How does an osteopath treat osteochondrosis? Therapeutic osteopathy for osteochondrosis of the neck

Osteochondrosis- a complex of dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage. In other words: wear and tear, cartilage thinning. It can develop in almost any joint, but most often affects the intervertebral discs. Depending on the localization, cervical, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis.

What lies behind this diagnosis?

Often the root cause of osteochondrosis is called upright posture - because that is why the load on the spine in humans is much greater than in animals. In the process of growing up, a person physiologically narrows the vascular bed in intervertebral discs, so their food becomes intermittent, drip. Because of this, it becomes more difficult for the discs to fully recover from daily stress, injuries, vibrations, sitting overloads, etc. Cartilage loses elasticity and strength, its shape and structure change.

There are other factors involved as well. Modern residents cities move much less than in former times, because of this, blood circulation becomes even worse. Many already at school have posture disorders and curvature of the spine, which creates an uneven load on the intervertebral discs. Doctors also name other causes, such as flat feet and excess weight, which are also becoming more common.

That's why earlier people felt the manifestations of osteochondrosis, mainly after 35-40 years. And in last years osteochondrosis is found in patients 18-30 years old.

People with osteochondrosis complain of aching, loss of mobility and flexibility of the spine, stiffness of movements, especially in the morning. Often they are also tormented by dizziness, increased arterial pressure, numbness and aches in the hands and feet. For those who have a sedentary job, it is sometimes difficult even to just sit out a working day in the office: the body asks to get up and stretch every 30-40 minutes, and the schedule does not allow this.

How is osteochondrosis usually treated?

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, classical medicine uses several methods, each of which affects one or another specific manifestation of the disease. Miscellaneous groups medicines are used to relieve muscle spasms, improve metabolic processes in the spine, to relieve inflammation and pain (up to hormonal drugs and novocaine blockade).

Physiotherapy is also used to reduce pain and inflammation. Physiotherapy(LFK), massotherapy, manual therapy remove compression of the nerve roots, correct posture, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the discs, strengthen the muscle corset.

All of these methods usually work. However, as a rule, treatment takes not one month, but recovery period- about one year. The most unpleasant thing is that osteochondrosis can return, since age-related changes in the vessels that feed the spine are preserved. And besides, many other initial causes of the disease - a violation of the symmetry of the body, flat feet, internal spasms that change posture - remain out of the attention of representatives of the classical school. And when conservative treatment becomes ineffective, it comes to spinal surgery.

The approach of osteopathy to the treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteopathic doctors find everything, even hidden ones, causes of vasoconstriction and changes in the spine considering the whole organism as a whole. Osteopathic techniques restore correct work not only the spine itself, but also those structures, changes in which led to malnutrition intervertebral discs. Detection and elimination of underlying causes allows you to restore the natural ratios of organs and tissues given by nature, relieve tension and clamps that have formed in one or another part of the body.

As a result of such a fundamental approach, headaches, dizziness and morning stiffness movements. Restored performance, improved general well-being. Acute attacks, typical for the cold season, occur less frequently and pass more weakly. In this case, there is not only the elimination of pain for a certain period, namely elimination of causes, causing pain again and again. In fact, osteopathy for osteochondrosis is a chance for the spine to have a second life.

Case Studies

A 45-year-old woman came to us with acute pain during an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis. Previously, she unsuccessfully visited a neurologist, a chiropractor, took prescribed tranquilizers, to relieve acute pain used injections prescribed by a neurologist. After the first procedure, I felt relief, although pain still remained. Within 3 hours after the session of osteopathy, the pain continued to subside. The patient was able to go to work, while refusing to take medications and injections.

Having completed a course of treatment for osteochondrosis or just going to see a doctor, remember that much in the treatment of this disease depends on you. Try to minimize those factors that adversely affect the nutrition of the intervertebral discs.

  • Irrational and asymmetric work of the muscles of the spine. This refers to various "skewed" sitting postures, including cross-legged, constant wear bags on one shoulder, sleeping on soft pillows, soft or sagging mattresses.
  • Flat feet. If the foot does not provide proper cushioning when lowering the leg to the support, this has to be done by the spinal column. There are osteopathic techniques that effectively correct flat feet.
  • Obesity. Excess fat in certain areas of the body disrupts the balance of the body and overloads the intervertebral joints.
  • Injuries and bruises of the spine, hypothermia, smoking. All this violates normal functioning vessels and cartilage.

healthy and active image life - The best way maintain the effect of osteopathic treatment.

Patient reviews

I am very satisfied with the reception osteopath Jean Fansello. . I liked that the doctor was able to deal with all my examinations, conclusions, connected all the assumptions, made the final diagnosis. After three sessions, my state of health improved significantly, my sleep returned to normal, I stopped experiencing pain, and there was a desire to live! With great respect, Tatyana Gorelova. Tatyana Gorelova

  • Doctor: Jean Fansello (JEAN FANCELLO)
    Master of European osteopathy

I came to the doctor Razdobreev Alexander Semyonovich with severe pain during exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis the cause of the pain was pinched nerve. There was a last hope for an osteopath, before that she had unsuccessfully visited a neurologist and a chiropractor. I liked it very much professional approach doctor to my problem. whole hour the work of Alexander Semyonovich was not in vain! After the procedure, I felt relief, although the pain remained, which I was initially upset about. But after a couple of hours after arriving home, I noticed that the pain began to subside without taking tranquilizers and injections, previously prescribed by a neurologist at another clinic. The next day I was able to go to work. Without a doubt, I will continue the course of treatment! I want to sincerely thank Alexander Semyonovich for his golden hands and the choice of such an important profession - Doctor!

  • Doctor: Razdobreev Alexander Semenovich
    Osteopathic doctor, rehabilitation specialist, chiropractor, exercise therapy specialist.

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Before we begin to consider the relationship of osteopathy to osteochondrosis, let's try to decide why in English medical literature the term osteochondrosis is missing.

Terminologically osteochondrosis belongs to the group of diseases of osteochondropathy, clinically and morphologically representing aseptic (not microbial) necrosis (necrosis, destruction) of spongy bone, which proceeds chronically and gives complications in the form of microfractures.

In the case of osteochondrosis, this definition was extended to the intervertebral disc and was called intervertebral osteochondrosis.

However, the processes occurring in osteochondropathy and osteochondrosis are somewhat different. Without going into the wilds of medical interpretation, we can say that today there are many theories explaining the causes of the development of this condition, but none of them can explain all the nuances of the development of the disease.

Indeed, with osteochondrosis, there is no destruction of the bone or disc.

The main mechanism for the development of osteochondrosis is seen as mechanical trauma section of the intervertebral disc, against the background of irrational loads - a long stay in forced posture- for example, at a computer, counter; weight lifting, sudden movements, super-intense sports, especially weightlifting and gymnastics. Moreover, these loads must precede displacements at the level of the bones of the spine (any calving, including the thoracic and cervical), pelvis, or pathological tensions from the internal organs (diseases of the stomach, intestines, biliary dyskinesia), that is, all those conditions that contribute to the formation of irrational biomechanics lumbar With intense pressure any part of the intervertebral disc. Under such conditions, the system of power supply and self-healing of the disk simply cannot cope with external trauma! There is a compaction of the disk (a decrease in the height of the disk on radiographs or with MRI is one of the signs of osteochondrosis), microtears in its outer shell, extrusion of the internal liquid core and the formation of a hernia.

So the reason here is more mechanical rather than biochemical.

The theory of osteochondrosis, created at the beginning of the 20th century by Dr. Schmorl from the position of a pathologist, and further developed by the talented Soviet neurologist Ya. Yu. Popelyansky, was not widely adopted in the West. Perhaps this is due to the unwillingness to unite the established in the Anglo-American medical practice groups of diseases of the spine – spondylosis, disc injury, “ lower pain in back" in single system osteochondrosis, perhaps the reason is not the desire to recognize the achievements of Soviet doctors and learn from their experience.

For osteopathic practice and his patient, it is important to understand that in the theory of osteochondrosis there are both rational grains and many myths.

The main mistake, an illusion, is an attempt to attract all pain and neurological manifestations osteochondrosis to the mechanism of compression of nerve roots by disc herniation. As noted above, true compression of neurovascular formations by a hernia is extremely rare. In the majority of cases pain syndrome is a consequence protective muscle spasm that occurs in an attempt by the body to stabilize an overloaded, injured area of ​​​​the spine. In response to muscle spasm, there is compression of the excretory veins and lymphatic vessels, the outflow of fluid from the affected area is disturbed, edema occurs, "swelling" of soft tissues. Swelling tissues (and not a hernia at all!) squeeze nerve formations, causing pain - both local and radiating to the limbs.

The next mistake is the idea that if you remove the hernia ( surgically), or suppress inflammation (medication), or prescribe chondroprotectors (to restore cartilage) - then recovery will come.

without eliminating mechanical causes the occurrence of osteochondrosis, it is impossible to achieve good results in treatment. Even if the intervertebral disc is removed and the affected spine is stabilized with metal fixators, ascending and descending loads, displacements, and muscle traction will contribute to the development of disc herniations at a different level.

Interestingly, very many patients with back pain during x-ray examination or scanning (CT, MRI) in general not detected no violations of the intervertebral discs, or "with a stretch" are determined " initial manifestations osteochondrosis of the cervical / thoracic / lumbar spine "- in other words, nothing convincing and objective.

Other people, with age, find in the pictures not just “initial”, but “far advanced” manifestations of osteochondrosis, but don't suffer and never suffered from any spinal complaints.

All this indicates that the cause of back pain is somewhat different from the simple "wear and tear" of the intervertebral discs.

From positions osteopathy- the body is a whole. And if a violation occurs somewhere, the whole body will suffer from it.

If the displacement of the vertebra occurred at the cervical level (trauma, unsuccessful movement), then the spine is forced to adapt to this condition, including turning it in opposite side sacrum and lumbar. This is necessary to maintain a common central axis of the body, but this creates a significant increase in local load on some areas of the intervertebral disc and joints in the lumbar region.

In the case of diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, kidneys, ovaries, uterus - infectious, inflammatory, dysfunctional - local spasms of the capsule of these organs occur. To the source of spasm, as to a twist on a sheet, fascia and muscles rush from various areas of the body and, above all, from the lumbar spine, located next to the area abdominal cavity and pelvis. Such tension can contribute to the rotation of the lumbar vertebrae and cause back pain. From the standpoint of osteopathy, the gastroenterological, urological and gynecological spheres are very important in the development of lumbar neuralgia. In men, prostate diseases can create tension and circulatory disorders (local edema!) in the sacral area, contributing to the defeat of the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae.

For cervical osteochondrosis, influences from the organs of the chest, ribs, underlying sections of the spine and bones of the skull are also important. Cranial osteopathy is a very valuable branch of osteopathic science in solving the problems of cervical pain syndrome. Modern research convincingly proved the possibility of the bones of the skull be mobile and shift depending on external traumatization or internal processes. In addition to craniocerebral injuries (including very light!) inflammatory diseases ENT organs. Since the sinuses, the system inner ear, maxillofacial joint and the region of the pharynx-larynx (including the ring of tonsils), through the bones of the face are closely connected with the bones of the skull - any infectious and inflammatory lesion of these structures can lead to tension and displacement from the side of the skull. The skull, in turn, is located on the cervical spine and, accordingly, represents a single biomechanical unit with it. If the bones of the skull are in displacement, then occipital bone will put pressure on the first cervical vertebra. The upper cervical joints will be displaced, blocked, limited in movement, which will create conditions for a significant increase in the load on the lower cervical segments - exactly those areas where herniated discs of the cervical spine are most often formed.

Another important element in violation of the spine is flat feet.

The causes of flat feet can be both descending (influences from displaced pelvic bones, thigh bones, different lengths legs, overlying sections of the spine), and local, associated with weakness ligamentous apparatus, displacement of the bones of the foot, irrational loads - wearing shoes on high heels and/or hard soles. Violation of the support ability and spring (springing) functions of the foot will lead to the fact that, under flat feet the whole body will be forced to adapt, and the shock load when walking will be transferred to the knees, hip joints and directly on the spine without any softening. As a result - increased traumatization of the discs in the lumbar and (sometimes) cervical spine - the development of osteochondrosis.

There are many other factors that are important for osteopath in the analysis of the causes of back pain syndrome. Psycho-emotional stresses, blood chemistry disorders, hereditary factors, indirectly can affect the tension of muscle-fascial structures and contribute to the development of osteochondrosis.

However, any factors and influences are transferred to the mechanical element of the spine, which becomes main in medical work osteopath.

Osteopathy approaches osteochondrosis like any other disorder in the musculoskeletal system. The task of an osteopath is to identify where a violation has occurred, a failure, where the body works with deviations from the norm. The next step is to eliminate the cause, improve biomechanics, facilitate the launch of the system self-regulation body, to redistribute the mechanical load. At the same time, the osteopath treats not a disc herniation or osteochondrosis, but the entire patient, his fascial-muscular-skeletal apparatus and all interconnected organs.

The complex effect of osteopathy on the body leads to the fact that in addition to bones, muscles and ligaments, are balanced hormonal, vascular, neural and other functional aspects of life.

Thus, osteopathy combines high efficiency causal treatment of osteochondrosis with the safety and softness of the therapy.

Usage additional features reflexology, hirudotherapy, herbal medicine- allows you to achieve results in short time and well consolidate the effect of osteopathy in the treatment.

Most patients with "osteochondrosis" can be helped by osteopathic methods.

Even if the patient has a herniated intervertebral disc of considerable size, which is indeed a factor in compression of nerve formations, osteopathy can significantly alleviate suffering.

If the pain syndrome is very pronounced, any, even very soft, touch to the body is painful, it is possible to use paravertebral blockades with novocaine or complex at the first stage of treatment. homeopathic preparations. This allows you to break the pathological reflex circle of pain and begin to eliminate the causes of the pain syndrome using osteopathic techniques.

For successful and quick treatment osteochondrosis, the patient is required to comply with a number of requirements regarding the limitation of loads on the spine, work regimen, self-fulfillment special exercises.

Treatment in osteopathy is not only the work of a doctor, it is also education patient to the basics of "listening" to his body. A great achievement of an osteopath is the state when a patient, having gone through several osteopathic sessions, is able to independently determine the directions of muscular-fascial traction in his body and find healing positions for their correction. Such a practice, as a result of which a person is not attached to his doctor, has the skills for self-help and self-correction - pays off good results in treatment and a good reputation as an osteopath :).

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative disease spinal column, in which damage to the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies is noted. Depending on the location, cervical, chest and lumbar osteochondrosis. Most often, cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis occurs, since mobility in these parts of the spinal column is much higher than in the chest. In addition, the lower back, being at the very bottom, experiences maximum loads.

Thoracic osteochondrosis is relatively rare, since thoracic vertebrae rigidly fixed with ribs.

What are the main causes of osteochondrosis development?

Degeneration and dystrophy of the intervertebral discs and the vertebrae themselves are rather not causes, but superficial manifestations osteochondrosis. If the doctor fights only with them, then he will be able to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, which in the meantime will progress further.

Among the reasons for the development of osteochondrosis, osteopathy considers the following factors:

  • Postural disorders and scoliosis. Even if the configuration of the spinal column changes slightly, this will immediately lead to the fact that one part of the vertebrae and discs will begin to experience higher loads and their adaptive capabilities will be insufficient to cope with the problem. If a we are talking about chest, the violation of anatomical relationships is important not only in the spinal column, but also among the ribs.
  • A similar situation leads to a violation of the tone of the muscles of the back. This can occur not only as a result of organic disorders, but also be the result of frequent stress.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the spinal column quickly leads to abrasion of the intervertebral discs and the development of an inflammatory process in them.
  • Violation of the innervation of the intervertebral discs also leads to pathological changes in them.
  • The influence of the state of internal organs on the health of the spinal column is great. Violation of their position leads to tension, which, in turn, leads to deformations. skeletal system.

What is the difference between the approaches of osteopathy and classical medicine to the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine?

Most often in classical medicine, exacerbations of osteochondrosis of the spine are treated in a neurological hospital. Then, during the period of remission, the patient is observed and undergoes ambulatory treatment at the neurologist.

A narrow specialist sees only one problem: existing disorders of the spinal column, which are accompanied by pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Concomitant pathological changes in the body are most often not given due attention, and if they are noticed, they are most often called for consultation. related specialists. It is clear that in this case, because of the "passing the baton" suffers a holistic vision of the problem.

Osteopathy practices a fundamentally different approach to the treatment of osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the skeletal system. A doctor who deals with this section of medicine is always well aware that by eliminating only one symptom, he will not be able to effectively fight the disease. Only a holistic and comprehensive approach will help in this.

In this regard, the fundamental task of osteopathy in osteochondrosis of the spinal column is to restore normal anatomical relationships in the body, to provide for all organs optimal conditions functioning. After a course of osteopathy, the body again becomes an effectively self-regulating system, into which it is very difficult for the pathological process to integrate.

How is osteopathic treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine performed?

First of all, the osteopath conducts a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient. The examination concerns not only the spinal column, but also many other anatomical structures. The doctor must find all the links pathological process in order to effectively influence them.

  • restoration of normal anatomical relationships in the body: each bone and each organ takes its place and begins to perform its functions normally (first of all, of course, we are talking about the vertebrae and intervertebral discs);
  • elimination of muscle tension, ligaments and capsules of internal organs;
  • restoration of normal blood circulation: vertebrae and intervertebral discs should receive the proper amount of oxygen and nutrients;
  • restoration of normal innervation;
  • restoration of self-regulation processes in the body, its regenerative capabilities.

The specialists of our clinic have vast experience in their field, and in most cases they are able to successfully cope with osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic spinal column. For prevention this disease everyone healthy people It is recommended to visit the osteopathic clinic at least once a year.

Many people suffer from pain in the neck that occurs due to osteochondrosis, but not everyone knows which doctor to contact in this case. Any person understands that when manifestations of any disease appear, they go to a narrow-profile specialist who will carry out all the measures to rid the patient of torment at the proper level, so there are often questions about who treats spinal pathologies? First of all, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, since ailments of this type are often associated with neurological disorders. If it does not reveal any irregularities in the work nervous system, then he will refer you to a narrower specialist dealing exclusively with spinal pathologies - a vertebrologist. It is he who is the doctor who treats cervical osteochondrosis, and will be able after diagnostic studies such as CT, MRI and X-ray to reveal true reason back pain and prescribe appropriate therapy. Often, patients ask what other specialists deal with this problem. There are several of them, and each has its own specific activity:

  • A chiropractor is a doctor who is able to deliver accurate diagnosis without help instrumental research, only by feeling the back of the patient with his hands. This doctor will also treat cervical osteochondrosis with his fingers, the patient will not have to resort to the use of medications. But the treatment will be successful only if a person suffering from painful symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis gets an appointment with a qualified and experienced doctor this specialization;
  • A physiotherapist is also involved in getting rid of this ailment. This physician is capable of integrated work with a muscular corset to alleviate the condition of a patient with cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Sometimes you have to turn to a trauma surgeon. But this is only necessary when a person has an acute pain syndrome. It is he who points to the development of protrusions, osteophytes and hernias, which can only be dealt with by surgery.

Quite often you can hear from patients and the question of what the orthopedist treats, and whether he understands cervical osteochondrosis. This doctor deals with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which includes this pathology. But it is this kind of disease that is not his direct competence, since the orthopedist specializes in the middle and lower zones of the back (lumbar and chest), as well as the legs. But for advice about corsets, it is quite possible to turn to an orthopedist. But you should choose which of the specialists to go to only after the necessary research and the diagnosis was confirmed.

Osteopathic doctor for cervical osteochondrosis

Due to the fact that this pathology is associated with disorders that have arisen in the musculoskeletal system, one should not forget about this doctor. It is he who will be able to figure out in which particular section of the spine the failure occurred. A doctor of this specialization treats with his hands, while he acts on certain points of the body. During therapeutic measures performed by him with cervical osteochondrosis, the specialist does not use aggressive or traumatic correction techniques, so there is no additional damage to the intervertebral discs, and the patient feels comfortable during the procedure. In addition, osteopathic doctors are not opposed to using additional manipulations in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, among which are usually used:

  • Reflexology, carried out by the method of acupuncture;
  • Treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy);
  • Phytotherapy.

These techniques help to consolidate the result obtained by the doctor. Also, specialists of this profile do not mind using when ridding the patient of negative symptoms osteochondrosis of the neck and medications, for example novocaine blockades. But they only use them severe pain before carrying out their manipulations. This is done so that a person does not experience negative emotions during treatment.

With this pathology, intervertebral discs are observed degenerative changes and atrophy. But all this is only a consequence of the development of the disease. The main reasons are hidden much deeper, therefore, in front of doctors practicing this type alternative medicine, the task is not only to remove the symptoms of the disease, but also to identify the cause of the violations that have occurred. Experienced Osteopaths can detect:

  • Any stage of deviations in the structure of the spine from their anatomically correct position;
  • Abrasion that occurred in the intervertebral discs;
  • Voltage muscle corset caused by inflammation of the nerve roots and congestion.

Diagnostic studies for pain in the cervical region, carried out with the help of a doctor of this specialization, make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis of osteochondrosis without the use of traditional methods research. Often, patients with cervical osteochondrosis ask about how the appointment with this doctor goes and what therapeutic techniques it is used to relieve a person from pain in upper section spine. They are also interested in what is the difference between osteopathy and traditional therapy. You should contact a specialist of this profile if problems arise in any of the departments, as he can:

  • Research general state the patient's body without using any medical equipment;
  • The doctor will establish not only violations in the discs, but also the true cause of the appearance;
  • The impact he had on a person suffering from symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis will help not only restore physiological processes in the body, disturbed by the disease, but also to prevent the risk of their further occurrence.

Therapy of cervical osteochondrosis by a doctor of this profile is aimed at ensuring that the patient's body recovers itself. During the manipulations, an experienced specialist will act on the back and internal organs patient in such a way that the human body begins to use its own reserves for recovery. All this speaks in favor of the fact that with cervical osteochondrosis, the help of a doctor of this profile is simply necessary.

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