Liposuction - three topical techniques. Which liposuction is better - comparing types The most effective and safe liposuction

The ideal slim figure is considered the modern ideal of a healthy and beautiful person. However some people have fat deposits that are not amenable to either diet or exercise. Therefore, liposuction is the only way to make the body with perfect contours.

It should be noted that liposuction is not a way to lose weight, does not replace physical exercise and a healthy diet. First of all, it is an opportunity to remove fat, which can no longer be influenced. Liposuction is a subcutaneous selection removal procedure, more details on the website The choice of liposuction method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. And the latest technologies in liposuction surgery allow you to reduce the rehabilitation process to a minimum and get the maximum effect.

The first attempts to correct the contours of the figure were made at the beginning of the 20th century. The operation consisted of extensive excision of skin-fat flaps (dermolipectomy). For the first time in 1972, J. Schrudde proposed a "closed" technique for removing fat using uterine curettes. Through incisions of 2-3 cm, scraping of adipose tissue in problem areas was performed. However, such operations were accompanied by serious postoperative complications, such as bleeding, lymphorrhea, seromas. As a result, this type of operation did not become widespread, and only in 1979 the idea of ​​removing excess body fat was effectively implemented. Due to its safety and high efficiency, the technique has become widespread and is currently used in several modifications.

Most commonly, liposuction is used for cosmetic purposes to give a smoother shape to areas such as the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, calves, arms, or certain areas of the back. Fat can be removed from more than one part of the body during a single surgical procedure.

Liposuction is the most beneficial procedure for patients who are close to their ideal weight but still have disproportionately localized fat deposits that are resistant to the effects of exercise and diet.

In addition, a candidate for liposuction should have good skin elasticity and muscle tone. If the patient has already lost a significant amount of weight and has loose skin, liposuction can only exacerbate these problems. If the skin is not elastic enough, it will remain baggy after the procedure. For this reason, older patients may not see the same result as younger patients.

Women mainly do this procedure to get rid of the so-called "breeches", as well as hips, buttocks, waist, etc.

Men most often want to remove fat deposits on the chest, neck, waist, back, and abdomen. Often they need liposuction of the buttocks.

According to the degree of surgical intervention, liposuction is distinguished:

Small volume - removal of less than 2.5 liters of fat;
- large volume - removal from 2.5 to 5 liters of fat;
- extra-large volume - removal of more than 5 liters of fat.

Liposuction of the abdomen usually involves getting rid of 1 to 3 liters of fat.

Methods of liposuction can be mechanical (they are based on the principle of crushing fat deposits) and physico-chemical (based on the destruction of adipose tissue through the use of chemical and physical factors).

Depending on the technique used, the following types of this operation are distinguished:

Vacuum or traditional liposuction- there is a local destruction of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, and the destruction products are removed through small incisions using special tubes (cannulas) that are inserted through tiny incisions. To destroy fat, the surgeon makes reciprocating movements with cannulas through a layer of fatty deposits, then the destroyed fat is pumped out using a vacuum pump or syringe.

Ultrasonic liposuction- fat tissue cells are destroyed by ultrasound, after which the fat emulsion is sucked out from under the skin using a vacuum.

Radio wave liposuction- the destruction of fat cells occurs under the influence of radio waves, after which the decay products are removed from under the skin. In addition to the splitting of fat deposits, this method allows for an effective skin tightening, which makes it possible to solve one of the main disadvantages of abdominal liposuction: flabbiness and sagging of the skin after the procedure.

Laser liposuction- with this method, the destruction of fat occurs through a small incision under the influence of laser radiation. Liquefied fat is removed with a syringe or pump.

Hypertumescent liposuction- this technique involves the introduction of Klein's solution under the skin, which transforms adipose tissue into an emulsion. After that, it is removed by the usual vacuum method. According to reviews of liposuction of the abdomen by this method, it is quite comfortable for the patient and allows you to accurately model the contours of the body.

Water jet liposuction- this technique uses the power of water, a fan-shaped laminar jet under a small pressure separates fat cells from the connective tissue and flushes them out of the body. Such liposuction of the abdomen does not injure blood vessels and nerves, which reduces the risk of bleeding, bruising, swelling and other side effects and complications, and does not leave scars.

Before the operation, it is obligatory to consult a plastic surgeon, who will determine the scope of the operation and prescribe the necessary studies.

Adipose tissue is an essential component of the human body. However, its excess not only makes the figure of a woman shapeless and swollen, but also poses a serious threat to your health. There are many ways to fight obesity - diet, exercise, wraps and, of course, liposuction. It is the latter method that will be discussed in this article.

Liposuction - what is it?

The removal of excess fatty tissue using a vacuum is called liposuction. There are several types of this procedure, but they have the same basic principle - a cannula is placed in the subcutaneous fat layer, which is connected to a special device that creates a vacuum. In this way, a kind of "suction" of fat from problem areas is carried out.

Before proceeding to the description of the liposuction process, it is worth clarifying that this procedure is not indicated for all people, but only for those who have developed the subcutaneous fat layer. Why? The fact is that the fat mass of the human body is divided into 3 groups:

  1. The superficial layer is a ball of fat located directly under the skin. The excess of this particular layer gives your figure an unpresentable look.
  2. Deep layer - located under the fascia of the muscles, its amount practically does not change with any type of weight loss.
  3. Internal - location - abdominal cavity. An excess of this type of fat leads to the appearance of "beer" bellies.

All types of liposuction can only reduce the surface layer of adipose tissue, so if you have an excessive increase in the deep and visceral layers, look for other methods of losing weight.

It is also worth paying attention to the form of obesity, which can be local and generalized. The second type of excess adipose tissue occurs in various genetic and endocrine pathologies, so vacuum liposuction is not indicated for such people. But, if you are concerned about the condition of certain parts of the body, the removal of adipose tissue by the vacuum method can significantly correct figure flaws.

Indications and preoperative preparation

The main indication for liposuction is the appearance of separate areas of accumulation of adipose tissue and a violation of the contours of the patient's figure. You also need to be at least 18 years of age. It is worth remembering that the younger the patient's age and the better the condition of his skin, the more effective this procedure.

In preparation for surgery, the patient goes through the following steps:

  • Examination by a plastic surgeon.
  • Conducting general clinical studies: a general blood test, urine, ECG, fluorography.
  • If a person smokes - 2 weeks before the "X" hour, he must give up this habit.
  • Correction of the drugs taken.
  • Selection of compression underwear.
  • Choice of anesthesia method.

Features of classic liposuction

Liposuction is a very extensive and traumatic surgical intervention (especially if you plan to remove a large amount of fat), so experts recommend the use of general anesthesia. But if you only need to correct a couple of areas, local anesthesia is also allowed.

The essence of the operation is very simple - small incisions are made on the skin, through which a cannula is inserted, the outer end of which is attached to a special apparatus. The cannula is inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer and moves there fan-shaped and progressively, and the fat through it, thanks to the vacuum created, is brought out into a special bag. Some experts compare the process of liposuction with the work of a vacuum cleaner.

There are several areas that cannot be treated in this way:

  • Upper back and its middle third.
  • Shin.
  • Anterior thighs.

Despite the fact that the method of surgical liposuction has been used for more than a dozen years, the question of the amount of fat to be extracted at once remains debatable. One part of plastic surgeons claims that the removal of 1.5 kg of adipose tissue is the optimal volume for one operation, other experts claim that 5, 10 and even 16 kg of fat can be removed. In the last few years, the following gradation of liposuction has been adopted in plastic surgery:

  1. Small volume operation - no more than 2.5 liters of fat is removed.
  2. Large-volume operation - up to 5 liters of tissue is removed.
  3. Extra-large volume surgery - the doctor removes more than 5 liters of adipose tissue.

But you should be aware that the final decision on the amount of fat to be removed is made jointly by the plastic surgeon and the patient.

Tumescent liposuction

Classical liposuction undoubtedly remains one of the most popular body shaping methods, but there are other methods of lipomodelling, for example, tumescent liposuction. This type of surgery compares favorably with classical liposuction in that the surgeon makes very small incisions in the skin and uses ultra-thin cannulas.

Adipocytes are destroyed by the injected solution of sodium chloride, lidocaine and adrenaline. Thanks to lidocaine, local anesthesia is possible. The operation technique practically does not differ from conventional liposuction, only the volume of adipose tissue removed should not exceed 2.5 liters.

The main benefits of tumescent liposuction are listed below:

  • The use of local anesthesia eliminates the possibility of developing complications of general anesthesia: confusion, nausea, shortness of breath.
  • The duration of the postoperative period is reduced to 3-4 days, due to the low-impact operation.
  • The volume of blood loss is significantly reduced.
  • There is no need to use intravenous infusion.
  • The use of ultra-thin cannulas reduces the incidence of postoperative complications such as bruising and bruising.
  • Small incisions in the skin guarantee rapid healing of wounds and the formation of subtle scars.

Video of the operation

Oscillatory liposuction or vibrolipomodeling

In an effort to make the liposuction procedure as safe and less traumatic as possible, Belgian plastic surgeons have invented a special technique - vibroliposuction. This method is also called 3D lipomodelling.

To perform surgery, a special vibration unit is used, which delivers compressed air through thin cannulas (3-5 mm) into the thickness of adipose tissue, which destroys adipocytes. The doctor sucks off the resulting emulsion using a vacuum unit.

This method of lipomodeling allows you to remove fat deposits from very delicate areas - the face, chin, chest. The amount of simultaneous removal of adipose tissue is relatively small - 1.5 liters, but such a gentle operation is a guarantee of a short recovery period (3-4 days) and a minimal risk of postoperative complications.

Laser liposuction

Italians have always been considered great connoisseurs of female beauty, so it is not surprising that it was Italian plastic surgeons who became the inventors of another method of lipomodelling - laser liposuction.

The advantage of this method is its complex effect on adipose, connective tissue, as well as vascular coagulation. The laser is delivered into the fat ball through a microcannula with a diameter of 1 mm. The destruction of lipocytes occurs through two mechanisms:

  1. Mechanical – the laser breaks the integrity of the adipocyte membrane.
  2. Thermal - high temperature melts the fat, which turns into a liquid emulsion. The latter can be removed by the body's own forces with the help of the lymphatic system, or it can be aspirated by the surgeon.

Also, under the influence of high temperature, coagulation (cauterization) of the vessels in the fat removal zone occurs, which minimizes the possibility of bruising and bruising. Also, photostimulation of the connective tissue leads to the activation of collagen synthesis processes, which guarantees a natural lifting of the skin in the surgical area. The volume of fat removed when using this method is small - 1.5-2 liters.

The advantages of laser lipomodeling over classical liposuction are as follows:

  • A positive side effect is skin tightening in the corrected area.
  • The use of microcannulas and small incisions significantly reduce the invasiveness of the operation.
  • Use of local anesthesia.
  • A short recovery period is 3-4 days.
  • The effect after the operation is visible immediately, and not after a few weeks.
  • Visual control of the entire course of the operation, which excludes damage to large vessels and damage to internal organs.
  • The procedure can last no more than 40 minutes (time depends on the treated area).

Radiofrequency liposuction Body Tite

If there are contraindications to classical lipomodelling, you may be offered another way to correct your figure - radiofrequency liposuction. This technique is based on the effect of high frequency current on fat cells. Body tight liposuction is performed using two electrodes:

  1. Internal - is introduced into the subcutaneous fat and serves to destroy adipocytes, as well as to aspirate the resulting emulsion.
  2. External - directs radio frequency radiation through the skin and is a temperature sensor.

The whole operation takes place under careful computer control of the temperature in the intervention area. As soon as the temperature rises to a critical point, the pulse stops, so the possibility of a burn is completely excluded.

Radiofrequency body modeling is performed under local anesthesia, during the operation up to 2.5 liters of fat can be extracted. The advantage of this type of liposuction is a short recovery period, a minimum number of impact marks, as well as a pronounced lifting effect.

Ultrasonic liposuction

You are probably familiar with the methods of ultrasonic destruction of gallbladder and kidney stones, so it is quite logical that there is an ultrasonic method of liposuction. This procedure is painless and very effective. In a certain place, under local anesthesia, a small incision is made through which an ultrasound probe is inserted into the thickness of adipose tissue. The applied ultrasound destroys fat cells permanently, which leads to a stable and long-lasting effect of lipomodelling.

With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to remove a large amount of fat - 6-8 liters, despite the fact that the operation still remains less traumatic. Another positive effect of this method of liposuction is the improvement of the skin relief - it becomes even and smooth.

Water jet liposuction

World pathophysiology has long proved that fat cells are a depot of not only fat, but many harmful elements (heavy metals, microdoses of various medications). The destruction of lipocytes during liposuction leads to a massive release of these substances into the human body, which leads to its intoxication (poisoning). To avoid this state of affairs, a new method of body modeling was invented - water-jet liposuction.

This method is based on the mechanical separation of fat cells from the connective tissue base using a jet of water and subsequent aspiration of the resulting liquid. For water-jet liposuction, a special solution is used, which has the following effects:

  1. Narrows capillaries.
  2. Anesthetizes the area where surgery is performed.
  3. Separates adipocytes.

To supply this solution under pressure, a special apparatus is used, on which the number of injections and their strength are set before the start of the operation.

For this procedure, local anesthesia is used, the entire course of the operation is controlled by a plastic surgeon. The advantage of water-jet liposuction is the absence of restrictions on the simultaneous extraction of adipose tissue. Also, patients do not suffer from swelling and pain after surgery, and the recovery period is limited to 3-4 days.

What to do after the operation?

The algorithm of the patient's behavior in the postoperative period is the same, regardless of the method of lipomodelling. Only the timing of wearing special underwear and the duration of recovery are different.

Even in the operating room, the patient is put on special compression underwear - this is how the prevention of sagging skin, the formation of hematomas and bruises occurs. You should wear these clothes without taking them off for about 2 months. The first 10 days after liposuction, doctors ask you to limit social activity, and up to 2 weeks you need to reduce salt intake, do not take aspirin and other anticoagulants. When using sparing methods of figure correction, recovery after liposuction is faster - in 4-5 days, and sometimes in 3-4 days.

Experts advise to limit physical activity and insolation for 2 months, forbid using the bath and sauna at this time. If a girl wants to get pregnant, she must remember that after liposuction, the date of the alleged conception will be pushed back by 6 months.

Liposuction specialists

Contraindications and complications of liposuction

Contraindications to all types of lipomodeling are very similar:

  • Pathology of the blood coagulation system.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Obesity associated with genetic pathology.
  • Violation of the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Gastric ulcer.
  • Vascular disease in the area of ​​the operation.
  • Heart defects.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Pacemakers.
  • The presence of oncopathology.

If the operation is performed on a healthy patient, the development of complications is unlikely, but, unfortunately, it is still possible. The main complications after liposuction are as follows:

  • Hyperesthesia of the skin in the area of ​​operation.
  • The appearance of a seroma - fluid accumulates in the area of ​​​​operation and a semblance of a cyst is formed.
  • Edema.
  • Increased skin pigmentation.
  • Strong pains.
  • Hematomas and bruises.
  • Infection of the operating wound.
  • Nausea and dizziness after anesthesia.
  • Fat embolism - the likelihood of developing this complication increases with an increase in the amount of adipose tissue removed.

Surgical liposuction or hardware

Fear of surgery is an incentive that makes many people look for an alternative to classic liposuction. This method is hardware liposuction, an example of which can be considered;

  • or .
  • But it is worth remembering that a significant effect from hardware or injection liposuction occurs only after 3-4 procedures. A significant disadvantage of the non-surgical method of destruction of body fat is the impossibility of removing destroyed adipocytes. As a result, the body has to independently remove decay products, toxins and toxins, loading the liver. Also, these methods are not a guarantee of durability and duration of figure correction. If you do not follow a diet and play sports, the previous volumes will return quickly enough.

    Choosing a way to lose weight is a very responsible task, so you should not make such an important decision on your own. Be sure to consult with your beautician and plastic surgeon. Only specialists with decent experience in performing various types of liposuction can tell you the most optimal method of body shaping. read on our website.

    Photos of the results of surgical liposuction

    Modern beauty standards require sophisticated forms, and every day we struggle with extra centimeters and kilograms. Often this struggle not only does not bring results, but also harms health. Therefore, liposuction, as a quick, reliable and relatively simple way to correct the figure, is so popular. Moreover, in addition to surgical methods of getting rid of extra centimeters, less invasive ways to deal with fatty deposits have appeared today - microsurgical radiofrequency liposuction, as well as quite effective non-surgical methods.

    The specialists of the liposuction center offer you the most complete overview of the methods - from the latest hardware innovations to the proven classics of liposuction:

    Liposculpture - a new direction of traditional surgical liposuction

    Despite the emergence of dozens of new hardware techniques, it is still in demand. Moreover, today this is the lot of the most sophisticated and demanding patients - Hollywood stars, highly paid models, rich and famous secular party girls. Why? Because liposuction has experienced a rebirth, turning into a jewelry manual technique of body liposculpture.

    In the BeautyLine clinic, this method is represented by the famous Italian plastic surgeon Marco Merlin. He performs jewelry mini-operations under local anesthesia. The fat is removed by hand, with very thin cannulas through tiny punctures. The main advantage of corrections from the Italian maestro of plastic surgery is a fantastically accurate and impeccably beautiful result.

    The procedure of manual liposuction performed by the famous Dr. Merlin is a guaranteed effect and minimal trauma. No scars, bumps or irregularities - filigree Italian technique of impeccably high quality! Russian patients most often correct the oval of the face (chin, cheeks) with Professor Merlin. The second most popular procedure is manual.

    Microsurgical liposuction

    The high level of equipment of the liposuction center allows us to offer patients the most modern and effective hardware methods for combating fat deposits. Perhaps the most effective of them is the method. This is a unique technique that combines the advantages of surgical and non-surgical liposuction.

    It is as radical as surgery (BodyTite allows you to remove up to 6 (!) Liters of fat in one session), and in terms of safety and rehabilitation time it approaches some non-invasive methods. At the same time, thanks to a large number of specialized nozzles, BodyTite allows you to equally successfully correct the most delicate areas (face, shins, knees), and remove large amounts of fat from the abdomen or thighs.

    The main advantage of BodyTite liposuction is the unique double effect of this micro-operation - you not only remove fat, but also tighten the skin at the same time! For patients over 30-35 years old, this is perhaps the best, if not the only way to guarantee the simultaneous removal of unwanted centimeters and a good tightening. Even skin laxity in older patients - a typical contraindication for liposuction - is not a problem for radiofrequency liposuction, which can be performed at any age!

    Its secret is that radio waves not only easily melt fat, which is then sucked out through a thin cannula, but also warm and tighten the skin. The low invasiveness of the method is ensured by the fact that the capillaries damaged during liposuction are immediately coagulated, and there is practically no blood loss. This means that this method allows you to remove a much larger amount of fat without risk to the patient.

    Radiofrequency liposuction in the Beauty Line clinic is performed by one of the most experienced plastic surgeons in this field - Dr. Ageshina. She believes that this method is in many ways similar to, but has several noticeable advantages over it, the main of which is the effect of simultaneous skin tightening.

    Svetlana Evgenievna Ageshina was trained in liposuction using the BodyTite method in Israel, and now she herself conducts master classes on this technique for Russian specialists. She says that in order to visually show how the skin shrinks during the procedure, she suggests that her trainees measure the distance between two points on the body (for example, between moles). During the procedure, this distance becomes immediately smaller by 2-3 centimeters, and 2 weeks after it, it is reduced by another half.

    • You can learn more about how liposuction is performed on the BodyTite device on the BeautyLine clinic website.

    The three most popular non-surgical techniques

    Radiofrequency liposuction Tite-FX uses the same principle of destroying fat cells as the BodyTite method, but is performed non-surgically. This non-surgical method, like BodyTite, is based on radio wave impulses, but liposuction does not require incisions or punctures - the effect on fatty tissue is only “from the outside”.

    Thanks to the radio waves generated by the device, subcutaneous fat is heated to a temperature of 38-43 degrees, and its cells literally "burst" - the membranes of fat cells are destroyed, and their contents are gradually absorbed and excreted from the body. Radio waves always affect both fat and skin, tightening and tightening it. In addition, after the procedure, the manifestations of cellulite and stretch marks on the skin are noticeably reduced or completely disappear. The cosmetologist of the BeautyLine liposuction center considers the Tite-FX method to be the most modern and effective.

    – non-surgical – perhaps the most common non-surgical lipolysis procedure. This method is completely non-traumatic and comfortable for the patient - no discomfort occurs during liposuction.

    Fat cells are gradually destroyed under the action of ultrasonic waves, and are removed, as in any type of non-surgical liposuction, thanks to the body's natural cleansing systems. Ultrasonic liposuction does not require any punctures or incisions. The destruction of fat cells takes place gradually and evenly, so after the procedure no irregularities form under the skin. The method belongs to the procedures of "office cosmetology" and does not require any rehabilitation.

    - Another newest method of non-surgical liposuction. In the Beauty Line clinic, with the help of a high-tech LipoCryo device, not only liposuction of the body is performed, but also a double chin lift, for which this method is just perfect.

    Like all non-surgical methods, it destroys fat deposits without the use of incisions or punctures, acting on fat cells with low temperatures. The applicator tip of the LipoCryo device captures the fat fold with a vacuum and treats it with cold. In this case, the temperature of adipose tissue drops to 4 degrees Celsius, which leads to its destruction. At the same time, such cooling is completely harmless to the skin (after all, in winter, for example, the skin of our face and hands successfully resists even lower temperatures). The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, fat cells are destroyed, absorbed and utilized by the body within 4-6 weeks.

    In 1985, in California, a dermatologist named Dr. Jeffrey Klein improved this method of liposuction by injecting a tumescent fluid. When using this technique, the amount of solution is injected 3-4 times more than the amount of fat removed. Today, tumescent liposuction is the most popular and common type of liposuction. This, according to plastic surgeons, is a safer method for the patient than all the previous ones.

    The rule for distinguishing liposuction methods is as follows:

    • If the surgeon injects less tumescent solution than the amount of fat to be removed, then this is a wet technique.
    • If the surgeon injects about the same amount of tumescent solution as the amount of fat removed, then this is a super-wet method.
    • If your surgeon injects a solution that is 3 or 4 times the amount of fat to be removed, then this is a tumescent technique.



    Laser method of liposuction, also called laser liposculpture, was first discovered by a Colombian surgeon, Dr. Rodrigo Neira, in 1999. Dr. Neira first tried to alleviate discomfort and reduce recovery time after liposuction with a laser that was created to relieve pain. He noticed that the emulsified fat is released from the fat cells, but the cell membranes are not affected. Laser liposuction is most often used in combination with tumescent liposuction, and is applied in small areas without fat absorption. The device does not generate heat and therefore does not cause a thermal injury. The technique is as follows: the laser is carried out over the treatment area for 12 minutes, then small incisions are made to drain the fluid and fat cells.


    Currently, a modern method of liposuction - laser lipolysis - has been invented in Italy. This technique is rarely used in the USA, but is regularly performed in Italy, South America and other parts of Europe. The procedure is performed with injections similar to the tumescent liposuction technique and involves the insertion of a fiber optic device through very small incisions.


    Water jet liposuction (WAL) is performed using the Body-jet machine. This type of liposuction is also called - "Water liposuction". The essence of this type of liposuction is the simultaneous destruction and washing out of fat cells with a jet of water under high pressure. The amount of fluid introduced into the patient's body is equal to the amount removed. Due to this, softer fat cells are easily separated from the more elastic connective tissue without damaging the vessels and nerves. Low invasiveness of water-jet liposuction is its advantage: there is a decrease in edema and bruising after surgery, the absence of blood loss and pain in the postoperative period, as well as the possibility of using adipose tissue for liposculpture (lipofilling).

    In conclusion, I would like to note that all techniques, methods and devices for liposuction are created primarily to facilitate work. plastic surgeon. But no matter how modern and expensive the device is, the result of the operation always depends on the skill of the specialist. Despite all the latest technology, liposuction remains a "blind method" and is performed almost by touch, the surgeon relies only on his tactile sensations. However, an experienced surgeon can achieve a flawless result with the traditional vacuum liposuction technique.

    As such, the concept of non-surgical liposuction does not exist., since liposuction is characterized as an operation to artificially pump out fat. It cannot be carried out without punctures and incisions.

    A non-surgical (non-surgical) method would be more correctly called lipolysis. Which in turn means the metabolic breakdown of fats into fatty acids under the action of lipase.

    This type of procedure is resorted to by people who do not want or for some reason are not able to get rid of body fat on their own with the help of sports or dietary adjustments. Procedures can be applied by both women and men from the age of majority.

    The younger the body, the more effective the result will be.. The variety of methods of non-surgical liposuction allows you to get rid of fat cells in almost any part of the body.

    Types of liposuction without surgery

    The choice of non-surgical methods of dealing with problem areas of our body is quite wide. In order to make the right choice, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the features, pros and cons of each of the procedures.

    Correctly selected method of "liposuction" will help to get the maximum result from the procedure.


    This method is the most popular and in demand. The removal of fat in this way occurs with the help of low atmospheric pressure. Under the action of ultrasound, fat cells burst, acquiring the consistency of an emulsion. Destroyed cells are removed through tubes inserted into the patient's body or through the venous / lymphatic system (with non-invasive liposuction).


    1. allows you to quickly model the contours of the body;
    2. does not require hospitalization;
    3. accessible to most people;
    4. reduces cellulite.


    • oncological diseases;
    • elevated temperature;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • herpes in active form;
    • colds;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • diseases of the endocrine system.

    Possible negative consequences:

    1. blood clots in blood vessels;
    2. risk of damage to the peripheral nervous system;
    3. tissue dehydration;
    4. tissue destruction (burn).

    The prices for the procedure are quite low. The number of procedures depends on the "initial data" of the patient. On average, 6-8 treatments may be needed.. The duration of the event is from 1 to 3 hours.

    Learn more about ultrasonic liposuction in this video:

    Shock wave (hardware)

    It occurs with the help of a special apparatus that acts on the "problem" areas of the body with acoustic waves and promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue, as well as improving metabolism. Initially, the procedure was used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, varicose veins and other serious diseases. Today it is actively used for:

    • elimination of cellulite;
    • increasing skin turgor;
    • body contouring;
    • improve blood circulation.

    It is worth noting that this technique is not suitable for correcting the oval of the face and getting rid of the second chin.


    The disadvantages include only the fact that 5-6 procedures will be required to obtain a significant effect.

    The use of shock wave therapy is contraindicated in:

    • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • blood diseases;
    • oncological diseases;
    • skin damage in the area of ​​the necessary impact;
    • active viral infections;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    You can learn more about shock wave non-surgical liposuction from this video:

    Non-surgical injection (chemical)

    It is a type of plastic surgery in which special injectable preparations are introduced into the “problem areas” to combat fatty deposits. This technique is not suitable for weight loss.. Its main goal is body contouring.

    The injected liquid destroys the fat cells and turns them into an emulsion. The resulting substance is excreted through the liver without any side effects. The average time for the procedure is 20 minutes. To obtain a positive effect, it is recommended to carry out 8-10 procedures with an interval of 10 days.

    Benefits of injectable "liposuction":


    • age up to 18 years;
    • pregnancy;
    • breast-feeding;
    • blood clotting disorder;
    • infectious diseases;
    • HIV, hepatitis;
    • oncological diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • allergic reactions;
    • SARS, fever.

    The procedure is suitable for the treatment of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, shoulders and arms, face and neck.

    Possible side effects include slight inflammation at the injection site. After a few days, it passes without a trace. If the inflammation progresses, this indicates an infectious complication resulting from a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards.

    Cryolipolysis (cold)

    The method consists in exposure to cold on "problem areas". Fat cells do not tolerate low temperatures and are forced to undergo splitting. The indication for this procedure is obesity resulting from a violation of food conduction.

    Among contraindications:

    The pluses include:

    1. high efficiency;
    2. the possibility of using the method for obesity.


    1. available only in major cities;
    2. discomfort during the procedure;
    3. for 1 session only 1 zone is processed;
    4. high price.

    The duration of the first procedure is 30-40 minutes. Subsequent increases to an hour. The number of procedures depends on the initial data.

    Learn more about cryolipolysis in this video:

    Radiofrequency or electrolipolysis Body tite

    This the procedure is carried out using special equipment Body tite (Body Tite) emitting radio frequency. On the nozzle of the apparatus there is a needle that is inserted into the place of fatty deposits and, when heated, breaks and brings out the fat cells.

    Electrolipolysis is great for the correction of the neck, decollete and face, because. does not leave scars and has a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening it and relieving the first signs of aging.

    The procedure has practically no contraindications due to the absence of injury risk and excellent tolerability.

    The advantages include the following features:

    1. skin tightening effect;
    2. high efficiency (for 1 session you can get rid of 5 liters of fat);
    3. minimal trauma.

    The duration of radiofrequency non-surgical "liposuction" is about 1.5 hours and may vary depending on the characteristics of the area to be worked out.


    The procedure is performed using an ozone-oxygen mixture.. In addition to the breakdown of body fat, it helps to eliminate toxins, and also improves skin elasticity.

    Due to the simultaneous injection of several needles, the process takes a small amount of time, is evenly distributed over the required area of ​​influence and does not cause pain to the patient.

    Contraindications include:

    • pregnancy;
    • lactation period;
    • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • presence of acute/chronic diseases.

    The procedure is effective at any stage of cellulite.. In total, 10-12 sessions are prescribed with an interval of 5-7 days. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes or more (depending on the amount of body fat).

    The prices for a session of non-surgical "liposuction" in St. Petersburg and Moscow are approximately the same, but there is a rather large variation. So, cryolipolysis in one clinic can be done for 2.5 tr, while the other will take from 30 tr. and higher.

    A photo

    The photo shows what the figure looks like, including in the abdomen, before and after liposuction.

    Advantages and disadvantages of this method

    The advantages of the non-surgical method are:

    • the absence of abdominal incisions and punctures on the patient's body for pumping fat;
    • anesthesia is not used;
    • fat breakdown occurs naturally;
    • the procedure can be performed in a beauty parlor;
    • a small percentage of complications;
    • high efficiency.

    The main disadvantages are:

    • The load on the liver, as there is a neutralization of apocytes. It is recommended to stick to the diet during this period.
    • Problems from the lymphatic system. When removing the emulsion that breaks down fats, intoxication of the body is possible. To minimize the occurrence of such complications, lymphatic drainage massage should be performed.
    • The risk of allergic reactions to drugs used for non-surgical liposuction (lipolysis).


    The main permanent contraindications to the "operation" are:

    1. oncology;
    2. blood diseases;
    3. diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    4. serious diseases of other internal organs.

    Temporary ones include:

    1. pregnancy;
    2. lactation period;
    3. menstruation;
    4. menopause;
    5. colds.

    Features of the operation for the abdominal area without surgical intervention

    Non-surgical liposuction of the abdominal area is indicated in the presence of fatty deposits, lipomas and cellulite bumps in this area. The rehabilitation period will be 3 days.

    The following methods are suitable for the procedure:

    • laser (you can find out more about how to deal with fat with laser liposuction);
    • multi-injector;
    • shock wave;
    • ultrasonic (for more information about what ultrasonic liposuction is, you can find out in);
    • radio frequency;
    • injection.

    2-3 days before and after the non-surgical "liposuction" of the abdomen, you should refuse to visit the pool, avoid sunbathing and drinking alcohol, improve nutrition, eliminating fried, fatty and spicy foods. Drink 1-2 liters of clean drinking water.

    The result of the procedure will be noticeable after the first session.. The amount of body fat will be noticeably reduced. However, the greatest result will appear after 3-4 procedures.

    After the procedure, it is desirable to observe the daily regimen, lead an active lifestyle and adhere to proper nutrition. Otherwise, extra pounds can quickly return.

    Of the side effects, small burns on the body are possible due to increased skin sensitivity or exceeding the session time. Also in some cases dehydration occurs. You can prevent such a complication by drinking at least 2 liters of still water on the day of the procedure.

    The doctor of the clinic where the procedure is planned will help with the choice of the appropriate method of getting rid of excess fat deposits, as well as determine the possibility of non-surgical liposuction, based on the results of preliminary studies and analysis of the patient's health.

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