Canadian goldenrod - medicinal properties. Goldenrod: The powerful healing power of a poisonous herb. How to avoid mistakes when using

Amazing in its characteristics, a profusely flowering plant can be found in doorways, meadows and private courtyards. Goldenrod - fits beautifully into the landscape and represents special value. In this article, we will learn what this useful herb, find out what properties it has, as well as what contraindications for use it has.

Goldenrod belongs to tall plants, the length of the stems can reach 1 meter. The leaves are green, thin, oblong. It blooms in inflorescences of many bright flowers. yellow color. People call - golden rod, rabbit ears, honey grass, scrofula, jaundice. Blooms from spring to autumn, until frost.

An unpretentious plant is found everywhere, more often in Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia. There is a goldenrod ordinary and Canadian. Grows well as wild nature, so on garden plots. Flower growers use the plant to collect valuable grass, as well as landscaping the site. Pollinated by bees, it is considered an excellent honey plant.

Useful and medicinal properties of the plant

The unique composition of the plant has a number of useful properties. Since ancient times, it has been used as a wound healing, antispasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic, immunostimulating, cholagogue vegetable origin.

The main scope - genitourinary system, gallbladder, liver, and is also widely used for ailments:

  • dermatoses, skin rashes, urinary incontinence in adults, swelling, dropsy;
  • helps to cleanse the bloodstream, improves immune processes in a weakened body;
  • treat burns for a long time non-healing wounds, skin ulcers, eczema;
  • beneficial effect on the vascular, central nervous system;
  • has a powerful diuretic effect, helps with chronic cystitis, kidney stones;
  • regulates the water salt metabolism, lowers acidity, removes phosphate salts;
  • doctors prescribe for complex therapy with kidney stones;
  • cases of cure of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate gland are known;
  • well helps with diarrhea, sore throat, stomatitis.

Of particular value are yellow inflorescences. The raw materials contain a huge concentration of alkaloids, vegetable polyphenols and oils, tannins, resins, caffeic (chlorogenic) acid, bitterness. Due to the content of tannins, flower stalks are used as a yellow dye.

Harvest medicinal plant by collecting and subsequent drying, not fully blossomed peduncles. Pharmacies sell ready-made herbs. natural extract is part of a number of drugs.

Harm and contraindications for use

Against the background of useful properties, the plant has some contraindications. Do not use if you are allergic to the components and individual intolerance. Because of the content toxic substances the dosage must be exactly followed. When taking herbal preparations, nausea, abdominal cramps, and migraines may occur.

The plant increases the urge to urinate. Not recommended for swelling caused by heart failure. The plant can help one, harm the other. Before you start taking, you need to consult with a specialist.

Use in traditional medicine

Prepared from raw materials healing infusions, decoctions, teas. Goldenrod honey is especially popular in traditional medicine. Honey is taken exclusively on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon. inside cooked herbal decoctions are used according to the instructions for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, bladder.

Tincture for the treatment and disinfection of purulent wounds, ulcers, is used externally. Apply washed fresh leaves to furuncles. Since ancient times, healers have used folk remedy treatment of oncology - cancer of the rectum. Shows nice results in disorders of the digestive system.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of preparations based on goldenrod inside pregnant and lactating women is contraindicated. Give children with caution, treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.


  1. A decoction of the goldenrod collection for urolithiasis is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Pour, let it brew or sweat in a water bath for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is divided into 3 doses. Take after meals.
  2. A decoction for jade is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. spoons of dry grass and two glasses of boiling water. Grass fall asleep inside a thermos, pour boiling water and insist. Strain before use. Divide into 4 doses.
  3. Goldenrod tincture is prepared according to the two recipes presented above with the difference that it is infused for 6-7 hours. In concentration, the tincture is stronger than the decoction. Drink for medicinal purposes, 50 ml. 3 times a day.
  4. For gargling and treatment open wounds prepare an infusion from a glass of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. goldenrod. Insist 1 hour, strain. It is better to wrap compresses at night. Helps with inflammatory processes of various etiologies.
  5. Dried herb tea. Pour 1-2 tsp inside the teapot. raw materials, pour boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. Consume throughout the day, you can add honey and lemon to taste.

Prepare medicinal infusions according to the recipe. It is better to take purified water. Brew inside a glass or porcelain dish with a lid. Insist in a dark place. Store chilled herbs inside the refrigerator. If you harvest grass yourself, you should not pick it off the roads, where there is gas pollution. Dry in partial shade. The storage area is dry.

The use of the plant is widely, following the recommendations, you can get rid of the disease. But it should be remembered that self-medication can aggravate the health situation. Goldenrod shows good treatment results in combination with medicines prescribed by the doctor.

Goldenrod (Solidágo) is a genus of herbaceous perennials from the Compositae family. Many of its members are medicinal plants, from where the scientific name of the whole genus comes from: "solidus" in Latin means healthy. And today we want to tell you about the amazing properties of this natural gift, as well as how to use it correctly so as not to harm your health.

The composition of the goldenrod, in addition to healing substances poisonous ones are also included, and therefore, when using it, you should always strictly adhere to the dosage

Description and types

The genus of plants called goldenrod includes several species, and then we will consider a photo and description of the most common of them.


The goldenrod is native to North America. You can find it in desert areas, on the prairies among tall grassy thickets, in forest clearings and wet meadows, as well as on roadsides. And despite the fact that plants belonging to this species, for the most part grow in wooded areas, they are intolerant of shady areas.

You can recognize the highest goldenrod by pubescent straight stems and whole, simple foliage. The height of the stem can reach 1.8 m. The inflorescences are painted lemon yellow, have the shape of baskets, which consist of small (about 2-3 mm) flowers collected in tassels. The length of one such inflorescence is approximately 35 cm. The flowering period falls on August and lasts about a month and a half.


Goldenrod hybrid is a species that combines quite most hybrid varieties. And the main among them is the Canadian goldenrod, whose homeland is also considered to be North America.
Canadian goldenrod is a herbaceous perennial plant, the stem of which can reach 2 m in height. It is not completely pubescent, but only 2/3, the lower part at the base is bare. The leaves are green, oblong-lanceolate. Numerous baskets are collected in panicles, their dimensions are about 35 cm.


The birthplace of the Daurian goldenrod is Siberia. You can find a plant of this species in meadows and forests, as well as on rocky slopes and pebbles.

In height, this plant barely reaches 1 m. Its stem is simple, strong, only the inflorescence is branched. Stem leaves have short petioles, those located in the basal region have long petioles. The leaf plate can be oblong, lanceolate or ovoid.


The wrinkled goldenrod is another native of North America. You can find it in swampy areas, in a bog, among wet meadows and on roadsides.

The wrinkled goldenrod has a smooth straight stem, the height of which is about 2 m. The shoots are painted reddish-brown, the rhizome is creeping. The leaves are oblong-oval, with teeth along the edges. The leaves are located along the entire stem, except for the basal region.


Common goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), or golden branch, or golden rod, is a herbaceous perennial plant, the height of which can be from 0.3 to 1 m. The stem is pubescent and leafy, branched only in the upper part, may have a reddish tint. The rhizome is pivotal, woody and short. The leaves are pointed, ovate or oval, serrated along the edges; located in the lower part of the stem - on petioles, in the central part and at the top - sessile and smaller. Inflorescences paniculate or racemose, each with several baskets, consisting of small bright yellow flowers.

The flowering period of common goldenrod begins in July and lasts until September, after which fruits appear on the tops of the stems in the form of achenes with a tuft. The fruit has a cylindrical shape, ribbed. Fruit formation ends in October.

The golden rod grows on the territory of European countries, in Central Asia, Scandinavia, the Mediterranean, as well as in the Caucasus and in the western part of Siberia. It is found in the European part of Russia.

The common goldenrod is famous for its useful properties. Its aerial part acts as a medicinal raw material: more often the upper parts of the stems, leaves and inflorescences, less often - rhizomes.

Good to know! Grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant - from July to September, rhizomes are harvested exclusively in autumn. Dry, gathering in bunches and hanging in the shade or in a draft. Ready-to-use raw materials have a bitter taste and a pronounced spicy aroma.


To date medicinal properties of the common goldenrod have not been fully studied, but at the same time quite a lot has been established. And the information contributed to this, regarding chemical composition of this plant.
Grass includes:

  • flavonoids - rutin, camperol, quercetin, etc.;
  • acids - organic, ascorbic, nicotinic, phenolcarboxylic;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • essential oils;
  • traces of alkaloids;
  • resins.

The roots of this plant contain inulin, fruits - fatty oils, inflorescences - galactose, arabinose, glucose, xylose and carbohydrates.

Positive effect on the body

The golden rod, when used correctly, can bring great benefit. Among the properties of this herb:

  • wound healing;
  • antibacterial;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • expectorant;
  • restorative.

Thus, the use of common goldenrod may be fully justified in the treatment various diseases. So, this herb helps to clear the lungs of sputum and thus relieve a coughing fit with bronchitis. With the help of preparations of this plant, you can also significantly alleviate the condition of asthma and contribute to speedy recovery with pulmonary tuberculosis.

The herb of the golden rod shows very good results in the treatment of inflammatory processes gallbladder, as well as stagnation of bile. And pain syndrome in such conditions, it is removed already on the first day of therapy. In addition, goldenrod-based products are often prescribed when it is necessary to remove sand from the kidneys, relieve swelling, cure involuntary urination and pyelonephritis. In conditions associated with dysfunction of the kidneys and gallbladder, it is usually used alcohol tincture. Also goldenrod preparations show quite high efficiency with edema that arose against the background of heart disease.

On a note! Common goldenrod preparations are so good at removing excess fluid from the body, which often indicate such complex conditions as edema internal organs and even the brain!

Goldenrod can be very useful in diabetes. It improves flow metabolic processes and helps to normalize blood glucose levels. Moreover, this property of it can be used not only in diabetes, but also simply when sugar is hanging.

The healing properties of common goldenrod become relevant for digestive disorders. Thanks to his astringent action herbal preparations quickly stop diarrhea, and at the same time, the cause that caused this problem. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms die, and general well-being noticeably improves.

Grass golden rod found pretty wide application as wound healing agent. With its help, you can prevent the risk of infection of the damaged area and accelerate regeneration. skin. In addition, her preparations do an excellent job even with purulent wounds and ulcers - they quickly cleanse, remove purulent masses and tighten the wound. Direct evidence in this case may be dermatological problems like psoriasis and eczema, as well as furunculosis.

On a note! In the latter case, goldenrod leaves are usually used - they are soaked in clean water and apply for a while to the affected area!

Pretty good results goldenrod ordinary shows in the treatment respiratory infections, herpes and influenza. It helps to reduce the intensity of symptoms, relieves tonsillitis, laryngitis and stomatitis. When taking funds based on this plant, it noticeably quickly improves general state appetite normalizes and metabolism is stimulated.

Application in folk medicine. Recipes

AT various occasions the grass of the golden rod will have various uses. For example, it is taken orally in the form of tea, tincture or decoction, it is also possible to use an extract. Concerning external therapy, then compresses and lotions will already be needed here.

  1. From edema, dropsy, pyelonephritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma. In this case, an infusion of herbs is used, which is prepared according to the following recipe: 2 tablespoons of dried raw materials must be poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for 3-4 hours. After this time, the agent is filtered. We take a ready-made infusion of 50 ml three times a day before meals.

    On a note! This infusion can also be used for rinsing for the treatment of sore throats and stomatitis!

  2. With gout. We brew such a remedy: in a container, mix 50 g of goldenrod, black elderberry flowers and St. John's wort herb, add 60 g of heart-shaped linden flowers. Separate a tablespoon of the dry mixture and pour a glass (250 ml) of boiling water. We insist and filter. We take 250 ml twice a day.
  3. At nephrolithiasis. We prepare the decoction: pour a tablespoon of golden rod grass with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for about 4-5 minutes. Remove the broth from the stove and leave for a couple of hours. We filter the remedy and take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  4. With chronic nephritis. For treatment this disease it is necessary to prepare such a preparation: pour 2 tablespoons of dry goldenrod grass with half a liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Remove the decoction from the fire, filter. Drink the remedy 4 times a day for half a glass (100 ml).
  5. For rinsing the mouth and to relieve inflammation of various origins. A tablespoon of rod grass must be steamed in 200 ml of boiling water. An hour later, the product is filtered and used externally.
  6. For the treatment of purulent wounds, furunculosis, gum abscesses, with tonsillitis and infectious diseases respiratory tract. Pour a tablespoon of common goldenrod with 250 ml of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. After the specified time, the drug is filtered and used in the form of compresses, rinses and for washing.
  7. A decoction for baths, which is indicated for skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, skin tuberculosis. Add 50 g of dried raw materials to a bucket of water (10 l) and bring to a boil. Cook for a quarter of an hour, then leave at room temperature for 2 hours. We add the finished broth to the bath - the temperature of the water in the bath should be about + 38 ... 40 ° C.
  8. Tea. For 400 ml cold water add 2 teaspoons of golden rod grass, set on fire and bring to a boil. Leave for a few minutes, filter if desired.

Contraindications and side effects

The golden rod is capable of exhibiting very powerful healing properties, but since some poisonous substances were found in its composition, it also has certain contraindications.

One of the solar garden crops is goldenrod. The fragrant plant of bright yellow color grows in the Eurasian latitudes with a temperate climate. It has become widespread in Russia, and in Germany and many other countries it is included in their pharmacopoeia.

This plant is perfect for landscape design , as it quickly and in large volume grows throughout the site. The plant has many useful properties, which is why it is often grown by summer residents. In our country, it is also called solidago, scrofula, ironwort, bone binder.

Description of goldenrod

Herbaceous perennial belongs to the Asteraceae family. The plant can reach 1-2 meters in height. The long rod stem is located deep in the ground. The stems of the plant are erect with smooth green or brownish bark. The lower leaves are narrow and elongated. Towards the top, they become larger and have an oval shape with serrated edges. Stems and leaves are slightly pubescent.

Solidago blooms from May to September. Inflorescences consist of small baskets, which are collected in a spicate or racemose way. In the center, the flowers are brown-yellow in color, from the edges - sunny yellow. The opening of the buds occurs from the side flowers to the middle ones. The fruits are cylindrical achenes 3–4 mm long. Brown tuft protrudes from pubescent bristles.

Types of goldenrod

There are more in nature 100 varieties of goldenrod, but only about ten of them are used and grown by humans. The most popular species are the common goldenrod and Canadian goldenrod.

Common goldenrod: photo, description

The most common is considered common goldenrod, which is also called golden rod. Frequent places of its development are Eurasia and North Africa. Occurs in clearings, forest edges, meadows; grows in light forests and near shrubs. The plant is pollinated by bees and butterflies.

The height of the plant ranges from half a meter to one and a half meters. The leaves at the bottom of the stem taper into winged petioles; upper sheets are sessile. The flowering of the plant occurs from late spring to autumn. The fruits ripen from June to October.

The plant is known as an excellent honey plant and pergonos. A tannic and brown dye of brown and yellow color is extracted from it for dyeing fabrics. Widely used for medical and veterinary purposes.

As an ornamental plant, common goldenrod is added to mixborders, ridges, rockeries and rock gardens. It gets along well with coniferous neighbors; blooming phloxes, asters and sage get along well with him. Fresh flowers with a light and pleasant aroma often used for vase bouquets or dried for herbariums.

Canadian goldenrod: photo, description

North America and Eurasia are rich in this plant variety. Large branching stems grow more than 1.5 meters. The root system is better developed than common goldenrod. Short villi cover the entire upper part shoots with leaves. The leaves, jagged from the edges, are linear-lanceolate in shape and reach a length of 14–15 cm. Narrow yellowish inflorescences appear in last month summer and finish flowering at the end of September. This species is also honey-bearing.

used as decorative and medicinal plant . Farmlands are often affected by Canadian goldenrod, which spreads its seeds very quickly and widely and prevents crops and forage grasses from developing. Therefore, it is grown only in gardens on separate plots or next to a fence and other fences. The flower has found its application in flower arrangements.

Goldenrod: useful properties and contraindications

Goldenrod: medicinal properties

Both types of plants are used for medicinal purposes. They contain:

Collection and drying useful parts goldenrod (inflorescences and stems without leaves) takes place during its flowering. Dried raw materials should be stored in cloth or paper bags for no more than a year. Tinctures, decoctions, tea and honey are made from it, which are characterized by antimicrobial, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and diuretic effects on the body.

Preparations based on goldenrod have shown high efficiency in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • Urate and oxalate stones;
  • cystitis and urethritis;
  • Thrush;
  • Chronic prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • Impotence.

Traditional medicine advises taking goldenrod for such ailments:

  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Gout;
  • Rheumatism.

External use of fresh leaves helps to cope with boils and abscesses.

Diseases of the veins in Germany are treated with this plant, as it contains flavonoids that reduce capillary permeability and has a vasoconstrictive and antioxidant effect.

For wounds, ulcers, fractures and gum abscess use medicinal tinctures from a mixture of solidago with St. John's wort and comfrey root in the form of lotions and compressors. An ointment is prepared from crushed dried flowers and cream, which is rubbed into the affected areas for skin diseases.


The plant is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Do not take tinctures and decoctions for children who are under the age of 14.

Do not take preparations with goldenrod for those who suffer from acute illnesses kidney and heart disease.

To reduce toxic properties, solidago herbs are mixed with medicinal plants such as birch buds and leaves, bearberry, blueberry, horsetail, etc.

Compliance indicated dosages prescribed by a doctor will help to avoid kidney diseases. If you feel unwell after taking the medication, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Growing goldenrod as a honey plant

Late summer honey plants - common goldenrod and Canadian are known high content nectar in them. The same applies to other types of solidago.

Honey plants are characterized by a long flowering period (up to two months). At this time, all flowers produce a lot of nectar throughout daylight hours. One flower produces nectar with a sugar content of about 300 g.

The sweet nectar and the produced pollen attract 20-30 bees per day. Goldenrod is characterized by moderate honey productivity.– 100–150 kg of nectar per hectare.

Common goldenrod produces tart honey with a bitter taste. The color of the sweet has a yellowish or dark brown tint. The liquid consistency lasts no more than 1-2 months, then the honey crystallizes.

The Canadian goldenrod variant is produced darker, thicker and heavier. Fresh honey has a tart and sugary aroma.

Goldenrod honey characteristic useful properties. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Honey is used for kidney disease; they are being treated urinary tract. It also helps deal with skin diseases- eczema and dermatitis.

With independent cultivation, the honey plant is propagated by seed, cuttings and by dividing the bush. The first method is rarely used due to the possible abundance of plants throughout the summer cottage, so the cutting method is most often chosen by gardeners. Separation of bushes is carried out every 2-3 years at the beginning of the spring season. The soil is selected fertile or poor, but in the second case, then you should add top dressing for better development plants. Goldenrod tolerates wintering well without any cover.

beautiful and bright plant together with useful properties, it is considered universal and, if used correctly, can become the best decoration for a flower garden and remedy from various ailments.

Reproduction: dividing the bush and rhizomatous offspring in early spring. Rarely propagated by summer cuttings and sowing seeds. Goldenrods are easily propagated by freshly harvested seeds, give mass self-sowing, and weed. Seeds can be sown from January to May. Optimum temperature for germination 22 deg. Seedlings appear 10-14 days after sowing. For propagation of varieties, and even species, division of bushes is used. Best time for division and transplantation - spring, when regrowth begins. Most species and varieties grow quickly, do not require frequent transplants, it is enough to carry them out once every 5-7 years. Low-growing varieties are planted thicker (40 x 40 cm), tall ones look better in a sparse planting (distance between plants 70-80 cm), when each individual bush is visible.

In our country, common goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea), otherwise called the golden rod, is common in nature.

Most of the other species are native to North America, but are now ubiquitous and are considered introduced and feral.

Common goldenrod, or golden rod

Goldenrod is called the golden rod because its stems look like twigs.
This name appeared recently and, most likely, is a literal translation of the species name from some foreign language, possibly from Latin (Solidago virgaureus, solidago literally means "making healthy", virga in Latin "twig, rod", and "aureus" - golden). Also called goldenrod in English - Goldenrod.

Common goldenrod, or golden rod (Solidago virgaurea L.) is widespread in Russia. Grows throughout the temperate zone: grows in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia, western regions of Eastern Siberia, as well as in Western Europe on fresh and dry soils in pine, birch, broad-leaved, as a rule, clarified forests, as well as in meadows and steppe meadows. Prefers well-drained sandy soils, grows in mixed and coniferous forests, in forest clearings, along roads.

The goldenrod has an upright stiff stem up to a meter in height, reddish-brown or purple in the lower part, green in the upper. The leaves are oblong, elliptical in shape, finely serrated along the edges. The flowers are small, golden yellow, form a racemose inflorescence. Goldenrod flowers produce a lot of nectar and pollen and are eagerly visited by bees, bumblebees and other pollinating insects. Previously, yellow dye was obtained from goldenrod flowers. Seeds with fluff, like those of a dandelion, are carried by the wind over considerable distances.

Goldenrod is not harvested entirely, but only inflorescences, because of the hard stem. If you collect the grass completely, you have to thresh the stems after drying. It is advisable to collect inflorescences that have not fully blossomed, because they easily bloom and seed when cut.

Goldenrod grass contains essential oil, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, chlorogenic and caffeic acids, tannins, resins, contains bitterness and quercitrin.

In the pharmacopoeia of many European countries, it is a recognized diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The most commonly used in culture are goldenrod, hybrid goldenrod, Canadian goldenrod, wrinkled goldenrod.

Wrinkled goldenrod is also a thicket up to two meters high. It grows very quickly, panicles are long (up to 60 cm), drooping. Blooms from mid-September to mid-October.

Homeland - North America. Habitat: desert areas, tall grasses prairies, along roadsides, in open woods, or in wet meadows that dry up every year; not found in flooded areas and rare in very dry areas; intolerant of shade and partial shade, although it comes from sparsely wooded areas.

Goldenrod hybrid - this is in fact various varieties obtained from Canadian goldenrod:

Baby Gold is a compact, dense shrub about 65 cm high with a short, crowded inflorescence. Blooms in September.

Fruhgold is a plant about one meter high, the panicle of the inflorescence is loose, up to 25 cm. It blooms from the beginning of August.

Canadian goldenrod Goldjunge is a taller plant, up to one and a half meters, an inflorescence panicle is about 20 cm, dark yellow in color. Blooms from the end of August.

Goldriese - a bush about one and a half meters high with long, large inflorescences of bright yellow color (panicle length 35 cm). Blooms in early September.

Goldschwinge is a sprawling shrub 120 cm high, wide, short weeping inflorescences. Begins to bloom from the end of August.

Goldstrahl is a slender shrub up to 70 cm tall with short drooping panicles of golden color. Flowering in early September.

Perkeo is a dense shrub about 60 cm high with compact light yellow buds. Blooms August - September.

Schwefelgeiser - an openwork bush up to 120 cm high with a panicle-inflorescence drooping in one direction. Flowering - August-September.

Spatgold - columnar bush up to 70 cm, panicles about 15 cm, light yellow. Blooming begins in early September.

Strahlenkrone - one of the popular varieties, blooms in September. The bush is dense, up to 80 cm. Panicles are wide, drooping, forming a continuous flowering surface. Grows slowly.

A scattering of golden flowers, collected in fluffy panicles, against a background of dark green foliage. This is how you can describe the Canadian goldenrod, which blooms around the beginning of August and delights our eyes until the frost. This unpretentious in care, drought-resistant plant will look very advantageous against the background. wooden house. And especially if the log cabins of houses made of logs are made of Siberian cedar, which has a pronounced texture. If you decide to plant Canadian goldenrod on your site, do not forget that in good conditions it reaches a height of 2 meters, "interrupting" the rest of the flowers with its bright colors. Besides, he- perennial plant with powerful rhizomes, easily mastering new territories. At the same time, he can "crush" his closest neighbors - less resistant and more whimsical plants. In addition, goldenrod is also a godsend for lovers of winter bouquets (dry the inflorescences by placing them “upside down”), and for herbalists who use its antimicrobial properties.

What does Canadian goldenrod look like (description)?

Canadian goldenrod, in translation - Solidago canadensis, other names: scrofula, golden rod, hare down, life-giving grass, and yellow flower. The plant is a perennial herb, its height varies from 80 to 140 centimeters. The leaves have a lanceolate-linear shape, directly at the top they are pointed.

Flower baskets are yellow in color, their diameter does not exceed five millimeters, they are collected in spreading panicles. They bloom from July to September inclusive. The smell of grass has a weak aroma, its taste is spicy, bitter.

This is Canadian goldenrod

Canadian goldenrod - medicinal properties, photo, application, description

Where does Canadian goldenrod grow?

The homeland of life-giving grass is the territory of North America. In our country, this plant is often used as an ornamental crop, and it is also grown for medical purposes and drugs are prepared from it.

Cultivation and reproduction

Goldenrod (golden rod) is unpretentious, respectively, it grows favorably on any soil, including successfully developing both in sunny areas and in partial shade and directly in the shade. It is propagated by dividing the bush, this procedure is recommended to be done in spring or autumn.

Used part

Canadian goldenrod is valued both among healers, and its herb is used in official medicine, since it is part of some drugs, but I will tell about this a little later.

Collection and preparation

Harvesting of grass is carried out in early August, while trying to cut off not the entire aerial part, but only the area of ​​​​the inflorescence, since it lends itself to better cutting, because it does not have time to lignify.

When harvested required amount raw materials, it is recommended to hang it in the form of a small bundle in a shady place, or you can use drying chambers, for this they set the temperature within 50 degrees.

After the grass acquires the necessary dry structure, it is laid out in carton boxes or placed in paper bags. These containers with raw materials must be removed to a well-ventilated room, where there is no dampness and foreign odors.

The shelf life of Canadian goldenrod herb is two years. After this time, the raw materials must be disposed of, as they will lose their medicinal properties, and from its use will not positive effect.

What are the uses and medicinal properties of the Canadian goldenrod plant?

Preparations prepared on the basis of life-giving herbs have a diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, as well as anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. An infusion is prepared from this raw material, which is effective in the presence of cholelithiasis, in some kidney diseases, and in cystitis. In addition, it is also used externally for wounds, abrasions and ulcers.

Folk healers use Canadian goldenrod and in the fight against urolithiasis, since, in their opinion, drugs are able to dissolve kidney stones, as well as in bladder, in addition, the pain syndrome, as well as colic, also decreases.

Outwardly, this plant is used not only as an infusion, but also crushed fresh leaves of Canadian goldenrod are also used, for example, in the presence of purulent wounds, as well as in bone fractures.

In addition, the plant is used for the preparation of potions, which are used for rinsing in the presence of a sore throat, with stomatitis, and also in the presence of bad smell in the oral cavity.

In the pharmaceutical industry, a dry extract prepared from the herb of this plant is included in the drug, which is called "Marelin", it is usually prescribed as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent, for example, in the presence of a history of nephrolithiasis.

Canadian goldenrod infusion recipe

If you want to make an infusion of Canadian goldenrod, then you will need 10 grams of this herb, and it must be dry, it is crushed a little and placed in a container, then at least 200 milliliters of boiling water is poured into it. Next, the drug should be infused under the lid for at least three hours.

After the infusion has cooled down and three hours have passed, you can start filtering it, here you will need gauze, or rather its double layer, and the resulting drug should be poured through it. It is better to squeeze out the settled cake, and then you can throw it away.

Such a drug is stored for no more than three days at a cool temperature, namely, in the refrigerator chamber, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate if left in the room.

What does Canadian goldenrod look like (description)?

Canadian goldenrod, in translation - Solidago canadensis, other names: scrofula, golden rod, hare down, life-giving grass, and yellow flower. The plant is a perennial herb, its height varies from 80 to 140 centimeters. The leaves have a lanceolate-linear shape, directly at the top they are pointed.

Flower baskets are yellow in color, their diameter does not exceed five millimeters, they are collected in spreading panicles. They bloom from July to September inclusive. The smell of grass has a weak aroma, its taste is spicy, bitter.

This is Canadian goldenrod (photo)

Where does Canadian goldenrod grow?

The homeland of life-giving grass is the territory of North America. In our country, this plant is often used as an ornamental crop, and it is also grown for medical purposes, and drugs are prepared from it.

Cultivation and reproduction

Goldenrod (golden rod) is unpretentious, respectively, it grows favorably on any soil, including successfully developing both in sunny areas and in partial shade and directly in the shade. It is propagated by dividing the bush, this procedure is recommended to be done in spring or autumn.

Used part

Canadian goldenrod is valued both among healers, and its herb is used in official medicine, as it is part of some preparations, but I will tell about this a little later.

Collection and preparation

Harvesting of grass is carried out in early August, while trying to cut off not the entire aerial part, but only the area of ​​​​the inflorescence, since it lends itself to better cutting, because it does not have time to lignify.

When the required amount of raw material has been prepared, it is recommended to hang it in the form of a small bundle in a shady place, or you can use drying chambers, for this they set the temperature within 50 degrees.

After the grass has acquired the necessary dry structure, it is laid out in cardboard boxes or placed in paper bags. These containers with raw materials must be removed to a well-ventilated room, where there is no dampness and foreign odors.

The shelf life of Canadian goldenrod herb is two years. After this time, the raw material must be disposed of, as it will lose its medicinal properties, and there will be no positive effect from its use.

What are the uses and medicinal properties of the Canadian goldenrod plant?

Preparations prepared on the basis of life-giving herbs have a diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, as well as anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. An infusion is prepared from this raw material, which is effective in the presence of cholelithiasis, in some kidney diseases, and in cystitis. In addition, it is also used externally for wounds, abrasions and ulcers.

Folk healers also use Canadian goldenrod in the fight against urolithiasis, since, in their opinion, drugs are able to dissolve stones in the kidneys, as well as in the bladder, in addition, the pain syndrome and colic also decrease.

Outwardly, this plant is used not only as an infusion, but also crushed fresh leaves of Canadian goldenrod are also used, for example, in the presence of purulent wounds, as well as in bone fractures.

In addition, the plant is used to prepare potions that are used for rinsing in the presence of a sore throat, with stomatitis, as well as in the presence of an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity.

In the pharmaceutical industry, a dry extract prepared from the herb of this plant is included in the drug, which is called "Marelin", it is usually prescribed as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent, for example, in the presence of a history of nephrolithiasis.

Canadian goldenrod infusion recipe

If you want to make an infusion of Canadian goldenrod, then you will need 10 grams of this herb, and it must be dry, it is crushed a little and placed in a container, then at least 200 milliliters of boiling water is poured into it. Next, the drug should be infused under the lid for at least three hours.

After the infusion has cooled down and three hours have passed, you can start filtering it, here you will need gauze, or rather its double layer, and the resulting drug should be poured through it. It is better to squeeze out the settled cake, and then you can throw it away.

Such a drug is stored for no more than three days at a cool temperature, namely, in the refrigerator chamber, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate if left in the room.


To apply an infusion based on Canadian goldenrod with therapeutic purpose, you must first consult with a competent doctor, since any disease must be treated by a doctor, he will prescribe appropriate medications, and possibly, depending on the nature pathological process, it will be possible to use any drug prepared from a medicinal plant.

I warn you against the unauthorized use of medicinal herbs, namely, from potions prepared from them, first of all, enlist the support of a knowledgeable herbalist, only then you can count on a full recovery from existing health problems.

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