Animal antihistamines. Allergic dermatoses in dogs and cats


Antihistamines include: agents that block histamine H1 receptors (first and second generation); agents that increase the ability of blood serum to bind histamine (histaglobulin, histaglobin, etc.); agents that inhibit the release of histamine from mast cells (ketatifen, cromolyn sodium, nedocromil sodium).

In veterinary medicine, H1 receptor blockers find real use. H1 receptor blockers reduce the body's response to histamine, relieve smooth muscle spasm, reduce capillary permeability and tissue swelling, and eliminate other effects of histamine. First-generation H2 receptor blockers include diphenhydramine, diprazine, suprastin, tavigil, setastin, peritol, fenistil, ketotifen. They are competitive blockers of Hp receptors, and therefore binding to their receptors is rapidly reversible. They are given 2-3 times a day)

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