Why do people grit their teeth when they sleep. Relaxation of the jaw muscles. How to get rid of nighttime teeth grinding

To creak or not to creak...

Statistics say that this phenomenon is mainly observed among the inhabitants of Russia, and every second. If you believe this, then you and I, it turns out, creak in a dream and, by the way, bring inconvenience to the people around us! Brad what...

Many believe that this is the norm, without attaching any importance to bruxism (grinding teeth in a dream). But in vain! What does this notorious gnashing of teeth mean, and what is it fraught with?

Why do you grind your teeth in your sleep?

There are several hypotheses for the origin of bruxism. One of them - folk - says that the lover of creaking at night got worms. scientific explanation this is missing. Scientists do not confirm the version with worms in any way, however, they have an assumption that a person suffering from creaking of teeth had a violation of the depth of sleep. This explanation is on a par with conjectures and conjectures regarding somnambulism and night snoring - the origin of none of these phenomena has not yet been substantiated with scientific point vision. Doctors give a slightly different explanation for why people grind their teeth in their sleep. They claim it's an overbite. Specialists can fix it, but if you don’t contact them, then the body tries to do it on its own: in a dream, the upper and lower jaws are rubbed - here you have a creak! There is another assumption, from which they grind their teeth in a dream. This is a constant stress of the body. In a person who is always in a state of anxiety and anger, this, in turn, is projected on a mental level, which makes itself felt when he completely relaxes (sleeps). Now scientists are especially hard at work on this problem, trying to prove the relationship of bruxism with human heredity. It is worth noting that they succeed.

If it's a child?

If you notice that your child creaks in a dream or frankly creaks all over the room - do not panic. This phenomenon is more temporary than permanent.

The creak itself lasts from five to ten minutes, after which it calms down peacefully. Such a short-term manifestation is not a symptom of any disease. And only in the case when in a dream they grind their teeth quite intensively and during the entire duration of sleep, you should be wary, because this is the first “bell” of a particular disease.

Why do children grind their teeth in their sleep?

Firstly, these are cutting teeth. In this case, the gums begin to swell, thereby bringing discomfort to the child. Gritting his teeth, he tries to ease the itch. Secondly, it is a violation of the bite. In this case, take your child to the dentist. Thirdly, it is the overexcitation of the child's body.

Active activity during the day (games, running, entertainment, annoyance, resentment) accumulates in the baby's body, resulting in sudden contractions jaw muscles and, as a result, in the gnashing of teeth.

Take note!

In any case, if you grind your teeth in a dream, this problem should not be ignored! It doesn't matter if it's a child or an adult. If bruxism occurs from night to night, then this, in the end, will cause irreparable damage to the enamel of the teeth, as well as violate their integrity. Be healthy!

Teeth grinding during a night's rest is nothing more than bruxism syndrome. This pathology is an involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles, as a result of which the jaws of a person are compressed, and the upper and lower dentition rub against each other. A single cause of the formation of bruxism modern medicine has not yet been discovered, however, a number of direct or indirect causes may contribute to the development of this condition.

Why does an adult grind his teeth in a dream

Statistical data on the number of people suffering from grinding their teeth during sleep, depending on the location of research, calculation methods and other factors, vary significantly. So, some sources claim that only about 3 percent of the world's population suffers from this syndrome.

Alternative researchers show more impressive figures, ranging from 15-20, sometimes even 40-50 percent.

Real results are distorted by the features of the pathology - it often occurs in a dream (in 3 out of 4 patients with a confirmed diagnosis), while the person himself does not feel its external manifestations. Also, most of cases of involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles is manifested only sporadically rather than chronically, so the patient does not apply for medical care even in case of detection of a problem by relatives, relatives, friends.

Stress, depression, overexertion

Exactly these negative factors doctors consider it the main prerequisite for the development of bruxism. Row neurological disorders against the background of psycho-emotional experiences, it also leads to sleep disorders - insomnia, OSA syndrome, sometimes.

The theory about these causes implies the presence of unstable dynamic states, in which the above syndrome is formed as a consequence external causes. Physiology plays an important role here - stress, anxiety, aggression provokes abnormal tension. smooth muscle, including strong clenching of the jaw.

At night, the body begins to relax, after which a spasm forms muscle tissue- it comes into tone, contracts and creates external manifestations bruxism.

Another pathological moment can be prolonged psychophysical stress.- in separate structures of muscle tissues, an affective charge accumulates, provoking convulsions and involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles.

Dental defects

Grinding of teeth during sleep can provoke internal causes associated with congenital or acquired dental defects.

Incorrect bite, ill-fitting dentures and other problems are expressed in episodic but regular manifestations of bruxism.

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Osteopathic pathologies

First of all, we are talking about osteochondrosis cervical regions spine, affecting nearby structures. You can also contribute birth trauma and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Problems of the osteopathic spectrum can provoke the development of the syndrome - this is a scientifically proven fact.

Reception of tonic and narcotic substances

Often a person does not even suspect that taking certain substances can provoke the development of bruxism.

First of all, the cause of teeth grinding in adults can be the use of: drugs, alcohol, caffeine, used constantly and haphazardly.

In addition, involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles potentiate a number of antidepressants and sleeping pills.

Other external and internal pathological factors

Typical causes of this category are traumatic brain injury, serious violations nasal breathing, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Huntington's chorea, enuresis, epilepsy, tremor, Parkinson's disease.

Causes of grinding teeth in a dream in children

According to medical statistics, children often show teeth grinding during sleep, especially from 1 year to 12 years. For the most part, bruxism of this form is caused by physiological causes, and only in rare cases pathologies, anomalies and diseases, you can read more about the treatment of bruxism in children in.

Eruption of the first chewing teeth

This stage of development of the baby is associated with severe stress, disturbing his sleep, sometimes elevated temperature and other unpleasant symptoms.

classical physiological cause dental spectrum makes the facial-maxillary region work too actively, which leads to overstrain of the masticatory muscles and, as a result, its involuntary contractions at night and the formation of the syndrome.

In most cases, bruxism in this situation disappears after the child's initial adaptation to the appearance of teeth - this process takes about one month.

Hormonal imbalance - the cause of teeth grinding in a teenager's sleep

Active growth of the undergrowth organism and its change hormonal background entails a lot unpleasant symptoms. First of all, it is a restructuring of the body and psyche. The result can be the formation of bruxism syndrome, especially during periods stressful situations, increased school loads, classes in additional sections, when the young body simply does not have time to restore strength in full.

Negative manifestations in such a situation can be long, and the gnashing of teeth does not pass for months. As a result, the teeth, gums and oral cavity of a teenager are subjected to severe wear, various complications may appear, in the form of gingivitis, the formation of persistent pain syndrome in the region of the jaw, neck, back and temporal lobes, migraines.

genetic predisposition

as show modern research, bruxism is more common in children whose parents suffered from this syndrome previously.

The underlying cause of predisposition is associated with the genetic inheritance of anomalies of the maxillofacial system, special neuropsychic manifestations, as well as a borrowed temperament.

Bruxism Treatment Methods

Major activities include:

  • Using a mouthguard. Special fixture, made according to individual parameters by a dentist from rubber or plastic, is installed in the oral cavity at night and protects the dentition from damage during teeth grinding. In addition, the device reduces the likelihood of involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles;
  • Dental Services. A professional dentist can help solve problems with a bite defect, put dental implant, perform selective grinding of the dentition and perform other actions aimed at eliminating dental problems, which can act as a catalyst for the development of bruxism;
  • Treatment of osteopathic pathologies. Therapy in this case is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the spine, getting rid of osteochondrosis and restoring metabolic processes in the spinal muscles. All these actions will help get rid of the potential causes of the syndrome, if osteopathy is the main provoking factor in the development of bruxism;
  • Psychotherapy. An effective universal mechanism for combating psychological reasons syndrome. A person at regular sessions acquires relaxation skills, and thanks to alternative methods (hypnosis, acupuncture) he can completely get rid of the problem.

Preventive actions

Preventive measures against bruxism include:

  • Rejection of bad habits as well as the use of drugs and alcohol;
  • Development of optimal daily rhythms. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time, it is desirable to sleep at least 8 hours, while organizing a departure for a night's rest no later than 22 pm. During the day, a person is recommended medium and moderate exercise stress, in the evening you need to limit yourself to an easy walk;
  • Relaxation. It is this mechanism that is considered the most effective against stress and depression - the main causes of the formation of the syndrome. Do not enter into conflicts, refuse to watch movies at night, take warm baths in the evening, do yoga and aromatherapy, master self-massage techniques;
  • Taking a multivitamin. Vitamin-mineral complexes are necessary to support the body and immunity as a general tonic;
  • Health monitoring. Visit doctors regularly for preventive examination, be sure to treat chronic and acute diseases to the end.

Grinding or grinding of teeth during sleep is not considered a serious problem by many people. for a long time ignore her. However, teeth grinding (or bruxism) is not at all harmless. It leads to abrasion of the upper part of the tooth, the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane.

The appearance of characteristic sounds is possible in the daytime or at night. A person produces them unconsciously, often without even noticing them. Usually the people close to you are the first to sound the alarm. Having noticed the “signals” of the body, it is necessary to undergo an examination, identify the cause of their appearance, and start treatment.


What is called bruxism?

Involuntary clenching of the jaws, clicking, clattering, tapping of the teeth is called bruxism. Its occurrence is associated with spasm chewing muscles accompanied by uncontrolled clenching of the jaws. between tight clenched teeth friction occurs, which is manifested by a rattle. Sometimes this disease is called odonterism or the Carolini phenomenon. Its manifestations are most noticeable at night, when a person does not control himself. An attack can last from 10 seconds to a minute.

Scientists have found that gnashing of teeth occurs in almost 50% of children under 7 years of age. Its appearance is due to imperfection nervous system child under constant stress. It is believed that you should not worry about this, with age the problem will disappear without outside intervention.

At the same time, parents should take a closer look at the baby, perhaps he is in a state of emotional discomfort. Problems at school or with peers, overly strict control by adults often cause stress. It is considered to be the main cause of the disease. Among adults, bruxism affects about 15%. Often people do not even know about this problem.

A characteristic feature of "bruxers" is the habit of constantly chewing on something. For some, these are pencils or nails, for others, objects are more impressive, for example, a TV remote control. This manifestation is usually perceived as bad habit. It is believed that willpower will help to cope with it. Unfortunately, will alone is not enough. You need to contact a specialist.

What symptoms help to identify bruxism?

During the day, a person himself can pay attention to the characteristic sounds emerging from his mouth. In addition, due to strong compression, “fatigue” of the jaws occurs. Nocturnal bruxism is much more difficult to detect. Often it becomes the cause of sleep disturbance, interferes with the sleep of loved ones.

Main symptoms:

  • creaking, gnashing of teeth;
  • muscle pain in the cheeks or temples;
  • inflammation of the joint, limited mobility mandible;
  • enamel sensitivity increases;
  • teeth become mobile;
  • the dentition is deformed;
  • sleep is disturbed, chronic fatigue appears.

These manifestations are often unexpressed. Human can long years pay no attention to them. Implicit signs of bruxism include tinnitus, neck pain, and clicks in the jaw. After sleep, a feeling of “brokenness”, numbness in the jaw may appear. In addition, frequent biting of the buccal mucosa causes wounds.

Often, doctors diagnose bruxism when a patient seeks prosthetics. Its presence is indicated by the shortened size and uneven edges of the crown. Implants and other constructions should not be placed until the bruxism has been corrected.

Why does the disease develop?

Dentists name several causes of bruxism. One of them is the habit of nibbling or chewing hard objects: a pencil, a pen. Although it can rather be attributed to the consequences of the disease.

Experts call stress the likely cause of the habit of grinding teeth. Violent clenching of the jaws is normal reaction on him. Overexcitation of the body occurs with an increase in brain activity, a strong expectation of something, or the use of stimulants (alcohol, drugs). If, having returned to a calm state, a person cannot control his jaws, then nervous tension left.

In addition to stress, night or daytime squeaking of teeth is the result of anomalies in the dentition (malocclusion, missing teeth), Parkinson's or Huntington's disease, and insomnia. Strong clenching of teeth is characteristic of people whose activities require heightened attention and precise movements (surgeon, watchmaker).

Problems in dentistry

If you do not pay attention to bruxism for a long time, it causes various problems with your teeth. The first of these is the gradual abrasion of the enamel. As a result, the likelihood of caries increases, the sensitivity of the teeth increases. If a person has not been treated for years, the teeth can be worn down to the root. At the same time, the durability of orthopedic structures is sharply reduced.

Quite often, bruxism causes the development of tooth mobility, neck exposure, malocclusion. As a result of grinding the teeth, the muscles of the jaw are constantly tense. It causes pain, the appearance of characteristic clicks when swallowing.

Consequences of disorders of the nervous system

Neurosis, prolonged stress, contributing to the depletion of the nervous system, often cause bruxism. A person's sleep is disturbed, at night his nervous system continues to work intensively, does not relax. Usually a person grinds his teeth in the phase REM sleep. The process is often accompanied by muscle twitches, movements eyeballs, walking. Some people talk at the same time, urinary incontinence (enuresis) is possible.

  • Activators negative manifestations neurotoxins appear. These include alcohol, bee and snake venom, caustic chemical substances(e.g. nitro paint), nicotine. The danger of neurotoxins is associated with their negative effect on nerve endings. The mechanism of natural detoxification practically does not work against them. Being delayed by the liver, they are not excreted, but reabsorbed by the nerve fibers.
  • Regular night grinding of teeth is harmful mental state person. Its appearance indicates the inability of the nervous system to relax. As a result, a person cannot rest normally, his psyche is disturbed. Constant lack of sleep, promotes fatigue which gradually leads to depression.
  • Close people suffer no less than the patient himself. Being near him, it is difficult to completely relax. Strange noises at night do not give you a normal rest. All this does not contribute to improving the atmosphere in the house, leads to irritation, quarrels.

The danger of inflammation of the facial joints

Constant pressure facial muscles gradually leads to inflammation. At the same time, the work of the joints of the lower jaw is disturbed, clicks appear when opening the mouth, biting big piece or yawning. chronic inflammation accompanied by constant nerve impulses. They are responsible for the involuntary spasm of the masticatory muscles that sets the lower jaw in motion. This movement is accompanied by a characteristic creak.

Such a process creates vicious circle: the joint becomes inflamed, appears muscle spasm supporting inflammation. As the problem worsens, it worsens normal ratio joint surfaces.

Or maybe helminths (worms) are to blame for the squeak?

To exclude this cause, you need to pass an analysis for helminths. In general, doctors are not inclined to associate bruxism with worms. The reasons for its appearance in children are the same as in adults: stress, dental anomalies. To determine the exact cause, you should consult a doctor. After a detailed examination, he will be able to prescribe treatment.

Principles of treatment

Noticing or loved one manifestations of bruxism, first of all, you should consult a dentist. After examining the oral cavity, he will determine the degree of damage, the presence of problems with the bite. If necessary, the dentist will refer you to an orthodontist, neurologist or psychologist.

  • As with any other disease, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis. Electromyography is used for diagnosis. It allows using special sensors to register muscle activity in the active and calm state. Revealing the degree pathological changes the doctor will suggest an effective treatment.
  • The first task that a specialist has to solve is to prevent rattle. To do this, use special caps or splints that do not allow you to grind your teeth. They have a special design, different from the one used to align the teeth. If a patient has bruxism during the day, he is fitted with a daily wear mouth guard. They are invisible, but do not allow the teeth to close, prevent their abrasion. With severe muscle strain, the doctor uses injections of relaxing agents (such as Botox) or hypnosis.
  • Further treatment depends on the cause of bruxism. If it is associated with disturbances in the emotional state, measures are taken to eliminate stress and reduce its consequences. This may be taking antidepressants, muscle relaxants. If the gnashing appeared as a result of malocclusion or loss of part of the teeth, consultation and help of an orthodontist, orthopedist or implantologist will be required.

Effective Treatments

Bruxism often becomes a manifestation of a complex of problems associated with both emotional state human, and with dental disorders. Correction of malocclusion is carried out with the help of plates, braces, cap.

To choose a treatment, the doctor must carefully examine the patient. Only by identifying the cause of the disease, he will be able to prescribe effective procedures.

To the main therapeutic measures include:

    It helps to saturate the brain with oxygen, relieve nervous tension, improve sleep. Showing walks on fresh air, simple exercise.
  • Exclusion of stressful situations. You need to rethink your lifestyle different situations. A person needs to learn to relax, to be distracted from everyday problems.
  • Diet. The patient is advised to avoid stimulating drinks (coffee, alcohol), heavy food. It is useful to drink plenty of fluids, eat food, rich in vitamins, trace elements.

An important part of the treatment is to teach the patient to relax the muscles. In this he is helped by hot and cold compresses, massage, special exercises. deal with emotional stress will help you relax. Even in the frantic pace of modern life, you need to find time to relax, do what you love. To protect damaged enamel, dentists recommend using remineralizing pastes and special rinses.

Folk methods

If the cause of bruxism is malocclusion, missing teeth, or other dental problems, folk ways don't get rid of them. In those cases where the habit of grinding one's teeth appeared as a result of nervous strain, stress, ethnoscience help to relax the body, eliminate the effects of stress. It is better to use them after a visit to a neurologist who will tell you effective recipes, fees, exercises.

To restore the nervous system, decoctions of herbs are often used, which have a relaxing, calming effect - chamomile, valerian, string. They make baths with them, take them inside. For a bath, a decoction is made from a mixture of herbs: three tablespoons per liter of water. A calming composition will help relieve stress and prepare for sleep. Warm up a cup of milk, add a teaspoon of turmeric and honey to it, drink slowly.

On general state body is positively affected by massage. You can do it yourself. Valerian oil will help increase the effectiveness of the massage. For him mix a teaspoon vegetable oil and 20 drops of valerian. The mixture is used to massage the forehead, cheeks, neck.

Slow walks in the evenings, reading before bed will help to cope with insomnia. It is better to give preference to calm literature. Near the bed, you can put a saucer in which to drip 2-3 drops essential oil- mandarin, bergamot, rose, geranium. To relax the jaws, half an hour before bedtime, you can put a warm towel on your cheeks. It is recommended to work hard with your jaws in the evening: gnaw a carrot, an apple, another hard vegetable or fruit.

Bruxism (Greek "grinding") - can occur in both adults and children, and the causes, respectively, and the treatment may be different. To understand why people grind their teeth in their sleep (usually at night, but sometimes during the day), how to get rid of this scourge, you should read the article to the end.

Why does a person grind his teeth in his sleep, causes and treatment of Bruxism ^

In most cases, the reasons why a person grinds his teeth in a dream are psychogenic in nature, and therefore the treatment of Bruxism is carried out by a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

However, teeth grinding can also occur due to dental problems, neurological problems, sleep disturbances, bad habits, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, genetic predisposition, infections of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx, due to improper intake of antidepressants, tranquilizers and psychotropics ... etc.

Once upon a time, there was an opinion that a person grinds his teeth because of helminths (worms, tapeworms ...), because of which the level of B vitamins in the body drops, which affects the psyche and leads to teeth grinding in a dream. This view has been refuted by medical research.

A person suffering from Bruxism, if he does not have a husband (wife) nearby ... a child of a parent, may not even guess that he grinds his teeth at night in a dream ... You can understand only by indirect evidence- erasure of tooth enamel, wounds with inside cheeks, sores on the gums, headache, lack of sleep and lethargy upon awakening, tension and soreness in the jaws, etc.

Causes of Bruxism in adults and children ^

The main causes of bruxism in both adults and children can be the same. But in children, for example, when teeth are cut, there may be an itch in the mouth - hence the clenching of the jaws and grinding of the teeth.

Bruxism in adults^

The main causes of bruxism in adults are:

  • brain tumor, traumatic brain injury;
  • Epilepsy (or predisposition to it);
  • Neurosis, stress syndrome, hoarseness, inferiority complexes, phobias and depression;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Neuropsychic overstrain (physical overstrain);
  • Abuse of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine;
  • Misuse of antidepressants psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, sleeping pills and other drugs (also taking drugs);
  • trigeminal nerve disease;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Anomaly of bite, poor-quality filling, surgical intervention into the oral cavity, poorly selected prostheses, braces;
  • Violation of sleep phases, due, again, to nervous experiences or brain pathology;
  • Resentments accumulated in the depths of the psyche, fears, feelings of guilt, hatred, envy and other emotional experiences;
  • Psychiatric pathology;
  • Upper respiratory and nasopharyngeal infections.

Bruxism in children ^

Children may grind their teeth in their sleep when their gums itch during teething. The cause of bruxism in children can be genetic heredity, complicated childbirth, maxillofacial anomaly.
Psychotrauma, severe nervous shocks and frequent stress, mental and physical stress, an unhealthy emotional climate in the family, can cause the development of a child's teeth grinding at night.

Treatment for Bruxism^

Of course, in order to accurately determine why a person grinds his teeth in a dream, he needs to contact a neurologist and / or a psychotherapist first of all. So that the specialist conducts research, determines the cause of involuntary nightly grinding of teeth and prescribes adequate treatment.

Bruxism itself is not a pathology. Grinding of teeth, usually at night, in a dream is a consequence of some internal problem - in the body or psyche (often the second). Therefore, it is not difficult to cure (get rid of) harmful gnashing of teeth.

However, in most cases, you can get rid of bruxism on your own and no longer grind your teeth. To do this, every night, before going to bed, perform some actions (exercises):

  • To relieve neuropsychic, emotional stress and physical tension, perform relaxation exercises with the help of psycho-training or self-hypnosis, also use relaxing diaphragmatic breathing;
  • In the evening, physically load the muscles of the jaws - eat solid food(vegetables fruits…);
  • Expose yourself to less stress, eat right and balanced, work and rest proportionately;
  • It is advisable to get rid of bad habits (exclude smoking, alcohol, psychostimulants…);
  • Start a healthy lifestyle

If the consequence of the fact that a person grinds his teeth in a dream is a more serious psychological factor(neurosis, stress disorder, depression, phobia, panic attacks, serious sleep disturbances, etc., then the help of a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist is simply needed here - on your own you will no longer be able to get rid of the nightly gnashing of teeth.

If, after receiving specialists, it turns out that the cause of Bruxism is not psychogenic factors, then the treatment should be consulted with the appropriate specialist.

Consequences of night grinding of teeth ^

Teeth grinding in a dream has its own Negative consequences for human health, in particular for the teeth themselves and oral cavity.
The main consequences of untreated bruxism:

  • Erasure of tooth enamel and the development of caries;
  • Violation of the bite, and with it chewing food, a violation of the digestive system and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gum disease;
  • Displacement of the lower jaw and change appearance faces;
  • neurological problems;
  • Neurotic and emotional-psychological problems

Psychological help for grinding teeth during sleep and / or during the day

According to statistics, 35 to 50% of people around the world grind their teeth in their sleep. According to the results of studies by European dentists, not only children, but also adults suffer from this habit. Bruxism - medical definition this harmful event. The term "bruxism" comes from the ancient Greek language and means "squeak" in translation.

Creaking in the night: the most likely causes of bruxism

By and large, doctors cannot give a definite answer to the question: “Why do people grind their teeth in their sleep?”. There are several main versions. So, from the point of view of dentists, the reason for the night grinding is the structural features of the jaw and teeth. Adherents of this opinion argue that during active phase sleep, a natural tension of the muscles of the face occurs, as a result of which the teeth with malocclusion or ill-fitting fillings rub against each other. Therefore, an unpleasant creak appears. This also includes the genetic theory of predisposition to brusqueism. If someone in the family gritted their teeth, then most likely it will be inherited. It is difficult to disagree, given the fact that maxillofacial structure are inherited.

But psychologists tend to see main reason bruxism in unexpressed emotions and negative feelings. Tension, anger, irritation, suppressed aggression and even chronic stress, not finding realization in conscious life, require an exit during an unconscious state - sleep. This can manifest itself in different ways, for example, but also in grinding your teeth.

There is also popular opinion, according to which the night grinding of teeth is due to the fact that a person has helminths. However, this statement, from the point of view of medicine, is not supported by any evidence. Numerous studies of groups of people of different ages and genders have proven that the connection between the nightly grinding of teeth and the presence of helminths is a myth.

How to get rid of bruxism?

And while scientists are arguing about what bruxism is - a bad habit, heredity or physiology, we are reaping its unpleasant "fruits". Among the main negative consequences:

  • erasure of tooth enamel, which leads to hypersensitivity, caries, tooth mobility
  • diseases of the mandibular apparatus
  • spasms of chewing muscles
  • lack of sleep

A specific cure for grinding teeth has not yet been invented, but there are several ways to help combat this problem.

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