Preparations based on gamma-aminobutyric acid. Gamma-aminobutyric acid - instructions for use. Interaction with other drugs

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, is non-protein compound, which functions as a neurotransmitter in the human body. GABA can slow down processes in the central nervous system and help relieve stress, relieve anxiety, and more.


GABA primarily works as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It acts on the nerve cells in such a way as to prevent them from being too active.

When nerves are overexcited, receptors are highly positively charged and neurotransmitters are negatively charged, causing signals to often jump between negatively charged information-carrying molecules. But when GABA binds to the receptor, a channel opens that allows chloride ions to pass through. This makes the receptor more stable, and as a result, the dynamics of nervous processes returns to normal.

Due to the ability to slow down activity nerve cells GABA can in various ways affect our body. For example, this amino acid is able to stop attacks of muscle contraction, since convulsions are associated with an increase in uncontrolled brain activity.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid can decrease the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline, leading to stress reduction. May suppress the production of dopamine, which excites a neurotransmitter that stimulates compulsions.

GABA receptors are found throughout the brain, but are most abundant in an area called the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus. This zone is responsible for "sleep switching", i.e. it is able to start the process that leads to falling asleep.


GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult mammalian brain.

However, on early stages development, including the embryonic period and the first weeks of postnatal life, GABA plays the role of the main neurotransmitter of excitation. It is involved in many processes: improves metabolism in the nervous system, increases respiratory activity, improves blood circulation.

brain development

It was believed that this amino acid is associated only with synaptic inhibition, but it turned out that on early stages development of the brain, it mainly exerts synaptic excitation.

Action of GABA outside the nervous system

GABA mechanisms have been shown outside the CNS, on various tissues and organs: intestines, stomach, lungs, pancreas, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, testes, kidneys, bladder and liver.

Mechanism of action

Since GABA is distributed and utilized throughout the CNS, preparations containing this acid have an extensive effect on the functions of the system. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics consider which chemical and biological processes occur with the participation of gamma-aminobutyric acid and what concentrations are needed to achieve the correct effect on the body.

In the central nervous system, the amino acid acts by interacting with specific GABA receptors, which are divided into several groups. Contained in the mechanism of action of many neurotropic drugs (for example, sleeping pills, anticonvulsants, antihypoxic).

Indications for use

GABA has wide range applications. However, if you decide to use it as a supplement in the form of hamkergic drugs, you should first consult with a specialist.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid may have positive effect under the following conditions:

  1. High blood pressure. Studies have shown that eating foods containing GABA can lower blood pressure in people who suffer from hypertension.
  2. Motion sickness. Some research confirms that GABA supplementation can slow the onset of motion sickness and relieve symptoms such as chills, cold sweating and pale skin.

There is an opinion that GABA can provide positive influence for the following problems (the evidence base is limited):

  1. Cerebral paralysis. Early research shows that GABA improves mental development, can enhance learning, vocabulary and physical function in children with cerebral palsy.
  2. infection respiratory tract lungs (bronchitis). Some studies show that taking GABA along with drugs used to treat bronchitis increases the time between episodes of symptoms.
  3. Cushing's disease. Early research has shown that GABA reduces the production of hormones that cause disease.
  4. Convulsive seizures. Taking GABA, taken with medications used to treat seizures, has been shown to reduce the frequency of seizures in some people, according to some studies. However, it does not benefit those who have seizures caused by light or other visual causes.
  5. Meningitis. GABA reduces the likelihood of recurrence of symptoms after recovery and prevents the development of the resulting consequences.
  6. Brain disorder due to exposure to chemicals. GABA improves attention, memory and emotional reactions in children with a brain disorder that was caused by chemical exposure.
  7. Stress. This acid reduces stress, tension, anxiety, confusion and depression in people affected by the condition.
  8. Prevents cerebrovascular accident (with atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke).
  9. Relieves anxiety by providing a psychostimulant effect.
  10. Treats vitamin E deficiency.
  11. Improves mood.
  12. Stops premenstrual syndrome(PMS).
  13. Used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
  14. Stimulates muscle growth.
  15. Promotes fat burning.
  16. Stabilizes blood pressure.
  17. Relieves pain.

Perhaps this is not all areas of application of gamma-aminobutyric acid, the study of its properties and functions is still ongoing.

Where is contained

GABA can be found in many foods used in nutrition:

  • almonds;
  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • beef liver;
  • broccoli;
  • brown rice;
  • halibut;
  • lentils;
  • whole grain oats;
  • oranges, citrus;
  • rice bran;
  • spinach;
  • walnuts;
  • whole wheat, whole grains.


In pharmacies, you can find many drugs, the active ingredient in which is gamma-aminobutyric acid. Some of them:

  • Aminalon (in the form of tablets or solution for injection);
  • Gammalon;
  • Gamibetal;
  • Nicontinoil;
  • Picamilon.

Benefit and harm

To useful properties GABA can be attributed to its ability to improve mood and sleep, relieve anxiety, help with PMS, treat ADHD and other adverse effects that have already been described.

There is not enough data on the dangers of acid. However, do not use supplements without consulting a specialist. And it is not recommended to take the compound during pregnancy and lactation.

GABA Performance Evaluation

Research has been carried out for over 10 years different countries world, and they confirm that this substance brings a positive result.

How to properly GABA

In order not to harm your mental state, you need to correctly calculate the dosage.

Gamma in bodybuilding

Research confirms that GABA contributes to more speed dial muscle mass by increasing the production of growth hormone. GABA can be purchased at specialized stores that sell sports nutrition. Dosage 3.5-3.75 g per day. The exact information can be found in the instructions for use.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid in alcoholism

GABA and alcohol affect the brain in similar ways. When combining alcohol and this substance, depression may occur.

Contraindications for gamma-aminobutyric acid

Contraindications to the use of GABA in the form of supplements are as follows:

Side effects

One of the reasons why the effectiveness of this substance is so attractive is the absence of dangerous side effects.

Negative reactions are rare and mild. These include drowsiness, tingling, and shortness of breath. They can only appear when higher doses. If you do not ignore the correct dosage, then the likelihood of side effects will tend to zero.

Impact on vehicle control

Subject to correct dosage there will be no effect on driving.

Overdose of gamma-aminobutyric acid

In case of an overdose of GABA, the side effects increase. Arises vomiting reflex possible headaches, dizziness, fever, lowering pressure and developing allergies. If the drug was taken in too large a dose, immediate gastric lavage is recommended.

drug interaction

Amino acid enhances the effect of drugs that improve the functions of the central nervous system. Benzodiazepines enhance the action of the acid.

Alcohol compatibility

The intake of substances with alcohol is unacceptable. The risk of side effects increases, a depressed state may occur.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released by prescription.


Prices for medicines active substance GABA varies greatly:

  • Aminalon (about 200 rubles);
  • Gammalon (2100 rubles);
  • Picamilon (less than 100 rubles).

Prices differ for drugs manufactured in different forms, in various volumes.

Storage conditions

Dry place, access to which is limited for children.

How to take and what products contain

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA, GABA) is a substance that is produced in the brain and is responsible for neurotransmitter and metabolic processes. In the central nervous system, the amino acid acts as an inhibitor, calming and relaxing. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that eliminates overexcitation of brain cells and acts as a sedative.

Studies conducted around the world have confirmed the effectiveness of GABA supplementation. Thanks to this amino acid, growth hormone is actively produced in the body during heavy physical activity.

Principle of operation and functions

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a neurotransmitter that inhibits the central nervous system. it Chemical substance that the body produces on its own. GABA performs two main functions:

  1. mediator. Based on the inhibitory effect, it has a calming and anticonvulsant effect, improves the quality and depth of sleep, regulates motor activity, normalizes thinking processes and improves memory.
  2. Metabolic. Improves metabolic processes, energizes the nerves and prevents oxygen starvation. The substance removes metabolic products from the body and stimulates the production growth hormone anterior pituitary gland.

In bodybuilding, supplements labeled Gamma Aminobutyric Acid are especially popular because heavy ones negatively affect the central nervous system and contribute to increased synthesis of cortisol, a substance that has a bad effect on muscle fibers. GABA doesn't give cortisol a chance to break down tissues, providing a calming effect.

Amino acids can be obtained from plant and animal products. Examples with the most high content GABA:

Types and forms of release

Preparations with GABA for sports nutrition are issued in the following forms:

  1. Now Foods GABA Supplements- the most popular drug. Available in capsules of 500 and 750 mg or powder, enriched.
  2. "PharmaGABA-100" from Thorne Research. The product is absolutely natural, safe and non-addictive. The amino acid in this formulation is created through the action of lactobacilli on the starting material, resulting in an easily digestible form of GABA.
  3. "GABA" by Solgar. Available in capsules of 500 mg of a substance additionally enriched with calcium.

Also, this amino acid is found in some pharmaceutical preparations:

  1. Aminalon- the tablet contains 250 mg of the amino acid in its pure form.
  2. Phenibut- a mixture of GABA and fat-soluble radicals.
  3. Pantogam- the amino acid in this preparation is supplemented with vitamin B5.

Compatibility with other substances

An amino acid can be used in sports nutrition, combined with other substances: in this case, they will act synergistically and provide different mechanisms for the body to produce growth hormone. Depending on the goals pursued, the following sets are recommended:

  • casein, linseed oil, zinc, GABA - in order to restore the body after training and improve sleep.
  • GABA, burning mucuna (grain legume), arginine, alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine - in order to activate the production of growth hormone.

A positive effect is achieved when taking at least 2 g of the amino acid per day. It is useless to take smaller doses, since only a small amount of the substance in this case penetrates the brain, bypassing the encephalic barrier. But it is worth starting with a small dose in order to assess the tolerance of the acid by the body.

Contraindications and side effects

Dietary supplements with this amino acid are practically safe and do not negative impact, however, some contraindications to admission still exist:

  • chronic sleep disorders;
  • kidney failure;
  • serious illnesses liver;
  • hypotension;
  • diabetes mellitus at the stage of exacerbation;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

An overdose of the drug can lead to the development of side effects:

  • pressure fluctuations;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • tingling in the face and neck;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • labored breathing.

Side effects are observed if you take supplements, starting immediately with a large dose - the body needs to be accustomed to the substance gradually.

GABA is indispensable for achieving high performance in strength sports, as it speeds up the recovery process after training and provides the body with energy - therefore, supplements with this amino acid should be included in athletes' nutrition kits.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid has a psychostimulating and nootropic effect. She is the only one active ingredient the drug "Aminalon" (in a tablet of 0.5 or 0.25 grams). There are also auxiliary substances here, for example, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, etc. Gamma-aminobutyric acid helps to stimulate metabolic processes in the brain, neutralizes and removes toxic substances, due to which the work of memory and thinking improves, the recovery of motor and speech functions is accelerated after a violation of cerebral circulation. In addition, the drug lowers blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with diabetes.

Composition and form of the drug

"Aminalon" is produced in tablet form. These pills white color with a grayish yellow tint. Packed in packs of twelve or six pieces in blisters, and in polymer containers - 30, 50 and 100 pieces. Each tablet includes 0.5 or 0.25 grams of the active ingredient.


The drug with gamma-aminobutyric acid is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract and reaches its highest concentration in blood plasma in about an hour. The drug breaks down in the kidneys and liver, after which it is excreted from the patient's body with exhaled carbon dioxide and urine.

Indications for use

The instructions for use for the preparation of gamma-aminobutyric acid "Aminalon" list the following indications for use: arterial hypertension; atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, which is accompanied by softening of the brain; consequences of craniocerebral injuries, circulatory defects in the brain; vascular diseases brain, especially accompanied by dizziness and headaches; speech, memory, attention disorders due to cerebrovascular insufficiency chronic nature; encephalopathy and alcoholic polyneuritis; seasickness (motion sickness).

The use of gamma-aminobutyric acid "Aminalon" for children is advisable in the treatment of: mental activity, mental retardation, consequences of craniocerebral and birth injury; symptom complex of motion sickness and cerebral palsy.

Contraindications of the drug

"Aminalon" is quite safe remedy and has almost no contraindications. This drug not prescribed to patients with excessive sensitivity to the active substance of the drug. In addition, "Aminalon" is prohibited in acute liver and kidney failure.

Features of functioning

It has already been noted above that when entering the human body active ingredient drug - gamma-aminobutyric acid - the processes of material metabolism in the brain are restored. This happens due to the mutual action of the active component with certain brain receptors. As a result, the blood supply to the brain returns to normal, tissue respiratory activity increases, and energy processes also become more active.

harmful metabolic products and toxic substances excreted faster, glucose utilization becomes more efficient. All this restores normal dynamics processes of the nervous system, the patient improves the work of thinking, memory, the functions of movement and speech, impaired due to disruptions in the blood circulation of the brain, are restored faster. Besides, active substance drug stabilizes blood pressure, eliminating such unpleasant symptoms like convulsions, dizziness and sleep disturbances. Patients with diabetes talk about a decrease in sugar levels after using the drug.

Dosage and method of application of the drug

The instructions for gamma-aminobutyric acid say that it is advisable to take the tablets half an hour to an hour before a meal, washing them down a small amount water. The daily dosage is usually divided into two doses. The therapy begins with a small dosage of Aminalon, which gradually increases during the course. The duration of treatment is set by a specialist, taking into account the patient's condition and the desired effect, it can vary from two weeks to several months. If necessary, a second course is prescribed after six months.

Features of the treatment of adult patients. In the first 3-5 days, the dosage of the drug per day is 0.5 grams, then it increases to one or two grams.

Features of the treatment of children. The drug is prescribed to children depending on age. Children under three years of age are usually recommended to drink one gram per day; from four to six years - one and a half grams; after seven years - two grams. The medicine can be used to treat seasickness. In this case, children are prescribed 0.25 grams twice a day, and 0.5 grams for adults.

Overdose and its consequences

The drug "Aminalon" is characterized by low toxicity, and therefore an overdose becomes possible only when using very large doses of the drug at a time (from 10 to 20 grams). Overdose symptoms are as follows: vomiting, headaches, nausea, stomach pains. Also, the patient may have a fever, a person feels drowsiness, a state of lethargy. special treatment in this case is not required. The patient needs to wash the stomach, take Activated carbon and enveloping preparations (diosmectite, starch slime). Further measures depend on the condition of the person.

Side effects

According to reviews, the gamma-aminobutyric acid in Aminalon is generally well tolerated by patients. However, in some cases there may be side symptoms like fever, fever; upset stomach and intestines, vomiting and nausea; lability blood pressure; sleep disorders. If the patient has such signs after using the drug, a decrease in the dosage of Aminalon is required, and after that the person's condition returns to normal.

Special instructions and precautions for use

There are currently no significant research the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the body of a woman during pregnancy and the fetus, and therefore the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor if the intended beneficial effect for the patient above possible danger baby. The same applies to the use of "Aminalon" during breastfeeding.

On the initial stage treatment, it is desirable to control blood pressure indicators, since there may be violations. The drug is not recommended to be taken at bedtime, as disturbances may occur. During treatment, especially initial stage, it is necessary to refuse to perform work that requires high concentration, and driving vehicle. Must be abandoned alcoholic beverages at the time of treatment. The drug is usually not prescribed to children under the age of six. The drug is dispensed without a medical prescription.

Interaction with other drugs

What else does the instructions for use for gamma-aminobutyric acid tell us? The drug "Aminalon" is able to provide bad influence on the human body when interacting with other means. With caution, you need to use the drug simultaneously with benzodiazepine derivatives, sedative-hypnotic and anticonvulsants, since such a compound has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. When used during the treatment of antihypertensive drugs, their effect on the body is enhanced. In the treatment of elderly patients, blood circulation in the brain may be disturbed, and hypotension may also develop with the simultaneous use of Aminalon with Nicergoline, Vinpocetine and Nimodipine.


In the pharmaceutical industry, there are a number of medicines that replace Aminalon. These include the following drugs: "Encephalon"; "Gammazol"; "Gammalon"; "Myelogen"; "Apogamma"; "Gammaneuron"; "GABA"; "Gammar"; "Ganevrin"; "Gamarex"; "Myelomad"; "Gaballon".

Also on sale you can find gamma-aminobutyric acid "Nicotinoyl".

The drug is nootropic dilating the blood vessels of the brain. It has a tranquilizing, psychostimulating, antiplatelet and antioxidant effect. On the background of its reception improves functional state brain, since tissue metabolism and the effect on cerebral circulation(the volumetric and linear velocity of blood flow increases, the resistance decreases cerebral vessels, platelet aggregation is suppressed, microcirculation improves).

With a course intake, physical and mental performance increases, decreases headache improves memory, normalizes sleep; anxiety, tension, fear decrease or disappear; the condition of patients with motor and speech disorders improves.

(GABA) by chemical composition belongs to the class of amino acids, but is not part of proteins. In the human body, GABA usually functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. This substance is the most active and is involved in many processes that cause inhibition of the central nervous system. Therefore, without it it is impossible good rest and relaxation.

Another function of GABA is to stimulate the production of growth hormone. This function of gamma-aminobutyric acid has not been fully investigated and proven, however, the fact of the relationship between an increase in the concentration of GABA and an increase in secretion has been established.

How to increase the concentration of GABA?

This is an important issue, which is due to the fact that GABA performs its main functions in brain tissues, and between the brain and circulatory system(where after absorption in digestive tract ingested orally administered GABA) there is a blood-brain barrier. Usually, GABA from the blood does not penetrate into the brain much, since it has the ability to inhibit its own transport mechanism- and the higher the concentration of GABA, the more it depresses him. Nitric oxide has been found to facilitate GABA transport, so taking GABA goes well with taking .

Our body is very cunning, so with the help of the blood-brain barrier, the brain protects itself from an excess of GABA (slowing down its transportation and activating excretion when the concentration of GABA in the blood rises) and from a lack of GABA (activating its accumulation when the concentration in the blood falls). But since GABA cannot reduce its transport to the brain by less than 80%, it is possible to "overpower" this mechanism by taking higher doses of GABA. But here, too, not everything is simple, since in this case the brain activates the processes of removing excess GABA from the nervous tissue.

In general, it can be concluded that the intake of GABA as a food additive is able to only slightly and briefly increase its concentration in the brain tissue, which leads to the fact that the inhibitory effect is very mild and insignificant. Most often this is expressed in a calmer and sound sleep, but no more than that. On the production of growth hormone, GABA affects not only directly, but also indirectly, so its effect does not directly depend on the concentration of GABA in the brain tissue.

There is no clear answer to this question today. Unlike, say, from and , the effect of which is well studied and quite noticeable, GABA acts through more subtle mechanisms, so some athletes claim good effect from taking GABA, and others deny any effect. Should I take GABA for athletes?

Our advice: if you train and your muscles grow well, responding to a change in training regimen, then GABA is unlikely to have a noticeable effect on you. But if you have reached a training plateau and are trying various means to overcome it, it is worth trying GABA.


So, summing up all that has been said, we note the positive effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA):

  • intensifies the energy of the brain,
  • increases the activity of tissue respiration,
  • improves the absorption of glucose by brain tissues,
  • activates the blood supply,
  • has a mild soothing effect,
  • stimulates the production of growth hormone.

It has been observed that the action of GABA is accelerated during resistance exercise. Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to take this supplement before training. But here you need to be careful, because the inhibitory effect of GABA may conflict with the excitatory effect of other supplements taken (for example,). So we join traditional recommendation take GABA before bed.

Hello friends! Gamma aminobutyric acid is an amino acid that improves sleep and relieves mental arousal, and also has a fat burning effect. However, let's take a closer look at this wonderful supplement in the article.

As I said, I really like to conduct various experiments with sports nutrition and supplements. This allows you to understand which supplements to take and which ones to refuse.

This year I plan to release a cool practical material on sports nutrition. I am sure that you will like the material, because. experience in the use of sports nutrition is quite large. But, now is not about that.

Today I wanted to talk to you about another great supplement I'm taking, gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Gamma aminobutyric acid

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA or GABA) is a very important brain MEDIATOR that improves sleep and eliminates mental arousal.

Someone can say that they don’t experience any mental excitement anyway, but for us bodybuilders, people who strive for a beautiful physique, GABA is not interesting for those.

GABA can stimulate the anterior pituitary gland, which, as we remember, is responsible for the PRODUCTION of SOMATOTROPIN (growth hormone).

About growth hormone and its magical properties I can talk for a very long time, this is the topic of a separate article.

The main three properties of growth hormone are:

  • Fat catabolism (you burn fat).
  • Anabolism muscle tissue(Your muscles grow).
  • Healing and regenerating effect (somatotropin is known for its unique property- help in the restoration of joints).

Thus, we have gradually approached the main effects of GABA.

The effects of this supplement include:

On the this moment there are many studies of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which consider it from the point of view of a mediator in the central nervous system.

Unfortunately, very few studies I could find that are aimed at studying this supplement in terms of the production of somatotropin.

There is a certain problem with gamma-aminobutyric acid, it is very difficult to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, respectively, and into the brain too, where it can show what it is capable of to the maximum.

In two rather ancient experiments (about thirty years ago) it was proved that GABA in the form of a supplement can increase the concentration of growth hormone by 400-600%!

This is especially cool for those who do not use growth hormone and steroids.

I looked even deeper and found a 2008 study by Jarrow D.F., McCoy S. and Borst S.E., which confirmed that GABA increases growth hormone secretion BOTH AT REST AND AFTER TRAINING!

Here is a jar of GABA I have.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid should be taken along with vitamin B6.

Because vitamin B6, according to recent research, is the limiting cofactor of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid is SENSITIVE TO VITAMIN B6 LEVEL.

If you take GABA separately from vitamin B6, you may experience:

  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Nervousness.
  • Increased risk of impaired cardiovascular function.

There are studies that say that maximum effect from GABA in terms of the production of growth hormone is observed if gamma-aminobutyric acid is taken POST-WORKOUT.

In general, there are also studies that GABA is effective, both at rest and after training, but following this recommendation is not at all difficult, so I recommend taking this neurotransmitter POST-WORKOUT.

Reception: It is better to take GABA POST-WORKOUT at 2-4 grams per serving.

If you want to improve sleep, then take 500-1000 mg of GABA before bed.

Attention! Raise the dosage very carefully. Start with about 500-1000 mg per day and gradually increase it to 2-4 grams.

The fact is that the substance can lead to mild side effects:

  • The face is on fire.
  • The pulse and breathing become more frequent.

These side effects can only appear if you immediately start with horse dosages of more than 4 grams per day.

Side effects pass over time (the body gets used to GABA).

My experience with GABA

About 2 months ago I received a parcel in the mail with a bunch of different supplements that I decided to test, thereby replenishing the supply useful articles on my blog.

I noticed that you really like it when I write about my feelings on any supplement, and post the results of various experiments. As it was, for example, when I used or .

I took into account your wishes, now I will do similar experiments more often.

I bought GABA from Now Foods. One capsule contains 500 mg of GABA and 2 mg of VITAMIN B6 (which is required when taking this supplement, remember?).

Here we kill two birds with one stone. Drank GABA and forgot.

So, I started taking GABA 1.5 months ago.

I started taking 500mg per day. No side effects were noticed.

Then, for the second week, I increased the dosage to 1000 mg per day.

And a week later, up to 2 grams per day.

Now I take GABA at a dosage of 3 grams per day. I'm not in a hurry to increase the dosage yet, in terms of economy.

What I felt from taking this supplement:

  1. I lost about 5 kg of fat mass.
  2. I added 1 kg of muscle mass.
  3. Periodic insomnia is gone (I used to have trouble sleeping, especially after weekends before getting up early for work).
  4. Became more comfortable with stress.

I measured fat loss and muscle gain using bioimpedance analysis of the body.

Did it for the first time (initially not to try the effect of GABA, just the analysis coincided with taking this supplement).

In general, I was very pleased with the effect that during the loss of fat (catabolism), I somehow added muscle mass. This, in theory, cannot be, but, as we said, GABA increases the level of growth hormone by 4-6 times. It could play such a role.

Although, maybe it's just a measurement error. Everything can be.

The insomnia was intermittent. I was afraid to use sleeping pills because of addiction, but GABA itself solved the problem. I am very happy about it.

It so happened that for a long time I worked as a site manager at my plant for the production of nuclear and petrochemical equipment.

The stress was incredible. Dozens of tasks had to be performed daily and constantly planned. Closing salaries, reports to directors, dismissals and constant debate with the working staff, all this was very exhausting.

GABA was a great stress reliever. For some, alcohol, friends, for some, healthy supplements and sports. Choice, in fact, everyone has their own.

I bought this additive AT THE CHEAPEST PRICE by this link. You simply won't find cheaper. Well, the service is top notch.

In general, there are a number of very interesting studies about GABA that show many positive properties.

For example, I reviewed a study that tested combining GABA with whey protein. This neurotransmitter significantly increased protein synthesis (i.e., the protein worked much BETTER).

All these things convinced me to use this supplement. Due to it, you can get a positive synergistic effect with other supplements.


Let me summarize what I said today.

  1. GABA is a mediator that improves sleep and relieves mental arousal.
  2. GABA is able to raise the level of growth hormone by 400-600%!
  3. A fat-burning and regenerating effect is possible (due to increased secretion of somatotropin).
  4. It is necessary to take in increased dosages, starting from 500-1000 mg, increasing to 2-4 grams. per day. We accept AFTER WORKOUT for fat burning and weight gain. If for sleep, then before going to bed.

That's all for today, friends.

I hope this article was useful and interesting for you.

Gamma aminobutyric acid is a supplement that definitely deserves attention. Why miss the opportunity to become a little better?

P.S. Subscribe to my instagram. There I very often post various updates and my thoughts.

It happens that I simply don’t have time to write a weighty article on a blog, and I can post a photo with my thoughts in the description even when I’m in transport.

P.P.S. As you can see, I'm starting to publish articles about healthy supplements and fat burning. In March we are waiting for a very cool event! I'm preparing something special for you!

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