in a cool place. Eat dates during the day with milk. Daily use of a mixture of dates, milk and cinnamon will increase sexual desire and make semen abundant. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter period.

    prescription for constipation

    Pour 5 pieces of dates with 0.5 liters of water and boil like compote. Pour the cooled broth into a glass and drink on an empty stomach. And with the remaining "compote" do this: throw a handful of oatmeal there, mix and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Here's your breakfast, tasty and healthy.

    Treatment of stroke and facial paralysis

    Ripe soft dates should be pitted, passed through a meat grinder and eat 2-3 teaspoons of this paste 3 times a day after meals. If it is difficult to swallow, you can slightly dilute with milk or ghee. The course of treatment is a month or more.

    Remedy for indigestion (ancient recipe)

    A decoction of dates with rice is an excellent remedy for indigestion: pour 5 washed fruits with a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool, remove the bones, rub the pulp and add the decoction. Mix a glass of boiled rice with the resulting mixture and use for dessert. It is important not to overdo it, because the abuse of dates can cause a headache.

    For good bowel function

    Mix 5 chopped fresh dates, 1 teaspoon of melted butter and 2 pinches of black pepper. This mixture should be eaten early in the morning from 5.30 to 6.00 am, after which no food or drink should be taken for 2 hours. Such a mixture enhances the absorption and assimilative functions of the intestine, and also improves bone tissue nutrition, stool formation, and muscle tone.

    Although ghee is a saturated oil, its molecular structure is different from other animal fats. It is made up of short chain fatty acids (easily absorbed by the body), as opposed to long chain fatty acids (which are difficult to digest and cause cancer and blood clots). Ghee is more nutritious and studies have shown that, if consumed in moderation, does not increase blood cholesterol levels.

    With anemia, sexual weakness and chronic fatigue syndrome

    Place 10 fresh dates in a jar of ghee (about 1 liter), add 1 teaspoon ginger, 1/8 teaspoon cardamom and a pinch of saffron. Close the lid and leave in a closed warm place for a week. After a week, eat 1 date early in the morning. It is a good remedy for anemia, sexual weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome and morning sickness during pregnancy.

    For palpitations and chest pain

    Two dates, crushed and mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey, are a good remedy for palpitations and chest pains.

    With hypertension

    If the patient does not have high blood sugar, you can eat 50-100 g of dates every morning half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, a break of 10 days, after which the course can be repeated.

    With hoarseness and dry cough

    Boil 10 dates for half an hour in 0.5 liters of water. Drink the decoction hot. You can also boil 6-7 dried dates in 1 glass of milk.

    To increase vitality

    Date drink: Soak 5 fresh dates in a glass of water overnight. The next day, grind the dates (don't forget to remove the pits) in the same water in a blender and drink. The drink will give you vitality and energy.

    Children's recipes

    1. Dried dates are good for children to chew when they are teething.

    2. For teething diarrhea, give your child half a spoonful of date sugar with 1 teaspoon of honey 2-3 times a day. Date sugar is an excellent substitute for white sugar and is a rich source of iron.

    Contraindications and side effects.

    If you do not use dates in large quantities, you can not be afraid of side effects.

    People suffering from acute gastritis, enteritis, colitis should consume them in small quantities.

    2) Due to the high sugar content, they are not recommended for diabetics, as well as people prone to obesity and overweight.

    3) Abuse of these fruits can cause severe headache.

    4) Dates are digested for a long time, so they are not recommended to be consumed 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

    In terms of calories, dates are superior to all other fruits. And now dates are for Arabs, which is bread for Russians. They eat them boiled and fried, make jams, jellies, various drinks.

    In dried or dried form, dates are very well preserved. Since ancient times, they were taken with them on long trips (they do not take up much space and are very high in calories). They are served with tea along with figs and other sweets.

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