What causes gums to swell. What to do if the gum is swollen near the tooth, how to remove the tumor with home treatment. Unconventional measures to combat swelling

The gums are a kind of litmus test that reflects the state of the oral cavity.

General diseases of the body and adverse changes in the oral mucosa can be the causes of swelling of the tissues surrounding the teeth.

If the gums are swollen and sore, and this condition lasts for more than two days, this is a reason to go to the dentist and not self-medicate.

Causes of swollen gums

Some mistakenly believe that such edema can occur only in the case of inflammation of the gingival tissues without damage to the dentogingival junction.

However, in fact, a number of reasons cause swollen gums, among them are the following:

It is important to remember that the gums can also swell due to an allergy to the filling material. The reaction is visible the very next day, and in this case, you should immediately contact your doctor to replace the filling with another, consisting of a hypoallergenic material.

Swollen gums and sore: what to do?

To begin with, it is necessary to say a few words about the fact that in order to reduce soreness of the gums, the root cause should be eliminated.

For the most part, the provocateur of inflammation is deposits that are based on the neck of the tooth.

To avoid the appearance of tartar, you must:

  • brush your teeth regularly with a medium-hard brush;
  • use dental floss;
  • rinse the mouth after each meal;
  • if necessary, carry out professional oral hygiene at the dentist;
  • visit the dentist at least 2 times a year.

To eliminate swelling of the gums, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the gum hurts and the cheek is not swollen too much, the following can help in the treatment:

  • decoction of chamomile or sage;
  • a decoction based on calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort;
  • Holisal gel;
  • propolis tincture;
  • pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory agent for the oral cavity stomatofit;
  • an aqueous solution of iodine (a few drops per glass of water);
  • plain soda or salt solution.

In addition, if blood or pus is secreted from the gums, you must use:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin solution.

They have an antibacterial and hemostatic effect.

If the pain gets worse and home remedies don't help, see your dentist. Antibiotics may be needed to treat the disease causing the swollen gums. In some cases, the cause of the swelling is a latent inflammation with an abscess, then surgical intervention is required.

Consequences and possible complications

Unwillingness to consult a doctor in a timely manner can result in unpleasant complications for someone who has swollen gums, because this is probably only an external manifestation of some kind of pathological process.

Sometimes the cause of swelling is a cyst located at the root of the tooth.

It is like a bunch of grapes, many small bags filled with pus. If the diagnosis is not made in time, the cyst may burst, and pus may spread into the circulatory system.

The consequence of advanced periodontitis is excessive tooth mobility, the formation of gaps between them. In the most severe cases, tooth loss occurs.

As a preventive measure, of course, it is recommended to carry out proper oral care:

Swelling of the gums is a dangerous phenomenon, which often indicates the presence of a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. However, swollen gums can be the result of improper oral care. Relieve pain and swelling in this case is not difficult. When these symptoms appear, the question arises of what to do to remove the pain.

Experts do not recommend ignoring the swelling and bleeding of the gums. Having found inflammation of the gum tissue, you should immediately consult a doctor, since inaction can lead to serious complications, up to tooth loss.

Possible reasons

The gums swell for a variety of reasons. At the same time, they can become very red, bleed and hurt. The treatment of edema and bleeding of the gums can be started only after the identification of the factor that provoked this condition. Possible causes of gum tumors are diseases of the teeth and oral cavity or pathologies of other body systems.

Sometimes gum swelling is normal. This symptom should not bother with:

  • extraction, especially associated with any complications;
  • eruption of wisdom teeth in adult patients;
  • performing dentures.

In these cases, the swelling and bleeding of the gums disappear on their own after the inflammation stops and the regeneration process begins. However, more serious causes can provoke toothache and swelling:

Another cause of swollen gums is improper filling or prosthetics. Poor cleaning of root canals, the use of poor-quality filling and orthodontic materials, the use of prostheses of the wrong shape and size can lead to swelling around the tooth. At the same time, units hurt far from all cases.

If a child has a swollen area of ​​gum tissue near the cutting tooth unit during the eruption of milk or permanent teeth, there is no need to worry. These symptoms go away on their own after the appearance of teeth above the gum surface. The photo shows what swollen gums look like when they erupt.

What does it mean if the gums are inflamed, but the tooth does not hurt?

If the gum is swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, the cause may be the presence of a pathological condition not associated with the oral cavity:

Gums can swell with poor nutrition and frequent stress. These symptoms can often be managed at home.

How to remove puffiness at home?

If the gum tissue is swollen, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, after examining the oral cavity, will prescribe the necessary research methods and determine why the tooth is swollen. After finding out the cause of the tumor, the specialist will give recommendations on what needs to be done to eliminate this condition.

Treatment may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory gels, and medications. Traditional medicine is often used as an additional therapeutic agent as part of complex treatment.


When the gum tissue is inflated and cracked, pain and swelling can be relieved with the help of various rinses. Rinsing your mouth is recommended:

These remedies will help eliminate gum disease. However, before using them, you should make sure that there is no allergy to individual components.

Medical treatment

If the gum tissue is swollen due to periodontal damage, then the following groups of medicines are used at home:

  • antiseptics (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin);
  • antimicrobials (Acilact, Sifloks, Neomycin);
  • natural antimicrobial drugs (Chlorophyllipt, Yuglon, Sangviritrin).

It is necessary to treat inflammatory processes of the jaws with the help of medications only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation.

Taking antibiotics

When the gum tissue between the teeth is swollen, the use of antibiotic therapy is indicated, since pus, characteristic, for example, of flux, can provoke dangerous complications. Most effectively eliminate infections in the oral cavity such drugs of the antibacterial group as:

  • Lincomycin;
  • doxycycline;
  • Rulid.

Antibiotics should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

The use of special gels

For local treatment of inflammatory processes in one or both jaws, gel-like agents are used that have an antimicrobial and analgesic effect:

These drugs begin to act immediately after application, their effect can last up to 8 hours. Gels must be used in accordance with the provisions of the instructions, otherwise gum irritation and other undesirable consequences can be provoked.

Other folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a large number of ways to get rid of gum disease. Effective methods include:

  • chewing propolis - after chewing, the softened mass is applied to the swollen area of ​​​​the oral cavity for 15-20 minutes;
  • application with a mixture of olive (1 tbsp) and fir (4 drops) oils - a piece of sterile cotton wool soaked in the product is applied for 10 minutes to the diseased gum;
  • compress using salted honey - 1 tbsp. liquid raw materials are mixed with 2 pinches of salt, the finished product is laid out on a piece of gauze and pressed against the gum;
  • rubbing the affected area with sauerkraut brine;
  • application of salted lard.

These remedies are allowed to be used if the inflammation is not caused by any internal problem. They are effective only as an adjunct treatment in combination with drug therapy.

What is forbidden to do with swollen gums?

In order to avoid the occurrence of complications for the relief of painful symptoms, it is not recommended to use warming compresses, touch the inflamed area, try to squeeze out the pus accumulated in the gum tissues. The use of alcohol-containing drinks will not bring relief and will only aggravate the situation. It is also forbidden to use medications and folk remedies without the consent of a doctor.

When should you go to the doctor?

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation of the gums is rapidly increasing, and other unpleasant symptoms have arisen, you should immediately seek medical help. Warning signs include:

These phenomena indicate intoxication of the body, allergies or other dangerous processes. Ignoring such signs can lead to serious complications up to death.

Treatment options at the dentist

The elimination of pathologies of the oral mucosa is carried out by a periodontist (we recommend reading: what does a periodontist do and what does a periodontist treat?). The method of treating the inflammatory process in the gums depends on the cause of its occurrence. If this condition was caused by caries or pulpitis, the doctor will install a filling, gingivitis or periodontitis - remove tartar and prescribe antibacterial agents, chronic disease - prescribe antibiotic therapy, electrophoresis and laser therapy. Sometimes the affected tooth may need to be removed.

Prevention measures

Prevention of inflammation of the gum tissue consists in careful oral hygiene, timely elimination of dental problems and regular professional cleaning of the teeth. In addition, you need to establish a balanced diet, avoid hypothermia and infectious diseases.

And the methods of treatment can be very different.

So, why do gums become inflamed, how to avoid it and how to rinse swollen gums?

About everything in order.

Why can gums swell?

Almost all diseases of the oral cavity, one way or another, are accompanied by an inflammatory process. Therefore, to determine, it is still recommended to consult a doctor. Below is a list of the most likely causes of gum disease.

However, the cause of the disease is not always adjacent to the gums. Often the source of the problem is outside the mouth.

Diseases of the spine

Along the spine are the largest blood vessels. Some of them nourish the brain and other adjacent organs.

The cervical spine is associated with the inner ear, optic and auditory nerves, nasopharynx, larynx, vocal cords, thyroid gland, and eyes

Often the cause of gum disease lies in circulatory problems. They, in turn, occur against the background of various diseases of the spine, in which blood vessels are squeezed.

chronic stress

During nervous experiences, the adrenal glands increase the release of the hormone cortisol into the blood. It has one side effect in the form of a decrease in the body's immune defenses.

As a result, it becomes harder for him to cope with pathogenic bacteria that provoke inflammatory processes.

As a result, gum disease does not just happen. Usually people naively rely on the body's natural defenses (immunity), but it does not always cope with the causes.

When the first symptoms occur, there is no particular reason to grab your head and run to the doctor. The initial stage of inflammation can be dealt with at home.

One way or another, swelling of the gums is primarily provoked by bacteria. Keep your mouth clean, then the risk of inflammation will be minimal.

How to rinse swollen gums?

The modern medicine market offers a huge number of various mixtures for rinsing the mouth in order to get rid of inflammation. With no less success, you can use home-made solutions and infusions.

Tincture of calendula

In absolutely any pharmacy, you can, at a relatively low price, purchase an alcohol tincture of calendula. First of all, calendula perfectly destroys pathogenic microflora, and rinsing with a solution of tincture helps to cope with sore throats.

The recipe is extremely simple:

  1. A solution of alcohol tincture of calendula with water is made in a ratio of 1:10;
  2. A certain amount of solution is drawn into the oral cavity and intensively moves there for a minute. It is necessary to repeat the procedure two to three times a day for three days;
  3. It is strictly forbidden to eat food earlier than an hour after the procedure.

sorrel juice

Sorrel is most commonly seen as an ingredient for making borscht or salad.

It turns out that this plant can also be used for medicinal purposes:

  1. Fresh sorrel leaves are crushed with hands, a knife or a blender;
  2. As much juice as possible is squeezed out of the resulting green mass;
  3. It, in turn, is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  4. The mouth is rinsed with a solution in the morning and evening for several days.

Soda solution with iodine

This tool can be classified as "heavy artillery". A solution of soda with iodine, if the disease in the initial stages was left to chance and as a result certain complications arose - suppuration, severe pain, and so on.

  1. In a glass of boiling water (slightly cooled), add a teaspoon of soda and 3-5 drops of pharmacy iodine. Stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Take the resulting mixture into your mouth and keep it on the side where the sore gum is located for a minute. The solution is spat out and a new portion is recruited.
  3. The treatment lasts a day - the solution very effectively draws out pus and relieves pain. In the daytime, it is necessary to repeat the procedure every hour, while for each, it is necessary to prepare a fresh portion of the mixture.
  4. The next two to three days of rinsing are carried out several times a day (from three to five, depending on how you feel) in order to prevent re-inflammation.

Homemade herbal rinses

How to rinse your mouth if the gums are swollen? The answer lies in no less effective and time-tested "grandmother's" methods. There are folk recipes for fighting gum disease, passed down from generation to generation. For the most part, they are infusions of certain medicinal herbs.

Chamomile tincture

Chamomile is perhaps the most famous and affordable medicinal plant. Chamomile is also an excellent antiseptic, but it also has the ability to relieve inflammation.

With a pronounced antiseptic and hemostatic effect, chamomile is an indispensable tool in the prevention and treatment of gum disease.

Usually a noticeable result is achieved after the first rinse.

  1. Pour one tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile (sold in any pharmacy) with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cover with a lid or saucer and leave to infuse for half an hour, then strain well.
  3. The resulting tincture is cooled to an acceptable temperature. Rinse your mouth three times a day for a week. One glass is a single serving.

Hypericum tincture

St. John's wort has an amazing anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in many complex recipes.

It is not necessary to use other herbs to prepare the gum solution.

  1. One tablespoon of grass is poured with one glass of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is infused for an hour, then carefully filtered.
  3. The oral cavity is intensively rinsed with small portions of tincture two to three times a day.

Melissa tincture

Melissa is one of the most famous medicinal herbs, it has been used in folk medicine for more than two millennia. Melissa is also an excellent antispasmodic, antihistamine and antimicrobial agent.

  1. Melissa is dried and carefully crushed.
  2. Two tablespoons of herbs are poured with one glass of boiling water.
  3. The mixture is infused for four hours, then filtered well.
  4. The mouth is rinsed three times a day.

Greetings, dear readers. Do you have swollen gums above your teeth? This is a common occurrence. And the reasons for it can be very different. We have collected material on this topic so that readers receive all the necessary information. Why does swelling occur, how to eliminate it, what are the simple remedies to alleviate the condition at home? You will learn all this from our article. We will also tell you which situations are dangerous and which are not.

Often people pay attention to the fact that the gums have slightly increased, discomfort has appeared, and lymph nodes have increased. What is this problem and should I be afraid? Let's say right away - you should be afraid only if you want to sit at home. Unfortunately, in half of the cases, the swelling does not go away on its own. You should go to the doctor at the first manifestations. Otherwise, you will become one of those who are waiting for the reception with a rewound face that was smashed by a running flux.

Unfortunately, such patients are not decreasing. Every year, hundreds and even thousands of different people find themselves in the corridors of dental clinics and private clinics. Their fear of the dentist often leads to complications.

Swollen gums - what to do

Causes of gum swelling

The gum swells with infections, injuries, inflammatory processes in the tooth itself. It also happens that the patient's gums are swollen, but the tooth does not hurt, does not stagger, and does not manifest itself in any way. In most cases, these are local inflammations that can be easily dealt with.

One of the most common causes is root caries. It is difficult to detect, but it is a constant source of infection that affects the gums. Under the gum may be invisible during the initial examination. It also causes bacterial growth and inflammation.

When should you start to worry:

  • swelling is accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • pus appeared;
  • swelling increases;
  • swelling is accompanied by severe pain.

Sometimes patients find that they have between their teeth. What does it mean? In most cases, the fact that the periodontal papilla has become inflamed. This process could be caused by mechanical or thermal tissue injury, infection.

Swollen gums after dental treatment

Very often, after filling a tooth, patients find that their gums are swollen. In some cases, this phenomenon is temporary and passes quickly. It is connected with the very fact of the procedure, as well as with the fact that, most likely, an injection of a local anesthetic was made into the gum. If the tumor does not decrease, pain appears, which means that certain mistakes were made during the treatment procedure.

One of the most common complications is Unfortunately, it is not always possible for doctors to correctly carry out the procedure for cleaning and filling root canals. In endodontic procedures, there is a high percentage of root perforations and the exit of the filling substance beyond the apex. Subsequent inflammation is often accompanied by swelling of the gums.

If the gums in a child swell

It is not uncommon for parents to discover that their child has swollen gums. What could be the reasons? The first thing that comes to mind is gingivitis. This is inflammation of the gums, in some cases accompanied by severe swelling and even tissue growth (). In most cases, this disease is caused by infections. On examination, soft plaque and even tartar can be found on the teeth near the affected area. This is not just a cosmetic defect on children's teeth. First of all, dental deposits are colonies of pathogenic bacteria, their metabolic products. They lead to the development of caries, gum disease, etc.

Another option is cutting a tooth. Edema is characteristic of both the growth of milk and molar teeth. In this case, specific treatment is not required. You just need to ease the suffering of the baby. To do this, special gels are sold that are applied to the surface of the gums, reducing inflammation and relieving pain.

Swelling and swelling of the gums - signs of teething in children

Swelling of the gums in children and adolescents can be caused by hormonal changes in the body. In this case, it is enough to adhere to proper hygiene and the swelling will pass over time.

What to do if you have swollen gums near your wisdom tooth? The reason for this phenomenon is obvious and, unfortunately, it is inevitable for the majority. The process of teething "sevens" and "eights" is almost always painful. It is accompanied by pain, discomfort, swelling. Similar situations can arise when removing such teeth. The symptoms of such a process are almost always the same:

  • weakness, general malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • an increase in submandibular, sometimes cervical lymph nodes;
  • difficulty swallowing.

Why does swelling occur and why is the eruption process so painful? The fact is that the last teeth in the row appear where there were no milk teeth. That is, they have to literally punch their way through the periosteum, soft tissues. In the process, pain, swelling and discomfort occur.

Another problem is ingrown gums. It is always accompanied by pain and swelling. Unfortunately, surgery is usually indispensable.

With prolonged eruption, a gap may form between the “hood” of soft tissue and the surface of the tooth. There are often particles of food. This leads to the development of infection, inflammation of the gums. It manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling.

Both a wisdom tooth and other teeth in a row can grow incorrectly. This phenomenon is called the term dystopia. The problem is that it will come out at an angle. And he can do it in any direction. This leads to permanent injury to the soft tissues and, accordingly, to the development of edema and inflammation.

Video - Swollen gums near the wisdom tooth

Periodontal disease and its complications

For some reason, it so happened among our people that they consider gum disease to be much less dangerous than dental disease. This often leads just to the loss of the latter. Periodontal disease is the most dangerous of all soft tissue problems. This inflammation is not so common - only in 5-10% of cases. In other situations, we usually deal with advanced gingivitis and periodontitis.

The cause of such inflammation of the gums can be a chronic disease - hormonal, endocrine, associated with circulatory disorders, etc. One of the consequences of development is the appearance of edema of the affected gum area. To relieve inflammation, mandatory cleaning of periodontal pockets, removal of plaque and calculus is required.

Medicines to relieve swelling of the gums:

A drugImagePeculiaritiesMode of application
Salicylic acid with essential oils, have a predominant complex effect: antimicrobial, analgesic, regeneratingCan be applied to inflamed gums with a clean finger or cotton sponge 3 times a day
The components contained in the preparation, an antiseptic and a local antibiotic, are used for the treatment and prevention of gum disease. Also, their presence reduces bleeding, swelling and discomfort.Spread on the inflamed gums twice a day for 10 days
The drug has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, cools the surface of the gums. The effect lasts for 5-8 hoursRubbing is carried out on the surface of the gums 3 times a day and preferably after meals.
The content of antiseptic components and an antibiotic kills harmful microorganisms, reduces sensitivity and bleeding, strengthens tissuesUsed three times a day for no more than 3 weeks in a row
"Elugel"An effective remedy for inflammation of the gums. Excellent fight against the growth of bacteria and fungi in the oral cavityRubbed into the gums with a clean finger or cotton swab no more than 3 times a day
The content of an extract from bovine blood in the composition of the drug heals microtraumas, promotes tissue repair, improves blood circulation and oxygen metabolismIt is applied to the surface of the gums in a thin layer and is slightly moistened.

Gum swelling after tooth extraction

Removal is a traumatic process accompanied by tissue damage. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that your gums are swollen. Swelling is natural with complex removals, after a gum incision, with concomitant inflammation, suppuration. There are also some patients who are predisposed to such processes. These are people with hypertension, diabetes, and other diseases.

It is also quite possible that there was an abscess under the tooth, there was a cyst that was not removed along with the tooth. It is quite possible the presence and through which pus comes out.

Edema can accompany a very common disease - alveolitis. It occurs when a blood clot is damaged and subsequently decomposed, an infection enters the well.

Cysts and tumors in the gum area

The cyst is usually located among the alveolar processes. But it can also be shifted. In the presence of a cyst or granuloma, gingival edema appears in this area, a flux may occur. The temperature often rises, the patient complains of general weakness, headaches.

Finding a cyst is difficult. Sometimes it does not even show up on an x-ray. However, the most modern radiovisiographs are able to show them.

A cyst that causes inflammation (including purulent ones) consists of destroyed cells, mucus, and cholesterol. Neoplasms - tumors can occur in the root area. In this case, the concept of a tumor should be distinguished. It doesn't have to be cancer. If the doctor finds something like this, you need to conduct a series of tests and tests to accurately determine the type of tumor. Then the most effective treatment can be prescribed.

Flux/abscess of the tooth

Swelling of the gums and subsequent swelling of the cheek in the area of ​​​​inflammation, which is popularly called flux, has the medical name odontogenic periostitis. Do not underestimate the danger of this process. After all, a purulent sac appears on your gum, and the infection begins to spread through the blood.

Flux is not just a minor nuisance, but also a significant threat to human health

Why does flux occur? Sometimes due to advanced complicated caries or tooth trauma. Also, often the reason is even more banal - inflammation of the gum pocket. Pus appears, which is looking for ways to exit. In this case, the periosteum is affected, sometimes the bone of the jaw itself. The temperature rises, toothache is not eliminated by the usual means. If you do not see a doctor in time, it is likely that the tooth will have to be removed.

Phlegmon, abscesses are extremely dangerous. Spreading through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, the infection can affect the heart, liver, and even the brain.

While a woman is in position, various processes take place in her body that are invisible to us. In particular, they relate to hormonal emissions, changes in the work of blood circulation. This leads to swollen gums. Most often, these problems begin early. In the first trimester, most expectant mothers go through them.

What to do? Rinse your mouth more often with antiseptics and decoctions / infusions of herbs. If you are used to using dental floss, it is better to replace it with an irrigator. Its use does not injure the gums. Try to be gentle when brushing your teeth. The gums become more sensitive during this period. They are easily damaged by hard bristles. At the same time, it is also impossible to switch to a soft brush. Plaque will remain on the teeth, turn into stone and lead to the same consequences.

Not all pain relief medications can be used during pregnancy. The instructions for most of these products indicate whether they can be used, and if so, in what trimester. However, it is better to consult with an experienced specialist. Indeed, some substances, entering the mother's body, can harm the fetus.


The first question that arises in the patient is how to treat swollen gums? First, it is important to determine what exactly caused the inflammatory process. For example, if the problem concerns (described above), then rinsing with antiseptic solutions can be prescribed, as well as excision of the hood to stop the development of inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory therapy and infection control

External infections are eliminated with the help of local exposure to antiseptics. One of the simplest, most affordable and effective drugs of this type is Chlorhexidine. This substance has been used for more than sixty years and has shown high efficiency in the fight against many types of pathogenic microorganisms, including such serious ones as causative agents of syphilis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

Also, back in the 70s, it was proven effective in caries. The substance significantly slows down the development of this process. Chlorhexidine solutions are now sold in any pharmacy. It is only important not to confuse them, since the percentage of the active substance for external use on the skin and mucous membranes varies significantly.

If you find that your gums are swollen, but at the moment there is no way to get an appointment with a dentist, you can resort to proven methods. How to rinse if your gums are swollen near the tooth:

  • sage. This medicinal plant does an excellent job of eliminating inflammatory processes;
  • Oak bark;
  • hypericum herb;
  • leaf and tincture of eucalyptus;
  • products based on aloe juice.

There are also a number of pharmaceutical preparations (in different CIS countries they may be called differently) - Phytodent, Kamident, Kamistad, Holisal, Dentinox, and other means.

Video - What to do if the gums are swollen?

Antibiotics in the treatment of swollen gums

Some patients believe that antibiotics are the best and most reliable way to eliminate the inflammatory process. This is a misconception that can harm your health. First, the antibiotic will destroy all the flora that is susceptible to it. Including the one that counteracts the mass reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Secondly, it can harm the stomach, intestines, and other internal organs. Also, many people have individual reactions to such drugs.

Antibiotic treatment is prescribed in some cases - with the development of purulent processes, advanced forms of periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis.

It is believed that the most effective treatment is complex. It includes rinsing with herbs, the use of local applications, physiotherapy, and other techniques.

Horrors of traditional medicine

On the Web, you can often find articles and even entire forums where "specialists" and traditional healers share recipes for treatment at home. Praised folk remedies sent many people to the next world. And this is not the horror stories of doctors. After all, fluxes, abscesses, infections are a direct road to the grave. But people still believe in the miraculous "forces of nature", make lotions, warm the inflamed gums, and even smoke homemade cigarettes from the "cat's paw" medicinal plant.

One of these crazy recipes is tying garlic cloves to your wrist. Does anyone seriously believe that suppuration can be eliminated by irritating the skin on the arm? Or that a tincture of sage, green tea and a spoonful of soda will save from the flux? Even more "fun" is the suggestion to attach a cloth with heated flaxseed. It is contraindicated to warm the gum with something. This will only increase the inflammatory process.

It is a common occurrence when, after using folk recipes, pus breaks through and the patient's condition noticeably worsens.

What can be advised? First, herbal treatment can be used in combination. Secondly, it is advisable to do this on the recommendation of a doctor. Self-medication, at best, will not give any effect. At worst, it can seriously harm your health.

In general, if you do not want complications, you do not need to "google" folk remedies. Go to the dentist, get diagnosed. Once the source of the problem is found, you can successfully fix it.

What can be used? Definitely do not harm products based on propolis. This bee product is excellent for fighting inflammation and infections of the oral cavity. But he cannot remove the cause. But recipes with honey give the exact opposite effect. Honey is an ideal food for bacteria that cause cavities and gingivitis. Therefore, it will only aggravate the situation.

The first thing that can be advised is to go for a preventive examination to the dentist. Also, a couple of times a year, it is worth removing plaque and stone. This is done not only with scrapers, but also with the help of a special device - an ultrasonic scaler. An important point is that it is necessary to remove not only external tartar, but also deposits that have accumulated under the gum.

If you do not forget about regular oral hygiene, the likelihood of gum swelling becomes much less. It is also worth buying a mouthwash. They are produced by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. The use of such a tool helps to reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria that can cause inflammation of the gums.

If the problem already exists, then pain and inflammation can be taken with analgesics and NSAIDs. But you should not use them immediately before a visit to the dentist. If you are going to have a procedure performed under local anesthesia, an injection may not help. Therefore, you can drink pills 12 hours before going to the doctor.

Train your gums. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits more often. If they are not in the diet, gum problems will be difficult to avoid.

If edema occurs regularly, you need to check with specialized specialists, find out if everything is in order with hormones, etc. It is also worth using high-quality vitamin and mineral preparations. An integrated approach always gives greater efficiency.

So, the question of how to remove the tumor remains open. The answer to it depends solely on the cause of the edema. Therefore, it is very important that the specialist accurately diagnoses. Sometimes even timely treatment does not solve the problem. This is due to the fact that in the course of diagnostics, problems that arise in parallel are often missed. For example, an abscess abscess was removed, but there is a cyst on the same tooth that the doctor did not find.

Another problem is the attitude of the patients themselves. Suppose a person has appeared on the surface of the gums. It would be logical to go, find out what it is, how to get rid of it. But millions of people around the world believe that there is nothing wrong with that. Only when the gums are swollen, half of the face is blown away and the eye is swollen, they decide to go to the dentist. Such an irresponsible attitude towards one's own health leads to unpleasant consequences. Often the patient can lose a tooth, sometimes even several, if the process covers a large area. It was possible to avoid this. And the person perfectly understands that he himself is to blame for such a development of events.

Swollen gums - summing up

So, now you know why the gums can swell, how to avoid it and what to do if the problem already exists. You also know in which cases the problem is easily solved at home, and when you need to run to the doctor before it gets much worse.

You probably have stories from personal experience. Write comments, we will be glad to any feedback. If you have any questions, we are also ready to answer!

Video - If the gums are swollen

Soreness of certain parts of the oral cavity is a symptom not only extremely unpleasant, but also dangerous, in many cases, as it may indicate those pathological conditions that require attention from medical specialists. But, not always. Most cases can be resolved on your own. And even so, you should take note: visit the dentist at the earliest convenient time, since the gums can signal more global problems - with teeth that are not emergency, but those that are not desirable to be left to chance. What to do at home if the gums are swollen? The topic is important, the topic is relevant and one that is worth talking about. Therefore, right now we are realizing this intention. You will learn about the causes of gum pain, their prevention, ways to deal with these oral problems and so on.

The gums are swollen and sore - what are the reasons

They can be completely different. But they are always there. And you need to be able to see them in order to be able not only to determine what is wrong with you and what led to this, but also to prevent the recurrence of such unpleasant situations in the future.

1. Inflammation at the top of the tooth root. 99% of such problems with the gums are the result of an exacerbation of the focus of the inflammatory process at the top of the tooth root. Practice testifies to such statistics, it is also confirmed by studies conducted several years ago by domestic scientists dealing with problems of the oral cavity.

2. Poor quality medical care , expressed in violation of the technology of filling the dental canals. So granulomas, a radicular cyst, and so on can appear. Pus, which turns out to be securely sealed, has no other way out (both literally and figuratively) how to look for other ways of discharge - through the gum.

3. Caries and pulpitis , as well as - delay with adequate medical measures for their timely and qualitative elimination, that is, their consequences.

Because of this, purulent inflammation develops, which often manifests itself in the form of problems with the gums. And if a toothache is also connected to this, it is always important to know. How to quickly get rid of pain.

3. Colds. Hypothermia, which is its cause, can affect both directly the condition of the gums and teeth, and indirectly - only "giving back" to them.

4. Tooth extraction which caused complications. The gums suffer from this very often. But, even if the tooth was removed 100% correctly, then pain and swelling of the gums is its inevitable consequence in the vast majority of cases, as the body reacts to mechanical trauma to soft tissues.

5. Teething of wisdom teeth in adults. This is a very painful process, accompanied by severe discomfort. Not everyone has it, but most have it.

6. Gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. These are all stages of the disease caused by one focus. As a rule, its causes are: lack of hygiene procedures, their improper implementation, bacterial pathogens, mechanical stress on the gums and teeth. Often, several of these factors are combined, which leads to sore gums, swelling, redness, bad breath, and so on.

If the gums are not treated, and the cause of their soreness is not eliminated in time, then the symptoms may worsen, moreover, both the tooth itself and your health may be at risk, which is explained by the close proximity of the focus of the problem to the brain and organs of vision, auricles .

What to do at home if the gums are swollen and inflamed

You can fight swelling and other gum problems not only in the doctor's office, but also at home - on your own. Natural remedies are perfect for this, use them. If you have no contraindications to this, and you do everything right, your oral cavity will be healthy again and will not bother you.

Aloe - for inflammation of the gums

This plant is called "healer". And, apparently, not in vain. There are several ways to use this natural healer at home. The simplest of them: take aloe (one of the lower sheets), rinse it in clean water, apply the part of the leaf cut along the part to the sore spot. The frequency of the procedure: the more often, the better.

You can walk around with it all day long. The main thing is not to forget to change the sheet every 30-40 minutes. And yet, it is very important to cut off all the so-called “thorns” from it before putting aloe in your mouth. This method of treatment will not relieve serious problems, but it is quite capable of removing inflammation, destroying bacteria, and relieving pain.

You can squeeze the juice from aloe and rinse your mouth with it up to 10 times a day. The effect is similar to the application of leaves, but more pronounced. You can simply collect the juice in your mouth, with inflammation of the gums, and walk with it. But, in such a way that it must be in contact with the affected soft tissues.

Decoction or infusion of St. John's wort

You can prepare a decoction or infusion from it, which will later be used to rinse the mouth. In general, decoctions and infusions at home are one of the simplest, most affordable, safest and most effective ways to treat inflammation and soreness of the gums.

So, take the approximate amount of St. John's wort (complete plant: stems, leaves, flowers). About 4-6 stems per 1 liter of water. Place St. John's wort in a glass jar, pour boiling water over it, insist a little more than 20 minutes. Everything, the infusion is ready.

They can rinse your mouth up to 8-9 times a day for a week. The effect is amazing. But it is even better - from a decoction. For this, the proportions of substances are taken the same. Only you need not to insist, but to cook, immediately filling St. John's wort with cold water in a saucepan. Simmer over low heat for up to 30 minutes, turn off and leave for another 10 minutes. After that, strain. It should be used in the same way as the infusion based on St. John's wort.

The use of propolis for inflammation of the gums

Great rinse aid. But, note that for this you will need to prepare an alcohol tincture. In general, propolis is deservedly considered a universal cure for 1000 diseases. Its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties have been known for hundreds of years. It will help your gums too.

How to cook? Very simple. Take 10 grams of propolis per glass of store-bought or homemade vodka. Pour propolis with it, close the lid and leave for 3-4 days. Naturally, you should not endure pain and other symptoms of gum disease for so long. Yes, and it is fraught with dangerous consequences and physical, psychological exhaustion.

Therefore, the tincture should be bought at a pharmacy, or if you know that you are prone to such manifestations of your oral cavity, prepare the tincture in advance. And let her stand in a cool dark place, waiting in the wings. Shelf life: about 12 months.

How to apply? Add 20 drops of tincture to 200 milliliters of water and rinse your mouth 4-5 times a day. The rinsing procedure should last at least 3-4 minutes so that the substances that are in the tincture begin to actively act on the source of the problem.

Another use of propolis, or rather, a method, is simply chewing it. Take a few small pieces, put in your mouth, chew and direct your tongue to the painful gum. Do not swallow! Repeat several times a day, walk like this for 15-20 minutes. Propolis will eliminate unpleasant odors and relieve pain and inflammation.

Beekeeping products - honey with salt, with inflammation

Its incredible combination with food salt can work true miracles. So, to prepare a mixture for a healing massage, take 10 grams of natural bee honey and 15 grams of salt. Only take salt "Extra" so that there is not too much abrasiveness, which can damage soft tissues in this situation.

So, mix honey with salt. Rub the mixture into sore gums 3 times a day with gentle gentle massage movements. It will saturate them with healing and beneficial substances, will show an antimicrobial and antifungal effect, relieve swelling and inflammation.

Melissa - healing decoction

A decoction of lemon balm has an effect very close to that of St. John's wort. So, they can be combined, performing rinses up to 10 times (alternating St. John's wort and lemon balm every other time), or using one that is available. 15 grams of lemon balm should be angered with a glass of cold water, bring to a boil, reduce heat, boil for another 5 minutes, turn off, leave for 15 minutes, strain.

Fir essential oil, if the gums are swollen

It has excellent antiseptic properties, has a powerful bactericidal effect, tones and strengthens. For gum problems, take a tablespoon of olive oil (if not, then ordinary vegetable oil), add 4 drops of fir oil there. Next, soak everything with sterile cotton and apply to the gum for 8-10 minutes. Repeat the procedure up to 3 times a day.

Pharmaceutical pharmaceutical mouthwashes are one alternative. They can also be used if there are no other means discussed above or below. Application - according to the instructions, depending on the lotion.

How to rinse swollen gums at home

If the gums become inflamed or swollen, you should make an appointment with the dentist, let the doctor examine you and identify the cause. Before you go to the doctor when the gums are swollen. What to do at home, how to help yourself, an urgent question arises.

Gargling with salt and soda

Rinsing the gums with soda and salt is equivalent in effect to the effects of powerful modern drug antiseptics or decoctions of chamomile and calendula herbs. Strictly the ratio of salt and soda is not regulated. The main thing is that you should not feel discomfort from their high concentration.

For example: take a spoonful of tea soda, the same amount of salt, pour into a glass of pre-boiled and already cooled, clean water, stir. Rinse for 5 minutes. You can also cook (for 250 ml of warm boiled water 1 teaspoon of soda, the same amount of salt and 2-3 drops of iodine). Perform the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Rinse with a decoction of chamomile and calendula

Mix herbs in equal proportions. For a glass of water - 5-10 grams of grass of each type. Pour in water, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 5 minutes (in a state of boiling). Next, remove from the stove, cool, strain.

Rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day. Helps very well. Since these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, gargling relieves pain and inflammation of the gums.

Decoction of oak bark

Often used for inflammation of the gums. It is a natural antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Pour two teaspoons of oak bark with two glasses (250 grams) of water, boil for 5 minutes. The broth must be insisted for 10 minutes, strain.

Rinse with a decoction of oak bark should be 3 to 5 times a day, you can alternate with rinsing with soda. Rinse your mouth for at least 2-3 days.

Asking the question: how to rinse swollen gums at home, we forget about such simple and very effective remedies as soda, which can be found in every kitchen.

soda solution

Baking soda has a very positive effect on sore gums and is a proven method. You can rinse your mouth with a solution of soda for both children and adults.

Add 1 teaspoon (without a slide) of soda to a glass of warm boiled water, mix so that the soda dissolves in water. Rinse should be 3 to 5 times a day, after the first application you will feel relief.

Prevention of gum disease

It is simply of great importance. The first method of prevention that everyone should resort to is regular brushing of teeth, using dental floss, rinsing the mouth with warm clean water (you can use a special lotion) every time after eating.

If it is not possible to brush your teeth, use dental floss, rinse your mouth, then do not neglect the use of chewing gum.

Eat well, eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, in particular calcium.

And give up bad habits, especially smoking. Be healthy!

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