Common goldenrod - medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant. Golden rod - benefit and harm

Common goldenrod, the medicinal properties of which are described in this article, is a hardy, relatively large plant belonging to the Compositae family. It is resistant to drought, and is able to winter excellently even in extreme frosts, which served as its widespread distribution in the CIS countries and even Siberia. The structure of the goldenrod is distinguished by large surface-type roots, a tall and even stem, reaching 1 meter in length, and dotted with many small yellow inflorescences. The peak of goldenrod flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of September, it is during this time period that the plant has the brightest color.

However, be aware that goldenrod is a poisonous plant, don't be fooled by its attractive appearance, and keep it away from small children!

A bit of history

Almost all varieties of goldenrod come from the United States, where even at the time of colonization, Native American tribes used it as a medicine that accelerates wound healing. Given this fact, merchants quickly mastered its shipments across the ocean, and sold it in European countries at a very high price. After some time, it turned out that the goldenrod began to grow on its own in European countries, thereby causing a decline in interest in its person, but now the dense goldenrod plantations have become decorative, decorating the empty land plots of various nobles!

The most common types of goldenrod:

Canadian goldenrod

This plant is able to reach colossal sizes for its species, up to one and a half meters in height. The leaves themselves of this variety also have impressive dimensions, reaching 15 cm in length. It was this variety that was one of the few varieties that became the progenitors of modern species of large goldenrod. In all other respects, the Canadian goldenrod is practically no different from its usual counterpart, with the exception of the absence of toxicity, which distinguishes it from other varieties.

bicolor goldenrod

The plant is not widespread in culture, and is a feral species. The stems of this species do not have sufficient rigidity, which provokes sagging of their tops, especially during the flowering period. The inflorescences themselves have a reed shape of white color, and a tubular shape of light yellow color, for which the species itself got its name.

Bluish gray goldenrod

This variety is notable for its flowering period, which begins in late autumn and ends in early winter. This feature makes the plant dependent on warm climatic conditions, which served as its distribution in the United States, especially in states with a hot climate, and excluded its free distribution in the CIS countries.

Cutler's goldenrod

The plant has the smallest dimensions of all its varieties, because the length of its stem rarely exceeds 35 cm, and has practically no leaves, with the exception of the basal part, where there are more leaves than other species. Cutler's goldenrod is the progenitor of today's undersized goldenrods, which are popular as medicinal and ornamental plants.


This goldenrod is remarkable in that it was bred in Belarus. Plant height reaches 60 cm, and flowering lasts 30-40 days. It is very common as a decorative ornament, and is very fond of florists for its bright inflorescences, contrasting with the rich, dark green color of shiny oval leaves.

The listed goldenrods are only a small part of the vast family of this herb, which in Russia alone has more than 16 species. Despite such a variety, almost all of them have yellow flowers, and also love sunny and open places, do not grow well in shady areas, and are practically never found in forests!

Medicinal properties

Despite its toxicity, goldenrod has beneficial properties, the mention of which dates back to the 16th-17th century. In those days, it was used mainly for healing the stomach, with diarrhea, dropsy, and swelling of the kidneys. Later, at the beginning of the 20th century, scientists discovered alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, saponins and terpenoids in the composition of the plant. Despite this, goldenrod did not find its popularity in the scientific community, and began to be used mainly in traditional medicine, where its medicinal properties were appreciated, the list of which is given below:

  1. The plant has excellent healing properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of skin diseases, inflammations and even purulent wounds;
  2. Due to its composition, the plant is excellent for treating the kidneys and urinary tract, including uncontrolled urination, which is primarily relevant for the elderly;
  3. Goldenrod is suitable for people with impaired metabolism, bringing them back to normal, which is important for emaciated as well as overweight individuals;
  4. The plant has an antibacterial effect, which allows it to be successfully used for diseases and abscesses of the gums, their bleeding, as well as various bacterial lesions of the oral mucosa. Moreover, goldenrod can be used as an aid in scurvy;
  5. The herb is used for pain in the stomach, as well as for diarrhea, but here you should be careful about tinctures taken orally so as not to get intoxicated;
  6. Antimicrobial properties have also found their use in the treatment of acne and furunculosis, which is also relevant for both teenagers and people with oily skin. However, if your acne is hormonal in origin, goldenrod is not effective;
  7. Proper use of goldenrod helps to get rid of seasonal allergies, with the exception of allergies to ragweed and daisies;
  8. Goldenrod contains saponins, these are special elements that have an antifungal effect, which is especially pronounced in vaginal and oral thrush.

This is only a small part of the useful properties of the plant, a complete and detailed list of which can perhaps fit only in a small book!

Collection and preparation

When collecting, one should take into account the fact that the roots of this plant do not carry any value, and are not used in the main and most popular medicinal recipes. As for the aerial part of this plant, inflorescences are mainly used here, while harvesting begins exclusively during the early flowering period, best of all in the middle of summer, when the flowers are saturated with useful substances to the maximum. In addition, preference should be given to inflorescences that have not fully blossomed, since “mature” flowers, even when cut, can turn into seeds. The stem itself is also suitable for the manufacture of tinctures and powders, however, due to its rigid structure, it requires separate processing, followed by grinding into flour!

Traditional medicine recipes

Decoction for kidney stones

To prepare a decoction, take a tablespoon of ground inflorescences and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath for no more than 5 minutes, after which the broth is allowed to cool for several hours. We complete the preparation by filtering the liquid through a fine-grained sieve into a clean container. The decoction is ready and suitable for use in dosages not exceeding 30 ml, 3 times a day. However, remember that if you have phosphate stones, goldenrod is forbidden to you, so be sure to consult your doctor before using it;

Decoction for chronic nephritis

For cooking, you will need 2 tablespoons of ground inflorescences, which must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water, followed by 10 minutes of infusion in a water bath. After 10 minutes, strain the resulting broth, and let it brew for an hour. Take the resulting liquid 4 times a day, in portions of 100 ml, before eating;

Infusion against prostate adenoma

A tablespoon of dried goldenrod is needed, which is poured into a mug of cold water and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain the tincture, and drink the resulting liquid throughout the day, dividing it into several small portions. The tincture should be consumed before meals;

Goldenrod bath

Take 50 grams of dry goldenrod, not necessarily crushed, large fractions are also suitable. Next, boil it in 10 liters of water, followed by tincture for 2 hours. Add the resulting liquid to the bath, and take it for at least 30 minutes. This method is great for people with eczema, psoriasis, and even skin tuberculosis;

Oil for accelerated skin regeneration

A few tablespoons of dried inflorescences are taken, which are mixed with sea buckthorn or olive oil. The resulting mixture is applied to small wounds and skin eczema, for a period of 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day, until complete healing. Refrain from applying this mixture to extensive wounds, as this will not only not give the desired effect, but can also provoke suppuration, and even irritation of damaged tissues;

Alcoholic tincture of goldenrod

It is used for uncontrolled urination and disorders of the bladder and gallbladder, as well as congestion in the kidneys. Here you will need precisely ground goldenrod stalks, in the amount of seven tablespoons. Next, the stems must be poured with 500 ml of vodka, it is highly recommended to use the highest quality vodka possible. The resulting substance is tightly covered with a lid so that the vodka does not evaporate, and infused in a dark place for three weeks. At the end of this period, the tincture is drunk once a day, in the amount of one teaspoon, slightly diluted with water. In addition, such a tincture treats scurvy relatively effectively, for which you need to take a teaspoon of the described tincture and dilute it with 200 ml of tea with honey. The resulting liquid can be drunk up to 5 times a day;

Goldenrod for vein disease

In a glass of boiling water, add a teaspoon of goldenrod leaves, followed by tincture during the day. The resulting remedy can be used as compresses, applied to problematic veins, and also consumed orally, a teaspoonful, three times a day;

Goldenrod for getting rid of a cold

Dried and carefully ground goldenrod stalks in the amount of 25 grams, pour 240 ml of boiling water, and leave for 10 minutes. Take the resulting liquid 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons at a time. Use therapeutic liquid until the cold is completely cured;

Goldenrod for impotence

Take 1.5 tablespoons of goldenrod flowers, pour 200 ml of hot water over them, and put the mixture on the fire, bringing it to a boil. The resulting decoction is taken 1 time per day for a teaspoon, for 1 month;

Goldenrod when cleansing the body of accumulated toxins

Take 2 tablespoons of goldenrod florets, put them in a saucepan, and pour 600 ml of boiling water over it. Next, turn on a quiet fire, and cook the mixture for 5 minutes. Next, pour the boiled mixture into a thermos, and leave it to infuse for an hour. After the required time has passed, the drug is consumed in 70-80 ml, 4 times a day;

Goldenrod tea

Goldenrod honey

Common goldenrod, whose healing properties have been appreciated by more than one generation of people, is perfect for making honey. The honey itself from this plant has the ability to quickly crystallize, and only 1, less often 2 months is stored in a liquid state. Goldenrod honey has a dark yellow color, and differs from ordinary honey in a bitter taste. It is used for liver diseases, for which honey is mixed in equal proportions with blackcurrant, currant jam can be used, followed by 1 teaspoon, two hours before meals, on a regular basis.

If you have bladder problems, you should dissolve 1 teaspoon of goldenrod honey in 100 ml of warm water. It is necessary to drink the resulting mixture 2 times a day, immediately before meals. In case of kidney dysfunction, mix 120 g of goldenrod honey with lemon juice and rosehip tincture, with further use of the resulting mixture, before eating.

The independent production of goldenrod honey is a time-consuming procedure that is best left to professionals. It is best to purchase a valuable product in specialized stores or pharmacies!


Goldenrod is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it can provoke a miscarriage. It should not be taken by breastfeeding mothers either, as this can harm the baby, whose body is unable to neutralize, albeit small, but still present toxic substances contained in goldenrod. For these reasons, goldenrod tinctures and honey are also not recommended for children under 6-7 years of age. In addition, the use of goldenrod is prohibited for people suffering from glomerulonephritis, as well as people prone to allergic reactions to ragweed and daisies. If you have edema caused by cardiovascular or kidney failure, you should also forget about using this herb!

Other Uses for Goldenrod

During the colonization of the United States, the American Indians used goldenrod in the manufacture of yellow paint, which had a relatively high resistance to environmental conditions. In addition, some varieties of goldenrod contain rubber fibers, the use of which is advisable in the absence of third-party sources of this material. As for official medicine, here goldenrod is added to drugs aimed at preventing the genitourinary system, mainly the male population. There are also some creams and ointments aimed at combating acne, but such ointments are very few in number, or their composition contains goldenrod only as a minor element.

The golden rod belongs to perennial herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family, to the goldenrod genus. It grows in Europe and Asia. The rhizome is short, rod-shaped, woody. The erect stems most often do not branch and reach a height of up to one meter. Leaves ovate, arranged alternately on the stem. The lower leaves have a winged petiole, the upper ones are densely sessile. The flowers are yellow, collected in baskets, the diameter of which reaches one and a half centimeters. Panicled inflorescence. The fruits of the golden rod are achenes (cylindrical, ribbed).

It blooms at the very end of summer, and then, thanks to its abundant golden flowers, it becomes clear where its name came from. In the people, the plant is also called goldenrod, scrofula, hare down and yellow grass. The recognition by people of its especially healing qualities is also evidenced by another popular name - life-giving grass. Highly appreciated the medicinal properties of the plant, Martin Luther, who used it to get rid of many diseases.

In our country, the golden rod is used mainly by traditional healers, while traditional European medicine has classified the plant as a medicinal product of natural origin and actively uses it to relieve inflammation of the urinary system.

Herbalists in our country and throughout Europe have been using the life-giving herb for many centuries to heal a variety of diseases, quickly and effectively curing their patients. Time-tested folk recipes have come down to us, which are guaranteed to have a healing effect.

The chemical composition of the golden rod

The composition of the plant contains many substances that are most valuable for human health. Combining with each other, they have a particularly high-quality healing effect that can quickly get rid of many diseases that are difficult to classical treatment. The life-giving herb contains: ascorbic acid, quinic acid, nicotinic acid, essential oil, tannins, catechin tannins, saponizides, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, narcissin, isoquercetin), alkaloids, resins, mucous substances, bitter substances, saponins, phytoecdysone , coumarins.

Present in the goldenrod and macronutrients - iron, magnesium and calcium, without which the normal functioning of the internal organs and the brain is impossible. The golden rod is also rich in trace elements - zinc, copper, magnesium, aluminum, iodine, cobalt, vanadium, chromium, selenium, strontium and cadmium.

Polysaccharides are also found in the plant: xylose, glucose, rhamnose, galactose, arabinose.

Goldenrod seeds contain a very fatty oil.

This composition gives goldenrod truly magical healing properties, allowing you to cope even with neglected ailments.

What does the golden rod cure?

Traditional healers for many centuries have used the life-giving herb as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, hemostatic, expectorant, diaphoretic, choleretic, wound healing, antispasmodic, diuretic and astringent. In addition, goldenrod is a powerful immunostimulant and tonic. It improves the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract, preventing the formation of stones in them. The plant also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls and preventing strokes. When applied externally, the golden rod heals purulent wounds, quickly clearing them of necrotic masses. The ability of goldenrod to cope with herpes and influenza viruses is also valuable, accelerating the healing process. Tibetan healers considered this plant the best remedy for neurasthenia.

The internal use of life-giving herbs is indicated for such diseases of the urinary system as cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, urolithiasis of all stages, age-related urinary retention or incontinence, ascites. Goldenrod also has an effective effect on prostate adenoma, relieving inflammation and pain, as well as normalizing urine output.

Good results are obtained by using the golden rod for jaundice, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and bile deficiency. Being an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and analgesic, the plant quickly improves the condition of patients, often completely eliminating the manifestations of the disease.

Effectively life-giving herb copes with edema of various origins. Being a diuretic, it quickly removes excess fluid from the body and normalizes its metabolism.

The ability of the plant to remove sputum and relieve inflammation allows for high-quality treatment for bronchitis and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and lungs. Goldenrod is also a good complementary therapy in the treatment of asthma and tuberculosis.

As a natural remedy for blood purification, the golden rod is used after long-term treatment with heavy medications and anesthesia. This helps in a short time to significantly improve the well-being of patients.

The life-giving herb is also used in dentistry for rinsing the mouth. It, having an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces gum bleeding and fights periodontal disease. In addition, it eliminates the plant and stale breath.

When applied externally, the golden rod heals purulent wounds, burns, weeping wounds and boils. Fresh leaves of the plant also relieve itching after the bites of blood-sucking insects.

The golden rod is used to treat not only people, but also animals. It has long been used to save livestock from problems with the respiratory system, diarrhea, inflammation of the bladder and intestines.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications are available for all drugs, both chemical and natural origin. The golden rod is no exception.

The use of this most healing plant is unacceptable during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), in the acute phase of glomerulonephritis. Early childhood is also a contraindication to the use of goldenrod.

In addition, the life-giving herb is not only medicinal, but also a poisonous plant; and therefore, using it, you should strictly observe the dosage. If the norm is exceeded, symptoms of poisoning develop, such as nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach, excessive urination, headache, low blood pressure and general weakness. Then the victim is given gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment.

Methods of use

In order for the golden rod to bring only health benefits, and not harm it, one should strictly adhere to the recipes for the preparation of medicinal potions and not exceed the indicated dosages, unless prescribed by a doctor. Traditionally, goldenrod is used internally in the form of decoctions and infusions, and externally - fresh.

Decoction of sand and kidney stones

To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of dried life-giving herbs and a glass of boiling water. The mixture is heated on a water bath for 10 minutes, after which it is infused, tightly closed with a lid, for four hours. Apply the drink three times a day for thirty milliliters. As a rule, the patient begins to feel the healing effect after a couple of days of treatment. Duration of admission is set individually depending on the degree of the disease.

Tea for inflammation and to increase immunity

For this purpose, dried goldenrod flowers are used. A teaspoon of raw materials is taken for one glass of boiling water. Tea is infused in a thermos for thirty minutes and then consumed throughout the day between meals. Drinking more than one glass of tea a day is not worth it.

Infusion for acne, skin diseases and for rinsing

For him, you need to take a tablespoon of dried flowers and pour a glass of freshly boiled water. After that, let the mixture brew for two hours and strain. Use the infusion should be for compresses and lotions. The same infusion is used for dental problems for rinsing the mouth.

Collection and storage of the golden rod

In addition to the correct preparation of medicines from medicinal herbs, it is important to properly collect, dry and then store it. The collection of goldenrod is carried out during the flowering period, when the maximum amount of medicinal substances accumulates in the plant. For medicinal purposes, its aerial part is cut off to a coarse, semi-lignified stem. The collected grass is sorted out, washed and tied into small bundles, dried in the open air, protected from direct exposure to sunlight. You can also use special dryers.

Dried raw materials can be stored in a woven or paper bag in a ventilated dry room for no more than 24 months.

Goldenrod has many names: golden rod, golden feather, living grass and others. This herbaceous plant is common on the territory of the former Soviet republics, in Central Asia and many European countries.

Goldenrod: the chemical composition of the medicinal plant

The chemical composition of goldenrod is still poorly understood. Those substances that are found in the goldenrod plant, of course, endow it with medicinal properties. It was found that it contains alkaloids, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), glycosides, saponins, terpenoids. Also identified are tannins and bitter substances, coumarins, essential oil. The composition contains derivatives of phenolcarboxylic acids - caffeic, chlorogenic, hydroxycinnamic.

Useful properties of goldenrod for humans

Goldenrod ordinary, due to its medicinal properties, is used as a diuretic (urolithiasis, kidney and bladder diseases), anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Goldenrod is able to regulate the exchange of salts and reduce the amount of salts in the body. The flavonoids present in the composition of the plant maintain normal capillaries.

Preparations based on goldenrod show useful properties in the treatment of urate and oxalate stones. The plant has an undoubted benefit for men with prostatitis and urethritis. As part of some herbal preparations, it significantly improves the condition of prostate adenoma and impotence. In gynecology, the plant helps to alleviate the condition with cystitis, candidiasis.

Important! You can not use the herb "golden rod" in the treatment of stones without consulting a doctor, in addition to benefit, harm can also be done - a preparation based on goldenrod is contraindicated in phosphate stones, since it increases the pH of the urine.

The healing anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are useful for suppurating inflammation of the skin, for fractures and edema, the properties of the herb help heal and cleanse wounds. In Germany, goldenrod is officially used as an antioxidant and vasoconstrictor.

How goldenrod is used

Traditional medicine finds goldenrod used for indigestion, gallstone disease, and improper metabolism of uric acid. Significantly facilitates the condition of patients with nephritis and pyelonephritis. Goldenrod helps relieve painful symptoms of rheumatism and gout. Fresh grass is used to treat ulcers and boils on the skin, reduce swelling. Our ancestors used herbs to treat jaundice, scrofula and skin tuberculosis. When gargling, you can cure stomatitis, sore throat and gingivitis, reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums, and also eliminate bad breath from the mouth.

Did you know? Goldenrod is a rather aggressive plant, occupying any area, it displaces other crops. In addition, it quickly spreads by self-sowing, occupying more and more territories and changing the flora. Apparently, therefore, the environmentalists of the Biodiversity Foundation are sounding the alarm.

decoctions of goldenrod

Goldenrod herb, its decoction, when used to treat nephritis, urate and oxalate salts in the kidneys, has some contraindications: it is not recommended to drink a decoction with edema caused by heart and kidney failure. To prepare a decoction, pour boiling water (200 ml) one tablespoon of dry grass, hold for ten minutes in a water bath. Then leave for three hours to brew and cool. With salts in the kidneys, nephritis and stone diseases, drink 50 ml once a day. For external use, the decoction is made more concentrated. It is used to treat skin inflammations, psoriasis, skin tuberculosis and eczema.

To make tea, pour 5 g of herb into 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cover, leave for two minutes. Such tea can be drunk up to three glasses a day, but goldenrod, in addition to indications, also has contraindications. Tea in such quantities will not harm a healthy body. If there are inflammatory processes or problems with cardiac activity, tea should be consumed in moderation.

Goldenrod herb tea, thanks to the routine of the plant, becomes a rich source of antioxidants. The drink helps strengthen capillaries, cleanses the body of free radicals, and reduces acidity. The tea is pleasant in taste and has a light aroma of essential oil.

Uses of goldenrod honey

Bees love goldenrod. The honey of this plant has high antibacterial properties. The use of the product is useful for strengthening the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes in the body. Outwardly, in the form of compresses, honey is used to treat skin diseases, edema. Internally, it is a good effective remedy for sore throat, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, rhinitis and meningitis. With its beneficial properties, goldenrod has a positive trend in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, but honey is contraindicated in the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines. Allergy sufferers should use honey with caution.

Interesting! In a summer article in 2016, the well-known Polish magazine "Beekeeping" published interesting indicators: sugar productivity per hectare of goldenrod was 251 kg, pollen - 48 kg.

Medicinal properties of goldenrod infusion

A cold infusion of goldenrod herb is used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, prostatitis, adenoma, rheumatism and gout. For cooking, take two tablespoons of inflorescences, pour 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature and leave to infuse for four hours. The dose of infusion is determined individually. You can use goldenrod for no more than a month, then without a two-week break, the reception is contraindicated. This infusion can be used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, gout, prostatitis, adenoma, rheumatism. The hot infusion is used to treat sore throats and dental problems. Pour boiling water over one tablespoon of herbs (250 ml), leave for two hours. Outwardly, the infusion can be used for compresses and lotions for skin diseases and for better fusion of bones in fractures.

Preparation of goldenrod tincture

Alcohol tinctures are effectively used in the treatment of problems with the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder. The tincture also helps with circulatory disorders, beriberi. Can relieve diarrhea. Significantly improves well-being with arthritis and fractures, with skin problems. For tincture, take 80 g of dry grass, pour vodka - 500 ml, leave in a dark and dry room for three weeks. Take diluted with water, 15 mg. The course of treatment is a month. In case of metabolic disorders and liver function, honey is added to the tincture: a teaspoon of honey, 5 mg of tincture per 120 ml of warm boiled water.

Two plants of the genus Solidágo have medicinal properties and are used in folk medicine:

  • common goldenrod (Solidágo virgáurea);
  • Canadian goldenrod (Solidágo canadénsis).

The genus name Solidágo is derived from the Latin word solidus, which means "strong, healthy". The Russian name comes from the bright yellow, golden flowers with which the plants bloom. Common goldenrod and Canadian goldenrod have a similar chemical composition, so they are used to treat the same spectrum of diseases. The plant has contraindications, you need to coordinate the use with your doctor. Vegetable juice and grass contain:

  • saponins and coumarins;
  • essential oils and resins;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids, especially rutin and quercetin;
  • compounds of phenol and phenolcarboxylic acid.

The beneficial properties of the plant and the unique chemical composition have made it popular in the folk medicine of many peoples. In Germany, goldenrod is used as an ingredient in medicinal preparations for the restoration of venous vessels. Canadian goldenrod is found wild in North America and is used in Native American folk recipes. The carved bush, blooming with golden clusters, looks very beautiful, so Canadian goldenrod is grown to decorate gardens and orchards around the world.

The medicinal properties of the plant have found their application in the treatment of diseases of the immune system, bladder, digestive system and peripheral vessels. Common goldenrod, when used in large doses, can cause poisoning, so you must strictly follow the recommended dosage when preparing a decoction and infusion. The herb is not used to treat children under 12 years old, so contraindications include: children and infancy. In order for the common goldenrod to show its beneficial properties, when buying raw materials, you need:

  • contact only trusted suppliers, it is best to buy medicinal herbs in a pharmacy or an official herbal shop;
  • check the quality of the collection, the use of grass with mold, rot, insects or a fetid odor is harmful to health;
  • check the expiration date;
  • when the collection is stored at home, observe the regime of humidity, temperature and light recommended for storage, use before the expiration date.

The greatest harm to health and even danger to life is caused by the use of expired herbal preparations purchased from unknown herbal grandmothers (near the metro, at bus stops, in underground passages). These purveyors have a meager knowledge of botany, and under the influence of selfish gain or inadvertence pass off one herb for another. Canadian goldenrod is not toxic when collected in the singular, but may interact with other plants. For example, if you use Canadian goldenrod and cloves at the same time, then the remedy will even repel mosquitoes. When taken orally, it causes great harm to a person and can cause poisoning, even with a fatal outcome. Canadian goldenrod and common goldenrod will help against diseases, and not multiply the patient's troubles, if you use official pharmacies to buy packaged and tested raw materials.

Description of the medicinal plant

The common goldenrod has a trunk up to 1 meter high, long oval leaves with a carved edge. The plant blooms with small yellow flowers, the diameter of the flower is up to 1.5 cm. The flowers are collected in lush and luxurious clusters, inflorescence brush or panicle. Flowering and harvesting time - August-September. Canadian goldenrod is up to 1.5 m high, but more often low, up to 30 cm. This species was bred artificially for decorative purposes, but then settled just like the common goldenrod, throughout the European part of Russia, along the Western Siberian Plain and the Caucasus . You can meet this plant in wastelands, dry plains and even in city parks.

Beneficial features

In order for the plant to show its best and beneficial properties and improve health, you need to use the right recipes. In what form is the goldenrod used:

  1. Tea.

    There are two brewing methods. In the first case, you need to take 2 tsp. raw materials, pour 400 ml of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for 5 minutes. In the second case, take 2 tsp. raw materials, pour 400 ml of boiling water over, leave for 10-15 minutes. Honey can be added to taste.

  2. Decoction.

    Take 1 tbsp. raw materials, pour 200 ml of water, soar in a water bath for 5 minutes. A safe dose is 30 ml three times a day. You can make a decoction by boiling. Take 40 g of raw materials, pour 400 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and drink 100 ml each. Before use, you should consult with your doctor. In chronic kidney disease, damage to the urinary system and deterioration of well-being are possible. Contraindications - cholelithiasis in the acute stage.

  3. Infusion.

    Take 1 tbsp. raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water, infused for 8-12 hours. Application takes place after straining 1 third of a glass three times a day.

  4. Solution for antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity.

    Pour 4 tbsp. raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist until cool, rinse as needed. Do not use inside.

The plant has effective and beneficial properties and, if the dosage is observed, is safe and does not harm the body.

What does it heal?

  1. Decoction:

    from cholelithiasis, diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

  2. Mouthwash:

    with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and for the treatment of festering wounds on the skin.

  3. Tea:

    in case of metabolic disorders, the properties of the drink restore the balance of uric acid.

  4. Infusion:

    with vegetovascular dystonia, as an antiseptic, with pyelonephritis and cholecystitis.


The plant should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years old, especially infants. Contraindications include:

  • allergic to any substance that the plant contains;
  • acute disease of the urinary system.

Medicinal herbs such as goldenrod promote progress in recovery if the patient respects the contraindications and discusses the treatment plan with their doctor.

The value of plants lies not only in beauty, but also in great benefits. A unique herb is the golden rod, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been known since time immemorial. Its use helps in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Therefore, the golden rod is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Its botanical name is common goldenrod. For its versatile properties, the golden rod was popularly called the life-giving grass. Some people refer to the plant as scrofula for its bright yellow flowers. You can also hear such names as hare ears, crow, scrofula, golden branch, etc. The range of this plant is very large: it is found throughout Europe, the Far East, the Caucasus, and South Siberia. Prefers to grow in forests, clearings, clearings and edges.

Brief description of the golden rod

Common goldenrod is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Astrov family. The plant has an erect stem with narrow longitudinal stripes. On a slender stem, reaching a height of more than 1 m, sit ovoid, slightly serrated leaves. The root of the golden rod is short, pivotal. All parts of the plant are covered with sparse, barely noticeable hairs.

Medicinal plant blooms in the second half of summer. On average, the duration of flowering is about 2.5 months. The flowers of the life-giving grass are small, golden yellow in color, collected in paniculate inflorescences, consisting of many baskets. During the flowering period, the plant emits a delicate and pleasant aroma. The fruit of the goldenrod is a cylindrical achene with longitudinal ribs (no more than 3 mm). At its apex there is a brownish tuft of flat, serrate bristles, which exceeds the length of the achene by 2 times. A perennial plant reproduces not only by seeds, but also by segments of rhizomes and by rooting green cuttings.

Common goldenrod: composition and useful properties

Like all medicinal herbs, the golden rod has its own beneficial properties and contraindications. For medicinal purposes, the leafy upper parts of the stems with inflorescences are used. They are harvested at the beginning of flowering, since during this period they contain the maximum amount of nutrients. Collected inflorescences are best dried in the shade in the fresh air.
The medicinal properties of goldenrod are due to the presence of certain chemical compounds in it. Alkaloids, saponins, coumarins (esculin, esculetin) were found in the grass. The composition of the plant includes phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives (coffee, chlorogenic, hydroxycinnamic). In addition to these acids, the herb contains a large amount of citric, malic and succinic acids.

It contains physiologically active elements of flavonoids (rutin, narcissin, isoquercitrin, quercetin). Also in the inflorescences of grass, mucous substances, bitterness, essential oils and resins were found. Rich in amazing plant and simple carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose). In addition, the grass contains complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) - starch, glycogen, fiber, pectin.

Scrofula is just a storehouse of microelements necessary for the human body: zinc, iron, manganese, aluminum, barium, selenium, copper, etc. Also, plant raw materials of useful herbs are a very valuable source of macronutrients such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium.

The medicinal plant is valued in scientific medicine and among traditional healers for the fact that it has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is used to achieve bacteriostatic, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Preparations based on the golden rod have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. The perennial herb has antispasmodic and analgesic properties. The medicinal plant is an effective and affordable astringent, expectorant and hemostatic agent. A rather high content of vitamins and microelements has a restorative and tonic effect on the body.

The use of common goldenrod

In official medicine, preparations made on the basis of medicinal herbs are widely used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, etc.). With urolithiasis, the medicinal plant is actively involved in the dissolution and excretion of urate and oxalate stones from the body.

Goldenrod is prescribed for cholelithiasis and inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).

Based on it, many medicines are produced aimed at treating various pathologies of the prostate gland. The extract of the plant helps to cope with diseases such as gout and articular rheumatism.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of life-giving herb for inflammatory and infectious diseases. Goldenrod is very useful for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, influenza and herpes. It is an effective cough remedy for bronchitis, because. stops its protracted attacks, dilutes the mucus that forms on the inner surface of the bronchi, and contributes to its expectoration. Infusions and decoctions are also used for pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma.

The beneficial properties of the plant help prevent inflammation and bleeding of the gums. The golden rod is suitable for blood purification, because its components neutralize toxins and increase hemoglobin.

Dry herb powder in the form of a powder has a healing effect in the treatment of open wounds, eczema, boils and skin tuberculosis. Thanks to the diuretic effect, goldenrod herb helps to normalize blood pressure. The amazing herb also helps older people suffering from urinary incontinence. With its help, you can quickly eliminate unpleasant signs of a disease such as thrush. A unique plant can be used to eliminate colic and spasms of the abdominal organs. Many healers claim that this plant is the best remedy for neurasthenia.


The use of goldenrod is contraindicated in pregnant women. It is strictly forbidden to take the plant during lactation. It is not recommended to use medicines from scrofula for people suffering from allergies, since this plant contains essential oils. Do not use the herb for the treatment of glomerular nephritis (glomerulonephritis). It is necessary to take into account the fact that the plant is poisonous, therefore, internal use requires great care and consultation with your doctor. Incorrect use of drugs can have a strong enough effect on the body, which can cause serious side effects.

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