Tibetan nutrition system for well-being: doctor's advice. Tibetan food system for well-being

First, it should be noted that the diet should be quite a lot of fiber. Be sure to eat about 400 g of fruits per day and no less vegetables. Take Special attention products that contain large amounts of vitamin C, thanks to which our cells are renewed, the aging process slows down, and the immune system is strengthened.

Record holders for the content of vitamin C are: kiwi, tomatoes, parsley, any citrus fruits, cranberries and many other products.

Secondly, it should be recalled drinking mode. Often, the body does not receive the right amount liquid, begins to "rebel", and the first signal may be dizziness, headache, weakness and even rapid weight loss. Therefore, it is important for each person to know how much fluid he needs to drink per day, and it is very simple to calculate the approximate amount - multiply your weight in kilograms by 30 and find out how many grams of fluid your body needs. This means not only water, but also tea, coffee, compote, fruit juices that you drink during the day.

Thirdly, it is necessary to be reminded of the restriction of salt. Salt is not only able to retain water in the body and thus create swelling, but also lead to an increase blood pressure. Daily rate salt for a person is 4-6 g.

And now it's time to find out sample menu for a week, not only to replenish your strength and again feel cheerfulness and a surge of energy, but also to lose a few extra pounds.


Breakfast: oatmeal 150 g, apple, coffee

Lunch: 100 g boiled rice, steamed chicken fillet, vegetable salad

Snack: orange, 30 g almonds

Dinner: portion vegetable soup, 200 g yogurt


Breakfast: toast whole grain bread with a small piece of ham and herbs, banana, coffee

Dinner: vegetable stew with beef, orange

Snack: 50 g prunes or dried apricots

Dinner: fish baked in foil with vegetable salad


Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, tomato, slice rye bread, coffee

Lunch: 150 g of buckwheat, beef liver, cabbage and carrot salad

Snack: 2 apples

Dinner: Caesar salad


Breakfast: 200 g cottage cheese, orange, coffee

Lunch: chicken cutlet, 2 tbsp. mashed potatoes, vegetable salad

Snack: Bowl of fruit salad

Dinner: 200 g beef stew, 150 g boiled cauliflower or broccoli


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 30 g cheese, tomato, coffee

Lunch: 200 g boiled beef tongue, 150 g boiled rice, boiled beetroot salad

Snack: Peach, yogurt

Dinner: 2 stuffed peppers, vegetable salad


Breakfast: spinach omelet and 2 eggs, whole grain toast, apple, coffee

Lunch: vegetable casserole with chicken fillet, orange

Snack: 40 g nuts or dried fruits

Dinner: cabbage soup cooked on chicken, a slice of rye bread


Breakfast: 2 cheesecakes, 20 g sour cream, any fruit

Lunch: 200 g stewed chicken hearts, a small jacket potato, vegetable salad

Snack: 250 g berries

Dinner: 200 g steamed fish, 130 g vinaigrette

By following these 20 easy rules every day, you will always be
feel healthy, full of energy and vitality. Write in

Rule 1. Drink more water

Drink at least two liters daily clean water- especially important. Put down the decanter
near the bed and near the workplace, take a bottle in your bag - and you will see
that in a week you will not be able to do without a sip of water.

Water cleanses the body, promotes weight loss, returns
skin and hair tone and radiance, and also helps to eat less at dinner.

Rule 2. Walk

Come home from work on foot, take a walk with friends in the park or
go easy - only 3-5 walks a week
for half an hour accelerate metabolism, restore blood circulation and
protect against stress.

Rule 3: Turn off the TV

Turn off the TV at least for dinner: so you can
control the amount of food eaten, get more pleasure from food and
Set aside time to connect with loved ones.

Rule 4. Eat more often

Eat often, but in small portions - this law should
act not only during diet or illness, but throughout life.

By snacking, you do not give the body to feel the sucking feeling.
hunger and overeat during the main meal. In addition, your stomach
significantly decrease, and you will be saturated with much less

Rule 5. Color your food

Add at least one colorful fruit to every meal
or a vegetable - so you will get not only a positive charge from the decorativeness of the dish, but
and the necessary portion of vitamins and minerals. Eat at least 3-4 per day
portions of fruits and vegetables.

Rule 6

Bake, steam, boil and stew dishes - this way you will avoid
unnecessary use of frying oil and save more vitamins. Except
In addition, this method of cooking meat or fish makes the dish less caloric.

Rule 7: Stretch Your Muscles

Daily morning and evening stretching will help you become
slimmer, get rid of obsessive muscle pain and sleep better.

In the morning, stretch the muscles of your arms and legs, and before going to bed, stand on
bridge: this is how you stretch your spine, which has sagged during a hard day, and at night the whole
energy will go to the rash, and not to recovery. During the day also
do small things, especially if your work is related to
sitting at the computer.

Rule 8. Eat cabbage

Of course, you won’t increase your breasts with cabbage, although -
why not try? Moreover, cabbage contains special nutrients and
indoles that improve metabolism, normalize the level of hormones in the body and
protecting against cancer.

Rule 9

Every day a person needs from 6 to 8 hours to
sleep. Everyone has a different number, so find yours and be sure to follow it,
to keep cheerful and good mood for the whole day.

Organize your sleep correctly - ventilate the room, beds
clean bedding, have a drink fragrant tea and get ready to

Rule 10

A straight back will visually save you from a couple of extra
kilograms, will give growth and self-confidence, and, in addition, will warn
muscle pain.

Rule 11

Eat at least one a day green apple. Besides that
fruits discourage the desire for a snack with cakes, an apple contains a whole storehouse
vitamins. And don't spit out the grains - they contain iodine, which is responsible for memory.
and intellect.

Rule 12

Chew your food thoroughly - exactly as you were taught
in childhood. This will help not only to reveal all the facets of the taste of the cooked dish:
chewing, you massage your teeth and gums, and also allow the previous portion of food
settle in your stomach and send a satiety signal to your brain, preventing
binge eating.

Rule 13: Eat Whole Grains

Replace your usual White bread and pasta on
made from wholemeal flour, and cereals- not unground
grains. whole grain contains fewer harmful calories and more useful
fiber and gives energy without adding extra pounds.

Rule 14

Eat at least a glass of natural yogurt every day -
without sugar and flavors. Yogurt normalizes bowel function, whitens
teeth and strengthens bones and hair due to its calcium content.

Rule 15

Give up snacking on the run and even more so from absorption
food while lying in bed - in both cases there is a high risk of overeating. turn
every meal in the ceremony with a beautiful serving and learn to receive
the pleasure of eating like true French women.

Rule 16

Find time to rest every day. Half an hour or an hour a day
dedicate yourself: read your favorite book, listen to music, do
self-improvement, and then get back to work with renewed vigor.

Rule 17

Instead of adding salt to the dish or seasoning it
high-calorie sauces, it is better to flavor it with spices: black and red pepper,
coriander, turmeric.

Spices accelerate metabolism in the body, contribute to
weight loss and along with chocolate help to produce hormones of joy.

Rule 18

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even if you are on
heels is the easiest way to add some physicality to your day
loads. And if you are wearing comfortable clothes, combine walking with simple ones that will bring your buttocks into perfect shape.

Rule 19. Drink green tea

Replace black tea and coffee with fragrant green tea, not
harmful to the body, containing vitamin C and helping to speed up
metabolism. Drink it hot and cold, and also include it in the menu
loading day - for example,

Rule 20

Improve your culinary skills every day - learn
cook delicious and healthy meals from simple natural products. accustom to
this to the whole family, and then you will not have to suffer, denying yourself a fragrant
dinner - you can enjoy it on an equal basis with everyone.

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Sometimes “micro changes,” which we don’t even consider changes, can do more for us than radical decisions. It's just that the likelihood that these tiny changes will become an integral part of our lives is much higher than the promise of once and for all to stop smoking, overeating at night or sitting in front of the computer in the evenings. If the proposed ideas do not suit you, you are free to come up with something else. There is only one condition: a new action, if it involves repetition, should take no more than two minutes of your time. Otherwise, our unconscious will regard the change as global, which means it will resist it.

Sleep with an open window

Even in the center of a metropolis, the air outside is usually much cleaner than indoors. Especially at night when traffic is less intense. Leaving windows closed means breathing stagnant polluted air all night. Clear head, fresh complexion, more energy - you will notice these changes the very next day. Don't forget to use ear plugs and a sleep mask for a deep and truly restorative sleep.

Change household chemicals

organic household chemicals based on natural acids will improve the atmosphere in the house. Instead of synthetic fragrances, aromas will be carried throughout the living quarters essential oils. And the amount of chemicals that the body encounters will greatly decrease. It’s worth starting the change with bath and dish washing products, as well as washing powder for bed linen. After all, our body is in contact with sheets and blankets for many hours every day.

brush your tongue in the morning

Language is a reporting card about the state of our body. It can be used to judge the state of health. Normally, it is pink, smooth, soft, not too thick and not thin. If there is a dense coating on it or teeth marks on the sides, then you should lighten your menu for a while, as the digestive system cannot cope. It is easy to check this: every morning after a heavy late dinner, the picture is the same. Plaque is the toxins that the body managed to remove during the night. Therefore, it is useful to make it a rule to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue. A brush is not suitable for this, but an ordinary teaspoon is fine. Move it with an edge from the root to the tip of the tongue.

Start your day with water

Getting out of bed, first go to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and only then go to the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, drink a large glass warm water. It "awakens" digestive system stimulating bowel cleansing. If you have not done this before, then you will not see the effect immediately, but after a few days. Also, make sure you have water near you throughout the day. Let the bottle always be on your desktop, in the car cup holder, in your bag. Gradually, this will significantly improve your well-being and appearance. The complexion will become more even, sebum secretion will normalize, signs of puffiness will disappear or will appear much less frequently, digestion and other vital processes will normalize.

Hang a horizontal bar

And hang on to it whenever you need to de-stress. Stretch your arms, straighten your shoulders and concentrate on how the muscles are stretched - this will help to relax the mind. Do the exercise for 30 seconds to two minutes. Gradually, you will begin to notice that heat is rushing to the muscles. This is normal: this is how the body gets rid of muscle blocks and toxins.

Fruit in the dish instead of sweets

When laying out purchases, immediately wash vegetables and fruits. Let them, and not sweets or pastries, take their place in the dish that is always on the table. Having a clean radish or carrot on hand makes it easier to make healthier choices when thinking about what to snack on. And what you want to eat less, put in closed packages and put them in the top drawers of the cabinet. The less these products catch your eye, the less often you think about them.

Get a massage for stress

This exercise activates the parasympathetic nervous system and relieves stress instantly. You can do it anywhere, even in public transport and at work. Tap your fingers throughout the exercise. right hand on the left hand, in the hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger.

  1. Close your eyes. Open them three times at intervals of about a second, each time looking straight ahead. Close your eyes.
  2. Open your eyes by looking to the lower right corner. Without closing your eyelids, look to the lower left corner, and then draw a circle with your eyes. First clockwise, then counterclockwise. Close your eyes.
  3. Open your eyes looking up. Without closing your eyelids, look down. Close your eyes.

To check how simple and unusual exercise relaxes, test. Before doing it, stand with your arms outstretched to the sides, and turn back as far as possible through left side, then through the right. The pelvis remains in place. Remember where your palm is pointing. Do the same after doing the exercise. And be surprised at the difference.

The recommendations were prepared with the help of psychologist and wellness coach Nadia Andreeva and holistic medicine doctor Nish Joshi, author of the book The Detox Method. Practices of holistic medicine” (AST, 2015).

AT recent times all more people starts thinking about healthy way life and correct mode food in particular. They try to keep diet food, to control the quality of food consumed, but, unfortunately, few people care about the diet, and this is no less important. The diet has a huge impact on the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, as well as on the state of the body as a whole.

Biorhythms of the body

The diet should be selected taking into account many factors. One of the most important are the biorhythms of the body and individual bodies. For most people, the word "biorhythms" is something vague and unreal, although this word defines specific processes in the human body. Our body is designed in such a way that the organs do not work with a constant intensity, but cyclically: sometimes more intensely, sometimes calmer. There are periods of maximum effective work body, and there are periods of rest. A person must organize his life in accordance with the work of the body, then he will work more efficiently and harmoniously. Imagine what will happen if you drink a lot of fluid during the period of rest of the kidneys and Bladder, or perform physical exercises during the period of rest of the heart. The organs will be forced to work "through force", without rest, and this will lead to feeling unwell and rapid "wear and tear" of the body.


Food also needs to be taken in accordance with the work of the digestive and excretory organs. The maximum activity of the stomach is observed from seven to nine in the morning. It is at this time that breakfast should be taken. Breakfast should be the main meal of the day, it should be dense and rich. If you eat from seven to nine, you can be sure that all the food is digested and nothing is deposited in "fat stores". This is especially important for people who want to lose weight. During breakfast, you can eat a lot without fear of gaining weight. A hearty breakfast starts the metabolism at full capacity, and the food will be digested well.


From nine to eleven o'clock the spleen and pancreas work. They stimulate the process of digestion of food. From eleven o'clock the heart begins to work actively. Eating at this time, that is, from eleven to one, is not recommended, especially for people with heart pathologies, because eating will make the heart work harder, and this can lead to arrhythmia, tachycardia and even heart attacks.

From noon to three days you can go to lunch. Lunch should not be as dense as breakfast, and consist mainly of protein foods and fats. Carbohydrates will interfere with the digestion of proteins and fats, because they are processed much faster and provide a lot of energy. The body simply will not need to digest other food.


Dinner should be from five to half past six in the evening. Dinner later is not recommended, as the kidneys are actively working from five to seven in the evening, and then there is a period of rest. oily and rich food in the evening will cause problems with the kidneys, ranging from edema to urolithiasis. And the stomach hardly digests food eaten after nine in the evening. For dinner, it is better to eat light carbohydrate food, it is quickly broken down to energy, and at night the body can fully relax. Overeating in the evening will lead to poor health, swelling of the face and limbs, unhealthy and inadequate sleep. Late dinner leads to stagnation of food in the digestive tract and its decay, as a result - flatulence, belching and heartburn.

Nutrition for diseases

For a number of diseases, nutritionists recommend eating not three, but five or six times a day. In this case, you should eat in small portions with a break of three hours. You can not snack between meals, this will cause an overload of the stomach.

Nutrition Process

Remember to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. You should drink only very dry food, it is better to drink not earlier than an hour after eating. Water liquefies gastric juice, complicating the processes of digestion and causing fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines. Drinking after a meal (in an hour) is mandatory, since the pancreas has given up juices to digest food, and it needs to restore the supply digestive enzymes. You need to drink a glass of water.

Need to drink throughout the day enough water, one and a half to two liters. Water is essential for metabolism and cleansing of the body. If you have kidney problems required amount It is better to drink water before six o'clock in the evening, in order to avoid excessive stress on the kidneys. If you don’t feel like drinking at all (there are such people too), this is a reason to think that not everything is in order in the body, and start drinking, at least a little.

The intense pace of life modern man forces him to violate the biologically determined diet, and this leads to problems with overweight, digestive organs and well-being. Try to organize your day so that your body works harmoniously, and you will keep your health for many years to come!

What ? This is a state when we feel good in all respects: physically and spiritually, we are in harmony with the whole world around us and expect only the best and most beautiful from life.

How to keep good health always?

Unconditional love - The best way for this, but not every person knows how to love all his surroundings without any conditions: it is one thing to say, and quite another to do. Learning to give only positive emotions to others in any situation, and without any expectations to help everyone who needs it, is not as easy as it seems. However, starting to do this is not so difficult: start with a smile - after all, a sincere, warm smile does not cost us any effort, and joy and happiness can bring people a lot.

Besides unconditional love to others always begins with self-love, and we were never taught that. Therefore, for starters, you should plan your days in such a way that there is enough time for rest, and not cut this time without extreme need, sacrificing your well-being in the name of dubious values ​​and ideals.

In the morning, with the wake-up call, most people "get out" of bed, and do not always have time to have breakfast, going to work. Stress begins already on the road, when a car or bus gets into a “traffic jam”, and continues at work: we often come there sleepy and irritated. The day is “twisting”, and there is not enough time even for a full meal, let alone rest; and in the evening we hurry home, where the family and everyday duties are waiting - there is no time left for ourselves.

Rest and wellness

But you can relax not only in your free time from work, but also during working hours: many experts are sure that labor productivity depends on this.

"Coffee" and "smoking" breaks can hardly be considered rest, especially in the second case: there is little benefit from coffee, and only harm from smoking. Instead of spontaneous absences, plan your day so that several times, after certain time, arrange 10-minute breaks, not counting lunch. Trying to get back to work after lunch if there is time left is not a good idea: it is your legal rest. It is better to go outside - at any time of the year, and when bad weather You can sit quietly and read something fun and positive. For those who work at the computer, short breaks are needed every 50 minutes. If there is very little time, go at least to the toilet room, rinse (or spray) your face cool water, try to perform a few simple "warm-up" movements, and air the office several times during the day. More work colleagues can do to each other light massage: even 1-2 minutes of massage of the arms and shoulders will bring considerable relief to tense muscles.

Not everyone knows that special breaks related to the peculiarities and specifics of work are provided Labor Code RF.

It helps to reduce fatigue and timely change of activities, and you need to change one type of activity to another when you are not tired yet.

Many office workers often a condition called "the illusion of physical fatigue." Arriving home, do not rush to accept the desired horizontal position; on at least, do not stay in it for more than 15 minutes. Rest in the form of "felting" on the couch in front of the TV will not bring anything good: nervous system overloaded even more. In the summer, go outside, walk, run, ride a bike, go to the pool; in winter, you can also go for a walk, and visit the sauna or bath at least twice a month.

Take a shower or bath after work should not be before going to bed, but immediately upon arrival home. The sooner you do this, the better you will relieve fatigue and be able to relax in the remaining time: water washes away not only dirt, but also negative energy.

Do not drink black tea or coffee in the evening, but drink an infusion of herbs - ordinary chamomile or mint, and instead of sitting at the TV or computer, read good book It also helps to calm down and relax.

On weekends, those who have a sedentary job need to walk more, move, play any sport. For those who work while standing, perform exercises to relax the muscles of the legs, massage and foot baths; perfectly restore blood circulation in the legs cycling , swimming and walking .

Plan your weekend so as not to think about work: go to the theater, to a concert or just to the cinema, go to nature. Outdoor recreation with kebabs and alcohol, which has become a common form of recreation for "average" Russians, is hardly good for well-being; Nobody cancels shish kebabs, but in parallel with this, you can plan a long walk through the forest, picking mushrooms, berries or medicinal herbs.

But what you don’t have to do on weekends is to sit at home, take part-time jobs or “work from home”, spend all day in the kitchen and do global cleaning. Although, if the transformation of a “dirty” apartment into a clean, comfortable home brings you spiritual joy, and not physical fatigue- please yourself in this way.

Nutrition for wellness

There is a lot of talk about food these days. Let us briefly recall that in Russia the way of eating is connected with the climate. In winter, there is little sun, and the weather is cold and often overcast; weakness, irritability, depression and insomnia occur.

In order for the body to “have enough”, include in the diet fresh greens, bright vegetables and fruits, foods with Omega-3 (sea fish, seafood, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, etc.), eggs, dairy products, cheese, red meat and offal .

Do not skip breakfast, and eat porridge on the water rather than sandwiches and coffee; snack during the day - fruits, dried fruits, nuts, natural yogurt.

Reduce salt intake - its accumulation delays the elimination of toxins; remove canned and semi-finished products; stop mixing incompatible products; do not eat on the go and at night.

Give up rigid diets: make up for yourself healthy diet once and for all, and combine different products, with different tastes, as in Ayurvedic cuisine - moderately sour, salty, sweet, etc.

Drink enough clean water (up to 1.5 liters) both in summer and winter: good health is possible only with normal water balance in the body.

Healthy sleep for good health

In order for sleep to be healthy, you need to go to bed no later than 23 hours, but you should not sleep during the day, especially in the second half.

It is better to sleep with your head to the north or east to avoid dissonance with the Earth's electromagnetic fields.

The bed should be flat and hard enough, and the pillow should be small and not soft: the spine will be normal, as well as cerebral circulation, and wrinkles on the face and neck will not appear for a long time. Ideally, it is better to remove the pillow completely: not everyone knows how to sleep like that, but you can try, it will suddenly work out.

Posture during sleep is also important: it is recommended to sleep either on your side or on your back, but you should not sleep on your stomach - they suffer and internal organs, and spine, and skin. The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 20°C, but in our apartments it is much hotter in winter, and temperature drops are not uncommon. Ventilate the room before going to bed, and try to sleep with the window open, but avoid drafts.

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