What are the modes of transmission of candidiasis? How is thrush transmitted

Symptoms of thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis are known to more than half of humanity. Especially often women encounter it, which is associated with the peculiarity of the structure of their genitourinary system, hormonal fluctuations (during the menstrual cycle), and emotional lability.

The question arises, if thrush is so "ubiquitous", how is it transmitted and how to treat it correctly?

Treat, of course, only with the participation of a specialist. Self-treatment is fraught with the selection of the wrong scheme and a quick return. But about the methods of transmission, let's talk in more detail.

Thrush is not a sexually transmitted infection in the direct sense. Expert opinion on this issue is still divided. Some believe that the treatment of thrush should be treated by a sexual partner every time with a beloved woman. Others are sure that thrush is not sexually transmitted, which means that a man does not need to be treated at all. Still others choose the golden mean and prescribe treatment for a sexual partner for certain indications:

  • the man has clinical manifestations of candidal balanitis, confirmed by laboratory;
  • in a woman, an episode of candidiasis began immediately after intercourse;
  • the sexual partner was diagnosed with recurrent VVC.

We adhere to the third point of view.

The fact that candidiasis is not exactly related to sexually transmitted infections is indicated by the fact that in the sexual partners of women who applied to the clinic for the treatment of candidiasis, a completely different type of fungus is found in 50% of cases.

How does a person become infected with thrush? The patient receives the fungus from the environment. This can happen at different times in life. Sometimes a child gets a fungus already during childbirth, passing through the mother's birth canal.

The fungus settles on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, without causing him any concern. And only under certain conditions does it begin to multiply, penetrate into the deeper layers and cause symptoms characteristic of thrush. Therefore, the ways of infection with thrush are of much less interest than the causes that provoke more development.

These reasons include two groups: exogenous and endogenous.

nutritional factors. Improper nutrition disrupts the general condition of the body. To reduce the risk of developing candidiasis, it is necessary to limit the use of sweet, starchy, spicy, fatty, coffee, and alcohol.

It is imperative to introduce fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits into the diet, because the lack of vitamins and microelements leads to a decrease in the body's defenses.

Taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs. Antibiotics suppress not only pathogenic bacteria, but also their own flora, which leads to an imbalance in the flora and activation of the growth of opportunistic bacteria.

Hormones suppress the immune system, lead to other changes in the macroorganism, which also has a beneficial effect on the reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida.

Taking oral contraceptives also violates the ratio of the vaginal microflora in the direction of the predominance of opportunistic flora.

Pregnancy and lactation are two periods when a fungus transmitted from a man can lead to the development of thrush, the reason is hormonal changes. Progesterone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and leads to the development of physiological immunosuppression.

Chronic diseases - diabetes mellitus, liver disease, bronchial asthma, HIV infection, obesity.

Acute stress or chronic stress conditions lead to exhaustion of the nervous system. Thrush is transmitted sexually precisely in the presence of any concomitant factors.

Thrush can be transmitted to women from men during the acute period of infection. Those. at the moment when a man has symptoms of thrush, the level of the fungus on the genitals reaches its maximum amount and the pathogen enters the vaginal mucosa in quantities that can cause candidiasis in women.

However, the question arises, what normal man with swelling and a painful rash on the genitals would think about intercourse? In the absence of clinical manifestations in a man, but with laboratory-proven carriage of candida, the likelihood of developing candidiasis in a woman after intercourse is not large.

This occurs when the protective barriers of the female genital mucosa are depleted.

To summarize all of the above, it turns out that even if a fungus of the genus Candida lives on a man’s genitals, thrush is sexually transmitted only when the woman’s local immunity decreases.

Candidiasis in women is manifested in most cases classically.

First there is itching, swelling and burning. This is due to the death of cells at the site of inflammation and the release of biologically active substances by them. If left untreated, itching increases, discharge of varying intensity appears. In the usual course, they are plentiful, from pale yellow to greenish in color, cheesy. With erased symptoms, the discharge can be liquid, with white grains, curdled raids are detected only when examined by a specialist in mirrors. Pain, itching and burning increase during urination and after intercourse, which often leads to a woman's fear of sexual intercourse, and sometimes even to a sexual dysfunction (dyspareunia).

If the treatment is not started in a timely manner, the surrounding tissues may be involved in the process - the skin of the labia majora, perineum, pubis - painful itching, scratching may appear, a bacterial infection may join.

In the chronic course of thrush, acute manifestations disappear, such elements as infiltration, atrophy, and tissue thinning predominate.

Is thrush transmitted to a man from a woman?

  • If the transmission of candidiasis to a woman from a man is not a completely proven fact, then the reverse process is even more doubtful. Even with acute symptoms in a woman, men do not get sick very often, which is undoubtedly related to the level of their immune system. Candidiasis can be transmitted to men from a sexual partner only in case of a pronounced decrease in immunity against the background of taking antibiotics, during treatment with hormonal drugs, with an increase in blood sugar levels, with severe obesity, and with immunodeficiency states.
  • Thrush appears in men with balanitis or balanoposthitis. In this case, the inflammation covers either only the head of the penis, or spreads further, to the foreskin. In especially advanced cases, the process can spread to nearby tissues, up to damage to the skin of the scrotum.
  • Manifestations of candidal balanitis are red itchy spots, gradually merging, covered with white curdled deposits. Itching, burning, aggravated by urination and during and after intercourse.
  • It is in the presence of a vivid clinical picture that a man poses the greatest danger to a woman, as a source of candidal infection.

In preventive measures, several groups of rules can be distinguished, the observance of which will significantly reduce the likelihood of thrush.

The first group of rules is everything related to personal hygiene.

Both women and men should toilet the genitals at least once a day. In this case, it is not necessary to use soapy products, because. they eliminate beneficial flora from the mucosa, leaving it without natural defenders.

Preference should be given to underwear made from natural "breathable" fabrics. Synthetic underwear, thongs (for women), tight-fitting underwear create favorable conditions for the reproduction of candida on the mucous membrane - high humidity, temperature, as well as the addition of intestinal flora, which provokes the development and aggravates the course of candidiasis.

Exclusion of casual sexual relations. If you are lucky and the random partner does not become a source of STIs, his own flora may turn out to be aggressive and lead to an imbalance and increased reproduction of candida.

The use of spermicides and lubricants also increases the risk of candidiasis, especially in women.

The second group is the normalization of indicators of homeostasis of the body. In simple terms - to treat all infections, to stabilize chronic processes. Sluggish infectious processes of the urogenital tract (ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc.) lead to the depletion of local immunity, candida begins to multiply intensively and symptoms of candidiasis appear.

Chronic somatic diseases - bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, pyelonephritis, etc., as well as the necessary medication to stabilize the process, also deplete the body and contribute to the atypical course of candidiasis, the frequent transition to a chronic form.

The third group is alimentary and stress factors. Not everyone understands how thrush and malnutrition can be related. Chronic lack of B vitamins, vitamin C and iron lead to the development of deficiency states and a decrease in general and local immunity. The abuse of flour and easily digestible carbohydrates (chocolate, cakes, cookies, sweet drinks) increase the level of glucose in cells, and it is the best nutrient medium for fungi.

Abuse of coffee, alcohol, soda leads to an imbalance of flora in the intestines, which certainly entails a violation of the microflora in the genital area.

Perhaps everyone who at least once in their life has encountered such an unpleasant disease as candidiasis, wondered: “Is this disease contagious?”. The most logical thing is to ask your doctor. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible, and many are embarrassed to talk about this intimate topic.

Although, of course, this is one of the key points, in addition to diagnostic methods and methods of treatment. To understand this problem, you need to understand what candidiasis is.

  • Features of the causative agent of the disease
  • Diagnosis and treatment of thrush
  • Autoinfection
  • sexual transmission
  • Is kissing contagious?

Candidiasis or thrush is a disease of an infectious nature caused by a special microorganism, a yeast-like fungus of the Candida family.

Its characteristic feature is the fact that this fungus belongs to the conditionally pathogenic microflora, that is, it is constantly present in the human body, it exists, as it were, on the verge between the norm and pathology.

Conventionally, we can say that the activated candida signals us that there are some problems in the immune system. This means that if the immune system copes with its task, then candidiasis will not develop, even if you try to infect them artificially.

Conversely, in the case when the immune system is weakened, our own fungus can go into the stage of uncontrolled reproduction and lead to disease.

Features of the causative agent of the disease

Fortunately or unfortunately, thrush is one of those diseases, the clinical picture of which is difficult not to recognize. Women are most susceptible to this disease, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genitourinary tract.

Men also get sick, but much less often, and their illness is noticeably milder. What symptoms should alert you in the first place?

In the first place, perhaps, there are specific discharges, which look like a grayish-white coating at the site of the lesion, often there is a curdled discharge with a sour smell.

In second place in terms of frequency of occurrence, but not in importance, is itching. It can be constant or occur intermittently around the same time (afternoon, evening or night).

Diagnosis and treatment of thrush

Ideally, despite such a recognizable clinical picture, it is necessary to conduct laboratory diagnostics. The most common and accessible method is the method of simple microscopy, in which the test material is placed on a glass slide and examined under a microscope.

It is followed by a culture method, which involves inoculation of secretions on a special nutrient medium, followed by identification and determination of sensitivity to antifungal drugs.

The least commonly used method is the isolation of the genetic material of the fungus using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Undoubtedly, in order to diagnose candidiasis and begin treatment, you need to see a doctor.

Currently, there is a whole group of drugs created specifically to combat Candida.

These are antibacterial drugs called antifungals. They are synthesized in various dosage forms - these are tablets, solutions, creams, ointments, suppositories.

After the diagnosis was made, treatment was prescribed, a natural question arises about the mechanisms and ways of transmission of thrush. Agree, no one wants to be a source of illness for their loved one.

Partly, precisely because of ignorance of this issue, a person suffering from candidiasis is embarrassed by his disease, tries to keep silent about it. All this negatively affects the psychological state of the sick person, and can even lead to a neurosis-like state. How is candidiasis transmitted?

The first contact with candida occurs already in the first year of life. In this case, the disease will not necessarily develop, the fungus will simply become part of the microflora of the child. But, if the mother is sick with candidiasis, infection of the child is almost inevitable.

From mother to child, candidiasis is transmitted in several ways:

  • Antenatally, that is, in the womb before birth. Studies have been conducted that have shown that candida is often found in the membranes of the umbilical cord;
  • intranatally, that is, directly in childbirth. The close contact of the mucous membranes of the mother's vagina and the child's oral cavity contributes to this. If the mother did not treat thrush before childbirth, infection is inevitable;
  • in the first months of a baby's life. The main factor here is the lack of hygiene measures. So, poorly washed mother's hands or nipples after feeding will help the thrush be transmitted.

Thrush can also be transmitted through the household. We are talking about the fact that the insidious fungus, due to the peculiarities of its structure, is able to attach itself to various polymeric materials and thus “travel” in the external environment.

What household items are most likely to get candida? Basically, these are personal hygiene items, such as washcloths and sponges for washing the body, bar soap, sanitary pads and tampons.

Is thrush transmitted through a towel? The transmission of the fungus through bed linen, towels, clothing (in particular underwear) is not excluded. Given the "love" of Candida to high humidity, you can often meet her in a public bath, sauna, swimming pool.


As for self-infection, the main role is played by the errors of hygienic measures. This is especially true for women.

The fact is that anatomically, the entrance to the vagina is located quite close to the anus. And we know that yeast-like fungus is part of the intestinal microflora.

In this case, if you do not pay due attention to the hygiene of the external genital organs, even the most powerful antifungal drugs will solve the problem only for a while.

sexual transmission

Contrary to a fairly common belief, the conversation about the sexual transmission of genital thrush can be considered closed - candidiasis is not sexually transmitted.

Studies have shown that about half of women with chronic thrush do not have sex at all; at the same time, the treatment of sexual partners of sick women in order to prevent recurrence of the disease also has no effect.

Based on these data, genital candidiasis was excluded from the list of sexually transmitted infections. But, despite this, sexual intercourse in the midst of candidiasis should be limited and barrier contraceptives (condom) should be used.

Is kissing contagious?

And what about kisses? Is saliva contagious? Can you get thrush if you kiss a sick person?

However, there is a small chance of transmission of thrush through a kiss. To do this, one partner must have untreated oral candidiasis, and the other partner must have wounds on the oral mucosa. Agree, this combination is rare.

But not everything is so sad. Compliance with elementary rules will help protect yourself and those who are close to candidiasis.

If you are in the acute period of the disease, it is recommended to avoid saunas, baths, swimming pools. This will not only prevent the possibility of infection from you, but also facilitate the course of candidiasis and its treatment.

She graduated from the Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation with a degree in Pediatrics, residency in the specialty Obstetrics and Gynecology. Advanced training under the program of further vocational education "Impaired reproductive function in men and women", SBEI HPE "North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, participant in the scientific and practical seminar "Systemic factors of reproductive health" under the program "Holiness motherhood", participant of the master class "Cervix, genital infections, hormones. Features of colposcopy", participant of the regional scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of obstetrics and gynecology". She was also trained in conducting pre-trip, post-trip medical examinations of vehicle drivers, conducting a medical examination for intoxication. I work at the Demidov Central District Hospital of the Smolensk region. Specialization: outpatient obstetric and gynecological care, emergency care in obstetrics and gynecology.

Candidiasis is an unpleasant disease-causing condition that is caused by fungal microorganisms. Unpleasant symptoms interfere with the normal functioning of the patient, and therefore require mandatory treatment. But in order to prevent a recurrence, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the information whether thrush is transmitted and how it happens.

A fungus of the genus Candida settles on the skin and mucous membranes of a person from the external environment, but painful symptoms do not always occur. It all depends on the state of the body and lifestyle conditions, namely, the risk of developing thrush is high when:

  • Weak immune system;
  • Improperly organized personal hygiene;
  • Taking antibiotics and strong drugs;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • The presence of bad habits;
  • Harmful environmental conditions.

Thus, in the presence of good health and the absence of serious diseases, the risk of contracting thrush is quite low. Conversely, low immunity or bad habits can cause a chronic condition in which unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis will occur again and again.

Can thrush be passed from woman to man

The vast majority of cases of development of candidiasis falls on the beautiful half. In this regard, the question arises whether thrush is transmitted to a man. Actually, yes, it is quite possible. But given the fact that the natural defense mechanisms in men are quite well developed for this type of fungus, this does not happen so often. Usually this phenomenon is facilitated by a reduced immunity of a man. But, if this did happen, then the signs will be felt similar to those experienced by women.

Is thrush sexually transmitted?

Candidiasis tends to be passed from partner to partner during intercourse. Moreover, it is one of the most common ways of infection. For this reason, in the process of treating an infection, the patient is strongly advised to refrain from intimate relationships. But it is worth pointing out that even in this case, the probability of infection is not 100%. Again, this depends on the immune system of the partners.

Is thrush transmitted through oral sex?

Candida fungi can be transmitted orally, which means that kissing and oral sex can carry a risk for a person if his partner is a carrier of pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of this information, and during therapeutic therapy they refrain from conservative sex, preferring oral sex. Accordingly, the result of treatment in this case remains zero.

Is thrush transmitted through a condom?

Having learned the answer to the question of whether thrush is sexually transmitted, the following involuntarily arises, “how to avoid this?”. A condom is one of the methods to reduce the risk of infection of a sexual partner. It reliably protects against the penetration of fungal pathogens into a healthy body.

But it is worth noting that sexual contact with a latex contraceptive does not give a full guarantee against infection. The thing is that the condom performs its function, but there are other ways of transmitting the infection, namely through bed linen, physical contact, kisses. For this reason, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse at all until the disease is completely cured.

Is thrush transmitted by household

The household method accounts for the least number of cases of infection with thrush. It lies in the fact that a healthy person and a carrier of a fungal infection use common household items: these can be intimate hygiene products, such as washcloths, bedding or underwear. It is on them that most often spores of fungi can remain. It should be borne in mind that under such conditions, pathogenic microorganisms are able to live for a day, after which they die due to lack of moisture. The household method of infection can also include visiting the pool or taking a bath, in which a person suffering from thrush was previously located.

Prevention of transmission of the fungus from a woman to a man

Men who want to increase the resistance of their body to a fungal pathogen should heed a few recommendations. These include:

  • Strengthening the immune system. This factor directly depends on the lifestyle of a man. He must give up bad habits, walk, play sports, breathe fresh air daily;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene. Many people consider it sufficient to perform daily bath procedures. But no less important is the choice of personal hygiene products, it is best if they contain natural ingredients, without fragrances;
  • Proper nutrition. The daily diet should include a balanced healthy food rich in vitamins. Heavy fried foods should be avoided;
  • Attention to sexual relations. Promiscuous sex, as well as the neglect of condoms, often become the causes of infection with thrush.

Do not forget that sometimes even people with a good immune system have exceptions, therefore, in order to exclude the development of candidiasis in the body, it is strongly recommended to undergo periodic medical examinations.

Can thrush be passed from mother to child?

Candidiasis is passed from mother to child quite often. This is due to the fact that there are several ways of transmitting the infection in this case, namely:

  • Breast-feeding. By touching the mouth with the affected nipple of the mother, the child can easily become infected with candidiasis;
  • Shared sleep. As mentioned earlier, fungal spores are able to live in bedding for a long time, which can cause infection from mother to child;
  • Feeding. If a woman suffering from thrush tastes the child's food with her mouth, then the risk of transmitting pathogens to the baby is also high;
  • Kisses and touches. Fungal spores can be on the mother's body, and therefore even simple hugs with a child carry the risk of infection.

It is important that the immune system of children is not fully developed, which means that it is highly vulnerable to various pathogens. It is not difficult to guess that the smaller the child, the higher the risk of infection with the fungus.

Another way of transmission of infection can be the process of passing a child through the birth canal. As soon as he leaves the womb, he becomes vulnerable to pathogenic pathogens, including Candida.

How is thrush transmitted? There are a number of reasons why you may be thrown off balance, which will lead to uninvited candida in the health system. If you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, you are more likely to get sick.

Some oral contraceptives can contribute to its growth. Stress will put the whole body in a "faulty" state. And finally, they can kill the good bacteria that keep the body healthy, thereby allowing Candida to grow out of control.

In order to understand how to cure it in yourself and make sure that you cannot infect a man (which, unfortunately, can happen), you must first know if thrush is contagious, can a man infect a woman with thrush, is thrush transmitted to men and where to look disease.

Candida is a type of yeast that lives in the body in small amounts.

This is completely natural and normal - the body has a bunch of microorganisms living in it, and if these fungi and bacteria are kept in optimal balance, they are a huge part of what keeps the male and female body healthy. However, there are a number of things that can increase levels of candida sticking to a woman.

When a girl experiences an increase in fungus in the genital area, she develops yeast.

If a woman has vaginal itching, soreness or redness, pain during sex, or an unnatural discharge, the patient is most likely infected with a yeast infection.

Can thrush be sexually transmitted to a man from a woman?

Not surprisingly, thrush is sexually transmitted, it is also possible to get the fungus from a partner if he or she has it in the mouth or as a yeast infection (vaginal, on the penis, anal). And, of course, you can pass it on to your partner in exactly the same ways.

Let's look at all the ways you can get thrush: if an infected person kisses someone, then there may be a transmission of an oral infection.

If you have a fungus and have oral sex, you can get a genital yeast infection. If there is a genital fungus, then during oral sex, you can infect a partner with a fungus.

Is it possible to get thrush from a man?

If a partner has transmissible candidiasis, it is possible to contract this disease from him. It is important to note that the sexual way as candidiasis is transmitted from any of these places (mouth, penis, vagina, anus) is perhaps the main way.

In addition, studies show that sexual transmission is more likely to occur from a woman, so if you get a yeast infection from someone often, you need to take this into account.

If you treat a yeast infection lightly and do not pay enough attention to it, then do not forget how contagious thrush is to your partner.

Since thrush can be passed from woman to man sexually, it's a good idea for both people in the sexual equation to think not only about getting tested together if they feel symptoms, but also about keeping themselves healthy.

Since thrush for men has the same negative consequences, this should not be neglected. Because if one of you has an infection, then you can't really be safe. This is the answer to the question of whether a man can get this infection.

Men who have sex with infected women may develop inflammation of the urethra (the urethra is accompanied by redness).

In addition, white, small lumps or vesicles may appear on the glans penis and foreskin, and inflammatory peeling often appears on the scrotum and inguinal region. These changes are accompanied by burning.

How can you help yourself get rid of it?

If you have a candida overgrowth, don't worry - it's relatively easy to treat. Yeast is usually treated with a course of antifungal medicine.

There are quite a few prescription drugs to kill vaginal yeast infections, like creams or suppositories, as well as home remedies, including yogurt and garlic, apple cider vinegar, or acid suppositories that you can use to heal your body.

You can also see your doctor for a prescription for an antibiotic. If you are one of the people who get recurring yeast infections, you might want to try taking probiotics, which are a form of healthy bacteria.

The balance is aligned and you are ready to continue your healthy life! Or you can just eat a ton of unsweetened yogurt, as these healthy bacteria are present in no small amount.

The human body is not a single whole, in fact, many living beings are all interconnected with each other, in a delicate balance, ready to cooperate and expel faulty deficiencies from the body at any moment. It is fungal secretions that are one example of the body feeling unbalanced.

  1. Limit the number of sexual partners (the fewer partners, the lower the risk of infection).
  2. Avoid vaginal irrigation, as this may affect the destruction of the natural bacterial flora.
  3. Do not use intimate deodorants or scented sanitary napkins.
  4. Use a small amount of specially designed gels for this purpose, pH 5.5, at a pH close to the vaginal environment to protect against the occurrence of inflammation.
  5. Thoroughly (twice a day) wash and dry your private parts after bathing.
  6. Take care of hygiene in intimate places.
  7. Do not use sponges or scouring pads. Pathogenic fungi develop on their surface.
  8. Do not use soap intended for washing hands or the whole body.
  9. Avoid long baths.
  10. If you get an infection - do not self-medicate, use the advice of your gynecologist.

Keeping yourself in balance is essential to your personal health, but since candidiasis can be passed on while you make yourself healthy, it's equally important to keep your partner healthy.

When studying the question of whether thrush is transmitted from a woman to a man, it is necessary to study in detail several important factors and features. Today, this disease is quite common, especially among the fair sex. The appearance of thrush is influenced by many factors, and therefore there are several options for its distribution.

Features of the disease

The main provocateur of the appearance of thrush is a fungus belonging to the genus Candida. The infection affects the mucous membranes, which causes quite unpleasant sensations in the form of itching and burning. With strong reproduction, colonies of organisms turn into abundant curdled discharge, which is the main symptom of this disease. It is because of the color in the people that the name received another name - thrush.

There are several factors that cause the onset of the disease. One of the most common causes is the use of antibiotics. It is known that with the appearance of serious ailments, the doctor prescribes treatment with these drugs. But antibacterial drugs destroy both harmful and beneficial microorganisms.

Often, specialists prescribe additional drugs that prevent the destruction of microflora during treatment. For these purposes, prebiotics are used.

Oddly enough, but another provoking factor is soap. An agent with antibacterial properties often disrupts the normal balance of microflora, which helps to reduce local immunity.

When using hormonal contraception, the hormonal background changes, and not for the better:

Often, candidiasis in women manifests itself during pregnancy. The cause of the disease is also a change in hormonal levels.

Some women are faced with the appearance of candidiasis as a result of the fact that they did not eat properly. This is especially true in cases where a large number of sweet products are present in the diet. Often, the use of such products leads to the appearance of more serious diseases, such as obesity.

Symptoms of the disease

There are several characteristic symptoms by which thrush can be identified in women. These include:

  • the appearance of copious discharge from the vagina;
  • the presence of an unpleasant sour smell;
  • the appearance of itching and burning;
  • redness and swelling at the stage of inflammation.

With the advanced form of the disease, urination is accompanied by pain. During intercourse, there is also pronounced discomfort.

Often the disease proceeds without symptoms. Sometimes in women, any signs disappear with the onset of menstruation, and therefore it is rather problematic to identify thrush.

How Candidiasis Spreads

There are people who believe that thrush is transmitted through a kiss or in a household way, but this is far from the case. There are several main ways of infection of the disease. Most often, a man can get thrush from a woman. Although bacteria do not develop so actively in the male body, infection still mainly occurs in this way. After candidiasis is transmitted to a man, the effect on the internal organs begins.

A man is faced with external manifestations that indicate the development of the disease. When bacteria are passed on to a healthy partner, fungi multiply, but this happens differently in the male and female half. This is explained by human anatomy. If in a woman the reproduction of bacteria occurs in the vagina, then in men the disease is localized in the urethra.

But even in this part of the body, fungi are not able to reproduce fully. This is due to the fact that men have a stable hormonal background and strong immunity.

A man is able to become infected with candidiasis, but the lesion often affects the oral cavity. There are other, simpler ways of transmitting the disease. Often, the infection can "migrate" to a healthy partner through a kiss. The disease passes from a woman with candidiasis to a man.

You can get thrush if you have bad habits. This is especially true of smoking, since the harmful components present in the smoke negatively affect the microflora of the oral cavity.

Transmission from male to female

A man can infect a woman with thrush, and this phenomenon is not an exception, as many members of the stronger sex mistakenly believe. In the presence of an infection in a partner, the disease can easily pass into the female body and multiply under favorable conditions.

You can get thrush from a man with a weakened immune system. When bacteria enter the body, they begin to actively spread and multiply, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of the disease.

Regardless of whether thrush is transmitted to a man or a woman, two partners must undergo treatment in order to avoid further spread of the disease in the body.

It is worth noting that thrush is contagious only in the active phase with the occurrence of pronounced symptoms.

Therefore, wondering whether thrush is sexually transmitted, one can answer unequivocally - yes. This method is the most common. If partners have the disease, it is worth remembering that thrush is contagious, and it is best to get treatment to avoid further transmission of the infection.

Infection through household items

Many people wonder: is thrush transmitted by household means? Infection by this method is not so common, but such cases are also common. Ways of infection through household items are possible if a healthy and sick person lives in the same area. With the general use of soap, sponges, razors and even towels, the infection can enter a healthy body.

Both girls and men can transmit or receive the disease through household items. On razors or soap, fungi develop for quite a long time. Basically, women are most often affected by infection, as their immunity is less resistant to the effects of the disease.

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