Benefits of lemon balm. Melissa lemon medicinal properties. What diseases is it used for?

Melissa for women is just a godsend. Infusions and teas with this plant put in order hormonal background, and thanks to its calming effect, lemon balm helps to cope with irritability during PMS time and alleviate the condition of a woman during menstruation.

During pregnancy, with moderate consumption, lemon balm eliminates nausea and vomiting in case of toxicosis. And during the period of breastfeeding, this plant is not at all replaceable - lemon balm naturally increases lactation.

For men

Men should be careful when using lemon balm. In not large quantities it tones the body, helps to cope with stress. But in case of abuse more harm than good, as this will negatively affect potency.

For kids

Melissa tea improves memory, helps children learn information at school. Pediatricians often advise including lemon balm tea in the diet of hyperactive children. who concentrate poorly and cannot sit in one place for a long time. This will help them calm down and focus on their studies.

A prerequisite before using lemon balm is a consultation with a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the right course of treatment.

The chemical composition of the medicinal plant

100 grams of lemon balm contains 3.7 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat, 8 g of carbohydrates and 49 kcal. The content of essential oil in the leaves of the plant is approximately 0.2% and is determined by geographical and climatic conditions.

Essential oil components in lemon balm are monoterpenes– natural hydrocarbons (citral, geraniol, nerol), as well as vegetable organic compounds aromatic series - phenylpropanoids (rosmarinic acid). Melissa contains sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, vitamins A, B, C and PP.

Indications for use

  • Increased emotional excitability.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • inflammatory processes.
  • Ringing in the ears, headache.
  • Depression, apathy.
  • Diseases respiratory tract.

Can it cause harm?

Before you start treatment with lemon balm, you should always consult with your doctor. Melissa itself is harmless, but you should not use it in large quantities.

Side effects

At long-term use lemon balm tea or tincture of its leaves may cause side effects. This is expressed in general weakness, fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy appear. Vomiting and diarrhea are possible.

With individual intolerance to the substances that make up the lemon balm, itching, cramps and heartburn may occur.


Instructions on how to use this herb for medicinal purposes

AT medical purposes for the treatment of various diseases, tea from lemon balm, tincture and decoction of its leaves are used. In addition, compresses and lotions are used. Infusions and decoctions from this plant should be drunk in small portions several times a day for 2-3 weeks. Tea with lemon balm is recommended to drink at night. The course of treatment should not exceed three months.

For prevention

To strengthen immunity general health body and raising the mood, it is useful to drink a cup of tea with lemon balm before going to bed. For greater effect, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Such tea will warm and prevent you from getting sick on cold autumn evenings, when the body is most vulnerable to viruses.

To prepare tea, several leaves of lemon balm should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Drink warm for 2 weeks.

From depression

Internal tension, anxiety and stress can be signs of depression. To eliminate them, traditional medicine recommends taking regularly herbal infusions and decoctions.

The most common prescription for depression is lemon balm, which has a tonic effect and is known for its antidepressant effects. it medicinal plant has long been used to treat nervous disorders and anxiety.

To cope with depression can help tea and infusion of lemon balm. Tea is better to drink at night, after eating. To prepare it, 2 tablespoons of chopped lemon balm leaves should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left for half an hour under a closed lid. Strain the finished infusion and drink in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is individual and prescribed by a doctor.

From tinnitus

Melissa officinalis is a good helper in the fight against tinnitus. Especially effective is the tincture of this herb, which, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink with the addition of honey.

20 grams of lemon balm must be poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Drink three times a day a glass of tincture in a warm form. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

From arrhythmia

Melissa officinalis will help to cope with attacks of arrhythmia and dizziness. Its sedative effect has a beneficial effect on the heart and central nervous system. Melissa can be used as a tincture or add a couple of leaves to tea.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of small leaves of lemon balm into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Drink half a glass several times a day after meals.

Melissa from arrhythmia is effective both separately and as part of fees. Most often in herbal preparations in addition to it, angelica roots, valerian and mint leaves are added. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days.

As a choleretic

Melissa infusion improves the functioning of the intestines and pancreas. Rosemary and caffeic acids, which are part of the plant, increase bile secretion and perfectly cleanse the body.

To help the body get rid of bile, 2 tablespoons of dry lemon balm leaves must be poured with 2 cups of boiling water. After 2-3 hours, the infusion can be drunk. It is recommended to consume half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days.

For bronchitis

Melissa - good helper in the treatment of respiratory diseases, including bronchitis. Tincture from this plant dilutes sputum, removes it from the bronchi and prevents further formation. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, lemon balm prevents microbes from entering the lungs.

To get rid of bronchitis, you need to grind lemon balm leaves into powder (you should get a teaspoon), add the juice of two lemons and 2 teaspoons of honey (boil honey before adding). Take in acute period diseases one teaspoon every half an hour. The course of treatment is a maximum of 7 days.

For the nervous system

Melissa is a good sedative and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. This plant has long been known for its ability to restore sleep, relieve nervousness and irritability. Infusion of lemon balm copes well with stomach pain caused by stress.

To prepare the infusion, 3 teaspoons of chopped lemon balm should be poured with a glass of boiling water, cover the dish with a lid and insist for two hours. Ready infusion should be drunk in small portions throughout the day. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days.

Why is it used in cosmetology?

  • Essential oil lemon balm is highly valued in cosmetology. Due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, the oil fights well with inflammation and irritation on the skin, helps to get rid of acne.
  • Shampoo with the addition of lemon balm oil eliminates dandruff, excess greasiness of the hair, and the balm gives the hair smoothness and a pleasant smell.
  • Lotions and tinctures based on lemon balm improve skin elasticity, give it healthy look and have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Melissa oil can be used in an aroma lamp and rubbed into the skin during a massage.

Melissa is a real storehouse of vitamins and great helper in the fight against such serious diseases as bronchitis, arrhythmia and depression. They don't call her " female grass”, because melissa can correct the hormonal background, eliminate the effects of PMS and is not replaceable with breastfeeding. Women also trust this plant with their youth and beauty.

However, everything should be in moderation and you should not abuse lemon balm. Like all medicinal herbs, it has contraindications, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with. Better yet, consult a doctor.

This medicinal plant is similar in its action to mint. Everyone knows pleasant lemon flavor lemon balm, which soothes and relieves irritation. But what other medicinal properties and contraindications does lemon balm have?

Melissa: useful and medicinal properties

Lemon mint (also called lemon balm) has an impressive list of healing components in its composition. It is rich in vitamins, essential oils, trace elements and nutrients.

Therefore, the plant has a complex healing effect on the body:

  • calms, normalizes sleep, reduces the risk of developing neuroses;
  • increases stress resistance, improves mood, fights signs of depression;
  • reduces high blood pressure;
  • relieves attacks of pain with migraines, rheumatism;
  • activates the work of the brain;
  • eliminates spasms (hepatic and intestinal colic);
  • restores normal heart rhythm;
  • strengthens the immune system, prevents viral diseases;
  • improves sweating, promotes the removal of toxins;
  • normalizes digestion, improves appetite;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • heals wounds (erosion, ulcers);
  • relieves convulsions;
  • has an antiseptic effect (for inflammation of the oral cavity, stomatitis);
  • removes stones from the kidneys, liver;
  • eliminates allergic irritations skin (rash, eczema, boils);
  • normalizes hormonal balance female body(with PMS, menopause, pregnancy, in the postpartum period).

A distinctive feature of lemon balm herb from other medicinal plants is that it practically does not cause unwanted side effects if you accidentally increase the dosage.

The safety and healing properties of lemon grass make it possible to use it both in therapy and for the prevention of many diseases.

Traditional medicine recipes with lemon balm

Traditional healers have proven remedies based on the healing properties of lemon balm. For the treatment of diseases, different parts of the plant are used and applied great ways preparation of drugs.

Effective traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Infusion from colic, spasms. Pour dry lemon balm (1/2 cup) with boiling water (0.5 l). Withstand 1 - 2 hours. Use 150 g of tincture 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for a week.
  2. Calming infusion. Chopped grass leaves (8 tsp) pour hot water(0.5 l). Insist in a thermos for 5 - 6 hours. Drink 3 times a day 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals.
  3. A decoction for bloating. Throw fresh or dry leaves (100 g) into boiling water (1 l). Boil for 5-7 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cup of decoction 3 times a day after meals.
  4. Infusion for stabilization heart rate. Dry raw materials (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (0.5 l). Insist 1 - 2 hours, strain. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.
  5. Syrup to normalize sleep. Lemon balm leaves (150 g) pour cold water(0.5 l). Cook over low heat until the amount of liquid is reduced by 2 times. Strain, let cool. Add honey (1 tsp). Use 1 tbsp. l. before bedtime. Store syrup in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Therapeutic effect comes very quickly, and the unique aroma of the product soothes and gives a good mood.
  6. Refreshing rinse. Lemon mint (8 tsp) pour boiling water (400 g). Insist 45 minutes under the lid, cool. Gargle 3-4 times a day.
  7. Decoction of dandruff. Lemon balm leaves (4 tablespoons) boil for 8-10 minutes in 1 liter of water. Strain, chill. Rinse your hair after washing.
  8. Tincture to strengthen the immune system. Pour the essential oil of the plant (20 ml) with alcohol or vodka (200 ml). Keep 14 days in a dark place. Use 1 tsp. 2 times a day after meals. This tincture as a compress helps to get rid of joint pain.
  9. Poultices for skin diseases. Lemon balm leaves (25 g) pour boiling water (1 l), stand for 1 hour. Wet gauze with infusion, apply to the sore spot for 1 - 2 hours. Repeat 3-4 times a day.
    Before use folk remedies on the basis of lemon balm, you should consult a doctor.

About the medicinal properties of a plant such as lemon balm, with an amazing subtle and characteristic aroma, knowledge has been passed down for many centuries.

A close relative of mint, which has many different names, is a very unpretentious plant that can always help cure many ailments at home.

Features of the composition of lemon balm and the beneficial properties of the plant

lemongrass is one of the most common medicines that you can find on hand in your garden. The many beneficial properties of the plant are due to the rich in vitamins and useful elements composition. It includes:


  • essential oils;


    rosemary, caffeic acids;

  • vitamins C, D, group B;

    micro and macro elements such as selenium, zinc, iron, potassium, nickel, calcium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium;

    biologically active substances.

By outward signs Melissa is very similar to mint, the plants belong to the same family. However, there are differences not only in useful qualities plants, but also other characteristics:

1. Method of stem growth. In mint, the stem grows straight, while in lemon balm it has branches.

2. Aroma. The smell of mint is sharper, more pronounced and resembles menthol. The aroma of lemon balm is softer, spicy, with lemon notes.

3. Flowering period. Melissa blooms in false rings, while mint produces inflorescences in the form of an ear.

4. Applications. In medicine, plants can be used both to treat the same diseases, and completely different ones. In cooking, lemon balm acts as a seasoning or spice, and mint is a strong flavoring agent.

Medicinal qualities of lemon balm and useful properties

AT folk medicine Melissa herb is used to combat such problems:

Cardiovascular diseases. Melissa tea in the morning normalizes the activity of the system, normalizes blood circulation, relieves heart pain, eliminates shortness of breath and restores pressure. The benefits of lemon balm for the heart and blood vessels are enormous;

Diseases endocrine systems s. Melissa normalizes the work of the endocrine system, metabolic processes in the body;

Colds and inflammations. Lemon balm is used for respiratory diseases, fever, flu. The plant is able to reduce fever, has a diaphoretic effect and effectively fights colds. Suitable for the treatment of children over 3 years of age;

in gynecology. An important place belongs to lemon balm in this industry. Lemon grass is used for douching by women, in the form of infusions and decoctions. Melissa can make it easy PMS symptoms and relieve pain and discomfort during menstruation;

Toxicosis in pregnant women. For women in position, lemon balm is not dangerous at all, if you do not get too carried away with the plant. During the period breastfeeding lemon balm improves the formation of new milk;

Diseases of the digestive tract. In diseases of the intestines, stomach (gastritis, ulcers), lemon balm is effective, the decoction can also relieve constipation;

Painful sensations. Melissa acts as a good pain reliever. It is able to relieve headaches, eliminate the consequences of vascular diseases in the form of dizziness or fainting;

In cosmetology. Due to the positive effect, lemon balm is actively used for hair care, skin care, treatment of dermatitis, rashes, acne and other diseases;

Disorders in the work of the nervous system. Melissa has a calming effect, therefore it helps to cope with neurosis, stress, nervous tension, insomnia, relieves irritability;

Bad breath. Apart from him, Melissa fights with a number of others. dental diseases;

Overweight. You should not shift all responsibility in matters of losing weight only to the plant, it acts only as an assistant. Main engines excess weight is a sport and proper nutrition.

Methods for preparing products from lemon balm: useful properties in home medicine and cosmetology

The whole value of the plant lies in its leaves. To save as much as possible beneficial features lemon balm, you need to properly prepare medicine from it. Most often do medicinal decoctions and infusions.

1. Infusion for internal use prepared as follows:

First, lemongrass leaves are crushed;

Then they are poured with boiling water in the proportion of 8 dessert spoons of raw materials to 1 glass of water;

Infused in a thermos for about 30 minutes;

Then they are filtered, and the infusion is ready for use.

2. Infusion for external influence in the form of poultices and the like, it can be prepared in a similar way, as well as with a 2-fold increase in the number of leaves.

3. A decoction of lemon mint leaves is prepared as follows:

It is necessary to dry the leaves in advance and take 1 tbsp. l. dry product;

The mass is poured with 1 glass of boiling water;

Then, in an open container, the mixture should be infused for about 10 minutes;

After that, the broth must be filtered and can be consumed.

A decoction of lemon balm leaves cannot be stored, it should be consumed immediately after preparation. If the mixture is reheated, the plant begins to lose its beneficial properties.

4. Melissa tea is an excellent antiviral and antibacterial product. When brewing such tea, you can use both black and green varieties, adding fresh or dry lemon balm leaves to them. In order to get rid of colds a mixture of green tea, lemon balm and honey is ideal.

Melissa is used in folk medicine as a medicine and prophylactic for a very long time. According to observations, those people who regularly drink lemon balm tea look stronger and feel healthier than their peers.

The use of lemon balm: contraindications of lemon grass and possible harm to the body

Melissa has quite a lot of useful properties; it has long been used in folk medicine and is very effective. But lemon balm also has contraindications, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before use.

1. Melissa has calming properties that are sometimes out of place. Therefore, before driving, you should not drink tea with lemon balm or use it in any other form. Because of the plant, you can lose vigilance or even fall asleep.

2. Small children under 3 years old should also not be given grass. Their fragile body can react to the plant in different ways.

3. Lemongrass is contraindicated for patients with epilepsy.

4. Each person may have an individual intolerance to a particular product. If you are allergic to a plant, it should be discarded.

5. Melissa has contraindications in case kidney failure.

6. Do not use teas, decoctions or infusions for hypotensive patients - people with reduced pressure.

7. Frequent use lemon balm by men can cause them to reduce sexual activity.

In other cases, you can not be afraid to drink drinks based on lemon balm, without fear for your health. Even in small quantities, it has positive impact on the body.

What is melissa
Useful properties of lemon balm
Melissa treatment
Melissa infusion
Melissa decoction
Green tea with melissa
Lemon balm contraindications
melissa photo

What is Melissa:

Many of us go to the country to plant the vegetables and herbs we need in the beds, fruit trees in the garden. But for medicinal plants we usually go to the forest. But there are herbs that can be grown right in the garden. One of them is lemon balm herb. And if you do not know the beneficial properties of lemon balm, then we will help you to understand this issue.

Of course, due to the mass of country troubles, we are far from always able to get outside our site in order to look for the necessary herbs in the forest thickets. But after all, these same herbs do not cost anything to plant right near your home, and, having grown them, prepare them so that you can then use natural medicines as needed.

To such medicinal plants, which you can grow yourself, also belongs to the herb of lemon balm.

Melissa is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family. At favorable conditions can remain in one place up to 8-10 years, but with the aging of the bushes, their resistance to frost decreases. Stems erect, branched, drooping, tetrahedral from 30 to 80 cm in height. It is a good honey plant (the name of the culture in Greek means honey-bearing).

Leaves with serrated edges, opposite, petiolate, ovate, large (6-7 cm long), dark green covered, like stems, sparse hairs. Blooms in the second year after sowing. The flowers are bisexual, light purple, sometimes pink or yellowish white. Flowering from June to August. Seeds are small, 1000 pcs. weigh 0.62 g, remain viable for 2-3 years.

Varieties are common in culture: Erfurt erect, Quedlinburg creeping and other local varietal populations. Plants differ in the shape of the bush, the timing of flowering and winter hardiness.
Melissa grows well on rich clay or loamy soils with sufficient moisture. Sour heavy soils are unsuitable for its cultivation.
Sensitive to frost and often freezes in open areas.

Propagated by seeds (per 10 m2 - 5-7 g), seedlings (per 100 m2 - 3 g), division of bushes, layering and cuttings. Sowing seedlings in March-April. Seedlings appear after 3-4 weeks and they are thinned out in a row by 4-5 cm. cm and 25-30 cm. Planting begins when the danger of return frosts passes.

When propagated by dividing the bushes, a high yield of green mass is obtained already in the first year. For division, 3-4-year-old bushes are used. They are divided in spring or early autumn and planted at the same distance as seedlings. Care consists of fertilizing, loosening and removing weeds.

When propagated by dividing the bush, already in the first year, and when sown with seeds - in the second year they get good harvest green mass of shoots. They are cut at the beginning of flowering.

Harvest - leaves with parts of young shoots, before flowering or during the opening of flowers, when they contain maximum amount aromatic substances. You need to dry the lemon balm quickly, in the shade, as the leaves turn brown easily. For mass collections, it is better to use artificial drying at a temperature of 25-35°C. Plants are harvested for seeds when the lower seed pods begin to turn brown.

Useful properties of lemon balm:

It is brewed, added to tea, tinctures and infusions are obtained from it, used as a valuable ingredient in many culinary delights.

Lemon balm herb has the ability to stimulate appetite, normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The unsightly plant can have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve spasms, help with digestive disorders (constipation) and serves as a diaphoretic. In addition to all this, lemon balm has useful properties that many people know about - it natural antidepressant calming effect on the nervous system.

The medicinal raw material of lemon balm contains an essential oil with a strong lemon aroma. In addition, it contains tannins, carotene (vitamin A), ascorbic (vitamin C), caffeic, ursolic acids, mineral compounds and sugary substances.

Folk medicine has long recognized for lemon balm many medicinal properties. So, for example, an infusion of lemon balm (the grass itself and the tops of the stems with flowers are taken) helps with heart diseases. After its use, heart pain decreases, the infusion relieves shortness of breath, and normalizes blood pressure.

Such an infusion is useful for asthma, migraine attacks, anemia (anemia) and neuralgia. It is used to treat disorders of the functions of the genital organs, the digestive system.

Melissa, the beneficial properties of lemon balm, are applied externally: as a rinse for oral cavity- with gum disease and toothache; for compresses for gout, inflammation of the joints (rheumatism), skin diseases and her minor injuries.

A decoction of lemon balm helps relieve headaches and dizziness. Such a decoction of lemon balm was used for fainting and hysterical conditions.

And here are some other useful properties of lemon balm. The oil obtained from this medicinal plant is used as a remedy for pain in the heart and rheumatic pains, for disorders menstrual cycle and to normalize metabolism. Essential oil of lemon balm is appreciated in Food Industry and pharmaceuticals.

Melissa treatment:

Melissa is used for female diseases, diseases of the digestive system, oncological diseases different localization, respiratory diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, genitourinary system, nervous and endocrine systems, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, metabolic diseases.

With nervousness, nerve spasms, nervous weakness, neuroses of the heart, neuroses of the stomach, depression, stress, melancholy, hypochondria, sleep disturbances, fainting, migraines and inexplicable headaches, dizziness and tinnitus, with hysterical fits, increased sexual excitability, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, with vomiting in pregnant women, painful menstruation, it is useful to use an infusion of lemon balm.
Melissa is especially effective if stress has affected the stomach, digestive organs and heart. It relieves the feeling of heaviness and the resulting spasms, pain in the heart, improves digestion, increases appetite.

Infusion of leaves and infusion of tops of shoots with flowers - excellent cardiac remedy. In patients with heart disease, shortness of breath disappears, tachycardia attacks stop, pain in the heart area is relieved, the rhythm of heart contractions becomes less frequent, breathing slows down, and blood pressure decreases.

Infusion of lemon balm is exceptionally useful to take orally to stimulate appetite, with disorders of the digestive organs caused by depression, neurosis, stress, with hyposecretion of the stomach, hyperacid gastritis, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, severe stomach pain, with bile and renal colic, anemia, gout, severe headaches, migraines caused by poor digestion, after severe debilitating illnesses to restore strength, with postpartum weakness, toxicosis in pregnant women, to increase the amount of milk in lactating women, with bronchial asthma, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, various diseases in the area of ​​the female genital area (for pain during menstruation, ailments associated with menopause, such as "thermal flushes", palpitations, depression, insomnia, to relax and strengthen the nervous system at the time of labor pains), with toothache, unpleasant smell from mouth, otitis media, sinusitis, allergic dermatoses, neuralgia, irritability, insomnia, nervous attacks, melancholy, dizziness, fainting, skin rashes.

Well, a little about how to properly use medicinal raw materials from lemon balm herb:

Melissa infusion:

It is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons chopped dried leaves and the flowers of this plant are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. The container with the infusion is tightly closed, wrapped and left for 4-5 hours - to infuse. After that, the infusion is filtered. It should be taken half a glass before each meal. Helps with heart disease, heart pain.

Melissa decoction:

Prepare as follows: a tablespoon of dried medicinal raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water, then boiled in a water bath for about 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering through cheesecloth. The resulting decoction should be consumed in 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day before meals for spasms and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Good decoction acts as a sedative - before going to bed, half a glass, 1 time per day.

Green tea with melissa:

Melissa is best consumed in the form of tea or decoction. Tinctures also have a good effect on the body, but most of them contain alcohol. Tea with lemon balm can be consumed often, and in small quantities - even daily. The decoction is over effective tool, so it should only be used in medicinal purposes.

Melissa green tea is mainly used as natural remedy calming the nervous system. This drink will be useful for stress, depression, excessive irritability and neurosis. Green tea, including lemon balm, improves appetite, has a beneficial effect on the heart and strengthens the body. With a cold green tea with lemon balm and honey helps our body activate defense mechanisms and overcome the disease.

There are a considerable number various ways how to brew green tea with mint. However, if you want tea to bring the desired result, you should follow some rules:

Dishes should be porcelain or glass;
Water must be boiled, but then it must cool to 80 degrees Celsius;
For 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of mint and tea is taken;
Tea should only be consumed freshly brewed;
Melissa lemon often grows in hard-to-reach places - forest edges, dense thickets, in more often. It is not always easy to find and collect it. Therefore, it is best to plant this medicinal plant in your backyard. In this case, fresh lemon balm, the beneficial properties of lemon balm, can be used for treatment as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Melissa contraindications:

The property of lemon balm to act as a sedative determines contraindications for its use. Melissa is contraindicated in arterial hypotension, that is, with a reduced tone of blood vessels and muscles.

In simple terms, lemon balm, more precisely, the essential oil from this herb and the preparations that it is included in, are not indicated for people with reduced blood pressure, because it can lower it even more. For example, if a person with an ordinary or high blood pressure will feel sedative effect from the use of this plant, people with hypotension are threatened with weakness, dizziness, and possibly even loss of consciousness.

Also, using lemon balm for medicinal purposes, you need to abandon activities that require a good mental reaction, maximum attention and concentration, motor activity(for example, driving a car or any other vehicle etc.). Of the side effects from the use of lemon balm, we note: vomiting and nausea, muscle weakness and fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, convulsions, heartburn, lethargy and decreased concentration, itching, constipation, etc.

Lemon grass, lemon aroma, lemon mint - this is what the people call lemon balm, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described below. it miraculous power plant is used in alternative medicine since ancient times. It was used and continues to be used as a spicy, medicinal, essential oil, melliferous plant. Latin name The genus Melissa is derived from the Greek word for bee. This is due to the fact that the plant strongly attracts workers.

There is even a legend according to which Melissa was a nymph, the daughter of King Melisseus. She fed Zeus with honey and milk and wanted to teach people how to extract honey. Another legend says that Melissa had extraordinary beauty, which, of course, did not please the goddesses, because of which they turned her into a bee.

ancient medicine attributed to the plant antimicrobial, antiseptic, sedative and antidysenteric properties. The plant has been used as a vision enhancer and menstrual cycle normalizer. Avicenna recommended the use of the plant for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Today Melissa has no less wide application. It is valued in cosmetology, cooking, aromatherapy and, of course, informal medicine.

Application in cosmetology, aromatherapy, cooking

The essential oil of the plant is used to treat gastrointestinal pathologies provoked by stress. It has powerful antiviral properties, is used to normalize heart rate, lower blood pressure, normalize sleep, minimize the manifestations of menopause, eliminate itching, burning and swelling with insect bites.

Moreover, oil is a component homemade cosmetics, all kinds of skin care products. It is also used in the perfume industry to perfume waters, creams and lotions.

The dried leaves of the plant are used to flavor teas. Salad from fresh young leaves is part of a therapeutic diet. Melissa makes excellent seasonings for all kinds of dishes. Often the plant is also used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Melissa is an excellent and valuable honey plant. Melissa honey has a very pleasant aroma and taste and refers to best varieties.

Botanical characteristic

Melissa is perennial herbaceous plant family Lamiaceae, reaching a height of fifty or more centimeters. Lemongrass is equipped with an upright branched tetrahedral stem, petiole opposite heart-shaped ovoid large-toothed leaves covered with soft hairs, small, located on short pedicels, pale pink or white flowers.

Melissa blooms in the second year of life in the middle summer period. The fruits of the plant consist of four brownish ovoid nuts. Melissa is native to the Mediterranean. The plant was grown several thousand years ago in Ancient Rome from where it spread to the rest of Europe.

In Mediterranean countries, the plant is considered a weed. Shady shrubs, light forests, stony and grassy places, forest meadows, river banks, roadsides - places where grass grows. Caucasus, Crimea, middle Asia, Ukraine, Russia - the habitat of lemon balm.

Collection and preparation

For the manufacture of preparations, the tops of the shoots and foliage of the plant are used. It is recommended to collect and harvest raw materials at the beginning of flowering. The material is then dried for outdoors, preferably under a canopy or in a dryer with sufficient ventilation at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees.

After drying, the blanks are placed in paper bags or bags for further storage. In one season, you can get two or more crops. Collecting herbs in order to reduce the loss of essential oils is best done at noon and preferably in cloudy weather. You can store blanks for a year, no more.

Melissa - medicinal properties and contraindications, composition

Lemongrass is a storehouse of useful and healing properties. And it's all thanks to its composition. The plant contains a significant amount of:

  • essential oils;
  • triterpene compounds (citral, citronellal);
  • monoterpene compounds (linalool, cetronellol, geraniol);
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • mucous substances;
  • tannins;
  • coffee, rosemary, oleic, ursolic acids;
  • bitter substances;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty oils;
  • macro- and microelements: calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, chromium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium.

The rich composition gives plants a whole arsenal healing properties. Melissa has antispasmodic, sedative, hypnotic, sedative, carminative, choleretic, hypoglycemic, astringent, anticonvulsant, expectorant, tonic, diuretic, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiallergic effects.

Lemon Balm products help:

  • increased appetite;
  • stimulation of secretion gastric juice;
  • elimination of fermentation anomalies;
  • increased motility of the stomach;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • elimination bad smell from mouth;
  • downgrade blood pressure;
  • revitalization intrasecretory function thyroid glands;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • therapy of nervous disorders, migraine, insomnia, painful menstruation, neurosis, ischemic heart disease, dyskinesia, flatulence, dysbacteriosis, dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, toxicosis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, hypertension, bruises, ailments of the oral cavity, epilepsy, anemia, gout, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis

Folk recipes

Preparing soothing tea

Take a few tablespoons of dried crushed leaves of the plant and pour them into a thermos. Brew raw materials with boiled water - 1.5 cups. Leave the composition to infuse for an hour. Drink a cup of tea three times a day. When a small amount of honey is added to tea, its hypnotic effect is enhanced. The tool can be taken to eliminate headaches, dizziness, as well as normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Renal pathologies: infusion therapy

Soak three tablespoons of dry leaves of the plant in five hundred milliliters of boiled water. Let the tool stand. It is recommended to use half a cup of the filtered preparation three times a day.

Treatment for tinnitus

Pour fifteen grams of fresh, finely chopped lemon balm herb with vodka - 50 ml. Close the container tightly and set aside the composition to brew in a dark, cool place for a week. Next, the product must be filtered through gauze folded in several layers. Place three drops in each ear, preferably before going to bed.

The use of healing baths

Steam fifty grams of raw materials with boiled water - a liter. The tool must be infused. After filtering, pour the composition into the bath. It is recommended to take a bath before going to bed.

Viral diseases: treatment with essential oils

Connect a few drops, no more than three with a small amount natural honey. Fill the mass with boiling water. Bend over the container, cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the vapors until the water cools.

Melissa essential oil for the treatment of headaches and nervous tension

Drop a few drops of oil, but no more than five, into a bath filled with hot water. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. If desired, you can combine lemon balm oil with peach oil.

Collection for the treatment of CCC diseases

Mix in equal proportions lemon balm with hawthorn, nettle, blackberry leaves, lavender, hops, adonis, elderberry. All ingredients must be finely chopped and mixed. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture with freshly boiled water and set aside to brew for a couple of hours. Drink 100 milliliters of the filtered preparation three times a day.

Preparing cleansing tea

The product has cleansing properties, contributes to the normalization metabolic processes, weight loss, skin improvement. Combine in equal amounts the dry leaves of lemon balm with rose hips, rose petals, horsetail, yarrow. Grind the ingredients and steam three tablespoons of raw materials with boiling water - half a liter. Leave the composition to brew for three hours. Take half a glass of filtered drink at least three times a day.

Preparation of a drug that strengthens the immune system

The tool, when long-term use promotes defensive forces organism. Combine in equal proportions dried chopped leaves of lemon balm with hawthorn, barberry fruits, leaves

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