Alcoholism and coding consequences of coding. Drug coding for alcoholism and its consequences

To suppress the craving for alcoholism, a person can be coded. This is a forced suppression of dependence, which acts, rather, on psychological level. Alcoholic stops drinking on pain of death as doctor explains consequences of coding, not excluding death. Such a forecast puts pressure on the psyche, and craving for ethyl alcohol decreases many times. This effect has not been confirmed by the first generation, so we can safely say that the proposed one really works.

General information

Before agreeing to the procedure, it is necessary to find out the consequences of coding for alcoholism, moreover, such valuable information should be voiced by the narcologist already at the first consultation. After studying the information received, the alcoholic must give written consent that he agrees to drug coding. Otherwise, the session is not carried out, and the patient can return to his immoral lifestyle. In the stage of "delirious tremens", the relatives of the patient can give their consent, thereby forcing him to treat forcibly. If he came to his senses and sobered up, he can easily challenge this decision.

Knowing the consequences of encoding, not all drinking people agree to such drastic measures. When in contact with ethanol, the body may simply not survive, and not every alcoholic is ready to deliberately shorten his age - it is psychologically difficult, it puts pressure on the psyche. The essence of the method, as you know, is the subcutaneous injection of a drug that blocks ethanol, prevents its spread through the systemic circulation, increases the concentration of alcohols with difficult excretion in a known way. If you do not drink, then such pathological processes in the body is not expected, you can sleep peacefully.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. ACTIVE METHOD

Every alcoholic knows how encoding affects the body, what consequences overtake an organic resource at any age and condition. Therefore, before agreeing to such drug participation, it is recommended to finally make sure that you want to stop drinking. Otherwise, doctors do not give a guarantee for saving the life and health of a broken alcoholic.

Dangerous Consequences of Encoding

The human body is individual, so the consequences of encoding can be the most unexpected. What anomalies are possible, what to expect when ethanol comes into contact, for example, with medicines"Esperal" or "Torpedo". There are several options:

Take the rapid test and receive a free brochure "Drunken Alcoholism and How to Cope with It".

Did you have any relatives in your family who went into long-term "binge drinking"?

Do you "hangover" the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Do you get "easier" if you "hangover" (drink) sutra after a stormy feast?

What is your usual blood pressure?

Do you have an "acute" desire to "drink" after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you have self-confidence, looseness after drinking alcohol?

  • On the background increased concentration ethanol in the liver, intoxication of the body occurs, which is externally represented by nausea, dizziness, severe vomiting, fever and general weakness. This condition is the most common, and the body drinking man may not be able to cope with such intense symptoms.
  • An increased concentration of ethanol adversely affects not only the liver, but also nerve endings. A person has a disorder of consciousness, there are hallucinations, tremor of the limbs. This state suggests that the person has gone crazy, but it is bright pronounced manifestations intoxication.
  • If the human body received a portion of ethanol after encoding, then the underlying disease may worsen, especially if there are chronic diagnoses liver and urinary system. in the relapse stage general state deteriorates sharply, and the broken alcoholic needs immediate resuscitation measures.
  • Medical coding fraught with cardiovascular diseases in violation of generally accepted rules. It is not excluded exacerbation of arrhythmia, angina, tachycardia, less often - myocardial infarction or stroke. If you have heart problems or genetic predisposition to those, it is important to avoid breakdowns after encoding.
  • instability of the nervous system and emotional sphere. This is a common post-encoding problem that a person may encounter. The opinion that you can die after drinking alcohol directly affects the worldview former alcoholic. What are these changes? He becomes nervous, irritable, shy, suspicious and even aggressive, and bouts of paranoia remind of themselves more and more often.

Therefore, we can conclude that not every human body is able to transfer the encoding, even if he decided on such radical change consciously in your life. The risk of consequences puts pressure on the mind, and the fear of alcoholic beverages turns into panic attacks which are only getting more frequent. Therefore, before agreeing to such a procedure, you must first consult with your doctor, visit a psychologist, less often a psychiatrist.

Useful information to note

If a person suffered the strongest alcohol poisoning, do not rush to encode. Need to give time to recover, pass drug therapy and reception multivitamin complexes. Only after the final recovery can you turn to a narcologist with a characteristic request, but first find out all the details of the coding.

Choose this method of getting rid of alcohol addiction possible only after the final exit from the binge. There should be no ethanol in the blood, otherwise, after the introduction of a special drug subcutaneously, the human body will remind of itself with the first attack with the most unexpected consequences.

If a person is coded for the family, but has no particular desire to do it for himself, it is best to leave such an undertaking. All the same, a breakdown will follow, which he may simply not survive. The desire to be encoded should only be meaningful and conscious, and not motivated by relatives and friends.

It only remains to add that this is a real solution to the problem for several years. It is important not only to give voluntary consent, but also choose the most effective drug with steady and prolonged action. Most often, these are Esperal or Torpedo medicines.

Encoding is one of the most common methods. A feature of this method is a complete ban on the use of alcohol after the end of therapy. The patient is warned that a violation of this rule can lead to unpredictable consequences, but often alcoholics neglect the recommendations of narcologists and begin to take ethanol-containing drinks soon after the end of treatment.

This not only nullifies all the benefits of therapy, but also greatly affects the psyche and health of the addict.

Causes of breakdowns

Most common cause The breakdown of the encoded becomes that he does not want to get rid of his addiction. Such patients are often relatives or friends. If the addict does not have confidence in the effectiveness of therapy, then the likelihood of relapse increases.

It is advisable that during therapy the doctor explain to the patient what will happen if you drink after coding.

Another reason to drink alcohol may be the end of the coding period and the lack of support from loved ones.


The severity of the consequences of drinking alcohol after depends largely on. If you drink after coding, which used a psychotherapeutic effect on his consciousness (, suggestion), then this will not bring significant harm to his body, but it can affect the state of the central nervous system, lead to mental disorders, the development of neuroses.

First of all, this is due to the psychological attitudes that have formed in the patient during treatment, and the emotional discomfort that the patient experiences when the ban on alcohol is violated.

If therapy was carried out with the help of injections or sewing in of appropriate drugs (, Torpedo,), the health consequences can be extremely severe. Once in the patient's body, ethanol begins to interact with those introduced during chemical coding. medicinal substances and causes in a person the symptoms of the strongest, resembling a severe one.

This is due to the fact that the drugs block the liver involved in processing. Thus, the substance does not decompose, but provokes severe poisoning of the body, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • strong;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the abdominal region;
  • weakness, deterioration in general well-being.

In the most severe cases drinking alcohol after coding leads to, heart attack and.

Single use

Doctors agree that even a single dose of small doses of wine, vodka or other alcoholic beverages carries a coded great danger, especially if the treatment was carried out. Any amount of alcohol can cause poisoning of the body and the development of a relapse. Even if the patient drank alcohol a month or more after the end of the coding period, this can cause another breakdown and lead to.


If an addict has a breakdown after coding, then most often the person goes into a long heavy binge, which can last more than one week, and the development quickly worsens. The dependent cannot get out of this state on his own, therefore, in the absence of timely assistance he is able to drink alcohol daily for several months. For that that arose after encoding, the intervention of a narcologist is required.

What to do if drunk

At home, it is impossible to eliminate the severe consequences of drinking alcohol after coding, because the drug introduced into the human body during treatment begins to act instantly, and its effect cannot be neutralized. In order to stabilize the condition of the addict and protect him from the development of complications, it is necessary to contact the clinic where the coding was carried out as soon as possible.

Here the patient will be placed, which will help in short time purify the blood of acetaldehyde, a poisonous substance formed in the patient's body as a result of drinking alcohol.

The dropper will help in a short time to clear the blood of acetaldehyde.

Chronic alcoholism is serious disease, which is expressed in a strong emotional, physical and psychological dependence from the use of alcoholic beverages. Under the influence, especially after its prolonged use, a person is destroyed both physically and morally.

Often an alcoholic is unable to control either his emotions or behavior and can be dangerous, both for himself and for those around him. This disease does not bypass anyone. It is characteristic of both men and women, affecting both old and young. The consequences that the regular use of alcoholic beverages entails are very destructive both for the internal organs of a sick person and for his psyche. And in especially severe cases, it can provoke a severe deterioration in health, and even death of the patient.

The most popular treatment for alcohol addiction is. What is it? What types of coding are there, and what harm can they do to the body?

Types of coding and existing contraindications

It is not easy to answer the question of what coding is. In fact, these are some measures of influence on the human body, after which he loses his desire to drink. These measures are different nature, but the main ones are medical and psychological effects.

That is why it is necessary to complete clinical examination immediately before the coding procedure, and consult with a narcologist to select the most appropriate coding method in each specific case. Only a doctor can tell all the details of the procedure, warn about possible negative consequences and teach how to deal with them.

What can lie in wait for physical effects on the body

Of course, any medication is both a medicine and a poison at the same time. Therefore, no one can insure against possible negative reactions from the body after the administration of the drug.

Most often in such cases there are allergic reactions, Related hypersensitivity to any of the components included in the medicines. But that's what you need to go through. medical examination before the procedure in order to choose the safest drug for a particular person.

But there are those diseases that have arisen in the process of alcohol abuse, because, as you know, ethanol is the strongest poison that destroys almost everything. internal organs and systems. This state of affairs is aggravated by the fact that with regular alcohol intake, the symptoms of such diseases practically do not appear, but when the effect of alcohol on the body stops, they bloom in all their glory as soon as possible.

Often such people have problems of the following plan:

Cardiac and vascular pathologies in such cases most often occur in those people who suffered from disorders before coding. heart rate, pressure surges, were prone to angina attacks. A prerequisite for coding medications is to withdraw from and get rid of any traces of ethanol in the body. If for some reason this was not done, then the consequences of encoding may be a stroke or myocardial infarction. This is due to the fact that drugs used to block the craving for alcohol exacerbate existing vascular and heart diseases.

Strengthen after use chemical method coding also the symptoms of diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. They are expressed in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain. Such reactions often occur as a result of the fact that the treatment significantly improves appetite. As a result, the stomach is often overloaded, which negatively affects the already damaged by alcohol digestive system. Sometimes there is a backlash, when the refusal of alcohol is manifested by general weakness, fatigue, complete loss of appetite and the inability to cope with the simplest occupation. In addition, the drugs themselves, intended for coding, can cause negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.

The nervous system, shaken in the process of alcohol abuse, can also undergo negative changes after coding. This may appear in the form:

  • muscle weakness or even atrophy;
  • tremor in the limbs;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • loss of sensitivity;
  • paresis or paralysis.

Also negative impacts on the human body during drug coding are often associated with the consequences of drinking alcohol during the code. If the patient broke loose and began to drink, then we should expect severe consequences. Such situations are not uncommon when dependent person coded against his will. The fact is that the drugs used for coding include a substance that causes severe intoxication of the body when interacting with ethanol.

The result of which is the so-called antabuse or disulfiram-like reaction, which manifests itself in:

  • severe tremor of the limbs;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sudden pressure drops;
  • hypotensive crisis or hypertension;
  • stool disorders.

In such situations, one should not hesitate: if the encoded patient has a fever, symptoms of severe intoxication of the body appear, there are disorders in nervous system, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as all this can even lead to death.

In general, people who have undergone alcohol addiction coding become physically more vulnerable, especially in the first days after the procedure. They have some phantom pains that cannot be removed even with the help of painkillers. And such symptoms are only the very minimum of what can happen in people who have undergone such treatment.

Features and consequences of psychological impact

Psychological problems occur much more often in those people who have suffered. The consciousness and subconsciousness of any person is a rather subtle thing that does not tolerate outside interference, and if we talk about the mind of a drinking person, even more so. 'Cause the abuse alcoholic drinks and so made its adjustment to mental health person, and additional digging in the head is unlikely to pass without a trace.

However, recent trends show that all more people turn their attention to the hypnotic deliverance from alcohol addiction, explaining this by the fact that this method does not harm health and is absolutely painless.

But not everything is as perfect as we would like. The consequences that the intervention in the human psyche entails are also very ambiguous.

Here is what people who choose this method of treatment have to face:

  1. In any case, the patient experiences pressure on the psyche, from the installation suggested through hypnosis to refuse alcohol. In essence, they experience psychological abuse, because then they constantly have to live with obsessive thought that any dose of alcohol can lead to death. It is among the patients who have been coded by hypnosis that there are many people suffering from severe forms of depression, various neuroses and increased irritability. A mental illness are often the instigators and somatic disorders, which are expressed in cardiac pathologies, brain diseases and even impotence.
  2. Any coding is valid for a certain period of time, after which the therapy must be repeated. Average duration procedure is one year. A year later, the patient will again experience violence against the person and the consequences that follow from this. It will become clear to anyone that such repeated interference will not pass without a trace. And as can be seen from various thematic forums, such treatment has to be repeated more than once, or even twice.
  3. suffer from negative consequences psychological impact will be even the person who voluntarily agreed to the encoding and has great desire get rid of the bad habit. His suffering will turn into nervousness and constant irritability, strong resentment and eventually lead to the complete destruction of social relations.

In addition, an unpleasant side effect of this coding method is that the patient will experience negative emotions To various kinds smells or sounds that will remind him of what happened during hypnosis. The subconscious sometimes plays bad jokes, and such feelings will arise every time, reminding discomfort experienced in the past.

Problems in the social sphere

The consequences that lie in wait for coded alcoholics and their loved ones in the social sphere often manifest themselves in codependency. Often the wives of alcoholics are subject to this phenomenon, taking on the burden of responsibility and caring for native person. Codependency, in other words, is dependence on an alcoholic, which entails physical, mental and social disorders.

Such conditions can proceed in a very severe form, up to the point that after the patient is cured of addiction, his close co-dependent relative himself plunges into the abyss. Social sphere, the center of which has been one drunkard all his life, will simply replace him with another.

Therefore, they constantly say that coding is only a small step towards treatment. chronic alcoholism. For a full recovery, you need to take a course psychological rehabilitation not only to the alcoholic, but also to his close relatives.

Another negative effect in social terms, there is the so-called "zombie effect", when a person is absolutely indifferent to everything that happens around, any manifestations of emotions observed total loss interest in the life around him. Such people are often weak-willed and lethargic, not having their own opinion. It is easier for them to obey the orders of another person than to make arguments against it. Frequent manifestations of such consequences are a decrease in libido, loss of sexual desire, impotence.

Alcohol addiction is one of the most actual problems modernity. To combat it, medication or psychological coding is most often used. Like any other treatment methods, they have their own side effects and complications. Naturally, many people are interested in what are the consequences of coding for alcoholism and how dangerous they are.

The presence and nature of side effects largely depend on the method of treatment of alcohol dependence. For example, an allergy may occur after a scapular suture or coding through a vein injection, whereas psychotherapy will never cause it. Hypnosis is much more likely to harm the human nervous system, with virtually no somatic complications.

It should be noted that each organism reacts differently to coding by filing or injection into a vein. If one person may be allergic to disulfiram, then another will not be. An injection into a vein or a filing under the shoulder blade can be dangerous if the coded person will drink alcohol after the encoding.

Among the people you can hear more than one myth that the treatment of alcohol dependence causes irreparable harm to the health of men and women. Some people are sure that coding affects the psyche and causes the development of neurosis, while in men it worsens potency and leads to an inability to perform sexual intercourse. Moreover, not only an injection into a vein or coding with the help of filing negatively affects the body, but also psychotherapy and hypnosis.

In fact, correctly performed coding does not pose any threat to the life or health of the patient. It may be accompanied by the appearance of some side effects that can be corrected with the help of properly selected medicines.

Alcohol addiction coding affects predominantly emotional condition person. As a rule, depression develops in men and women and there is a long decline in strength. Of course, this is a rather unpleasant condition that causes a lot of discomfort. However, it does not violate the psyche and does not lead to severe psycho-emotional disorders. In addition, depression is very easily eliminated with the help of certain pharmaceuticals.

In some cases, coding for alcohol dependence worsens potency in men. A person loses sexual desire, erection worsens, libido decreases. As a rule, it is possible to restore normal potency without drug treatment. Often unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own already a few months after encoding with filing or injection into a vein.

Side effects of coding

Unfortunately, side effects are an inevitable consequence of both medication and psychological coding. How harmful their appearance depends on many factors. For example, for one person, the consequences of encoding may be completely invisible, while for another they will cause considerable physical and psycho-emotional harm.

In the presence of severe concomitant diseases coding by vein injection or any other methods can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, a person must be carefully examined. Also, the patient must be informed about how encoding occurs, what is the mechanism of its action and what consequences it may have (depression, allergies, problems with potency, etc.).

All encoding side effects are divided into two large groups: psychological and physiological. The first includes problems of a psycho-emotional nature, the second - somatic disorders. It's hard to tell which ones are more harm former alcoholic. If depression is treated with medication (people take pills or get an injection), then functional disorders extremely hard to correct.

Psychological side effects

When coding, the following temporary psychological side effects are possible:

  • Aggressiveness and increased irritability. Men and women develop pettiness, captiousness, conflict and other behavioral disorders. This condition is dangerous due to regular quarrels with relatives and friends, but it is not harmful to health and does not affect the psyche. As a rule, behavioral disorders are caused by a change in environment and difficulties in adapting to an unusually sober lifestyle. Tiapride can be used to combat these symptoms. It is taken in the form of tablets or injected into the body;
  • Depression. Occurs after coding with psychotherapeutic methods, an injection into a vein or under the shoulder blade. Depression is the result abrupt change lifestyle. The body cannot get used to sobriety and a new way of life, which is why a person suffers. Depression can't inflict serious harm health, but causes a lot of discomfort. You can overcome it with the help of special drugs. Due to their action, it is possible to neutralize all the harm of encoding and return a person to a good mood;
  • Anxiety. As a rule, a person has unreasonable psychological discomfort and a feeling that something strange is happening with his life. severe anxiety no less unpleasant than depression or aggression. It is possible to alleviate a person's condition with the help of drugs from the group of tranquilizers or antipsychotics. Not bad fit Phenazepam, Elenium or Seduxen. They can be taken orally or injected.

Physiological Side Effects

Almost all physiological disorders are functional in nature. This means that the symptoms appear for no apparent reason. No, even the most thorough examination, can reveal organic lesions, which could be the cause of these violations. Therefore, they are extremely difficult to treat. An injection or pills cannot remove these symptoms and return the body to normal.

To eliminate the negative effects of encoding, a long-term complex treatment including medications and psychotherapy. Only by combining the action of these two methods will it be possible to alleviate the condition of the encoded person.

Physiological side effects and their harm to the body:

  • Potency problems. Their appearance causes psychotherapeutic coding, namely, emotional stress therapy. An injection or filing of disulfiram in this case is less dangerous. As a rule, a man ceases to feel sexual attraction, his libido decreases and the desire to have sex disappears. Psychotherapy can help solve this problem. Unfortunately, no miraculous injection is able to restore a man to his former strength.
  • Intense thirst, loss of appetite or gluttony. People can eat a lot or refuse food completely. There are cases when a person gained a lot excess weight V short terms after encoding. An injection or pill will not help dull or restore lost appetite. To get rid of this condition, a person must pull himself together and control his own actions. Psychotherapy can help him with this.
  • Sudden change in body weight. People may not change their diet at all, but at the same time lose or gain weight dramatically. Such a problem can be caused by a metabolic disorder within the body. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this. If necessary, you can adjust the amount of food consumed - this will help maintain weight within normal limits. Over time, the metabolism normalizes.
  • Weakness and apathy. An injection or pills will also not be able to restore vigor and cheerfulness to a person. To somehow speed up the recovery of the body, you should eat right and take vitamins.
  • Migrating pains. People may have headaches, muscles, joints, or internal organs. To alleviate the condition of a person, you can make an anesthetic injection or take a pill. In this case, drugs are used NSAID groups(Analgin, Paracetamol, etc.). Unfortunately, drugs in this situation do not have a pronounced effect.
  • Allergy to the administered drug. It is possible only if the encoding was performed by injection or with the help of a binder. Allergies can have various manifestations - from mild dermatitis to anaphylactic shock. Undoubtedly, the body suffers from the latter very much, and the harm of this complication is more than obvious. Fortunately, allergic reactions occur extremely rarely and only if the encoding was performed by an injection into a vein or by filing under the shoulder blade. Treatment of alcohol dependence with psychotherapeutic methods never causes allergies, since suggestion has a completely different mechanism of action than drugs. With hypnosis, drugs that can cause the development of allergies are never injected into the human body.

Coding is one of the most common methods of alcohol addiction treatment in our country. Despite this, a certain aura of mystery hovers around him. Patients and their relatives often do not fully understand how the encoding works. And also what happens to the body and psyche after it. The consequences of coding from alcoholism are different, both positive - cessation of alcohol consumption, and negative - side effects when medical method, mental disorders, breakdown and withdrawal into a long binge.

Consequences of the psychological method

Any encoding is accompanied psychological impact. Instilling fear for life when drinking alcohol. However, some methods involve serious intervention in the psyche. For example, hypnosis. In such cases, consequences in the form of personality changes are possible. After the procedure, a person may behave unusually. What does it mean:

  • distraction, decreased ability to concentrate;
  • pickiness, obsession with problems or situations;
  • conflict, irritability, frequent change sentiments;
  • fear for own life, anxiety;
  • decrease in potency in men;
  • rejection of loved ones, isolation;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • fear of doctors.

After coding, the patient is in limbo. His usual way of life is completely collapsing. Alcohol, as a method for relieving stress, becomes unavailable. At this stage, it is very important to provide an alternative. It is optimal when, after the procedure, the patient immediately begins to visit a psychologist, and, if necessary, a psychotherapist.

Consequences of drug therapy

Drug coding is built on the development of alcohol aversion. Active substance(in most cases, teor disulfiram) changes the metabolism in such a way that alcohol ceases to break down at the stage of acetaldehyde. As a result, toxins are not removed, but accumulated. Even small doses of alcohol cause severe poisoning.

What consequences for the body are observed normally (when taking up to 50 ml of vodka):

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

A dose of more than one glass of strong alcohol can provoke cardiac and respiratory failure, to whom. When coding with tablets is prohibited long-term use alcohol, otherwise there may be consequences in the form of psychosis, hepatitis, gastritis, thrombosis of cerebral vessels with related problems with the cardiovascular system.

In addition, we must not forget about the risk of side effects:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • neurological disorders;
  • memory loss;
  • optic neuritis;
  • polyneuritis of the lower extremities;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • swelling of the brain;
  • angina;
  • headache;
  • asthenia;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergic reaction.

It should be noted that the risk side effects for disulfiram and its analogues is relatively low. Properly chosen drug and the method of its administration can minimize the negative effects on health. Thus, an injection into a vein by a specialist only reinforces the psychological encoding. After the introduction of the drug, an indicative sample is carried out with alcohol, from which it immediately becomes ill. After a few days, the drug is excreted from the body and the patient does not drink only because of the fear of a second reaction.

More serious consequences observed when sewing in an ampoule with medicine or intramuscular injection gel with disulfiram. In this case, the patient should avoid not only taking alcohol, but also certain medications. After coding, he is given a booklet with the rules of conduct, as well as the numbers of the doctor and emergency services.

Patient's well-being after the procedure

Coding helps to get rid of cravings, change positive effect alcohol to negative. No more. It cannot be said that a patient who has been coded has become healthy overnight. After the procedure for a long time health and well-being leave much to be desired. What consequences after coding will the patient have to overcome in the near future.

1. Diseases caused addiction. Alcoholism leads to damage to the liver, heart, stomach, pancreas, and other organs and systems. In total, there are about 200 diseases caused by addiction. Most of them, during addiction, have time to become chronic and require permanent treatment. At the time of intoxication, the patient may not feel symptoms, because alcohol can anesthetize. However, after encoding, a bouquet of sores necessarily pops up.

2. Inability to enjoy life. In people who are dependent on alcohol, the metabolism is rebuilt. Ethanol becomes an integral part of the processes in the body. Most of all, this affects the functioning of the brain. Alcohol becomes the main regulator of mental reactions, inhibition, excitation. In addition, it stimulates the production of pleasure hormones. With the exclusion of alcohol, the brain does not cope with these functions on its own. The patient needs time to recover.

3. Post-withdrawal syndrome. It develops about a month after the end of use and can be observed within a year with a gradual fading of symptoms. The body and brain of a person, accustomed to alcohol, at first will try to return to their usual state. This can be manifested by a state of intoxication or a hangover (dry binge) with all the accompanying symptoms.

Recovery after coding in women and men proceeds differently. The former are characterized by prolonged emotional instability, tearfulness, going to extremes (gluttony, saturated sex life frequent change of partners). men by part mental disorders recover faster, they have more pronounced health consequences.

So, is there any benefit to coding?

After all these negative consequences, this question arises by itself. Despite certain risks, coding for alcoholism is one of the most effective methods therapy. Where worse consequences the addiction itself. On final stages alcoholism progresses rapidly, each binge leads to the death of an increasing part of the cells of the brain, liver and other organs. It is important to stop while the damage can still be somehow repaired.

Coding is a chance to stop drinking, start new life one day. Although the method does not solve all the problems of alcoholism, but it supports the will and desire of a person to get rid of addiction. Coding carried out by a professional, taking into account all individual characteristics in almost 90% of cases positive result. The patient stops drinking for a year, two, five years. Further abstinence depends on whether the causes of abuse (psychological, social) have been eliminated. No less important is how successful the rehabilitation of the former alcoholic in society was.

Before going for coding, it is important to familiarize yourself with what happens to the human body after the procedure. Depending on the chosen method, the consequences may be different. The individual susceptibility, age, state of health, experience of alcoholism of the patient are important. In general, if there are no contraindications, coding is successful. Most patients experience no effects other than those caused by the addiction itself.

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