What vitamins are in peas. Peas for weight loss. Composition and useful properties of peas

Peas - annual herbaceous plant. The stem is hollow, with clinging tendrils of various lengths. The color of the stem is from light green to dark gray-green. Most varieties of vegetable peas have white, bisexual, self-pollinating flowers. The fruit of the pea is a bean, which is often called a pod.

The fruit of peas is a bean, depending on the variety, it has a different shape, size and color. Each bean contains 4-10 seeds arranged in a row. The shape and color of the seeds is varied, their surface is smooth or wrinkled. The color of the seed coat corresponds to the color of the flowers of this plant.

There are two main groups of peas: peeling and sugar.

Peeling varieties differ from sugar varieties by the presence of a parchment layer with inside bean shells, making them inedible. Such peas are grown to produce green peas for canning.

sugar varieties do not have partitions (parchment layer) and are grown for unripe beans (shoulder blades). Unripe, tender whole beans, without husking the seeds, are eaten. There is also a semi-sugar type of vegetable peas, where the parchment layer is weakly expressed and is noticeable only in dried beans.

Peas were widely cultivated in ancient india and ancient China, where it is a symbol of fertility and wealth. AT Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome peas were the main food of the poor people, and in France in the 16th century. peas with fried pork fat were served both at the table of the king and at the table of the commoner.

In Spain, as in Russia, one of the favorite foods was pea soup with ham. The Germans highly appreciated and loved peas. They widely cultivated it, prepared many dishes from it, and in the 19th century. even pea sausage appeared in the daily diet of German soldiers. But such a popular love, as in Russia, "king-peas" does not have anywhere in the world.

Calorie content of peas

low calorie, dietary product containing 55 kcal per 100 g. Boiled peas contain 60 kcal. And in dried peas it is noted increased content carbohydrates and its calorie content is 298 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, in this form it is not recommended to use peas in large quantities obese people.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of peas

Peas are the richest source of protein - among vegetable crops. Pea proteins are similar to meat proteins. contain a number essential amino acids(cystine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine). Also in peas a lot ascorbic acid(up to 59 mg%), available various sugars(more than 7%), starch (1-3%), vitamins, group B, provitamin A, carotene, fiber.

nutritional value peas are 1.5-2 times higher than potatoes and other vegetables, in addition, peas are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron salts. In its composition, peas also have magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt.

The pods contain a lot of chlorophyll, iron and substances that control the content of calcium in the body. Shelled peas are deprived of vitamins and important trace elements.

Fresh garden peas have mild diuretic properties. It also provides relief from ulcers stomach pain because it helps to get rid of acids in the stomach. But with an ulcer, peas should be eaten in the form of mashed potatoes.

Peas have no other particularly valuable healing properties. People who are deficient in vitamin A should eat it raw, in the form of puree or juice, not combined with starchy foods, to get maximum benefit from the vitamin A it contains.

Recently, scientists published the results of their research, where they convincingly proved that ordinary peas are a real medicine. Pea fruits contain high percent antioxidants (substances that delay oxidation), protein and essential minerals such as calcium and iron. Peas reduce the likelihood oncological diseases, heart attack, hypertension and slows down the aging process of the skin.

Peas are indispensable for maintaining a healthy heart, as they are very low in fat (some varieties do not have it at all), there is no cholesterol and sodium, but there are fibers that reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Peas help control diabetes because carbohydrates are made up of glucose and fructose, which go (without insulin help) directly into the bloodstream.

Peas contain pyridoxine, which is involved in the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids. The lack of this vitamin causes dermatitis and convulsions. Per great content selenium peas are considered as an anti-carcinogenic agent.

And thanks to the content of fibers, carotene and vitamin C (in the absence of fats), peas contribute to the prevention of cancer.

Green peas, which are called a vitamin pill, are especially valuable. In terms of calories, green peas are one and a half times higher than other vegetables. This is one of the most protein-rich vegetables, and its proteins contain very important amino acids - cystine, lysine, arginine, tryptophan, methionine and others.

Since ancient times, peas have served as a source of flour, which is reflected in its name. Even today, pea flour is sometimes added to the dough when baking some types of wheat bread in order to increase its calorie content and nutritional value.

Peas have been known in Russia since ancient times. Among vegetable crops, this is the richest source of protein, it contains a lot of ascorbic acid, there are various sugars, vitamins PP, group B, starch, carotene, fiber. Soups, mashed potatoes, kissels and other dishes are made from it.

Compared to peas, lentils contain less fat and are an excellent source of iron. It perfectly complements meat and vegetable dishes. And its main advantage is the speed of preparation.

Nutrient content per pound (453.59 g):
Calcium: 115 (mg), Magnesium: 107 (mg), Sodium: 69 (mg), Potassium: 873 (mg), Phosphorus: 329 (mg), Chlorine: 137 (mg), Sulfur: 190 (mg),
Iron: 9.4 (mg), Zinc: 3.18 (mg), Iodine: 5.1 (mcg), Copper: 750 (mcg), Manganese: 1.75 (mg), Selenium: 13.1 (mcg) ), Chromium: 9 (mcg), Fluorine: 30 (mcg),
Molybdenum: 84.2 (mcg), Boron: 670 (mcg), Vanadium: 150 (mcg), Silicon: 83 (mg), Cobalt: 13.1 (mcg), Nickel: 246.6 (mcg),
Tin: 16.2 (mcg), Titanium: 181 (mcg), Strontium: 80 (mcg), Zirconium: 11.2 (mcg), Aluminum: 1180 (mcg)

Peas are one of the most ancient crops. Scientists believe that it was first grown about 8,000 years ago in the Middle East (on the territory of the Fertile Crescent). Evidence of this was found in Iraq during excavations of settlements dating back to the Neolithic era. Later, about 6000 years ago, peas began to be cultivated in continental Europe, in India and Afghanistan. After 4,000 years, this culture reached China, and in the 8th century AD it was brought to Great Britain. Peas came to America thanks to Christopher Columbus. There is historical evidence that in 1493 the famous explorer first sowed it on Isabella Island.

Until the middle of the 17th century, people ate only fully ripe peas. It was used to make porridge lard, simple, but very satisfying and nutritious bread. However, in 1660, the court cook of King Louis XIV introduced a fashion in France for the consumption of unripe seeds of this plant. Soon, green pea dishes became popular all over the world.

Today, peas are grown in most countries with a temperate or warm climate. The fruits of this plant are used in the preparation of cereals, salads, soups and fillings for pastries. In Asia, they are salted, seasoned with spices and fried in in large numbers oils. In addition, peas and decoctions prepared from its fruits are used as aids in the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies.

Botanical description of the plant

Pea is a plant of the legume family, which has a winding tetrahedral stem up to 100 cm high. At the tips of bright green parotid leaves, tendrils grow, which allow the culture to cling to other herbs and shrubs. Peas bloom in the first half of summer with bisexual single flowers of white or pink color.

The plant begins to bear fruit in the second half of July. Its fruits are flattened bivalve beans, inside which are spherical green seeds. As the valves of the pod and pea ripen, they turn yellow.

Nutritional value of peas

Information about the nutrients contained in a 100-gram serving of peas is presented in the table.

Also in the composition of this product there is an almost complete set of essential amino acids.

Vitamins in the product

Peas are a rich source of vitamins. The table provides data on how many of them are contained in a 100-gram serving of this product.

Also in the edible part of the fruit of the plant there is a rare vitamin H - biotin. The content of this compound in dry peas is 18.732 μg per 100 g, in green - 5.291 μg per 100 g.

Useful elements in peas

Both green and dry peas contain whole complex useful substances, without which it is impossible to complete and right job organism. The list of these nutrients is presented in the table.

Nutrient in 100 g of dry peas 100 g green (unripe) peas
Chlorine 136.514 mg 34.248 mg
Potassium 872.509 mg 284.773 mg
Magnesium 106.883 mg 37.904 mg
Sulfur 189.719 mg 47.474 mg
Calcium 114.893 mg 25.964 mg
Phosphorus 328.606 mg 121.034 mg
Silicon 82.464 mg 21.511 mg
Sodium 32.414 mg 1.999 mg
trace elements
Cobalt 13.094 mcg 3.268 mcg
Iodine 5.078 mcg 1.271 mcg
Fluorine 29.066 mcg 7.448 mcg
Aluminum 1179.576 mcg 294.798 mcg
Molybdenum 84.163 mcg 20.981 mcg
Zinc 3.162 mg 0.794 mg
Vanadium 149.788 mcg 37.466 mcg
Nickel 246.487 mcg 61.647 mcg
Selenium 13.002 mcg 3.269 mcg
Manganese 1.748 mg 0.438 mg
Tin 16.172 mcg 4.048 mcg
Chromium 8.176 mcg 2.243 mcg
Bor 669.047 mcg 168.007 mcg
Copper 749.112 mcg 187.446 mcg
Iron 6.792 mg 0.688 mg

Sometimes in chemical composition fruits, small doses of titanium and zirconium are found.

Product calorie content

The energy value of 100 g of dried peas is 297.814 kcal. A full glass of this product contains 684.972 kcal, a tablespoon - 74.454 kcal, a teaspoon - 29.781 kcal. Calorie content of 100 g of boiled peas - 59.883 kcal, green (unripe) - 72 kcal.

The benefits of peas

  • Peas are a valuable food product containing a whole range of vital necessary for a person nutrients. Therefore, dishes from it are useful for people recuperating after long illnesses, severe mental and physical activity. Regular consumption of this product helps to avoid beriberi.
  • The protein present in the composition of peas is practically not inferior in its properties to animal proteins. In addition, it is much easier to digest in the human gastrointestinal tract.
  • Substances that enter digestive tract when eating pea dishes, they accelerate lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • A decoction prepared on the basis of the mature fruits of the plant has diuretic properties, helps to remove stones and sand from the urinary system. For therapeutic purposes, it is enough to drink half a glass of this drink every 4 hours.
  • The beneficial nutrients found in peas help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  • The liquid remaining after boiling the seeds of this plant has astringent properties. Therefore, in traditional medicine it is used to treat diarrhea, bloating and flatulence.
  • Saturated pea decoction has antiseptic properties. In alternative medicine, it is used to treat areas of the skin affected by dermatological diseases(psoriasis, eczema, pityriasis versicolor, etc.).
  • Useful nutrients contained in pea dishes strengthen the heart muscle, normalize heart rate, give elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, and help remove excess cholesterol from the body. Therefore, with their regular consumption, the likelihood of developing cardiac diseases is sharply reduced.
  • Unripe peas contain compounds that provide complete and proper nutrition brain cells.
  • Peas contain a complete set of B vitamins that strengthen the nervous system. This product helps to remove psycho-emotional stress, reduce bad influence stress on the body, improve mood, prevent the development depressive states cope with somnological disorders.
  • Pea dishes are useful for people suffering from hemorrhoids. They contain substances that can slow down the spread of the inflammatory process, reduce discomfort and pain, and stop rectal bleeding.
  • boiled peas - effective remedy from heartburn. In order to get rid of discomfort, it is enough to eat 1-2 tbsp. spoons of this product.
  • The liquid that remains after boiling peas helps to get rid of a strong dry cough. After each coughing fit it is enough to drink 2 sips of the remedy.
  • A decoction of pea shells helps reduce the risk of developing malfunctions prostate. AT preventive purposes the remedy should be drunk 1/3 cup a day.
  • Warm dough made from flour obtained by grinding dried peas helps to get rid of boils, abscesses and carbuncles. A cake made from it is applied for an hour to the problem area.
  • Traditional healers use unripe peas to treat festering wounds and erysipelas skin. The fruits of the plant are ground into gruel, combined with egg white and treat the problem area with the resulting composition. The remedy prepared according to this recipe helps to quickly get rid of bruises and bruises.
  • Substances that enter the body when eating peas activate the production of hemoglobin, prevent the occurrence of malfunctions in the hematopoietic system. Therefore, cereals and other dishes from this product are useful for people suffering from anemia.
  • Cosmetic masks based on ground peas help get rid of unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Pea flour is bred boiled water, after which the resulting mass is applied to the problem area for 20 minutes.
  • Masks of mashed green peas with the addition of whey help to smooth out wrinkles, make the skin velvety, matte and supple.

Contraindications and harm of peas

  • Peas can provoke the appearance allergic reactions. Therefore, people who have previously been diagnosed with legume allergies should eliminate it from their diet.
  • Abuse of peas can lead to the development of diarrhea, flatulence, bloating.
  • Dishes from this product are contraindicated in nephritis and inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract.
  • Peas are rich in purines - compounds that increase concentration uric acid in the body and the accumulation of its salts in the joints. Therefore, doctors advise people suffering from gout to refuse dishes prepared on its basis.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend drinking cold water immediately after eating peas. Failure to comply with this rule increases the risk of intestinal colic.

In appearance, ordinary healthy and nutritious peas have a rich history in world culinary. Its seeds were found by archaeologists during the excavation of layers dating back to the late Stone Age, and this suggests that green peas were known more than 20 thousand years ago.

According to legend, this bean appeared from the tears of Adam, while he was expelled from paradise, he had to plow the land to feed his family, his tears falling into the plowed soil turned into peas

Like it or not, but green peas are common everywhere and in different countries and cultures, it is given a mystical meaning associated with beneficial properties for the body and the fertility of the culture. Translated into Chinese, peas sound like this - fertile, and in the Czech Republic, by the number of fruits stuck in a wedding dress after the sprinkling ceremony green peas brides, predicted how many children there would be in a new family.

The nutritional value

Peas belong to the legume family and rank second among vegetable crops in terms of protein, which makes them a valuable food product, especially for those who adhere to vegetarianism. In European countries, pea flour sausage was almost the main dish in the diet of soldiers, since beneficial features peas for the body are in the rich content of this culture of protein, vitamins and trace elements, and therefore in the high nutritional value of dishes prepared from it. The benefit of peas is that for people who do not eat meat, this bean becomes a source of high-quality vegetable protein.

Green peas have the following nutritional values:

It should be noted that boiled peas are harmful to people prone to obesity. Having the same indicators as green, dried, canned and boiled, it has more high calorie content 298 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Young peas are useful because they contain a lot important vitamins and trace elements, is simply indispensable in the spring, when the body is deficient fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, a fresh young green bean is a great opportunity to make up for the lack of vitamins, which in fact is its main benefit for the human body. The canned bean, although it has undergone the necessary technological processing, will still contain most useful substances.

You can find out what vitamins are in peas from the following table:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Carotene A 0.002
Vitamin B1 0.81
Vitamin B2 0.15
Vitamin B3 6.5
Vitamin B5 2.2
Vitamin B6 0.27
Folic acid 0.016
Tocopherol 0.7
Vitamin H 0.02

Such vitamins in peas as H and representatives of group B are involved in many important processes in the body, contribute to the restoration of the mucosa, affect the functioning of the intestines, improve the condition of cardio-vascular system.

In addition, green peas contain many important minerals:

per 100 grams of product mineral content mg
Potassium 837
Phosphorus 329
Sulfur 190
Chlorine 137
Calcium 115
Magnesium 107
Silicon 83
Sodium 33
Iron 6.8
Zinc 3
Manganese 1.75

Useful properties and harm

There are more than a hundred varieties of peas, but they are all divided into two types: sugar - used for food in green form along with pods, and peeling - suitable for canning and dry consumption. In cooking, peas are used in sprouted, green, dry, boiled and canned form, and each of them is beneficial to health in one way or another.


Fresh green peas are useful because they contain vitamins and flavonoids (natural antioxidants) and help prevent oxidation processes in the body, which means it is useful for preventing the occurrence of neoplasms and tumors.


Fresh green peas, good for circulatory system, improves biochemical indicators blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents myocardial infarction. In addition, germinated is successfully used in cardiology. However, the high content of purines leading to an increase in urea in the blood makes it harmful for children under three years of age, as well as those who have a tendency to urolithiasis, gout, arthritis and allergies.


Canned peas are indispensable in the winter menu, because, against the background of their relatively low calorie content of 53 kcal, they are successfully used in weight loss diets, contain a huge range of useful trace elements, vitamins and amino acids. Canned beans are rich in fiber, which helps to eliminate toxins and cholesterol from the body. Nucleic acids, which are used for the regeneration of connective tissues and skin rejuvenation, are also present in it. However, canned with a large use of it can be harmful. In conjunction with meat products canned and boiled peas can provoke fermentation in the intestines, so it is advisable to use these products separately from each other.


Dried peas - retains all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in its green fruits, and theoretically also suitable for diets for weight loss. However, when dried, the starch content increases in it, which leads to an increase in caloric content by almost four times. Therefore, boiled peas in large quantities can be harmful for people who are prone to obesity, or watching their figure. At the same time, such a product will be relevant during the winter fast or if a vegetarian diet is observed, and for weight loss - only in small quantities.


Sprouted peas - is of invaluable importance in folk medicine as part of potions, powders and decoctions from sprouted seeds. So a decoction of sprouted peas is a natural diuretic that can improve the course of urolithiasis. Masks, which include germinated seeds, can rejuvenate the skin of the face and significantly improve its contours.

For weight loss

Is it possible to use peas in diet food and for weight loss? Since this product is a good diuretic and has a low calorie content in its fresh, green form, its use by people seeking to reduce their weight will only benefit. But dishes from dry, boiled peas, especially in large quantities, on the contrary, contribute to weight gain, since they are not inferior in calories to potatoes.

Despite many contraindications for consumption, peas are a crop whose nutritional value cannot be overestimated. The variety of its types will allow each person to cook healthy dish with peas, such as salad, porridge, broth or cosmetic product for facial skin.

Many people do not even think about the fact that they contain a unique range of vitamins and minerals while eating green peas, which have a positive effect on human health. Green beans contain vitamins A, B, C, and K. Mineral composition includes potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc.

Good metabolism and vitality

Peas are one of the few plants that are rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6). They are playing important role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the human body. Besides fresh peas helps to produce more energy, which supports numerous reactions in the body. Also he is good source iron, which helps prevent anemia and fatigue.


Peas are a good source of pyridoxine and folic acid. These nutrients help improve the health of the human cardiovascular system. They protect the heart harmful effects toxins. Vitamin K supports healthy blood clotting, thereby avoiding cardiovascular diseases and reducing the risk of stroke.


Green peas are great for bone health. It is a good source of vitamin K1, which activates the protein collagens in bones and supports the supply of calcium to the bones. One cup of boiled peas provides about 50% of the recommended daily allowance vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 deficiency interferes with bone mineralization. Peas are also rich in vitamin B6 and folic acid that strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


Green beans are a good source of vitamin C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. 100 g of peas contain 40 micrograms of vitamin C. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C are used in cancer prevention, helping to prevent cancer of the cervix, ovaries and pancreas.


As mentioned earlier, peas are rich in vitamin C, which helps protect body cells from harmful effects. free radicals. Moreover, it enhances general level body immunity. Foods rich in vitamin C and iron help the body fight various diseases. This vitamin also reduces the risk of many infections.

Proper functioning of the stomach

Green peas are very rich in fiber. 100 g contains 5 g of fiber. It's vital important component which promotes proper digestion. Eating fiber helps cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and carcinogens, thereby reducing the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases and colon cancer. Also, fiber helps prevent constipation, and being low in calories, helps fight excess weight.

Vitamin content in peas (per 1 cup 137.75 g):

About such a representative of the plant kingdom as peas, which belongs to the legume family, it became known back in the Stone Age. It was at that time that people learned that the vitamins in peas are the main reason for the benefits they bring to the body. After the legume passed the cultivation procedure, it began to be widely used as food in India, China and Tibet.

In Russia, peas became known at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when from France this vegetable came to the tables of people belonging to high society in raw, canned and cooked according to special recipe form. Given the fact that this crop is resistant to cold weather, the country quickly learned how to grow it correctly.

The nutritional value of vegetables

Calorie content of 100 g of vegetable fresh equals 55 kilocalories, which makes it indispensable in the diet of people seeking to lose weight. As regards the content of the main chemical elements, their number is equal to:

  • proteins - 5 g;
  • fat - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.4 g.

The rest of the product is filled with vitamin and minerals, causing it beneficial effect on the human body.

Vitamin composition

The benefits of the product are due to the vitamin substances that make up its composition. They are groups of vitamins:

Vitamins per 100 grams of productContent
Vitamin A67 mcg
Vitamin B10.34 mg
Vitamin B20.19 mg
Vitamin B450 mg
Vitamin B50.8 mg
Vitamin B60.17 mg
Vitamin B920 mcg
Vitamin C25 mg
Vitamin E2.6 mg
Vitamin H5.3 mg
Vitamin PP3 mg
  • A, involved in the normalization of metabolism, correcting the number of fatty abnormalities, strengthening cells and tissues internal organs that reduce the risk of developing cancer contributing to the reduction of cholesterol deposits;
  • PP, normalizing metabolic, redox processes, contributing to the restoration of energy and strength, reducing the risk of thrombosis, leading to stroke and heart attacks;
  • K dealing with elimination toxic substances from the outside, slowing down the aging process, preventing increased bleeding at the time surgical interventions, wounds;
  • E, contributing to an increase in the activity of erythroid cells, restoring the normal amount of components of the genetic material;
  • C, Eliminating inflammatory processes activating activity immune system contributing to the improvement of well-being;
  • B1, eliminating the risk of developing diseases nervous system that improve mnestic processes, promote the removal of cholesterol deposits, slow down the aging process;
  • B2, which prevent the development of eye diseases, improve a person’s resistance to stress and depression, strengthen muscle tissues, and reduce the harmful effects of nicotine on a person;
  • B4, contributing to the activation of male seminal cells, improving the absorption of substances nutritional nature in the blood, activating the work of the brain;
  • B5, preventing the development pathological conditions associated with aging, involved in the production of new cellular structures;
  • B6, promoting activation defensive forces, restoring blood pressure indicators ( blood pressure) participating in metabolic processes, the creation of new cells of the erythroid series;
  • B7, stabilizing glucose levels, necessary to normalize the condition in diabetes mellitus;
  • B8, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Mineral composition

Being interested in what vitamins are contained in peas, people quite often forget about the minerals contained in it, which become the reason for the benefits brought by a vegetable to a person. The main minerals present in the product are:

All of them help to improve the state of the body by normalizing hemoglobin levels, improving the functioning of the nervous system, activating the immune system, strengthening bone tissue, better assimilation vitamin.

Useful properties of the product

The main beneficial properties of a leguminous plant, which become the reason for its widespread and constant use, are:

  • improvement in the presence of convulsive syndrome;
  • elimination of the causes of the appearance of diseases of a skin nature;
  • protection from exposure to harmful environmental factors, absorption of radioactive metals;
  • impact on the body as an anti-carcinogen;
  • removal of helminths, antiseptic effect;
  • elimination of edema;
  • improvement of the functioning of the organs of the "cardiac" system;
  • reducing the risk of developing urolithiasis;
  • reduction in the amount of cholesterol deposits;
  • cleansing the digestive tract from toxins and other harmful elements;
  • increase the amount of energy produced in the body;
  • activation of thought processes;
  • rejuvenating effect on external and internal organs;
  • participation in normal formation skeleton.

However, not everyone is shown the use of a vegetable in canned, raw, cooked form. There are certain groups of people for whom this product is prohibited.

Groups of people at risk for eating vegetables

The presented plant of the legume family is not recommended for people suffering from:

  • various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cholecystitis;
  • jade;
  • gout.

It is not recommended to give vegetables in any form to children in the afternoon. It is believed that its use after dinner can cause night colic, bloating, gas formation, which interfere with sleep not only for the child, but also for his parents. Children who have not reached one year old, but who use peas as one of the complementary foods, it is recommended to give it along with dill to reduce negative impact on the organs of the digestive system.

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