How to switch to proper nutrition. How to switch to proper nutrition. In general, proper nutrition is a habit. If you can outwit yourself and hold out for at least a month, then you won’t be able to think that you could ever eat differently.

The essence of proper nutrition boils down to the fact that you need to give the body all the necessary nutrients for normal operation, no frills. The problem is that sooner or later, a losing weight person retreats from the unusual rhythm of life and returns to the previous diet, reducing his efforts to nothing. To prevent this from happening, you should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and develop new eating habits that will later become natural for a person.

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1 Basic principles of proper nutrition

In any organism, even in calm state there are many processes that consume energy. Food is a source of all the necessary enzymes and hormones. Once in the body, food is synthesized and broken down into trace elements, the lack or excess of which causes a variety of disruptions in the body. Proper nutrition is based on saturating the body with all the required substances in the right quantities.

The main principles are:

  1. 1. Correct Mode. You need to eat at least four times a day at the same time. At the same time, the percentage of meals should be as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 15% and dinner - 25%.
  2. 2. Maintaining a balance between the main nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  3. 3. Sufficient saturation of the body with water (the norm is 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day).
  4. 4. Accounting for calorie intake. Each person has their own ratio of required calories. It depends on gender age category, weight, height and lifestyle. You can calculate it using the formula: weight losing weight in kg * 10 + height in cm * 6.25 - age in years * 5. Then subtract 161 (if a woman) or add 5 (if a man). The resulting number must be multiplied by a coefficient that depends on the activity of the person and is presented in the table below.

Physical activity coefficient:

In addition to the above, there are other principles that require great scrupulousness (for example, counting vitamins, amino acids, counting calories spent during sports, etc.). But even using only the main ones, you can achieve very good results, especially in combination with moderate ones. physical activity.

Separately allocated proper nutrition for athletes, especially if recruitment is planned muscle mass. The diet should be dominated protein products and the regime of the day must be strictly observed.

Proper nutrition for weight loss - principles, menus with recipes

2 Transition to a healthy diet

It is impossible to leave the usual way of life in an instant. If you limit yourself in everything at once, you will not be able to do without disruptions. Therefore, you need to be patient, take a notebook, a pen, a kitchen scale ... and do not change anything in your eating habits. The first few days you just need to keep a record of everything that was eaten and drunk. This will help you understand how things are going with your daily diet.

In most cases, the reason for the set excess weight is not at all a large number of calories, and the wrong ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Proper nutrition and exercises to reduce the waist

2.1 Developing new eating habits

To make the transition to proper nutrition (PP), you need to understand that this is not a diet. For cleansing own organism new eating habits should be developed. It is impossible to do this quickly in a few days. Therefore, losing weight beginners, in order not to break loose, you need to slowly introduce habits one by one into your life:

  1. 1. Drink water. Every day it is necessary to saturate the body with a sufficient amount of fluid. Moreover, tea, coffee, juices, fresh juices and other drinks do not count here. Cells need plain non-carbonated water.
  2. 2. and hang a table of calorie content and BJU content of the most common foods on the refrigerator, above the microwave or in another prominent place.
  3. 3. Go shopping only when you are full. When a person experiences a feeling of hunger, he is more prone to "bad purchases", which is a breakdown.
  4. 4. You should avoid or completely eliminate fast food from your diet.
  5. 5. Minimize the intake of canned food.
  6. 6. Replace sugar with natural honey.
  7. 7. Before going to the store, you need to make a list of products (it's easier to do this after compiling the menu for the next week). Make purchases in strict accordance with what is written.
  8. 8. Cook your own food. This is very important step for weight loss. Only self-cooking provides authentic knowledge about the calorie content and the content of BJU in a particular dish.
  9. 9. Accustom yourself to eat vegetables and fruits daily.

Over time, these postulates will become an integral part of life.

Proper nutrition and recipes for weight loss

2.2 Sample menu for the week

Even knowing all the principles, many losing weight people simply do not know what to eat. Below is a table to help you understand this:

Monday Vegetables, green tea without sugar (possible with honey), whole grain bread Boiled lean meat, steamed vegetables, rosehip broth A glass of kefir Baked broccoli with cheese, boiled egg, tea with mint
Tuesday curdled milk, vegetable salad, apple, chicory drink Vegetable puree soup (without potatoes), baked meat Fruit (you can use any except grapes and bananas) Boiled salmon, brown rice, unsweetened fruit drink
Wednesday Diet omelette (steamed or oven-baked), herbs, orange, tea Steam meatballs (veal is best), baked beans, vegetable salad, freshly squeezed juice or fruit juice Kefir Cottage cheese casserole, unsweetened apple (such as semerinka), vegetable juice
Thursday Vegetable salad, cottage cheese toast, tea Whole grain pasta, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote Apple Fish cakes, steamed broccoli, tea
Friday Oatmeal without sugar, with butter, apple and cinnamon, fruit juice Pumpkin-sesame soup, chicken baked in foil, vegetable salad, tea Ryazhenka Boiled turkey meat, stewed carrots, juice
Saturday Baked potatoes stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs, fruit juice Boiled rice, baked fish, green salad with tomatoes, tea Apple 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened fruit, tea
Sunday Toast with egg, cheese and tomatoes, greens, juice Steamed veal, baked potatoes, vegetable salad, tea Kefir Diet omelette, unsweetened fruit

2.3 Losing weight mistakes

For normal functioning of the body, a variety of products must be included in the diet. The brain usually sends certain signals to get the necessary micronutrients. Another issue is that they are sometimes perceived incorrectly, and this leads to abuse " harmful products". Knowing what the body really wants will help to avoid breakdowns:

What does a person want to eat? What does the body need Products containing the desired substance
Chocolate Magnesium Cashew nuts, Pine nuts, buckwheat, leaf salad, seeds, legumes, legumes
Bread, beer, kvass Nitrogen Fish, nuts, meat, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs
Sweet Glucose Honey, sweet vegetables, berries and fruits
Smoked meats Cholesterol

Avocado, nuts, red fish, olives

Cheese, fatty foods calcium, phosphorus Hazelnuts, milk, cottage cheese, broccoli, legumes, legumes
Banana Potassium Peas, tomatoes, beets, eggplants, figs, dried apricots, white beans
Sour Vitamin C Lemon, kiwi, strawberry, cranberry, Brussels sprouts, rose hip
Peanut B vitamins Beans, nuts, meat, fish
sunflower seeds Antioxidant Vitamins Grapes, sorrel, spinach, beans, broccoli
Salty Water Pure, non-carbonated water

3 Ways to avoid breakdowns

Switching to proper nutrition is easy, the hardest thing is not to break down. Sometimes it is very difficult to forbid yourself to use something very harmful, but so tasty and beloved. There are several ways to avoid breakdowns:

  1. 1. You can try to find alternative recipe favorite dish "light", which will please the taste buds without harm to the body. For example, the famous Olivier salad. It is only necessary to replace the sausage with boiled chicken breast, and mayonnaise - for low-fat sour cream, and 100 g of the dish will add only 78 kcal to the diet, while the usual one - 198 kcal.
  2. 2. Sometimes indulge yourself with your favorite treats, but rarely and little by little (no more than once a week).
  3. 3. Motivate yourself. Psychologists say that the most important thing is the right attitude.
  4. 4. Follow the regime. At first, reminders on the phone about taking water or food will help. But after 21 days, the body will develop a habit and will itself remind you of this.
  5. 5. Rinse your mouth after eating. This will signal to the brain that the meal is over.
  6. 6. You should not be distracted by watching your favorite shows or reading while eating.
  7. 7. You need to enlist the help of your family, because if the household will eat, say, pies, it's hard not to join.

It should be remembered: going on a diet or starting to eat right is only half the battle. You can't do without physical activity anyway. In order to achieve the best results, you need to join the training. And the best option is to purchase a subscription in a specialized institution.

Usually in fitness clubs you can find the support of not only athletes, but also nutritionists who know how to help people who are starting to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Today we will talk about how to gradually switch to proper nutrition and not break away from it later. Probably, each of us has situations when, looking in the mirror, you think: it's time to lose weight ... But how and where to start this process?

One of the main roles in the process of losing weight is played by the correct and healthy eating. Using it in combination with physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, you will certainly succeed in the fight against overweight without the use of debilitating diets.

The cause of excess weight can be not only a metabolic disorder in the body, but also the use of products that contribute to its increase. Healthy nutrition enables a person to finally get rid of toxins and waste products accumulated as a result of the use of harmful products. As a result, your weight will definitely begin to decrease.

How to gradually switch to proper nutrition and not break loose from it? Just a few simple steps help you do it. So:

Once and for all, learn a healthy eating formula that will serve as a good clue to what and when you can eat during the day. In the classical understanding of proper nutrition, we should eat 5 times a day. “Why how much if I'm going to lose weight?” You ask. Everything is very simple: this is necessary so that we do not feel hungry during the day and our body does not accumulate the foods we consume in reserve. In addition, hunger can cause stress, which negatively affects the state of our entire body.

  • For breakfast, it is best to eat food consisting of complex carbohydrates. It could be oatmeal, muesli without sugar. Such food will charge us with cheerfulness and energy for the whole day. For example, my morning starts with oatmeal or a cereal blend, where I can add more flax seeds. If you are a sweet tooth and cannot do without sweets, it is better to eat your favorite sweets in the morning.
  • The first snack (before lunch) can be an apple, dried fruit, low-fat cottage cheese, or a handful of nuts.
  • Lunch should consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. For example, buckwheat with boiled or baked chicken meat and vegetable salad.
  • The second snack can consist of foods rich in protein: it is best if it is cottage cheese or yogurt. The main thing is to watch the portion.
  • Well, for dinner, cook yourself a meal with high content protein and fiber (carbohydrates for dinner should be excluded). The ideal option would be to eat chicken or other meat (it is better not to eat pork), fish, beans, cottage cheese, eggs and vegetable salad. At the same time, it is better to have dinner no later than a couple of hours before bedtime.

Really, there is nothing complicated? Let's move on to the next step.

Say a firm no to cooked food and white bread

If you are a fan of fast food and adore ready-made hamburgers, frozen dumplings and dumplings, with the transition to a healthy diet, be sure to stop eating them. Agree, there is little useful in them.

Also don't buy white bread and yeast baking. Switch to bread and other similar products made from whole grain flour. The body will certainly thank you for this lost kilograms of excess weight.

They must be replaced healthy food: fruits and honey in a small amount. Agree that sweets and sugar are what can nullify all your efforts to lose weight in the first place.

Put your favorite fruits and cereal cookies in a prominent place in the house, and if you really crave sweets, you can kill this desire by eating an apple or a banana.

Water will make it possible to saturate the cells of your body with moisture, which will positively affect its condition. In addition, water will help you overcome the possible feeling of hunger that has arisen throughout the day.

Self-purification of the body with water will save you from many health problems.

By following these tips, you can quickly get used to proper nutrition, which is a direct way to get rid of excess weight.

You will have no reason for breakdowns if you remember that proper and healthy nutrition is your beauty and health on long years. After all, such nutrition will help you not only achieve a reduction in volume, but also solve many health problems. I think it's worth it to continue to eat right and further.

Remember that a healthy diet is not a scrupulous calculation of daily calories consumed: the main thing you need to pay attention to when switching to proper nutrition is the amount of food you eat.

Drinks with cinnamon will complement your diet and help in the fight against excess weight.

And finally, watch the video, which tells in detail about the classic proper nutrition scheme:

When we want to lose weight, the first thing we think about is diet.

Regardless of the variety, it appears to us as a severe, short-term restriction of eating habits for the sake of rapid achievement result.

In dreams, it looks like 5 or maybe 10 kilograms, which will go away forever in one month.

However, in reality things are different.

We lose weight, then gain, after a while we limit ourselves again, but secretly dream of chocolate cupcakes and shawarma. And this circle is endless.

The truth is that proper nutrition involves a transition to a completely different level of awareness, in which there are no ups and downs.

This is a whole system, the result of which is harmony and health.

Why Short Term Diets Don't Work Where to start the transition to proper nutrition?

Every person interested in the topic of weight loss knows at least three to five diets.

He tried something personally, some were told by the environment. Diets can be based on different products and principles, but what they have in common is that they don't work.

We think like this: “I eat a lot and get fat, so I need to eat a little, and I will lose weight”!

Unfortunately, such logic on the body does not work as well as we would like.

The fact is that throughout our history as a species, evolution has come up with complex biological processes, whose goal is one: to survive at any cost.

Often diets do not help get rid of extra pounds.

The body stores fat and nutrients whenever possible, fearing hunger.

This is due to the fact that humanity has relatively recently begun to live in an industrial world, where food is, in principle, enough and it is available to 95% of the population.

The body simply did not have time to rebuild.

Here it is - the cruel truth. On average, losing 1 kg on the scale, you remove 700 grams of muscle and only 300 grams of fat.

Nutrition must be balanced

As a result, your body composition becomes even worse than it was. And that's not to mention feeling unwell, loss of strength and irritability that usually accompany these measures.

So the body signals the danger of hunger.

The transition to proper nutrition begins with the realization that the very principle of eating food needs to be changed and restrictions are reasonable only in metered quantities.

It is necessary to change internal attitudes, and this is difficult, because from childhood we are instilled with: “bread is the head of everything”, “first, third and compote”, “until you finish eating, you won’t leave” and so on.

To eliminate subsequent breakdowns, once and for all explain to yourself why, in principle, you need to lose weight.

Don't be surprised, this is very important. If the initial goal is not solid, we guarantee that you will not get out of the wheel a la "lost weight - got fat."

The first three weeks will be the most difficult in the new lifestyle.

Tip: add sports to the rules of PP (healthy nutrition). They will greatly speed up the process of losing weight.

Do you want to lose weight once and for all? Decide why you need it!

Keep in mind that achieving what you want is not easy and there are always obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. There are many and they are significant.

'Cause if you try to eat only the right products and lose weight at the same time for the sake of someone, and not for yourself, then your fuse will not last long. This is a bad motive.

The best results are achieved by those who work on themselves for the sake of personal health. Especially if there is no way back.

When there is either illness or harmony ahead, the choice is obvious.

Find the right motivation for you

There are many stories when diabetics lose weight dramatically or people with the third degree of obesity learn the basics of proper nutrition.

And then, inspired by their own results, they continue to achieve success and heal themselves.

In any case, do not wait for a similar situation, be healthy now, and if you are already in it - it's time to take matters into your own hands!

Whatever anyone says, everyone likes slender people with healthy skin color and good looks.

They, in turn, always move faster up the social ladder, we want to be like them. A living confirmation of this is the endless programs about the life of movie stars or the musical Olympus.

Fans rave about the stars. And they try to look even more attractive, clearly realizing that their financial situation and success depend on these characteristics.

In the end, those who eat often but little win.

If one or more of the motivations on this list are close to you, you are likely to achieve your goals.

Agree, food takes most our life, we are 100% dependent on it, therefore the goals before us should be the most persistent.

This will help develop self-discipline, willpower and move on to new level life.

Tip: Sit in silence and analyze your thoughts. Find key points. Be honest with yourself.

At least for a while give up harmful products and very soon you will begin to think differently.

To begin with, it is worth abandoning everything that stands in the way of achieving a slender body.

This is the hardest part, but last 21 days and it will get easier.

Tip: use calorie calculators so you don't overdo it with the amount of food. It's easy to get fat on fruits.

Losing weight will be much easier if you pay attention to the correct selection of products and use enough components necessary for life.

Unhealthy food will have to be replaced with healthy

Proteins are an important part of our body.

These are the amino acids from which our muscle fibers are built, internal organs, hair, skin.

Due to the use of these substances, a gradual restoration of cells occurs, which is why athletes so lean on protein.

In addition, it dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. The minimum amount per day is 50-60 grams, but it is better to rely on individual needs (two grams per kilogram of live weight).

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. Here you need to be especially careful, because the excess energy will certainly be deposited in the sides and stomach. Since we have already given up sugar, we will replace it with a small amount sweet fruits and candied fruits.

Do not forget about fiber, it frees the intestines from feces and pus, accumulated mucus, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Fiber is found mostly in vegetables, but avoid them in the morning.

The mucous membranes are not yet ready for such loads. In no case should you exclude fats from the diet.

They are directly involved in lipid metabolism, transmission nerve impulse, support of immunity, many other vital processes.

Our brain is made up of fats, without them menstrual cycle cannot be done monthly.

Their deficiency can lead to stroke, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders. This is the basis of the work of the female genital organs.

Eat more vegetables and dairy products

Tip: separate actual hunger, thirst, and memories of taste from each other.

Tip: Buy small food trays and take them with you to work.

I'm bookmarking! What a great guy you are! The figure is super, just MEGA motivation!

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this is a mega review! what a great guy you are! special thanks for the menu

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sailor, thank you very much

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Shushunya, thank you very much))

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You are great, you look great, and your menu is very appetizing!

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Yuleva88, thank you very much)

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Thank you for such detailed review. I'm trying to switch to pp and I'm losing my temper (now there is a clear guide to action, I think I will succeed too)!

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Beauty in shock, I'm glad that the review was useful to you)

Of course you can do everything

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Of course, I agree with the main idea, but melted cheese is very harmful! I myself love these sandwiches very much, but I try not to use it often. Although, on the other hand, the PP should not be fanatical. It’s better to allow yourself a little prank than to break loose and eat delicious things)))
You are great) Good results)

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Nika4ka, for breakfast you can)

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You are well done! Although at 60 you were thin. Just not tight.

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thank you vladigora
I didn't like myself)

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great review, you are a great fellow.

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Thank you, interesting review, well done!) but I don’t quite agree with cheatmils, cheating is a purely psychological moment, so as not to break loose, people are not robots) Many arrange them every week and I think that this is right) The main thing is to understand that this is not days of eating (they just need to be completely excluded from your life!), but you can just afford a little more and your favorite sweets)

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Enchanted Fox, thank you very much, I'm glad you appreciated)

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StarBzzz, maybe I didn’t put it that way, but I meant exactly what you wrote about)
Thank you, I'll correct this moment a little in the review)

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thank you very much for the review-encyclopedia, I was just looking for such information, but all the recipes on the Internet look like “hummingbird tongue soup”

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not food, but food!

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Highly good result. Above all praise. You can be proud of yourself. BUT, you weren't fat at 15 either.

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Bravo! I'm going to do everything myself, but for now I'm suffering from garbage and trying all kinds of evil spirits)

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ღღღ Southerner ღღღ , thank you, glad you were informative)

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Yulianna Yuzhnaya, thank you)

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Thank you Kateplebia

I felt like her, and the state of my body didn’t bother me - flabbiness, cellulite ..

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Thank you, well, you say, "evil"

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Diamondgirl_, thank you)

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Well, FIG knows how your before / after did not impress me.
There was no fat, she was ordinary, but she became slim.

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Masha, I am also Masha) very nice) You are a great fellow and the most important thing is that you realized in time that eating the way you ate before (when I read the list, I was shocked) is unnatural! A very useful review for me, because I am now carried away by proper nutrition, or rather switched to it.

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Damn from your pp I wanted to eat, so many delicious things

The review is super! Very motivating. By the way, how do you not gain weight in winter?

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Forgive me, but you have a lot of errors in your review.

Otherwise, I completely agree with you, myself on pp more than a year and never before in my life did my body look like it does now (although the lower press, unlike yours, absolutely does not want to be shown

). YOU are a great fellow, and your review motivates a lot of people, I'm sure!

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Here it is, willpower!

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I have no words, the review is super, very motivating, the results are impressive

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Excellent result. Very accessible and clearly explained everything. You are well done!

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very knowledgeable and useful feedback) I agree in everything) I remembered my fish in the freezer) I’ll cook it) thanks)

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Excellent results! As well as a very helpful and detailed review! Thank you!

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Great! Excellent result

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Blimey!!! YOU YOUTH!!! I'm sorry that you immediately, but the truth is, there are no words! For such a review, it’s not a pity to put 10 likes, it’s clear that the person tried, the person achieved! Masha - you are super!

This is what I understand as a well-deserved top of the tops, and not some kind of review on the iRecommend site, which is like an experiment

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It turns out that it is not so terrible, it is PP, all the dishes look very tasty.

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Great result! Just motivate!

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Well done!) liked oatmeal cookies)

the figure is just a feast for the eyes, it is clear that you are working on it

my waist is also almost the same, 57, well, sometimes it happens less

Show answers

I love reviews like this! Let them replace "3 days of kefir and you are a star!". And when the arguments are backed up by photos, they are more likely to believe them. Thank you

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30 more comments

Starvation diets that bring a person to fainting, remained in the distant past. Now the trend is following the principles of proper nutrition (PPP). However, many, even realizing the obvious advantages of a new way of life, do not dare to take the first step and believe that before switching to proper nutrition, it is necessary to study multi-volume collections of literature.

Others firmly believe that healthy balanced menu- it's expensive, tasteless and monotonous. But these are all erroneous assumptions. Detailed recommendations nutritionists will help you get on the path of proper nutrition simply, easily and without discomfort.

What is PP

There is no single definition of what healthy eating is. People with different philosophies consider only their system to be flawless:

  • raw foodists understand the use of products that are not subject to heat treatment by this term;
  • it is not customary for Ayurveda adherents to prepare food for the future and the diet is compiled depending on the type (dosha) of a person;
  • Shelton's adherents do not mix proteins with carbohydrates;
  • and vegans completely refuse food of animal origin.

In the traditional sense, proper nutrition involves a diet that can supply a person with all the necessary nutrients, minerals, vitamins, as well as maintain health and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

On a note! According to the majority of qualified dietitians and nutritionists, the Mediterranean system, which annually occupies a leading position in the top five diets in the world, has been named the ideal model.

Benefits of PP

Reasons why you should upgrade healthy diet, many, but it is worth paying attention to the following arguments.

Safe weight loss and weight control.

The desire to be thin and slender is not always dictated by the desire to meet glossy standards, although it is often the main motivating factor. Excess weight is the culprit of a numerous number of diseases, psychological discomfort, self-doubt.

On a note! WHO statistics are disappointing - 60% of Russian women and 57% of men have overweight, and 20% of the population is completely obese. This means that every second person is the owner of extra pounds.

Wanting to quickly say goodbye to fat ballast, women torture themselves with half-starved diets. The result of such methods is short-lived, and the effect is comparable to a yo-yo. Lost weight quickly returns, and even in the company of friends - a couple of extra pounds. By following the PPP, all this can be avoided. In addition, having become an adherent of a healthy diet, having normalized weight, you no longer have to think about how to lose weight.

Disease prevention

Numerous studies confirm that the contents of the plate invariably affect human health. By switching to proper nutrition, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing the following ailments:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • decreased immunity,
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes mellitus of the second type.

Preservation of beauty and prolongation of youth

A woman has three ages: youth, youth, and "how beautiful you look." The main merit belongs to food. bright volume For example, Tatyana Vedeneeva, who from her youth scrupulously monitors what she eats.

On a note! Starting to eat right, you will notice how your hair has become more shiny, your skin is even, rashes will decrease, and you will also delay the appearance of cellulite.

The main principles of proper nutrition

Knowing the basic postulates, there will be no difficulties even with how the whole family can switch to proper nutrition. Going together is much easier than doing it alone. Healthy eating is based on two "pillars": a properly composed menu and food regimen. Main rules:

  1. Fractional meals, including 3 main meals and two additional high-quality snacks. This approach is also approved by gastroenterologists, as it is possible to avoid extra load n digestive organs.
  2. You need to start the day with breakfast. A glass of water can precede the morning meal. Eating in the morning energizes, increases efficiency, allows you not to think about feeling hungry for several hours, thereby helping you not to be tempted by harmful snacks in the form of donuts, fast food, etc.
  3. While eating, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid. There is no need to follow the advice literally. If the dish is represented by a dry piece of meat, then it is quite possible to drink it with water. But it is not worth absorbing juices, teas with mugs along with food. This is fraught with an increase in the volume of the stomach, the appearance of flatulence, bloating, and poor absorption. Perfect option What you can drink with food is water at room temperature. Dairy drinks are also allowed.
  4. Compliance drinking regime. There are two diametrically opposed points of view on this matter. Physiologists believe that it is enough for a person to consume 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day, taking into account the liquid coming from meals and drinks. Nutritionists do not always share this opinion and insist on drinking at least 5-6 glasses. clean water, and the rest of the liquid is offered not to be considered as water.
  5. “Do not eat after the magic number 6” - for many years, ladies have tried to follow this unspoken rule. However, this approach has been repeatedly criticized. Only those people who go to bed at the same time as the transfer can observe this clause. Goodnight kids" or even earlier. It is typical for many to return from work later than 18-00 and this is not a reason to remain hungry. The only recommendations regarding dinner: it should be light, not too voluminous, and no later than three hours before bedtime. The best dishes are fish with a vegetable side dish, stew with cereals. Before going to bed, it is quite possible to afford a glass of fermented milk product.

Nuances of proper nutrition for weight loss

If the task is how to switch to proper nutrition for weight loss, then in addition to the above points, it is necessary to calculate the individual need for calories. You should not focus on the data of Glasha's neighbor or Masha's girlfriend. Programs that allow you to perform the calculation are available both on a PC and in smartphone applications.

Having received the result, it must be reduced by 10%. This will be the norm of calories that will ensure weight loss, but at the same time the body will not feel a deficiency of essential trace elements.

Another trick to avoid uncontrolled consumption of calories is keeping a food diary. It can be both handwritten and electronically on any gadget.

Interesting! There are even special applications in which you need to enter only the food eaten, and the program itself gives out the results of energy, nutritional value meals and remaining calorie limit for the day.

The transition to proper nutrition

You can, of course, conduct an audit in the refrigerator, dispose of all harmful products, purchase a batch of useful products and start new image life. But, as practice shows, the probability of failure in such a scenario is very high. In order not to feel "infringed", deprived of all the goodies, nutritionists advise to move on to a new diet smoothly.

How to gradually switch to proper nutrition:

  1. A gradual transition provides for two options: junk food is replaced with healthy food, and only after that the volumes are reduced. Or vice versa. For example, if you eat a lot of bread, first reduce the number of pieces eaten, and then think about an alternative.
  2. Continuing the bread theme, eating white bread is their flour premium desirable to minimize. good option replacement will be whole grain, with the addition of bran, rye.
  3. Cut down on fried foods. Most of the products are good for the body. But plunging them into the seething fat mass virtually eliminates them all useful qualities. The output is high-calorie, saturated with carcinogens food.
  4. Sausages, semi-finished products are replaced by poultry, rabbit, lean veal. Red meat is recommended to eat no more than 2-3 times a week. According to research by American pundits, excessive consumption of pork, lamb, beef is fraught with the development of gout, urolithiasis, problems with the large intestine.
  5. Side dishes are also subject to correction. Love to fried potatoes does nothing to promote health and wellness. Ideal side dishes are boiled, stewed vegetables, cereals.
  6. Purchasing dairy products requires special attention. hard cheeses you can pamper yourself occasionally and in a limited amount. The priority is soft cheeses. It is better to refuse the use of ready-made curd masses and prepare the curd mass yourself. Add low-fat sour cream, dried fruits or berries to granular cottage cheese, beat in a blender - it's easy. And the benefits of such a product are many times greater than from the factory version.
  7. Vegetables, fruits, berries should be on the table at least 2 times a day. Sweet fruits need control, as they contain glucose. For people who are prone to fullness, the "threat" is represented by grapes, bananas, figs. For example, to replenish daily requirement in glucose, 2 bananas are enough.
  8. Sugar is not in vain placed in the last paragraph, so as not to frighten in advance. Almost all nutritionists advise to completely eliminate it from your diet. "Sugar withdrawal" will last 3-14 days, depending on the addiction to the "sweet drug". nutritional value this product for the body has no. Complete sources of carbohydrates - whole grains, cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes. But the harm from sugar can be listed endlessly: weight gain, the appearance of cellulite, acne, rashes, calcium deficiency, tooth decay, tendency to develop fungal pathogens, etc. Alternative to sugar: maple syrup, honey, dried fruits.

Interesting! Accepting the philosophy of raw foodists, a reasonable question arises, how to switch to live food. Raw foodists with experience recommend "not to rush into the pool with your head" and to make the transition gradually. First, breakfast is replaced with raw foods. After adaptation of the body, dinner consists of fresh vegetables and fruit without heat treatment, and subsequently lunch is unprocessed food. Those who have withstood the whole circle can switch to the right (from their point of view) nutrition in 1.5-3 years.

But what about balance?

The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) has great importance in proper nutrition. Deficiency or excess of each of the nutrients is fraught with the development of pathologies, weight changes up or down.

  • Proteins are a vital building block involved in almost all processes in the body. 20-30% of all calories consumed should come from protein. Quality sources of protein: fish, seafood, meat, cottage cheese, dairy products, eggs, legumes.
  • Carbohydrates are energy providers, essential components for brain function. Prolonged deficiency leads to irreversible changes in the brain. Share in daily diet- about 50%. fast carbs(foods containing sugar, baked goods) should be avoided, favoring complex foods that break down slowly and provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. These are porridges, vegetable food.
  • Fats - conditionally divided into bad (margarine, spread) and good. Useful include fish, avocado, vegetable oils first pressing, seeds, nuts. 20% of all calories come from good fats.

Menu planning

The list of prohibited foods in proper nutrition is extremely small. Therefore, the list of permitted provisions is huge. This allows you to cook a wide variety of dishes and make a menu depending on gastronomic preferences. households or individuals.

Now you know how to switch to proper nutrition. This can be done smoothly, gradually eliminating harmful foods from the diet and replacing them with healthy counterparts.

How to start eating right is a question that worries many today. Popularization healthy lifestyle life and attentive attitude to our body made us more responsible in terms of choosing the products that will be on our table. Another thing is that all this sounds good only in theory.

In fact, irregular work schedules, weekly meetings with friends at the bar, skipping meals and the need to eat on the run make us put off healthy lifestyles until better times. But we know what to do: in this material - everything you need to know to switch to proper nutrition.


The best diet is a balanced diet. That is, you should consume enough fats, proteins and carbohydrates, eat 4-5 times a day and make sure that portions are small. Do not deny yourself pleasures, but replace purchased desserts with yoghurts with fresh fruit, homemade granola ( cereals+ honey + nuts) or banana smoothie.

In addition, try to cook on your own, but do not resort to the help of delivery services and products. fast food- so you will not be able to control the amount of oil and salt used.

Keep track of calories

Calories are the energy contained in food. The more active image the life you lead, the more substantial the calorie content of your diet should be (and vice versa). The number of calories you need per day also depends on age, gender, and certain body characteristics, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a number of chronic diseases. Here are the general rules:

Women and the elderly 1600-2000 calories per day;

Active women and less active men - 2000-2400 calories per day;

Active men - 2400-3000 calories per day.

You don't have to count every calorie you eat: it can turn proper nutrition into an unpleasant routine, and permanently discourage you from trying again. But if you roughly imagine the calorie content of each dish in the diet, this will help you learn how to form healthy menu without any extra effort.

Listen to yourself

Nutritionists say that if you are just starting your path to proper nutrition, it will be useful to adopt a "trick" characteristic of children. So, young children only eat when they are really hungry and stop when they feel full.

Adults, on the other hand, tend to ignore these signals: we continue to eat even when we do not feel hungry (for example, when we are bored, cold, or sad). This, in turn, threatens with overeating, breakdowns, and in long term- loss of ability to notice satiety signals and the risk of obesity.

Keep in mind that:

Hunger is when you want something to eat. The body sends a signal to the brain indicating that the stomach is empty and the blood sugar level is low. Symptoms of hunger can be small stomach cramps or rumbling. For a while, a person is able to ignore hunger, but the longer this continues, the less able to concentrate on anything other than food, he becomes.

Saturation is a feeling of satisfaction. Saturation occurs when the stomach sends a signal to the brain that it is satisfied, and you can be calm about your well-being for 3-4 hours.

Appetite is the desire to feel the taste of food, as well as the pleasure that we get from our favorite dishes. Usually appetite is associated with the organs of sight and smell, as well as thoughts about food.

Bring some variety

Eating a variety of foods will help you get what you need. nutrients, without resorting to additions in the form vitamin complexes. Recall that our body needs a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to get enough energy for work and rest. It is these elements that help our heart beat, our muscles function normally, and our brain stay active.

Best Sources of Nutrients:

Unsaturated fats: olive and rapeseed oil, nuts and oily fish;

Carbohydrates: whole grain, fruits, vegetables, legumes (peas, beans and lentils) and low-fat dairy products;

Lean protein: all types of fish, skinless poultry, dairy products and legumes;

Add to this minerals (so you should not give up salt, but you should reduce its amount) and water (you need to drink at least two liters of water a day).

In addition to nutrients, food contains other elements that are essential for health:

Fibers that help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and at the same time are responsible for normal work intestines. They can be obtained from whole grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts;

Phytochemicals - active ingredients plants that can fight cancer cells;

Antioxidants, also found in fruits and vegetables, protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Remember moderation

Moderation is the key to a healthy and balanced diet. If your favorite foods contain high percent fat, salt, sugar or calories, limit them or look for healthy alternatives.

A growing body of research continues to link the development of many serious illnesses to poor nutrition.

Proper nutrition can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer or heart disease, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide.

A healthy diet can positively impact both brain function and physical performance. Turns out positive effect to all cells and organs.

If you play sports or physical training, then a healthy diet is, without a doubt, very important in achieving the desired results.

The balance of calories consumed and used by the body is a key factor in weight control and a healthy diet.

If you control the portion size of the food you eat, you are more likely to avoid overeating.

Even though natural food much easier to overeat than processed foods, however, it is possible.

If you have accumulated a lot of excess seed and are trying to lose weight, then it is especially important for you to control the size of food portions.

There are many fairly simple strategies for this.

For example, you can use smaller plates and take less food the first time. And for a supplement, come back no earlier than 20 minutes later.

Another popular method is to measure portion sizes with your hand. A standard serving should contain about a fist of carbohydrates, ½ palm of protein, and ½ thumb"healthy" fats.

Every person interested in the topic of weight loss knows at least three to five diets.

He tried something personally, some were told by the environment. Diets can be based on different foods and principles, but they all have one thing in common: they don't work.

We think like this: “I eat a lot and get fat, so I need to eat a little, and I will lose weight”!

Unfortunately, such logic on the body does not work as well as we would like.

The fact is that throughout our history as a species, evolution has come up with complex biological processes that have one goal: to survive at any cost.

The body stores fat and nutrients whenever possible, fearing hunger.

This is due to the fact that humanity has relatively recently begun to live in an industrial world, where food is, in principle, enough and it is available to 95% of the population.

The body simply did not have time to rebuild.

Often diets do not help get rid of extra pounds.

Here it is - the cruel truth. On average, losing 1 kg on the scale, you remove 700 grams of muscle and only 300 grams of fat.

Nutrition must be balanced

As a result, your body composition becomes even worse than it was. And this is not to mention the poor health, loss of strength and irritability that usually accompany these measures.

So the body signals the danger of hunger.

The transition to proper nutrition begins with the realization that the very principle of eating food needs to be changed and restrictions are reasonable only in metered quantities.

It is necessary to change internal attitudes, and this is difficult, because from childhood we are instilled with: “bread is the head of everything”, “first, third and compote”, “until you finish eating, you won’t leave” and so on.

To eliminate subsequent breakdowns, once and for all explain to yourself why, in principle, you need to lose weight.

Don't be surprised, this is very important. If the initial goal is not solid, we guarantee that you will not get out of the wheel a la "lost weight - got fat."

The first three weeks will be the most difficult in the new lifestyle.

Do you want to lose weight once and for all? Decide why you need it!

Keep in mind that achieving what you want is not easy and there are always obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. There are many and they are significant.

Therefore, if you try to eat only the right foods and lose weight at the same time for the sake of someone, and not for yourself, then your fuse will not last long. This is a bad motive.

Those who work on themselves for the sake of personal health achieve the best results. Especially if there is no way back.

When there is either illness or harmony ahead, the choice is obvious.

Find the right motivation for you

There are many stories when diabetics lose weight dramatically or people with the third degree of obesity learn the basics of proper nutrition.

And then, inspired by their own results, they continue to achieve success and heal themselves.

In any case, do not wait for a similar situation, be healthy now, and if you are already in it - it's time to take matters into your own hands!

Whatever anyone says, everyone likes slender people with healthy skin color and good looks.

They, in turn, always move faster up the social ladder, we want to be like them. A living confirmation of this is the endless programs about the life of movie stars or the musical Olympus.

Fans rave about the stars. And they try to look even more attractive, clearly realizing that their financial situation and success depend on these characteristics.

In the end, those who eat often but little win.

If one or more of the motivations on this list are close to you, you are likely to achieve your goals.

Agree, food takes up most of our lives, we are 100% dependent on it, so the goals we have should be the most persistent.

This will help develop self-discipline, willpower and move to a new level of life.

At least for a while give up harmful products and very soon you will begin to think differently.

To begin with, it is worth abandoning everything that stands in the way of achieving a slender body.

This is the hardest part, but last 21 days and it will get easier.

Tip: use calorie calculators so you don't overdo it with the amount of food. It's easy to get fat on fruits.

Losing weight will be much easier if you pay attention to the correct selection of products and use enough components necessary for life.

Unhealthy food will have to be replaced with healthy

Proteins are an important part of our body.

These are amino acids from which our muscle fibers, internal organs, hair, and skin are built.

Due to the use of these substances, a gradual restoration of cells occurs, which is why athletes so lean on protein.

In addition, it dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time. The minimum amount per day is 50-60 grams, but it is better to rely on individual needs (two grams per kilogram of live weight).

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. Here you need to be especially careful, because the excess energy will certainly be deposited in the sides and stomach. Since we have already abandoned sugar, we will replace it with a small amount of sweet fruits and candied fruits.

Do not forget about fiber, it frees the intestines from feces and pus, accumulated mucus, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Fiber is found mostly in vegetables, but avoid them in the morning.

Go to the market and buy dried fruits and nuts, let them be indispensable residents in your kitchen. Every time you have thoughts of a breakdown, think about what you will become if you go through this difficult path. After that, reward yourself with dried apricots!

Studying how to switch to proper nutrition, I came to the conclusion that you need to start with the choice of products. They should be good quality and meet certain criteria. Then they need to be properly prepared and consumed correctly. Then our body gets real benefit from what we eat. And we get a healthy, slender, energetic body.

Product selection

Let's first remember that we need food as a source of substances necessary for life and energy production. That is, the products must contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acid, antioxidants. All substances must be organic so that the body can absorb them. And, accordingly, the products should not contain any chemically synthesized substances, especially those harmful to the body.

What do we see in stores? Our stores now sell products that are not entirely suitable for food, I call them “products of the chemical and food industry”. According to GOSTs and specifications, it is now legal to add various not useful products to products. chemical substances. This is done primarily to reduce the cost of production. Read the composition of the so-called meat products - sausages, sausages, pate. There is very little meat, mostly a mixture soy protein, starch and fat. And all this is flavored with dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives. When I want to buy such an attractive-looking meat product, I pick it up, read the composition, I feel disgusted and I put it back.

If we take dairy products, then many dairies have learned to make them from powdered milk. They just dilute it with water and you're done. Cheap and cheerful. Read the composition, it will say “normalized milk”. Although, it is not a fact that where it is written whole milk do not use normalized. After all, no one checks them by and large, write what you want.

As for juices, they have always been made from a dry powder, which is simply diluted with water. Remember how “Yupi” was in the 90s? Now all the “juices” are Yupi. Therefore, I am perplexed by people who buy juices for children, believing that they are healthy. Even if they were made from berries and fruits, nothing useful would be left in them after heat treatment.

Chickens and eggs - pumped up with growth enhancers and antibiotics. Meat is the same. Recently I also found out that kebabs came up with the idea to marinate meat in saltpeter so that it fried faster ...

And then the president allowed the cultivation of GMO agricultural products. Now hold on. We already had enough GMO products - canned corn, chocolate bars, Heinz ketchups. And now there is a sharp jump in cancer and infertility in women. And will it still be...

Confectionery: cakes, cookies - everything is done using chemistry, so it's cheaper and faster. Cheap, processed palm oil is added to many products.

This list is endless. My goal is not to intimidate you. I just want you to realize that there is a big problem in this area. And no one cares about your health. As they say, nothing personal, just business. Therefore, if you yourself do not take care of what gets on your table, then no one will take care of it. The health of you and your family is in your hands.

What can be done about it? Actually a lot. You can buy homemade meat and eggs in the market or in the nearest village. You can refuse semi-finished products and start cooking yourself. It will not be difficult to bake boiled pork in the oven instead of sausages and boiled-smoked meat products.

You can read the composition on the labels, and choose products with a minimum content of chemicals. Just don’t get fooled by the now fashionable words “natural”, “organic”, etc. Read exactly the composition of the product - what is included? If you are already buying dumplings, then look at least at the category. The best that happens in stores is category “B” - maximum amount meat and some extras. Category "B" - more additives, less meat. Category "G" - from the word shit, probably 🙂. Manufacturers are not always honest, but you can still be guided by this. Vote with a ruble - if you run into an unnatural taste in category "B" - never buy products of this brand again.

I personally blacklisted Miratorg after I bought their minced meat. During frying, a lot of water stood out from it, and it became some kind of strange texture and with a chemical smell. I was shocked! Since then, this brand simply does not exist for me!

Choose the least refined foods. Pancakes with flour of the 2nd grade turned out to be not only healthier, but also tastier. Pasta should be chosen with the maximum long time boiled for longer than 10 minutes, then they are really made from durum wheat. From such pasta, the figure and health do not deteriorate. The same applies to cereals. Instant porridges are convenient, but absolutely useless, all useful from them is removed.

Most healthy bread- whole grain yeast-free, or at least with bran.

I buy brown unrefined sugar. It is less harmful than white. And it is best, of course, to use natural honey instead of sugar.

It would also be nice to go through the “Purification” program every few years - in specialized organizations or at least buy a set of supplements for self-cleansing. I know women who were even able to solve the problem of infertility this way.

Variety of products

In order for the body to get everything from food necessary substances food should be of high quality and varied. If you severely limit the set of products, then this is no longer a healthy diet. Whatever the creators of fashionable diets and trends say.

Now no one monitors the usefulness of products, but only their low cost for manufacturers. Vegetables and fruits are grown on depleted land, but with the participation of chemical fertilizers, or in greenhouses. The meat is grown on hormones, on chemical feed. Therefore, even varied diet does not guarantee the presence in the body of all the necessary substances.

To make sure your body gets the necessary set, take a complex of vitamins and minerals from jars. Only not pharmacy options, they are synthesized at the same pharmaceutical factories as tablets. There is little use from them, in large doses they are even harmful, since the body cannot absorb them and perceives them as foreign substances that must be removed from the body. Best of all - organic complexes that are made from vegetables, fruits and other natural substances. For example, .

About water

I will write a couple of lines about the need for water. You need to drink about 2 liters of it. For an accurate calculation, multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.03. For example, 63 X 0.03 = 1.89 liters of water per day. This is the calculation of pure water. Tea, coffee, soups, juices are not included in this calculation. It is better to drink several sips every half an hour or an hour. To do this, put a large cup or bottle of water on your desktop, in a prominent place. If you drink a glass at once, then the water is not so much absorbed by the cells as it is excreted in the urine.

But in the morning, immediately after waking up, it is useful to drink a whole glass at once. Advanced: Add a slice of lemon to the water. Just please don't drink the tap water. She and wash sometimes scary. Use water filters or order artesian bottles in large bottles. If you are cooking with untreated water, then, after pouring water into the pan, do not immediately close the lid tightly, allow the chlorine to evaporate. After a couple of minutes, you can tightly close the lid - so the water boils faster.

Proper preparation

The main principle here is the maximum preservation of useful substances and the removal of harmful ones. To remove nitrates, soak greens and watermelons in water. It is better to buy watermelons not earlier than the end of July. There are so many nitrates in the early ones that people end up in the hospital with poisoning. All fruits and vegetables should be washed with soap. In addition to germs and worm eggs, you will get rid of the chemical coating that is applied so that they are better preserved during transport and in the store.

To preserve nutrients, the principle is used - if a liquid dish is being prepared, then the products are placed in cold water. During heating, the nutrients will pass into the water. If you are preparing a second dish, for example, boil potatoes, then put them in boiling water so that the nutrients remain in the potatoes.

You need to cook on low heat under a slightly ajar lid. To preserve nutrients, the time of heat treatment is important. Try to keep the dish on fire minimum time required for its preparation. Some products do not need heat treatment. First of all, these are vegetables, even beets. I have no idea why they boil it for 4 hours! I rub it raw on a salad grater, very tasty and healthy.

You need to fry only on heat-resistant fats, which, when heated, do not turn into a carcinogen. Heat resistant are lard, ghee and Coconut oil.

It is useful and convenient to bake in the oven: meat, fish, with or without potatoes. As Daria Dontsova writes in her cookbook, she wrapped the meat in foil, put it in the oven, and that was the end of your cooking chores. The beauty!

Juices are very useful, of course, only natural and freshly prepared. As the song goes: “Every home should have a juicer.” But smoothies are even more useful, so it’s better to have a blender in every house :).

Do not forget about hygiene. Homemade eggs (not store-bought) should be washed by soaking them for 5 minutes in water with a small amount of soda. Otherwise, you risk the whole family to end up in the infectious diseases department with salmonellosis. After processing raw meat and fish, wash the cutting board, knife, used utensils with laundry soap, and then the taps and sink. Leave the cooked food warm for no more than an hour, and then send it to the refrigerator. Millions of bacteria multiply very quickly on foods left warm.

How to eat right

1-2 meals a day leads to weight gain. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Our stomach is able to digest no more than 300g of food at a time. Everything that you have eaten in excess of the norm will not be absorbed and will only clog our body. Do not eat later than 3 hours before bedtime. During sleep gastrointestinal tract stops its work. All food lies there undigested until morning and rots. Do not spoil the stomach with endless small snacks and, especially, sweets. The stomach needs to rest sometime.

Breakfast is better with protein food. Perfect for this egg. So you immediately adjust the metabolism to correct work during the day. For better digestibility proteins should be combined with vegetables, greens are especially good for their absorption - leaf lettuce, parsley, green onion, dill, green varieties of cabbage. If you are watching your weight, then you need to eat carbohydrates only in the afternoon, you can reduce their intake to 2-3 times a week.

Don't drink food right away. It is better to drink water half an hour before meals and one hour after. Fruits are also physiologically more correct to eat before meals, as they contribute to the production gastric juice. I eat fruit before meals and after 20 minutes I am very hungry, which confirms the correctness of this theory. Use this as a hack for kids with poor appetite - give them some water or fruit 20 minutes before lunch.

Food should not be too cold and not too hot. But I personally love ice cream and am not ready to give it up completely. That's why I eat it on an empty stomach less problems brings digestive system. And I never eat or drink very hot, it destroys the mucous membrane and leads to cancer of the esophagus and stomach. This rule is very easy to follow if you put food on plates in advance, a few minutes in advance. And in a cup of coffee or tea, add water at room temperature (filtered or pre-boiled).

Limit your intake of sugar and salt. They are very harmful to health and well-being. This is done very simply - gradually reduce their number. I drink tea with honey, and I put 1 tablespoon of unrefined sugar in coffee. moderate sea salt edible salt only soups and side dishes, and for cooking eggs, meat and fish I use sets of spices. Do not forget that sugar is found in large quantities in cakes, buns, chocolates, sweets, soda. If you want something sweet, eat honey, sweet fruits, dates, dried apricots or raisins. Very sweet, tasty and healthy. If chocolate is dark, it has a minimum amount of sugar and a maximum amount of cocoa. A lot of salt is found in semi-finished products, smoked meats, salted fish, canned food. In addition to salt, it is usually full of chemicals, and there are also carcinogens in smoked meats, it is better to use this to a minimum.

I think you understand that switching to a healthy diet is not so difficult. And it's much tastier than unhealthy :). It is important to apply these principles not occasionally, but to make them part of your lifestyle. Understand why we eat at all. And then the body will delight you with harmony, vigor and excellent health!

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