Portal of interesting hobbies. Physical education with a ball for children of senior preschool age

Ball exercises allow children to develop endurance, initiative, independence, a sense of time. In addition, exercises with the ball contribute to the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, body, arms, improve coordination of movements, as well as the rhythm and accuracy of movements. And, importantly, ball exercises allow you to do all this in a playful way!

Ball Exercise - Benefits for Babies

The kid, not yet able to walk, is already showing interest in manipulating various objects. He loves to throw them, roll them, tries to throw them into a basket or box. At the age of 6-9 months, the baby tries to learn to sit and stand independently without support. In this period, it is especially appropriate to use ball exercises to develop the muscles of the back and legs.

In most ball exercises for children under 3 years old, an inflatable fitball with a diameter of 45-55 cm in diameter is used. Such a ball is light and cannot injure a child, and besides, it is convenient for a child (and an adult) to take it.

Leg ball exercises (for babies aged 6-9 months)

Lay the child face down on the mat. While the baby is lying on his back, roll a ball under his feet. Bring the fitball closer to the child's legs so that the baby pushes it away. Encourage your child to push the ball until he gets bored.

After a short break, move on to the next ball exercise.

Lay the baby back on the ball. And, holding the child's legs by the shins, bend them to his chest. Then, rolling the ball, straighten the baby's legs. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Back ball exercises (for babies aged 6-9 months)

Exercises with the ball perfectly strengthen the muscles of the body. In addition, kids, as a rule, are happy to perform them.

Lay the child on the ball with his stomach so that his arms hang down. Stand slightly behind the baby next to the ball, and, slightly pressing the child to the ball by the waist and hips, start rolling the ball towards you and away from you. Combine this movement with circular movements, with movements left and right, up and down.

Do the same with your child on the ball.

Grasp the child under the armpits or around the waist and, gently lowering, try to put his legs on the ball. Then, gradually lowering the baby, seat him on the ball. Repeat several times.

Ball exercises for children from 9 months to 3 years

At this age, children begin to walk without support, confidently throw objects, trying to hit the target. It's time to start exercises with the ball to develop coordination and accuracy of the baby.

Have your child sit on an appropriately sized ball (so that they can rest their feet on the floor). Place a dozen small balls in front of him. Place a bucket or box at a distance of 60 cm. Show him how to throw the balls into the bucket. Let him try to do this, trying to stay on the big ball. At first, you can hold the child by the waist.

Put the child on the fitball in the same way as in the previous exercise with the ball. Then lift the toy above the baby's head. The task of the child is to try to get it, springing on the ball and at the same time maintaining balance.

Ball exercises for preschool children

At this age, children easily make complex coordinated movements and begin to logically comprehend their actions. Therefore, exercises with a ball for older preschoolers should not so much contribute to the development of certain muscle groups (more suitable for this) as to develop general motor skills, the ability to quickly navigate in space and time.

In addition, properly selected exercises with the ball can contribute to the development of such psychological qualities as attentiveness, initiative, and determination.

The simplest and most exciting exercises for a child with a ball, which develops dexterity and speed of reaction well, is “stuffing” the ball against a wall or floor. For them, you need to use a small light ball up to 20cm in diameter.

When teaching a child to perform an exercise with a ball “stuffing against a wall”, place the baby a meter from the wall. Let him first just try to catch the ball bouncing off the wall. If the child is good at this, the exercise can be complicated. Now the ball must be caught when it hits the floor after touching the wall.

Then let the child try to hit the ball without grabbing it. Just first show the baby how to properly push the ball. For starters, you can do it with both hands, as when playing volleyball.

To make ball exercises more difficult, have your child push the ball with one hand, like in basketball. At the same time, it is important to teach the child to hit the ball alternately with the right and left hands (although, of course, it is more convenient for children to do this with the “leading” hand).

To teach a child not to move when performing this rather difficult exercise with a ball, a line can be described around the legs of a small athlete with chalk and agreed that the child will try not to stand up for it.

As for simpler exercises with the ball, tossing the ball up is also good for developing coordination and dexterity. Performing this exercise does not require special training or special conditions. The child is placed in a stable position, feet shoulder-width apart. The kid throws the ball as high as possible and tries to catch it.

You can practice on the fitball starting from the age of one month, physical activities at that time also have the tasks of psychological development, since the child receives new emotions and is engaged in a new type of activity. But at school age, the body faces completely different tasks. Constantly sitting at a school desk, at a desk, at a computer, the student plays less time with peers and often cannot get an adequate load, so there may be problems with metabolism, muscle work, and correct posture. A gymnastic ball can come to the rescue, which you can practice with even in between the homework done, and in the school environment - in the gym.

Class rules

The rules for picking up the ball mainly apply to adults, whose height varies greatly. Schoolchildren of elementary grades, and this is the age of six to ten years, as a rule, a ball with a diameter of 55 centimeters is suitable. But if the child is too tall or short, make sure that in a sitting position (on the ball), the knee angle is straight (90 degrees).

Shoulder and arm muscle training

The following exercises for kids can be done standing, sitting and lying down and are quite versatile. But due to the static tension under the weight of the ball, they give a good effect on the muscles of the arms, shoulders and back. Important - static (they are also called isometric) exercises cannot be done for a long time, especially from holding the breath, the pressure rises sharply, and this is dangerous.

Strengthening the press

Exercises for children are done in the supine position:

  1. Fibol put his hands behind his head, sitting down, roll the ball over his chest, abs, legs and roll it in the opposite position, lying down. For strong children, you can complicate the exercise - raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. Bend your knees, but your feet should be on the mat, take the fitball between your legs, put your palms on the back of your head. The ball must be squeezed with effort and at the same time sit down. Strong children who find this exercise too easy can be asked to keep their feet above the floor at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Put the fitball under your back, put your palms behind your head, raise your head and shoulders from the floor to a horizontal position, hold on for a few seconds and lower yourself.
  4. Lie on the fitball, put one hand behind your head, hold the ball with the other, raise your shoulders with your head to a horizontal level and turn in one direction, then in the other direction.

Exercises for children on the side:

  1. Lying on your side on a gymnastic ball, hold on to the fitball with both hands, rise on your hands, roll the ball away from you and roll it back to you.
  2. Lie on your side, hold the fitball between your knees, raise your bent legs. It will be a little more difficult for children to pick up the ball with straight legs.

Exercises and ball games as a means

harmoniously developing preschooler

For the development of the body of a preschool child and his various motor activities, the main movements are of great value. The tasks of teaching the technique of performing movements in our preschool educational institution are most successfully solved in physical education classes, where assimilation takes place in a specially created environment, exercises are selected in a certain sequence, with complication.

An important place in the system of physical education of preschool children is occupied by actions with the ball. Exercises in throwing, rolling balls contribute to the development of the eye, coordination, dexterity, rhythm, coordination of movements, improve spatial orientation. Exercises with balls of various sizes develop not only large, but also small muscles, increase mobility in the joints of the fingers and hands, and increase blood circulation. They strengthen the muscles that hold the spine and help develop good posture.

Therefore, work with the ball occupies one of the main places in physical education and health work with children. The main task is to teach all children to control the ball at a sufficiently high level. Ball games are the most popular among children, and this is not surprising. The ball (large or small) is a projectile that requires nimble hands and increased attention. The plots of exercises with the ball are diverse. The ball can be thrown, you need to be able to catch it, you can stain it with the ball, knock it out. For children, the ball, this round, light, elastic, attractive projectile, often symbolizes an introduction to sports games: volleyball, basketball, football. Ball is played indoors and outdoors. A different number of children take part in the game.

In the "Childhood" program, according to which many preschool educational institutions work, children even at an early age perform actions with the ball. Actions with the ball occupy a significant place among other means of physical education, becoming more complex from group to group due to the introduction of additional tasks, as well as new ways of performing them.

In the younger group, they begin to acquaint children with the shape, volume, properties of a rubber ball, and teach them to play with the ball. Before starting special exercises, the baby must learn to take, hold and carry the ball with both hands and one hand. For this purpose, the game "catch the ball" is held. children with a lively interest, cheerfully run after the balls, collect them, bring them and put them in the basket. They take large balls and carry them with two hands, small balls with one. Children of the younger group learn to roll, throw the ball. The main thing in working with the ball for kids is to provide the opportunity to voluntarily exercise in actions with balls so that they have ease in movements (hold the ball, take, put, carry).

In the fifth year of life, the child's ability to throw and catch objects increases due to an increase in physical strength, the development of coordination of movements and the eye. Children learn to push the ball symmetrically with both hands, giving it the right direction of movement. It is important to teach the child to regulate the force of repulsion: to push the ball away not only strongly, but also weakly, without letting go of it far from the hands. Children should be taught how to catch the ball correctly, throw the ball over their heads with both hands.

In the older group, ball rolling skills are further developed. The exercises in throwing and catching the ball become more varied and more difficult. children should have versatile ball skills. They must be able to deftly receive it, hold it at ease, quickly and accurately pass it in different directions. A lot of time should be devoted to exercises in throwing and catching the ball individually, in pairs, in a circle, in circles with leaders. Not all children in the older group are dexterous enough when catching balls. They still do not know how to take into account a number of conditions on which the correct execution of an action depends. So, when fishing, it is necessary to determine the direction and speed of a flying object, its volume and mass. It depends on how you fish. For example, when catching the ball with both hands, the main task is to extinguish the speed of the flying object and hold it with the hands. When catching the ball, it is extremely important to be ready, to approach the ball at a convenient distance: go forward, step back, lunge or step to the side, jump, crouch.

In games and exercises with the ball, you need to teach children to throw the ball to each other so that it is convenient for a friend to catch it. In the senior group, children should be able to throw up and catch the ball after bouncing off the ground, floor at least 10 times in a row.

Fishing skills are successfully formed in individual work with children. Good possession of the ball is also facilitated by a variety of individual exercises "School of the ball".

In exercises such as tossing the ball up and clapping around, children should be taught to toss the ball high and straight over themselves in time to clap their hands or turn around and catch the ball.

In work with older preschoolers, there are also exercises in throwing, catching and hitting the ball with one hand. These exercises gradually become more difficult with an increase in the height of the toss, the number of tosses in a row. Throwing and catching the ball require differentiated actions: grabbing the ball, swing strength, coordination with throwing methods (from below, from the chest, from the shoulder, from the side, from behind). When learning these movements, children's attention is drawn to the phases: prepare, aim, quit. In game tasks, movements are performed together.

It is necessary to ensure that children do the exercises with their right and left hands. When catching the ball with one hand, it is met with the tips of the fingers, with the palm of the hand, after which the hand with the ball is smoothly retracted slightly back if the ball flies towards, or down if the ball falls from above, the movements of the arms and hands soften the reception of the ball. While catching the ball, the child needs to look at the ball until he takes it in his hands.

With the same soft and smooth movements, the ball is hit on the floor, both on the spot and moving forward. The latter is called dribbling. The forward movement of the ball is given mainly by the movements of the hand and forearm. The ball must first be dribbled at low speed in the forward direction, then with a turn in a circle, etc. Children practice dribbling with the right and left hands.

Tasks for the older group actively stimulate the manifestation of various physical qualities - dexterity, accuracy, speed, sense of rhythm, strength, endurance. For example (for the development of dexterity): tossing and catching balls from different positions - kneeling, sitting in Turkish, other exercises from the "Ball School".

In the classroom and in independent games, children of the seventh year improve and consolidate the skills of all methods of skating, throwing and catching. Ball possession is greatly improved. The child quite freely holds it, passes it, throws it, catches it. Passing the balls to each other or throwing them in different positions, the children act confidently and dexterously, which makes it possible to include these types of movements in tasks with elements of competition, in relay races: "Race of the balls", "Catch, throw, don't let fall."

Fishing skills are also improving. Exercises from the "School of the Ball" are widely used, children should be able to throw balls to each other with two hands from below, from the chest, from above, as well as with two hands with a rebound from the ground. Throwing is carried out not only at an arbitrary pace, but also under the score. Children practice throwing the ball while moving in pairs, standing still, from different starting positions, over the net.

The skills of dribbling the ball with the right and left hands are improved. It becomes possible to dribble the ball at high speed, at a considerable distance (20-30 m), while performing additional tasks. For example, while dribbling, run a “snake” between the pins, dribble and bounce. As a result of exercises, the child's movements become coordinated, he masters the ability to control the ball, gently pushing it away with his hand. To test the degree of possession of the ball, the child can be asked to dribble with his eyes closed, as well as dribble low, near the floor. children can perform complex precise movements with the ball, developing dexterity: hitting the wall with tasks, "Forward with the ball", "Don't lose the ball", "Pass the ball", "Go with the ball".

Children of the older group should be introduced to the history of the ball: how the ball was made in the old days in Russia, what games they played (“Candles”, “Podnebeski”, “Odnoruchye”, etc.); tell what balls are in the modern world and what sports they represent - basketball (basketball), volleyball (volleyball), football (football), tennis, etc.

With the older group, they also begin to learn the elements of sports games with the ball: football, basketball, volleyball. Ball games develop friendly relationships based on cooperation and mutual assistance. They require endurance, determination, courage. children learn to control their movements in a variety of conditions, in various game situations. At the beginning of training in sports games, the child's attention should be directed to the quality of each movement, and not to achieve a certain result with the help of this movement. In the future, exercises with elements of competition are applied. They must be carried out in order to consolidate the correct skill. After that, exercises are carried out with competition elements that require not only accuracy, but also speed of execution: “The ball from the hill”, “Run the ball”, “Throw the ball”, “Whose ball is faster”.

In addition to exercises in skating, throwing, catching, hitting the ball, children perform developmental exercises. General developmental exercises with balls occupy a worthy place among exercises with other objects. You should start doing them with younger children, these exercises are very interesting and exciting. General developmental exercises with balls are most often carried out in combination with exercises in throwing, catching, rolling balls. If general developmental exercises with balls are carried out at the beginning of the lesson, then after them it is convenient to organize such exercises as rolling the ball, throwing, throwing at the target.

Starting from a young age, you can devote the entire lesson to working with the ball. For example: "Funny ball", "Quick ball", "School of the ball". This combination of exercises in one lesson enriches the actions of children with the ball, facilitates the organization and conduct of classes.

In your work, you need to use balls of different sizes. Young children have difficulty handling small balls and should be given mostly large balls. But older children use both large and small balls, depending on the nature of the exercise. For such as shifting the ball from one hand to another overhead, behind the back, under the foot, a small ball is convenient. And to pass the ball with both hands to a nearby child standing over the head, it is better to use large balls.

The distribution and collection of balls in the lesson are carried out in different ways. Toddlers, for example, can be handed out balls, or they take it themselves, you can roll balls to them in turn. The older children take allowances on their own, passing in a column one after another. In addition to ordinary balls, stuffed balls are used in the older groups during exercises. These exercises help develop hand strength. The exercises increase the load on the working muscles. This is because during the action with the medicine ball, the child has to make extra efforts to overcome the weight of the ball.

Balls of different sizes are also used in other basic movements such as throwing. It is necessary to teach children to throw at a target and at a distance. When carrying out exercises in throwing balls, children learn to throw correctly: to make a good swing, an energetic throw, and to place their feet correctly when throwing. From the very beginning, children are taught to throw the ball higher, since with a higher flight path it flies further. For this purpose, tasks are given: to throw balls through a rope (net) stretched slightly above the level of the child's head.

Throwing at a target is a more difficult exercise, it requires concentration, accuracy of the throw, the ability to balance the strength of the throw with distance. Experience shows that boys are especially successful at throwing: their movements are more dexterous, their throws are energetic. They throw balls, bags farther and hit the target better than the girls.

The ball is also involved in such basic movements as jumping, balance, walking, running, climbing. The ball in them is used as a visual reference point (let's jump to the ball, jump over the ball, run and walk with stepping over the ball); directly performing the task with him - crawling on all fours, pushing the ball with his head (in the preparatory group, this task becomes more complicated: crawling on all fours, pushing the ball with his head, on the gymnastic bench). to develop a sense of balance, children balance on a stuffed ball; walk on the gymnastic bench, hit the ball. An ordinary ball is good in the work of preventing flat feet (rolling the ball with the foot of the foot and other exercises).

Recently, children were able to get acquainted with health-improving balls - fitballs. The uniqueness of the healing effect of training on gymnastic balls is determined by the physiological mechanism of their action on the spinal column and, as a result, on the entire musculoskeletal system and the work of the autonomic systems of the body. Exercises on gymnastic balls contribute to the development of endurance, strength, coordination of movements, improve posture and prevent its violations, create optimal conditions for the correct position of the body.

Working with fitness balls is part of a physical education lesson - these are general developmental exercises, competition games or an outdoor game invented by children. “Fifteen on the snails” (the guys called the “hip-hop” balls with horn-like handles “snails”). Fitness ball exercises are one of my favorites.

Consolidation and improvement of actions with the ball are carried out mainly in outdoor games: "Ball up", "Traps with the ball", "Knocked out". actions with the ball should be included as often as possible in physical culture and health work.

The presented work system contains:

Thematic program for the section "School of the ball";

Quarterly plan for each age group based on thematic plan;

A series of class notes for each age group "School of the ball";

Comparative diagnostics at the end of the year;

A selection of outdoor games and game exercises with a ball for each age group;

Visual aid for older children "What is this ball?" (see Appendix 1);

Didactic game "Guess the sport and name the sport change";

Schemes of work with the ball for children of each age group (see Appendix 2).

Exercises and games with the ball are the means that harmoniously develop the child, giving a significant educational, health-improving and educational effect. Therefore, the development of ball possession by children should occupy one of the leading places in physical education and health work with preschoolers.

Thematic program for the section "School of the ball"

Junior group

1. Rolling the ball with two hands from the line.

2. Rolling the ball down an inclined board.

H. Rolling the ball on the bench, holding it with two or one hand.

4. Rolling the ball to each other in pairs from a sitting position, legs apart.

5. Rolling the ball to each other in pairs, kneeling.

6. Rolling the ball into the goal from a distance of 1.5-2 m.

7. Rolling the ball into the goal, standing in pairs.

8. Catching a ball thrown by an adult (distance 70 - 100 cm).

9. Throwing the ball up low and catching it.

10. Throwing the ball with two hands over the head.

11. Throwing the ball with both hands from the chest.

12. Throwing the ball through the rope.

13. Throwing the ball to each other in pairs (distance 1.5-2 m).

14. Throwing the ball on the ground and catching it.

15. Beating on the floor 2-3 times.

middle group

1. Rolling the ball between two lines, ropes (length 2-3 m), laid at a distance of 15-20 cm from one another.

2. Rolling the ball between objects (distance 40-50 cm).

3. Rolling the ball to each other from different positions.

4. Rolling down an inclined board and hitting an object.

5. Throwing the ball over the head from different positions.

b. Throws from behind the head over the net.

7. Throws from the chest from different positions.

8. Throws from the chest over the net.

9. Tossing and catching the ball without dropping it 3-4 times in a row.

10. Throws and catching the ball in pairs to each other.

11. Throwing and catching the ball in a circle (distance 1.5 m from each other).

12. Throwing the ball on the floor and catching it with both hands.

13. Beating the ball with the right and left hands on the floor 4-5 times in a row.

Senior group

1. Rolling the ball with one hand and two hands from different positions between objects (width 90-40 cm, length 3-4 m).

2. Throwing the ball up and catching it in place at least 10 times in a row.

3. Tossing the ball with claps and other tasks on the spot.

4. Throwing the ball up and catching it in motion at least 10 times in a row.

5. Tossing with claps and other tasks in motion.

6. Throwing the ball on the floor and catching with both hands on the spot at least 10 times in a row.

7. Beating with one hand in place at least 10 times.

8. Throwing the ball on the floor and catching with both hands at least 10 times in a row in motion.

9. Beating with the right or left hand in motion (distance 5-6 m).

10. Passing the ball to each other in different directions while standing and sitting.

11. Throwing to each other and catching the ball while sitting and standing, standing with their backs to each other, in different ways, in different formations.

12. Throwing the ball over the net.

13. Rolling a medicine ball to each other.

14. Rolling a stuffed ball into the gate to each other.

15. Throwing medicine ball to each other.

16. Throwing into a basketball hoop.

17. Throwing the ball against the wall and catching it with both hands.

preschool group

1. Throwing the ball up, on the ground and catching it with both hands at least 20 times.

2. Throwing the ball up, on the ground and catching it with one hand at least 10 times.

3. "School of the ball" standing still.

4. Rolling stuffed balls from different starting positions (standing, sitting).

5. Throwing stuffed balls in different ways (from below, from the chest, from behind the head).

6. Throwing stuffed balls from different starting positions (standing, sitting, kneeling).

7. Throwing the ball from below, from the chest, with a rebound from the ground, from above with two hands, from the shoulder with one hand (distance 3-4 m).

8. Throwing from different positions (sitting, standing, lying).

9. Throwing balls to each other while walking.

10. Throwing balls to each other while running.

11. Throwing over the net.

12. Passing the ball with a rebound from the floor from one hand to the other.

13. Passing the ball with a rebound from the floor from one hand to the other, on the move.

14. Hitting the ball on the spot at least 10 times with one hand.

15. Beating the ball in motion in a circle.

16. Dribbling, moving between objects.

17. Dribbling with additional tasks (turns).

18. Dribbling while running.

19. Dribbling with jumps.

20. Throwing the ball at a target from a kneeling position while sitting.

21. Throwing the ball into the distance to the specified landmarks.

22. Throwing the ball into the basketball hoop.

23. School of the ball "near the wall

Games and play exercises with the ball

"School of the ball" Option 1

1. Throw the ball up, clap your hands behind your back and catch the ball.

2. Throw the ball up, turn around and catch the ball.

H. Throw the ball up, sit cross-legged and catch the ball.

4. Squat down, throw the ball up, jump to your feet and catch the ball.

5. Throw the ball high up, bend over, touch your toes with your fingertips, straighten up and catch the ball.

Option 2

1. Hit the ball on the ground so that it bounces high, then bend down, touch your toes with your fingertips and, straightening up, catch the ball.

2. Hit the ball hard in front of you on the ground, turn around and catch the ball.

Z. Draw a circle on the ground (12 steps in a circle, 4 steps across), run around it 3 times, hit the ball with the palm of one hand (either right or left).

4. Raise your right leg, slightly stretching it forward, and throw the ball with your left hand on the ground so that it passes under your right foot. Then catch the bounced ball on the right, do not lower your legs. Do the same exercise by lifting your left leg and throwing the ball with your left hand. The one who scores the most points wins.

Note . The player repeats each exercise one time at first. Then, after completing all the exercises or when a mistake is made by the child during the game, the partner enters the game and repeats the same exercises. The game gradually becomes more difficult - the number of throws increases. Exercises are performed sequentially one after another. Two attempts are allowed for each exercise. For an exercise correctly performed on the first attempt, the participant receives two points, for performed on the second attempt - one point. The one with the most points wins.

"School of the ball" (with a tennis ball)

1. Throw the ball with your right and then with your left hand on the floor and both times catch it with both hands.

2. Throw the ball with the right, and then with the left hand up and both times catch it with both hands.

H. Throw the ball up, let it hit the ground and catch the mother after the rebound. Catch twice with both hands, once with the right and the left.

Note : The ball can be caught with one hand in different ways: a) pick up from below at the time when it starts to fall; b) grasp from above or from the side, towards his movement. The second method, although more difficult for children, is more accurate. In the first way, only a weakly thrown ball is caught, in the second, any ball can be caught with one hand.

4. Throw the ball to the ground and when it bounces, beat it back down with your palm, and after the second jump catch it. Beat with the right and left hand in turn, and catch twice with both hands, once with the right and left.

5. Throw the ball on the ground, after the bounce, bounce it with your palm up and then catch it. Give with the right and left hand in turn, and catch twice with both hands and once with the right and left.

6. Throw the ball into the wall with the right and left hands alternately and catch it twice with both hands and once with the right and left hands.

7. Throw the ball at the wall, let it fall to the ground and only then catch it in the usual way four times (twice with both hands and once with the right and left hands).

8. Stand with your back to the wall, throw the ball back over your head and catch it after the rebound. Throw and catch in the usual way four times.

9. Throw the ball at the wall, hit it back with the palm of your hand once or twice and catch it. It is necessary to throw and beat off alternately with the right and left hands, and you can catch all the time with both hands.

10. With an outstretched hand, lean against the wall (you can gymnastics), with the other hand, throw the ball under the outstretched hand and catch it from above. Perform this exercise with your right and left hands.

11. Stand on one leg, lean on the wall with the other (you can put it on the third or fourth rail of the gymnastic wall): a) throw the ball from under your foot outward and catch it with the same hand; b) throw the ball with the other hand from under the foot inward up and catch it with the same hand.

Note. 1. Two or more players can take part in exercises. Then there is a competition - who will do all the exercises first (a game of "classes"). Children use one ball and play in turns. When the turn comes to the child, he tries to perform in a row, starting from the first, as many exercises as possible, and from “class to class” until he drops the ball; after that, he transfers the right to play to the next one. The child who received the ball each time starts the game from the exercise on which his turn was interrupted. The one who passed all the classes before the others leaves the game and is considered the winner, the last one is the loser.

2. For beginners and not very dexterous children, you can limit yourself to the first two exercises from each class, that is, to catch the ball with only both hands.

Game exercises for children of the second younger group (3-4 years old)

1. Rolling balls to each other from a distance of 1.5-2 m in a sitting position, legs apart, legs crossed or standing.

2. Rolling balls through the gate (width 50-60 cm) from a distance of 1-1.5 m.

3. Throwing the ball with both hands from the chest.

4. Throwing the ball with two hands over the head.

5. Throwing and catching the ball from the teacher from a distance of 1-1.5 m.

6. Throwing the ball up and trying to catch.

7. Throwing the ball on the ground and trying to catch.

8. Throwing a big ball with two hands through a rope, net.

9. Throwing a small ball with one hand through a rope, net.

catch up with the ball . The teacher rolls or throws the balls in a straight direction and invites the children to run and fetch them. The number of balls must match the number of players. Start from a short distance (3-4 m) and gradually increase it to 6-7 m. above ground tree roots. The guys during the run do not pay attention to the environment, trying to catch up with their favorite toy.

Ball from the mountains Children roll the ball down a small hill or slope (an obliquely laid wide board) and run after it, catching up with the ball.

Push and chase . Children stand on one side of the playground, on the floor in front of each ball. Crouching or bending over, they push the ball and run after it, catch up and pick up the ball. The ground may be flat or slightly sloping in the direction of running.

II roll the ball . Children, sitting on the floor or standing in pairs (distance 1.5-2 m), push the ball away, making a quick energetic movement with the brush. The distance is gradually increased to 3-4 m. In pairs, try to pick up children, of which one is better at moving. A teacher plays with a child who does not know how to roll a ball.

Game exercises for children of the middle group (4-5 years old)

1. Rolling the ball, the ball to each other from a distance of 1.5-2 m.

2. Rolling the ball, the ball into the goal (width 40-50 cm) from a distance of 1.5-2 m.

3. Rolling a ball, a ball hitting objects (distance 1.5-2 m).

4. Rolling a ball, a ball between sticks, lines, cords (track length 2-3 m).

5. Rolling the hoop in any direction.

6. Throwing the ball up and catching (at least 3-4 times in a row).

7. Throwing the ball on the ground and catching.

8. Throwing the ball to each other and catching it from a distance of 1-1.5 m.

9. Throwing the ball with both hands from the chest through a net or rope stretched at the height of the child's raised arm (standing at a distance of 2 m).

10. Throwing the ball with two hands from behind the head in a standing position, sitting.

11. Hitting the ball on the ground with both hands, standing still.

12. Hitting the ball with one hand.

13. Throwing the ball against the wall and catching (in individual games).

Forward with the ball . Sit on the floor, hold the ball with your feet, rest your hands on the floor from behind. Move forward with the ball (approximately 3 m) without releasing the ball.

Game exercises for children of the older group (5-6 years old)

1. Rolling a ball, a ball hitting objects (skittles, headstock, etc.), rolling a “snake” between objects.

2. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands (at least 10 times in a row).

3. Throwing the ball up and catching it with one hand (at least 4-6 times in a row).

4. Throwing the ball to each other with a clap.

5. Throwing the ball to each other and catching from a sitting position.

b. Throwing the ball to each other and catching with a turn around.

7. Throwing the ball to each other and catching with a rebound from the ground.

8. Throwing the ball to each other and catching in motion.

9. Beating the ball on the ground with both hands, standing still (at least 10 times in a row).

10. Hitting the ball on the ground with both hands, moving forward with a step in a straight direction at a distance of 5-6 m.

11. Hitting the ball on the ground with one hand (right or left), moving forward.

12. Beating the ball against the wall with a clap, turn, rebound from the ground.

13. Throwing the ball into the basket.

14. Throwing a stuffed ball with two hands (weight up to 1 kg) from the chest and from behind the head.

catch the ball . Children stand in threes, two of them stand at a distance of 3-4 m from each other and throw the ball. The third is between them and tries to catch the ball at the moment when it flies over it. If he catches, he takes the place of the child who threw the ball, and he takes the place of the driver.

catch up with the ball . 4-5 children throw the ball over a rope stretched at a height of 1.5 m, catch up with it and catch it, preventing the ball from touching the ground more than 1-2 times. Try to throw the ball higher, but not far. You can throw a small or large ball, with one or two hands. Rope distance 50-60 cm

With the ball under the arc.Crawl on all fours under an arc (height 40 cm), pushing a stuffed ball with your head. The distance to the arc is 2-3 m.

Game exercises for children of the preparatory group for school

1. Throwing the ball up and catching with both hands (at least 20 times in a row).

2. Throwing the ball up and catching with one hand (at least 10 times in a row).

3. Throwing the ball to each other with a bang, with a turn, with a rebound from the ground, in an oblique direction.

4. Throwing the ball to each other in different positions: standing face and back, kneeling, sitting in Turkish, lying down.

5. Rolling a stuffed ball to each other.

6. Throwing a stuffed ball forward from below, from the chest, over the head back.

7. Beating the ball on the ground alternately with one and the other hand several times in a row.

8. Beating the ball on the ground with both hands, moving forward at a distance of 6-8 m.

9. Hitting the ball on the ground with one hand, moving forward in a straight direction.

10. Beating the ball on the ground, moving in a circle.

11. Hitting the ball on the ground, moving "snake" ..

12. Throwing the ball into the basketball basket from the spot and from three steps.

13. Beating the ball over the net by several players with the transfer to each other (elements of volleyball).

14. Throwing and catching the ball from the wall with different tasks: with a rebound from the ground, with a circle turn, in an oblique direction, with jumping over the bounced ball.

15. Throwing the ball up and catching with hands. Remind the children that the ball must fly straight up, that they need to follow the flight of the ball. It is necessary to catch with both hands, do not press the ball to the chest. You can introduce an element of competition: who will throw the ball 8-10 times, never dropping it on the floor.

16. Throwing the ball to each other from below. Children are built in pairs, each pair has a ball. They stand opposite each other at a distance of 1.5-2 m and throw the ball with both hands from below. If the children threw and caught the ball without dropping it 6-8 times in a row, the distance increases.

17. Throwing the ball to each other over the head, two children stand against each other, one has a ball in his hands. Take the ball behind your head and, rising on your toes, throw the ball forward up. The partner catches the ball and throws it back in the same way. The same exercise can be done by building the children in two lines, facing each other. The line with the ball hitting the floor the fewest times wins.

Push - catch . Children are distributed in pairs, each pair has a ball. One sits, the second stands at a distance of 2-3 m. The seated one pushes the ball away to the partner, quickly gets up and catches the ball thrown to him. After several repetitions, the children switch roles.

An approximate set of exercises with a small (tennis) ball

1.I. n. - legs apart, the ball is in front in lowered hands. 1. - Raise your hands up, bend over. 2. - Bending your arms, touch the ball to the neck.3. - Straighten your arms up, sit down. 4. - I. p. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

2.I. n. - legs apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand, turned palm down. 1 - 2. - Release the ball from the hand and after the rebound, turning the body to the left, catch the ball with the right hand. The same on the other side. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. I. p. - lying on the stomach, the ball is in both hands at the top. 1 - 2. - Bend over, hands with the ball behind your head. 3 - 4. - I. p. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

4. I. p. - main stance, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand. 1. - Raise your left leg forward. 2. - Hit the ball on the floor under the foot so that the ball bounces slightly to the right. 3. - Lowering the leg, catch the ball with the right hand. The same under the other leg. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand. 1. - Raise straight legs and, lowering your arms, shift the ball under your knees from your left hand to your right.2. - Lower your legs, arms to the sides (ball in your right hand). 3 - 4. - The same, shifting the ball from the right hand to the left. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, arms forward, ball in left hand. 1. - Unclench your fingers, release the ball from your left hand and, quickly crouching, catch it with both hands near the floor. 2. - Straighten up. The same with the right hand; the same, catching the ball with one hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

7. I. p. - emphasis lying, the ball on the floor between the hands. 1. - Take the ball with your left hand, turning your torso to the left, point-blank lying sideways, raise your left hand with the ball up. 2. - The same with the right hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. I. p. - main stance, the ball is in both hands below. 1. - Raise the left leg forward, right hand forward, the ball in the palm of the left, set aside. 2. - Squat on the right leg, holding the ball in the palm of your hand. 3. - Stand up, holding the ball in the palm of your hand. 4. - I. p. The same with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

9. I. p. - standing, hold the ball between the feet. 1. - Jump, throwing the ball up with your feet - forward, and catch it with both hands. 2. - I. p. The same, alternately catching the ball with each hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. I. p. - main stance, the ball at the chest in both hands. 1. - Hands up, rise on toes, bend over.2. - Hands on chest. 3. - Lean forward, hands down, touch the floor with the ball. 4. - I. p. Repeat 6 - 8 times.


A set of exercises with small (tennis) balls for students in grades 2-4.

  1. I.p. - main stance, ball in right hand. 1. Throw the ball up. 2. Catch the ball with your left hand. 3. Throw the ball up. 4. Catch with your right hand. Repeat 4-6 times.
  2. I.p. - main stance, ball in left hand. 1. Throw the ball on the floor in front of you. 2. Catch after a rebound with the right hand. The same with the other hand. Repeat 5-7 times.
  3. I.p. - the main stand, the ball in the left hand below. 1. Throw the ball high up. 2. Clap your hands. 3. Catch the ball with your right hand. The same with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times.
  4. I.p. - main stance, ball in right hand. Walking at a slow pace, tossing the ball up and catching the palm from above, from below with the right hand. The same alternating left and right hand. Run 25-30 sec.
  5. I.p. - main stance, ball in right hand. 1. Throw the ball up, raise the left rut forward. 2. Cotton in the palm under the foot. 3. Catch the ball with both hands. 4. I.p. the same with the other foot, catching the ball with one hand. Repeat 4-5 times.
  6. I.p. - main stance, ball in left hand. 1. Lunge to the left, hands up, shift the ball to the right hand. 2. Attach a leg, hands down. The same on the other side. Repeat 7-9 times.
  7. I.p. - the main stand, the ball is lower in the left hand. 1. Throw the ball to the floor from behind with the body turning to the right. 2. Catch the ball after the bounce with the right hand. The same d in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.
  8. I.p. - legs together, the ball is lower in the left hand. 1-3. Balance on left foot, ball in straight arms in front. 4. I.p. the same on the right leg. Repeat 3-4 times.
  9. I.p. - main stance, ball in right hand. Bouncing on toes, alternately hit the ball with open palms so that it bounces off the floor no higher than the waist. (30-50 sec).
  10. I.p. - legs apart, the ball is lower in the hands. 1. Lean forward, put the ball behind as far as possible. 2. Straighten up. 3. Lean down, take the ball. 4. I.p. Repeat 4-6 times.

About the meaning of the ball.

Ball hand action development

Ball games develop

development of brain functions

speech development the whole body is activated

Ball games and exercises


How to choose a ball

Jumping ability.

Heaviness/lightness. For child ball and light inflatable.


Surface quality. child

Coloring child.

Minimum set of balls.

At home and on the street.

"I'm afraid, I'm angry, I love ...".

"Who am I?".

The game "Who does what?"

Game "Hot - cold"

About the meaning of the ball.

Ball is a comfortable, dynamic toy that occupies a special place in hand action development. The first ball games are invaluable in their importance for the health, emotional sufficiency, physical and intellectual development of a small child. Throughout preschool childhood, ball games become more complicated and, as it were, "grow" with the child, making up the great joy of childhood.

Ball games develop eye, coordination, ingenuity, contribute to general motor activity. For a child, the ball is a subject of passion from the first years of life. The child does not just play the ball, but varies it: takes, carries, puts, throws, rolls, etc., which develops him emotionally and physically. Ball games are also important for the development of the baby's hand.

The movements of the fingers and hands are of particular importance for development of brain functions child. And the more diverse they are, the more "motor signals" enter the brain, the more intense the accumulation of information, and hence the intellectual development of the child.

Hand movements also help speech development child. Modern scientific data confirm these positions: the areas of the cerebral cortex, "responsible" for the articulation of the organs of speech and fine motor skills of the fingers, are located in the same innervation field, i.e. close proximity to each other. Consequently, the nerve impulses from the moving hands going to the cerebral cortex stimulate the speech zones located in the neighborhood, increasing their activity. Kids, getting acquainted with the properties of the ball, performing a variety of actions (throwing, rolling, running after the ball, etc.), receive a load on all muscle groups (trunk, abdominals, legs, arms, hands), they the whole body is activated. Even, it would seem, the usual tossing the ball up causes the need for straightening, which favorably affects the child's posture. We can say that ball games are a special complex gymnastics: the ability to grasp, hold, move the ball while walking, running or jumping develops.

Ball games and exercises develop orientation in space, regulate the strength and accuracy of the throw, develop an eye, dexterity, speed of reaction; normalize the emotional-volitional sphere, which is especially important for both sedentary and hyperexcitable children. Ball games develop muscle strength, strengthen the work of the most important organs of the body - lungs, heart, improve metabolism.

One can only wonder what variety of experiences and activities can give the baby an ordinary ball! The simplest, in our adult opinion, actions are in fact extremely useful. They develop observation, concentration, feelings, movement and even thinking. And often, the baby independently notices and looks for a variety of secrets and surprises. And this is exactly what is so desired for parents autonomy and volitional activity.

There is a great variety of fun and games with ball on land and on water. They actually have invaluable and very, very broad developmental opportunities! Keep your kid company! Play with pleasure, remember the games and fun from your childhood, and you will be interested!

Ball exercises for preschool children

The simplest and most exciting exercises for a child with a ball, which develops dexterity and speed of reaction well, is “stuffing” the ball against a wall or floor. For them, you need to use a small light ball up to 20cm in diameter.

When teaching a child to perform an exercise with a ball “stuffing against a wall”, place the baby a meter from the wall. Let him first just try to catch the ball bouncing off the wall. If the child is good at this, the exercise can be complicated. Now the ball must be caught when it hits the floor after touching the wall.

Then let the child try to hit the ball without grabbing it. Just first show the baby how to properly push the ball. For starters, you can do it with both hands, as when playing volleyball.

To make ball exercises more difficult, have your child push the ball with one hand, like in basketball. At the same time, it is important to teach the child to hit the ball alternately with the right and left hands (although, of course, it is more convenient for children to do this with the “leading” hand).

To teach a child not to move when performing this rather difficult exercise with a ball, a line can be described around the legs of a small athlete with chalk and agreed that the child will try not to stand up for it.

As for simpler exercises with the ball, tossing the ball up is also good for developing coordination and dexterity. Performing this exercise does not require special training or special conditions. The child is placed in a stable position, feet shoulder-width apart. The kid throws the ball as high as possible and tries to catch it.

Teach your child to play with a ball:
1. Hit the ball on the ground without interruption at least ten times with each hand, alternately with both hands, passing it under the foot;
2. Bounce the ball off the wall continuously, holding the hands in various positions, jump over the ball and catch it from behind;
3. Remember the dodgeball games familiar to you from childhood, use the ball game to develop the child's speech and thinking. Let, hitting the ball on the ground, he says: “I know five names of girls, (boys, names of trees, modes of transport, sports and everything else that comes to your mind with him).” When playing “shtandr”, agree to catch only certain seasons, months, days of the week, names of birds or dishes, furniture or flowers, everything that has a tail or a handle, etc.

4. Ask to throw the ball in the air, then clap your hands and catch it.

In modern apartments, the possibilities for playing ball are very limited, but parents can still be offered some fun game exercises with the ball. These games can be played indoors using everything at hand: toys, paper balls, skittles, empty plastic bottles, ropes, balls of various sizes, stools, chairs, etc.

Exercises with the use of these objects concretize the movement, develop dexterity, dexterity, concentration.

It is advisable to have one or two large balls with a diameter of 15-20 cm, small balls with a diameter of 5-8 cm (for big and table tennis, rubber, soft from different materials, sewn by you), paper balls (from crumpled paper), a large inflatable ball - ball.

Accompanying movements with the ball with a poetic text helps to make the lesson more understandable, and most importantly, it sets the rhythm for completing the game task.


Target. Learn to roll the ball in a straight direction, push it energetically, with effort, develop the ability to navigate in space.

A child with a ball in his hands comes to the designated place (cord, strip of plaster, colored circle) and performs actions in accordance with the poetic text.

Our cheerful, sonorous ball (pushing the ball with both hands)

We'll ride far look where he went),

Now let's chase him down. ( Runs after the ball, catches up with it.)

This is easy for us to do! ( Raises the ball over his head: "Caught!".)

Depending on the diameter of the ball, the child can roll it with one hand, alternating the right and left hands if the ball is small (5-8 cm in diameter) or with both hands if it is large (18-20 cm in diameter).

Mom's advice. Teach your child to look ahead before he rolls the ball. Do not run after the ball immediately, but wait for the speech signal. Explain that the ball should be pushed away not with a sharp and short movement of the hands, but with a smooth and energetic movement (if necessary, do the exercise together, clasping the child’s arms with your own).



This is a great game for practicing accuracy and skating skills. If there are no skittles in the house, then empty plastic bottles (from under the water, "Rastishka" or "Imunele") will perfectly replace them. An adult places two or three pins at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the child and gives him a big ball.

The kid, squatting down (leaning over, legs slightly wider than his shoulders) in the place indicated by his mother (colored circle or cord), rolls the ball forward with both hands, trying to knock down the skittles. Then he follows him, picks him up and returns.

Mom's advice.

Make sure that the child vigorously pushes the ball away with both hands, and does not toss it up and down. Teach him to look ahead (at the skittles). Praise even if the baby misses the target. Mark with chalk, pieces of plaster on the floor where the skittles should be placed, and let the child independently set the knocked down objects in place.


Target. Develop the ability to push the ball away with both hands, learn to estimate the distance between objects.

Option 1. An adult moves one or three stools. Shows how to roll the ball through the "tunnel" (under the stools), pushing it with both hands. Attention: the diameter of the ball should not be more than half the distance between the legs of the stool. The child will watch with interest as the ball goes through the tunnel.

Option. 2. You will need the help of three or four people: older brother or sister, grandparents will be happy to play with the baby. They should stand next to each other with their legs apart. And mom shows how to roll the ball with both hands through the resulting tunnel.

In both versions of the game, the child can run after the rolling ball and bring it back to roll it through the tunnel again. You can ask an adult to stand at the other end of the tunnel to catch the ball and roll it back to the baby. A small child will enjoy not only rolling, but also catching a rolling ball.

Mom's advice. Remind your child to push the ball with both hands at the same time with force so that it rolls through the tunnel instead of getting stuck in it. Teach him to look ahead. Praise even if he doesn't get into the tunnel.


Target. To teach with both hands to throw the ball at a horizontal target on the floor, to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Before the game (always with the child) you need to make snowflakes - pick up small pieces of white light paper (for example, napkins). Lay a large fluffed pillow on the floor, sprinkle "snowflakes" on top.

A child with a ball in his hands stands at a distance of 0.7-1.5 m from the pillow and tries to throw the ball at it (with two hands from below). Having hit the target, he is delighted with the snowflakes flying to the sides. Let him throw the ball until he gets bored. And then he collects snowflakes with his mother - the baby's fingers will work hard.

Mom's advice. Do not force the child to perform any movement. Do not ask him to repeat the exercise until he can do it correctly. Do not reproach for absent-mindedness, inattention, inability, etc. Don't make learning a boring chore. Play when the baby is in a great mood.


Target. Develop elementary skills of hitting the target with the ball (vigorously push the ball in a given direction).

This game exercise can be offered to the child when he gets bored with the game of skittles.

Mom builds a tower out of three or four cubes. The kid, squatting down (bending down, legs slightly wider than his shoulders) in the place indicated by his mother (colored circle or cord), rolls the ball forward with both hands, trying to knock down the turret located at a distance of 1.5 m from him.

Children tend to get excited about flying blocks (which shouldn't be too heavy).

"Fifteen with a ball"

In addition to running, an essential element of this game is throwing the ball.
According to the previous one, the children distribute roles among themselves, with the majority taking flight, and one of their environment, having received the nickname tag, is also supplied with a ball of a larger or smaller size.
While the children are running in different directions, the tag outlines a victim for itself and tries to overtake it at all costs, staining it with the touch of the ball.
The victim changes roles with him, and the game continues until the children have enough desire, and they get tired and lose interest in the game they started.

"My cheerful sonorous ball"

It is important for this game that the ball bounces well. From 4 years old an adult can show to kid her next option is to hit ball on the floor or wall and catch it with both hands, saying: “Ball, ball, jump!” It's okay if the ball hits the floor several times before the baby catches it.

Gradually by 5-6 years children will be able to master dribbling, accompanying the blows with a poem by S. Marshak:

My cheerful ringing ball
Where did you run off to?
Yellow, red, blue,
Don't chase after you.
I clapped your hand
You jumped and stomped loudly
And then you rolled
And did not turn back.
Rolled into the garden
Ran up to the gate
Rolled under the gate
Ran to the turn
Got hit by a wheel
Popped, popped, that's all.

Children must see this game repeatedly in the performance of an adult or older children in order to feel the rhythm of the movement.

"Ride with the ball"

Hold the ball between your knees and jump, competing with someone and not losing the ball.

"Mini Basketball"

A 3-4-year-old child can also be offered options for throwing the ball into some kind of container located on the floor or raised a short distance from the floor (basket, box, basin, empty inflatable pool, etc.). Non-bouncy soft balls and woolen balls work well for this. This game is easy to diversify by changing the size of the container and the size of the balls, as well as the height at which this container is placed, and the distance from which the child tries to throw the ball.
An adult can hold a container in his hands and use it to catch a ball thrown by a child. From the age of 6, children can play independently in pairs. Bouncing balls are also suitable for this version of the game.

« Apple"

The game is available to children not earlier than 3.5-4 years old. For children of 3 years old, this game is not yet clear, and 4-5-year-olds may well keep the location of the ball secret and wait for their turn.
The adult sits down and, by his example, invites the children to sit down. Everyone sits on the floor or on chairs in a circle. The driver closes his eyes with his palms and puts his head on his knees. The ball-apple is passed from hand to hand in front of him, and for 6-year-olds - behind his back, with a song to an arbitrary motive:
Roll-roll apple
You roll, ruddy.
You roll, roll
Roll into my palms.
Now stop! - at this moment the ball stops in someone's hands. Everyone hides their hands behind their backs. With a song, they invite the driver to guess who is hiding the apple:
Rise up and see
Bring the apple back to the game!
The driver, walking inside the circle, asks someone to show the handles. Each questioner must show both pens. For younger children, the number of guesses can be unlimited, the one who had the apple becomes the driver. For 6-year-olds, additional rules are introduced: find an apple in 3-2-1 times; if the driver did not guess correctly, then he remains the driver for one more round.
School-age children continue to play with pleasure, inventing new rules themselves.

"Edible - inedible"

Game for children from 5 years old. On the ground, a short line indicates the end where the driver stands and a long line indicates the starting line for the players. To begin with, the space between them can be marked with lines at intervals of a small children's step (20-25 cm) for ease of movement. For the game you need a medium-sized ball.
The driver stands behind the horse line, playing in a line behind the start line. The driver throws a ball into the hands of each player in turn, naming objects and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (cloud, birch, cake, crocodile, compote, etc.) The player, realizing while the ball is flying, whether it is edible or not, must catch it or not catch (beat off) the ball. If true, the player takes a step forward towards the horse. If incorrect stays in place. The driver throws the ball to the next one. The one who gets to the top first wins and becomes the leader.

"Catch with a net"

The thrower and the catcher stand at a distance of approximately 15-20 meters from each other. The thrower then throws the ball ten times. The catcher must try to catch a tennis or rubber ball with a net. The number of successful attempts is counted.

"Ball on the head"

Competitors put a rubber “donut” on their heads - a ball (volleyball or football) is on top. With the ball on your head, you must walk or run a certain distance.

Show your imagination, ingenuity, use everything that is at hand for games: chairs, empty plastic bottles, long shoelaces, etc.

Gradually involve the child in all new types of games and fun, systematically repeat them so that he fixes the movements. For children of this age, it is enough that they learn to roll the ball into the distance in a given direction, hit the ball on the floor and up, and swing correctly when throwing a small ball into the distance.

Do not forget about the age of the child, his physical abilities! Pay attention to the exercises that he performs with joy, without pressure from you. Be soft, kind, gentle. It is good if you encourage your child with praise; be surprised at how dexterous, brave, fast he is. Let the child demonstrate his skills in front of all family members or peers: this gradually develops self-confidence, the desire to learn further, mastering new, more complex movements and games.

How to choose a ball

The ball should be comfortable and not cause tears in the baby from feeling his own awkwardness!

Jumping ability. Not only rubber balls can be bouncy, but also well-stuffed woolen ones. A "non-bouncy" ball can be a "rolling ball". For example, glass balls are good precisely for their “non-jumping”! For home games of bouncy balls, only well-stuffed woolen ones are suitable. On the street, the quality of bounciness becomes especially important - a “non-bouncy” ball seems inanimate.

Heaviness/lightness. For child, who has just begun to walk, a heavy soccer ball, due to its weight and large size, simply cannot be a toy. But for older preschoolers, it is a real pleasure to show their dexterity with a variety of balls. It is very important for the baby to learn how to balance the force of impact with the weight of the ball. This gives a good experience of managing oneself and foreseeing the result at a very early age. See how your little one handles differently with the big rubber ball and light inflatable.

Color. Despite the fact that children pay attention to bright colors, you should not stuff babies with caustic, catchy aniline paints. The color perception of the eye develops better on juicy, open colors of the rainbow, their variants and shades in pastel colors.

Surface quality. Very important for tactile perception. The more natural materials there are, the richer the experience will be. child in actions with them, a complex perception of their properties, etc. Embossed knitted surface, cotton fabrics or cloth, glass (if it does not break), rubber, wood, bone, birch bark weaving, vines, etc.

Coloring. Pay attention to whether the ball sheds! Does the paint peel off, does it peel off? This could be dangerous for child.

Minimum set of balls. Toddlers need: 1 small rubber ball, 1-2 soft indoor balls and 1 outdoor bouncy ball.

At home and on the street.

At home, it is better to use soft balls for playing - rag, knitted, felted, balls of thread with a fixed tip, balloons, table tennis balls, etc., and large gymnastic balls. The indisputable advantage of "soft" balls is their safety when playing indoors. Neither the environment, nor the windows, not to mention the players themselves, will suffer. A large basket in the children's corner is suitable for storing "room balls".

Outdoor balls must be stored separately at the front door in the same basket, box or container (rubber balls of various sizes, football, basketball and other sports balls).

Games that help understand the experiences of the child.

"I'm afraid, I'm angry, I love ...".
Throwing the ball to each other, quickly name the first thing that comes to mind, continuing the sentences: - I'm afraid ...., I love ...
The parent also participates in naming and thereby shows the child that he also has different feelings, including negative ones, which helps the child to accept his own feelings.
"Who am I?". Without showing each other until the end of the work, answer the questions: for the child: What animal do you look like in character? What does mom look like? What animal do you think your mother represents you?
For mom, the questions are similar. You can make up your own questions. The goal is to understand how I see myself and how others see me.

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