Labradors - how long do they live in apartments. How many years do Labrador Retrievers live on average? Average lifespan of a Labrador

Labrador Retriever is an amazing dog, which is especially popular among dog breeders. Thanks to his good-natured and completely non-confrontational disposition, he is perfect for the role of a companion and an ordinary pet. Therefore, it is increasingly being turned on by residents of city apartments and families with children. In today's article, we will tell you how Labradors look and how many years they live.

A bit of history

Experts have not yet been able to establish the exact origin of this breed. According to one of the most plausible versions, their homeland is localized in the eastern part of the Canadian coast. According to this theory, Labradors appeared as a result of crossing Basque dogs and Viking dogs. The Europeans who accidentally landed on the island were captivated by the working qualities of these animals and their ability to act equally effectively both in the water and on the shore.

In the future, these dogs were divided into two branches, very different in appearance. The first had a large body covered with long shaggy hair. The local population actively used them to transport goods. The second had not such a massive body, but a short hard coat. They were characterized by incredible dexterity and love of water. It was these animals that became the ancestors of modern Labradors.

In 1830, they began to be brought to England and bred as a separate breed. To consolidate the required qualities, they were crossed with foxhounds, setters and an independent breed, they were recognized in 1904, and twelve years later an official standard was developed, according to which only black dogs had the right to exist. A little later, changes were made to it, allowing you to breed fawn and chocolate dogs.


Those who are interested in how many years Labradors live should understand that they are considered fairly large dogs, which means that their age will be slightly shorter than that of their small counterparts. However, representatives of this breed cannot boast of outstanding dimensions. Depending on gender, their height ranges from 50-57 cm, and their weight is 25-36 kg. On a wide wedge-shaped head with well-defined superciliary ridges, flat cheekbones and a moderately convex forehead, there are brown almond-shaped eyes framed by fully pigmented eyelids, and triangular hanging ears of medium size.

Under a tightly built rectangular body with a taut groin line and a deep chest, there are two pairs of strong, straight limbs with arched fingers. A straight, not too long neck smoothly flows into a pronounced withers, a wide elongated back, a relatively short loin and croup, ending at the base of a gradually tapering tail.

Wool and color

Representatives of this breed were bred to work in the water. Therefore, how many years Labradors live depends largely on the type of their coat. It should be rigid, water-repellent and as close as possible to the body. Too soft an awn and a poor undercoat will quickly get wet and the dog may get sick, which will significantly reduce his age.

As for the color, the standard allows the existence of black, chocolate and fawn individuals. In the first case, there may be a small white mark on the dog's chest, in the second, the shade varies from liver to dark brown, in the third, the color intensity changes from almost white to deep red.

Behavioral features

Representatives of this breed are very active and cheerful animals. They quickly become attached to their owners and do not tolerate forced separation well. For those who want to find out what affects how many years Labradors live at home, you need to remember that a dog regularly left alone can develop stress, shortening his already short age.

These are real family dogs who love to frolic with children and are able to coexist peacefully with other animals, including cats. They are very loving and friendly. These dogs are ready to give their attention to everyone around them and never show aggression. They are very balanced, reliable and intelligent. However, due to their non-confrontational and kind disposition, they are not suitable for the role of guards. Instead, they do an excellent job as companions, nannies, guides, rescuers, and hunters.

Features of care

How many years Labradors live at home depends on the conditions in which they are kept. Before you bring a puppy, you need to take care of his safety. Since the small representatives of this breed are very active and curious, all wires, sharp and small objects should be removed away. Otherwise, the dog may be injured and even die.

In general, Labradors are unpretentious animals that easily adapt to the urban environment. They do not require special conditions of detention. You can settle them both in an apartment and in a covered aviary, equipped with an insulated booth. As for the care that determines how many years Labrador Retrievers live, it comes down to regular processing of wool with a special scraper. This simple manipulation allows you to get rid of dead awns and down. You need to bathe the dog as it gets dirty with a shampoo bought at any pet store. It is also important to systematically trim your ward's nails and clean his ears.

Diet is one of the most important factors influencing how many years Labradors live. Mestizos and purebred dogs should be provided with a quality and well-balanced diet.

If you prefer to give your pet industrial food, then it is important to opt for products from trusted manufacturers. The composition of high-quality dry food necessarily contains meat, but there is not a single gram of corn, wheat and artificial preservatives.

Those who prefer to give their four-legged pet natural food should remember that the basis of such a diet is fresh raw meat (poultry, lamb or beef). In addition, it is recommended to diversify the animal's menu with buckwheat, rice, vegetables, sour milk, eggs, offal and low-fat sea fish. It is strictly forbidden to treat a Labrador with tubular bones, chocolate, muffins, legumes, smoked meats, pickles, potatoes and onions. Should not be in the dog menu of river fish, pickled spicy and fried foods.


Education also affects how many years Labrador dogs live. A lot of dangers await an uncontrolled dog, not only in the house itself, but also beyond its threshold. Therefore, it is extremely important to set certain limits in a timely manner and explain to your ward the rules of conduct. From an early age, the puppy must remember his nickname and learn to run up to the owner at the first call. It is also important that he is calm about the leash and collar.

By the age of one, your dog should know and unquestioningly carry out at least basic commands, such as “Come”, “Place”, “No”, “Next” and “Stand”. Unconditional obedience will save both you and the dog from many troubles. Therefore, do not be lazy and devote to training at least half an hour a day.

Predisposition to diseases

For those who want to find out how many years Labradors live before buying a puppy, it will be interesting that on average this figure ranges from 10-12 years. These dogs are distinguished by relatively good health, but they are also prone to certain diseases.

Often, modern Labradors are diagnosed with arthrosis of the knee and dysplasia of the hip joints. Both of these diseases are hereditary or age-related in nature. They are accompanied by lameness and severe pain. And he and the other disease is not cured by medication. The only way to get rid of it is through surgery.

Also, representatives of this breed are prone to progressive retinal atrophy, oncology, atopic dermatitis, epilepsy, panosteitis, osteochondrosis, cataracts and ichthyosis.

The Labrador Retriever is from Canada. The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breeds these days. Special skills for the care and upbringing of this dog will not be required, however, the fact that the dog of this species has a fairly large size and a very cheerful character should be taken into account.

Breed features

The weight of an adult Labrador is 27 to 36 kilograms for a male dog and 25 to 32 kilograms for a female. The growth of this animal is characterized by the following data: 51-61 cm for the cable and 53-58 cm for the bitch.

Keeping such a pet in an apartment is possible, but it will require quite a lot of physical effort. Such a dog can be looked after by a person who does not have the experience of a dog breeder. The Labrador Retriever has a life expectancy of 10 to 13 years. This period depends on the care of the animal. It is necessary to give the dog constant physical activity. Otherwise, she may gain excess weight, which will lead to the rapid death of the pet. In principle, dogs of this breed are quite healthy dogs, however, they are not immune from a certain number of diseases.

Appearance of the dog

The coat of the dog is covered with a layer of protective lubricant. It is for such wool that it is easier to care for, but one should not forget about caring for it in general.

You need to brush your pet about once a week. This combing removes wisps of dead hair and makes it easier for the animal to shed. In addition to combing, the animal must be bathed. Bathing usually takes place in a reservoir in the form of a lake or river. Washing the animal by hand is also necessary.

In this process, it is necessary to use as little shampoo as possible in order not to disturb the natural fat layer. How long Labrador Retrievers live depends only on how the owner cares for him. Therefore, it all depends on the owner of the dog.

Major diseases

Among the main diseases that stand out among dogs of this breed are the following: hip and elbow dysplasia, bloating, perianal fistula, lipoma, cataract, lymphosarcoma, mast cell cancer, food allergies, epilepsy, progressive retinal degeneration. In addition to everything previously described, the owner of the Labrador should be remembered that dogs of this species are wonderful jumpers.

It should be ensured that they have enough space not only for jumping, but also for various exercises. Labradors are also great swimmers. However, care should be taken that the swimming area has a gentle slope for entering and exiting the water.

All of the above speaks about the general features of this breed. However, we should not forget that every dog, like every person, is strictly individual. Based on this, carry out with your pet only those procedures that are pleasant to him and you do not need to force the animal. What benefits one person may harm another.

These sunny dogs, being the most popular dogs in the whole world, are ideal and reliable companions. A magnificent golden retriever, whose breed description indicates the presence of a large number of positive qualities of an animal, is really capable of bringing a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and happiness into the house.


This breed was recognized not so long ago, only in 1931. Regardless of the youth of this breed, the history of its discovery is shrouded in numerous secrets. There are a number of versions of how these dogs appeared.

  • The breed is the result of a mutation when a black wavy and smooth retriever had brown and yellow puppies.
  • According to the second version, the progenitors of this breed are Russian Shepherds, which were circus dogs performing in Scotland. Lord Tweedmouth turned his attention to these animals, who acquired six individuals of this breed from the owner. This happened in the 19th century, at the end of the Crimean War. Dogs, which are yellow in color, were used on the estate to hunt deer.
  • And this version is considered one of the most reliable. It was told by the grandson of the 3rd Lord Tweedmouth. He said that the 1st Lord in 1860, while walking, turned his attention to the cobbler's dog. The animal had a yellow color, and was the only puppy with this color from the litter. Later it was established that the puppy was born in 1864. It is likely that this particular dog is the true progenitor of the golden retriever.

The puppy, as well as his offspring, were subjected to numerous crosses to improve the character and fix the color - a magnificent golden hue. Spaniels, which were used in the process of hunting on the water, were in a special account on the estate. They differed in rather long limbs and tea color.

Water dogs are the first dogs with which the lord crossed his new pet. The litter was dominated by yellow babies, and black babies were culled. In accordance with the records of the lord, it became known that in order to obtain a different breed, the blood of Bloodhounds and Irish Setters was mixed.

After that, the Lord's friends turned their attention to the breed. Until 1907 in England, no one knew anything about the breed. This is indicated by the fact that R. Layton, the cynologist, did not mention anything about this breed. However, since 1908 this injustice has been corrected. These dogs began to be actively exhibited.

Until 1913, the Golden Retriever breed was not singled out as a separate breed, until the GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB was opened, in which the standard for these dogs was formed.

Description and disposition

Individuals of this breed have an amazing appearance. They are perfectly built, have a proportional, good build, powerful body. Dogs have straight, powerful limbs, paws - large, rounded. The movements of the representatives of the breed are active, impetuous, the dogs run very easily without spending an excessive amount of energy.

The main decoration that a golden retriever dog has is its coat. It can be straight or slightly wavy, cream or golden in color. The presence of a waterproof, dense undercoat is necessary for an animal to hunt on the water.

To date, individuals of this breed are actively used not only as hunters. The main qualities of the animal include:

  • fast reaction;
  • determination;
  • friendliness;
  • peacefulness.

All this makes it possible to use the dog as a rescuer to search for explosives or drugs. Also, these animals are excellent guides for blind people and great helpers for people with disabilities. These pets can be kept both in the house and in the apartment.

Before answering the question of how long golden retrievers live, it should be noted that these dogs are excellent hunters who can show all their qualities in any terrain. Having an excellent flair, representatives of the breed bring game to the owner. In particular, this animal is indispensable for hunting waterfowl.

In individuals of this breed, the character at an early age may be characterized by disobedience. However, good training and responsibility of the owner can easily eliminate this drawback. If the dog does not throw out the accumulated energy, then he will direct it to spoil furniture and other property in the house.

A well-bred dog is an affectionate and gentle dog. He is very playful and at the same time calm, not prone to dominance, for this reason he is friendly to other pets. Representatives of the breed are very intelligent and delicate, they have no aggression at all, for this reason they can be brought to families with small children.


In individuals of this breed, ailments are predominantly hereditary. Unlike diseases that are acquired in nature, hereditary diseases can be detected in the initial stages and the treatment process can begin. These dogs may suffer from von Willebrand's disease, epilepsy, dysplasia, retinal atrophy, dermatitis, hypothyroidism.

Features of care and maintenance

An excellent dog breed, the Golden Retriever does not require any special care. Much attention is required to the thick fur of the pet. It should be combed every day, during the molting period - more often. The result of quality hair care is its purity and silkiness.

You should bathe your pet no more than three times a year. The undercoat of the animal is waterproof, and with frequent bathing and shampooing, the protective properties of the coat decrease. You also need to take care of your eyes. If in the morning the dog has discharge from the eye, then this should definitely be alarming, as this can act as the main symptoms of some diseases.

When the owner takes a pet hunting, then at the end of it, it is imperative to treat the eyes with a special antiseptic solution to remove dust, pollen and all kinds of contaminants.

You also need to take care of your ears. Once a week it is necessary to inspect the ears for the presence of dirt, discharge, smell. As a preventive measure, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which should be dripped into each ear. Regularly it is necessary to inspect the limbs, cut the claws. Teeth should be brushed to prevent plaque formation. Yellow teeth act as an obstacle to participation in competitions, for this reason, special brushes and pastes must be used for oral hygiene.


These dogs are very obedient, smart, quick-witted. These qualities greatly facilitate the process of education and training. For individuals of this breed, training is significant. These dogs are non-aggressive, they do not pose any danger to strangers, however, the owner needs to teach the pet basic commands.

In the process of education, methods of both encouragement and punishment should be used. However, caresses should be at least five times more than punishments. This must be remembered.

The Golden Retriever dog, whose life expectancy is about 10-14 years, must respond to his nickname from an early age.

When a small puppy appears in the family, which brings so much joy and laughter to the family, we want him to please us as long as possible. Unfortunately, the lifespan of dogs is too short, but we can do our best to try to extend it.

If you chose a Labrador in choosing a four-legged friend, it is unlikely that he will ever give you a reason to regret it, because it is difficult to imagine a better companion than retrievers.

With ready-made food, things are easier with the definition of the daily allowance, since the manufacturers have already done this for you and usually the information is indicated on the packaging. When choosing food, constant access to water is important, if possible, give only purified water.

Labradors can be incredible gluttons and even have a sweet tooth. Do not indulge their preferences and overfeed. This will cause them to put on weight quickly, which can affect their lifespan.

prone to disease

Regular health monitoring is directly related to how long Labradors live. Dogs are prone to certain diseases, including:

  • hip or elbow dysplasia (sometimes leading to lameness or severe pain when walking);
  • retinal atrophy (progressive degeneration of the retina that can lead to blindness);
  • lymphoma or lymphosarcoma;
  • licking granuloma (ulcers appear on the paws caused by constant licking);
  • ear problems (otitis and others).

Most diseases can be inherited, so it does not hurt to study the pedigree in order to eliminate the risk of occurrence. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to have an examination by a veterinarian from time to time so that in case of a disease, treatment can be started as soon as possible.

Proper care

Labradors, like other breeds, require some care.

Attention should be paid to:

  • wool;
  • ears;
  • skin;
  • eyes.

This breed has an almost waterproof undercoat and a thick, short coat. You can comb out once a week, during periods of molting, daily combing is necessary. Bathe as needed, in general, Labradors are clean dogs, but they may not deny themselves the joy of falling out in a puddle or swamp.

The ears need more care. Dogs with floppy ears are more prone to pollution and various kinds of inflammation. Regular cleaning and examination will help to avoid diseases associated with the ears or that may live inside.

The following symptoms may be the reason for contacting a veterinarian:

  • the dog constantly scratches its ears or shakes its head;
  • bad smell from the ears;
  • discharge;
  • scratches.

Do not forget about examining the skin for redness, allergies, bald patches, fleas, or even worse, ticks. The dog will scratch, lick a paw or other part of the body, and behave restlessly. At the first symptoms, do not self-medicate.

In Labradors, the eyes usually do not require as much care as breeds with flattened muzzles. A small discharge may appear, which can be wiped off with a clean cotton swab or with the addition of a special eye cleaner.

It is important to see a doctor periodically to rule out the risk of progressive retinal atrophy, which was mentioned above, and cataracts, which are more common in aging dogs.


In general, Labradors are considered quite strong and healthy dogs. Kind, loyal and intelligent animals that will be true friends for the whole family. Do not leave your pet alone at home for a long time, Labradors can hardly endure loneliness.

As sad as it is to realize, the life expectancy of most pets is much less than that of a human. Dogs are the most common friends and little brothers. Therefore, when planning to get a puppy or take an adult dog, they ask the question: “How long do dogs live?”.

And this is not an idle question, especially if not a kitten, but a puppy is taken into the house. After all, the main requirement for keeping dogs is the need to walk them at least twice a day. And for large dogs like Labradors, walks should be long with enough exercise and play.

Therefore, future owners should soberly assess your capabilities and strength. After all, you have to get up early and go outside in any weather, regardless of your health and desire. In old age, if there is no one else to take the dog out, you should not get a puppy, but it is better to limit yourself to other pets.

Comparison of life expectancy of different breeds

There is such a paradox - large dogs live less than the smallest breeds. The average life expectancy of dogs is between ten and fourteen years. Small lap dogs live from fifteen to nineteen years. The story of the dog became famous, lived to age 29. She has lived her entire dog life in Australia helping herd the sheep.

This example clearly shows that the longevity and health of an animal depends on living conditions, nutrition and physical activity. And Labradors are no exception.

External description of the breed Labrador Retriever

The popular breed, despite its size, is a friendly and docile dog. Weight ranges from 25 to 36 kilograms. The weight of the bitch is less than that of the male. And their growth differs slightly.

Short coarse coat has three main colors:

  • black;
  • pale yellow;
  • chocolate.

But the color of the Labrador can have many shades interspersed with other primary colors.

Breed Benefits

Thanks to his complaisant nature and mind The Labrador has gained immense popularity. According to its physical data, it can become a hunting dog capable of chasing game for a long time. Her stable psyche and intellect allow her to be safely left with small children and the elderly. Labradors are used as a guide and in the service of the police. He easily learns commands and is ready to fulfill the owner's instructions: bring slippers, a newspaper.

Dogs of this breed do not bark for no reason, do not react aggressively to other animals and people. A small disadvantage of the Labrador is his friendly attitude towards others, so he is not used as a guard and watchman. But due to the easy susceptibility to learning, it can be trained to give a voice in certain situations.

Learning Features

From the age of three months, puppies able to take commands. The dog strives to be useful to the owners, so it should have its own small responsibilities. But learning requires patience and calmness. You can’t use screaming and physical punishment, Labradors like to bring various objects to the owner, and the training of the “Aport” team is based on this. The Labrador loves to swim and can be taken to the beach if possible.

Conditioning the Labrador

Before taking a puppy of this breed, you should carefully weigh your conditions and opportunities. In an apartment, a Labrador will need enough space for sleeping and moving around. The dog will not be able to live in a cramped apartment.

It has already been noted that this breed needs long walks with games, running. Lack of activity will immediately affect her health. The life expectancy of a Labrador is closely related to the conditions of keeping and feeding. With a caring owner, the dog will live its full life. In case of violation of the feeding regimen and the absence of the necessary loads, Labradors do not live up to ten years. How long a dog will live depends entirely on the owner.

In addition, this breed needs regular veterinary supervision, especially in its last third of life.

We note the main conditions for how long will a labrador live

  • physical activity in the fresh air, long walks;
  • weekly hair combing, control and detection of ticks, fleas and skin diseases;
  • constant monitoring of health, especially diseases characteristic of the breed.

Labradors often suffer from such diseases:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • excess weight;
  • bloating;
  • allergy;
  • lipoma;
  • cataract.

Nutrition and life expectancy of the Labrador

Puppies can be taken at the age of one and a half to two months. Throughout their lives, they require observe the following feeding schedule:

  • up to three months - six times;
  • up to five months - five times;
  • up to nine months - four times;
  • up to a year - three times;
  • after a year - twice.

You can’t go along with the desires of pets and feed them excessively or junk food intended for people. Otherwise, in addition to obesity, gastrointestinal diseases and allergies are guaranteed.

As the main food, you can give dry. For puppies, dry food is mixed with porridge or soup. Without fail, in the diet of a Labrador it is necessary include the following products:

  • veal;
  • chicken meat, removing the skin;
  • lean fish;
  • cereals, eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables.

On the recommendation of a veterinarian, vitamin supplements are added to food. Do not rely on the advice of acquaintances and friends in this matter. Only a doctor can evaluate the development of a Labrador, notice deviations and prescribe his own complex of supplements in each case.

Labrador Retriever is one of the few large breeds friendly personality, good learning, an ideal stable psyche. With the right upbringing, she will become an excellent friend, devoted helper and companion for single people.

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