Recovery tools. Contraindications, frequency of procedures and other common questions. Osteoarthritis of the sacrococcygeal joint

This is achieved by special massage mechanical beds, of which there is a fairly large variety.

AT medical center"Mednean" beds are used for mechanical massage"Nuga Best". They allow you to prepare the patient's body for subsequent manual therapy by developing segments of the spine with rollers, heating and stretching them (especially the lumbar spine). This makes it possible to remove small functional blocks in the segments of the spine, to remove muscle spasms and the inflammatory process and thereby prepare the body for the manual therapy procedure and make it less traumatic.

Summarizing, I should note that beds for mechanical massage are good helpers in the rehabilitation of the spine, but they are necessarily controlled by a doctor who, according to certain indications, prescribes this procedure. If there are contraindications to mechanical massage, the patient is given a manual back massage by a qualified massage therapist. In addition, massage in our medical center can also be carried out through the aquatic environment (hydromassage).

The mechanism of action of mechanical massage

Mechanical massage affects many receptors in the skin, muscles and spine and stimulates with the help of mechanical and thermal stimuli. In this case, impulses are transmitted to the central nervous system. Depending on the modes of mechanical massage, the flow of impulses can stimulate and increase the tone of the central nervous system. It can also have a relaxing effect, which in turn has a positive regulatory effect on the activity of all body systems. In addition, blood circulation in the paravertebral zones is stimulated, muscle spasms are relieved.

Bed for mechanical massage allows you to change the temperature. This is important if there are contraindications to the use of heat. There is also an additional applicator for warming up the joints when there is pain in the knee, as well as a muscle stimulator, which is effectively used to treat cellulite (body shaping).

Many refer to the varieties of massage as a technique referred to as manual therapy, but this is a separate medical practice.

Features of the spine massage

Spinal massage is a certain mechanical effect that relieves tension in muscle fibers, and also relaxes the whole body. As a result, the body gets rid of the stress that has accumulated.

Experts say that the back is a reflexogenic zone and certain areas correspond to the internal organs, so it can help with various diseases. Massotherapy spine renders positive impact on the state of the whole organism.

Manual massage may differ in the way it is performed:

  • point (acupuncture). The bottom line is that the specialist acts on certain points in the spine;
  • classical. It is a universal method that is suitable for almost all people of all ages;
  • vibration massage. It is carried out with the help of the device. The spine is affected with the power of vibrational vibrations;
  • hydromassage. This is another kind of hardware method, but the point is that a jet of water is directed to a certain part of the back;
  • segmental. It is performed by stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibrating.
  • jar. For its implementation, ordinary medical banks. With the help of such a massage, blood flow to the desired areas of the body is enhanced;
  • self-massage.

In addition, massages are divided according to their purpose:

  • relaxing massage helps to relieve fatigue, improve mood and relieve depression;
  • lymphatic drainage method promotes cleansing and rejuvenation, and also removes excess fluid from the body;
  • anti-cellulite massage helps to soften the skin and makes the figure more slender;
  • massage subject to availability various pathologies. Helps relieve pain and normalize blood flow, as well as relax and relieve spasm.

Therapeutic massage will help to significantly improve the patient's condition with uncomplicated forms of various back pathologies.

Indications for use

Massage of the thoracic spine is indicated in such cases:

  • with back pain;
  • with spinal injuries (after an injury, before doing a massage, an examination should be carried out). The reason for contacting a massage therapist can be sprains, fractures, curvature of the spine;
  • reduced or vice versa increased tone muscles;
  • shallow scars or scars in the back;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hernia (initial stages);
  • sciatica;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • myositis;
  • violation functional activity musculoskeletal system.


Therapeutic massage of the lumbar region and the entire back will help to achieve excellent results. Among which:

  • reduction or even disappearance of painful sensations;
  • relaxation of tense muscles;
  • increased tone;
  • strengthening the muscular corset;
  • improvement of local blood circulation;
  • resorption of inflammatory foci;
  • general relaxation;
  • positive emotions;
  • strengthening of local metabolic processes.

Massage is not only a treatment, but also diagnostic study. Since during it you can find sore spots that correspond to certain organs.

Only a specialist can prescribe a massage, since this procedure, in the presence of certain diseases, aggravates the situation.


Consider contraindications for therapeutic massage:

  • hyperthermia;
  • pustules on the skin;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • dermatitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension or hypotension (crises);
  • Availability inflammatory processes in the body;
  • acute ischemic process in the myocardium;
  • mental illness that manifests itself in the form of mental arousal;
  • sclerotic change in the vessels of the brain;
  • recurrence of the existing pathology of the spine, which manifests itself severe pain, impaired sensitivity and motor activity;
  • infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • wounds;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • alcohol intoxication.

In the area of ​​​​the kidneys, you need to carefully massage and try not to press hard

So, how to do a therapeutic massage of the spine? You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the patient's skin must be clean;
  • arms chiropractor it is better to lubricate with cream or petroleum jelly, thanks to this a good glide will be achieved;
  • a warm bath, shower or bath - any of the above can be done before the procedure;
  • physiotherapy exercises are carried out after the massage. Massage will help relieve tension, speed up metabolism, activate blood circulation and relieve pain. It is after the massage that exercise therapy will bring more benefits;
  • the patient should lie on a hard surface, due to this, blood flow will increase.

Execution Method

First, let's talk about some simple tips for masseurs who will make the massage more effective:

  1. 1 advice. It is necessary to allocate time for relaxation and establishing contact with the patient;
  2. 2 advice. The pressure must be increased as the muscles warm up;
  3. 3 advice. Only soft areas of the skin can be squeezed strongly and deeply.

Now let's talk about the general rules for a classic massage:

  • the first sessions are done with the help of light and gentle techniques;
  • first, superficial effects on the tissues of the back are carried out, and then deeper techniques are applied;
  • you can not use shock techniques at the site of the projection of the kidneys and heart;
  • at the end, calming superficial techniques should be carried out.

The movements of the massage therapist's hands start from the very spinal column, and then to the sides

The technique of therapeutic massage includes various mechanical effects. First, let's talk about stroking.

Stroking movements

It all starts with a wide, superficial stroke. After that, with the help of the back of the brush, the masseur strokes more deeply. With massage movements, the specialist should clasp the entire back. Side surfaces massaged with embracing strokes.


Squeezing is a deeper technique that is performed along the lymph flow. This movement should be performed slowly, and its purpose is to influence the deeper layer of the skin.

In order to achieve the best effect, squeezing is carried out with the help of weights. Weighting is done by laying one hand on the other. The long muscles of the back begin to be processed, then they move on to the broad muscles.


Rubbing is performed before proceeding to deep exposure. Offset grinding is carried out skin. The back area is processed using semicircular movements.

Rubbing between the ribs is carried out from the spine, and then to the sides. At the end, you can do general wide rubbing over the entire surface of the back and do not forget about stroking.


To perform this technique, one hand is placed on the other. Long muscles begin to be processed. There are several types of stretches. Among which are the following:

  • with the thumb. Thumb must press the muscle fold to the bone and knead with rotational movements;
  • with both hands. On both sides of the back, it is necessary to knead alternately with the thumbs;
  • four fingers. Circular movements are made with the fingertips;
  • with the help of the phalanges of the fingers, circular movements are also performed.

End of the session

The massage should be finished with the help of vibration techniques - energetic shock movements with the palm or fists. Then vibration stroking should follow. And at the end, general wide strokes are made over the entire surface of the back.

So, as it turned out, therapeutic back massage brings great benefit the whole body, but at the same time, if you do not first consult a specialist and do a study, then it can be harmful. That is why massage should be prescribed by a specialist, but not by the patient himself!

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ATTENTION! All information on this website is for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and prescription of medications require knowledge of the medical history and examination by a doctor. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor for treatment and diagnosis, and not self-medicate.

What is spinal massage for and how is it performed?

Today, you can learn how to properly massage the spine on your own. However, we should not forget that a specialist doctor will do this much more professionally. Therapeutic massage for the spine should be done in specialized salons or in a clinical setting.

Massage contraindications

Given that The best way prevention and treatment of spinal problems - this is a massage, it can be done only after the permission of the doctor. This is due to the fact that there are diseases during which the massage is strictly unacceptable. Contraindications are permanent and non-permanent.

The permanent ones are:

  • vascular thrombosis (during the onset);
  • phlebeurysm;
  • malignant tumors (before the use of radical treatment methods);
  • hemophilia (blood clotting disorder);
  • rash on the skin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • aneurysm of peripheral vessels of the heart and aorta;
  • osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow);
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • heart failure;
  • slow blood circulation;
  • AIDS.

The non-permanent ones are:

  • uterine, nasal and intestinal bleeding;
  • sharp respiratory diseases, flu, tonsillitis;
  • purulent processes and associated skin lesions;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • varying degrees of alcohol intoxication.

Spinal massage

Every day, the human spine is subjected to enormous loads. This is, firstly, due to the fact that the spine has to support the weight of the head and body. Secondly, a person periodically lifts weights, which leads to additional load. Thirdly, modern realities are such that most people lead sedentary image life ( office workers). All this leads to poor posture, pain in the spine, neck, chest and lower back.

Indications for spinal massage:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis (cervical, thoracic, lumbar);
  • simple intervertebral hernia;
  • lumbalgia (pain in the lumbosacral region);
  • thoracalgia (squeezing and irritation of the intercostal nerves);
  • injury spinal cord;
  • neuralgia;
  • strokes;
  • piriformis syndrome (pain in the buttocks, spreading to the groin and upper part thighs and lower legs);
  • spinal tumors;
  • surgical interventions on the spine;
  • spinal injury.

Massage on the spine is a manual method of therapy, the use of which makes it possible to prevent and treat diseases musculoskeletal system without medication or surgery.

Impact on various parts of the spine

The massage scheme includes the impact on the area to the right and left of the spine (the distance from it is 3-10 centimeters), from the bottom up (from the coccyx to the head).

Pain in the lumbosacral region is due to the fact that it lies on maximum load. It never decreases, even during rest and sleep is no exception, the spine hardly relaxes. Massage begins with kneading the gluteal muscles. After that, you can proceed directly to the massage of the lumbosacral region. The first step is to warm up the muscles by stroking in the pelvic area, squeezing and kneading hand movements, shaking and stroking again. The second stage includes again "squeezing" and kneading the muscles with the crests of the fists. Finish the stage with stroking and shaking to "calm" the muscles. During the massage, the following types of rubbing can be used: soft (with fingertips), more rigid (with finger joints), fists and reverse side palms. Each technique should be performed 2-3 times.

When treating the cervicothoracic spine, classical therapeutic massage techniques are used.

Its methodology depends on the stage of the disease and the clinical picture of the course of the disease, therefore it is developed for each patient individually. Apply the following tricks: stroking, kneading, squeezing, shaking, rubbing. During the massage of the cervicothoracic region, special attention is paid to the areas located to the left and right of the spine, the exit points of the roots of the spinal cord and the reflexogenic zones of the upper and lower extremities(paravertebral zones C3-C7 and Th1-Th6). If pain in the cervicothoracic region is felt only on one side, then they begin to massage from the opposite side, healthy side back and neck. If the pain is felt on both sides, then the part of the back that hurts less is massaged. It is also necessary to perform a neck massage on both sides and the back of the head.

The neck has always been one of the most vulnerable parts of our body due to a large number nerve channels and blood vessels, so pain in the neck and restriction of its mobility cause a lot of inconvenience. Often massage cervical The spine turns out to be the only and most effective way to get rid of debilitating pain.

Massage of the neck and collar zone can be carried out both in the supine position and sitting at the table. The muscles of the neck and back should be relaxed. The initial stage of the massage includes stroking from the collar zone to the supraclavicular and axillary nodes. Stroking is performed along the course of the lymph with comb-like or planar movements of the hands. After that, they proceed to the implementation of "squeezing", rubbing and kneading. Finish the massage with vibration techniques: tapping, shaking, chopping.

It is not always possible and time to visit a massage therapist, so if you have neck pain, you can do self-massage of the cervical spine at home or during a break at work. It will only take minutes. It is better to carry it out in a sitting position from the 4th thoracic vertebra to the hair growth zone. Techniques for performing self-massage are the same as with classical massage neck. It can be carried out with one hand or with both hands at once. When doing self-massage, you should remember main principle medicine - do no harm.

  • Intervertebral hernia

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Mechanical massage of the spine

Good, experienced massage therapist - Julia

Can a massage chair replace a massage therapist? And the rubber woman - natural?

Conclusion. Massage devices can be useful in the hands of a professional only after establishing an accurate diagnosis, a thorough examination of the patient. I compare the possession of the Ormed-Professional apparatus with high art, since it is possible to establish more than 100 different modes. Most effective application devices in combination with manual massage, passive gymnastics and mechanotherapy.

Be vigilant and careful in your words and manipulations!

Be professional before the problem arises!!

Can a massager replace the hands of a master?! I can answer as a former physicist with medical education. To date, no!

However, I myself sometimes use a massager (for myself). But I know what I want to achieve and I know how to apply this massager to my problem (and certainly not to general instruction by application). You just need to feel your body.

The difference is that the massager (massage bed, armchair, etc.), as well as not a very good massage therapist, works with soft tissues. And the master works with their movement. That's why you need to study osteopathy, applied kinesiology, etc.

Thinking about buying workplace massage chair on wheels Type of office chair. Of course, I understand that it will not replace the massage therapist, but still. Will it be useful, or is it money thrown away? Maybe you can recommend a model? Dorub budget.

It makes sense to develop a certain set of rehabilitation measures for this category (as in the good old Soviet times, when the section of professional disease was still alive).

The masseur, on the other hand, works with a living person and affects those muscle groups and areas that need to be restored. The inanimate cannot become alive.

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Features of therapeutic back massage for various diseases

Therapeutic back massage is one of the many types of this therapeutic procedure. With the help of massage techniques, you can not only treat diseases musculoskeletal system but also affect the internal organs of a person.

Indications for this massage

The back is the largest part of the body that extends from the neck to the sacrum and is formed by the spine, the back of the ribs, and the muscles. Since the basis of the back is the spine with a ligamentous apparatus and numerous muscles: superficial, deep, small, it is most susceptible to various diseases. But this is also the largest reflexogenic zone, that is, when certain areas of the skin surface are irritated, the function of organs improves. chest and abdominal cavity.

Therapeutic back massage restores the function of the muscles and their contractility, accelerates blood circulation and metabolism, restores the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. Of the variety of types of massage (classical, cupping, acupressure, segmental, vibro-, hydromassage, relaxing back massage, etc.), therapeutic is most often used.

This type of massage can and should be carried out by healthy people who most time is spent sitting and for those whose back is subject to heavy physical exertion. Therefore, massage for back pain in healthy people helps to remove pain symptom and relax tense muscles. There are also many indications for this wellness procedure. It:

  • traumatic injury to the spine;
  • various curvature of the spinal column;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis;
  • migraine;
  • stroke;
  • weakness or insufficiency of the heart muscle;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • hypotension;
  • bronchitis;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal hypotension.

Massage can be used to lift the mood in depression and in stressful situations.

When not to massage your back

Massage is not a panacea for all diseases. In some cases, massage aggravates the course of the disease or worsens general well-being sick. There are a number of contraindications for mechanical impact on the back area. You can not massage with:

  • high temperature;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • purulent processes in the body;
  • hyper- and hypotonic crises;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • severe sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • some blood diseases;
  • excitations of a mental nature;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Features of technology for various diseases

Therapeutic back massage is best done on a comfortable couch or on a hard surface. The patient should be laid on his stomach, put a pillow under his head, and a roller under his shins. The effect of the procedure will be enhanced if the patient first takes a warm bath or shower. The back is lubricated with a massage cream or ointment to improve the sliding of the masseur's hands.

The main massage techniques are: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Hand movements should be in the direction of blood flow - from the spine to the lateral surfaces of the body. All movements of various techniques begin from the sacrum, then the masseur's hands go along the spine to the neck and, describing semicircles on the shoulders on each side, return to the lumbar region.

Stroking relaxes tense muscles, improves blood flow, soothes the patient and reduces pain. This technique is carried out after each stage of the massage. They begin and end the procedure. Rubbing is an effect on the deeper muscles of the back in order to relieve pain and improve metabolic processes. Kneading is gymnastics for the superficial muscle layer and deep muscles. Vibrations restore disturbed reflexes and, acting on active points, improve the function internal organs.

Therapeutic back massage should be performed by an experienced massage therapist. It takes into account the disease in which this type of treatment is prescribed: in case of hypertension, the emphasis is on the cervical-collar zone, in case of heart diseases and bronchitis, on the interscapular region and thoracic region, with radiculitis - on lumbar back.

It should be noted that in the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is first necessary to carry out manual therapy and then a massage. Only in this order are liquidated pain, increases the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, partially restored intervertebral discs, normalizes blood flow and reduces inflammation of the pinched nerve endings.

Massage for back pain should be carried out for a long time and gradually increasing the load during each technique and movement. Carefully act on the area of ​​the kidneys and the thoracic spine, eliminating vibration in these areas. Stroking is the main technique in such conditions. Here it is important to relax the superficial muscles as much as possible. Rubbing and kneading take a little time, are carried out with less intensity and should not cause discomfort at the patient.

Currently, many different devices for massage have been developed. One of them is the back massage mat, which can massage the entire back or specific areas. Using the regulator, you can set the massage mode, session duration and area for exposure. Massage with the help of such a device will soothe, relax and cheer you up.

You should be aware that any therapeutic effect, even a relaxing back massage is prescribed individually only by a neurologist or physiotherapist.

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant joint discomfort, annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are faced with this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints.

Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you. And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, as they will lose customers! It was against this that the leading rheumatologists and orthopedists of Russia jointly opposed, presenting an effective remedy for joint pain that has long been known to the people, which really heals, and not just relieves pain! Read an interview with a famous professor.

Massage is not only a very pleasant process, but also very useful for human body. It helps relieve fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the skin, the fatty layer underneath, muscles, ligaments, joints and tendons, the lymphatic, circulatory, nervous and even respiratory systems. And in order to experience all this, it is not necessary to go to the nearest massage parlor to receive the services of a professional, although this is a more effective way, or you can purchase one of the mechanical massagers designed for the body and perform this procedure at home.

Features of mechanical massagers, their advantages and disadvantages

The main feature of all mechanical massagers that exist today is the absence of batteries in them, which means that they can be used anywhere, regardless of the presence of a power source. Batteries are not used in these devices, so their discharge also does not affect the possibility of use in any way. The only drawback in this case you can call the need for independent use, that is, in order to use it to perform a massage for yourself, you need to “work hard”. In addition, before using such devices, some people need to consult a doctor so that the massage does not lead to negative consequences. The main categories of such people include:
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with heart and cardiovascular diseases and herpitonics;
  • owners of connective tissue pathologies, as well as people with oncological diseases;
  • patients with infectious diseases, as well as those who have this moment time, certain inflammatory processes take place.

Manifestation skin diseases, such as psoriasis or eczema, is also a contraindication for mechanical effects on the skin, but only if they are located on the treated area of ​​the body. The positive effect achieved when using a mechanical massager for human body, comes down to the following:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • increased lymph outflow;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • withdrawal of excess interstitial fluid;
  • bringing muscles into tone;
  • increase in skin elasticity;
  • relieving muscle pain.

Types of mechanical massagers

Depending on the method of exposure, all mechanical massagers can be divided into several groups, namely:

  • roller;
  • needle;
  • vacuum.

Using each of them leads to obtaining one or another effect. Also, very often these types are combined with each other to create a device that is more functional and efficient.

Roller needle massager

Roller massagers

- these are devices in which elements rotating around their axis are used as a working tool. Most often they are made of rubber or wood and have spikes on them. The first type is the most suitable for body care for people with sensitive skin, as well as those who suffer from varicose veins or rosacea, since wooden elements are more rigid and can strong pressure damage superficial vessels.

Roller massager

Typically, these massagers are small in size, and for ease of use, a handle is attached to them. But still, those models in which the rollers are located directly under the palm are more effective and less traumatic. The use of such a device can be carried out absolutely on any part of the human body. In this case, the facial massager has a smaller size and shape that conveniently follows all its contours, and for the back, the rollers are fixed on a special device made of rope, so that they can massage the inaccessible area according to the same principle as using a washcloth. Its use will not only reduce body fat but also strengthen connective tissue, have a stimulating effect on the muscles, relieve them of fatigue, get rid of edema, increase skin tone and smooth it.

Roller face massager

Back massager with smooth wooden rollers

Needle massagers

The use of needle massagers allows you to relieve pain in the muscles, spine and joints, normalize cardiovascular activity in the body, and positively affect the nervous, respiratory and digestive system, due to which the well-being of a person will improve, and performance will increase. In most cases, applicators are made in the form of mats on which needle plates are sewn.

Needle massager

The correct use of the mat is to place it on the desired area of ​​the arms, legs or back, and press it in different places with little effort. If necessary, such a massager can be fixed on the human body with an elastic bandage and worn for a certain time. If they need to treat the back area, then it can be spread on a flat surface and just lie on top. To achieve the best effect, you can move a little. The indisputable advantage of this type of devices can be called ease of use, since a positive effect on the body will be provided even when simply lying on it or when it is fixed on the body in any acceptable way.

The use is in contact of one or another area of ​​the human body with the plates

Vacuum massagers

Vacuum mechanical massager is the simplest in terms of design. It is a silicone or rubber jar, when pressed, air comes out of it, and when touched with the skin, it is sucked in with the formation of a vacuum inside. Another version of such a device is a glass jar with holes for retracting the skin and installing a rubber nozzle, by pressing which the fixation on the skin is performed.

In most cases, such massagers are used to lift the skin, increase its elasticity, reduce the number and size of wrinkles, accelerate cell regeneration processes and get rid of cellulite. But due to the fact that this type allows you to improve blood circulation, with it you can reduce pain in the muscles and spine, which occur due to pinched nerve roots, and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Complete relaxation of the body and an increase in mood are also guaranteed.

When you press the jar and touch it with the skin, the latter is sucked into it with the formation of a vacuum inside

Popular models of mechanical massagers

Vacuum magnetic cans Haci

Mechanical massage is a complex of procedures and activities, the purpose of which is a mechanical effect on the surface of our body. As a result of these activities, there is pleasure, relaxation, healing of the body, as well as a cure for various diseases. Massage has been used by mankind throughout its history, and has not lost its usefulness and importance even in the age of high technology.

Mechanical massage and indications for use

The massage procedure is classified according to the method of exposure. With the mechanical version, in contrast to the manual and foot, it occurs with the help of various devices, special devices, water and natural materials. There are the following types of mechanical massage:

  • hardware;
  • using hand massagers;
  • hydromassage;
  • can;
  • stone massage with stones;
  • spoon

The procedure is carried out for hygienic, cosmetic, health-improving, preventive and therapeutic purposes. He has the following benefits: high efficiency, no need for constant involvement of specialists, the possibility of application at home. The use of massage devices allows you to cover large groups of patients, if it is a sanatorium or a medical institution.

This massage is effective in achieving a therapeutic result in the following ailments:

  • pain in the lumbar, spinal and cervical regions;
  • bruises, sprains, muscles and tendons;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • when recovering from fractures, injuries, dislocations;
  • arthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • myositis;
  • in diseases respiratory tract;
  • flat feet and varus deformities of the feet;
  • disorders of the intestines and abdominal cavity.

It can not be carried out with feverish conditions, injuries and diseases of the skin, allergies, diseases of the veins and blood vessels, tumors and a tendency to bleeding.

Hardware massage

If with manual massage such techniques as stroking, pinching, kneading are actively used, then with the hardware type of mechanical massage, the main method of exposure is vibration. It is achieved through the use of various instruments and devices manufactured by domestic and foreign enterprises.

At the moment, products of general and local action. The latter are more popular due to their compactness, cost and ease of use and can be used at home. Apparatus for massage can be divided according to the principle of work and the effect on the human body, into the following types:

  • electromotive;
  • electromagnetic;
  • pneumatic (or vibrovacuum);
  • by changing the pressure.

In electromotor devices, the main element is an electric motor, which, through actuators, drives massage elements or special attachments, and with their help exerts vibration effects on the body. The effect is achieved by regulating the amplitude and frequency of oscillations, in addition to this, also by the duration of the procedure. They are mainly used for massaging large areas and large muscle groups.

Electromagnetic devices for massage act on the surface of the body using an alternating electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves improve blood flow in the tissues, open the pores of the skin, due to which body gets rid of waste and toxins. Modern devices of this type can change the effect depending on the type of skin and other features.

The principle of operation of vibrovacuum devices is based on the operation of an air compressor. The mechanical effect of massage is carried out as follows. The compressor pumps out, or vice versa, supplies air to special nozzles - cuffs and suction cups. The use is recommended for muscle atrophy, problems with the joints and spine.

Ultrasonic massage

Ultrasonic device for massage, based on the effect on the surface of the body sound waves having a frequency of over 20,000 hertz. When passing through the tissues of the body, they help improve blood and lymph circulation, cell regeneration, and relieve muscle spasms. Therefore, ultrasonic devices are widely used in cosmetic massage. Which allows you to tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, make skin defects and scars less noticeable, but this does not apply to hair health, keroplasty is used to restore them.

The so-called baromassage has become very popular. It is carried out with the help of special devices - pressure chambers. There is a decrease and increase in pressure. This leads to increased blood circulation, increased oxygen levels and stimulates metabolism. The general hardening of the body increases, the work of the nervous system stabilizes. Increased blood supply not only outer layers skin, as well as internal organs. Therefore, baromassage is used to treat diseases. respiratory tract, abdominal cavity, and also improves intestinal motility.

The basic principle of hydromassage is the impact on the human body of streams and jets of water. In this case, mechanical and thermal irritation occurs, due to which various processes in the body are activated. Blood circulation and lymph flow increase, metabolism accelerates, hemorrhages resolve, toxins are cleansed, and the terms of recovery processes decrease.

It is indicated for strengthening the nervous system, normalizing sleep, diseases of muscles and joints. Renders positive effect at overweight, sagging skin, various venous dysfunctions. Hydromassage is carried out in several ways:

In the latter case, a jet of water under pressure, from a distance of three to four meters, is carried out over the patient's body with vertical movements. The duration of the procedure is about 3 minutes. The water temperature is 20-30 degrees. All methods, with the exception of the first, are carried out in specialized medical institutions, due to the complexity of the equipment.

Other types of mechanical massage

A low-cost and quite effective way is massage using various manual massagers. The advantage of this method is the possibility of carrying out procedures both at home and at work, at a convenient time.

The stores have a huge selection of massagers for all parts of the body. These include massage brushes for small areas of the body, as well as roller massagers. There is no need to talk about the therapeutic effect. They are mainly used for preventive and relaxing massage in the following cases:

  • spinal massage during sedentary work;
  • neck massage, with osteochondrosis;
  • massage of the thighs, when recovering from injuries;
  • massaging the feet with flat feet.

Cupping massage, in its principle, is similar to the vibro-vacuum method. The role of suction cups is performed by ordinary cans. By applying to the skin and rearranging it to another area, we stimulate the work of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Conducted within 5-10 minutes, then 15 minutes of rest in a relaxed state. Helps with pneumonia and bronchitis.

The spoon massage procedure originated in the east, in China and Japan. Spoons are used both cold and heated. Excellent results are obtained with a facial massage (you can choose a throw). The method allows you to remove excess moisture from the tissues, reduces swelling, tightens the skin, stimulates nerve endings.

Stone massage (stone therapy) was considered exotic until recently. However, its popularity is constantly growing due to its relaxing and healing effect. For this species, the use of natural natural materials is characteristic, which undoubtedly brings great benefits to the body. For the procedure, basalt dolomite and marble stones are taken, in a cold or heated state. Also effective this method with osteochondrosis, lung diseases, lumbago and myositis.

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The beneficial effect of manual massage on the human body is difficult to overestimate. During the session, the flow of lymph and blood is accelerated, which leads to an improvement in metabolic processes in the body at different levels, the local nutrition of tissues rises, they are released from harmful elements, the overall muscle tone increases, the skin is released from the surface layer, the activity of the sweat glands is stimulated.

Indications for the use of this method are primarily diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Such massage is widely used in general traumatology, because. stimulates the nervous and muscle tissue, and also causes crushing and absorption of inflammation products. At internal diseases the most effective effect on gastrointestinal tract, in diseases of the nervous system, the method is used in the treatment of all types of neuralgia, convulsive manifestations, paralysis.

Absolute contraindications for any type of manual massage are malignant neoplasms, acute diseases bones, high degrees of cardiovascular disorders, any febrile conditions, blood diseases and hematopoietic organs, inflammation of the veins, blood clots, aneurysms, infectious diseases accompanied by suppuration, septic diseases.

Manual massage techniques

There are 6 basic techniques of manual massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping, shaking (vibrating) and passive movement. In order to competently perform each of the techniques, it is necessary, on the one hand, to have knowledge of human anatomy, on the other hand, to understand the purpose of the current impact.


The purpose of this technique is to dilute liquids from the massaged area to lymph nodes or valves large vessels. With properly performed stroking, lymphatic vessels, both superficial and deep-lying, are released, venous and capillary blood flow improves.

The movement is performed parallel to the stroking of the body area in the direction from the periphery to the center. Thus, the driven fluid is directed along the lymphatic vessels in the direction of the zones of accumulation of glands: armpits, inguinal, parotid, chin areas. Regardless of the force of pressure, it is important to tightly wrap around the entire muscle group being stroked in order to avoid capillary return of fluid. The pressure with each stroke changes in waves: they start with a light pressure, gradually increase its intensity and reduce the movement of the sheaf before removing it.

When massaging the muscles of the arm or thigh, the reception is performed with the palm of your hand and tightly closed fingers; fingers and toes are stroked with the back of the hand, leading the movement across; on the chest, back and neck - with an open palm; on the calves and other areas covered with thick fascia - the back surface of the fist. In the latter case, the massage therapist strongly bends the arm and collects the brush into a “bucket”, applying pressure with the ends of the first phalanges. Duration of reception - 2-5 minutes.

Stroking is used as a preparatory and final technique for any type of massage, in addition, it begins and ends with it any other technique. In pediatrics and treatment neurological diseases stroking is used to obtain a calming effect, with edema and superficial hematomas - as an accelerating and resolving agent.


Rubbing is indicated in cases where it is necessary to crush pathological accumulations in the tissues (exudates and bruises) or to ensure an abundant blood flow. Most often, joints and pain zones with neuralgia are subjected to this technique. The rubbing part of the body should be tightly strengthened, excluding its movement following the masseur's hand.

There are several methods of rubbing

After each rubbing, lasting from 2 to 7 minutes, several quick strokes are performed along the lymph flow in order to drive the crushed tissues and lymph glands.


The task of kneading is to increase inflow arterial blood, enhance the outflow of venous and lymph, raise tissue nutrition. The action of this technique is mainly aimed at muscle tissue. Knead each muscle group separately. Kneading also includes squeezing, sawing and felting.

Non-massive areas are grasped with one hand between the first phalanges of the fingers, lifted from the bone and rolled in the fingers at an angle, gradually moving from the periphery to the center. Large muscle groups are kneaded with both hands, following the same principle. In this case, the muscles are captured at one end between the thumb and the rest, lifted and rolled between both hands.

When kneading weak atrophic limbs, instead of rolling, alternate pressure is performed with one or the other hand.

If necessary, energetic exposure - with edema or paralysis of the limbs - perform a transverse annular kneading. The grip is made with both hands, the thumbs are placed on top of each other. Alternately describe a semicircle with each hand. thumbs at the same time, they diverge and converge, the skin rolls - the movement resembles squeezing.

When sawing with the edge of the palm of one or both hands, movements are made across the fibers, trying to move the skin along with the hand and penetrate deeply into the tissues.

Sawing is used only on the muscles of the hands. The patient's hand should lie on the massage therapist's shoulder. The patient holds his hand firmly, while the masseur, holding his hand between flat palms, performs energetic oppositely directed movements with persistent pressure, gradually moving from the periphery to the center.


The technique is used if it is necessary to reduce the sensitivity of the endings nerve fibers, excitation of contractility of muscle tissue, as well as to enhance local blood flow. Perform any tapping for no more than 2 minutes. All bony prominences are carefully bypassed.

There is actually tapping, which is performed with a fist, as well as chopping, patting and puncturing. In each of these cases, the hands work alternately with the obligatory observance of the rhythm.

Chopping is called the movement of the ulnar edge of the hand with slightly bent fingers apart. The more the fingers are bent (up to 90 degrees), the softer the effect is. The movement is performed on the limbs and back.

On vast areas, tapping is used with the palmar side of the fist, on small ones - with the elbow. Impact ulnar side the fist is indicated only for neuralgia, it is performed with caution due to the painfulness of the reception.

The movement of the whole palm is called patting. When massaging the limbs, the palm is completely straightened, on the back and chest, the brush presses freely,

Puncturing is done with the fingertips along the nerve threads.

Shaking (trembling, vibration)

This approach has a complex effect. It has a relaxing, calming effect on the nervous tissue, reducing the sensitivity of the fibers.

Muscular tissue, on the contrary, irritates, causing tension. Concussion also has an indirect effect on the entire body: it reduces the pulse rate, while simultaneously increasing blood pressure due to the tension of the walls of arterial vessels.

Tremulous concussion is called friction and is performed along the course of the nerves. The pads of the fingers or the entire palm are applied to the massaged area and quick rhythmic short movements are made with the elbow joint. The brush is relaxed.

Movements with high frequency are produced on pain points and are called vibrations. They are performed for no more than 3 minutes and are accompanied by stroking.

Passive movements

These are movements performed by a massage therapist without the participation of the will of the patient. Muscles contracting during passive movement squeeze out venous blood and lymph, prolonging the effect of the massage.

It is important that the range of exercises in passive gymnastics does not go beyond the normal boundaries of joint movement. With pain, passive movements are replaced by stretching the joints. To do this, the joint is fixed with one hand, and the other is slightly pulled by the limb, performing rhythmic swaying.

Manual massage for many centuries it has been invariably popular and this is not surprising, because it improves health, raises vitality makes the muscles strong and the skin supple. This is a pleasant way to prolong youth and a faithful assistant in getting rid of not only diseases, but also extra pounds. In the modern world, massage has become a scientifically based technique.

Massage enhances perspiration and sebum secretion, improves blood and lymph circulation, and metabolism.
Depending on the purpose for which the massage is used and how the effect on the surface of the body is carried out, there are many types of massage: general, therapeutic, sports, anti-cellulite massage, corrective, honey, segmental-reflex, cosmetic, hardware massage etc. Medical massage, made by skillful hands, is really capable of working miracles.

Our laboratory employs specialists who have passed special training and with extensive experience. At your request and taking into account the anamnesis, you will be offered the following types of massage:

Anticellulite massage designed to improve the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Special techniques for this type of massage, consisting in stroking, rubbing, tapping, patting, shaking and other mechanical influences, are the most effective tool in the fight against cellulite.

Anti-cellulite massage improves metabolism and blood circulation, which will lead to weight loss, increase skin firmness and elasticity. Despite possible redness and swelling of the skin after the procedure, resulting from a strong mechanical effect (which characterizes this type of massage), the beneficial effect persists for for a long time, and soreness disappears within a day or several hours.

Lymphatic drainage massage created for rapid elimination waste from the body. Being not the cheapest procedure, this type of massage guarantees an incredible result. The implementation of such a procedure by a highly qualified specialist will ensure not only a reduction in edema, but also excess weight. This type of massage improves immunity and speeds up metabolism.

The massage is carried out taking into account the speed of normal lymph flow. Lymphatic drainage massage provides a pronounced general health and rejuvenation effect: the complexion improves , there is a surge of energy and lightness in the body.

Massotherapy allows you to quickly restore strength after stress or physical activity helps to eliminate the effects of nervous tension.

This procedure has a healing effect on cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, heart function, central and peripheral nervous system, metabolism. Therapeutic massage helps to cleanse the skin, making it more elastic and elastic, improves immunity and muscle tone.

Corrective massage helps to effectively and painlessly treat osteochondrosis. This procedure helps to completely relax, and also helps to improve metabolic processes in the body. The healing and preventive effect of this type of massage is to remove salt deposits from the joints and spine, in correcting the position of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Like any method of mechanical action on muscle tissue, manual massage, depending on its type, has its own contraindications. In order to choose the right massage method that is right for you, the specialists of our Laboratory will provide detailed advice and conduct an examination.

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