World Autism Awareness Day. Autism day. autism is a mental illness or a form of genius

World Autism Awareness Day was established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly on January 21, 2008 in order to draw attention to the problems of children with autism.

The purpose of this date is to highlight the need to help people with autism. It is assumed that specialized state and public organizations should devote to disseminating information about this disease - for example, by giving lectures or publishing booklets. On this day, public service announcements are shown on television all over the world, conferences on autism are held, at which specialists and parents of autistic children have the opportunity to tell the public about autism as a global problem.

On Autism Awareness Day, the world lights up blue lights. Buildings, monuments, bridges and other structures in different cities are illuminated with blue light. Many families around the world will turn off the lights and turn on the blue lanterns at home in the evening.

"We light blue lanterns to shed light on autism and draw attention to the problems of children with this disease."

What is autism - severe illness, "Plague of the XXI century" or all the same feature mental development human? The name of the disease comes from the Greek word autos - self. That is, the Autenok is in itself, fenced off from the outside world by a wall, cut off from reality and cannot adequately respond to it. Hence the disorders of speech, motor skills, stereotyping of activities and behavior, leading such children to social maladaptation.

What are the causes of autism? Some suggest that this occurs as a result of chromosomal rearrangements, others find out if the reasons lie in comorbidities or around the child. Many parents believe that childhood vaccines cause autism.

Who is Autistic? Autism occurs in people of all nationalities, cultures, religions and social backgrounds.
Who are autists, what kind of world do they live in, and why are most autistics boys?
There is still no exact answer to these questions.

Autism is more common than many people think. Even 30 years ago, 1-2 cases of autism accounted for 10,000 people, now children with autism are born 1 in 90-100 people. Scientists around the world are sounding the alarm - this is more than children with diabetes, oncology and Down's syndrome combined.

Most people have not heard what this term means. When parents learn that a child has autism, often many do not know how to overcome it. They do not understand that it is necessary to immediately begin work to overcome the problems in the behavior and development of the child caused by autism. These manifestations are often attributed to age features, or misdiagnosed and put a completely opposite diagnosis. But autism is a complex condition, usually combining several independent disorders. You rarely meet a child who has only individual symptoms early childhood autism(RDA). As a rule, in practice there are children who have combined disorders. There is no "typical autistic" - each case of autism is unique. These people have many different manifestations of autism, from mild to severe.

Such children may not have speech at all, or they may spend hours repeating their favorite phrase, quoting cartoons and poems. Often they are afraid and avoid change. They are afraid to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, it is difficult to be in places large cluster of people, harsh sounds and bright light cause them sharp pain. They were born in our world, but they are not adapted to it. From fear of the outside world, they can scream, wave their arms, fall to the ground and run wherever their eyes look, frightening those around them with their behavior. They don't behave this way because they are ill-mannered. Please show tolerance, treat them with understanding.

For a long time, this mysterious disease was considered incurable. However, there are already many examples of successful overcoming of the diagnosis in the world. In most cases, this is due early diagnosis, biomedical treatment and hard work with the child according to the system of psychological and pedagogical correction for 30-40 hours a week. Thanks to this, hundreds of families received hope for healing and full life. Autistic disorders can be corrected very well with properly organized and timely therapy. The most significant successes are observed with early (up to 3 years) diagnosis and the beginning of the rehabilitation of the child. The longer children with autism are left without help, the more difficult it is to reach them, the earlier they start learning, the more successful the child will be in life. Autists are talented and gifted people, among them there are many potential geniuses, but only a few realized ones.

The most important thing in dealing with Autyats is love. There is no need to be afraid to show your feelings to children - autists - love and understanding cannot interfere with them. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the child will not always answer as we would like. You need to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances and various difficulties. Children with autism do not need to be pitied, they need to be helped to learn how to live in society and be useful to it. They are just different, but they also need to be given a chance to love, think, learn, dream.

A family in which a child with autism is brought up often falls into social isolation and faces hostility and misunderstanding from others. autistic child outwardly, it can give the impression of just a spoiled, capricious, ill-mannered tomboy. Misunderstanding, hostility and even rejection by others increase the fear of the child and his parents before the appearance in in public places complicating the already difficult mental state of the family.

However, these problems are quite surmountable. World practice shows that only the state assistance system can significantly reduce the disability of people with autism in the future. And even get economic benefits. After all, we have no less such children than in other countries, but they are spoken and written about ten times less. Support them!

They need our help, understanding and tolerance. And if you see a child screaming and rolling on the floor in a supermarket, think that he is not really spoiled by his parents at all, but deafened and frightened by the sensations that have piled on him. Or maybe this is the only way available to him to express his protest, to reach out to us from his reality. And his mother, at this moment trying to help her child, does not need comments or inappropriate attention from others at all. All she needs is just an understanding, and sometimes - an elementary physical assistance: a door held in time or a bag filed.

The task of our society is to lend a helping hand to special children

and help them adapt to our world!

Leonardo da Vinci...
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...
Jane Austen...
Vincent Willem van Gogh...
Albert Einstein...
Satoshi Tajiri...
Courtney Love...
Bill Gates..

Are you familiar with these names? What do we know about them? All of them were successful, reached serious heights in their field and forever enriched the world. But there is something else that unites them through eras and countries. They were all diagnosed autism.

Exist different definitions autism. I will give the one that seems to me the most understandable. “Autism is a developmental disorder that occurs at birth or during the first three and a half years of life. Most autistic children appear to be quite normal on the outside, but are engaged in strange and destructive activities all the time that are very different from what normal children do. In less severe cases child is diagnosed general violation developmental disorder (Pervasive Developmental Disorder, PDD) or Asperger's Syndrome (such children usually talk normally, but have many "autistic" social and behavioral problems).

But all behavioral and social problems have one reason - it is difficult for them to establish a connection with other people. The world of autistics is different from the usual: it is filled with inner sensations, the attractiveness of which is much higher than those that surround it in reality. His need for contact with other people is very small, and in some cases even frightening. The inner world is always accessible and safe, in it you can study everything to the smallest detail and get to the bottom, enjoying the controllability of the process and the result. And the external one is changeable, fast and frightening with its instability. It is thanks to their ability to maximize concentration that autistic people achieve incredible success in their chosen business.

There is another problem - sensory disturbances. It sounds complicated and scientific, but the essence is simple: the signal from the outside world is converted and delivered to the brain with an error. As a result, sensations that are joyful and pleasant for us can become a real nightmare. Loud sounds, music in the park, lighting in the supermarket - all this can cause physical pain, but at the same time, the sensation of the cat's hair can cause inaccessible ordinary people pleasure, forcing to linger on it endlessly for a long time. This is the secret of the strange behavior of autistics from the outside: they perceive the world differently. And that means they react differently. If you understand this, it becomes clearer why they avoid the new, preferring the already mastered.

So why is autism terrible for a child and his parents? The most a big problem- this is the very focus on yourself and your world. How does any training take place? You hear, see, or read something new, and then repeat it so many times until it works. But how do you teach someone who is hurt by your voice? How to show a picture to a child who is horrified by the need to see it? And how to interest someone who has already found everything in the inner world?

Children with autism do not want to repeat after their parents and other people. They do not want to hear and see the new, the unusual. They do not seek contact with the outside world and do not share their impressions about their own. They are satisfied with the same toy, they like the same route, they agree to eat only the usual, sometimes only one or two, dishes. The system of punishments and rewards does not work with them, as well as any usual educational and educational measures, because they are driven only by the desire to return to their occupation, which gives pleasure to endless repetition: swaying from side to side, rolling the car monotonously, slamming the door ...

Therefore, to teach such a baby to hold a spoon, read a book, dress, use a potty and just do some constructive and educational work is a real feat that requires special knowledge, great composure, endless patience and incredible love for the child. And if you add here that autistic people have a hard time with tactile and, in general, close contact, imagine what it's like for a mother who wants to hug her baby, but he screams and fights back.

It is also difficult to speak. Children with Asperger's Syndrome, a type of autistic disorder, easily memorize miles of texts. They can recite a poem after hearing it only once, but without the slightest attempt to understand its content. And speech in communication comes down mainly to repetition (echolalia) after the interlocutor of his words.

They do not want to learn speech, because there is no need to use it. All this makes main task parents very clear. But at the same time incredibly difficult. This task is to adapt them to a world not adapted for them.
Perhaps you, shocked by the picture of the life realities of such families, will exclaim: “Is this even possible?!” Yes. It's possible. And in many cases it is achievable. But for this you need to know. Know what autism is. Know what to do if you suspect this has happened to your child. Know how to help if this happens to your loved one's child. Know how to behave if an encounter with an autistic person, a child or adult you do not know happened in your life.

1. If you suspect that your child has signs of autism.
There is a short diagnostic test consisting of three questions:
- Does your child look in the same direction as you when you try to draw his attention to something interesting?
Does the child point to something to get your attention, not to get what you want, but to share your interest in the subject?
- Does he play with toys, imitating the actions of adults? (He pours tea into a toy cup, puts the doll to sleep, not just rolls the car back and forth, but carries cubes to the construction site in a truck).
If the answer "Yes", then his problems, whether they are developmental delays, speech disorders or behavioral features, are caused by other reasons. If the answer to all three questions "No", then you need to take your child to a specialist, and the sooner the better. Autistic people in many cases can be quite strongly adapted to ordinary life, but this is possible only if you start the correction on time. Don't waste your child's time - seek help and information as soon as possible!

2. If you already know that your child is autistic.
The main thing is not to give up. To date, many methods are known magical transformation a child who does not leave the house with continuous tantrums and screams into a valuable employee of large companies, an outstanding specialist in a profession chosen independently. Do not neglect anything, remember that there is no “magic button”, but there is a combination of ways and long years work. There are many truly effective methods, but they all work, only if they become a part of the child's life. And sometimes you have to wait months, or even years, for the result. But the reward is worth it.

What methods and techniques are currently recognized as effective and are common:
A) holding therapy
B) special diets
C) Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA Therapy)
D) sensory integration
E) biomedical correction by a neurologist and psychiatrist

The main thing will be your patience and acceptance of the situation. Don't listen to those who tell you: “Accept him for who he is and let go of the situation” To accept in this case means to understand that he needs your help. It is vain to think that an autistic person is an unrecognized genius or an “indigo child”. Even if he is able to reach incredible heights, he will not do this if you do not give him a start, do not direct his efforts from destructive activity to creative activity. Here are some tips for parents taken from the Orthodox portal "Mercy". Author - Maria Solodovnikova:
"Do not believe either too optimistic or too pessimistic forecasts.

Try to start the rehabilitation of the child as early as possible, the result will depend on this.
Keep a diary. Write down everything you do with your child, record all changes.

Do not listen to those who say that you have no right to despair: you are a living person, allow yourself to be immersed in it sometimes. But try not to fall into despondency: it takes away all energy, gradually corroding the soul and depriving any path of meaning and purpose.

Try not to think that you are the hardest of all. It is here that there is a danger of falling into despondency, and even pride, and losing friends.

Communicate with parents of special children, exchange information and experience. Join parent communities, read online resources on autism.

Accept help, especially if you are just starting out. Over time, you will be able to help others.

Your health and mental strength are your child's main resource. Try to take care of yourself."
3. What to do if this happened in the family of people close to you?
First, understand that you can never truly feel the pain of this family. Therefore, your support should in no case be based on a denial of the problem and its significance for parents. the right help and the behavior will tell you what was written above, but main advice- remember that there is such a term as "secondary autism". This is the name given to the state when, overwhelmed by grief, parents of special children reduce their previous contacts and go for rapprochement only with the same families, depriving themselves and their children of integration, complicating normal life. Help them stay with you and remember that this is not a dead end, but another path. Heavy and responsible, with its own rules and map, but still it is designed to move forward.

4. If you see an autistic person or have received an unexpected communication situation.
In our society, there is generally no culture of communication with people with disabilities. We do not know how to behave with those who are at least somewhat different from us. We feel embarrassed, we begin to ask tactlessly, persistently advise, or, conversely, avoid it in every possible way. similar topics even if they are already directly offered. However, it happens even worse. Some people think that any mental disorder carries danger, take their children away from such contacts or try to tactlessly and illiterately find the cause of the disease in karma, etc.. Read this article or others on this topic and understand the main thing: imagine yourself in their place. What attitude and behavior would you like? To be understood and supported? Or climbed with advice, brought up and poked fingers? To treat your child as normal and ordinary, giving him more time and patience, or to emphasize his peculiarities and oddities?
Autistic people want to be part of this world. They also want to live in the world and for the world, to love and be loved, they just need more time and understanding from other people for this.

Understanding comes with knowledge.
Today, April 2, is World Autism Awareness Day.

Every year on this day, Autism Speaks organizes a large-scale Light It Up Blue campaign, in which the main attractions different countries(Pyramids in Egypt, the Statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, the Opera House in Sydney, Skyscrapers in New York, the Burj Al Arab sail hotel in Dubai and others) light up in blue - international symbol autism.

This year Ufa will also join this action. Mega, Rodina cinema and other buildings and monuments will be illuminated in blue, events and film screenings will be held.

We also join this action. Today, April 2, the general background of "Ufamama" on the main page turned blue, reminding everyone that knowledge is a power that helps to cope with many troubles. That mercy and kindness live in the heart of every person. Open your heart with us!

8 years ago, the UN expressed its deep concern about the growing number of children with autism in all regions of the world and proposed that April 2 be made Autism Awareness Day. It is necessary to draw public attention to the critical situation with autism around the world.

Autism is more common today than we thought before, the number of identified people with autism is growing every day, so informing about the methods of early diagnosis and early intervention is extremely important.

This has enormous implications for children, their families and society as a whole. Drawing attention to this issue is importance to overcome ignorance, inadequacy, stigmatization and stigmatization of children and their parents who are faced with this scourge.

The sooner assistance is provided to children with autism, the easier it is to achieve the desired results.

Do you know that:

  • Today, 67 million people in the world suffer from autism, or every 88th child!!!
  • More children with autism will be identified this year than children with cancer, diabetes and AIDS!
  • Boys are 4 times more likely to develop autism than girls!
  • To date, does not exist medical way detection and treatment of autism, but early diagnosis and prompt intervention can improve the consequences of the disease!

Autism is a disorder that occurs as a result of a developmental disorder of the brain and is characterized by a predominance of a closed inner life, active withdrawal from the outside world, poverty of expression of emotions, limited interests and a repetitive repertoire of behavior. Autism is not the fault of parents, grandparents, and even more so of the child himself, but a biological disorder. A child with autism can appear in any family, regardless of wealth, education, social status parents. It is no one's fault that a child has autism. Autism symptoms can also be seen in infants, however, they become more pronounced after a year, and the symptoms of autism become obvious closer to two or three years. A child with autism SHOULD AND CAN be helped to adapt to the outside world, for this he needs attention, love, care, training and education.

The common belief that vaccines cause autism is wrong. To date, it is not clear why autism occurs, but it is known for sure that it is not from vaccinations.

People with autism JUST NEED support in order to live, to cope with difficult social tasks and realize their full potential. They need recognition and acceptance of their characteristics just like you and me, but many of the people with autism simply cannot live in dignity without this support!!! Children with autism should be surrounded by normal children and should be alone as little as possible.

Earlier, I already wrote about what you can go through. Let me remind you once again that there is a lot of information available to parents about autism.

In 2007, the United Nations designated a special day dedicated to people with autism, emphasizing the importance of drawing public attention to the problem. Today we will tell last news medical science, suggest where to attend seminars with the participation of international experts and get the necessary answers to exciting questions, and also offer effective methods rehabilitation of autistic children. And, of course, we will listen to the opinion of competent experts about possible difficulties surrounding the problem of autism spectrum disorders.

Causes of autism may be hidden even at the stage of pregnancy

The reasons for the development of autism spectrum disorders are still not exactly clear. But in recent studies in the field of brain biochemistry, it is argued that vitamin D (cholecalciferol), also called a "hormone" in scientific circles, plays a special role in the formation of cognitive abilities, as well as communication difficulties. Scientists at the New Zealand Children's Clinic have identified a link between serotonin, which affects social behavior and vitamin D. With an insufficient level of the latter, the amount of serotonin also decreases, which affects the model of human communication. American scientists have identified an insufficient amount of vitamin D in the blood of most residents of the United States. Scientists note that the fall in vitamin levels coincides with the increase in the number of cases of autism.

Doctor of the Perinatal Center named after V.A. Almazova (St. Petersburg) Elena Leonidovna Khazova studies issues related to the lack of cholecalciferol. She argues that the origins of the development of human health disorders can be sought even at the stage of pregnancy. Since the mother-fetus system functions as a whole, the deficiency essential substances in the mother may affect the development of the fetus. As you know, "vitamin" D is formed when exposed to sunlight, and their amounts most a year is clearly not enough. In some cases, prophylactic use of this substance in a fixed dosage is recommended, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. In any case, you should consult with your doctor.

Availability of information about issues surrounding autistic children

It must be remembered that children (and grown-ups) are autistic in intellectual and creativity can be highly developed. Another thing, due to the difficulty of contact with them, this can not be immediately noticed. But while providing necessary conditions and a certain degree of understanding and acceptance of the situation, a wealth of inner world such a child.

Not the last role in the adaptation of the child and the formation of a healthy atmosphere in the family is information education. There are numerous websites designed to help parents deal with legal aspects, where families can communicate and discuss pressing issues, as well as ask a question to a specialist - a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor.

In Moscow there are specialized centers, where parents with children from 1.5 years old can apply, participate in educational seminars. For example, since April 2, 2016 in a similar Center "Our sunny world» a project is launched in which international experts will participate weekly on Saturdays and answer all topical issues relating to special children. You can get experience in person by attending the event (for which you should first check the schedule on the website), or, if you do not live in Moscow, via the Internet, following the online broadcast of the webinar.

Innovations in the field of rehabilitation

The program "Dream Skis" has proved to be good results. Numerous reviews from parents confirm the effectiveness of ski training. The program has been launched at 17 resorts in Russia, and about 100 specially trained instructors, as well as volunteer assistants, participate in it.

Importantly, the success of the program is also indicated by the chief pediatric neurologist Moscow, specialist in children's rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health, Tatyana Timofeevna Batysheva. She heads the center of psychoneurology, where research is actively conducted scientific substantiation of positive results.

The idea to put people with special needs on skiing came from the United States, where almost all patients are taught to ski: with children cerebral palsy with movement restrictions (and prosthetic devices), children with autism, and even butterfly children with epidermolysis bullosa(rare, orphan disease).

Of course, rehabilitation issues should be discussed individually with a psychiatrist who takes the child's medical history.

Expert comments

Usik Maria Andreevna, psychologist psychological center"Individualization", St. Petersburg

Autism in Russia is big problem and shrouded in prejudices and myths. Difficulties begin with definition and classification. There is no single clear cause of autism. There are many questions regarding therapy and rehabilitation. Sometimes low-skilled psychiatrists diagnose children with autism spectrum disorder as "hyperactivity" or "delayed emotional development". Also a certain problem in Russian psychiatry is the appointment drug treatment, and replacement with a diagnosis of schizophrenia after 18 years of age.

Early detection of the disease makes it possible to start behavioral therapy with great success and results. It is good that alternative support systems are now beginning to appear, non-profit charitable organizations, there is a popularization of the topic of autism, thanks to which parents of special children and adults with an unidentified diagnosis find support and help.

Every year on April 2, under the auspices of the United Nations, the World Autism Awareness Day is held. Traditionally, various events are held on this day, which are designed to draw public attention to this topic. I support the UN initiative and I think that it is necessary to talk about the problem of autism as often as possible.

Society is full of stereotypes. In fact, children with this disease need not only treatment, but also increased attention by every adult. Many of these socially unadapted children are very talented in various areas. Scientists have not yet found a way to completely cure patients of autism. But there are many examples of how qualified assistance and support from parents, doctors, caring people it is possible to ensure that the child develops the skills of social interaction, communication and giving a minimum of self-help. Some children manage to achieve success, and when they reach adulthood, they become relatively independent. There are few such examples, but they exist, and this is the way to success in solving this issue.

The most important thing in the issue of treatment remains, as before, the early diagnosis of the disease. I urge parents to be more attentive to the behavior of their babies: a delay in speech development, unwillingness to communicate, fear of bodily contact, the desire for order and the presence of the same repetitive actions should be alarming and become a reason to show the child to a specialist. After all, the detection of a disease early stage, up to two years old, will help make changes in the child's behavior, help him cope with some difficulties.

I would like to note that in last years a whole movement has arisen, a kind of culture of autistic people, whose representatives position autism not as a disease, but rather as an alternative state of behavior and thinking. And I completely agree with this movement: autistic people are not sick people who should not be associated with, who should be avoided. These people are different in their worldview and attitude, they just need help and caring attitude from the whole society.

Early childhood autism is a violation of the communicative ability of a child with intact intelligence. AT early age this often manifests itself in the form of delays in speech and / or mental development in combination with various " strange habits» - behavior stereotyping (rocking, licking, torsion, etc.). So-called painful rituals appear, adherence to a certain sequence of actions, an unchanging order, certain things in the environment of the child. Violations of social interaction with early autism become most noticeable at the age of 5 years and are characterized by the child's lack of ability to build direct communications with the interlocutor, look into his eyes, participate in joint games with peers, lack of social attachments.

AT preschool age children with autism may suddenly speak in full sentences, abruptly, quickly learn to read and / or count. The fulfillment of instructions, tasks, requests of an adult is often ignored, the child follows only his own impulses, which are often of a “ritual” nature, and adherence to monotonous actions is characteristic. Unexpectedly, children with early childhood autism may show supernormal abilities in some areas of activity or knowledge (memory, mathematics, etc.).

Among the causes of the disease are genetic disorders; There is a teratogenic theory according to which autism is associated with exogenous factors, the adverse effect of the external environment on the woman's body in the first trimester of pregnancy (stress, alcohol, nicotine, medicinal substances etc.). There are other alternative theories that are currently causing a lot of controversy.

The main task in the rehabilitation and correction of children with autism is to prevent them from completely withdrawing into "their own world", gradually adapt them, develop communication and social skills, find for them a place for activity where they can work productively and as comfortably as possible in "their" world. tempo, rhythm, graphics.

(Resolution No. A/RES/62/139). It has been celebrated every year since 2008 on April 2nd.

This World Day was established at the initiative of the State of Qatar, which was noted in the message of the UN Secretary General in 2008.

The resolution of the General Assembly pays attention, first of all, to the problem of autism in children, expresses concern about the high proportion of children suffering from autism, points out the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate examination.



April 2, 2009 at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" a round table was held on the topic "Socio-psychological adaptation of children with autism and their families in Ukraine". Organizer - public association support for people with autism "Sonyachne Kolo". The conference addressed issues of organization summer camp for children with autism.


  • Public Association for the Support of Persons with Autism "Sonyachne Kolo"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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