Soaked rice is for cleaning. What is the best rice to use? Cleansing the body with rice with pine cones

What is the cleansing of the body with rice, what is the use of this method, possible contraindications, an overview of the most popular cleansing techniques with this cereal.

The content of the article:

Cleansing the body with rice is effective technique, which allows you to derive naturally slags, toxins, salts accumulated in different bodies and systems. Usually, harmful substances concentrated in the joints, muscles, liver, intestines and skin cells. Rice, eaten according to special patterns, helps in short time get rid of all toxic substances.

Description of cleansing the body with rice from toxins

Every day our body receives great amount harmful substances. This is mainly due to poor environmental conditions, eating food with synthetic additives, as well as a large amount of sugar and salt. As a result, toxins accumulate in various parts bodies and systems.

An organism polluted with harmful substances does not work in optimal conditions. It is extremely important to clean it regularly. This will help not only to remove toxins, but also to improve your health, lose weight.

To date, there are many methods of cleansing organs. One of them is cleaning with rice. It is efficient, simple and affordable way, which also helps to rejuvenate the body as a whole.

People began to "cleanse" with rice from time immemorial. The method has received the greatest popularity in Eastern countries. In particular, it is known that this technique was used by masters of martial arts. After all, it was extremely important for them to have healthy and mobile joints and internal organs.

in Tibet was method invented cleansing the body with rice. The cereal passes special training. Starch is removed from it, and the grains themselves become like a lattice sponge, which consists of fiber. Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, coarse fibers are not digested, but absorb salts, toxins, and slags. Working on the principle of an active adsorbent, rice removes all harmful substances from the body in a natural way.

It is worth noting that for Tibetan monks who still regularly practice rice cleansing, the cleansing process is combined with a complete peace of mind and abstinence. Before the procedure, they drink various drinks for five days. herbal teas with ginger.

The benefits of cleansing the body with rice

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cleansing for the body. Using rice, you can not only remove harmful substances, but also fill it with useful ones, which are many found in this cereal.

Let's consider what positive impact rice for health and well-being:

  • Cleanses the body of toxins, heavy metal salts. As a rule, harmful substances accumulate in the intestines, liver, joints. Rice helps to get them out of all systems. As a result, lightness appears throughout the body, joint mobility improves, pain associated with salt deposits disappears.
  • Increases immunity. A clean liver, blood, intestines is a guarantee that the immune system will more effectively fight harmful microorganisms attacking the body.
  • Cleanses skin . Toxins also accumulate in the cells of the epidermis, making the skin dull, inflamed, prone to acne and the appearance of black dots. After the removal of harmful substances, the epidermis is cleansed, acquires a healthy shade, smoothness and freshness.
  • Improves metabolism. A clean liver and intestines work more efficiently, digesting food and absorbing maximum useful substances. As a result, calories are better absorbed by the body, less stored in the form of fat cells.
  • Positive effect on the heart muscle. Rice contains a lot of potassium, which positively affects the functioning of the heart.
  • Helps in the process of losing weight. Rice, getting into the intestines, comes into contact with salts and removes their excess. They are known to retain water in the body. Therefore, the cereal performs a dual function - it eliminates salt and excess water. This is an indispensable property for a dietary product that allows you to remove extra centimeters and kilograms.

Contraindications to the method of cleansing the body with rice

It is believed that the method of cleansing the body through rice has no contraindications for healthy person. However, like any other product, they should not be abused and adhered to. diet food based on it longer than expected.

In general, cleansing the body is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers. Also, don't eat rice. large quantities, if you have certain diseases such as urolithiasis, hemorrhoids, diseases of cardio-vascular system, tendency to frequent constipation.

At urolithiasis cleansing with rice can provoke a shift of stones and renal colic. In addition, the cereal has a fastening effect, and for people who suffer from constipation, it is harmful.

It is worth noting that cleaning may cause certain side effects, such as pain in the muscles, joints, lower back and legs. This is due to the fact that salts actively leave the body. After completing the cleansing course, all discomfort will leave.

In addition, sometimes rice can cause allergies. In any case, before starting cleansing according to this method, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Recipes for cleansing the body with rice

The progenitors of the method of cleansing the body with rice are Tibetans and Chinese. However, in this moment in the world there are many different cleansing diets based on this cereal. Consider the most popular recipes.

Tibetan recipe for cleansing the body with rice

This method is used Tibetan monks, but it is quite suitable for modern man living in a big city.

Before starting cleaning, it is advisable to eat as correctly as possible for five days: reduce the amount of fat consumed, fried, smoked, pickled, salty foods, include more raw fruits and vegetables, herbal teas in the diet.

Every day we fall asleep two tablespoons of washed rice in a glass container. Pour cold boiled water. One glass is enough. Close the lid and put in the refrigerator. We carry out this procedure for five days. It is recommended to number the containers so as not to confuse. You should have five cans of rice in total.

Five days later, the rice, poured into the first jar, “ripens”. Drain water from it. We eat grains on an empty stomach in the morning. You can slowly chew raw rice or pre-boil it in clean water 15 minutes. The main condition is not to add salt, sugar, honey, oil to the cereal. After eating rice, you should not eat or drink anything for three hours.

After you eat the first portion of the grains, you need to put the next jar of rice for a five-day "ripening". Nutrition during the cleaning period should be as balanced as possible and saturated with coarse plant fibers.

The duration of the course is 30-60 days. Such cleaning procedures can be carried out no more than once every two years. For achievement maximum effect course must be completed in full.

Sometimes recipes mention the number of spoons of rice by quantity. full years. At the same time, the essence of the procedure does not change.

Note! If you use boiled rice, then the cleaning effect will be lower. Raw grains have the maximum effect.

Two-month rice-based diet to cleanse the body of salts

The process of complete removal from the body of harmful salts that accumulate in blood vessels, joints, organs and tissues continues for about two months. For this period, the diet is designed.

First, let's prepare the grains. We put three kilograms of cereal in a large saucepan. Every day for a week, rinse the rice with running water. Ideally, this procedure will take at least 30 minutes. As a result of such washing, the water from the cereal should be absolutely transparent. After washing, dry the clean grain and put it in a paper bag.

The scheme for cleansing the body according to this method is as follows:

  • In the morning we eat 2-3 raw apples small size.
  • After an hour, take one tablespoon of cereal, pour water and boil for 25 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • During the cooking period, it is recommended to change the water 1-2 times.
  • Rinse cooked rice warm water and eat it warm.
  • You can drink and eat after that no earlier than four hours later.
During the cleaning period, it is recommended to completely abandon such products: salt, meat, smoked meats, alcohol, spicy dishes, greasy food.

Your menu should include large quantities of cabbage, beets, carrots, apples, wheat porridge on the water, rosehip broth. If it is too hard for you to endure four-hour morning fasts, you can include additional baked potatoes, raisins, nuts, dried apricots, and various cereals in your diet.

Do not be alarmed if, a month after cleaning, you become more cloudy urine. This is a sign that your body is effectively removing salt and waste.

Cleansing the body with rice at home by alternating

The following method is well suited for cleansing the joints, improving their mobility. Cooking and eating rice according to the following scheme:
  • Thoroughly rinse a glass of rice to clear water.
  • Fill it with two glasses of water and leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, boil rice without salt, wash the resulting porridge.
  • We divide the grains into four parts.
  • We eat meals throughout the day.
  • From the evening of the same day, we prepare a new portion of rice.
  • In the morning we repeat the scheme, but before we eat the cereal, we drink half a glass of water.
  • On this day, we add two hundred grams of apples and half a kilogram of boiled beets to the menu.
  • We take a three-day break and repeat the two-day diet.
You need to eat according to this scheme for two months.

Cleansing the body with rice with pine cones

This method was proposed by the Russian nutritionist G. Uzhegov. It helps to remove excess salt from the body and relieve swelling.

In the evening we do an enema of two liters of boiled water. The next day is fasting. We only drink water.

In the evening, put one small cone in a glass of warm boiled water. Suitable fir, spruce, pine, cedar. In the morning, boil the cone in this water for five minutes. We throw it away, and add water to the liquid to make 200 milliliters. Drink half a glass of liquid.

We take two tablespoons of rice, rinse and pour 0.5 liters of water. We put on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off the fire. We wash the rice, change the water and put it back on the stove. Boil for a minute. Again, drain the water, rinse the cereal, pour another 0.5 liters of liquid and put on fire. We repeat the procedure 4 times. For the fourth time, we finish the grains, drain the water.

We eat porridge for breakfast. After that, we do not drink anything and do not eat until dinner. Lunch and dinner - the usual menu. The food must be unsalted. We try to eat more plant-based foods. In the evening we drink the rest of the cone infusion. We continue to eat according to this scheme for a month.

Rice kvass for cleansing the body

A gentle and gentle way to cleanse the body is to use rice kvass. It helps to digest food better and cleans the intestines quite gently.

We prepare the remedy according to this recipe:

  • We take four tablespoons of rice and pour them into a liter jar.
  • Fill with chilled boiled water.
  • Add two tablespoons of sugar and cover the jar with a cloth.
  • We put the container in a warm place for three days.
  • We filter the finished kvass and put it in the refrigerator.
The resulting drink is recommended to drink three times a day for half a glass after meals.

How to clean the body with rice - look at the video:

Cleansing the body with rice is an affordable, simple method that helps not only to remove all accumulated toxins, toxins, salts and excess fluid from the body, but also to improve your health. The advantage of this technique is that it has practically no contraindications and is suitable for people of any age.

In cases of disease genitourinary system or with the deposition of salts in the joints in the countries of the East, cleansing the body with rice is used. The most suitable rice for this is brown rice, which is eaten in the countries of the East (white refined rice comes to us). Brown rice is husked, but not polished grains of a yellowish or brown hue. It is very difficult to buy it. Therefore, it can be replaced with second-class rice, it is in it that unpeeled grains are most often found. Quite in last resort white rice is also suitable for rice therapy.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to a few points that indicate that cleaning with rice will be useful:

    Impaired intestinal motility.

    Periodic constipation or diarrhea, stool instability.

    Nutritional errors. Unbalanced diet.


Cleansing the body with rice helps to remove toxins from the body, improves metabolism. Normalizes weight, removes edema, improves kidney and liver function. The essence of this therapy is long-term nutrition soaked rice with a general restriction of table salt. The most important thing in rice cleansing is to follow a salt-free diet, then the result of therapy will be good. At the end of therapy, the urine becomes cloudy, filled with mucus. This is the result, which indicates that the body is being cleansed.

Why rice for cleansing the body?

it annual plant in many countries forms the basis diet. Through the use of this cereal crop, you can cleanse many organs and organ systems, get rid of edema, relieve irritability, apathy and lethargy.

Normally, the body removes toxins on its own, thanks to the lungs, kidneys, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, sweat glands. However, often he simply does not have time to get rid of them due to the high rate of absorption and distribution throughout the tissues. toxic substances. For example, with the fluorine that has entered the body, the liver will be able to cope on its own only after 6 months. It is in the fight against such toxins that rice helps to cope, as a natural antioxidant.

As for the waste products of human metabolism, the body removes them with urine, sweat and feces. Additional Help may be required when increased load on the digestive tract, for example, with an irrational approach to nutrition, lack of fiber in the diet, with diseases of the digestive system, with alcohol poisoning or food contaminated with microorganisms.

In this case, rice will act as a natural adsorbent, absorbing all the harmful substances that the body did not have time to remove. However, it is important to understand that rice cleansing is not a cure. This method cannot replace qualified therapy in case of food poisoning, with diseases of the digestive system, etc. Therefore, before proceeding with the cleansing of the body with the help of rice, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The scheme of the procedure for cleansing the body with rice

Initially, prepare four glasses, number them. If cleansing is done by the whole family, then prepare half-liter or liter jars. The most important thing is not to confuse the glasses, rice is soaked for four days.

First day.

In the morning, rinse the rice and pour it into a glass, 2-3 tablespoons, pour cold water. Cover the glass, not tightly.

Second day.

Early in the morning, rinse the contents of the glass through a sieve, pour cold water again.

After that, put 2-3 tablespoons of washed rice into the second glass, fill it with fresh cold water, and place it next to the first glass.

Third day.

Rinse the contents of the first and then the second glass through a sieve and again pour fresh cold water.

In the third glass, also place 2-3 tablespoons of washed rice and pour fresh cold water.

Fourth day.

Rinse the contents of 1, 2, 3 glasses in turn through a sieve and again pour cold fresh water.

In the fourth glass, also place the washed rice and pour fresh cold water.

Fifth day

Rinse the contents of the first glass, cook porridge from this. Cook the rice for a short time so that the porridge turns out to be liquid. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before eating. It is also very good to eat raw rice, in four days it becomes soft. This rice is good for removing worms. After eating rice, try not to eat anything for 4 hours. Refuse even apples, juice or water.

Pour a new portion of rice into the empty glass and also fill it with cold fresh water, put it at the end of the row. Do this for 2 weeks, eating rice in the morning, and prepare a new batch of rice in return. Observing intervals from breakfast to lunch. For lunch and dinner, you can eat anything. Need to exclude table salt, spicy and sour foods, as well as alcohol and tobacco.

Rice cleansing for a month

As a rule, the time for cleansing the body with rice is 30 days. At the same time, daily, before taking any food on an empty stomach, you need to eat boiled rice. However, it should not be just boiled cereals, but pre-soaked rice. The exposure time in water is at least five days.

Such a long soaking time allows the grits to get rid of simple sugars, from starch and inorganic salts. At the exit, a person receives protein-carbohydrate rice puree, which is able to absorb toxins and toxins. Thanks to the cleansing of the stomach and intestines, all human tissues and organs are cleansed, since the state of the body as a whole depends on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

After a month-long course of cleansing, many people note the absence of joint pain that has not gone away before. long time, removal of edema, getting rid of insomnia. (read also: causes and symptoms of insomnia)

10 day rice flour cleanse

Chapsari or rice flour can also be used to cleanse the body. It is a valuable source of protein, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. It includes: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium and is completely free of gluten and gluten. Therefore, cleansing with rice flour can be performed even by people suffering from gluten intolerance and allergies.

In addition, rice flour is good for teeth. It is enough to eat two tablespoons of this product every morning to cleanse the body. This is also done on an empty stomach. Rice flour should be chewed well so that it is saturated with saliva. It is not washed down with water, no seasonings or other liquids are added to it. The course of purification with rice flour should be at least 10 days.

Rice jelly for cleansing the body

By using rice jelly you can quickly and correctly cleanse the body. This method can be used frequently, if desired. fasting days on rice can be performed up to 2 times a week.

In order to prepare a cleansing rice drink, the grits will need to be soaked in 1 liter cold water. For this volume of liquid, you need to take half a glass of rice. Soaking time is 12 hours. After this time, the rice is boiled, while neither sugar nor salt is added to it. The resulting jelly is drunk in the morning and after that they do not eat for another 5 hours. After this time, you can eat any easily digestible foods.

Rice, as a natural adsorbent, absorbs toxins and pathogenic flora intestines. Restoration of the intestinal wall is achieved due to the enveloping action of cereal jelly. Bloating and fermentation processes are eliminated, thanks to the starch that is part of the rice, which will not be completely eliminated with such a short soaking time.

Rice porridge for cleansing the body

It is possible to help the body get rid of harmful substances even with the help of ordinary rice porridge, but it must be properly welded. For this, the cereal is also soaked overnight in clean water.

In the morning, the swollen cereals are boiled, but the water during cooking should not be absorbed into the rice, for which it must be changed at least 4 times. Only on the fourth water is the porridge brought to full readiness. During cooking and after it, no spices are added to the cereal so as not to disturb the purification process.

This porridge is eaten for 5 weeks every morning instead of breakfast. Next move food can take place only after two hours.

    Before proceeding with the process of cleansing with rice, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and clarify the absence of contraindications.

    You can not engage in self-cleansing of the body with severe chronic diseases, with exacerbation of any other pathologies, with oncological diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, while taking medicines or synthetic vitamins, in childhood.

    If the condition worsens during cleaning, the process should be interrupted and a doctor should be consulted.

    Nutrition during cleaning should be balanced.

    You should stop drinking alcohol, smoking at the time of cleansing.

    You should not combine cleansing with rice with fasting or other methods of cleansing the body.

To cleanse the body or not, each person decides individually. However, in order not to harm him, it is worth consulting a doctor before starting the process of getting rid of harmful substances.


Contraindications for rice cleaning No, negative consequences too. People with a heavily polluted body may feel weak at the beginning of cleansing. To make it easier to move more rest, relax. The best thing is to ignore this weakness.

Cleansing the body with rice is best done 1-2 times a year. Most convenient time, this is Lent.

Cleansing the body with brown rice is a process that is easily tolerated by a person. You just need to know how to choose and cook this cereal.

2. Preventive rice breakfasts

3. Cleansing the body with raw rice

4. Express method of cleansing for strong-willed

5. Cleaning with rice kvass

In Vedic cooking, rice is considered a mentally and physically cleansing product. Since ancient times, it has been used to remove toxins from the body, remove salts, and restore metabolism. Cleansing the body with rice has no contraindications, negative consequences, so everything more people resort to using it. Consider the most effective options cleansing the body.

1. Brown rice should be preferred to peeled rice: its shell contains a lot of useful substances. Polished rice can be used in extreme cases.

2. It is desirable to combine cleaning with a salt-free diet, i.e. refuse salt, products containing it in large quantities: smoked meats, meat, fat, spicy dishes.

3. Apples will help to enhance the effect of cleansing the body with rice.

4. Together with toxins, potassium, a trace element necessary for the work of the heart, is washed out of the body. Its deficiency will be compensated by the intake of vitamins, the use of potassium-containing foods: legumes, dried fruits, potatoes, nuts.

5. Pain in muscles, joints - a natural process.

Recipe number 1. Prophylactic rice breakfasts

The cleaning course is 40 days (it is allowed to repeat it no earlier than in a year).

Salt removal will begin in 20 days and will continue for another 3 months. Cloudy, mucus-containing urine indicates the successful course of cleansing.

You need to prepare 5 days before the start of treatment. The bottom line is this: in prepared containers (numbered) every day put 2-3 tablespoons of rice for soaking, changing the water every day. In practice, it looks like this:

On the 1st day, fill the first container.

On the 2nd day, the water in the first is drained, the contents are washed, refilled with cereals and water. Fill the second one.

On the 3rd day, the water is changed in the first, second containers, the third is filled, etc.

On the fifth day, the cereal from the first container will swell and become porous. It is subjected to a 10-minute heat treatment (boiled or simply poured with boiling water), continuing to change the water in the remaining jars.

Attention: in the presence of diseases gastric tract(gastritis, ulcer) viscous gruel is boiled from soaked rice.

Half an hour before breakfast, you are allowed to drink a glass of water, herbal tea. After 3 hours, neither drink nor eat.

This recipe is varied.

Option 1.
1 kg. Pour cereals into a saucepan, rinse with water for a week. When the liquid stops clouding, dry the rice, pour into a paper bag. Breakfast for cleaning is prepared in the proportion of 1 tbsp. rice: 1 tsp bran and cook for 10 minutes. Even better, pour boiling water, let stand for 25 minutes.

Option 2.
3 tablespoons of rice are poured overnight with liquid, drained in the morning and placed in a saucepan with clean water, cook no more than 5 minutes. The boiled grain is washed, boiled again, washed. After 4 repetitions of this procedure, the cereal is boiled to a ready state, consumed warm inside.

Recipe number 2. Raw rice cleansing

He's taken over from Tibetan medicine where it was used to combat overweight. raw rice- an excellent absorbent that absorbs intestinal toxins. Its use cleanses the intestines and restores the microflora.

The course is 10 days (repeat is possible after 1.5 months).

On an empty stomach (you can not even drink water), you need to swallow such a quantity of raw grains that corresponds to age. Initially, it is difficult, but all inconvenience will disappear in 3-4 days. After taking rice for 3 hours, forget about food. After their expiration, you can eat as usual. After 19.00 only water or weak tea is allowed.

Recipe number 3. Express method of cleansing for strong-willed

Any food is forbidden, except for rice cooked in a special way. It should be washed, poured with boiling water (1 cm above the level of rice) and boiled until half cooked.

Course - 3 days.

Meals: 7.00-9.00 (breakfast), 13.00-15.00 (lunch), 17.00-18.00 (maximum stomach activity). 21.00-23.00 - complete fasting (energy release gastrointestinal tract).

Recipe number 4. Cleaning with rice kvass

A gentle, but very effective option.

To prepare kvass, take:

  • liter of filtered or melted water
  • 8 raisins
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • 4 tbsp rice (any)

Dip all the components in a liter jar of water, cover with gauze and leave in direct sunlight for 3 days.

The daily norm of kvass is 440-500 ml. It should be divided into 4 doses and drink after meals. The frequency of administration can be increased if no problems occur during the cleaning process. discomfort in muscles and joints.

Cleansing the body with rice allows you to get rid of inorganic salts and free up space for microelements necessary for the life of the body. They must be ingested from the start of treatment. Therefore, it is important to eat raw and boiled carrots, cabbage and beets, apples, rosehip infusion and millet porridge on the water. Useful two-liter evening enema.

Rice… What associations can be caused by this word? Someone will remember milk rice porridge, someone pilaf, someone - sushi. In any case, an imaginary picture will be tempting, because a lot is prepared from rice. delicious meals which are also very useful. And in some cases, rice can be used not only as a food product, but also as a means of healing. In this role, he will not please gourmets, but it will help cleanse the intestines and not only. To receive from him maximum benefit, use the so - called rice cleansing of the body .

Rice cleansing: action

What is a grain of rice in terms of its structure? It is based on fibers, and between them are other substances that fill the free spaces of this "framework".

Everyone knows that if rice for a long time keep in water, then a coating of starch forms at the bottom of the container, which is gradually washed out of the grains. Other substances also come out of them, and if the rice is soaked for a very long time, then after a few days almost one “skeleton” of fibers remains from it.

Plant fibers have the property of attracting and retaining different kind chemical substances, many of which are toxins and metabolites. Rice cleansing is based on this property of the cereal.

A thoroughly soaked whole grain is simply eaten for breakfast, and during its “journey” through the gastrointestinal tract, it collects all unnecessary and harmful substances with it, removing them from the body. This is a kind of harmless analogue of cleansing the body with sorbents. The difference is that Activated carbon, polyphepan, polysorb and other drugs have side effects and can cause harm, and in the case of rice, this is completely excluded.

Cleansing with rice: how to use

The methodology, at first glance, may be somewhat complicated, but when you start to implement the scheme, this illusion will be dispelled. So, how is the cleansing of the body with rice?

For a cleansing course that will last 14 days, you need to take a package of rice. The standard 800-gram is fine, and it is possible that after the end of the course you will still have a little more cereal to cook something more delicious.

AT different sources you can find different information: some advise you to definitely take long rice, others recommend stopping at the round one. We will say this: rice will cleanse the body the better, the more fibers in the cereal. And this means that its shape is absolutely not important. The main thing is that it be solid, with shells, and not polished. If such cereals are not available to you or you do not want to splurge on more expensive whole rice, you can cheat: take equal proportions of ordinary cereals and any bran. This will increase the effect without increasing the cost.

So, we decided on the type of cereal. Now about the technology itself.

Take 5 cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters; These are always easy to find on the farm. For greater convenience, number them by putting numbers from 1 to 5 on them. Give them some secluded place.

On the first day, 3 tablespoons are poured into a clean jar with number 1. washed rice, and it is poured with twice as much water. Then you forget about banks for a day.

On the second day, the water is drained, the grits are soaked again, and the soaking of a new raw portion of rice is carried out in jar number two.

Third day: in jars 1,2 the water is replaced, in jar 3 rice is poured and filled with water.

It is necessary to continue to act in the same direction until all the banks are filled. Further, on the sixth day, you should last time drain the water from jar number 1 and finally use the product in it. And do not put the empty container aside: fill it with fresh cereals. The cycle must be non-stop, like the production of steel!

Before use, pour rice for 10 minutes with boiling water or bring it to a boil and boil for literally a minute. On each subsequent day, for breakfast, you need to eat another prepared serving of cereals until the course is over. Important: oil, salt, sugar cannot be added to your "porridge"!

Cleansing with rice: what not to do

Some people think that during the cleansing of the body with rice, you can not eat anything but it. Before and after a rice breakfast for 2 hours, you really can’t eat anything. But lunch and dinner are welcome, a person is allowed healthy diet foods. These are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese (in medium quantities), other dairy products, and plant foods. Also, don't forget to drink as much water as possible.

Rice cleansing of the body is extremely popular. Many people practice it, but for some reason, available sources sometimes lack some recommendations that can help "practitioners" in the implementation of their plans. If you're also considering doing a rice cleanse, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. For washing rice, it is best to use
chlorinated water. Chlorine ions have a disinfecting effect, and this is very important. The reason is simple: organic substrate + water = favorable conditions for the development of unwanted microbial flora. And rice “infected” with bacteria and fungi may not cleanse and improve the body, but, on the contrary, cause health problems, in best case diarrhea.

2. Do not store jars in a very warm place - the warmer, the more comfortable it is for microbes to develop. Do not forget to close them with a lid, because life in spoiled foods does not arise from nowhere - bacteria enter them from the air. At the same time, to show excessive mania by sterilizing the jars in advance (some advise to do just that) is already superfluous. It is enough just to wash them well with soap before pouring rice into them.

3. With a long "sitting" on rice, the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles increases. And this means that while your diet largely consists of this cereal, you can take advantage of this to expand your physical capabilities, finally learn how to sit on the twine or stand up “on the bridge”.

4. During the cleansing of the body, you must take additional funds to improve well-being, maintain and improve health. It is recommended to use Transfer Factor as such a drug.

It strengthens the immune system and, due to the presence of special information molecules, “teaches” it how to work. The stable functioning of the immune system is the key to the health of the body as a whole and required condition for the stable functioning of organs, which is necessary for cleansing.

The usual prophylactic dose of the drug is enough for the drug to show its effect and:

Accelerated the excretion of metabolites from the body (mainly toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, salt from the blood and tissues);

Improved absorption of food components;

Prevented the appearance side effects rice cleansing. For some people, when taking a large number rice is too active release of electrolytes from the body, and Transfer Factor, adjusting and optimizing the work of organs, prevents this.

Rice cleansing: results

Scientific studies of the effect of rice cleansing on the body have not been conducted. But judging by the fame spread in the reviews about this purge, it allows you to:

1. Cleanse the intestines from toxins.

2. Remove excess salts from the body.

3. Normalize water-salt exchange, reduce swelling (if any).

4. Slow down the development of atherosclerosis and reduce cholesterol levels by removing excess fat molecules from the intestines.

5.Multiple stabilize carbohydrate metabolism, reduce the level of sugar in the blood with its excess (basically, this action is achieved through parallel dieting).

6. Strengthen the immune system (due to general health organism and action of Transfer Factor).

7. Improve the condition of the skin, reduce the severity of acne if present (the skin is one of the first organs that “responds” to cleansing).

Pretty good results, right? In addition, cleansing the body with rice has no side effects and can be used by everyone except pregnant and lactating women. Carrying out such cleaning is very cheap, does not require any special sacrifices, does not cause discomfort. In general, we can conclude that this is a useful practice, which is used a couple of times a year, although not vital, but very useful.

Today, many cleaning methods have been developed. gastrointestinal system. Especially popular is the cleansing of the intestines with rice. Rice is a natural adsorbent, a source energy force, an effective cleanser for the body. This cleansing is considered a safe home-based wellness process and is recommended by many nutritionists.

Rice is the basis of a dietary diet, with which you can simultaneously cleanse the intestines.

Rice and its beneficial properties

Rice groats have been known for a long time. It contains a huge amount of useful for human body substances. Includes availability essential amino acids, significant for effective work human body. Rice does not contain gluten, so it can be eaten by people suffering from allergic reactions. In cereals, the following trace elements are noted:

  • vitamin complex, consisting of B vitamins (B1, B5, B6, B9), H, PP, E;
  • mineral composition of copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc.

Rice is useful for the whole organism as a whole. Separately, for the intestines, its benefit looks in its ability to absorb toxic substances and remove them from the body. However beneficial features cereals can be completely obtained from the use of unpolished (brown) rice; when polishing rice grains, many useful properties are lost.

Features of bowel cleansing with rice

To date, rice (whether raw or cooked) is actively involved in

Rice has absorbent properties

cleansing programs of the body systems (gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal) due to the maximum balanced composition. For the best disclosure of the absorbing (adsorbing) properties of rice cereal, it must be poured with purified water before use. The liquid will wash out all the starch and make the rice grains porous. When entering the intestines, grains, like a sponge, will absorb harmful metabolic substances: extra fluids, heavy metals and their salts, excess cholesterol, rotting and fermenting components and other toxic compounds.

Cleansing techniques


The methodology is based on the calculation of individual rice consumption - the amount that will be eaten during the entire cleaning period. The continuation of the period is also individual. To calculate the total volume of rice cereal, you should take as many tablespoons of rice as the number of years, and pour them with purified water for 24 hours. After a day, the water should be replaced, from the resulting rice mass, select 1 tablespoon and cook it without using salt, seasonings or oils. Eat the resulting porridge for breakfast, with abstinence from taking other foods for 2-3 hours before and after eating rice. This method continue every day (drain and refill water) until the soaked rice is completely consumed.

Ten Day Cleansing

In the morning (on an empty stomach) you should eat 1 or 2 tablespoons of rice cereal or flour. Ingredients should be carefully chewed with saliva, do not drink. After eating rice, you should not take other foods for 2 or 3 hours. This procedure repeat 10 days in a row.

Forty Day Cleansing

The method itself is easy to perform, but not everyone can stand rice breakfasts lasting 40 days. The scheme of a forty-day cleansing looks like this: in the evening, 2 tablespoons with rice should be poured with purified water in a volume of 500 ml, let it brew for 12 hours, after the time has elapsed, pour the swollen rice with a new portion of the liquid. Put the resulting raw porridge on the fire, bringing to a boil, change the water again and bring the rice to a boiled state. At the same time, nothing can be done. After such a breakfast, refrain from other foods for a 2-3 hour period.

Quick cleaning

For those who are aiming for an ambulance and effective result, suitable quick cleaning. The duration of this method is 3 days. During this period, you should eat only rice groats. Observe the fragmentation of nutrition and do not skip meals in the morning, afternoon and evening, however, from 21 o'clock to 23 o'clock you can not take any food or liquids. The consumption of rice porridge should be in calm state, following thorough chewing product. The preparation of rice for this technique looks like this: thoroughly rinse the rice grains, pour with purified water so that the liquid covers 1 cm above the level of the cereal, cook the grains to a solid (not boiled) state. Storage of porridge during the day is recommended.

Rice brush with oats

Rice with oats is a good combination for cleansing the digestive tract from toxins and toxins.

Oats, like rice, have a beneficial effect on the human body. The application of oats is used in different areas human activity. Rice brushing with oats is an effective cleansing procedure. To prepare porridge, you need to take half a glass of rice and oatmeal, pour 2.5 cups of purified water into them, without adding salt, oil or seasonings, cook until ready. The resulting porridge should be consumed in the morning and evening (for breakfast and dinner). You can eat your usual diet. The duration of such cleansing is 7-14 days, during this time you should carefully pay attention to the state of the body.

sticking to this recipe bowel cleansing, rice oatmeal removes excess microelements and toxic substances from the gastrointestinal system, at the same time heals various damaged areas of the intestinal walls. The rare use of such porridge is also very useful for the body, especially during public holidays when incompatible products are used.

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