Royal Dental Clinic. List of dental clinics and offices in Korolev, Moscow Region

I want to express my gratitude to the dentist-surgeon of GAUZ MO "Royal dental clinic" To Syrov Kirill Igorevich for professionalism and patience with patients. It is always scary to remove teeth, and when it is a "difficult eight", and the last time you removed a tooth a hundred years ago and already forgot, then doubly. And, of course, I want to find such a doctor, who would be at the same time a professional in his field and benevolent towards patients.Such specialists work in the Royal Dental Dentistry GAUZ MO...

I came to cut off the gum hanging over the tooth, the surgeon Vymorkov instead persuaded me to pull it out healthy tooth under it, and when I insisted on my own, I didn’t cut it off, but cut the gum. Now 2 pieces of meat are hanging, the cheek is swollen, it hurts, you have to fix it for money private clinic, and extra anesthesia will have to be done, but it is very harmful to me. "Funny" fact. When he told the nurse to give a mosquito, she asked what it was, and he explained to her during the operation what simple honey looks like. tool! Then they both got pissed that I spit blood into the sink.

I came to cut off a piece of gum hanging over a tooth. Vymorkov insisted on pulling out a healthy tooth under it instead! I demanded to do what I came for, they cut me something, there was a lot of blood, but when I spat it into the sink, the surgeon and the nurse began to yell that I was forbidden to dirty the plumbing with them! A day later, I discovered that I now have not one, but two pieces of gum sticking out, he just cut it, and did not cut it off, and therefore my cheek was swollen and it hurt. "Fun" fact: when he told the nurse to bring the instrument...

My mother (she is 74) suddenly developed a flux, wild pains, her cheek was blown. The next day (03/14/2019) we went to this clinic, according to compulsory health insurance, in the demon paid department. What did it cost me to persuade my mother to go! She is wildly afraid of dentists. A lot has already been said here about what is happening at the examination room - people and acute pain, and for coupons - everything is in one queue, such as "sort it out among yourselves." Okay, let's go. The doctor examined a young girl and said: “Just remove it,” they sent ...

I came in an hour and a half, and she told the nurse to ask if I had come to treat my teeth (!) And tell me that I did not hope to pass ahead of time and get more than the half hour “allowed for me”. During this time, she kept another client for an hour and sat alone for half an hour, drinking something. What - will show its further behavior. She yelled at me for everything - for having slippers, for complaining about the pain, that she took the only ticket and came too late (!) that I did not tell her that it was on her teeth (directly poked me in ...

I want to express my gratitude to the dentist - Anna Sergeevna Shelekhova for her professionalism and attentiveness! I haven’t been to the dentist for a long time, I decided it was time. :) I came to the appointment a month ago, the doctor spent complete diagnostics, took pictures, identified and showed all the problems I had with my teeth (it turned out that I had a lot of hidden caries, everything was visible in the picture) and we immediately began treatment. She did everything very high quality, the fillings are beautiful, they can’t be distinguished from real teeth, the treatment took place at the highest...

Went in today with severe pain! They took me right away, took a picture, I immediately warned that I was very afraid of dentists! Helped, booked next move at my convenience! I don’t know, of course, who is dissatisfied with what here, but I really liked everything - the staff is polite, the equipment is new, the material was offered to choose from, all questions are answered patiently and calmly. The fear of the doctor began to go away, I was satisfied.

I recommend this professional! The first tooth was treated by her that year (everything is super), today the second one was cured, only positive emotions. A professional in his field.

I turned to the dental clinic in the city of Korolev on the street. Oktyabrskaya house 5, 09/01/2018, but was registered for treatment only on 09/29/2018. I see a violation of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region of October 28, 2015 No. 1561, paragraph 3.5.1 "The procedure for using UMIAS when scheduling and making an appointment, the maximum allowable waiting time for a scheduled specialist appointment should be taken into account when self-registering through the infomat, telephone calls and the regional Internet recording portal...

I want to say right away I AM TERRIBLY AFRAID OF DENTISTS. I even sit down in a chair, tears well up, even if they just look, and then the removal of 8k .. Horror, it gets dark in my eyes, but Dr. Shmavonyan Rushan Surikovich is a PROFESSIONAL in his field! Reassured, explained the procedure, advised. The painkiller injection didn't even hurt! Just well done! Attention is given to everyone in line. No one sits for a long time, while one waits for the freeze to take effect, another one is called - everyone quickly, clearly, copes with the flow ...

I want to express my gratitude to the surgeon Vymorkov Alexander Nikolaevich! He removed me a difficult lower tooth wisdom. He did everything carefully, the tooth healed painlessly, I was very satisfied. Caring, good doctor!

I made an appointment with the surgeon for a second appointment on 10/13/2017 at 10:20 am, the doctor was not there, no one warned me on the phone that he would not be there, if I am late or cannot come, I always call and warn. Why such disrespect for customers? As a result, I was offered to another doctor for a checkup. Although I needed exactly the surgeon who had done the procedures for me before, they took 250 rubles for the examination. (although it's not money), but you could apologize for your colleague and the money...

I came with a toothache, they immediately told me to take a CT scan, it cost 1500, plus 400 rubles. decoding, plus 600 r specialist consultation (that is, decoding and consultation is Different things they have, okay.) Then they said that I urgently need to do a cleaning with my teeth, otherwise the treatment of caries will not be effective, prof. reading. My surprise was when I was billed 10,000, while including consultation 2 in the receipt! times! Okay, I noticed. Left this organization with the same dental...

It all started with the fact that my tooth ached, I endured it for more than a month, then all the same I decided to just remove it. I was referred to the doctor Zhelezina in children's department. I came to her with a hell of a toothache, took an x-ray, said that it could be cured, removed the nerves, laid a temporary filling. The tooth didn't last a week. Could not stand it went to the removal. I didn't want to do anything in the first place! In surgery, they looked at my picture and said that there was generally dust and there was nothing to treat. Removed and very happy with it. I...

Today I visited A. B. Efremyan. She was recommended to me as one of the best dentists on Oktyabrskaya. Moreover, the head of the clinic herself recommended. I took a ticket to her, the appointment was supposed to be in 3 weeks, because, as they explained to me at the reception, she had just returned from vacation and in general there was a big demand for her. They received me with a gloomy face, in the chair they constantly shouted at me to keep my mouth open (well, sorry, I keep my mouth, but how do I understand that it needs to be opened even wider so that ...

The head of the paid department, Velitchenko Irina Anatolyevna, spins patients on unnecessary additional services. Came in for a teeth cleaning and she did it panoramic shot expensive and took money for the initial consultation, which I don’t need at all, I won’t treat their teeth with them, I don’t have that much money. The question is why do I need a consultation where I have caries in my teeth when I came to brush my teeth, but I’m generally silent about the picture, just a divorce. If the manager does this, then don't be surprised about others ...

I read reviews and understand that nothing for 10 recent years this clinic has not changed. I was there with a broken tooth just the same 10 years ago. Looking at its remains was a verdict - delete. I say, but maybe first we'll try to restore? Technology has stepped forward. We can always delete. To which there was a rude answer that there was no point in messing around, anyway, in a couple of years, you will come to remove and put the implant. And now I want to say that yes, I had to delete it, but AFTER 10 YEARS. In a Moscow clinic, I...

I went to the paid department to Irina Anatolyevna Velitchenko, a dentist-therapist, head of the department. Having come specifically with one problem, she does not noticeably transfer the topic to other errors in the teeth, which I already knew about from other specialists without her. Attention is certainly good and right, but keep in mind that you will pay a lot of money for a consultation and examination when you go to pay after treatment. And she doesn’t warn that additional services are paid, I personally don’t need it at all ...

I express my deep gratitude to the surgeon V. V. Povetkin for his golden hands. I had to remove 8 (wisdom teeth), I was very afraid. My friends recommended Povetkin to me, they praised him very much and I was not mistaken. Thank you Viktor Vyacheslavovich for your professionalism, for your Attentive attitude to patients! More such surgeons!

I want to tell you about the trip to the glorious "DOCTOR LAPINA", as it turned out later, the best professional in the hospital for dental treatment (especially canals). I just came in for a toothache. Opening it was said. you need to treat the channels! Well, because a professional works with me! They began to do it, everything was done very carelessly, rattling on the teeth, the so-called vacuum cleaner, honey. my sister can't even put it down. Funny! They immediately got on my nerves, which I was surprised at. No arsenic. (((Then I went to the picture. Right with the pins ...

And I'm so terribly afraid of doctors, and after this clinic it became even more! The nerve started hurting. I suffered all night, no pills helped, but I had to go to work. Right after work, I went to the clinic. From 15.00 to 19.00 I sat crying from pain in the corridor, waiting in line. I didn’t think, having said at the registration “with acute pain”, that I would wait, die so much. A girl was sitting next to her, also shedding tears, and the people passing by didn't care. They let those who signed up faster out of line ...

I was very afraid of doctors, since childhood I could not see dental instruments and hear the sounds of a drill. But due to the injury, I had to dental implantation. I was surprised that in our polyclinic such operations are performed, including the installation of implants under anesthesia, and the cost does not depend on the cost of anesthesia! Everything went well, Klimenko Alexey Petrovich is very good specialist! Now I'm waiting for orthopedic treatment. Thank you all very much, otherwise I would have to stay forever with removable prosthesis because of your fear!

I had a prosthesis at Vyaznikova - a doctor from God! And Mrs. Arkadova is still an "Actress". I ran into her several times in line and saw her performances. The person has no respect for either the clinic staff or other patients. Life on earth passes quickly, look into your heart and repent.
Removed a destroyed tooth from Povetkin. An excellent doctor, the whole procedure took 5-10 minutes, I was more afraid :) But, what is most pleasant, my gums did not hurt at all after the anesthesia had worn off. Generally! So, I recommend this doctor to everyone :) The administrators, of course, are, as always, "polite" and it is quite difficult to get through to them, but I liked the doctor's work.

I want to tell you about the worst dentist I have ever met, this is Tatyana Ivanovna Danchenko. Not only does it put pressure on patients in every way to pay for brushing their teeth (130 rubles per tooth, although it costs much less in a private clinic), so if in the answer hears whatever you want for free, it starts to get nervous, you can already see the anger on your face, it works terribly, as if it’s specially picking out the gums.

Review of the clinic No. 33, Primorsky district, 11/15/2018 at 02:29 pm

I went to leave a review about Danilko Tatyana Nikolaevna. I would like to say that he is a wonderful doctor. In general, I am terribly afraid of dentists, but this time I met just a doctor from God, whom I can trust with my health! He is a very pleasant person, but most importantly, a job well done. long time bothered me terrible pain, went around many private clinics, but the problem remained, as a result, she got tired of wasting money, went to a regular clinic. I confess I did not expect such a good result. It's strange that I found negative feedback, as I had an extremely positive impression of visiting this specialist. But there is still a minus, in my opinion a significant one - these are unrealistic queues, in order to get to the doctor you need to lose a lot of time and nerves in the duty room.

Review of the clinic No. 33, Primorsky district, 06/05/2018 at 17:49

I would like to write a review about the doctor Danilko (I don’t remember his name). The filling fell out, but the tooth did not bother at all. Recorded through office initial appointment to Dr. Danilko. I treated for a fee. The next day, the tooth began to hurt terribly, called the clinic, explained the situation, to which they answered that it would pass, the reaction after treatment, well, in general, you can’t get to the doctor, you have to go back to the primary appointment, then a week later, in best case I will go to this doctor. The pain after a day, two, and even after a week did not go away, on the contrary, it became even worse, there was a reaction to cold / hot. I went to the other end of the city to see a doctor I knew, the seal, as it turned out, was placed incorrectly !!! Just not completely, there was a small hole, because of which it was actually impossible for me to eat and drink normally, because the pain was unbearable! In general, I do not advise this doctor to anyone, the seal, by the way, was also overdried! Not the first time after this clinic there are more big problems!

Review of the clinic No. 33, Primorsky district, 05/24/2018 at 20:33

I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Vikhrov Mikhail Evgenievich for his attentive attitude and beautifully made teeth! After his treatment, nothing hurt, nothing bothered me, I had a lot cervical caries, but thanks to his competent work and skill, I now have beautiful smile! Thanks a lot! The fillings hold perfectly, none of them bother me! Thanks!!!

Review of the clinic No. 33, Primorsky district, 01/04/2018 at 19:45

I went to an appointment with Karakaruchkina and said that the hole between chewing teeth, she believed hurt okay, but not there. I went to another doctor Druzhkova, she sent me for an x-ray, after the x-ray she said that there was either deep caries either pulpitis, she didn’t do anything, she said to sign up for later, the nurse didn’t want to sign me up for her, but I insisted. 5.12 the doctor came to the appointment a couple of times with a drill and put a filling, it took 10 minutes for this treatment. So I think when the doctor wanted to get rid of me for the first time or the second. And to her question why I didn’t go to Karakaruchkina, I said that I wasn’t satisfied with that treatment and the doctor didn’t finish it, to which I was told that another tooth was made. I have two of them there, I don’t really know which one they made for me. As soon as the doctor hears that the seal is free, he immediately loses interest in the patient!

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