Pine resin medicinal. Honey from cedar resin - useful properties. Who managed to be cured with pine resin

pine resin

Damaged pine releases a resin that protects plants from penetration into the wood fibers of harmful organisms. That is why this resin is called resin, which heals, embalms the wounds of the tree. And apparently, noticing this property of the resin, the gardeners began to heal the wounds of fruit trees with it, making a plaster from it with the addition of wood (olive) oil and wax. By the way, the balm with which the ancient Egyptians soaked mummies that have survived to this day and survived millennia also includes pine resin in its composition. Lumberjacks and hunters have long noticed the ability of resin to heal wounds.

If there is no first-aid kit at hand, then instead of a bandage or plaster, they put clean resin on the wound. By the way, the patch that we buy at the pharmacy also includes pine resin. They also put resin on aching teeth to relieve toothache. And the inhabitants of the Caucasus even prepared a special medicinal chewing gum from pine resin. In the old days, resin diluted with alcohol was used as a rub for aches. Until now, turpentine obtained from resin is used as rubbing. The smoke of burning resin has disinfectant properties. In some regions, peasants smoked a hut with the smoke of burning resin in winter to purify the air and remove the bad smell.

And who does not know the wonderful mineral amber. Amber is also pine resin, only it has lain in the ground for millions of years. In some pieces of amber, there are insects that once made a rash step, sitting on the resin flowing from the pine. And now scientists have the opportunity to study insects that lived on earth millions of years ago. Amber has a rich color range - from golden yellow and red to blue-green and almost black. Not only jewelry is made of amber: rings, brooches, necklaces, bracelets, but also decorative sculpture and mosaic panels. The highest achievement of the art of processing amber was the famous amber room in Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg, in which everything, from a small thing to the walls, was made of carved amber.

Resin is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry. How is sap prepared? In the forests specially designated for this purpose, turpentine preparers - scavengers make two rows of inclined cuts, called horseshoes. Resin flows down the bottoms into the receiver - a small vessel, reinforced at the bottom. If the incisions are renewed from time to time, then the resin will flow all summer. Over the summer, up to two kilograms of resin are obtained from one tree.

At rosin-turpentine enterprises, resin is cleaned of litter and distilled with steam. The volatile part of the resin, when cooled, forms turpentine, and the golden, fragile mass remaining after distillation is rosin. Rosin is used to make paper, make soap, and make paint and varnish. It is necessary in shipbuilding, leather and rubber industries, as well as for the production of sealing wax and linoleum. The violin, cello and other bowed instruments could not play without rosin.

Another component of resin - turpentine is used as a solvent for paints and varnishes, rubber and various resins. Synthetic camphor is produced from it. In the textile industry, chintz fabrics are etched with turpentine before drawing a pattern on them, and paints are diluted.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes where pine resin (resin) or rosin is mixed with wax and with a fatty base for ointment (butter, internal animal fat, petroleum jelly, vegetable oil ...). Sometimes the composition of the ointment includes propolis, laundry soap. Such ointments have, as a rule, strong wound healing and cleansing properties. One of the recipes for such an ointment is given below.
Take 25 g of rosin, 25 g of beeswax, 25 g of vegetable oil and heat until dissolved. After that, add 50 g of propolis and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Apply this ointment daily to wounds.

Bring to a boil 200 g of ground spruce resin, one onion, 15 g of copper sulfate and 50 g of oil (preferably olive oil). The ointment has "warming properties" and also heals bruises, abscesses and broken bones. It is used both for compresses and for lubricating the nasal mucosa.

The resin should be placed in the freezer for 1 hour, then removed and quickly ground with a glass bottle into powder. Then sift through cheesecloth.
Take 1 hour before meals 3 times a day, 2 grams.
Drink some cold water.

At the end of May, staminate spikelets appear on the pine - male inflorescences with a large amount of yellow pollen, and at the ends of young shoots - female inflorescences - cones.
One tablespoon of male inflorescences is brewed in two glasses of boiling milk or water. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. Take in three doses for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Fresh pine red female cones fill a glass jar by two-thirds, fill it to the top with vodka and leave for at least two weeks. Take from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per day for pain in the heart.

Pour one part of pine resin (resin) with 5 parts of water, leave for 9 days in the sun in a glass bowl. Take 3 times a day before meals from a tablespoon to half a cup for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as a tonic.

Pine resin is kept in the mouth, licked with the tongue, alcohol extracts, water infusions are made. Used to treat stomach ulcers.

5 tablespoons of needles, 3 tablespoons of wild rose, 2 tablespoons of onion peel pour 1 liter of boiling water. Boil 10 min. Strain. Take 100 gr. 2-3 times a day to clean the vessels.

With cracks in the lips, they are smeared with resin powder.

With a boil, pine resin is applied to the sore spot. Anesthesia occurs immediately, after 2-3 days the boil completely resolves. Wounds also heal painlessly and quickly.

From sciatica, a decoction of young pine shoots is used, which is used for baths. 1 kg of young pine shoots is poured into 3 liters of boiling water, boiled in a sealed container for 10 minutes, insisted for 4 hours, filtered. A liter of such a decoction is added for every 15 liters of water in the bath, the temperature is maintained at 33 - 34 degrees, the procedure time is 10 - 15 minutes.

Young pine shoots are harvested until mid-May, washed, rinsed with cold water, dried and placed in layers in a jar with a wide neck. The same layer of sugar is poured onto a layer of needles (1.5-2 cm). The topmost layer should be made of sugar. Tie the neck with gauze. Put in the sun for 10 days. On the eleventh day, drain the resulting juice and store in closed bottles at room temperature. For tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, take 2 tablespoons (one for children) in the morning.

25-30 g of pine buds are boiled for 10-15 minutes in a mixture of milk and water (1:1) in an enamel or glass bowl. After cooling, filter and drink 100 gr. 3-4 times a day for colds.

The vapors of pine bud decoction are anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and breath reliever and are used for inhalation.

Pine essential oil is obtained from pine needles and is used in aromatherapy. An alcoholic solution of essential oil is known as forest water.

Did you know that pine not only heals, but also feeds? In some areas of Siberia and northern European Russia, the sweet and juicy outer layers of the wood (called sapwood) are eaten raw or dried and mixed with flour. Unopened male pine inflorescences are also eaten raw. Delicious drinks are made from pine buds. One glass of coniferous drink in terms of vitamin content is equivalent to five glasses of tomato juice and is five times richer in them than a glass of lemon drink.

To prepare a coniferous drink, take about 50 grams of young pine (cedar, fir or other) needles and grind well. Prepared needles should be infused in two glasses of boiled water for 2 hours in a dark, cool place. Add a little citric acid and granulated sugar to the filtered solution for taste.

Drink pine coniferous drink immediately after preparation, as the drink loses useful vitamins during storage.

Remember that pine preparations should be used with extreme caution in hepatitis, glomerulonephritis and pregnancy. Health to you!

Many people do not even know about some healing natural substances. Spruce resin can be attributed to a unique gift of nature, which is suitable for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. The natural substance contains a large amount of essential oils, turpentine, resins, formic, succinic acid. These components have an antiseptic, bactericidal, wound-healing effect. In addition, spruce contains volatile substances - diterpenes, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes. Scientists have proven that there are a lot of resin acids, colorless alcohol, and resinotannol in resin.

How to prepare gum?

Natural matter must be collected at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer itself. During this period, the movement of juice occurs. Spruce resin is collected with a knife, an awl, a napkin. It is important to follow these steps:

  • Find a suitable spruce that has damaged bark.
  • Wipe the knife with a napkin (pre-oil it) - in this way the resin will not stick together.
  • Cut off the layer of the substance, put it in a jar, cover with a lid.

When you collect the substance during the movement of the juice (early spring), you need to follow this algorithm:

  • Find a young spruce.
  • It is necessary to find tubercles on the tree, and resin accumulates in them.
  • Using an awl, make a puncture, press a little and collect the raw materials in a jar.

Attention! Keep in mind, resin hardens quickly, so close the jar.

Beneficial features

Traditional healers use spruce resin as a remedy for various digestive disorders. For the same purposes, it was used quite a long time ago in Ancient Greece. It was believed that resin is an effective medicine for kidney and lung ailments. Externally, the remedy was used for skin lesions,. Chinese healers use resin as a reliable remedy for headaches and toothaches.

Ointment use

  • Bruises.
  • Ulcerative lesions of the skin.
  • Burns.
  • Diseases of the spine, joints.
  • Furuncles.
  • Bites of insects, animals.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Runny nose.
  • Ulcers of the stomach.
  • Tuberculosis.

The ointment is easy to prepare: 4 parts of spruce resin are taken + propolis (part) + (4 parts) + meadowsweet, St. John's wort, linseed oil about. All components are connected, slightly warmed up. At the end, you need to strain the product through cheesecloth and refrigerate.

If you have tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, ulcers, you need to take an ointment (pea) and add it to tea or hot milk. It is especially useful to dilute the drug in a decoction with cetrarium. You need to drink the medicine in the morning, afternoon and evening, no more than 150 ml at a time. Ointment is recommended to use until you go on the mend.

Externally, the remedy can be used to treat:

  • Bruises.
  • Inflammatory process in the spine, joints.
  • Burns.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.

Rub the ointment in for 5 minutes. Do you have a severe runny nose? It is necessary to take a little ointment and lubricate the wings of the nose, the forehead area, the bridge of the nose, the maxillary sinuses with it.

The use of spruce resin


It is necessary to take resin, add vegetable oil to it. After that, a swab is taken and applied to the ulcer for 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated every 4 hours.

Angina and cold

You need to take half a spoonful of resin, and use it like a candy. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat or drink for some time.


Resin + vegetable oil is taken. The mixture is used to rub the affected areas of the skin. The therapy lasts about two weeks. Then you need to rest for a week and undergo treatment again.

male impotence

Prepare a natural substance (a teaspoon) + vodka (500 ml), put the product in a dark place. It should stay there for at least 5 days. The medicine is drunk in the morning and in the evening, 3 tablespoons before eating.


Take spruce resin (100 grams) + butter (200 grams) + beeswax. Everything needs to be warmed up. After 2 hours, the hot mixture is poured into a glass jar.


You need to take pork fat (100 grams) + the same amount of bees wax + the same amount of resin. Melt everything, you should get an ointment with which you can treat the affected skin.

Fibromyoma of the uterus

It is necessary to prepare a healing ointment: rosin (25 grams) + beeswax + vegetable oil is taken. Rosin needs to be melted, after adding wax, heat everything. Warm ointment can be cured. It is used quite simply: the product is applied to the fabric and applied as a compress to the lower abdomen, do not remove it for three days. Then prepare fresh ointment. The course of therapy should last about two weeks. After you need to rest and repeat the treatment.


The substance must not be used in case of an allergic reaction. The tool is contraindicated in:

  • breastfeeding
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Pregnancy.

It is forbidden to give spruce resin inside to children under 12 years old.

Where can you get livestock?

Sometimes it is not possible to prepare a natural substance on your own, in this case it is best to contact a special “Health Shop” or an online store that sells the substance. As a rule, cedar resin is sold, which is considered especially useful. If you look, then there is no big difference between the resin of spruce and cedar. The use of the resin is the same, the same recipes are used.

So, spruce resin is a healing tool that you need to know how to use. Having mastered several recipes, you can prepare yourself at home an effective, universal ointment, mixtures for oral administration. Just do not forget to take into account contraindications and consult with your doctor, otherwise do not heal the body, but harm your own health.

To answer the question of how pine resin is useful, let's turn to the study of its composition. And it contains a whole kaleidoscope of various terpene acids and their derivatives, the antifungal and bactericidal properties of each of which are very high. These properties formed the basis for the use of pine resin for the treatment of many skin diseases, abscesses, and wounds.

And more than a third of the composition of the resin is formed by essential oils, which have an even stronger bactericidal and antifungal effect, a calming and analgesic effect. Moreover, the effect of essential oils is manifested not only by their direct contact, but also by improving the inhaled air. How can one not remember the beneficial walks through the pine forest!

That is why pine resin is useful to whom in the first place, so it is for people with respiratory problems. And respiratory diseases are common, ranging from the very first colds of babies and ending with tuberculosis and severe lung diseases.

How to use pine resin? Recipes

  • Against viruses and bacteria

For preventive purposes, it is useful to put a small piece of pine resin in each room. Evaporating, its essential oils will purify the air from viruses and bacteria. In order for this action to manifest itself more effectively, it is advisable to put these pieces in a warm place: on a sunny windowsill, near a radiator, or sometimes heat it on an aroma lamp.

  • Reduced urge to smoke

Pine resin or its essential oil is useful to sniff more often for those who decide to quit smoking. Its smell is able to reduce cravings for this habit - unwanted and dangerous for the smoker and the people around him.

But not only pine resin itself can be used. Some recipes will tell you how to use pine resin in the treatment of common diseases.

  • boils

Abscesses will heal faster if a piece of gauze is applied to them, with pine resin applied to it and planed laundry or baby soap.

  • Cough

Cough is successfully treated with a composition of equal parts of pine resin, oil, and honey. It should be taken three to five times a day for a teaspoon.

  • Joint problems

Sore joints and a sore back are treated with pine resin ointment diluted in vegetable oil and vodka, taken in equal amounts.

  • Herpes

Herpes will pass if you apply pine resin infused with sea buckthorn oil to it.

  • periodontal disease

Periodontitis recedes when gum compresses are applied to the gums in half with lemon juice, to which a few drops of propolis tincture are added. In general, to strengthen the gums and teeth, it’s good to sometimes just chew pieces of pine resin.

A headache will go away if you heat it on an aroma lamp or apply a mixture of pine resin, zest and cinnamon to the forehead, back of the head, or temples (the place where the pain is located).

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis and eczema cease to bother after applying pine resin to the affected areas in half with olive or rapeseed oil.

When using resin, one must remember that it is a very concentrated remedy, so it cannot be used in its pure form, but only in a mixture with other components.

Pine gum (resin) is a special substance that coniferous plants secrete during normal metabolism, and in addition - in case of damage to the bark. After the resin reacts with oxygen, it oxidizes and becomes resistant to mechanical stress. Gum, which contains pine and cedar (a tree of Siberia) is a healing component of many tinctures and decoctions that are actively used by traditional medicine.


Pine resin can be harvested at any time of the year, however, it should be borne in mind that it will be very difficult to do this in the winter months, so it would be much more rational to collect it from May to August, when the plants have the most intensive metabolism. Collect in places remote from the roadway. What is most interesting is that it is possible to collect resin in Ukraine only in some areas.

Larch also contains resin - a powerful and safe component in the treatment of various diseases, but it can only be used if collected in the summer and in a dry year. Cedar turpentine, which is specially extracted, must also be obtained only from such a resin. It is not recommended to receive it at other times, this principle has been observed for more than one century. However, it will still be easier to buy ready-made resin in a pharmacy or in bulk, its price is not high.

Medicinal properties and indications for use

The resin of a coniferous plant is a unique mixture of useful substances. The main component of pine resin is resin acids, their amount is approximately 70%, the remaining 30% is turpentine. What is especially interesting is that pine resin does not contain any vitamins or minerals.

The healing properties possessed by pine resin have been known since ancient times. It has been proven that lambertianic acid, which is found in large quantities in the resin of coniferous plants, has nootropic activity - it can improve cerebral circulation.

As noted above, pine resin contains a large amount of turpentine, which has pronounced bactericidal properties and is able to stimulate blood flow. Pine resin does not lose its healing properties for many years.

That is, the main healing property that pine resin possesses is the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and microscopic fungi. These features of the impact formed the basis of therapeutic techniques - pine resin is actively used to treat boils, purulent wounds, cuts, burns.

When ingested, pine resin acts similarly to antibacterial drugs, with the difference that it does not destroy beneficial microflora (safe treatment). That is, it is clear that the main indication for the use of pine resin is the presence of any pathological process of an inflammatory nature in the human body.


Considering that pine resin is an exclusively natural composition, the only contraindications to its use will be:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy at any time;
  • Various kidney pathologies (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis).

Application in traditional medicine

Pine resin has been used by man for a very long time. Due to its properties, it has become one of the most commonly used medicines for skin diseases (especially furunculosis), allergic diseases, eczema. Inside, pine resin is used for stomatitis, gingivitis, various colds of viral and bacterial etiology, as well as in the treatment of diseases caused by fungi.

The benefits of pine resin for the stomach

The main benefit that pine resin brings to the stomach is that it destroys the pathogenic microbe that contributes to the development of stomach ulcers. Due to the ability to speed up the metabolism, pine resin will help a person get rid of excess weight. The healing effect on the joints is explained by the fact that pine resin is able to stop the inflammatory process.

How to prepare a healthy tincture?

One of the dosage forms in which pine resin is used is an alcohol tincture. It is very simple to prepare it - 100 ml of ethyl alcohol is taken and 20-30 g of pine resin is poured into it. Resin-based alcohol is infused for three weeks and after that it can be used for both internal and external use.

Pine resin ointment

Gum ointment based on pine resin preparation instructions:

  • It will be necessary to take 50 grams of pine resin, 100 grams of beeswax and 100 grams of pork internal fat.
  • All this mix and heat in the oven;
  • After the ointment (cream) becomes slightly warm, it can be applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, previously treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Application in cosmetology

Pine resin has gained wide application in cosmetology due to its ability to eliminate skin defects. You can use an ointment or an alcohol tincture, the recipe for which is indicated above.

For removing toxins

Given the fact that the body of a modern person is exposed to a large number of toxins, it would be very good to use pine resin for detoxification purposes. For this, a mixture is ideal - pine resin and natural honey in equal proportions. An ancient well-known recipe, the power of which is known to many. Use three times a day for a tablespoon for a month - the result is guaranteed, the reviews confirm this.

By the way, if you prepare this, at first glance, the most ordinary collection, then you can sell it - such an effective remedy is always in demand (this composition is also called coniferous oil).

Pine resin is a special substance that conifers secrete during normal metabolism and as a result of damage to the bark. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat various diseases. What are the medicinal properties of pine resin? The article will discuss the features and properties of this substance.

Experts distinguish several types of resin:

  • Spruce. Widespread, an ointment is prepared from it for the treatment of skin diseases.
  • Fir. It is rare, the composition resembles all other types of resin.
  • Cedar resin. It has healing qualities, so balms and tinctures are created from it.
  • Pine. It is used to treat colds and strengthen the immune system.
  • Larch resin. The product is used for the treatment of the oral cavity.

All types of resin have healing properties, they are used to treat various diseases.

The benefits and composition of pine resin

The resin contains a large amount of resin acids. Rich in resin and terpenes, which make up about 18% of the mass.

The resin contains: vitamins A, D, K, C, minerals (iron, cobalt, calcium, copper, phosphorus).

Useful properties include:

  1. Normalization of metabolism.
  2. Improving the general condition of the body.
  3. Strengthening the immune system.
  4. Prevention of skin diseases.
  5. Saturation of the body with vitamins.

The main medicinal qualities of pine resin lies in its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Gum is especially effective for festering wounds. She is able to disinfect the site of the lesion and draw out pus, so that recovery will go faster.

Using soothing bath resin helps you relax and fall asleep faster. When using resin inside, cough is relieved. It is able to strengthen the immune system and restore strength after a long illness.

The use of resin in medicine

Resin is used in the treatment of many diseases.

The use of pine resin is as follows:

  1. Inflammation and suppuration. Acts as a substitute for iodine and relieves festering wounds.
  2. Burns and skin diseases. Restores the skin and promotes rapid healing. It is used as a lotion on open wounds and ulcers.
  3. Inflammation of the airways. Kills microbes and bacteria, restores lung tissue.
  4. Diseases of the mouth and gums. Relieves inflammation and reduces pain.
  5. Radiculitis and inflammation of the joints. Reduces pain.
  6. Colds and viral diseases. Helps to reduce the symptoms of pathology.
  7. Pathologies of the digestive tract. Removes pain, renews the microflora and heals internal wounds.
  8. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Soothes and reduces pain.
  9. Disorder of the nervous system. Improves memory, attention and speech.
  10. Diseases of the genital organs. When used as a tampon, it eliminates pain and discharge.

The widespread use of resin is due to its unique properties. Thanks to the ability to speed up the metabolism, it will help a person to get rid of excess weight.

How and when to collect resin?

When should you collect pine resin? It can be harvested at any time of the year, but in winter it is quite difficult to do this. It is best to collect the resin from May to August, when the plant is experiencing intensive growth. This should be done in places that are located away from the roadway.

There are no special techniques for harvesting resin. An incision is made on the tree, and the secreted resin is poured into a special container. From one pine you can get up to 1.5 kg of resin.

  • if you wipe the awl or knife with an oiled cloth, then the resin will not stick to them;
  • resin is cut from naturally damaged trees;
  • it accumulates under the peel, where there are tubercles.

It is not necessary to bring the tree to death, you can make just a couple of cuts. It is recommended to take no more than 1 liter of resin. In the next 2 years, it is forbidden to touch the tree.

Recipes from pine resin

Most often, resin is used for therapy in three versions: in the form of tincture, oil and ointment. The tool is effective for pain in the joints and muscles. Pine resin oil is prepared in this way:

  1. Take in equal proportions resin, vodka and sunflower oil.
  2. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for a week.
  3. Strain and store in a dark place.

Due to the healing properties of pine resin, a rapid therapeutic effect occurs. Pine resin is perfectly absorbed by the skin.

For the treatment of varicose veins, the remedy is prepared in this way: mix sunflower oil and resin in a ratio of 10: 1. Put on low heat and boil for 2 minutes. After cooling, smear the diseased veins, best at night.

For the treatment of burns, the following remedy is prepared: sea buckthorn oil, lard and pine resin are mixed in equal proportions. Put the resulting mixture on the burnt place for 1 hour. Change dressings 3 times a day until epithelialization of the burn surface.

An ointment based on pine resin is prepared as follows:

  • take 50 g of resin, 100 g of lard and beeswax;
  • mix thoroughly and heat in the oven;
  • apply warm ointment to the affected area.

It is best to store it in the refrigerator.

The ointment is suitable for skin diseases, back pain and in the form of lotions on open wounds and ulcers.

To prepare a tincture of 20-30 g of dry resin, pour 100 g of vodka and insist for 3 weeks. It can be used internally in a tablespoon three times a day or externally for sciatica, arthritis, sprains.

Resin for external use

The tool can be used to treat abscesses and wounds. To do this, pine resin is melted over a fire, and applied to the affected area. You need to keep the substance for at least 8 hours. After the procedure, wipe the skin with a clean cloth. Apply at least 2 times a day.

How to use pine resin? To get effective help with fractures, it is used in powder form. 1 teaspoon of the substance is mixed with vegetable oil. Add a spoonful of comfrey root to the mass. Cook in a water bath for 20 minutes.

When the agent has cooled, a bandage is moistened in it and applied to the fracture site. From above warm with a blanket. It is best to keep the compress until the morning. The next day, remove and wipe with a damp cloth.

Many people suffer from the symptoms of herpes. For its treatment, resin powder and olive oil are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2. Cook the resulting mixture until a homogeneous state is obtained. Lubricate the sore spot several times a day.

When boils occur, the resin is applied to the sore spot. The patient immediately feels relief. After 2-3 days, the boil resolves.

To get rid of abrasions and cuts, mix resin in equal proportions with propolis. A small amount of vegetable oil is added to them. The mixture is boiled until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Lubricate sore spots 2-3 times a day.

Thanks to the healing properties of pine resin, you can do a massage using it. Especially effective remedy for the treatment of pain in the lower back and spine. For this recipe, it is recommended to use cedar, fir and spruce resin in equal amounts. To the mass you need to add 200 g of massage oil. The finished product is applied to the sore spot. Massage is done once a day. Pain disappears within 8-10 days.

How to take inside?

Resin provides effective assistance in the treatment of the digestive tract. A small amount of the drug in its pure form must be absorbed on an empty stomach. Therapy is carried out daily for 21 days.

With inflammation of the gums and oral cavity, the resin can be kept in the mouth. Its powder is smeared with cracks on the lips.

If a runny nose occurs, the remedy must be dripped into the nose. Instill 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. The procedure is best done twice a day. The tool allows you to free the nose from mucus and inflammation.

Resin preparations

Due to the healing properties of pine resin, it is included in the composition of the following products:

  1. Mazey - "Zhivitsa", "Zhivitsa". It is used to treat burns, rheumatism and injuries.
  2. Balms and oils - "Zhivitsa plus". Used to treat the digestive tract, respiratory system and colds.
  3. Kremov - "Two Lines", "Sap", "Taiga Shield". Fights rashes, acne and dry skin.
  4. Syrup "Zhivitsa". It is used to treat diseases of the nervous system and colds.

Experts do not recommend preparing turpentine products on their own, as it contains various acids and substances. It is necessary to accurately determine their ratio, because if you make a mistake, you will get a completely different composition.


Cedar resin, like pine resin, has almost no contraindications. It can harm the human body in case of individual intolerance. To make sure that there are no allergic reactions, a small amount of resin should be rubbed into the inner surface of the forearm and wait a few minutes. In the absence of redness and swelling, resin can be used internally or externally.

Ointments that include resin in their composition are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 10 years of age.

In case of kidney pathology, the use of resin is also prohibited.

Gum for prevention

In its pure form, the resin is rarely used. It is best used in the form of ointments, balms or tinctures. It is recommended to use gum for people:

  • living in ecologically polluted areas;
  • having chronic diseases of the organs of vision;
  • during rehabilitation or after a course of chemotherapy;
  • overweight;
  • experiencing serious psychological stress and constant toxic effects in connection with the profession.

The resin can be used externally or internally. It is best to use ready-made dosage forms containing this substance.


Pine resin is a remedy that has useful, healing properties. It can be used to prepare tinctures and ointments, but the correct dosage must be observed. In some cases, it is most effective to use ready-made dosage forms.

When taking the drug, precautions must be taken so that side effects do not occur. It is best to seek the advice of a specialist as the resin can exacerbate chronic conditions. The ability of resin to activate cell growth imposes a ban on its use in any neoplasms in the body.

Pine is perhaps the most popular tree in our country after birch. Many of us see pine trees every day, but few people think about what this tree can give us besides its wood.

Meanwhile, pine is able to become a real healer and help a person get rid of a wide variety of diseases. Pine resin will help us improve our health, the healing properties of which people guessed long before the appearance of all kinds of medicines in our lives.

Medicinal properties of pine resin

So, why is this natural product so valuable? Resin has gained its greatest popularity for its unique wound-healing properties. Actually, for this, people called it that way.

And in the first and second world wars, when there was an acute shortage of medicines in hospitals, it was resin that came to the rescue. It was she who helped to put on their feet more than one thousand ordinary Russian peasants, who, by the will of fate, were forced to fight.

But the ability to heal wounds is far from all that she is capable of. Pine resin is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • all kinds of suppuration
  • purulent boils
  • burns of varying degrees
  • heart disease
  • bronchitis
  • sciatica
  • oral diseases
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • various male and female diseases (including cystitis)
  • hemorrhoids
  • varicose veins in the early stages
  • colds

Agree, impressive list! And this is not a complete list of diseases that are treated with pine resin. It can be easily extended if desired. How to use this pine waste product correctly?

The use of pine resin in folk medicine

There are 2 forms of using resin for medicinal purposes:

  1. external
  2. internal

For external use, mainly all kinds of lotions and rubbing, ointments, oils are used. For the inside, decoctions are prepared or they simply suck pine resin, like candy - candy. Below you can find some of the recipes.

Pine resin ointment used to treat trophic ulcers

This ointment is ideal for the treatment of trophic ulcers. Anyone can cook it, there would be a desire. She prepares like this:

  • You need to take 50 grams of pine resin, 100 grams of beeswax and 100 grams of pork internal fat.
  • Mix everything and apply to the wound, preferably at night. Before this, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Cold treatment

With the help of pine resin, you can try to cure a cold. To do this, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of resin in the morning and evening.

Treatment of varicose veins

For the treatment of varicose veins, you will need a pine resin balm. You can prepare it like this:

  • we take 1 part of pine resin and 10 parts of vegetable oil.
  • Mix everything, bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat.
  • Turn off, let the balm cool. After that, you can lubricate the diseased veins. It is best to do this at night, before going to bed.

To strengthen immunity

  • We put a small piece (30-40 grams) of pine resin in the refrigerator for about an hour. Then we take it out and make powder out of it.
  • You can use a fine grater for this, you can simply crush it - it’s more convenient for anyone.
  • This powder will help boost your immune system. Take it 3 times a day with water, 1 hour before meals.

Treatment of gastritis

Pine resin helps well with gastritis. To reduce pain, you just need to dissolve a piece of resin. Pain passes quickly, sometimes it takes only five minutes, sometimes a little more, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, and they are all different for us.

Treatment of furunculosis

If you got boils, apply pine resin to them at night and cover with a band-aid. 3 - 4 days of such treatment and there will be no trace of boils, they will simply resolve!

Treatment of sciatica

For the treatment of sciatica, a tincture of pine resin, vodka and olive oil is used. It is quite easy to prepare:

  • we take all the components in equal amounts, mix and insist in a dark place for exactly a week.
  • A week later, the healing tincture is completely ready.
  • It just rubs on the sore spot. Helps a lot according to the forums.

Burn treatment

Due to its strong natural antiseptic and wound-healing properties, pine resin copes well with burns. To treat burns, make the following ointment:

  • we take in equal proportions lard, sea buckthorn oil and pine resin. We mix everything until a mass is obtained, homogeneous in composition.
  • In place of the burn, we make a bandage with ointment for a period of 1 hour.
  • Such dressings should be applied 3 times a day until the patient's condition improves.

Reviews about the treatment with resin

There are plenty of reviews on the treatment of pine resin in various forums dedicated to traditional medicine. They won't be hard to find. here are just a few.

Oleg (Kineshma)

I was convinced of the enormous healing power of resin when a misfortune happened to our 9-year-old daughter - she accidentally knocked over a pot of boiling water on herself and as a result received severe burns. On the advice of the mother-in-law, they treated with home-made ointment from pine resin and sea buckthorn oil. The result is just great! The pain was removed already on the 3rd day, and a noticeable improvement came about a week later. So I highly recommend having this natural miracle - the material at hand, God forbid, of course, but it may be needed.

Svetlana Viktorovna (village of Pankratovo, Nizhny Novgorod region)

My husband tried to treat gastritis with pine resin. The pain really does go away! I do not know if it is possible to cure her gastritis completely, but the fact that she relieves pain means a lot. True, we do not buy resin, but extract it ourselves, since we live next to the forest. And about the purchased, I honestly doubt it. All the same, the product must be natural. I read a lot of good things about cedar resin, but, unfortunately, we don’t have cedars.

Nina Serebryakova (Moscow)

We order sap over the internet all the time. There are specialized stores that sell such products. We order from Altai, as this is perhaps the most environmentally friendly region of Russia. Basically, we use it for the preparation of terpetine balm (it helps a lot with pain in the joints and not only). The whole family takes it to strengthen immunity. The same balm can be purchased ready-made, but we are used to doing it ourselves, it's cheaper and more reliable!

By the way, many doctors also speak positively about the healing properties of resin. True, we must not forget that she also has contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of preparations based on pine resin

There are few contraindications, but they exist and you need to know about them. First of all it is:

  1. individual intolerance to such drugs
  2. pregnancy
  3. kidney disease

In all other cases, it is possible and even necessary to use the healing properties of resin. In addition, if in doubt, you can always consult with your doctor before starting treatment.

Where could I buy

You can buy pine resin in any online store or pharmacy at your place of residence. You can buy both in pure form and in the form of various oils, balms and tinctures.

To find an online store selling such goods, just type in any search engine such a phrase - buy pine resin (or cedar, spruce).

As a rule, the largest and most popular pharmacies will be on the first page of the issue. Choose from them based on the price of the goods, the possibility of delivery to your region, etc. If you are too lazy to search, then you can buy any resin by clicking on the yellow banner located above in this article (on the left is the product catalog - resin - choose pine resin).

Adjusting pressure is easy! Need…

How to prepare your own gum

If you live in places where cedar, spruce or pine trees grow, then you can prepare resin yourself. There is nothing difficult in this and even a child can cope with this task.

You can learn how to do it right by watching this short video.

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Pine resin (resin) is a special substance that coniferous plants secrete during normal metabolism, and in addition - in case of damage to the bark. After the resin reacts with oxygen, it oxidizes and becomes resistant to mechanical stress. Gum, which contains pine and cedar (a tree of Siberia) is a healing component of many tinctures and decoctions that are actively used by traditional medicine.

Pine resin: medicinal properties and indications for use

The resin of a coniferous plant is a unique mixture of useful substances. The main component of pine resin is resin acids, their amount is approximately 70%, the remaining 30% is turpentine. What is especially interesting is that pine resin does not contain any vitamins or minerals.

The healing properties possessed by pine resin have been known since ancient times. It has been proven that lambertianic acid, which is found in large quantities in the resin of coniferous plants, has nootropic activity - it can improve cerebral circulation.

As noted above, pine resin contains a large amount of turpentine, which has pronounced bactericidal properties and is able to stimulate blood flow. Pine resin does not lose its healing properties for many years.

That is, the main healing property that pine resin possesses is the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and microscopic fungi. These features of the impact formed the basis of therapeutic techniques - pine resin is actively used to treat boils, purulent wounds, cuts, burns.

When ingested, pine resin acts similarly to antibacterial drugs, with the difference that it does not destroy beneficial microflora (safe treatment). That is, it is clear that the main indication for the use of pine resin is the presence of any pathological process of an inflammatory nature in the human body.

What is it, when to collect and where?

Pine resin can be harvested at any time of the year, however, it should be borne in mind that it will be very difficult to do this in the winter months, so it would be much more rational to collect it from May to August, when the plants have the most intensive metabolism. Collect in places remote from the roadway. What is most interesting is that it is possible to collect resin in Ukraine only in some areas.

Larch also contains resin - a powerful and safe component in the treatment of various diseases, but it can only be used if collected in the summer and in a dry year. Cedar turpentine, which is specially extracted, must also be obtained only from such a resin. It is not recommended to receive it at other times, this principle has been observed for more than one century. However, it will still be easier to buy ready-made resin in a pharmacy or in bulk, its price is not high.

The benefits of pine resin for the stomach, joints, for weight loss

The main benefit that pine resin brings to the stomach is that it destroys the pathogenic microbe Helicobacter pylori, which contributes to the development of stomach ulcers. Due to the ability to speed up the metabolism, pine resin will help a person get rid of excess weight. The healing effect on the joints is explained by the fact that pine resin is able to stop the inflammatory process.

How to prepare a healthy tincture from the collection?

One of the dosage forms in which pine resin is used is an alcohol tincture. It is very simple to prepare it - 100 ml of ethyl alcohol is taken and 20-30 g of pine resin is poured into it. Resin-based alcohol is infused for three weeks and after that it can be used for both internal and external use.

Contraindications for use

Considering that pine resin is an exclusively natural composition, the only contraindications to its use will be:
1. Individual intolerance;
2. Pregnancy at any time;
3. Various kidney pathologies (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis).

Pine oleoresin - use in folk medicine

Pine resin has been used by man for a very long time. Due to its properties, it has become one of the most commonly used medicines for skin diseases (especially furunculosis), allergic diseases, eczema. Inside, pine resin is used for stomatitis, gingivitis, various colds of viral and bacterial etiology, as well as in the treatment of diseases caused by fungi.

Ointment from pine resin - a recipe for cooking at home

Gum ointment based on pine resin preparation instructions:

  • It will be necessary to take 50 grams of pine resin, 100 grams of beeswax and 100 grams of pork internal fat.
  • All this mix and heat in the oven;
  • After the ointment (cream) becomes slightly warm, it can be applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, previously treated with hydrogen peroxide.
    The recipe is not complicated, you can do everything with or without video and photo instructions.
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