Instructions for the use of phezam in capsules. The form of release of the drug and its composition. Possible consequences and effectiveness

- a good drug to improve brain function

Pros: helpful, easy to carry

Disadvantages: inconvenient reception scheme

Phezam suited me better than Memostim. Lately I've been worried about the decline in performance. It became difficult for me to concentrate on work. The body seemed to find ways on purpose to do something else. Thoughts flowed very slowly and ordinary tasks that I used to solve easily began to be difficult. At work, I have to type a lot and my fingers began to tangle. In general, I came to the conclusion that I need some kind of good nootropic.

The doctor I went to initially prescribed Memostim. It is made on the basis plant component- Ginko Biloba. Been hearing about it for a long time positive properties for the brain and blood circulation. Therefore, I expected the effect. However, after the very first pills, I felt how much blood rushed to my head. It becomes heavy and there is pain. I even became afraid of a stroke. In the work, relief did not come, and I did not notice big shifts. So she asked me to change the drug. And then the doctor recommended Phezam to me.

What is Phezam for?

The tool is designed to improve brain function, that is, it is a nootropic. The composition is not natural, but synthetic components, so the action is more pronounced and obvious. Combined medicine. Helps solve the following problems:

    Decreased cognitive abilities.

    Circulatory disorders in the brain.

    Problems vestibular apparatus manifested by nausea, dizziness, tinnitus.

    Post-stroke disorders.

    Organic disorders in the brain, death of neurons.

Tablets are prescribed for home treatment and inpatient therapy. Previously, they were also used to eliminate a disease that is not recognized now - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Positive properties of the nootropic

Phezam renders positive action throughout the nervous system. It covers processes important for brain function. So the results are good:

    The headaches go away.

    Less worried about pressure.

    Memory is restored.

    The reaction rate increases.

    Better assimilation of information.

    The efficiency and volume of processed data increases.

    The ability to learn increases, the loads during the sessions are better tolerated.

    Increases stress tolerance.

The effect appears from the first dose of the drug. Maximum activity lasts for 2-6 hours. With regular use, microcirculation and mental abilities are completely restored.

Principle of action: how the drug affects the brain

Phezam affects nutrition, blood circulation and conduction of impulses in the brain.

    Increases the speed of information transfer between neurons.

As you know, all data is transmitted between neurons through excitation. It occurs in one of the sense organs or internal organs and spreads to a certain area of ​​​​the brain, where it is processed and then sent a return signal indicating what to do, for example, a command to the muscles to withdraw their hand or run. The exchange takes place instantly. If the transmission speed slows down, the person becomes “inhibited”, reacts more slowly to what he hears and sees. Learning becomes difficult and takes more time. Phezam accelerates the spread of excitation between neurons both in the body and in the brain itself.

The tissues of the hemispheres especially need glucose and oxygen. They are the basis of nutrition for the production of energy needed for electrical activity, creating waves of excitation and inhibition. The drug helps the cells to more actively pass inside the sugar molecules and process it faster. Therefore, the brain gets more resources to work with.

    Improves the movement of blood within the vessels.

There is a concept rheological properties blood is its fluidity, the ability to pass along the channel. It is on this characteristic that Phezam affects. It prevents the formation of clots, blood clots. Liquefies it so that it falls into tiny capillaries. It does not affect pressure.

    Establishes communication between the two hemispheres.

This increases the speed of thinking, helps to find non-standard solutions to problems, combines the work of logic and creativity. Better synchronizes the work of the limbs, auditory, visual apparatus.

    Prevents vasospasm

It acts on the smooth muscle tissue that enters the vessel trunk. It blocks calcium channels, leading to an increase in contraction, and also blocks the effect of neurotransmitters on them that cause constriction (for example, serotonin). At the same time, maintaining blood circulation does not cause an increase in heart rate or attacks of hypertension.

What substances are included

The main active components of Fezam are:

    Cinnarizine- has a direct effect on blood vessels, improving blood circulation in the brain, without increasing intracranial and arterial pressure. Gives a slight sedative effect. It has an antihistamine effect, which reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions.

    Piracetam- improves the nutrition of brain tissues and helps to supply blood to damaged areas. Responsible for increasing the speed of thought and performance. Responsible for our ability to synthesize, analyze and generalize information.

The combination of components helps to make their action stronger and cover each other's shortcomings, which are expressed when taken separately. The drug is available in the form of capsules. They are completely white, and inside a light powder. The package contains 60 tablets. The capsule consists of gelatin, titanium dioxide is used to give a white color.

Added to the powder:

    Lactose. Gives the product a sweet taste. However, the main purpose is to improve the absorption of the drug by supporting and nourishing beneficial microflora.

    Silica. It is added to the composition as a baking powder. It prevents caking of the powder, the formation of dense lumps.

    magnesium stearate. It is a thickener, binds components, helps in the design of tablets. Magnesium is also a trace element that has a sedative effect on the nervous system, prevents muscle spasm.

The drug is produced in Bulgaria.

Fezam Reviews

Personally, I liked the drug. Unlike the previous medication, I did not have a feeling of fullness and pressure in my head. At the same time, performance increased. I felt energetic and able to solve many problems.

However, I did not really like the reception scheme. It is inconvenient to take pills three times a day. The package is obtained for 20 days of treatment. I wanted to drink for a month. I had to buy two packs.

Phezam instructions for use

Take Fezam for a maximum of three months. This is at serious violations such as after a stroke. A month is enough to improve cognitive capabilities. Drink one or even two capsules three times a day. Courses can be repeated several times during the year.

The instructions do not indicate that the medicine is allowed for children. However, in neurological practice, it is still prescribed for children from 5 years old. It is indicated for learning disabilities, developmental delays, nightmares, insomnia and fatigue. The dosage is one capsule once or twice a day, depending on age. However, the doctor must prescribe treatment for the child.

Experts advise taking the tablets regularly at the same time half an hour after meals.

The drug may cause various adverse reactions. For example, headache, dry mouth, abdominal pain, insomnia, rash, nervousness. Such manifestations are rare, often occur with intolerance to any component.

What diseases can Phezam capsules help with?

What helps medical preparation Phezam? Given medicine improves blood circulation and brain function. Violations normal functioning brain can be caused various diseases, in particular vascular atherosclerosis, stroke of any origin. These pathologies can lead to mental disorders, dementia and memory impairment.

Release form and composition of the drug

Phezam is available only in the form of capsules that have White color. One package contains 60 pieces. The shell is made of gelatin. The capsule contains granules of active medicinal substancesPiracetam and Cinnarizine. There are also a number of auxiliary components.

Pharmacological properties

Piracetam improves the functioning of the brain, having a beneficial effect on metabolism. In addition, this component, which is part of the drug in question, increases the rate of feeding with glucose, which is the main nutrient component of the brain. Thus, Piracetam allows the brain to increase nutrition, which contributes to the production enough energy for the stable functioning of the body. Besides, active substance improves blood supply to all parts of the brain where there is vascular damage or ischemia.

The second active ingredient - Cinnarizine has a positive effect on the vessels of the brain. This substance expands them, activating blood circulation, which allows you to saturate the body with oxygen and other useful nutrients. Despite these properties, Cinnarizine does not affect arterial and intracranial pressure.

The above two active components work effectively, reinforcing each other's work.

What are Phezam capsules used for?

Indications for use:

  • Circulatory disorders of the brain of any origin - vascular atherosclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Problems with violation of the function of thinking - problems with voicing the wording and thinking about a particular situation;
  • Violations of the speech apparatus;
  • Dementia due to vascular pathology;
  • Low level of concentration;
  • A sharp change in mood;
  • Excessive anxiety, irritability, depression;
  • Diseases inner ear, which are accompanied by noise in the auditory organs, gag reflexes;
  • Poor learning, low performance, concentration, short-term memory.

Medication contraindications

  • severe kidney disease;
  • Liver failure;
  • Psychomotor agitation;
  • Huntington's syndrome;
  • Acute stroke with vascular rupture;
  • Pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • Children's age - up to 5 years;
  • Excessive sensitivity to active or excipients that are part of the drug;

Side effects

  • Excessive movement of the limbs;
  • Increased level of nervousness;
  • Increased sexual desire;
  • Craving for sleep;
  • Depressive states;
  • Headache;
  • Gag reflexes;
  • Disorder gastrointestinal tract;
  • Lungs allergic reactions: itching, swelling of the skin.

Method of application and dosage for children and adults

Prescribe the drug depending on the age of the patient. Adults are usually prescribed 3 doses per day, 1-2 capsules. The duration of treatment can last for 3 months. In case of appointment to children, the pharmaceutical product is taken no more than 2 times a day, 1-2 capsules. The course of therapy should last at least 1.5 months and no more than 3.

Overdose serious problems does not occur. However, the onset of abdominal pain is possible, which can be lost only with the help of vomiting or gastric lavage.

How much does Phezam cost

The price in pharmacies of one package of this drug, which contains 60 capsules, ranges from 250 to 500 rubles.

Similar medicines

  • Bravinton;
  • Vero-Vinpocetine;
  • Lucetam;
  • Nootropil;
  • Piracetam.

Feedback from patients and doctors

Inna. 39 years. Belgorod.

A few months ago, I started noticing that I was having problems with my memory. In addition, I had a feeling of "clouding" before my eyes, headaches. My close friend at work advised me to take extra days off, get some rest and buy Phezam pills, which will help improve blood circulation in the brain. Having studied the instructions for the use of this medicine on the Internet, I bought it at the nearest pharmacy. I drank these capsules 3 times a day, 1 piece for 30 days. A few days after the start of taking the drug, I noticed that the “fogginess” had passed, and after another one and a half weeks, my memory and concentration improved. The disadvantage is the side effects, namely drowsiness. It was felt in the morning when it was necessary to get up and get ready for work.

In general, I was very satisfied after the course of treatment and I recommend this drug to everyone.

Peter. 58 years old. Samara.

After swimming in the pond, I began to click in my ear. I thought it would go away after a while, but the tapping in my ear didn't stop. Having come to the doctor, he prescribed me a course of injections and Phezam capsules. At the hospital, they told me that I had some cerebrovascular disorders that affected auditory nerve. Having bought the tablets, I began the course of treatment, taking one capsule per day. Three weeks of therapy discomfort in the ear they left me, however, I still remain under the supervision of my doctor, who recommends that I continue treatment with this drug.

Elena. 24 years. Surgut.

Once I studied Chinese intensively. To improve memory and increase concentration, my doctor recommended me to take this medicine. After a few days after using the capsules, I began to grasp literally everything on the fly, the hieroglyphs began to be memorized much faster than before. In addition, increased stamina and work capacity. The instructions for use say that the drug improves blood circulation and metabolism in the brain. This allows you to use the drug not only for serious pathologies, but also for severe mental stress. I advise these capsules to students who have difficulty during the session, preparing for exams, learning languages, or who has a rich and excessive amount of intellectual work.

The disadvantages of the drug include its incompatibility with alcohol. During the course of treatment, I attended my mother's birthday party, where I drank a seemingly harmless glass of champagne. After that, I started having severe headaches.

Tatiana. 41 years old Saransk.

I've suffered from migraines since I was young, but in the last few weeks, severe headaches have often appeared. In the hospital, I was prescribed a course of treatment with the drug according to the scheme 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month. After 2 weeks, I felt the result. Headaches stopped, there was an ease of perception of information. The medicine is really effective.

Larisa. 30 years. Kaluga.

Often I had moments at work when my brain began to seem to “slow down” and forget what I wanted to do in the near future. It has become commonplace, in addition, headaches have been added. I bought a medicine and started taking one capsule three times a day. After a couple of days, the headaches stopped, sleep became stronger and, accordingly, more strength before mental, paper work in the office. Memory has also slightly improved, endurance and perseverance have increased.

According to doctors, the Phezam drug is good because it demonstrates its effectiveness in most patients who have been prescribed the drug. In addition, the undoubted advantage of this medication is the rare occurrence of side effects. This allows you not to worry about the patient's condition during therapy. In addition, the drug has affordable price, for which any average Russian patient can easily buy it at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Instructions for the drug Phezam, contraindications and methods of use, side effects and reviews about this drug. The opinions of doctors and the opportunity to discuss on the forum.


Instructions for use

Method of application and dosage Phezam

Adverse reactions Phezam

Maybe: dyspepsia, headache, sleep disorders.

Rarely: allergic reactions in the form of a skin rash.

Almost all medicines have side effects. This usually happens when taking medications maximum doses, when using the medicine for a long time, when taking several medicines at once. Individual intolerance to a particular substance is also possible. This can harm the body, so if the drug causes you side effects, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.


To date, no cases of Phezam overdose have been reported.

drug interaction

With simultaneous use with Phezam, it is possible to increase sedative action drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system, as well as ethanol, nootropic and antihypertensive drugs.

With the simultaneous use of vasodilators enhance the effect of Phezam.

Phezam improves the tolerability of antipsychotic drugs and tricyclic antidepressants.

Highly meaningful information, which is not always paid due attention when taking medicines. If you are taking two or more drugs, they can either weaken or enhance the effect of each other. In the first case, you will not get the expected result from the medicine, and in the second, you run the risk of overdose or even poisoning.

Latin name: Phezam
ATX code: N06BX
Active substance: Piracetam and cinnarizine
Manufacturer: Balkanpharma, Bulgaria
Vacation from the pharmacy: On prescription
Storage conditions: t up to 30 С
Best before date: 3 years.

The drug normalizes blood circulation and metabolism of neurocytes in the brain. Thanks to the use of Phezam, the function of the visual and auditory analyzer. Like others nootropics, the drug improves memory, increases concentration.

Indications for use

Before drinking Phezam, read the instructions for use, it contains complete list indications:

  • Severe cognitive impairment
  • Frequent occurrence of migraines
  • The development of encephalopathy of various origins
  • Meniere's disease
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Deterioration of blood circulation in the brain, which developed after a stroke or head injury, due to atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels
  • Increased irritability
  • manifestation of deafness, arterial hypertension, NDC (carrying out complex therapy)
  • Signs of labyrinthopathy
  • Decreased attention in children
  • Decreased vision caused by angle-closure glaucoma, myopathy
  • Asthenia.

Composition and forms of release

Phezam tablets (1 pc.) Includes two active component- piracetam, as well as cinnarizine, their amount is 400 mg and 25 mg, respectively. The annotation indicates the presence of other components:

  • Colloidal Si Dioxide
  • Stearate Mg
  • Ti dioxide
  • Milk sugar.

Capsules of a cylindrical form of a milky-white shade, inside contains a powdery white mixture. One blister contains 10 caps., in a pack of 6 blisters.

Medicinal properties

HP is one of the combined drugs. Phezam capsules include piracetam (derived from γ -aminobutyric acid), as well as cinnarizine (refers to selective antagonists calcium channels).

Piracetam is a substance with nootropic properties that has a positive effect on the brain, improves cognitive functions (memory, perception of information, learning ability, intellectual performance).

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on a change in the rate of transmission of excitation signals directly to the brain. The drug also accelerates the course metabolic processes in nerve fibers, normalizes microcirculation due to a specific effect on the rheological properties of blood, while no vasodilating effect is recorded.

The drug improves communication between individual parts of the brain, normalizing synaptic conduction in the neocortical structures themselves. Immediately after a long course of therapy, there is a noticeable improvement in all cognitive functions.

Cinnarizine helps to reduce contractility cells, which are the main component of vascular smooth muscle, due to the blocking of calcium channels. Also, under the influence of cinnarizine, there is a decrease in the contractile effects of the so-called vasoactive substances (they include serotonin and norepinephrine), this effect is manifested due to the blocking of controlled calcium channel receptors. The degree of blockade of Ca entry into cells depends on the tissue type, resulting in antivasoconstrictor effects without a visible effect on blood pressure, as well as heart rate. It should be noted that subsequently, under the influence of cinnarizine, the elasticity of erythrocyte membranes may increase, blood thinning is observed. Along with this, the resistance of cells to hypoxia increases, stimulation of the vestibular system is inhibited, nystagmus is eliminated, as well as other autonomic disorders. Cinnarizine helps to eliminate attacks of dizziness.

The components mutually potentiate a decrease in the resistance of cerebral vessels.

HP is quickly absorbed by the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Highest plasma concentrations cinnarizine is registered after 1 hour from the moment of taking the capsules and is completely metabolized. Communication with plasma proteins is recorded at the level of 91%. Approximately 60% of taken dose the drug is excreted in the feces in its original form, the residual amount (metabolites) is excreted in the urine. The half-life is 4 hours.

The highest plasma level of piracetam is recorded after 2-6 hours. This substance penetrates through the BBB, the renal system is involved in the process of its excretion.

Instructions for use Phezam

Price: from 264 to 370 rubles.

For adults, Phezam should be taken three times a day, 1-2 capsules each, the duration of use is 1-3 months. In some cases, the duration medical therapy set individually depending on the severity pathological process. For a year it is necessary to walk 2-3 courses of treatment.

Children from 5 years old will need to drink Phezam once or twice a day, 1-2 caps. Usually the duration of the course of treatment is 1.5-3 months. Capsules should be taken whole with a sufficient amount of liquid.

It is best if the medication is taken after 20-30 minutes. after the main meal (preferably at the same time).

Contraindications and precautions

You should not start treatment with:

  • Severe disorders in the liver and kidney system
  • Diagnosing Parksionism
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • The presence of excessive susceptibility to the components
  • Children's age (the patient is under 5 years old).

Fezam should be treated with caution in Parkinson's disease.

While taking Phezam, visual acuity increases, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the retina, as well as the hemodynamics of the eye itself. In this regard, the drug can be prescribed for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the retina, including macular degeneration associated with age-related changes.

The drug is widely used in pediatrics for the treatment of partial atrophy optic nerve, retinal dystrophy (congenital, myopathic, as well as post-traumatic), amblyopia.

If the functioning of the renal system is impaired (creatinine clearance is less than 60 ml per 1 minute), it is necessary to reduce the dose of drugs or increase the time interval between applications.

It should be borne in mind that Phezam and alcohol are incompatible.

With extreme caution, drugs should be taken with increased intraocular pressure.

A change in indicators for the detection of radioactive iodine is not ruled out.

Cross-drug interactions

When using drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system, tricyclic antidepressants, as well as ethanol, it is possible to increase the sedative effect.

The drug potentiates the effects of nootropics and antihypertensive drugs.

Preparations with vasoconstrictor action significantly enhance the effect of Phezam on the body.

Since the capsules contain cinnarizine, the effectiveness of hypertensive drugs may decrease.

During the course of treatment, an increase in the activity of thyroid hormones is recorded, which in the future can provoke the development of tremor, excessive anxiety.

Cinnarizine is characterized by anti-allergic effects, it can reduce the severity of positive reactions in relation to skin reactivity factors during exercise. skin tests. In order to prevent such an effect, treatment with Phezam should be completed in about 4 days. prior to the proposed trial.

Phezam is able to enhance the effect of the use of oral anticoagulants.

Side effects

During the period of use of Phezam, side reactions may occur:

  • NS: increased nervous excitability, drowsiness, development of hyperkinesia; very rarely - severe headaches, signs of ataxia, excessive anxiety, sleep disturbance
  • GIT: increased salivation, attacks of nausea and urge to vomit, epigastric pain, diarrhea
  • Allergy manifestations: rashes on skin, development of dermatitis, swelling and severe itching, the occurrence of photosensitivity
  • Others: increased sex drive.


In the case of Phezam overdose, an overdose is unlikely, pain in the abdomen may occur.


In some cases, the doctor may advise replacing Phezam, analogues are selected individually. To date, there are many drugs that provide similar action(both cheaper and more expensive).

Nizhpharm JSC, Russia

Price from 109 to 307 rubles.

Omaron is domestic analogue Phezam, since it includes the same active ingredients. The mechanism of action of Omaron is similar. The medicine is available in tablet form.


  • Low price
  • May be used for depression
  • A simple treatment regimen.


  • Changes in blood pressure may occur during treatment
  • Contraindicated in parksionism
  • At long-term use it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Ellara, Russia

Price from 41 to 2048 rubles.

The drug exhibits antioxidant, nootropic, anxiolytic, and antihypoxic properties. The main component is represented by ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. A drug is assigned in case of violation cerebral circulation, VVD, syndrome alcohol withdrawal, myocardial infarction, sclerosis. Available in two dosage forms: solution and tablets. What is better to take: Mexidol or Phezam, you will need to check with your doctor.


  • Effective in open-angle glaucoma
  • Reduces severity negative manifestations caused by hypoxia
  • Promotes speedy recovery after TBI.


  • During treatment, distal hyperhidrosis may occur.
  • Not assigned for severe pathologies liver and kidneys
  • Not used in pediatrics.

Phezam is combined nootropic drug, which provides enough effective impact on the central nervous system and is able to eliminate a large number of problems associated with poor blood circulation and other negative changes in human body. Taking Phezam can solve a large number of problems, such as dizziness, headaches, impaired cognitive abilities and memory.

Composition and form of release

Release form

Capsules Phezam (400 mg + 25 mg), 10 capsules in a blister, 6 blisters with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

The composition of the product

  • active substances- piracetam 400 mg, cinnarizine 25 mg.
  • Excipients- lactose, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.
  • Capsule shell contains titanium dioxide, gelatin.

pharmachologic effect

Quite often, after suffering encephalitis, concussion, stroke or increased intracranial pressure it is very difficult to return to normal condition. Phezam helps to overcome everything effectively and quickly Negative consequences of these diseases and restores clarity and health of the mind. The medicine is combination drug, its active ingredients are cinnarizine and piracetam. This medicine thanks to their complex impact promotes effective expansion cerebral vessels, in turn, this eliminates hypoxia and makes better food brain oxygen, increases learning ability and memory.

Phezam contains piracetam - a nootropic, this substance helps to improve energy and protein metabolism in the brain, makes the brain more resistant to hypoxia and increases the absorption of glucose by its cells. Also, this substance improves local blood flow and transmission in the brain. nerve impulses in those areas where there is insufficient blood circulation and nutrition. The cinnarizine contained in this drug does an excellent job of strengthening the walls of brain cells, it lowers vascular tone, in addition, this substance blocks the entry of calcium ions into the brain cells, for this reason, the reaction to vasoconstrictor drugs (vasopressin, dopamine, angiotensin, adrenaline, norepinephrine) is significantly reduced if they are taken simultaneously. Cinnarizine, expanding the vessels of the brain, greatly increases its resistance to hypoxia.

In the process of taking Phezam, it should be remembered that it has practically no effect on blood pressure. Cinnarizine - one of the components of the drug has a slight antihistamine effect, this substance can reduce the excitability of the vestibular apparatus, as well as increase the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. In addition, reviews of Phezam say that this drug perfectly increases the elasticity of erythrocyte membranes and significantly reduces blood viscosity.

Phezam indications for use

The instruction provides for the intake of this drug inside. This drug is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In the body, the highest concentration of the drug is observed 1-4 hours after its direct use. Phezam is able to enter all tissues and organs of the body, it also penetrates the placental barrier, but its high concentration is observed in the brain.

Numerous reviews of Phezam indicate that this remedy can be taken for any condition that leads to a lack of blood circulation in the brain, these can be encephalopathies of various origins, cerebral arteriosclerosis, most traumatic brain injuries, strokes, cerebral hemorrhages, as well as recovery after them.

The instruction provides for taking Phezam in case of intoxication, as well as diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by a decrease in the level of memory, attention and mood. Often this Phezam is used for labyrinthopathy, adynamia, Meniere's syndrome, asthenia. In addition, a large number positive feedback about Phezam as a means of combating the backlog in intellectual development children and in the prevention of migraines and seasickness.


Phezam should not be taken if:

  • During periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • Under the age of 5;
  • Chorea of ​​Huntington;
  • Hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as to its components;
  • Severe hepatic and kidney failure;
  • stock psychomotor agitation during the period of prescription of the drug.

It is necessary to carefully take Phezam in case of violations in the activity of the liver and kidneys, severe bleeding, Parkinson's disease, in violation of hemostasis.

Side effects

A large number of reviews of Phezam claim that it is very easily tolerated, but there are a number of contraindications. This medication is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to any components of the drug. Also, it should not be used by those who suffer from severe disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Phezam is contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy, and it should not be taken by children under five years of age.

In the instructions to Phezam, it is said about the possible side effects. In some cases, its use can result in digestive disorders, such as bloating, nausea, heartburn, belching, and heaviness in the abdomen. Sometimes this drug can cause headaches and sleep disturbances. Also, the composition of the drug may cause allergic reactions.

Even in cases where there are no contraindications for taking Phezam, it is necessary to take into account other drugs that the patient can take, since the use of various medicines. Simultaneous use of Phezam with sedatives, as well as with antihypertensive drugs and nootropics can lead to a deepening of their effects. At simultaneous reception vasoconstrictors with Phezam can only increase its impact. In addition, the simultaneous reception of Phezam with some antipsychotics and antidepressants can improve their effects.

This drug is prescribed with caution to people suffering from Parkinson's disease. Also, athletes should be careful with the drug, as it can give false positives during doping control. positive reaction. Phezam should not be taken later than 17 pm, as it can cause sleep disturbance. Also, this Phezam should not be used by those who drive a car or work with machinery.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage of capsules

It is recommended to use the remedy for adult patients three times a day, 1-2 capsules, while the course of treatment is from one to three months. Children 5 years of age and older should take this medication 1-2 capsules no more than twice a day. This Phezam is not recommended for use for longer than three months.

It must be taken into account that the duration of use and exact dosage the drug can only be determined by the attending physician. It depends on the symptoms and severity of the disease. The course of treatment with Phezam, if necessary, can be repeated several times a year. If you follow the advice of doctors and recommendations for admission, Phezam is very easily tolerated and has practically no negative side effects.

In pediatric practice, indications for the use of the drug (as part of complex therapy) are:

  • Amblyopia of various origins;
  • Hereditary and myopic retinal dystrophy;
  • Myopia is high and medium degree;
  • Partial atrophy of the optic nerve of various origins.

Phezam for children

The drug is contraindicated in children under the age of five years.

During pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that there are no data on the presence of teratogenic effects of cinnarizine and piracetam, Phezam is contraindicated during pregnancy. FROM breast milk Piracetam is released, for this reason, if you need to use the drug during lactation, you should stop breastfeeding.


A befitting majority of positive reviews about the remedy indicates that this drug is well tolerated by patients. No serious side effects with an overdose of the drug. In some cases, after taking the remedy, abdominal pain is observed. In case of an overdose of Phezam, you should undergo a gastric lavage procedure, and measures are also used symptomatic therapy, cause vomiting, if necessary, hemodialysis.

special instructions

Thanks to clinical studies, it was possible to establish that Phezam does better functional state retina and hemodynamics of the eye, improves visual acuity. An increase in the rate of blood flow in the ophthalmic arteries after undergoing a course of treatment with Phezam indicates that the blood supply to the membrane of the eye is getting better. Phezam is recommended for use in the treatment of patients with degenerative retinal diseases.

The combination of metabolic and vasoactive components of the drug made it possible to use Phezam in a number of clinical research to increase the degree of efficiency existing ways treatment of organic and functional lesions of the visual-nerve apparatus in children and in order to achieve stability of the achieved visual functions. With mild or moderate renal failure, it is necessary to increase the interval between doses of the drug or reduce therapeutic dose. In patients with impaired liver function, the content of liver enzymes should be monitored.

Alcohol should be avoided while taking Phezam. It is necessary to carefully prescribe the drug if the patient has an increased intraocular pressure. In athletes, this Phezam can cause a positive reaction when passing a doping control test.

Interaction with other drugs

  1. With simultaneous use, there may be an increase sedative effect drugs that inhibit the activity of the central nervous system, as well as ethanol, antihypertensive and nootropic drugs.
  2. Vasodilators, when taken simultaneously, enhance the effect of Phezam.
  3. Phezam improves the tolerability of tricyclic antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs.

Domestic and foreign analogues

The analogues of the means according to the structural active substance are the following drugs:

  • Piracesin,
  • omaron,
  • NooKam,
  • Combitropil.

But at the same time, it should be remembered that you should not make a decision on your own to replace Phezam with an analogue, this must first be agreed with the attending physician.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Phezam in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about Phezam, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

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