Knife under the gate. Kitchen knife: signs so as not to bring trouble

A knife is an item that is in the kitchen of every person. We all pick it up every day, use it for its intended purpose, and sometimes we can cut ourselves or drop it on the floor. However, it has long been known that a knife is not just a piece of kitchen utensils. There are various superstitions and signs about knives.

At different times, this item played many roles: it was a symbol of power, might, often acted as a talisman or amulet, was used as a magical tool, and so on. It is not surprising that the knife is overgrown with a mass of superstitions and will accept, which will be discussed later.

What does falling knife mean?

The most common sign is about a falling knife, since this simply cannot be avoided when cooking.

So, if a knife falls, it is worth focusing on this, because a hidden meaning can be concluded in such an action. So holding can warn about something or correctly guide you through life, so you should not throw this information out of your head.

  • If a clean knife falls and does not hurt anyone, this indicates that there will be guests in the house in the near future, one of which is necessarily a man, since this word refers to the masculine gender.
  • If a fallen object lands on the handle after falling, it means that soon someone familiar or even a family member will knock on the front door. Moreover, the visit will bring only positive energy and does not bode well either for the host or for the future guest.
  • If the knife fell on the floor or on the table at home in such a way that the tip turned towards the person, it should be ready. A man goes to your house not with good intentions, there may be negative thoughts in his head. It is necessary to decide whether it is worth letting such a guest on the threshold.

By the way, there is a belief that if the knife fell with the tip up and directed towards the person, he has the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant meeting. To do this, you need to pick up the object, take it in your right hand and hit the front door several times with the tip, while saying the following words: “There is no one at home, you don’t need to go here.” Judging by the reviews, after that, the male guest does not come.

  • If, after falling on the table, the knife turned with its handle towards the person, this indicates that there is a man who is looking for a meeting, but something stands in his way.
  • If the house has a wooden floor in the kitchen or, for example, linoleum is laid, the knife can stick with a point after falling. This means that an unfamiliar man will knock on the house soon.

Why does the knife break

Everything in this life is not eternal and, of course, any item in the apartment can break sooner or later. All the signs of a broken knife do not carry anything good.

If the knife in the house is broken in the hands, no attempt should be made to fix it, even if it was of particular value. It needs to be thrown into the trash as soon as possible, while saying in a whisper the following words: “Go out into the night, out of sight, take away all the tears and sadness over you.”

If rust appears on the object, this indicates that something is wrong in the body of one of the household members and it is worth taking a closer look at health.

Why dream

If you happened to see a knife in a dream at night, know that this is not just like that, this is also not the best sign. A situation is considered especially bad when someone breaks a sharp tool, because this means that among friends someone only portrays friendly feelings, but actually holds a stone behind his back.

If you dreamed that you found an old knife that you had previously stolen, this is also a bad sign. After all, according to the knowledge of folk signs, by picking up someone else's thing, you take away all the negativity that its owner has ever been exposed to. Accordingly, you need to be careful in all respects if you had such a dream on the night before important events.

If in a dream you had a chance to fight with someone or you stabbed someone, in reality you will have to feel remorse from what you once did in relation to one of your friends or acquaintances, since the truth will float outside. The same applies to dreams about how a person had to steal using the described object.

What does the found knife mean?

If you find someone else's knife, it is better to bypass such a find, in no case should you pick it up. According to popular beliefs and signs, this item has the ability to absorb all the negativity coming from its owner. If you pick up such an object, quarrels, troubles, failures will appear in life, everything will simply fall out of your hands.

If you find a rusty knife, then this promises a quick discord in relations with your loved one. If you value your marriage, then in no case should you pick up such a find in order to maintain harmony.

There are some points that are worth talking about in more detail. Even if you do not plan to pick up a knife and appropriate it for yourself, the very fact of the find can also become a sign. Pay attention to how the tip is located:

  • directed upward - expect changes for the worse;
  • directed downward - everything that you plan will not come true.

Thus, one should not stop near a knife that has disappeared, and even more so pick it up, since such a find can turn sideways.

Good omens associated with a knife

Despite the fact that most will accept, nevertheless, it carries a negative meaning, there are those that promise something good for a person interacting with a knife. No matter how absurd it may sound, but the usual kitchen item has helped women get pregnant more than once. To do this, you need to do the following: before going to bed, rub the tip on your stomach, saying "Give me life."

In addition, women who have already managed to become pregnant can protect their unborn child with a knife. To do this, the knife is placed under the mattress strictly in the place where the woman sleeps.

In addition, it has long been known that a knife placed under the pillow of a newborn child protects him from evil spirits. However, you can use this method only until a cross appears on the child’s neck, indicating that the baby has passed the rite of baptism.

If a catering establishment brought two knives to the table instead of ordinary cutlery: forks or spoons, this indicates that you are a happy person. If you've lost an item, don't be discouraged, you've just got rid of all the negativity that has ever flowed through you. Actually, for the same reason, some people tend to throw away edged weapons.

Other signs associated with the knife

Here we will tell you what other signs about knives that were not mentioned earlier exist.

  • Under no circumstances should you give a knife. It is believed that any sharp gift item can end friendships, even those that have existed for years. There is only one way to give a knife without the fear of irreparably harming a friendship. To do this, the one to whom you are going to give the knife must buy it from you for a nominal fee. Then such a gift will bring only joy.

Even in the old days, knives were given a special symbolic meaning. Finding a knife is a sign that warns of changes in fate. With the necessary knowledge, the negative effect can be eliminated.

Possible interpretations

For a long time, people have been very careful about the unexpected finding of objects, even if it was money or precious stones. This was especially true of the knife - the favorite subject of witches and sorcerers. And also it was used as a powerful amulet, placing a newborn child in the bed. Future mothers left him under the pillow, they believed that he was able to protect them from demons at night.

In the traditions of all peoples, a sign to find a knife is a warning about a number of negative events:

  • attack;
  • quarrel with relatives;
  • separation from family and friends;
  • bodily injury.

If a knife harmed a person or took his life, then this will pass to a new owner. Such a unit will absorb all the emotions and qualities of the old owner and bring nightmares and baseless remorse to the new one.

The most common beliefs of European culture say, if you find a knife:

  • rusty - symbolizes separation and imminent parting with a loved one;
  • acute - a sign of life's difficulties and failures;
  • well-ground with a broken end - failure to fulfill dreams and plans;
  • with a broken blade - you should get ready for a black streak in life.

But the loss of a knife is a good sign. It symbolizes liberation from major troubles and troubles.

Find on the street

Knives absorb the energy of their owners. Therefore, they have powerful power, which they transfer to the one who finds it. Appropriating the object to himself, a person absorbs the fate of the previous owner. This applies to failures, problems, sins, bad thoughts. If you take the knife found on the road for yourself, then you can expect poor health, neurosis, and depression.

According to popular superstition, finding a knife on the street means:

  • parting with a loved one;
  • dismissal from work;
  • chronic diseases;
  • unwanted move to a new place;
  • prolonged severe illness.

Such a find promises material losses, quarrels and troubles. It can also be financial difficulties or disagreements with colleagues. It is better to bypass the find, then the negative sign will not work.

Finding a house

Finding a knife in your house or apartment does not bode well. A sharp object thrown to a person promises misfortune; it could be used in various occult rituals of black magic.

If the found knife was not left by you or the residents of the house, then you should pay attention to the condition of the item and its location. The object is sharp and with a little rust - a symbol of ailments and depression. It contains inscriptions or scratches - a sign of imminent suffering and death.

A knife as a lining for imposing damage is placed:

  • in a pedestal;
  • behind the battery
  • under the carpet;
  • in the closet;
  • under the bed;
  • near the front door.

In these cases, it is specially made in order to bring suffering, failure, misfortune, career problems to the residents of the house. In case of spoilage, the health of all family members deteriorates sharply. And it should be immediately removed from the house. A thrown object affects the state of health, provokes a breakdown and mood swings.

Protection from negativity

To avoid negative consequences, you must not lift the unit with your bare hands and bypass it. Whatever it is, it can store uncontrollable negative energy, the evil eye, or a curse. If damage is imposed with the help of an item, then it cannot be brought into the living quarters.

If you liked the find and want to take it home, then you should perform some rituals. To rid her of negative energy. There are several rules for conducting a ritual to eliminate the effect of a negative omen:

  • You need to calm down, panic entails trouble coming from the knife.
  • With the help of a handkerchief or other dense fabric, you can lift the knife, and leave a coin in its place. If he was in the house, he must be taken out into the street.
  • Pour holy water over the find and light church candles and read a prayer.
  • Hold the knife in a container of salt.

If the knife is not needed, it must be buried away from home, along with a handkerchief. The rooms in the house should be cleaned, church candles should be lit in them and walked around the corners with them, reading the prayer “Our Father”. You can carry out a general cleaning, it is important to wash all the mirror surfaces.


The reason why the sign of finding a knife is negative lies in the object itself, which contains some negative energy. But any beliefs act with the force with which they are believed. When finding such an object, it is important not to feel fear or anxiety and not to concentrate on bad forebodings.

If you don’t think about it, the word “find” sounds very promising. Lucky - get something useful; no - stay with yours. Either way, you win! On the other hand, after all, you can find a heap of troubles on your head, and adventures on your ass. Our ancestors were well aware of this, they believed in signs, therefore they were suspicious of any finds. Especially to something as dangerous as a knife. What does it mean to find, or worse, lose it?

Signs about the found knife

Of course, not everything piercing and cutting carries a negative. What is wrong, for example, with a small pocket knife, with which you can sharpen a pencil, pick a rusty screw, and scrape off a tightly stuck chewing gum from the sole? Or a bread knife? Or a wood carver's tool? This one is generally fit to be compared with an artist's brush, what evil is there!

The ancestors understood this too. The “honest” blade, faithfully serving its owner in peaceful everyday affairs, was valued, respected and often used as a powerful amulet against evil. The knife was stuck into the barn wall to protect livestock. They put it under the pillow for women in demolition to ward off evil spirits. They hid the baby in the cradle before baptism - if someone casts an unkind look at the child, he will immediately run into it! The knife, hidden under the threshold, was supposed to turn away any hostile energy from the house; and a circle, outlined on the ground with an iron blade, was found as a reliable protection from sorcerers and witches.

In the mushroom season, such finds are not uncommon.

Quite different emotions were evoked by someone else's knife found on the road, in a field or in a forest under a bush. Guess who it used to belong to! Maybe a thief who cut other people's bags from his shoulders in the crowd? Or a robber-murderer? Or a soldier who earns a living by constant bloody battles? Such a thing will not bring good, even if it is at least three times expensive and good. If you take it in your hands, you yourself will begin to languish with remorse, not even knowing what is oppressing you. If you bring it into the house, you will bring bad dreams, illnesses and misfortunes to your loved ones. In any case, the knife will take with it a part of the black energy of the previous owner, and then beware of anyone who is nearby!

Where was someone else's knife found: in the forest on the road or in an apartment / house

What exactly threatens the new owner of someone else's knife?

  • Frivolously picked up outside the house - on the street, in a store, on the river bank - it portends quarrels, illnesses, separations, problems and financial losses, in a word, a “complete package” of troubles. One thing is good, until you take the blade in your hands, it is not attached to you. Bypass the dangerous little thing side, and trouble will not happen.
  • It is much worse to find a knife blade in your own closet, behind a bedside table or under a rug in the hallway. Alas, such a find says that you have got a hater, eager to bring misfortune to your family. Even if you are accustomed to neglecting all kinds of “damage”, realizing that someone who enters the house is telling fortunes against you is extremely unpleasant. And if we are talking about a suspicious person, the find can serve as a trigger for a whole avalanche of all sorts of troubles, because fear and uncertainty perfectly reinforce the effect of such pads. It is not for nothing that slander is often powerless against people who sincerely believe, as well as against seasoned realists who completely reject everything supernatural - their conviction in itself serves as a shield that performs its protective function well. Can't you say the same about yourself? Then carefully pick up the knife through a handkerchief or napkin, take your find out of the house without touching it with your bare hand, and bury it somewhere far away. And when you return, wash yourself with holy water, sprinkle the walls and floor with it, or walk around the rooms with a burning candle, lingering in those places where the wick starts to hiss and “spit” - let it burn out the negative cleanly.

New or old, rusty

  • The rust covering the blade promises tears due to parting with a loved one.
  • A sharp and brand new knife is a symbol of difficult trials that life will soon throw up to a person - “look, do not cut yourself”!
  • A broken blade indicates that some of your current plans cannot be realized.

Is it worth picking

For some, searching for antique weapons is a way of life.

Following simple logic, it is better to stay away from a dangerous find. Of course, someone happens to find an ordinary bread knife, forgotten by the owners after a fun picnic. Most likely, his blade is not involved in the "dark deeds" and does not carry negativity on itself. But think sensibly, do you really need this knife to risk your peace of mind because of it?

However, there are times when it is really a pity to leave a find. For example, if an old trophy dagger from the Second World War suddenly falls into the hands. Or just a good solid knife, which can still serve a lot in the household. And it also happens that one of the household, unaware of the sign, will bring home a “sharp” souvenir. How to be in this case?

What to do if you find and want to leave

Having picked up the knife from the ground, throw a coin on the place where it lay. So you seem to “register” the deal: there was no find, you decorously and nobly bought the item you really needed, which is now considered cleared of the past and begins a new story in your hands. For some peoples, this simple gesture not only completely removes the negative from the blade, but also immediately translates the omen into the category of happy ones! It is believed that all the most ardent desires of the owner of such a knife will come true, and hopes will come true.

For the most suspicious persons and perfectionists who want to protect themselves from other people's energy as completely as possible, folk wisdom suggests performing a simple rite of purification. Read the prayer “Our Father” over the knife, sprinkle the blade with holy water and ask the higher powers to protect you from evil. You can also hold the find for some time in a vessel with spring water or lower it into a fast-flowing river.

How to level the action of the lining

If you are afraid that negativity has hung on your home or loved ones, do a universal cleaning. Its many options. For example, like this:

  1. Stand in the bathroom and rub your whole body with salt (without undue zeal, you just didn’t have enough irritation now!), And then let the water go. Stand under the shower, imagining how dark energy descends from your body and immediately flows into the drain.
  2. After getting out of the shower, put on clean clothes, open all the windows, set fire to a sprig of St. John's wort on a plate and start cleaning.
  3. Wipe all the mirrors first - in a clockwise circular motion. Moreover, over each it is desirable to make as many strokes with a rag as it has served you for years.
  4. Did you manage? Move to the floor. There are some discrepancies here: some suggest spraying all corners of the house with melt water and rinsing hands and face with it, while others wash the floor with a solution of sea salt, which perfectly copes with alien energies.
  5. Light a candle and pass it across the front door from right to left, first at the level of the peephole, and then the handle. If you are not afraid that the neighbors will begin to call the priest in the nearest church or, even worse, in a psychiatric clinic, try to process the door outside in the same way. And then, clockwise, consistently go around all corners of the apartment with a candle.
  6. Wash your hands with salt and stop thinking about the bad.

Signs about a lost knife

But this belief is very difficult.

For a man, the disappearance of a knife could indeed end badly.

  • Some interpreters regard the loss as a good sign: they say that the enemies sharpened a knife on you (they prepared some kind of trick), but nothing came of it, live in peace.
  • But others consider the loss of a knife a warning of the danger that threatens, no less, the life of its owner. Judging by the fact that this belief is especially widespread in the Scandinavian countries, it came to us from there. And there is nothing to be surprised that the harsh northerners-Vikings, and behind them the Russians, were afraid of such a sign as fire! In the old days, any weapon served as a direct guarantee of the life of its owner - it will not be at hand at the right time, you will become easy prey for the enemy. Therefore, in the loss of even a small belt knife, they saw a weakening of protection: therefore, there is now a “hole” in it!
  • It is also logical that more often this sign threatens men with death, while a woman can get off with a temporary breakdown and a series of general life troubles. Despite the fact that our progenitors knew how to stand up for themselves on occasion, they rarely took up arms in self-defense, leaving the role of defenders-getters to men. It turns out that the sign was of less importance for the girls.

loss in the house

Do you think that knives do not disappear from the apartment for no reason? No matter how! Every year, almost hundreds of housewives miss one or another “kitchen tool”, they disappear without a trace. And okay, if the woman herself absent-mindedly throws a knife into the trash can along with potato peels, or the missus drags a convenient blade into her toolbox! There are disappearances that are completely inexplicable, so that you involuntarily begin to look for hidden subtexts in them.

The ancestors explained the loss simply: Brownie is naughty, you know, they angered a good home patron with something! The problem was solved by leaving a saucer of milk on the floor at night and saying: “Brownie-Brownie, play it and give it back.”

Many fear that the knife is not lost by itself, but that someone steals it from the house in order to “slander”, but the likelihood of this is very small. A painfully difficult quest awaits your enemies: first steal a knife, then speak, then throw it back! And all this so as not to fall under suspicion yourself ... Why give yourself extra trouble if you can throw someone else's slandered blade? But for those who want to make sure there is a neutralization for this sign.

Folk way to leave an ill-wisher with a nose

Enhance the effect of salt with lavender flowers or St. John's wort

To get rid of the influence of bad omens, try taking a daily bath with sea salt or doing a salt peel every 3-4 days. From an esoteric point of view, they will regularly cleanse negative messages from your body, and according to doctors, they will perfectly calm your nerves and help you cope with anxiety. The ringing of bells also saves: its high-frequency vibrations destroy dark energy, tune in a positive way and bring harmony to life. Buy yourself a bell with a melodious sound and “dink” to your heart's content as soon as gloomy thoughts overcome. Or turn on recordings of bells, a great tool that helps even those who snort at the word "supernatural."

Should I pick up the found knife or pass by? Decide for yourself. But if you are afraid of bad omens, it is better to leave the find lying on the spot, "out of harm's way." Nerves will be better.

A lot of legends, signs and prejudices have always been associated with edged weapons. This is not surprising, in the form of cutlery, kitchen utensils, hunting skinner - a knife from ancient times to this day is next to us.

The word "knife" could not be spoken at sea, but the knife itself was often stuck into the mast of a fishing vessel in deep sea fishing for good luck.

If two knives or a knife and a fork intersect on the table, this is a failure or a quarrel, unless they are immediately spread out in different directions.

If the knife falls to the floor, this is the arrival of a male guest.

It is not good to toast bread on the tip of a knife, and also to twist the knife on the table.

However, the latter was used in some places as a fortune-telling to find out whether the husband or wife of the fortuneteller would have dark or fair skin.

This required a white-handled table knife, which was twirled on the table and watched as it stopped.

If the tip is towards the fortuneteller, then the skin of the future wife or husband is light, and if the handle is dark.

The most common prejudice associated with knives today is that, because the knife is sharp, it can cut through friendship or love if given as a gift.

When this happens, the knife should not be accepted except in exchange for something else.

Even today, the recipient of such a gift usually gives a small coin in return to prevent a subsequent quarrel or misfortune.

Knife - is a talisman along with other sharp and cutting objects made of iron (scissors, needle, ax, scythe, sickle).

They carried a knife with them, put it under themselves, under a pillow or at the bottom of a cradle to protect an unbaptized baby, a woman in the prenatal and postnatal period, the bride and groom during the wedding ceremony. To protect against a witch, wolves, a whirlwind, hail, they stuck a knife into the ground, a wall or a threshold, drew a magic circle around themselves with a knife, crossed windows and doors with a knife.

The Belarusians of the Gomel region put a Knife in the cradle of a boy so that he would become a carpenter, and a comb for a girl so that she could spin. In the Zhytomyr region, during the funeral, they put a Knife or scissors in the cradle, "so that death would not come" to the child. In Polissya, a mother put a knife under her when breastfeeding a child. In Ukraine, godparents, going to church to baptize a child, stepped over the Knife, placed at the threshold or on the threshold, so that an unclean spirit could not approach the child. Seeing mermaids in the forest or in the field, the Ukrainians drew a circle on the ground with a knife and lay face down on the ground in it, believing that the mermaids would not touch them.

The use of knives in funeral rituals has an archaic character. Knives and sickles are found in ancient Russian burials: they were stuck into a fire pit or into an urn, and during inhumation - into the bottom of the grave. In Macedonia, they put a knife under the head of the deceased so that he would not turn into a vampire. In the Voronezh province. they put the Knife under the table on which the dead is laid, so that the body does not decompose.

Among the Eastern and Western Slavs, it was believed that a Knife thrown into a whirlwind would injure the devil, and blood would remain on it. Ukrainians used a knife consecrated for Easter for this.

In the Volyn province. in order to disperse the thundercloud, with a knife consecrated along with Easter dishes, they baptized the approaching thundercloud three times and prayed for the souls of the dead without repentance, and then the knife was planted in the ground. According to the beliefs of the Oryol lips. if you jump into the whirlwind and stick a knife into the ground, you will slaughter the devil. The Belarusians stuck the Knife in the place where the child had fallen.

in the Vyatka region. releasing the cow from the barn, they drove a knife into the threshold with a stone and said: “Just as the bear does not eat meat from this knife, so do not eat our Pestruhonka,” after which the cow was transferred through the knife.

In the Rivne region, in order to save the cattle, they got up before sunrise, undressed, took a Knife or a scythe under their left hand, ran around the barn three times and stuck the Knife into the wall. In Belarus, if a cow disappeared, then they stuck a Knife into the threshold, into the wall or into the lintel above the doors so that the animals would not touch the cattle.

In Belarus and Ukraine, in order to harm a witch who takes milk from cows, milk was filtered through a Knife, sickle or needles. For example, in the Chernihiv region. if the cow was milked with blood, then they poured milk on the Knife, placed under the strainer on the pail - with this "you cut the witch's tongue."

At the same time, in the bylichki, the Knife is described as one of the tools of the witches who take away milk: the witch sticks the Knife into a plow, a pole or a tree - and the milk flows along the tip of the knife, and in the neighboring herd a cow begins to roar, which remains with an empty udder. The Ukrainians of the Ovruch region said that when a witch wants milk, she goes to her barn, hammers a Knife into the plow and substitutes milking, the milk runs like a stream from the Knife.

In Russian bylichkas, the sorcerer jumps or somersaults over a Knife or 12 knives stuck in the ground with the blades up to turn into a wolf, and the witch in the same way turns into a dog or a pig. Then the werewolf returns and jumps over the same knives on the other side, but if during this time someone takes out the knives, then he will remain a beast.

In Russian fortune-telling, a girl sets the table for her betrothed, and puts two cutlery with knives and forks on the tablecloth; when the betrothed comes and sits at the table, the girl must tear the tablecloth off the table; if she does not have time, then her betrothed will slaughter her (Kostroma province.).

The handling of the Knife was regulated by many rules and prohibitions:

According to the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs, if the Knife lies on the table with the blade up - there will be a quarrel;

You can't eat with a Knife - you'll be angry.

You can’t play with a knife - there will be a quarrel; if you find a Knife on the road, you can’t take it, otherwise you will die from the knife (Russian).

You can’t drive a knife through milk or sour cream - from this the cow’s milk will be with blood (woodland).

You can’t cut bread into milk with a knife, but you can only crumble it with your hands, otherwise the cows’ udders will crack (Ukrainian and Polish).

Do not leave the Knife on the table for the night - the evil one will slaughter;

You can’t give a Knife or a needle in order to avoid a quarrel (Russian Ukrainian).

During the commemoration in Belarus, they tried to do without knives, so as not to inadvertently injure the soul of the deceased.

In the Rivne and Volyn regions. during a wedding, a meeting of young people or a big holiday, a Knife was stuck into the table from below. to make guests eat less.

In Poland, on Christmas Eve, they guessed with the Knife about the future harvest: they put the Knife between wholesome bread and a wheat pie and left it on the table until the New Year; if the Knife rusts on the side of the bread, then the rye will not be born, and if on the side of the pie, then wheat.

“The knife is stupid - the owner is stupid, the tablecloth is black - the hostess is stupid”
Russian folk sign. The tablecloth, although it seems to be irrelevant, is also correct about it

"The master is stupid - the knife is stupid"
Variant of the above

"Losing a knife is losing a life"
Scandinavian proverb

“They don’t get a knife in a shootout”
American proverb, perfectly logical

"Whoever has a knife, that one with meat"
Hunting. Totally agree with meaning.

"What kind of knives - such is the owner"

"Without a knife, only a coward walks"
An ancient Russian proverb with a meaning that is not very clear at first glance. Well, our brave Russian ancestors had a slightly different concept of courage and cowardice than modern office plankton.

“They don’t scare with a knife, got it - hit!”
It shouldn't be taken literally though. If the enemy saw the knife, got scared and ran, what then, conscientiously chase him and bring the matter to its logical end? This is also impossible, it will already exceed the limits of necessary defense. Rather, the proverb should be understood as follows: do not take out a knife if you do not have enough psychological determination to use it against a person.

“If a knife is caught on the road with a point against the path, do not pick it up - to death”
Russian folk sign. Another option, even more categorical: if you find a knife, don’t pick it up, a dashing person will stab you. By the way, indeed, my work partner once found a knife made by a convict while fishing. And soon after that, he was attacked for no reason by two drug addicts in his own entrance. He was engaged in boxing, scattered them without any problems. And already at home he found a wound from the point on his chest. He was lucky, he was hit in the rib. But the sign really could come true!

“No one can be trusted, neither man, nor woman, nor beast. But you can always rely on the blade in your hand. Trust only him!”
Conan is a barbarian. Great quote from a great movie!

"Knife on the way comrade"
Russian proverb

"Do not eat from a knife - you will be evil"
Russian omen

"The dagger is good for the one who has it"
Abdul, the white sun of the desert. Modern classic.

"Do not play with a knife - to a quarrel"
Russian omen. Somehow, as a child, I threw a knife at the door jamb, and achieved a good percentage of sticking. Unfortunately, my parents were not very happy with my success. And at school, then the head teacher took this knife from me altogether, for the same thing.

“The knife fell off the table - a man will come, a spoon or fork - a woman”
Russian omen

“The knife fell and stuck on the floor - to a quarrel”
Yeah, and from the previous signs it is even known with whom there will be a quarrel. Urgently get the knife from the floor and do not hide it far. So simple, just in case...

“Do not leave a knife on the table at night - the brownie will cut itself”
Options: “do not leave a knife on the table at night - evil spirits will play” and even worse “do not leave a knife on the table at night - the evil one will come and slaughter the owner.” Anyway, all options are bad

“The more the knife rusts, the better it cuts”
It was absolutely true in the last century. Now a little outdated, the current stainless steels are very good.

"The lost knife has a golden handle"
Udmurt proverb

"Nothing there with a knife, where the ax is laid"
Russian proverb

“Even if the sword is needed once in a lifetime, it must always be worn”
Japanese proverb

"You can't give a knife"
Ancient omen. Interestingly, it is also used by Russians, and even by the British. This is despite the fact that in ancient times it was extremely unlikely to adopt signs from each other from such far-living peoples! One of two things: either this rule was discovered independently of each other, or it is so ancient that it appeared at a time when our white race was one. From the point of view of the native religion of our ancestors - paganism, every object has a soul. And the knife, one of the oldest and most important tools, cannot but have it! The knife must know who its real owner is. When given as a gift, he may misunderstand the situation, and this is not good. You can get around the problem if you sell the knife, at least for one penny

“Holding a knife in your hand, you can’t think badly about him - you will be offended”
Also an ancient pagan sign. So I once made myself a homemade product - a small wearable knife for the countryside. It turned out cumbersome, and it turned out to be problematic to make a good sheath for it. But I found it remarkably handy when peeling potatoes. Decided to temporarily settle it in the kitchen. Well, I’m sitting, peeling potatoes for them, and I think “yes, probably let it be a kitchen one, it’s not particularly suitable for anything else.” Immediately, the hand broke off, and struck the finger with the blade. And clearly, evenly along a tangent for two centimeters, the top layer of the skin was cut off, and surprisingly, it was not deep at all, less than half a millimeter deep. No pain and no blood. Never in my life have I cut so strangely! This is how my knife made me understand that it can actually do a lot of things, and it is unlikely that a kitchen existence will suit it. Politely, tactfully, without excessive rudeness, but strictly and unambiguously.

“The way to protect yourself from evil spirits is to draw a circle around yourself with a knife”
I don’t know how it works, I haven’t tried it, the devil never dreamed of me. And it is not clear whether to draw a circle in the air or to cut a circle right in the linoleum. But if so, I'll keep it in mind!

"Two crossed knives on the table - unfortunately"
There is a more severe option - the knife lies crossed with a spoon or fork - to death

“You can’t cut bread with two different knives - to a quarrel”

“You can’t leave a knife stuck in bread - to hunger”
Russian omen. To be honest, it really looks like a loaf of bread with a knife sticking out of it somehow obscene and disrespectful to bread. I don’t know, some purely intuitive, subconscious feeling arises. Of course, I'm a Slav, and the genetic memory from my ancestors was passed on to me that you can't do this. Yes, and so to think, whoever does not respect bread, he really has every chance of being hungry.

"Stick a knife into the wall - protection from evil forces"
This sign is used by many peoples, in different versions it is required to stick a knife not into a wall, but into a door, a table on the back side, or somewhere else. Well, evil forces in different versions also appear differently. The meaning of the sign is, of course, understandable: a man with a knife is not some kind of mug, jokes are bad with him.

“In some areas of Scandinavia there was a custom - a festival of knives. Unmarried girls stood in a row, and each had an empty scabbard on her belt. The guys came up, and everyone could insert their own knife into the sheath of the girl they liked. A week later they met again, and if the girl came with this knife, then she liked the groom. After that, the guy went into the girl's house, stood against the wall and threw this knife at the opposite wall. If the knife was stuck, the matchmaking took place "
I respect the ancients! A very beautiful custom indeed. Everything is simple, and at the same time symbolic and understandable without further ado.

Do not eat from a knife - you will be evil.
The belief is associated with the mystical perception of the knife as a talisman against evil spirits. Therefore, it must be treated with respect. The everyday side of the issue is much simpler: if a person eats with a knife, he can injure his tongue or lips. This is where you will become evil.

The word "knife" was not pronounced by those at sea, but if it is stuck in the mast, according to popular beliefs, luck in catching fish is guaranteed.

In Japan, all objects that can cut - be it a sword, a knife, a garden pruner, or a chisel, in Japanese are generalized by the concept of "hamono (hamono)", literally meaning "a thing with a blade" - they bring good luck, while at the same time giving a lapel-turn to everything bad , it can also be knives, scissors and other objects united by this concept.

The use of knives in funeral rituals has an archaic character. Knives and sickles are found in ancient Russian burials: they were stuck into a fire pit or into an urn, and during inhumation - into the bottom of the grave. In Macedonia, they put a knife under the head of the deceased so that he would not turn into a vampire. In the Voronezh province. they put a knife under the table on which the deceased is laid so that the body does not decompose

The Belarusians of the Gomel region put a knife in the cradle of a boy so that he would become a carpenter, and a comb for a girl so that she could spin.
In the Zhytomyr region, during the funeral, they put a knife or scissors in the cradle, “so that death would not come” to the child.
In Polissya, a mother put a knife under her when breastfeeding a child.

In Ukraine, godparents, going to church to baptize a child, stepped over a knife placed at the threshold or on the threshold so that an unclean spirit could not approach the child.
Seeing mermaids in the forest or in the field, the Ukrainians drew a circle on the ground with a knife and lay face down on the ground in it, believing that the mermaids would not touch them.

The Eastern and Western Slavs believed that a knife thrown into a whirlwind would injure the devil, and blood would remain on it. Ukrainians used a knife consecrated for Easter for this.

A special magical meaning was attributed to a knife stuck in the ground. To protect against hail, the southern Slavs stuck knives, scythes, axes or badnyak firebrands into the ground.

The knife is involved in many magical and ritual actions, for example, the legendary werewolves turned into wild animals by jumping over a knife stuck in a stump.

With the help of a witch's knife, they allegedly spoiled the cows. To do this, a knife was stuck in the desired barn, with a rope tied to it, and a spell was pronounced, after which the rope was lowered into the pail, and milk was milked from the cow. After that, the cow could only be eaten, she no longer gave milk.

American Indians drilled a hole at the tip of the knife - the eye. I saw a knife with this eye - and I never cut my owner.

The knife also had phallic symbolism: in Slavonia, a bride who did not want to have children bought a folding knife in a shop without bargaining and kept it folded with her during the wedding.

In Poland, on Christmas Eve, they guessed with a knife about the future harvest: they put a knife between wholesome bread and a wheat pie and left it on the table until the New Year; if the Knife rusts on the side of the bread, then the rye will not be born, and if on the side of the pie, then wheat.

If you leave a sharp knife on the windowsill on a full moon night, it will become dull by morning.

In Lincolnshire, it was considered bad luck to sharpen a knife after sunset or leave it on the table overnight. In the first case, a robber or an enemy will enter the house, in the second, some domestic animal will fall at night, and a knife will be needed to skin the carcass.

In the Volyn province, in order to disperse a thundercloud, with a knife consecrated along with Easter dishes, they baptized the approaching thundercloud three times and prayed for the souls of the dead without repentance, and then the knife was planted in the ground. According to the beliefs of the Oryol province, if you jump into the whirlwind and stick a Knife into the ground, you will slaughter the devil.
The Belarusians stuck the Knife in the place where the child had fallen.

In the Vyatka region, releasing a cow from a barn, they drove a Knife into the threshold with a stone and said: “Just as the bear does not eat meat from this knife, so do not eat our Pestruhonka,” after which the cow was transferred through the Knife.

In the Rivne region, in order to protect the cattle, they got up before sunrise, undressed, took a Knife or a scythe under their left hand, ran around the barn three times and stuck the Knife into the wall.
In Belarus, if a cow disappeared, then they stuck a Knife into the threshold, into the wall or into
a lintel above the doors so that the animals do not touch the cattle.

In the Belarusian Polissya, if the cattle got lost in the forest, the owner turned to the healer with a request to "detect" it. The healer went into the forest, found a tree, more than others covered with green leaves, lifted up the Knife he brought with him and read a conspiracy in which he asked God and St. Yuri "spot" the cattle. Pronouncing the last word of the conspiracy, the healer drove the Knife into the tree and returned home.

The next day, before sunrise, he again went into the forest and took out the Knife from the tree. If he remained clean, then this meant that the animal did not die and would not leave the place where it was when it was "spotted", and also that it was protected from wolves.

In Belarus and Ukraine, in order to harm a witch who takes milk from cows, milk was filtered through a Knife, sickle or needles. For example, in the Chernihiv region, if a cow was milked with blood, then milk was poured on a Knife placed under a strainer on a pail - with this "you cut the witch's tongue."

The knife does not cut its handle.
Persian proverb.

A knife wound heals, a tongue wound does not.
Armenian proverb.

Many words hurt more than swords.
(Don't be afraid of the knife, but the tongue)
English proverb.

The knife skinned the cow, but broke on the tail.
Digorskaya proverb.

You can't cut bread without a knife.
Folk art.

How many dishes, so many knives.
The word is not a knife, but leads to a knife.
The word hurts worse than a knife.
That surgeon is good, who firmly holds the knife.
Three things in the world are dangerous: a knife in the hands of a child, power in the hands of a fool, and flattery in the mouth of a toady.
A dull knife draws a line.
Whoever has no sheep has a dull knife.
In people, the knife does not cut, but in him the awl does not shave.
People even shave their awls, but we also have numb knives.
A stingy person has a dull knife.
Even if it's a knife, I don't want to.
At least drink, at least eat, at least cut with a knife, at least scratch, but go away.
What you don't eat, don't cut with a knife.
What the knife doesn't know about yams.
A man without will is like a knife without steel.
What a raging knife is in the hands of, the evil one has power.
What kind of kov (i.e. for forging, work), then for a knife.
So that you hang around on a knife!
The sword is more valuable than the scabbard.
A chip on a knife, a bristle on a hedgehog.
With this knife it would be nice to put the old one on the stove (stupid).
It's like giving a madman a knife.
Our language is a sword, it does not have a scabbard, it is terrible because it is always naked, repeating words, rhyming them at the same time, does not mean being a poet.
The tongue is sharper than a knife.
Rogue man, sell the whip; hedgehog man, sell the knife!
He swings a knife at the bug.
In words, he asks for mercy, and wears a knife behind his bootleg.
On the lips of jokes, and behind a knife.
On this knife - at least on horseback and jump.
On this knife - even astride ohlyab (without a saddle).
Not all those chefs who walk around with long knives (but there are also robbers).
Do not break the loaf, but cut and eat with a knife.
Do not leave the knife on the table at night - the evil one will slaughter.
Do not indulge in sadness - she will stab you under the heart, and you will pepper under her nose.
Do not rush to the knife - you will be stabbed.
Don't sharpen your knife until you've caught a ram.
It is not good to throw a knife at a louse.
Neither a goose nor a ram, not rushan with a knife, did not lie on a platter, everyone ate it (breasts).
Neither baked nor boiled, it never happened on a dish, it was not torn down with a knife, but every kind of kushano (breast).
Needed like a hilt to a kitchen knife.
Images and knives do not give, but change.
You can't achieve honor with a single desire, and you can't scrape off dishonor with a knife.
He's been sharpening a knife on me for a long time.
He cuts me with a dull knife.
He sharpens his own knife. He twisted a whip on himself.
The sharpness of a knife is useless to its hilt, the speed of a horse is useless to its hooves.
From the word yes for the knife.
From the word yes for the knife. The word is not a knife, but leads to a knife.
I am glad, madam, that you will lick the honey on the knife, and you will be circumcised.
The boyar son cheered up: here on the knife, here on the stake, here on the gallows.
Go with him, and keep the knife in your bosom!
He sharpens the knife himself, but says: don’t be afraid.
Your own dull knife is better than your neighbor's sharp one.

"Dirty dishes on the table - attracts evil spirits, if a tap flows in the apartment - money flows with it, if you take out the garbage from the house in the evening and throw something out the window - there will be no money in the house". What functions do folk signs carry and how to establish good relations with a new apartment? The correspondent of the Real Estate of Moscow edition tried to figure it out Nadezhda Goncharova.

To start, you need pick up brownie from an old apartment. There are many methods. They say that it is necessary to take a broom from the old house, the brownie will come to the new house on it. If there is no broom, we take a box, fill it with soft things, nothing hard, sharp. Having taken out all the things from the apartment, we leave only this box and leave for 15 minutes. We return and silently, carefully take out the box. In theory, a brownie was already hiding in it. We carry the box carefully so that the brownie is comfortable and he arrives at the new house in a good mood.

By the way, the day of the move and the weather are also very important: moving in the snow - there will be a lot of money, in the rain - a lot of emotions. Monday will give you physical strength and get rid of nightmares, Tuesday promises an increase in intelligence, Wednesday increases passions, moving on Thursday brings money to the house, and on Friday it will bring love to the house. Saturday and Sunday are success in business, so no matter what day you start moving, it will always be successful!

They say, the cat must enter the apartment first, and the cat is affectionate, calm ... It’s really not clear where to find a cat that will voluntarily enter a new room, while being in a good mood ...

So, the cat was launched, the brownie was safely transported, now we put the brownie in a saucer of milk, in the kitchen, in the darkest corner, so that he would have a bite to eat from the road.

And now lay out the amulets. A knife under the threshold to scare away evil people. Bunches of St. John's wort in the corners and on the windows, so that evil spirits could not enter the house. Of course, a horseshoe is hung with its horns down so that the house is a full bowl, it is recommended to hang it above the front door, although some people hide it under the threshold.

And there is such a sign - at the entrance to a new apartment, throw silver coins on the floor that money was not transferred in the house, and it is also worth leaving money in the old apartment, they will bring good luck to you and the future owners of your apartment. By the way, again for financial well-being, grandmothers advise putting money under the tablecloth on the kitchen table. Moreover, it is important to put a bill and never take it out of there.

Yes, more important immediately clean the apartment, even if it is completely empty. Walk with a wet rag on the floors, window sills, if you can immediately wash the windows - very good. It is believed that water cleanses not only from dirt, but also from bad energy.

Well, now - housewarming. Yes, there are still many boxes, bales around. And of course, I want to gather friends when everything is put in its place, the apartment is cleaned, but the housewarming should be celebrated now. Gather your closest friends and arrange a small holiday, otherwise, the brownie will decide that the owners are stingy, take offense and leave.

By the way, if a faucet is leaking in an apartment, your money will also flow with it so let's fix it right now! BUT dirty dishes on the table - welcomes evil spirits. Yes, not yet take out the trash from the house in the evenings, and throwing something out the window - there will be no money in the house, the whisk also takes money from the house if it is stored with the sweeping part down.

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