How to treat asthmatic cough with folk remedies. Treatment of bronchial asthma folk remedies at home

Bronchial asthma is a serious allergic pathology. This disease can occur at any age, including children. Is it possible to cure bronchial asthma and get rid of it forever? This disease affects the quality of life of a person and can even lead to disability. Treatment of asthma depends on the nature of the course of the disease. It is possible to completely get rid of the pathological condition only in cases where the disease is mild. If the disease progresses, proper treatment can stop this process or slow it down. How to provide first aid during an attack of this pathology, a doctor of any profession should know.

in adults

The main symptom of asthma is bronchial obstruction syndrome. It is accompanied by attacks of suffocation. Difficulty breathing is observed at night and daytime. The frequency and duration of attacks depends on the severity of the disease. Choking occurs due to swelling and spasm of the muscular layer of the bronchi. At the beginning of the disease, this symptom is provoked by various exogenous influences. Among them:

  1. Penetration of allergens into the body. Bronchial hyperactivity can be manifested by inhalation of the pollen of some plants, animal hair. An asthma attack is also provoked by food allergens - citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, etc.
  2. Infection with viral and bacterial agents. Inflammation of the respiratory organs exacerbates the course of bronchial asthma.
  3. Sudden temperature changes, windy weather.
  4. Cigarette smoke.
  5. Pungent odors of perfumery products, flowers, etc.

With the progression of the pathology, seizures occur on their own, without a provoking effect. Obstruction syndrome is the main symptom that accompanies bronchial asthma. Symptoms and treatment in adults depend on the degree of respiratory failure. It is possible to determine how narrow the lumen of the bronchi is thanks to special studies: spirography and peak flowmetry. To treat this syndrome, medications are used that relieve spasm and prevent the development of inflammation. These include inhaled glucocorticosteroids.

Asthma Treatment Methods

There is no exact answer to the question of how to cure bronchial asthma forever. However, according to doctors, this is possible if all therapeutic and preventive measures are observed. Asthma treatment is a long process that includes several steps. The use of medications is necessary for the relief of seizures. But only drug therapy is not able to eliminate the causes of pathology. To overcome the disease, an integrated approach is used. The question of how to cure bronchial asthma is discussed in specially organized schools on the basis of a polyclinic institution. They are designed to educate patients about managing their disease.

Treatment methods include:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is possible to defeat bronchial asthma or slow down its course only after giving up bad habits.
  2. Diet therapy. In most cases, the etiological factor in the development of this pathology is an allergic reaction. Therefore, the exclusion of certain foods from the diet is necessary to prevent attacks of the disease.
  3. Folk methods of treatment. The use of various decoctions and inhalations based on herbs does not apply to etiological therapy. However, traditional methods are effective in combating asthma symptoms.
  4. Therapy with drugs. The use of medications is necessary to control the activity of bronchial asthma, as well as to relieve the symptoms of suffocation.

In addition to the listed approaches to therapy, each patient and his relatives should be aware of the possibility of developing an acute condition. In such cases, immediate assistance and hospitalization is required. Effective treatment of bronchial asthma includes compliance with all of the above points. First of all, each patient should be interested in recovery and control of his disease.

Clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of bronchial asthma: a stepwise approach

According to doctors in all countries, there are 5 stages of drug treatment of bronchial asthma. They are applied depending on the severity and nature of the course of the disease. According to this, it stands out:

  1. It is characterized by rare attacks of bronchial obstruction and short-term exacerbations of the condition. Symptoms of suffocation during the day develop less than 1 time per week. At night, there are no more than 2 attacks per month. Intermittent asthma corresponds to the first stage of treatment. Inhalations of short-acting beta-adrenergic agonists are prescribed. These include medicines "Salbutamol" and "Fenoterol".
  2. Mild persistent asthma. Peak expiratory flow is more than 80%, which is almost normal. Symptoms of difficulty in breathing occur more often than once a week during the day, and more than 2 attacks per month - at night. Compared with the intermittent course, short-acting glucocorticosteroids in inhalation are added to the treatment. These include the drugs Budesonide, Beclomethasone, Fluticasone.
  3. Persistent asthma of moderate severity. It is characterized by daily symptoms of suffocation and frequent nocturnal attacks (more than 1 time per week). Sleep and physical activity are disturbed. Peak expiratory flow ranges from 60% to 80%. Corresponds to the third stage of treatment. Prescribe the same drugs, but in medium dosages. Combined medicines "Spiriva", "Seretide" are also suitable for treatment. Low dose hormones can be used in combination with leukotriene receptor antagonists. These include the drug "Montelukast".
  4. Severe degree of persistent asthma. It is characterized by frequent attacks of bronchial obstruction and a decrease in PSV of less than 60%. For its treatment, the 4th and 5th stages of treatment are used. It depends on the severity of the symptoms. The 4th stage of treatment includes medium or high doses of hormones in combination with long-acting beta-agonists. In some cases, leukotriene receptor antagonists are prescribed. Treatment for the 5th stage is the same, with the addition of oral forms of glucocorticosteroids.

Compliance with clinical recommendations helps to control the disease and prevent acute attacks - status asthmaticus. Additionally, symptomatic therapy is used. It includes antitussives, antihistamines and mucolytics.

Help with status asthmaticus

In addition to how to cure bronchial asthma, you need to know about first aid methods for this disease. In some cases, the drugs that the patient takes daily are not enough. Sometimes the pathology progresses after a break in treatment and exposure to provoking factors. In such cases, such a complication as asthmatic status develops. It is characterized by progressive suffocation that does not go away after inhalation of beta-agonists.

To help the patient, you should free his neck from tight clothes and open the window. It is important to try to calm the person, as this condition is accompanied by nervous excitement. To stop suffocation, drugs "Eufillin" and "Prednisolone" are administered intravenously. These medicines are available in every first aid kit.

Treatment of exacerbations of bronchial asthma

Despite the fact that the answer to the question of how to cure bronchial asthma forever is ambiguous, doctors know about ways to prolong the remission of a pathological condition. In order for exacerbations to occur as rarely as possible, it is necessary to avoid provoking influences. First of all, it is necessary to exclude everything that causes allergies. This refers to household chemicals, dust, carpets, pets, etc. You should also avoid infection with colds. To strengthen the immune system, it is worth taking vitamins, leading a healthy lifestyle.

Features of treatment in children

Methods for children include the same methods as for adults. It is worth paying attention to the fact that drugs from the group of beta-agonists can be addictive, so you should focus on non-drug effects. In particular - to exclude all possible allergens. How to cure bronchial asthma in a child and not harm his health? Glucocorticoids should be started with small doses, the method of their administration is inhalation. Tablets containing hormones cause many adverse reactions, especially on the child's body. In pediatrics, leukotriene receptor antagonists and mast cell membrane stabilizers are used. Among them is the drug Cromolyn sodium, which prevents the development of an inflammatory reaction in the bronchi.

Indications for inpatient treatment

Bronchial asthma is a severe lung disease that often requires hospitalization. Indications for inpatient treatment include:

  1. First diagnosed disease. If the local doctor suspected asthma, hospitalization is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
  2. Deterioration of the patient's condition despite treatment.
  3. Asthmatic status.
  4. control over therapy. Planned hospitalization should be carried out 1-2 times a year.

One of the indications is the serious condition of the patient and the inability to independently carry out the doctor's prescriptions.

The role of lifestyle in asthma management

How to cure bronchial asthma completely? To do this, you should start with the right lifestyle. In order not to provoke the progression of the disease, it is important to stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Inhalation of tobacco smoke causes inflammation of the bronchial tissue and deterioration. You should spend time outdoors, perform wet cleaning of the room as often as possible. Under difficult working conditions (work with dust, chemicals, physical labor), you should change the scope of activity.

Diet therapy for bronchial asthma

Patients are often interested in how to cure bronchial asthma at home. In addition to a healthy lifestyle, it is important to pay attention to nutrition. If possible, you should use natural products that do not contain various chemical additives. It is necessary to exclude citrus fruits, canned fish and meat, concentrated milk, drinks, chocolate, honey, nuts, etc.

Folk recipes for bronchial asthma

How to cure bronchial asthma with folk recipes? To prevent exacerbations of the disease, it is recommended to use infusions of tea rose and plantain, lungwort. To remove it, you need to drink a few teaspoons of onion juice before eating. It is recommended to do this every month for 10 days. It is also important to do breathing exercises.

Inhalation for bronchial dilatation in asthma

Since asthma clogs the lumen of the bronchi, it is preferable to take inhalations for treatment. They are used during exacerbations of the disease. Inhalation based on 200 grams of straw, 2 tablespoons of alcohol and 20 drops of valerian is considered an effective remedy. The listed ingredients are poured with 2 liters of boiling water. The patient should cover his head and breathe this mixture for 15-20 minutes. To improve the condition, repeat the procedure 5 times.

One of the most common diseases of the respiratory system is.

This is a dangerous disease that is very difficult to cure forever.

Nowadays, there are many drugs that are supposed to prevent attacks, but many asthmatics are afraid that their excessive use may have a negative impact on their health.

Therefore, many of them turn to the treatment of asthma with folk remedies.

Causes and symptoms

Bronchial asthma is a severe chronic disease, during the period of exacerbations of which a person experiences a suffocating state.

Attacks can be both in an adult and in a child. Most often, allergy sufferers suffer from this. At the same time, allocate three stages bronchial asthma:

  • Easy stage. A slight shortness of breath begins, fatigue appears, coughing, tears flow.
  • middle stage. Feeling of suffocation, fear of suffocation is manifested. The face takes on a pale blue tint.
  • severe stage. Breathing is greatly slowed down, the veins begin to swell on the neck, the whole body is blue. Muscles begin to contract continuously. The pressure begins to rise, and at the same time the pulse quickens.

In all stages, breathing problems begin to appear. in breath whistling is traced, and the skin begins to turn blue, especially around the lips.

The reasons this may be different. The most important of them is the body's reaction to various allergens. Respiratory tract infections also play an important role.

It can also be inherited (for example, a child with asthma was born to allergic parents), and can also be caused by highly polluted environment and smoking.

To alleviate the condition with bronchial asthma, traditional medicine gives a few tips:

  • More walks in the fresh air and in the forest;
  • Pass the ;
  • Use nettle decoction instead of tea leaves;
  • With difficult breathing, drink hawthorn tincture;
  • Try to eat sandwiches with butter, in which garlic and salt are finely chopped;
  • Bathe in a bath with an infusion of pine needles;
  • Drink turnip juice.

Herbal treatment at home

Herbal infusions and decoctions good for the respiratory system and easy to prepare, and they can be used everywhere with medicines prescribed by a doctor.

However, it is worth remembering that this or that prescription may not suit everyone, so it is best to first consult with your doctor.

  • The collection of such herbs as plantain, pine buds and coltsfoot helps very effectively. To do this, take four tablespoons of infusion, consisting of these herbs, and leave for two hours in a liter of cold water. Then for about five minutes it must all be boiled and filtered, and taken three times a day.
  • Asthmatics often suggest another fruitful recipe, which consists of violet, elderberry, psyllium and sundew. You will need to mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and pour a liter of cold water. After that, boil for about two hours over low heat and strain. Take three times a day in equal parts.
  • Oregano can well help you in this ailment. It is required to pour two teaspoons of the collection with boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Take orally before meals for half an hour and three times a day.
    Ledum can also help you in the treatment. Pour the rosemary grass with a glass of boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Take one tablespoon five times a day.
  • In rural areas, you can often hear that the smoke that enters the lungs, which appears when burning coltsfoot grass and dry nettle, can help to quickly remove bronchial asthma.

Bath and sauna for asthma

Frequent visits to the bath, especially the Russian one, have good influence to your health.

Usually a visit to the bath begins at the very end of recovery.

Substances that are released from a steamed broom give your respiratory system a special inhalation. The bath cleanses you of microorganisms that can cause coughing and hoarseness.

If you have high blood pressure, problems with the urinary system or severe chronic diseases, then it is better not to use the bath course.

It is best to consult with your doctor before doing this.

  • For asthma, it is good to use a few drops. eucalyptus oil, which are mixed with the same infusion in three liters of boiling water. This is all to water the heated stones.
  • Helps well coltsfoot to expel mucus. It should simply be placed on the stones and inhaled.
  • Differs in life-giving properties decoction of various herbs like chamomile, mint, coltsfoot, thyme, clover, marshmallow and plantain. They should water the stones in the steam room.

Ginger treatment

Ginger is one of the main assistants in the folk treatment of not only bronchial asthma, but also many serious diseases.

It allows the inflammation to decrease and dilate the blood vessels so that an attack does not occur. He even enhances the effect some medicines.

  • Ginger and alcohol can be used to make a good tincture to prevent an attack. To do this, the ginger root is crushed and poured with an alcohol solution with a ratio of 3/5. After that, they wait ten days, filter and squeeze the pulp. Take one teaspoon twice a day with water. The treatment lasts about a month.
  • A decoction of ginger root can be added to tea, so this method is often used. To do this, the root is crushed and poured with cold water, after which it is heated to a boil and boiled for about twenty minutes. Used warm.
  • To make ginger juice, you first need to extract the juice from the root. A little salt is added for every 30g. This method is used for very severe attacks of bronchial asthma.

Banks and leeches

Scientists often argue about cans and leeches and its effect on the body in asthma.

However, this helps reduce seizures bronchial asthma and remove sputum in the airways.

To make this course more effective, seasonal plants are used. Chamomile is the best for this.

In no case should you use leeches if you have problems with the blood.

They are not applied to the mucous membranes, upper eyelid, cheeks and lips. If you have hair growing in the place where the treatment is taking place, then they must first be shaved.

Procedures must be discussed with your doctor, who will tell you how to properly treat asthma and what folk methods safe for health.

it is an extra help but not treatment. Folk remedies help to harden your body and give you the opportunity to help it heal even faster.

Shouldn't be forgotten that you should not crowd out your treatment course with antibiotics in folk ways, as this can adversely affect your well-being in general.

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The use of folk remedies for the treatment of any type of bronchial asthma does not give grounds for canceling the main treatment. Pathology refers to serious types of diseases with life-threatening relapses, therefore, therapy with special medications prescribed by a specialist is always put in the first place.

As an additional method of treatment, it is allowed to use alternative recipes that will help cleanse and expand the bronchi, but only after agreeing with the doctor on the possibility of ingesting the selected composition in this case. Before using folk remedies for asthma, make sure they are safe for your body.

The use of hyssop in asthma


Fragrant inflorescences of medicinal herbs are used for pathologies of the bronchi and lungs associated with inflammation of the tissues of the respiratory organs, swelling of the bronchial structures and blockage of the airways with viscous sputum that is difficult to separate.

Method number 1

  1. Pour finely chopped raw materials in the amount of 20 grams into a liter thermos, filling the grass with boiling water to fill. Seal the container and wait 40-60 minutes.
  2. Squeeze the medicinal liquid with gauze into a clean jar. The anti-asthma drug is ready for use. It is drunk hot or very warm.
  3. Hyssop infusion is taken twice: on an empty stomach before the first morning meal in about 25 minutes and at night.
  4. The volume of one serving corresponds to 1 tablespoon. The duration of continuous therapy should be at least 21 days.

Method number 2

  1. Pour the crushed composition (2 dessert spoons) from hyssop into an enamel bowl.
  2. Add 2 cups of 200 ml of boiling water and send the dishes to the fire.
  3. Bringing the product to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and then simmer the hyssop decoction for a couple of minutes.
  4. Remove the broth from the stove and cover it with a lid. In the closed state, it is necessary to withstand the product for another 3 minutes, after which it is filtered and consumed.
  5. Therapeutic drink is carried out according to the following scheme: every day you need to take a warm remedy twice - after breakfast and dinner after 1 hour, 1 glass each. If there is no hypersensitivity to honey, it is allowed to dilute the decoction with it before use, which will make the treatment more effective.

Method number 3

  1. Hyssop grass is taken in the amount of 4 tablespoons. The prepared raw materials are poured into a deep bowl, then it is poured with half a liter of non-hot water.
  2. Put the dishes on the stove and wait until the broth begins to boil. Then cover the saucepan with a lid, turn the fire down as quietly as possible and simmer the product for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After 15 minutes have passed, immediately pass the product through a sieve or gauze. Now you need to divide the entire volume into 3 equal portions. They are enough for three days.
  4. For 1 day, a person will need to drink at one time about 50 ml of the medicinal composition in three approaches. Drink half an hour before the start of each main meal.
  5. Do not interrupt the therapy for 3 weeks. This will be the first course. Then you should pause for 2 weeks, and then resume taking hyssop in a similar way. The total duration of complete treatment is 3 courses.


Therapy using medicinal formulations containing hyssop is strictly prohibited for people with kidney pathologies, nervous disorders, stomach and intestinal ulcers, and epilepsy. Since hyssop is able to lower blood pressure, it should not be taken by hypotensive patients. Such therapy is strictly contraindicated for nursing mothers, pregnant women, and children under 12 years of age.

oatmeal for asthma

Oat grains

Any remedy that will be discussed below is prepared only from peeled oat grains. Do not confuse real cereal with oatmeal. Oat cereals, properly cooked, are excellent for asthma in severe stages, accompanied by painful unproductive cough, severe shortness of breath and suffocation.

Method number 1

  1. Prepare half a kilogram of oatmeal. It must be rinsed under running water twice.
  2. Dilute cow's milk with water in the following proportions: 10 glasses of milk (2 liters) will require 2.5 (500 ml) glasses of water. Put the milk-water solution on fire.
  3. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add oatmeal in the indicated amount. Cover the container with a lid and simmer the resulting mixture for 2 hours.
  4. After the set time, set aside the milk and oat composition from the stove. While hot, strain the decoction through a large mesh sieve.
  5. The decoction is used for internal administration once: immediately after awakening in the morning, 2/3 cup of oatmeal is drunk on an empty stomach.
  6. Before each use, it is important to heat the remedy to a moderately hot state so that you can drink it, and be sure to put a teaspoon of melted butter and natural honey in it.
  7. The therapy is quite long and requires continuous intake of oat-milk broth for 9-12 months.

Method number 2

  1. For this recipe, 500 grams of cereals are used, which, similarly to the first method, are well washed with water.
  2. Oat groats are thrown into boiling water (2 l). Stirring the composition, from time to time, in order to prevent it from burning, simmer the product on low heat for about an hour.
  3. After an hour, you will need to pour half a liter of village goat's milk into oatmeal jelly. After boiling the composition, continue cooking for another 30 minutes, not forgetting to interfere with the product.
  4. Asthma is treated with strained broth every day, following the correct dosage: it is taken 3 times a day, in advance of meals, 1/2 cup of moderately hot broth. The best effect will be observed if you combine the medicinal composition with a spoonful of honey.

Method number 3

  1. The next method involves the use of 1 glass of cognac and the same amount of freshly squeezed juice of agave leaves. In addition, oats are retained as the basic raw material, but it is already ground and in the amount of 800 grams. Water will be needed for all ingredients 2 liters.
  2. Now let's start making oatmeal syrup. First you need to boil the chopped cereals in water for 10 minutes.
  3. The next step is to decant the healthy liquid into any convenient container.
  4. Combine the cooled solution with cognac and agave juice. Healing syrup is completely ready for use.
  5. You will need to drink syrup twice a day, 3 large spoons at a time. It is important that the reception takes place 30 minutes after breakfast and in the same way after the evening meal.


The main contraindications for the use of oats for medicinal purposes include cholelithiasis and kidney stones. It is impossible to carry out anti-asthmatic therapy for people with stool disorder (diarrhea). It is undesirable to take inside any remedy with oats in the presence of a headache at the time of treatment.

Folk recipes for asthma with propolis

Propolis is a unique bee product that is used in a thousand folk recipes for various pathologies. Its healing properties are also very popular in bronchial asthma. It should be noted right away that the use of propolis is unacceptable if the patient has an allergy to beekeeping products.

Method number 1

Method number 2

  1. This tool is universal, as it can be used simultaneously for two purposes - the treatment of asthma by ingestion and local procedures on the chest. According to this method, oil based on propolis will be prepared.
  2. Put propolis for an hour in the freezer section of the refrigerator. It should freeze a little so that it can be easily crushed into small chips.
  3. Rub the resinous ball on a grater. For the medicinal composition, you will need 5 g of crushed raw materials. To measure the right amount, if there are no special scales, it is enough to use a teaspoon, filling it with 1/4 part of propolis.
  4. As an oil base, 1 hundred-gram stack of ordinary vegetable oil is taken. The oil is poured into an enameled mug, propolis is also thrown here.
  5. A mug with oil and propolis is placed in a boiling water bath. The cooking time is 30 minutes. During such a heating period, the bee resin will melt and saturate the oil with valuable substances.
  6. While the oil-propolis solution is still hot, it must be filtered. Filtration involves straining the product through a four-layer gauze.
  7. External use: carrying out a light massage with an oily agent of the chest area - in front and behind (on the back), such a procedure will be of particular benefit at the time of an attack. Internal reception: daily use of this medicine twice a day for 5 ml.

Method number 3

  1. The following composition is intended for inhalation over the vapors of 2 bee products - propolis and wax. The right amount of propolis - 0.5 teaspoon, wax - 50 grams.
  2. Both ingredients are frozen and grated into a small dish, such as an iron mug or a clean tin can.
  3. Next, the bee products are heated by means of a weakly boiling water bath until they turn into a slurry and become extremely viscous. At the time of the fire, be sure to cover the main container with water, where there is a mug with wax and propolis.
  4. When the product is melted, you should remove the dishes with water and a jar of bee mixture (you do not need to get it out of the water). Allow the composition to cool slightly so that the evaporation temperature becomes optimal for inhalation.
  5. While the healing vapors are intensively released, lower your face over the water vapor and the volatile components of the propolis-wax liquid, covering your head with a towel, as with conventional inhalations. The healing steam should be inhaled deeply through the mouth for 10 minutes, maximum 15.
  6. Inhalation procedures according to this method are allowed to be carried out up to 3 times a day. This recipe is very effective for severe blockage of bronchial mucus and dry paroxysmal cough.

Three effective remedies for asthma

  1. In the morning before breakfast (30 minutes) drink a 100-gram glass of water in which hydrogen peroxide is diluted, taken in an amount of 30 drops. And closer to sleep, you need to eat 1 dessert spoon of a homogeneous mixture of badger fat and natural honey, both products are taken in equal proportions - 1 teaspoon of each component.
  2. Drink warm ginger tea before each meal (15-20 minutes before). One serving is 1/2 cup. You need to cook it like this: in 1 liter of boiling water, lower 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated ginger root; boil the product for a couple of minutes; let it cool under a closed lid; the broth before each use should be heated to a slightly hot state, up to about 60 degrees.
  3. Before eating, use a warm milk drink on pine cones and resin in order to strengthen the respiratory system and remove sputum. Preparation: put in a thermos 3 young pine cones and a drop of hardened resin (about 2 cm); pour the main raw material with freshly boiled cow's milk (1/2 l); twist the thermos and leave the milky-pine infusion to steam for 4-5 hours; strain the composition. This drink is enough for 1 day: half is drunk in the morning, the rest is consumed in the late afternoon. The course of therapy is 2 months.

Treatment of asthma with folk remedies at home is often used in conjunction with traditional methods, being quite effective.

Often, drugs used in the treatment of asthmatic diseases cause a number of side effects, especially when taken for a long time. But they do not guarantee a complete cure for the disease, but only remove the negative impact on the body.

The most common reasons for the development of diseases in adults and children are increased allergic sensitivity, the presence of a viral infection and emotional overload. In accordance with the factors influencing the development, bronchial asthma can be classified into the following forms: aspirin, allergic, physical, infectious. Depending on the form of the disease, individual therapy is prescribed.

Symptoms of the disease

The most common symptoms include:

  • frequent attacks of suffocation, especially at night;
  • paroxysmal spasmodic cough;
  • redness of the skin;
  • difficult exhalation;
  • heart symptoms in the form of arrhythmias are often noted;
  • in addition, the symptoms of the disease can be expressed by dyspeptic manifestations, etc.

Asthma, the treatment of which is quite effective with folk remedies, has a negative effect on all organs and systems of the body, which negatively affects, especially on the body of children.

Treatment of adult patients with folk recipes

Cardiac symptoms and manifestations of bronchial asthma can be neutralized by home remedies:


It is recommended to take 2 heads of fresh garlic, 5 lemons and 1 liter of hot water. Garlic is finely chopped and mixed with lemons rolled along with the peel. Then the prepared mixture is poured with water and left for a week. After straining, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture 15 minutes before a meal.

In addition, garlic helps well if the allergic nature of the disease is noted. To do this, you need to grind 1 kg. garlic, pour it into a three-liter jar and pour clean water. The jar is tightly closed and left to infuse in a cool place for 3 weeks. Then you can treat the patient with this infusion: dilute 1 teaspoon in a glass of hot milk, which you need to drink half an hour before breakfast. It is important to note that these methods of getting rid of bronchial asthma are quite long (from 6 to 9 months), while taking the drug should not be missed.


Like all bee products, propolis is quite an effective remedy in the treatment of bronchial asthma. To make a tincture, you need to take 20 grams. propolis and pour into it 120 gr. alcohol by placing the prepared mixture for 7 days in a dark room, after which the solution must be cleaned and consumed 20 drops at least 3 times a day, after diluting it with water or milk. This method of treatment has a positive effect when the patient has cardiac symptoms. The course of therapy can reach 3 months. This medicine is not recommended for use in children.

birch leaves

In the case when allergic asthma is accompanied by severe skin symptoms, it is recommended to use birch leaves, which are pre-brewed with boiling water. The prepared broth is used 3 times a day for 100 gr. in a week.


To relieve bronchial symptoms, it is recommended to use ground ginger (400 grams), filled with 1 liter of vodka. The prepared mass is left to infuse for 2 weeks, during which it must be shaken. After the required period has elapsed, the tincture is filtered, after which the disease can be treated (1 tsp 2 times a day).


Before collecting the leaves of the plant, aloe should not be moistened for 2 weeks. 250 grams of fresh leaves are carefully wiped, but not washed, and then finely chopped with a knife, after which the collection is placed in a glass container. Next, 0.5 liters is added. red wine and fresh honey (350 grams). The prepared collection is well mixed and left to infuse for 10 days, after which the resulting plant juice is purified. The solution is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. at least 3 times a day. This use of the aloe plant allows you to cure acute symptoms and minimize attacks of shortness of breath.

Treatment of asthma in children

In children with asthma, the immune system is more susceptible to the effects of drugs that can cause a negative reaction, therefore, folk remedies are often used along with pharmacological drugs. The most commonly used recipes are:

medicine for asthma

To prepare the mixture, you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of tincture of viburnum and vegetable glycerin, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture of herbs licorice, lobelia and black cohosh. Further, it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of ephedra and mullein pharmacy tincture to this mixture and mix the total mass in a dark glass container. It is recommended to give a prepared solution of medicinal herbs to children every 15 minutes, ¼ teaspoon in case of an asthmatic attack. Its action is aimed at effectively reducing respiratory and cardiac stress in children, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Honey and turmeric

Another method that is recommended to treat asthma in children involves the use of turmeric. To prepare the drug, it is recommended to take the old root of the plant, grinding it into powder (you can take ready-made turmeric) and mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. This mixture is prepared for one-time use. It is important that the components of the mixture (honey and turmeric) used for the medicine are not fresh, which allows you to more effectively cure the symptoms of the disease. In addition, honey with turmeric is actively used when heart symptoms are present. Regardless of the frequency of asthma attacks, the remedy must be taken daily.

Pine cones

Often bronchial asthma in children is treated with pine cones. To do this, put 3-4 cones in a thermos with a small piece of pine resin, the bay is 0.5 liters. boiled milk. The mixture is left for 4 hours. It is recommended to drink 0.5-1 glass of cooked milk 2 times a day: in the morning and before going to bed. The treatment course is from 14 to 60 days.

Emergency relief of an acute attack in children

With the development of symptoms of the disease that can provoke an acute asthmatic attack, sputum liquefaction is first required.

  • This can be achieved by giving the child ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, which will make the cough productive and alleviate the general condition of the patient;
  • in addition to soda, it is recommended to use an infusion of valerian officinalis (25 drops), after diluting them in 0.5 tbsp. water and offering this remedy to the child;
  • in case of an acute attack, it is recommended to perform a massage, starting from the head and ending with the chest area;
  • you can significantly reduce asthma symptoms with onion juice;
  • a good effect is achieved with mustard compresses applied to the bronchial area, however, in this case there is a limitation: this procedure cannot be used for external skin lesions.

In addition to emergency help, asthma treatment at home can be carried out using the properties of herbs, which are indispensable helpers as an additional therapy.

Medicinal herbs for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Collections of various herbs are often recommended for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Most often, breast collection is recommended, which includes veronica, oregano, mint, coltsfoot, marshmallow, thyme, licorice and plantain. The collection of these herbs actively restores immune forces, improving the patient's condition.


Oregano helps to fight bronchial asthma well. For a healing decoction, it is recommended to take 200 gr. dry herbs, boiling water (1 l.). The solution is infused for a day, and then a decoction with grass is recommended to be consumed daily at 100 g. after meal.

St. John's wort

100 gr. St. John's wort is poured 1 liter. boiled water and after insisting for a day is given to the patient 100 gr. 3 times. This decoction has the most positive effect on children, strengthening the immune system.


In case of allergic bronchial asthma, it is necessary to prepare preparations from thyme herbs (5 spoons), birch leaves (5 l.) and raspberries (5 l.). All ingredients are mixed and brewed with 0.5 liters. hot water, after which they are infused for 1-2 hours and filtered. Next, 200 gr. is added to the broth. butter, honey (200 gr.), Cahors (200 gr.) and 100 gr. alcohol. After mixing, the solution is placed in a cold place and consumed in 4 tbsp. spoons daily, preheated.

Licorice, anise, elecampane

To prepare a medicinal collection, you need to mix equal parts of anise seeds and 3 parts of elecampane and licorice. Next, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbs and brew 200 ml. boiling water, leaving the collection for 2-3 hours. It is recommended to drink the prepared collection of herbs 3 times a day, after adding honey to it.

Anise, fennel and thyme

Asthma symptoms and concomitant heart symptoms are well neutralized by using anise fruit and fennel, combined with flax and thyme herb in equal amounts. Then 1 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with boiling water (200 gr.). After that, the prepared collection of herbs is consumed in 3 doses throughout the day.

It should be noted that the methods of treatment with alternative therapy, especially in children, require the mandatory identification of the root cause of the disease. Depending on this, bronchial and cardiac symptoms will be removed.

In addition, herbal treatment involves an integrated approach, in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment and mandatory consultation with the attending physician, which will avoid negative consequences.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract with a possible relapse and further development. At the same time, the airways narrow, and the efforts of the muscles are not enough to provide the lungs with air. And here the most important thing is to take the medicine on time, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible. Folk remedies will help reduce the number of seizures or completely cure this disease.

Causes of asthma

Most cases of the disease are associated with hereditary predisposition. In addition, the causes contributing to the onset of the disease are: various allergens, infectious viruses, small mechanical and chemical particles, as well as various psychological influences.

We treat asthma with folk remedies

A disease such as bronchial asthma can be treated with folk remedies if an integrated approach is implemented. To do this, during the period of treatment, the patient should limit the consumption of salt, milk and dairy products as much as possible. As a tonic, it is recommended to take a breast collection sold in pharmacies, to which add one share of anise fruits, licorice root and elecampane for three shares of the collection. Steep a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water, then insist for two hours and drink with honey.

Recipe number 1. Infusion for the treatment of asthma based on oatmeal

Pour a kilogram of oats with two liters of water and cook on low heat for four hours. Strain the broth and cool. Skip aloe leaves in a meat grinder until a mass of 400 grams is obtained. Make a collection of birch, raspberry and thyme leaves, taking them in equal proportions. Put five tablespoons in half a liter of water, and bring to a boil. Leave for ten minutes. Pour into a decoction of oats, add aloe, a glass of honey, a glass of red wine, 100 grams of medical alcohol and 200 grams of butter. Mix thoroughly and store in the refrigerator. Take 4 tablespoons warm daily.

Recipe number 3. Grated pumpkin and rose for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Grate half a kilo of pumpkin pulp. Put in a clean enamel bowl and add 100 g of dry rose petals, seven plantain leaves, four tablespoons of honey and a liter of dry red wine. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for one day. Strain the infusion through gauze, which is then well squeezed out. Treat asthma with folk remedies according to this recipe for one month. To do this, take an infusion of one spoon five times a day. Then take a break for two weeks and repeat the course for another month.

Recipe number 4. Aloe leaves in the treatment of bronchial asthma

Before collecting an aloe leaf, do not water the plant for two weeks. After that, collect 250 g of leaves and carefully wipe the dust from them, but do not wash. Finely chop with a knife and put in a glass jar. Pour half a liter of Cahors and 350 g of fresh honey into it. Mix well. Leave for ten days in a cool place, then strain through cheesecloth and squeeze well. The first two days, take a tablespoon three times a day, and then a teaspoon until the medicine runs out.

Recipe number 7. eggshell for asthma

Rinse a dozen raw eggs thoroughly, break them into a bowl, and dry the shell well. After that, grind it into powder. Pour the powder with the juice of ten medium lemons and infuse for ten days. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth. Beat ten egg yolks with ten tablespoons of sugar and add half a liter of brandy there. Now add both compositions, mixing them well. Take 30 g half an hour before meals. In this case, it is imperative to comply with the condition of continuity of treatment. That is, if the mixture runs out, prepare the next one in advance.
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