Purification of water from oil. Structured water: water that brings life

Cleanse the body with water

Recall once again that we are all almost 70% water. And water, in fact, is the foundation of good health. And here it is important to understand that water not only “cleanses” the body, but also saturates it with everything necessary. The lion's share of vital substances comes to the organs with liquids, the basis of which is water. Therefore, it is so important that water saturates the body in the proper amount. The best way make up for the lack of fluid in the body and protect it from dehydration - drink water. In addition, drinking solves our main task - the task of cleansing. We drink, water saturates the organs and tissues and at the same time flushes out all the accumulated "garbage" from them and removes it during natural excretory processes.

Test. Is your body getting enough water?

The amount of water in the body is related to vitality. Here is one way to check if you have enough water in your body. Place your finger in the middle of your palm. Hold it there for ten seconds. As soon as you release it, the skin will immediately straighten and return to its original state. This means that you have enough water in your body. If the skin does not straighten immediately or a dent remains in the palm of your hand for one or two seconds, this means that the body is sending you unambiguous signals. Drink a glass of clean water immediately.

Here's another little test. Do you want to understand what you are using? enough water, and dehydration does not threaten your body? Then try to honestly answer the questions of such a short test:

1. Do you feel tired in the morning even if you slept well?

2. Do you sleep badly, wake up often?

3. Do you feel constant, overwhelming fatigue?

4. Are you not very physically fit?

5. You tend to frequent shifts mood or irritability?

6. Do you often get colds?

7. Do you suffer from allergies?

8. Do you often feel tense or on the verge of a breakdown?

9. Are you often constipated?

10. Do you often have back or shoulder pain?

11. Do you have weight problems?

12. Are you a big fan of sweets, soda, alcohol?

If you answered yes to four or more questions, you, contrary to your beliefs about good health suffering from dehydration! So your body is asking for water. Listen to him!

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Depending on the composition and concentration, purification from oil products is carried out by sedimentation methods, centrifugal methods: flotation and filtration.

2. 1. Settling is based on the floating of oils in water. The process is carried out in settling tanks and oil traps. When designing treatment facilities. The use of settling tanks is envisaged, both for the settling of solid particles and for the floating of oils. In this case, the rate of settling of solid particles and the rate of emergence of oils are taken into account and the maximum of the two values ​​is taken. In oil traps, as a result of settling, oil products float to the surface and are removed by an oil-collecting device. For cleaning concentrated oils Wastewater widely used water treatment with special reagents that promote the coagulation of impurities in the emulsion. The reagents used are Na 2 CO 3 ;H 2 SO 4 ; NaCl; Al 2 (SO 4) 3;

2. 2. Separation of oil products in the field of action of centrifugal forces. Carried out in pressurized hydrocyclones. In this case, it is advisable to use pressure hydrocyclones for the simultaneous separation of both solid particles and oil products, which must be taken into account in the design of hydrocyclones.

2. 3. Flotation. Flotation consists in the intensification of the process of oil products floating when their particles are enveloped by air bubbles supplied to the waste water. This process is based on the molecular adhesion of oil particles and air bubbles finely dispersed in water.

The industry also uses the method electroflotation, the advantage of which is that the electrochemical redox processes occurring during electroflotation provide additional disinfection of wastewater.

2. 4. Wastewater treatment from oily impurities filtering- the final stage of cleaning.

This stage is necessary because the concentration of oil products in wastewater at the outlet of sedimentation tanks or hydrocyclones reaches 0.01-0.2 kg/m 3 and significantly exceeds the allowable concentration of oil products in water bodies. The study of wastewater filtration processes containing oil impurities showed that quartz sand is the best material filter. In addition to quartz sand, dolomites, expanded clay and others are used as filter materials.

The efficiency of wastewater treatment from oil-containing impurities is significantly increased by adding fibrous materials.

3. Wastewater treatment from soluble impurities.

It is carried out by methods:


  1. neutralization;


    ion exchange;

    ozonation; etc.

1. Extraction– the process of redistribution of sewage impurities in a mixture of two mutually insoluble liquids (waste water and extractant).

For example: at machine-building enterprises, extraction is used to treat wastewater from phenol.

2. Sorption- widely used for wastewater treatment from soluble impurities. Practically any finely dispersed substances (ash, peat, sawdust, clay, etc.) are used as sorbents. The most effective sorbent is activated carbon.

3. Neutralization– designed for separation of acids (sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric), alkalis (NaOH,KOH), as well as metal salts based on these acids and alkalis from wastewater.

Neutralization is carried out by mixing acidic and alkaline industrial wastewater: mixing acidic wastewater with alkaline domestic wastewater, adding acidic (alkaline) reagents to alkaline (acidic) wastewater or filtering alkaline and wastewater through a filter load of the opposite nature. For example, from particles of limestone or marble.

4. Electrocoagulation– used for wastewater treatment of galvanic and pickling departments, from chromium and other heavy metals, as well as from cyanides. The process takes place in electrolyzers in which electrodes are located. When passing electric current through wastewater, the surface of steel electrodes dissolves and the resulting Fe 2+ ions reduce Cr 6+ to Cr 3+ ions. At the same time, hydrolysis of iron and chromium ions occurs with the formation of insoluble hydroxides, which are subsequently removed by electrolyzers.

5. Ion exchange methods– based allow to provide high purification efficiency, as well as to obtain metals isolated from wastewater in the form of relatively pure and concentrated salts. For ion-exchange wastewater treatment, ion-exchange resins are used.

6. Ozonation– the process of treating waste water with ozone. It is used to remove heavy metals, cyanides, sulfides and other soluble impurities.

How does oil get into water? Why is water purification necessary? We will discuss all this in more detail in the framework of this article.

Mineral (petroleum) oils are a liquid mixture of high-boiling hydrocarbons. Basically, these are alkylnaphthenic and alkylaromatic substances, which are formed by oil refining.

Depending on the production method, distillate, residual and compounded mineral oils are distinguished. They are obtained respectively by distillation of oil, removal of undesirable components from tars, and distillate and residual oils.

According to the field of application, petroleum oils are divided into lubricating, conservation and electrical insulating. To give the oil the necessary properties, very often special additives are added to it.

Petroleum oils serve as the basis for the production of plastic and technological lubricants and special fluids (hydraulic, industrial, lubricating-cooling, motor).

How do oils get into industrial wastewater?

The ingress of mineral oils into the wastewater of industrial enterprises occurs mainly in the mechanical assembly production during the processing of parts using cutting fluids. Also, mixing wastewater with oil is possible when washing and degreasing the surfaces of parts in galvanic, mechanical assembly and painting industries.

Over time, cutting fluids become contaminated mineral salts and suspended solids, acquiring bad smell, which is caused by the development of sulfate-reducing anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to replace such fluids immediately after the expiration of their service life, which can vary from 3-7 to 30 days or more.

Wastewater from industrial enterprises containing oils is conventionally divided into two groups:

  • spent washing and degreasing solutions, which include up to 7 g/l of emulsified oil;
  • waste cutting fluids having a concentration of emulsified oils of the order of 10-16 g/l.

The flow of both the first and second type of wastewater is an oil-water emulsion. But it may differ in chemical composition and the degree of dispersion of impurities.

Oil particles in wastewater containing cleaning and degreasing solutions are significantly larger than in waters containing cutting fluids.

Reagent methods of wastewater treatment

The pumping process contributes to further dispersion of the oil particles and the formation of a finer and more stable emulsion.
Based on this, both streams are subjected to separate processing. Cutting fluids require more complex cleaning. Only oil is removed from the washing solutions, and the ionic composition of the water must remain unchanged, since it must be returned to the washing and degreasing process. For this, reagent methods of wastewater treatment are used in practice.

A three-stage process is used to clean detergents and degreasers. First, wastewater is fed into the oil trap sump, where it is cleaned from non-emulsified oils and suspended solids. Then the substance obtained at the outlet is sent to the electrocoagulator-electroflorator. In this apparatus, the emulsion is destroyed and oils are released. There is a decrease in the concentration of oils to 50 mg/l, and suspended solids to 20 mg/l.

Purification through filters and separators

At the third stage of wastewater treatment, special separators or filters are used. After passing through them, the oil content does not exceed 20 mg/l. Water can be reused in production.

Filter material

As a filter material, wood chips can be used (it is burned as it gets dirty), granulated polyethylene high pressure, fibrous materials and purified quartz sand. This type of treatment is prone to a disadvantage: a significant amount of poorly dehydrated sludge is formed, which is difficult to dispose of. And the oil obtained after wastewater treatment is unsuitable for regeneration. Therefore, on this stage looking for simpler effective ways wastewater treatment.

Washing and degreasing solutions, the oil concentration of which does not exceed 20 mg / l, are subject to composition adjustment, and then returned for reuse. The resulting oils can be partially regenerated, and partially must be disposed of.

Special separators with liquid coalescent filters have been developed for cleaning cleaning solutions and separating lubricating oils from the cooling circulating liquid. They are capable of separating unstable emulsions of any composition with different concentrations by 99%.

Local cleaning of cutting fluids

Used cutting fluids can be subjected to local treatment using reagent-separation, reagent-flotation, electrocoagulation and hyperfiltration methods.

In order to destroy spent cutting fluids, reagent methods are used, which can significantly increase the salinity of clarified water.

Reagent-flotation the method is used in conjunction with the addition of 1-3 g/l of aluminum sulfate. The spent emulsions are preliminarily settled, sediment and free oils are removed, and then fed into the flotation chambers of the flotator. There, the emulsified oils are broken down and released into the foam. Then this foam is removed. After the completion of the purification process, the content of oils in the effluents of such water does not exceed 100 mg/l. If concentration reduction is required, then multiple pressure flotation should be used.

Reagent-separation the method provides for the destruction of the emulsion during the centrifugal separation of particles of different densities. As an additional substance that improves the quality of purification, sulfuric acid is used, which is added to the emulsion before separation. As a result of cleaning with this method the concentration of oils in the drain fluctuates between 20-50 mg/l.

Electrocoagulation used both for working with spent emulsions containing emulsols, and with more resistant ones. This type of purification is carried out in special devices - electrolyzers. In this case, aluminum electrodes are used. During electrocoagulation cleaning, the residue of oils in the drain is no more than 15-20 mg/l.

Also used to break stable emulsions. reverse osmosis. In this case, the processed material is preliminarily settled and filtered. Purified water contains no more than 15-20 mg/l of oil.

For the recovery of lubricating-cooling liquids, it was proposed ultrafiltration-flocculation method. In this type of processing, dynamic membranes are used.

We offer website visitors this information sent to us by the author (contacts are at the end of the article).

We offer unconventional methods restoration of the human body with the help of ordinary, structured tap water.

References from the book "The Secret Code of Water": in the 1990s, a number of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Armenian scientific teams developed methods for structuring water and recording a wide variety of technologies in this structure, in which the direct or indirect use of properties was common. torsion fields. The obtained waters had stable healing properties mineral waters, remaining, from the point of view of classical chemistry, simple drinking water. However, the retail price of 1 liter of water structured in this way can currently reach up to 100 US dollars.

How to reduce the cost of structured water and give it quality healing water ? This issue was taken up by our center TSRSG - Center for the development of creative genius. We have created SV-Time Synchronizers, the operation of which is based on the work of torsion fields. Moreover, we have learned to transfer these torsion fields to any material carriers.

For ease of use, we took ordinary CDs, and simply put the usual tap water. A three-liter jar is ready for use in 15 minutes, and discs can also be placed near the bath, or under it, and while the water is being collected, the water is being structured. Moreover, this disk works forever, without time limits.

The results we got are simply stunning. In six months, a 45-year-old woman, simply taking 1 glass a day, was cured of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. She suffered for 6 years, was constantly treated and was under the supervision of a doctor. On one distillate, which is structured on disks, a 50-year-old man, while on a voyage, in the equator zone, was cured of hypertension in 130 days. A 4.5-year-old child was diagnosed with adenoids, an operation was required, in 5 days with the help of taking baths and drinking water, he stopped snoring at night, sleep was restored, the adenoids were forgotten. A purulent sore throat in a 14-year-old girl was cured in 4 days, only taking water and taking a bath. Children from taking our water increase their creative potential, activity, show interest in learning and knowledge. Children and adults stopped getting sick only by taking our structured water. Also discs -sv restore harmony in family relationships, develop male and female sensuality, relieve the syndrome chronic fatigue, stress, created special discs to enhance mental capacity, strengthening the concentration of attention, correcting the behavior of restless children, as well as to restore all systems and organs of the body. And many many others.

Also created for athletes, so as not to get tired during training and competition, and quickly restore the body after heavy loads. Lightweight insoles designed to keep you comfortable on long hikes. With the help of St, we learned to remove from the body heavy metals, restore lymphatic system. And it's all ordinary tap water, structured in St. No spring water can replace it. By drinking such water, we noticed that we stopped accumulating static electricity, despite the fact that we were wearing synthetic clothes.

Our center also conducted an experiment to increase the fish catch. The experiment was carried out in the area of ​​Mauritania, the husband of an employee of our center was given water, he also took structured water. Here the principle of the formation of the fish of the leader, and the principle of energy-information traces were involved. As a result, the catch was 158%, a record catch in the history of the trawl fleet. 3 foreign vessels and 3 Russian vessels were fishing nearby. In one day, the vessel (large freezing trawler) on which the saints were, took on board 50 tons of fish, the ships that went in parallel caught up to 8 tons of fish.

We confirm all these facts with the help of the GDV compact device of Professor KG Korotkov, who received a gold medal in Tomsk. A pioneer in the discovery of the aura in Russia was Professor K. Korotkov, who works at the St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics. What kind of device is this, what is the principle of the device: we take information about the physical fields distributed around the fingers. When an electromagnetic impulse is applied to the finger, then under its influence the body emits a stream of photons and electrons, which we register optical system and analyzed on a computer. And according to this picture, in 10 - 15 minutes we get all the information about a person: his psyche, body, state of organs.

We applied to many instances of the city of Murmansk with our technologies, but the bureaucratic world is still unshakable. We hope that our structured, ingenious water will make its way into life, help many people increase their life potential, restore health, because everyone knows that water wears away a stone. We wish you good luck in your fundamental research. We are interested in your feedback and opinions, cooperation is possible.


In our Center for the Development of Creative Genius, ST - Time Synchronizers have been created, which are structured by the method of transferring and modeling natural torsion fields.
With the help of these CBs, we conducted an experiment on plant breeding using the art of socionics and bioenergy-informationics.

On the this moment, socionics is not a science, and for the most part is the art of applying theoretical developments in the observation, analysis and interpretation of behavior real people. Many psychologists do not recognize socionics as a scientific discipline, although some universities introduce appropriate special courses and publish journals. In addition, socionics is included in some textbooks for universities and study guides in psychology. In socionics, all people, without exception, are divided into: logicians and ethics, intuitives and sensorics, extroverts and introverts, rationals and irrationals. The socionic type determines the ways of obtaining and processing information, the capabilities of a person when interacting with the surrounding reality and, in particular, when dealing with people, his strengths and weak sides. In total, 16 types of informational metabolism (socionic types) are considered in socionics.

Socionic quadra

Sociotypes that are in identical, dual, mirror and activation relations with each other form a quadra. All types of quadra completely intersect the main personal aspects, making communication within the quadra as comfortable and non-conflict as possible.

1 quadra "alpha" Don Quixote, Dumas, Hugo, Robespierre (innovators)
2 quadra "beta" Hamlet, Maxim Gorky, Zhukov, Yesenin (conservatives)
3 quadra "gamma" Jack London, Dreiser, Napoleon, Balzac (reformers, speakers0
4 quadra "delta" Stirlitz, Dostoevsky, Huxley, Gabin (pragmatists, humanists)

We have considered socionic types from the point of view of chakra structures.

It literally almost killed us. With the help of Professor Korotkov's GDV compact, we observed sharp drop energetics in the field of the immune system, nervous system, cerebral. The chakras were very small, and the field was like a "snappy hedgehog". Such a sharp drop in energy was observed in everyone who was in this room.

What I would like to note is that such selection is not the creation of genetically modified products, but the identification of a combination of those qualities of products that are most necessary for people. If someone remembers, bread in Siberia and in many other cities of Russia could be preserved for a long time, was delicious, golden in color, filled with power. Nowadays, bread is sour, there is no energy in it, put a glass of milk or water next to the bread, it will take away the last energy. And taste this milk or water. Russia is a country with great potential, it deserves high-quality, energetically strong bread, as well as other useful energy-rich products.

President of the Center for the Development of Creative Genius and his scientific director
Valery Gennadievich Oshchepkov,
Contact Information - [email protected]
Murmansk, phone: 8921-274-74-33 Alla

Practical ways to purify water

Each of the water purification methods has its own priority. Methods can and should be combined to obtain the desired result. For example, a carbon filter will soften hard water, and a tincture of minerals will give it taste and usefulness.

There are many ways to purify water, but many of them are either expensive or not practical, and some are just for the benefit of others. This article presents practically useful household and simple ways water purification.

Method 1 - Silver Ionization

An easy way to ionize water to kill germs. Silver does not purify, but only disinfects water, which is also useful.

You need to throw silver into the water. A silver ball (sold in pharmacies), or a silver ring (decoration), washed, of course.

AT this case Your water will be safer, but plaque and debris will remain.

Method 2 - cleaning with minerals

Not a bad way, allows you to clean the water and / or structure.

Minerals (stones) should be thrown into a jar of water (plastic or better slo), and left for a couple of days (2-3 days).

They absorb on their surface harmful substances and the water tastes much softer.

I myself make such water even now: tea and coffee are tastier than the water that is sold in 5l jars.

It is used for drinking or skin rejuvenation, since for drinking it is a long time to wait until the stones saturate the water.

Method 3 - Cleaning with filters on the pipe system:

You probably know about yourself, flasks that are put on the plumbing system to purify water from debris, such as chlorine, rust, sand and other small particles.

Many have such filters, but they can be supplemented ...

I'll tell you what's best:

1 - At the output, put a simple fiber / thread filter, and that's it. And for the bathroom, boiler, etc. (household non-drinking), put a water softener filter from scale (with crystals / salt).

2 - Under the sink in the kitchen where you dial drinking water put another filter with polypropylene for better cleaning. For washing fruits, hands and utensils...

3 - After the second filter, remove another charcoal (removes many small particles, kills dangerous microorganisms). It can be removed using a separate small faucet or hose.

Method 4 - Filters for settling water:

Can be found in stores household appliances, where they sell teapots, etc. these teapots are 50/50.

At the top there is a container for filling water, in the middle there is a filter, and at the bottom there is a place for the exit of filtered water.

The cost is approximately 100 hryvnias, the filter itself for replacement is 30 hryvnias.

Filtration lasts about half an hour. And it looks like you can drink it like that. It also becomes clean, ionized, soft and delicious.

It takes two months.

Method 5 - Superfood Cleanse:

The method consists in the fact that the water is purified to the level of drinking water. That is, it can be drunk without boiling.

Tap water enters the filter different ways(ionization ... ultraviolet), and immediately comes out to you, no waiting is required. All microbes are reduced, and all dirt is removed.

I don’t write in more detail, since this method is too expensive (from several hundred dollars), and there is practically no such need.

Method 6 - Melt water:

One of the ways, a little not practical, but deserves respect, because:

Melt water refreshes and rejuvenates the skin (almost like milk, like a mask), which no longer needs creams and masks.

The inhabitants of the forest are very fond of melted water, it is refreshing and very tasty.

You will also have less colds

Pour water from the tap into a mold (you can use 5 liters of dishes, plastic containers, food containers), preferably into a mold with an open top so that you can pull ice out of it.

Including: 1.5 and a half liters per person per day.

It is advisable to filter the water with a simple carbon filter from debris (rust, chlorine, sand, etc.).

Put water in freezer for 8-10 hours at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius.

Take out the ice (you can pour hot water over the bottom of the mold, it will go easier).

In the middle of the ice you will see liquidity, water with dirty impurities. Break the ice and drain the water (that liquid).

And melt the remaining ice and drink to your health.

Principles of revitalizing water by structuring

The method is based on the observation and study of nature, as well as a scientific approach to the study of the structure of water, from the 17th century to the present. By combining a number of processes, methods and technologies, Alois Gruber was able to achieve practical results in managing the structure of water, changing it and getting the effect of revitalizing water.

The method uses four well-known processes for changing the structure of water:

Water turbulence process. Discoveries of the naturalist Viktor Schauberger in the 1930s-50s of the twentieth century.

Magnetization of water by the natural field of the Earth.

Changing the frequencies of electromagnetic oscillations in water.

Transfer of information to the molecular structure.

As a scientific model of water structure, the method accepts the presence of bulk structures (associates, clathrates, clusters) and individual unstructured molecules in water.

Harmful frequencies in water

Passing through pumps, electromagnetic fields, under the influence of high pressure in pipelines and chemical pollution, clusters of the molecular structure of water undergo changes and are distorted. The structure of such water is very different from natural, natural.

Water is damaged due to passing through the electromagnetic fields of pumps, pollution by chemicals, medicines. There is a superposition of frequencies of various fields that are not characteristic of the field of the natural state of water.

It happens in the following way. Water contains ions of dissolved substances that have different charges. These ions are surrounded by shells of dipole water molecules (clathrates) formed by hydrogen bonds. Around each dissolved ion, dipole water molecules, which are completely special for this ion, line up and eventually form a special molecular structure with its own electromagnetic field.

After filtering out chemical contaminants in molecules and clusters, there remains an oscillatory behavior formed by the field of remote impurities. So molecular formations actually carry the memory of pollution, old harmful information, water becomes a carrier of information or information storage. Human body, consisting of 70% water in its natural state, subconsciously recognizes the water structure, accepts or rejects it.

Turbulence according to Viktor Schauberger

Turbulence changes the cluster structure and, as a result, changes the information contained in it, reduces the surface tension of water.

Just as in nature water seethes over stones, so in the device it, passing through the DNS spiral, prepares to receive new information, to new structural transformations. Viktor Schauberger 70 years ago, as a result of observing wildlife, discovered that only as a result of turbulence, water can "come to life" and receive positive information.

Due to turbulence and acceleration in devices, the molecular structure of water changes its size and composition. Turbulence destroys and changes water clusters. A new formation of clusters occurs when a new information field is transmitted.

Removal of calcium chloride under the influence of external fields

In the water that flows from a standard tap in any city, there are a lot of foreign inclusions. Water hardness is determined by the amount of calcium ions in calcium bicarbonate, which is present in water as a solution.


Scale and deposits on pipes are formed when hard water is heated according to the following scheme:

decomposition of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates,

the conversion of these bicarbonates to carbonates with a high degree of insolubility (CaCO3),

carbonates form a precipitate in water,

carbonates concentrate on internal surfaces water heaters, heating systems and steel pipes.

As a result of the impact of the field in the devices, the transformation and removal of calcium chloride crystals from the water occurs.

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