Medicinal properties of roots. Burdock root application. Folk recipes for using burdock root

Many people know that ethnoscience involves the use various parts representatives of the flora from flowers to roots. Today I will consider healing properties plant roots, in what diseases they can be useful, and when it is better to refrain from such treatment.

Healing properties of plant roots

Burdock root

Burdock root is quite often used in various folk remedies. Such popularity is dictated by the special chemical composition this part of a very common plant. It contains the following chemical compounds: tannins, vegetable proteins, polysaccharides, vitamins, a large number of minerals.

The polysaccharide inulin contained in burdock roots has a positive effect on various links carbohydrate metabolism, promotes bonding and rapid withdrawal toxins. Drugs based on burdock root, obviously due to the presence of this substance, are used as a lipid-lowering agent (they normalize the content of fats and cholesterol in the blood plasma).

Infusions and decoctions of burdock roots are effectively used as cholagogue. The use of such drugs can be extremely useful in the presence of biliary dyskinesia and some other pathology of the digestive system.

In a relationship gastrointestinal system the presence of a mild laxative effect may also be useful. Drugs from the roots of burdock are successfully used for constipation and other pathologies that occur with a violation of the passage of intestinal contents.

Contraindications include following states: individual intolerance, lactation, pregnancy. Strictly speaking, these conditions exclude or limit the possibility of using almost any folk and non-traditional medicines. They can be called general contraindications.

Liquorice root

At the roots of this herbaceous plant contains the following valuable substances for humans: flavonoids, fatty and organic acids, tannins, resins, essential compounds. Give it a sweet taste simple carbohydrates contained in abundance in all its parts.

Most often, drugs from licorice roots are used to normalize the secretory activity of the gastric mucosa. Their use helps to reduce acidity gastric juice and therefore medicinal drugs from it are prescribed for peptic ulcer stomach.

Connoisseurs of traditional medicine claim that infusions of licorice roots are a very effective remedy for combating prostate adenoma. Their regular use, especially rectal, greatly alleviates the condition and prevents the development of complications.

Enemas and baths from infusion of licorice roots can provide an alternative drug treatment hemorrhoids and anal fissure. The effectiveness of these drugs is such that in some cases there is simply no need for pharmaceuticals.

In addition to the previously mentioned general contraindications, the use of rhizomes is unacceptable in the presence of arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, with a tendency to edema.

Valerian root

The effectiveness of this herbal remedy recognized official medicine, and therefore in all pharmacies you can buy alcohol tincture valerian, which has a great sedative effect.

In addition to sedation, it should be noted the presence of antispasmodic effects. Drugs from the roots of valerian, both pharmacy and homemade, help to cope with spastic ailments of the intestines, biliary and urinary tract.

Valerian root potion is an amazingly effective remedy for negative manifestations climacteric syndrome. Beyond soft sedative effect, such medicinal products help to cope with negative symptoms this period: flushes of blood to the face, disorders heart rate and so on.

All contraindications that limit the use of valerian roots are exclusively general character.

Dandelion root

In dandelion horses are useful for humans the following substances: sterols, fixed oils, vegetable proteins, resins, pectins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Drugs based on them are effective means for the treatment of hypoacid conditions (with a reduced amount of hydrochloric acid) stomach.

Dandelion roots - excellent tool to eliminate peripheral edema. Infusions and decoctions of them quickly and safely cope with excess fluid in the tissues, while reducing the load on the heart muscle.

Contraindications for use are not only general. In the presence of stomach ulcers, it is better to refrain from experimenting with dandelion roots.

Chamomile root

From the roots of this plant traditional healers prepare a powder that can stimulate male power and return to the representatives of the stronger sex their former endurance and desire.

An infusion of chamomile roots is very useful as a remedy for preventing stone formation in gallbladder and in the kidneys. In addition, due to the presence of a large number of phytoncides, the use of such drugs is useful for dysbacteriosis and some other disorders of the digestive function.

Contraindications for use are predominantly of a general nature. In addition, such funds are contraindicated in heavy menstruation.


Traditional medicine is most effective in the presence of an integrated approach that intelligently combines traditional and unconventional measures treatment. Therefore, it is more profitable to use the healing properties of plants together with the use of modern pharmaceutical preparations. Do not forget that in medicines on plant-based lots of. They are more concentrated than home remedies and are more targeted.

roots- the underground part of plants (root), necessary for fixing the plant and its nutrition. The root of the plant contains great amount nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. Roots are edible roots that a person uses for gastronomic purposes. The concept of "roots" means by no means the same as "root crops". Root crops are a modified root and taste more like fruits vegetable crops. The roots of their palatability do not change, just like the appearance.

Root crops include such crops as carrots, turnips, celery, rutabaga, chicory. The roots also include lovage, licorice, parsnip, goat's beard, ginger. Our ancestors for a long time fed on the roots of various plants. Nowadays, the roots are widely used in cooking, they are fried, boiled, pickled. From the roots continue to cook healthy drinks and delicious meals.

How to store?

Roots should be stored dry. Parsley, parsnip, celery roots should be thoroughly cleaned and cut into circles. The roots should then be dried and thin layer spread on the opposite. The oven must be heated to 60 degrees, the roots should be dried for 3 hours. Then the root circles are left in a dry place for a few more days so that they dry completely. After two or three days, the circles of the roots are distributed among the jars, tightly closed with lids and sent for storage in a dark, dry place.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of roots are associated with their rich chemical composition. For example, ginger root contains a large amount of substances such as vitamins A, B, C, as well as the minerals magnesium, calcium. The value of ginger lies in the fact that it contains an essential oil, which is recognized as one of the most effective in aromatherapy. Ginger essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, which allows it to be used for sprains, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In aromatherapy, ginger essential oil relieves fear, adds faith in own forces. The oil can be used for headaches, migraines. Ginger root is considered a strong aphrodisiac. Ginger effectively fights frigidity; in some countries, the so-called "harem lollipops" were previously prepared based on ginger.

Celery root rich in vegetable fiber, contains vitamins E, K, PP, as well as riboflavin and thiamine. The use of celery normalizes salt metabolism in the body, is an excellent prevention of rheumatism, gout, arthritis. The fiber in celery root helps to relieve constipation. Celery, due to its low calorie content, can be included in the diet.

chicory roots contain a special substance inulin, which has great value for human body. Inulin is essential for diet food, especially this substance is useful for people suffering from diabetes. The roots also contain ascorbic acid, tannins, carotene and riboflavin.

Use in cooking

In cooking, spicy roots are used quite often, they are prepared as side dishes for meat, fish, or as an independent dish. For example, dried and chopped celery root is used to make sauces and hot dishes. Celery is combined with poultry meat, eggs, and is included in recipes for making homemade sausages. Celery is often used to prepare mushroom dishes, meat sauces, and vegetable side dishes.

Chicory roots have long been used as a substitute for coffee beans. To prepare a fragrant drink, the root was roasted, and then several teaspoons of chicory powder were poured with boiling water. Ground chicory root is also used as a spice.

The benefits of roots and treatment

The benefits of medicinal roots have long been known to mankind. Ginger root used for treatment colds . The antibacterial properties of ginger are great for relieving cold symptoms such as headache, runny nose, cough. For the treatment of SARS, tea is prepared based on ginger. The peeled root is rubbed on a grater and poured with boiling water, then added to the drink. lemon juice and Bee Honey. In order for honey to retain its beneficial features, it is added at the very end, when the drink has already cooled down a bit. Ginger tea has a very tart taste, it is fragrant and warming.

Lovage roots also have useful properties. This part of lovage is used by the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of drugs. for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis . Scientists have proven that lovage enhances the action of antibiotics, and lovage essential oil is effective against fungi. Studies have shown that lovage kills cancer cells. Decoctions and infusions of lovage have a medicinal effect, help with diseases gastrointestinal tract. Lovage also has a positive effect on the nervous system.

celery roots - well-known remedy from joint diseases. If you are worried about body aches, try making a decoction of celery root. To prepare a decoction two large root should be filled with water and boiled over low heat. The boiled root is not thrown away, but eaten with the resulting broth. Celery is very effective means and from the deposition of salts, there were cases when people could no longer even walk, but thanks to the intake of a decoction, a long-awaited relief came.

Damage to roots and contraindications

Roots can harm the body when various diseases. Cannot be consumed this product in medicinal purposes without carefully reading the list of contraindications and without consulting with your doctor.

Chicory root should not be used for stomach ulcers, gastritis. Chicory increases blood pressure, dilates blood vessels. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, chicory root should be used with great care.


A representative of the flora from the legume family has long been considered a medicinal plant that has a restorative effect on the male pelvic organs. For powerful positive influence it is even called a bear root, which gives a person the strength of a thunderstorm in the forests.

Exciting and anti-inflammatory properties are not the only ones that are complemented by an abundance of other features that allow you to comprehensively restore health with the help of this popular natural healer.

This article discusses the useful and healing properties of the red root for men, women and children, indications and contraindications for the use of the herb Kopeck tea, photo of the plant.

The nuances of the purchase, the features of the collection and harvesting of the plant

In pharmacies, kopeck is more common in the form of tinctures and tablets., but only the raw dried root has unchanged properties. It is sold in pharmaceutical chains, sometimes in the markets.

In crushed form, sold as teas which can be brewed immediately. Leaves are also used to make decoctions, but less frequently.

Root score:

  • appearance. Form - sinuous, tangle, branching, color - light brown, surface - soft;
  • taste. Slightly astringent, with notes of sweetness and a pleasant aroma;
  • humidity level. Only a well-dried root is considered quality product: in the presence of moisture increases the risk of rot, mold.

Kopeck is common in a part of Russia remote from the capital - selectively in Western Siberia and almost everywhere - in Altai and the Far East.

The best time to collect is the period from August to September in the budding phase.

Product grinding is not required: thin roots on fresh air dry quickly - in just a few days. Dried raw materials can be stored for up to two years.

Kopechnik is a part of many dietary supplements of directed stimulating action.

About the beneficial properties of the forgotten kopek (red root):

Composition, calories per 100 g, glycemic index and nutritional value

After receiving a serving weighing 100 g, the body absorbs 120 kcal. If consumed in the form of syrup with sugar, then the value is 260 kcal.

Parsing energy value: zero protein and fat content, from 30 to 65 g of carbohydrates (depending on the form of the product).

Kopeck Components:

  • vitamin C, mangiferin;
  • alkaloids, polysaccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • tannins, flavonoids;
  • hedizaride, trace elements.

Glycemic index is 30 units- a moderate value, which can sometimes lead to a slight increase in blood glucose levels.

You know, ? How to use this plant? Answers to questions will be prompted by our article.

You can read about the medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of alfalfa in the material.

The benefits and harms of a spice called cloves are discussed in the publication. Find out more!

What is useful, indications for the use of herbs

fresh grass has the same properties as dried.

Effect on the body:

  • genitourinary system. Inflammation passes, stones are removed faster;
  • CNS. Apathy, dizziness, depression are eliminated;
  • immune. Are getting stronger defensive forces organism;
  • vascular. Increases the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries (vasoprotective effect).

In the presence of chronic fatigue This plant quickly restores the body.

Kopechnik - honey plant. Considered a good fodder plant for livestock.

Benefit, harm to the body

Saturation of the body nutrients reduces the risk of SARS.

Stimulating effect on the intestines improves its permeability, which, with mild laxative properties, helps to quickly eliminate diarrhea.

It is also useful to take the plant for pyelonephritis, cystitis and even prostate adenoma.

Restoring pharmacological properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • astringents;
  • hypertensive;
  • expectorants;
  • immunomodulatory.

Tangible harm can be felt when using kopeck in hot weather, which brings even more discomfort due to the tendency of the substances included in the plant to increase body temperature.

Adult men and women

Kopechnik is often called a substitute for Viagra, however, the environmentally friendly component does not have many restrictions related to an artificially synthesized product.

Can women use red root? Antiseptic effect is useful for women suffering from gynecological disorders.

Anemia after a course of administration quickly disappears due to an increase in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. Prostration, pale color faces are eliminated already in the first week of taking the red root.

Increase in tone intimate muscles provides prevention of omissions - both the uterus and the rectum.

Pregnant and lactating

During the period of gestation, you can not use the red root in any form due to the risk of hypertonicity. At the same time, the risks of provoking a miscarriage increase.

Lactation is also a limiting point, which is dictated by the accumulation active ingredients in milk.

Their entry into the body, not prepared for digestion complex substances leads to colic, allergies and poor appetite.


Children under 12 years of age are prohibited from eating products based on the red root..

Its reception is also contraindicated for boys during puberty due to the exciting effect. The acceleration of sexual development can also lead to an increase in the spread acne.

Old people

In old age, it is useful to use kopeck, since pensioners often suffer from genitourinary disorders.

Reception of the red root allows you to push back the timing of the onset of andropause and increase testosterone levels.

With a tendency to constipation, which occur more often at this age, the intake of the red root is limited.

You can not take it with cardiovascular disorders especially in hypertension.

Allergy sufferers, diabetics, athletes

Allergy. The red root does not cause a specific immune response, except for individual intolerance.

diabetics. Taking a member of the legume family is safe for problematic functioning of the pancreas.

At long-term use the risk of developing diseases of the liver and joints increases due to the sharp removal of toxins and plaques from the vessels.

Athletes. The use of an adaptogen allows you to increase endurance, improve athletic performance.

Potential Hazards and Precautions

It is forbidden to use other adaptogens during the course of treatment with a decoction., which together can lead to hyperactivity.

Taboo on taking a penny:

  • high blood pressure;
  • transferred heart attack;
  • arrhythmia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • damaged brain;
  • liver and kidney failure.

Persons prone to sharp increase excitability, plant-based herbal products are not recommended. Insomnia, tantrums, irritability - possible consequences at course admission.

Despite the ability of kopeck to dissolve stones and facilitate their release, it is dangerous for patients who are diagnosed with large formations.

Getting stuck in the channels, they provoke obstruction, inflammation and lack of alternatives to surgical intervention.

Warning: red root can not be combined with antibiotics.

How to brew and apply: instructions, methods and norms

In its raw form, consumption is not provided, however, fresh kopeck is used to prepare tinctures, which are more effective than options made from dried raw materials.

The use is carried out in the morning and in the afternoon until 15 o'clock to exclude the preservation of activity in the evening. It is permissible to drink no more than half or 3/4 cup per day.

Features of preparing a decoction(removal of the top layer from the roots is not required).

Roots medicinal herbs it is better to dig in autumn

Medicinal roots of burdock, sorrel, dandelion, calamus and other medicinal plants in folk medicine

In autumn, when all herbs, including medicinal ones, wither, it's time to dig up medicinal roots. They now have all the power of nature, the sun, summer. Each root - dandelion, elecampane, chicory, sunflower, cinquefoil, angelica and many other plants - is useful in its own way. One heals the liver and kidneys, the other - the stomach, the third - the joints, the fourth heals wounds ... Healers, herbalists, traditional healers, knowing about the beneficial properties of herbs, have long used different roots to heal the sick. So take a shovel in hand and go to the excavations! And what useful properties these or those roots of herbs have, we will tell you in this article.

Angelica forest (angelica)

Angelica forest, or angelica officinalis

For medicinal purposes, rhizomes with roots are harvested twice a year: in spring, in April-May, they dig up the rhizomes of old plants, and in autumn, in September-October, young ones, those that have not yet bloomed. The dug rhizomes are shaken off the ground, washed in cold water, cut and dried. The finished raw material is reddish-gray in color, with a spicy-caustic aftertaste and a peculiar sharp aroma that intensifies when rubbed.

Angelica preparations are used to improve digestion. Their good diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties are also known. Medicines from angelica are used as a tonic for intestinal disorders, as well as an expectorant drug for bronchitis and laryngitis.

A decoction of angelica root is prepared as follows: 2 table. spoons of crushed root pour 2 cups of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. The broth is drunk half a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals as an antispasmodic, appetite stimulant, expectorant and diaphoretic. For removal nervous tension It is recommended to add peppermint to the decoction.

Angelica root tincture (Pour 1 part of crushed roots with 5 parts of vodka, leave for 2 weeks) take 20-30 drops 3 times a day for asthenia, rheumatism, neurosis, insomnia, cough; externally - for rubbing and aromatic baths with rheumatism, gout, muscle pain.

(Read other recipes for using angelica (angelica).)

Dandelion roots are very beneficial


Dandelion roots are very useful: they contain proteins, vitamins, a large amount of inulin (as much as 40% accumulates in autumn), potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron (due to which, by the way, dandelion roots are hematopoietic agents). In addition, dandelion roots have choleretic action and help to cope with disorders of bile metabolism in the liver, especially with cholecystitis. They also improve appetite and digestion.

For gastritis and colitis it is recommended to drink a decoction of dandelion: 1 table. pour a spoonful of crushed root with 0.5 liters of water, cook for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours. And for diabetes, take half a teaspoon of dandelion powder 3 times a day, diluting it with water.

Burdock roots are used for medicine and for food.


Burdock root (burdock) acts as a strong diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic. Infusion, decoction, extract and ointment of burdock treat rheumatism and gout, burns, diathesis, baldness, diseases of the joints and skin.

To prepare a decoction 30–60 g of crushed dry root is poured into 800 ml of water, boiled until half the volume of liquid boils, filtered, 2–3 tables are added for taste. spoons of honey and drink half a cup 3 times a day.


Sunflower root heals joints

Sunflower roots help to remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, cleanse the joints from salt deposits and treat osteochondrosis. It is necessary to harvest sunflower roots when the plant is fully ripe and has acquired a brown color, and the hat is ready for cutting. Do not dig the roots if the stem is still green and the cap is not ripe, at this time all the juices go up, but when the stem and cap begin to dry, then the root begins to “work for itself”, accumulate healing power. Therefore, it is recommended to dig up sunflower roots for root treatment from mid-autumn until its end. And you need to prepare the thickest central part root. The sunflower root must be cleaned of small lateral roots, the thick central root should be broken with a hatchet in length into 4-6 pieces as thick as a pencil, dried under a canopy in a draft. Break into pieces 1–1.5 cm in size with wire cutters or tongs, and only then the raw material is ready for use.

Sunflower root helps to get rid of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, cleanse the joints of salt deposits. You can prepare a medicine from sunflower roots like this : Boil 1 cup of crushed sunflower roots in 3 liters of water over low heat for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Drain the broth and drink for 3 days gradually, one liter per day, regardless of before or after meals, you can drink instead of water. Then boil the same glass of roots again in 3 liters of water for 10 minutes. Drink according to the same scheme. And, finally, boil the same glass of roots for the third time in 3 liters for 15–20 minutes. As a result, from one glass of roots, 9 liters of a healing decoction are obtained for 9 days of admission. And so you need to boil and drink 7 glasses of roots for two months of treatment. During treatment, you need to follow a diet: do not eat spicy, sour, smoked, do not take alcohol, even beer, then the result will please you.

And another very effective and common recipe - decoction of sunflower roots for joints : Boil 1 cup of crushed sunflower roots in 1 liter of water for an hour over low heat. The broth turns out to be a little more than half a liter, very rich, strong, you should never drink this! Moisten the fabric folded four times with a decoction, apply to the sore joint, top with a film, cotton wool and secure with a warm scarf. 4-5 compresses relieve swelling pain.


Elecampane roots - a powerful remedy

The medicine from the roots of elecampane has an excellent expectorant, antimicrobial, diaphoretic and astringent action. Prepare a decoction of elecampane like this : 1 table. a spoonful of raw material is poured into a glass hot water, keep in a water bath for half an hour, then cool and filter. The volume of the resulting broth is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml and taken warm, 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, an hour before meals.

As a cough remedy, a decoction of a mixture of elecampane with marshmallow root is used, they drink it 1 table each. spoon every 2 hours for inflammation respiratory tract, bronchitis, tracheitis. With these diseases, you can also use a mixture of powder from crushed elecampane roots with honey - 5 teaspoons each. spoons a day. A large article on the use of elecampane -

Rose hip

Rosehip roots help with rheumatism

Rosehip roots have a huge healing power. At the first sign of flu and colds prepare a decoction : 1 table. pour a spoonful of rosehip roots with a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes over low heat and leave for half an hour. Drink the decoction hot (possible with honey), after which it is advisable to immediately go to bed. The next day, there is no trace of the disease!

At articular rheumatism it is recommended to take a tincture of rosehip roots (1.5 cups of roots per 0.5 liter of vodka, leave for 2 weeks). The treatment regimen is as follows: the first three days they drink 1 table. spoon 3 times a day, then a glass 3 times a day until the condition improves.

Air (saber)

Calamus roots have long been used to treat

Calamus marsh, Calamus root or cinquefoil, has been used for treatment a long time ago. A decoction of the roots of calamus (sabelnik) is used as a bactericidal agent for rinsing the mouth and strengthening the gums, healing wounds, increasing appetite, improving digestion and secretion of gastric juice. Calamus tones the heart, strengthens the vessels of the brain and thereby improves memory and vision.

To prepare a decoction 2 table. spoons of calamus rhizomes are poured with a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, insisted for 20 minutes, filtered and brought to the original volume with boiled water and drunk 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals in a warm form.

For sexual weakness and diseases of the joints, calamus tincture is used. : pour dried and crushed rhizomes with vodka (1:10), insist 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, take 25-30 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course is 20 days. The same tincture is used to rub sore joints with arthritis and arthrosis. (Read more about the use of calamus (sabelnik).


Coffee drink is brewed from chicory roots

Chicory root drink is the most famous coffee substitute. Due to the absence of caffeine in it, which has an exciting effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, it is recommended for those who are contraindicated in natural coffee or strong tea. Chicory coffee also has a therapeutic effect: it is used to improve appetite and metabolism, for liver diseases, gastritis, gastric ulcer, as a diuretic.

For making coffee dried roots are roasted light brown and grind in a coffee grinder (when roasting, it is better to undercook them than overcook them). The more bitter the drink, the more useful its action. The only drawback of this coffee is that it excites and intensifies the cough, so it is advisable to drink it with honey. It is even better to brew chicory coffee from a mixture with dandelion roots, burdock, couch grass, after roasting all these additives and grinding them in a coffee grinder.

Infusion of chicory root (1 tablespoon of crushed root per cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain) drink a quarter cup 3-4 times a day before meals to improve appetite, with gastritis, enterocolitis and as a diuretic.

Baths with decoction of chicory root (4 tablespoons of the root in a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for an hour, strain) is taken for diathesis, skin diseases, rashes, boils, eczema.

Marshmallow officinalis

Marshmallow roots - a well-known cough medicine

For medicinal purposes, marshmallow roots are harvested in the fall, digging up two- or three-year-old plants. Non-woody and cork-free lateral roots are used. They have a peculiar faint smell, sweetish taste. Althea roots contain a large amount of mucous substances. Althea root is taken as an expectorant, enveloping, emollient and anti-inflammatory agent for respiratory diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

Powder of dry finely ground marshmallow root , diluted with warm boiled water to a creamy state, drink 1 table. spoon 3-4 times a day for coughs, bronchitis, flu.

Althea root infusion , prepared in a cold way (4 teaspoons of the root insist 8 hours in 2 glasses of cold boiled water, strain), take half a cup 3-4 times a day 10-30 minutes before meals for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, flu, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

decoction of marshmallow roots (2 tablespoons of the root boil in 2.5 glasses of water for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain) are used for rinsing, compresses, poultices, enemas to relieve inflammation.


Dear readers, today we will continue our conversation about our seemingly inconspicuous and useless weed - burdock. But believe me, it's not. I think that after reading the article, you will see for yourself. Let's talk about the beneficial and healing properties of burdock root. It is the most commonly used and used for health.

FROM medical point of vision, it is the roots that have the greatest medicinal properties. For medicinal purposes, burdock roots have been used by healers since ancient times, and recipes with their use are described in various ancient medical books. And now about everything in more detail.

Burdock root. Medicinal and beneficial properties

The medicinal properties of burdock roots are in the presence of tannins, polysaccharides, saturated fatty acids, essential oils, resins, proteins, rich in roots and proteins, vitamins and microelements important for the human body, such as iron, manganese, zinc, boron and others.

In diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder, infusions from burdock roots are used as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

For colds and infectious diseases roots are used as anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic and analgesic.

In violation of intestinal motility, with hemorrhoids, decoctions from the roots act as a natural laxative and anti-inflammatory agent.

In addition, the substances contained in the roots can improve the activity of the pancreas, which allows them to be used for metabolic disorders and diabetes.

Compresses from infusions of burdock roots are used for various skin diseases, with seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, they improve skin condition, reduce itching, swelling, relieve inflammation.

In diseases of the stomach, preparations from burdock roots reduce inflammation and pain, regulate the acidity of gastric juice.

Burdock root application

Burdock Root Extract

You can buy burdock root extract at the pharmacy. On the one hand, it is very convenient. Follow the instructions, consult only with your doctor.

It is easy to prepare decoctions and infusions from fresh or dried roots.

Burdock root tincture

How to prepare some kind of tincture? It is best to cook it in a thermos, so all the necessary medicinal substances will go into the infusion in the maximum number. For two glasses of water, you will need 20 grams of dry or fresh chopped roots, which is about one tablespoon. It is more convenient to prepare the infusion at night, and in the morning strain and take before meals, warm up to a comfortable temperature before use.

Burdock root treatment should be started with one tablespoon, then increased to 1/4 cup per dose. Infusions are used to treat diseases of the joints, stomach, intestines, diabetes, skin diseases.

Burdock root decoction

Decoctions of burdock roots are more concentrated, they are used for oncological diseases, with nephrolithiasis and cholelithiasis, in diabetes mellitus. Outwardly, decoctions are used to strengthen hair and for various skin diseases.

How to prepare a decoction of burdock?

Cooking them different ways, traditionally, the roots are simply poured with water, insisted for several hours, then brought to a boil, boiled for several minutes, cooled and filtered.

Most proper preparation decoction - in a water bath, when the roots are poured with boiling water and in the bath they slowly give everything useful material decoction.

To prepare a decoction, two teaspoons of crushed root in a glass of water are enough. Take a decoction of a tablespoon three to four times a day before meals.

I brought traditional ways preparation of a decoction and infusion of burdock roots, but they may be different, since their concentration may depend on the severity of the disease.

Treatment with burdock root. Recipes

Burdock root. And what does he treat? Traditional medicine offers recipes based on burdock roots for the treatment of various diseases.

  • In the treatment of joints burdock root oil is used, for its preparation three tablespoons fresh roots pour half a glass of unrefined sunflower or olive oil, leave for a day to infuse, then boil over low heat for 10 minutes and strain. Add to hot oil beeswax, about a teaspoon, after cooling, a plastic ointment will be obtained, which must be rubbed into sore joints. It is best to do this at night, wrapping the joint with something warm.
  • For the treatment of adenoma prostate traditional medicine recommends preparing an infusion of roots in a cold way, for which two tablespoons of roots are taken in a glass of boiled water. You need to insist the roots for 2 - 3 hours, then strain and drink half a glass two to four times a day.
  • For the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum pour a tablespoon of fresh roots with two cups of boiling water, leave for 8-10 hours, strain and drink 1/3 cup three times a day before meals
  • For diseases of the pancreas prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of dry roots and two glasses of water. First, the roots are infused in cold water for an hour or two, then heated and boiled for 15 minutes. Drink a warm decoction after meals three times a day.
  • As a diuretic a decoction of two tablespoons of roots and half a liter of water is used. Simmer the roots in a water bath for 25 minutes or boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Take a decoction of 1/2 cup twice a day, adding a little honey to it.
  • For diseases of the liver and gallbladder two teaspoons of crushed roots pour half a liter overnight cold water, in the morning bring to a boil, cover and leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day
  • With diabetes Mix burdock roots with chicory roots, bean leaves and flax seeds, all taken in equal amounts. For a decoction, pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 - 15 minutes, cool. Take 1/2 cup three times a day.

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Burdock root for hair

I immediately remember my grandmother's recipes. Nettle, burdock - everything always went into business for hair. Why is burdock root good for our hair? It is great to use it for hair loss to strengthen them, so that the hair is beautiful, silky.

Can be used at home burdock oil. Our recipe tested with our daughters is as follows:

1 tsp burdock oil
1 tsp honey,
Juice of 1 medium onion
10 grams of burdock juice
your shampoo.

Mix everything, apply to your hair, cover it with polyethylene and wrap it with a towel or put on a hat. Keep it like that for about an hour. Then wash it all away warm water. Tip: don't use a hair dryer! Otherwise, everything will not be as effective. Or use a professional hair dryer, but not often.

And in addition, burdock juice can be rubbed into the hair.

How to prepare burdock root

When is the best time to harvest burdock roots?

The best time to collect burdock roots is autumn. And, late autumn. When all the plants are ready for wintering. All useful substances descended into the rhizomes.

Harvesting burdock root: in the fall, they dig up the roots of young plants, that is, the first year of their life, they are not difficult to distinguish, they are large and very juicy.

In older plants, the roots lose their healing properties, the root becomes stiff and is not suitable for treatment.

Before drying, the roots are washed very carefully, cleaned, then cut across into pieces, and very thick roots also along. Dry in the attic, under a canopy or on an open balcony, avoiding direct sunlight.

Roots are stored up to five years in glass jars.

I propose to watch a detailed video on the collection of burdock roots, what you need to pay attention to if you began to harvest it yourself.

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