Is it possible to get pregnant during erosion. Is it possible to give birth with cervical erosion. Burning with chemicals

Erosion is a violation integrity of the outer layer of the surface of the cervix. Its presence negatively affects the entire reproductive function, especially when it is detected during pregnancy. Therefore, any woman for whom the priority is to preserve reproductive function, worries about the presence of erosion.

Pregnancy with erosion requires special attention

Causes of erosion and its symptoms. How erosion affects conception. Is it possible to get pregnant in the presence of cervical erosion. Treatment of pathology

There can be several reasons for the manifestation of this pathology of the cervix:

  • Deviations in work various systems organisms that cause drastic changes in the hormonal background.
  • Various sexual infections that are acquired from an infected partner.
  • Mechanical injuries of the pelvic organs and the reproductive system.
  • Early acceleration and promiscuity associated with it.
  • Availability permanent processes inflammatory nature.


erosion, if does not have multiplefoci and is not a malignant degeneration of tissues, does not prevent the patient from habitual way of life. The disease proceeds latently, revealing itself during the primary planned gynecological inspection .

If the pathology is malignant, then the woman notes the presence of bloody discharge, on days other than the cycle. Frequent occurrences of pain syndrome with multiple cases of erosion.

Is conception possible in the presence of erosion?

Most women do not know the answer to the question: is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion. And experts in the field of gynecology give an unequivocal answer: the presence of such a pathology does not affect the process of conception. Only if the appearance of such a disease is not associated with disturbances in the hormonal background. Where, when an imbalance is detected, the effect is on all systems of the female body.

Erosion, although it does not cause problems with conception, but requires special attention. After all, this neoplasm is a precancerous condition of the main organ of the reproductive system - the uterus.

Conception has nothing to do with the presence or absence of erosion


Modern medicine has several ways to deal with various neoplasms on the surface of the cervix:

  • Operational intervention.
  • hormone therapy.
  • Means of traditional medicine.

Each of these methods cannot be used independently, with the exception of surgery. Under surgical intervention treatment of cervical erosion understand the destruction of the affected tissues in any way. Most effective method destruction of affected tissues, which is used if the woman has not given birth - cryodestruction. Impact on pathological tissues produced with cold liquid nitrogen), which avoids scarring of the tissues of the cervix and does not affect subsequent births.

If the erosion is small and does not affect: conception, childbirth or general state body, then the patient is limited to the use of traditional medicine. In the arsenal of modern traditional medicine there are remedies that affect in a curative way into small areas of erosion.

Most of them do not affect conception, and if the patient has hormonal changes, bring the background to the normal state.

The use of hormonal contraceptives equally with folk remedies helps to solve the problem with small pockets of erosion. Conception in this case is excluded, you can not use drugs during pregnancy. Therefore, the treatment of damage to the epithelium of the cervix hormonal drugs carried out as part of preparatory therapy for pregnancy planning.

Hormonal drugs should not be taken during pregnancy

Pregnancy and the presence of erosion

When conception has already occurred, and only after the woman was registered with the gynecologist, erosion was detected, during this period full control is necessary.

After all, the presence of such a pathology during pregnancy can cause:

  1. Premature termination of pregnancy. The cervix is ​​not tightly closed, which is a risk of miscarriage.
    1. The fetus and mother can become infected various infections through the broken epithelium of the vagina.
  2. Erosion localization sites may burst during childbirth, which will cause profuse bleeding and seriously complicate the process of childbirth.

Although a woman can become pregnant even if there is cervical erosion, this pathology should be eliminated as soon as possible. After all, it is erosion that causes rare, but dangerous complications its progression.

This question is often of interest to women, since erosive damage to the neck is quite common. It is widely believed among the inhabitants that if this defect is detected, then it can be treated only after childbirth, because it is known in practice that almost all methods of eliminating the problem cause scarring and in the future it is no longer possible to give birth on your own.

Some people think that the onset of pregnancy is also out of the realm of fantasy, cervical damage prevents the penetration of spermatozoa.

It is worth finding out if cervical erosion interferes with pregnancy and what treatment will give before the first and subsequent births.

What is the pathology itself?

Cervix - gynecological organ that connects the vagina and uterus. When ulcer defect on the surface of the cervix, the mucous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one that covers the cervical canal.

Erosion can be divided into 2 types.

1 - true erosion. A red spot appears on the cervix, which stands out sharply against a pale pink background. The defect breaks the surface, ulceration is formed, which can bleed. As a result, it appears favorable environment for the development of a bacterial infection.

The cause of the pathology are:

  • immature hormonal background;
  • gynecological diseases of infectious etiology;
  • rough intercourse.

2- ectopia, a condition in which the squamous cervical epithelium is replaced by cylindrical cells. The causes of the defect are the same as those of true erosion, but the human papillomavirus is especially considered.

If the risk of erosion degeneration into oncological process quite low - 1/100 - then in the presence of a virus of this type, the probability of malignancy increases significantly and reaches 17-30%, depending on climatic, professional and social conditions.

A defect on the mucosa may not manifest itself in any way and be revealed only during scheduled inspection, but sometimes the following symptoms indicate it:

  • bleeding from the vagina, not associated with menstrual cycle and appearing after intercourse or after exercise;
  • mucous discharge with purulent inclusions;
  • painful penetration during intercourse;
  • drawing in the genital tract during menstruation.

Pathology is easily diagnosed - the doctor sees with the naked eye when he makes an examination on the armchair with mirrors. To confirm the diagnosis and accurate description clinical picture mucosal material is required for analysis, colposcopy may be required.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion

As such, an erosive defect on the mucosa does not interfere with the onset of conception, it does not affect reproductive ability organism. But when the problem turns out to be caused by a hormonal imbalance or appeared after sexually transmitted diseases, then pregnancy may not occur.

During acute infectious process both the neck and the canal are deformed, and adhesions can form in the fallopian tubes, along which the egg descends from the ovary to meet the spermatozoon. adhesive process complicates the possibility of pregnancy.

If conception has occurred and the fetus has invaded the uterus, erosion may pose some threat to the course of pregnancy.

Defects on the neck increase the risk of activation of pathogenic flora.

You need to know that during childbirth, tears can form in places of erosion, and in the future scars will form, which will adversely affect self-delivery next time.

The task of how to get pregnant with cervical erosion is not difficult. However, women with similar pathology more attention is required during childbearing. If the defects deepen, they are eliminated even before childbirth, although in most cases gynecologists take a wait-and-see attitude.

How is this pathology treated?

The genital organs of a pregnant woman are examined by a gynecologist upon registration and in the future, if she voices complaints of discomfort - her stomach hurts in the lower part, discharge, etc.

If at visual inspection erosion is detected, then a cyto-examination is necessarily carried out to identify atypical cells - the appearance of these cells signals a possible degeneration of the disease into a malignant form.

Also find out the presence of antibodies to sexual infections various etiologies, papilloma virus, may require a colposcopy procedure.

If the lesion is large, then treatment begins. Prescribed drugs that stimulate the regeneration of the mucosa - during pregnancy, preference is given to means local action in the form of suppositories and vaginal tablets.

Since cauterization or other operational measures will easily cause a breakdown, causing impulsive uterine contractions, which is especially dangerous on early term, these actions are avoided. But sometimes the doctor still has to carry out manipulations that contribute to the healing of the cervical defect, and do not cause scarring of the birth canal.

Apply to injured mucous membranes medicinal product having antiseptic properties. A crust forms on the surface of the ulcer, which then peels off by itself. It is impossible to completely cure large erosive damage in this way, but such an effect facilitates childbirth in the future and prepares birth canal so that the baby is born without surgery.

Treatment during pregnancy planning

The ideal option is to eliminate the erosive defect before pregnancy. Modern young women understand how important it is to remove any source of danger from the body, find out in advance immune status, treat chronic diseases. If a problem is found, very often the doctor decides to fix it.

There is no need to be afraid of the procedure. Previously, only one method was used - cryotherapy (cauterization with liquid nitrogen).

Currently, sparing methods have appeared that do not cause scarring. When it is possible to become pregnant after treatment and cauterization of erosion, in each case it is discussed individually.

Cauterize an erosive defect laser beams. This operation does not stimulate the cicatricial adhesion process; pathogenic bacteria(if present), no bleeding occurs. Conception can be planned as early as 1-2 months after the manipulation, as soon as the planned menstruation has passed. Treatment has no effect on delivery.

With multiple small foci, chemical cauterization. The method is considered not very reliable - it does not exclude the possibility of relapse. It is advisable to plan a pregnancy no earlier than in 4-5 months - this period is necessary for the mucous membranes to finally heal.

Diathermocoagulation - cauterization with high frequency currents - they try not to use for the treatment of women reproductive age. But in some cases this therapeutic method considered the only possible one. In this case, until complete healing - 30-45 days - complete sexual rest is recommended, so it will be possible to think about planning no earlier than 2 months after the manipulation. In addition, when the procedure is carried out by this method, the patient is necessarily warned that - most likely - she will have to give birth with the help of caesarean section. The electric current causes the formation of scars on the cervix.

The most modern and sparing way is radio wave vaporization. The erosive defect is eliminated, the mucosa is regenerated within a month, and you can immediately think about conception.

The pathological (erosive) process in itself does not pose a threat to a woman's health, but without timely therapy, it can provoke a number of quite severe complications disrupting the functioning reproductive organs. The problem of whether it is possible to become pregnant with cervical erosion is concerned most of women with a similar diagnosis. Is it possible to conceive with erosion, determined by the stage of pathology and the presence of complications.

The cervix is ​​possible. The altered state of the mucosa cannot adversely affect conception, but in the presence of this pathology, the likelihood of complications that can adversely affect the body of the woman and the fetus increases.

Erosive foci that damage the integrity of the epithelial layer of the cervix increase the risk of ingestion of infectious microflora that threatens the development of the fetus. This in the initial stages can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage.

Despite the possibility of conception in a disturbed state of the cervical mucosa, the disease must be treated in advance, since the places where the foci of the pathological process are located on the organ are subject to rupture during natural delivery. When the disease is in its initial phases, pregnancy is possible, and the process of bearing a child usually occurs without complications.

Conception with erosion and concomitant diseases

The peculiarity of the course of the pathological process in the neck is that the pathology does not have pronounced clinical symptoms. When a woman begins to experience any discomfort, the appearance of signs indicates that the disease has provoked a number of complications.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion with a complicated course in the form of thrush? Violation of the natural vaginal microflora is the most common consequence of pathology, and it is thrush that can become an obstacle to conception. Violation of the microflora leads to an increase in the level of acidity in the vagina.

In such an environment, spermatozoa quickly die, and the process of fertilization of the egg becomes impossible. Even in cases where conception with thrush succeeded, this disease against the background of erosive foci leads to a decrease in local immunity. As a result, the likelihood of infection passing through the placenta to the fetus increases.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion when the altered epithelium has become a provoking factor in development cystic formations? This pathology may interfere successful conception. The presence of a cyst negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system. In many women, the process of ovulation is disrupted, it becomes either irregular and rare, or absent altogether.

A pregnant woman with a cystic pathology should be regularly examined by a gynecologist. But a cyst can also appear during pregnancy. Under the influence hormonal adjustment body formation can progress rapidly and provoke complications - miscarriage in the 1st trimester or premature birth.

Probability of conception

Cervical erosion and pregnancy planning are interrelated. A girl who plans to get pregnant and successfully endure healthy baby, must pass in advance complete diagnostics and timely cure the disease. Only effective method therapy - the procedure of cauterization. This method It is considered relatively safe, but it also carries the risks of consequences in the future.

Methods for cauterization:

  • cauterization with chemical acids;
  • laser destruction;
  • impact on the foci with a laser;
  • method of diathermocoagulation;
  • radio wave technique.

The method of cauterization is chosen by the doctor, taking into account whether the patient gave birth or not. The safest method for women who have not yet given birth is the method of cauterization using liquid nitrogen. Its advantage is the absence of risks of injury to soft structures.

Is it possible for a patient to become pregnant with cervical erosion after the cauterization procedure? It is recommended to refrain from conception for 6-12 months until the mucosa is completely restored. Only after the doctor conducts an examination and examination, concludes that the organ has recovered, can a woman prepare for conception.

But no matter what method of cauterization is used, the probability remains re-development pathology in the future, especially if there are provoking factors:

  • reduced immunity;
  • violation of the hormonal system;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • previous damage to the uterus.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to give birth with cervical erosion after its treatment is unequivocal - it is possible and necessary. Moreover, according to doctors, it is recommended not to delay the process of conception until the patient has a stable remission after cauterization.

Cauterization - the cause of infertility

Not always nulliparous woman manages to recover in a safe way- cauterization with liquid nitrogen. This method is used only when erosive foci have a small diameter. If the defeat is total, you have to resort to other methods. That is why it is so important to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist at least 2 times a year, because the timely detection of pathology allows it to be treated in the safest and least traumatic ways.

It is not always possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion after therapy. This is due to the fact that after the procedure on soft tissue a scar formation is formed, which not only interferes with the process of fertilization, but also provokes an early miscarriage. If an extensive pathology with the presence of concomitant diseases is detected, it can be quite problematic to carry out the cauterization procedure without complications. Moxibustion advanced stage leads to the formation of numerous scars, due to the presence of which a woman may remain infertile.

Possible pregnancy without treatment

You can get pregnant with cervical erosion without medical measures then when pathological process is innate. Pregnancy with erosion of this type rarely ends with complications. The foci are passive in development, and, as a rule, they do not need to be cauterized. If erosion is congenital, there is a high chance of self-disappearance after delivery.

The need for timely treatment

Only a doctor can answer whether erosion affects conception by diagnosing the patient. Does cervical erosion interfere with conception? By itself, no, but the lack of treatment causes consequences that make the process of fertilization difficult.

You can often hear stories from women that “I plan to get pregnant, but I was diagnosed with erosion, and I am afraid that I will remain infertile after cauterization.” There is a possibility of complications after treatment, but they are not as common as those cases when pregnant women cannot bear a child due to extensive damage to the organ.

It is possible to get pregnant with erosion, but being pregnant, a woman puts herself and the fetus at risk. For the patient to give birth healthy child, without risks to your health, the treatment of pathology should be carried out before conception. And if the pathological process is detected on early stages, there is a possibility of effective drug therapy.

Pregnancy for many of the fairer sex is a long-awaited and happiest period. However, things don't always work out the way you want. Most women visit a gynecologist before conception and take some tests. So, during the next visit, damage to the vagina can be detected. In women, the question immediately arises as to whether it is possible to become pregnant with cervical erosion. That is what this article will answer. You will get the opinions of experts on this matter. It is also worth saying what to do if inflammation of cervical erosion is found.

The essence of pathology and its causes

Erosion most often occurs in childbearing age. The cause of the wound may be hormonal disorder, mechanical damage mucous membrane and so on.

Often doctors can confuse true erosion and pseudo-education. To clarify the diagnosis, a colposcopy is prescribed. Only then can we talk about the need for treatment.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

There are different opinions on this matter. Most doctors and experienced professionals say that it is possible to get pregnant. However, this is quite dangerous. Also, some representatives of the weaker sex are sure that it is almost impossible to conceive a child with this pathology. How is it really? Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

Women's opinion (erroneous)

As everyone knows, fertilization is necessary for conception. male cage merges with female gamete. After this, continuous division and growth of the germinal part begin. Then it descends into the uterine cavity and already there it is securely attached to the endometrium.

It bleeds quite often. At the same time, women think that it begins another menstruation, and getting pregnant during this period is completely unrealistic. However, this opinion is erroneous. Many of the fairer sex who adhered to this point of view soon became newly-made mothers.

The opinion of doctors and specialists

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion? Certainly yes. Gynecologists say that there is no connection between the onset of conception and the formation of a wound on the mucous membrane cervical canal no.

The release of hormones in the event of erosion remains at the same level. The ovaries are working properly. As a result, the ovulation process is not disturbed. Conception can occur through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Exception or special cases

It also happens that pregnancy with cervical erosion does not occur. However, the reason for the lack of conception is not the wound itself, but accompanying illnesses by which it is called.

Yes, at hormonal failure and the formation of erosion may be absent pregnancy. If the mucosal pathology has inflammatory or infectious causes, then conception may also not occur.

Do I need to treat erosion before pregnancy?

Many women who hear a similar diagnosis in the doctor's office ask if it is worth making any correction? Doctors do not recommend treating pathology in the usual way (cauterization or freezing). However, douching is often prescribed for erosion using medicinal herbs. This effect allows the wound to heal on its own.

Why is it impossible to treat pathology before conception? Erosion of the cervix, like any other wound, can leave scars. During the birth of the baby, it expands as much as possible, and the exit from it is completely smoothed out. As a result of this process, the cervix fully opens. If there are scars on it, then they can simply burst. This will lead to the need surgical intervention. Doctors say that it is advisable to treat erosion by conventional methods only if the woman does not plan to have children in the next five years.

What is the danger of erosion for the expectant mother and her child?

So, you know that with such a pathology you can get pregnant. However, is it safe? For a woman, there is no threat from the formation of a wound on the mucous membrane. However, the unborn baby may be endangered.

Cervical erosion is a direct entry channel for infection. Any inflammation immediately enters the cervical canal and penetrates into the uterus. This can be very dangerous for a baby in the first trimester of pregnancy.

During childbirth, cervical erosion sometimes behaves in a completely unexpected way. In the damaged area, the mucous membrane may simply disperse or not open at all. Also, many expectant mothers are faced with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Wherein we are talking about premature divergence of mucous membranes. Timely pathology allows you to maintain the health of the baby. However future mom should be under the special supervision of doctors.


If you have cervical erosion, then you need to find out the cause of its appearance, and only after that try to get pregnant. If inflammation or infection is detected, it is necessary to carry out a correction. If the wound was formed due to hormonal failure, then it is necessary to put the body in order. Only in this case you can protect yourself and your baby from possible complications. Be healthy!

Such a diagnosis as cervical erosion can be heard very often. Such a disease naturally becomes a problem, especially if the girl was planning a pregnancy. Every woman, having heard such a diagnosis at the most inopportune moment, asks her doctor logical questions. For example, is it possible to get pregnant with erosion, and if you get pregnant, how can erosion affect a child, will this pathology lead to infertility, and how to treat it, will it be possible to get pregnant if cauterized? There are usually a lot of questions. Each of them will be answered in this article.

Everyone has heard about the cervix, but not everyone knows what essential functions she performs. The cervix is ​​the gate on the way to the uterus, the barrier to the way of spermatozoa and foreign bodies. The cervix has other "duties".

Functions of the cervix:

  1. In the cervix there is a cervical canal, in which there is a special mucus, which may not let the sperm inside (such symptoms are observed with immunological infertility).
  2. Prevents advance premature birth.
  3. Does not allow rapid delivery to begin.


The presence of ulcers or wounds on the cervix is ​​called cervical erosion. The development of this pathology is a consequence of inflammation in the pelvic organs of a woman. Often, erosion is detected on the usual gynecological examination. But it is not so easy to determine exactly what it is. For accurate diagnosis need a colposcopy. What the doctor took for erosion may turn out to be pseudo-erosion (ectopia).

This photo shows cervical erosion.


If ectopia is detected, treatment is not prescribed. This is a common condition, occurring in 30% of cases. This redness goes away on its own. Ectopia has no consequences or complications. But, as is the case in our hospitals, an inexperienced doctor may mistake ectopia for erosion and prescribe cauterization. The fact that ectopia occurs much more often than erosion, such doctors do not take into account. An experienced doctor, before prescribing cauterization, will do a colposcopy ( special study mucous membrane of the cervix in the gynecological chair).

If colposcopy has confirmed the true erosion of the cervix, a biopsy is prescribed. This is necessary in order to exclude a malignant tumor.

Causes of cervical erosion

An erosive formation found on the cervix in a certain way reduces conception. Therefore, women who are planning a pregnancy should be examined by a gynecologist to rule out this factor. Such a diagnosis does not always lead to infertility. However, true erosion can negatively affect the likelihood of conception, it will be more difficult to get pregnant.

The most important thing when planning a pregnancy is to approach the moment of conception as healthy as possible. If, during the examination, true erosion was revealed, it must be cured. In addition to treatment, it is extremely important to find the cause of its appearance. The presence of true erosion can harm the baby in the womb.

The main and most common causes development of cervical erosion:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • violation hormonal background(in women it is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle);
  • injury;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • violation and non-compliance with intimate hygiene;
  • weakness (exhaustion);
  • ecology does not meet the standards.

It is possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion, but it is not necessary. The principle is very simple, first treatment - then pregnancy.

Infection is a "satellite" of erosion

Infection very often accompanies erosion, which can cause inflammation in the body and provoke many complications. With erosion, you can become pregnant, but inflammation can provoke an abortion.

Conception with inflamed erosion due to infection

The spread of infection inside the body of the expectant mother can disrupt the process of mucus production to protect the uterine cavity from infection. As a result of the infection, the child himself may become infected.

In addition, due to the inflamed epithelium in the area of ​​cervical erosion, the likelihood of premature birth is greatly increased. The epithelium, as a result of infection, can become thinner, which can lead to damage and even rupture during childbirth. Therefore, any doctor will definitely warn about the dangers of this disease for the expectant mother, when planning pregnancy and conception.

How to treat erosion?

At the beginning of treatment, it is important to undergo an examination in the direction of a doctor. After the examination, it will become clear what treatment the doctor should prescribe in order to get rid of cervical erosion quickly and effectively. Self-treatment in this case, as in all others, is prohibited!

The tactics of treatment will depend on the results of the diagnosis. It is very important to determine whether there is an infection in the body, what features and characteristics of erosion. In addition to these study parameters, there are other factors that affect the course of treatment.

Only an experienced doctor should entrust the treatment of cervical erosion.

Ways to treat the cervix:

  1. Cauterization with special chemical compositions acid based.
  2. "Cold cauterization" cryodestruction. Cauterization in this case is done with liquid nitrogen with a working temperature of −195.75 ° C.
  3. Antibacterial therapy, which includes treatment antibacterial drugs. Such treatment is aimed at reducing the manifestation of erosive formation, which leads to effective healing affected areas of the cervix.
  4. Diathermocoagulation of erosion. This is a method in which cauterization is performed using current. The results of this method are quite good. However, after diathermocoagulation, scars remain on the cervix. Such consequences are highly undesirable for those who are planning a pregnancy.
  5. Laser cauterization of erosion. Scars, when using a laser, do not remain.
  6. "Radioknife". Cauterization of erosion on the cervix using radio waves.

Another treatment for cervical erosion is ethnoscience. It is important to understand that there is no evidence of the effectiveness of treatment in this way. Doctors tend not to trust grandmother's recipes". It is not necessary to be treated with herbs for erosion, especially in order to get pregnant later. The best option- treatment given an experienced doctor after examination.

Be sure to watch this informative video from a qualified gynecologist about the types, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of erosion:

How does moxibustion affect infertility?

Naturally, all patients are concerned about the possibility of getting pregnant after cauterization. The answer is simple, you can get pregnant. After cauterization of cervical erosion, you can safely become pregnant if no other complications have been found that affect the possibility of conception.

In the vast majority of cases, the chances of conceiving a child after cauterization do not decrease, that is, the procedure does not lead to infertility. Pregnancy after cauterization develops similarly to pregnancy without previously cured erosion. Thanks to solutions modern medicine there will be no scarring on the cervix after treatment. Narrowing of the cervical canal, leading to, as a result of cauterization, is very rare. Even if the scars still remain, there is enough effective ways get rid of them quickly and reliably.

When can I get pregnant after erosion treatment?

The time when you can plan a pregnancy depends on the length of the rehabilitation period. These indicators are purely individual. Each patient has a different rate of tissue regeneration. The same can be said about immune reactivity and scar formation.

If you adhere to the prescribed course of treatment, recovery will pass quickly enough. The patient must responsibly approach her treatment so that the therapy period ends as quickly as possible, and pregnancy can be planned.

It is very important not to delay the treatment of erosion on the cervix. Such education is quite aggressive. In some cases, delay can lead to the most serious complications including oncology. Before planning a pregnancy, be sure to visit a gynecologist for an examination. If erosion has been identified, you need to start treating it immediately!

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