Foods that cause heartburn. Causes and symptoms of heartburn, what to do? Herbal treatment for heartburn

Folk treatment for heartburn

I suffered from heartburn for almost a quarter of a century. Throughout this time, she drank pills, went on diets, tried not to eat fatty foods, but everything was in vain. And one day I met with my old friend, we got into a conversation, and he told me a surprisingly simple and actually effective natural treatment for heartburn. I learned that heartburn can be treated with viburnum jam. I immediately went to the market and bought this jam from one grandmother. Subsequently, she began to close every summer.

I took it simply, diluted it into a glass of boiled water, one tablespoon of viburnum jam and drank it when I wanted, without a dose. And what was my surprise when after 3-4 days my heartburn went away!

I will tell you how to make jam for those who have never cooked before. First you need to collect viburnum. They begin to collect it only in late autumn. Pick up bunches of viburnum for yourself, wash it properly, and put it in a metal plate. Now you need to pull out all the bones from each berry. Next, pour water and put in the oven so that the viburnum is steamed and the peel becomes softer. After that, grind the berries through a sieve, and you can start making jam. Add sugar to taste and boil. At the same time, 4-5 parts of water are added to 1 part of viburnum. You don't need to cook for a long time, unless you want to make jam.

Treatment of heartburn with potato juice

Potato juice is not only effective in the treatment of heartburn, but also in the treatment of chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers. With prolonged use, not only heartburn is cured, but also nausea, belching, and the acidity of gastric juice decreases. Squeeze a glass of juice from potato tubers. Stir in one tablespoon of honey. Take half a glass, 2 times a day, in the morning before meals, and in the evening, before bedtime. In principle, the dose can be increased to a glass 2 times a day. After a couple of weeks, you will cure heartburn. But you can continue to drink juice if you wish, to regulate the work of the stomach.

Heartburn treatment with celery

Removal of heartburn

For many years I suffered from heartburn, which appeared after eating heavy food. I read a lot of folk remedies, about wormwood, potatoes, soda, but I decided to treat myself with sunflower oil. If after eating I started to have heartburn, then I just drank one tablespoon of oil and heartburn soon disappears. A very effective folk remedy for heartburn, at the same time very simple and affordable. By the way, those who have money can use olive oil, it is more beneficial for the stomach.

Other ways to relieve heartburn:

1) To relieve heartburn, you need to take a teaspoon of calamus roots and mix with 4 teaspoons of powdered chalk. Instead of calamus, you can also use cumin or ginger, and instead of chalk, charcoal is suitable. Stir and dilute one teaspoon of this mixture in a third of a glass of water. Take 3 times a day. This recipe relieves heartburn, eliminates bloating and flatulence.

2) Also, to relieve heartburn, you can simply chew 6 dry peas. Heartburn will disappear very quickly. Peas are common, which we use for soup.

3) In the morning, to get rid of heartburn, a good way is to eat some horse sorrel

Treatment of heartburn shilajit

For 3 weeks, daily in the morning before meals and in the evening after meals, take 0.2 grams of mumiyo with milk and honey. Heartburn is cured at the end of the second week. Shilajit can also be simply dissolved in a tablespoon of liquid.

Herbal treatment for heartburn

You can also treat heartburn with herbs. Wormwood is suitable for heartburn, it is also called Chernobyl, and chamomile. A tablespoon of wormwood herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Drink half a glass before meals. And after 5-10 minutes, they drink another half a glass of infusion of pharmacy chamomile. Chamomile is also prepared, one tablespoon per cup of boiling water. Both infusions are taken 1 time per day, in the morning, before meals, for 10-12 days

Causes and symptoms of heartburn

- this is a feeling of discomfort or a feeling of heat, burning behind the sternum, spreading upward from the epigastric (pit of the stomach) along the esophagus. The appearance of heartburn occurs periodically, mostly an hour after eating, especially if the food was plentiful and spicy. Less often, it occurs during physical exertion, when the body is tilted or in a horizontal position.

Usually, to relieve (stop) heartburn, it is enough to drink water, you can stop heartburn by taking antacids (substances that neutralize the action of acid). However, heartburn attacks can recur quite often and disrupt a normal lifestyle.

Heartburn, disturbing a person more than three times a week, significantly impairs the quality of life. Although there is some relationship between the periods of heartburn, the duration of esophageal clearance, and the presence or absence of damage to the esophageal mucosa, it is not always clear enough. Some patients suffering from severe esophagitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus) do not complain of heartburn.

Heartburn can accompany gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, cholecystitis, toxicosis of pregnant women, occurs with diaphragmatic hernia, intolerance to certain nutrients. If hiccups are combined with belching (especially sour), then this may be a sign of gastritis or stomach ulcers. If the pain worsens when lying down, then the problem is probably in the esophagus.

Causes of heartburn

Causes of heartburn - increased acidity of the stomach, less often - a special sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach with low acidity. Often heartburn is accompanied by diseases of the stomach, but it can also occur with neuropsychiatric disorders after eating.

Improper diet and unhealthy lifestyle exacerbates heartburn and is one of the most common causes.

. Smoking, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee and hot spices in large quantities irritate the stomach lining, which leads to an increase in acid and relaxation of the gastric valve.

The use of large quantities of citrus fruits, tomatoes, various pickles, fresh bread, pies and fried foods.

Overeating leads to stretching of the stomach and provokes a copious release of acid.

Taking drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, ortofen and some others provokes an increase in acid production in the stomach and the reflux of acidic contents into the esophagus.

Wearing tight belts, lifting weights, pregnancy, being overweight contribute to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to heartburn.

Sleep after eating.

Stress, neurosis, especially accompanied by anxiety, is also one of the reasons.

Heartburn during pregnancy

You rarely meet a person, whether it be a man or a woman, who would not experience discomfort associated with heartburn in his life. And yet, some women only discover what it is during pregnancy for the first time. This is because during pregnancy, the hormonal background of the body changes and the circular muscles (sphincter) between the esophagus and stomach relax, which creates favorable conditions for the penetration of gastric juice into the esophagus. And the growing uterus also contributes to this, which puts pressure on the stomach. Heartburn during pregnancy is not dangerous for the unborn child. It usually goes away after childbirth.

Some foods increase heartburn, so you can help yourself by following a certain diet. Foods such as buns or fresh bread, as well as spicy and sour snacks, will exacerbate heartburn. Including sour fruits, but you should not refuse them at all, as some of them are very useful. Foods that reduce heartburn can help here. These are cereals (oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat), cottage cheese (non-acidic), steamed meat, milk, vegetable puree soups, cheese.

Medicines for heartburn, which should be taken only after consulting a doctor; cannot replace diets. You should not abuse them, because some can cause the opposite effect, with prolonged use - they increase the acidity of the stomach. In this case, there is no universal advice. You can try to track which foods cause heartburn.

How to avoid this? Here are some tips:

-during meals, drink mineral water without gas, it will wash away the acid from the walls of the esophagus;

Try to eat more often, but in small portions;

Limit yourself to the above products;

Follow the rules for taking medicines;

If you feel the need to lie down after eating, then raise the headboard by 10 - 15 cm;

In neurotic states, a psychologist or psychotherapist will help;

You need to see a doctor if your heartburn is persistent;

Be attentive to your health. Listen to yourself. After all, this symptom can be a signal of dangerous diseases.

The feeling of burning or heat that appears behind the breastbone or in the upper abdomen is familiar to many. The reason for such unpleasant sensations is. From 30 to 60% of Russians, young and old, suffer from it. About why heartburn occurs, how to treat and how to avoid its occurrence, says Olesya Molodkina, candidate of medical sciences, gastroenterologist at the Family Doctor clinic.

How does heartburn occur?

Important! Heartburn can be caused by the reflux of duodenal contents into the esophagus, which is mixed with bile and pancreatic enzymes. These are no less powerful irritants for the delicate mucosa of the esophagus than gastric juice.

Most often, heartburn occurs when exposed to acidic gastric juice on the esophageal mucosa. This happens when the contents of the stomach reflux into the esophagus. The reason for such an unnatural process is the incomplete closure of the sphincter (the valve that normally separates the esophagus and stomach). Aggressive gastric juice irritates the wall of the esophagus, which is manifested by burning.

Causes of heartburn

1. Hiatus hernia

Normally, the esophagus passes through a hole in the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities). If it is larger than necessary, then part of the stomach protrudes through it into the chest cavity. This protrusion is called a hernia.

The most common complaint of hiatal hernia is heartburn. It appears at night, after eating or exercising.

2. Chronic gastritis with increased secretion

Heartburn occurs due to the fact that too much hydrochloric acid is formed in the stomach.

It provokes excessive acid secretion by the use of fatty, fried and spicy foods, marinades, cold dishes, rare, as well as plentiful meals. Heartburn in this case is combined with pain in the upper abdomen immediately after eating.

3. Gastric and duodenal ulcer

A defect (ulcer) appears on the gastric mucosa, which prevents it from contracting normally and pushing food into the intestines. The food in the stomach is delayed, it is greatly stretched, and the pressure in it rises. All this further exacerbates reflux into the esophagus.

4. Achilia and achlorhydria

With these pathologies, there is no hydrochloric acid and pepsin (an enzyme that breaks down eaten proteins) in the gastric juice. Heartburn also occurs because lactic and butyric acids, which are formed during the fermentation of food in the stomach, are thrown into the esophagus.

5. Disease of the operated stomach

It happens in people who have had part of their stomach and duodenum removed, such as with an ulcer or tumor. At the same time, digestive juice, containing pancreatic enzymes and bile, which enters the esophagus, leads to heartburn.

6. Medicines

Important! Aspirin and some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs damage the esophagus and stomach, leading to heartburn.

Nitrates, antispasmodics, sedatives, sleeping pills, tranquilizers can lead to heartburn.

7. Some products

Heartburn can also occur in healthy people after heavy overeating, eating sweets, black bread, fresh pastries, spicy and fatty foods, dairy products, alcohol, chocolate, black tea, coffee, sour apples or plums, lemons, tomatoes, tomato sauces.

Heartburn and pregnancy

Expectant mothers often experience heartburn in late pregnancy. There are several reasons for this.

  • The growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach and shifts it upwards, where it occupies an unnatural position.
  • The pregnancy hormone is progesterone, which relaxes many of the smooth muscles in the body. And the esophageal sphincter is no exception. All this leads to the fact that the sphincter does not close completely, and gastric juice enters the esophagus.

heartburn medicines

Gastroenterologists for heartburn prescribe the following groups of drugs.

  • Antacids. They contain salts of magnesium, calcium, aluminum, which neutralize hydrochloric acid. Now the contents of the stomach, getting into the esophagus, do not irritate its mucosa.
  • Alginates. In the acidic environment of the stomach, alginates form a gel barrier that reduces the amount of reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.
  • Antisecretory drugs. They suppress the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and the contents thrown into the esophagus are no longer so aggressive.
  • Prokinetics. These drugs cause the esophagus to contract more actively, increase the tone of the sphincter (it now closes the hole between the esophagus and stomach well), and also accelerate the movement of food from the stomach into the intestines.

Folk remedies for heartburn

You can resort to folk remedies only if there are no medicines at hand.

There are many recipes for heartburn, but not all of them are effective. Most often used...

  • Milk. It neutralizes hydrochloric acid only for a while, envelops the stomach and gives the impression that everything is fine. But after some lull, milk stimulates the formation of gastric juice, and it only gets worse.

Important! It is impossible to take soda regularly with heartburn, as this violates the ratio of salts and water in the body (the so-called water-salt balance).

  • Soda solution. A lot of people with heartburn immediately drink soda. The effect will certainly be, but very short-lived. When soda enters the stomach, a lot of carbon dioxide is formed, which stretches the organ and sharply increases the pressure in it. All this provokes repeated heartburn.
  • Potatoes. This vegetable is good for heartburn. You can chew raw potato slices or drink freshly squeezed juice.
  • Mint decoction. Mint with heartburn will not help, but only hurt. After all, it relaxes the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach, and hydrochloric acid rushes into the esophagus even more actively.

Heartburn prevention

So that heartburn does not bother you, follow some rules.

  1. Change your lifestyle:
    • do not bend over after eating;
    • do not lie down immediately after eating (you need to wait 1.5-2 hours);
    • sleep on two pillows;
    • do not wear tight clothing, tight belts, bandages or corsets;
    • do not lift heavy;
    • give up cigarettes;
    • Think about losing weight while being overweight.
  2. Change your diet:
    • do not overeat;
    • do not eat very hot or too cold food;
    • do not eat up at night (dinner should be 3 hours before bedtime);
    • try not to eat fatty, fried, pickled, spicy, as well as citrus fruits, onions, garlic, sour fruits and chocolate;
    • try not to drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea, sour juices and fruit drinks.
  3. If possible, do not drink medicines that provoke heartburn.


04/30/2018 17:25:16, Mirabela Maria

04/26/2018 01:37:19 PM, mystical

17.03.2018 12:15:07, DorotiM

02/14/2018 03:31:11 PM, Anatoly7024

02/06/2018 14:23:08, Anatoly7024

Went with my family to a restaurant for my birthday. Of course we ate everything, because there are so many goodies. When we got home, my husband had terrible heartburn. We ran to the pharmacy and advised omitoks, after an hour the heartburn was gone.

01/31/2018 14:30:32, Katyusha20012

I did not experience heartburn symptoms before I got carried away with proper nutrition. Everything “correct” was perceived by the body well, except for raw vegetables. I ate salads, just vegetables (especially my favorite white cabbage!), And then - heartburn. I am cautious about medicines, but here I am already tired of enduring this trouble. The problem was solved by accident - an employee at work offered an Antarite tablet. And that's it, I eat vegetables and no longer suffer for it! I strongly recommend to those who are forced to deny themselves certain products due to such a reaction of the body.

30.01.2018 17:14:50 Sofikum

03.11.2017 13:53:24, Yana Rudakova

A drug called Ascidium helped a lot to get rid of heartburn, it seems. The manufacturer is the German company Ayunova. I drank it for a short time, about two weeks, but even during this period I noticed a significant improvement - the nausea went away, the heaviness disappeared.

07/16/2015 18:33:32, Anna177

I suffered from heartburn only during pregnancy, how unpleasant it is. It's good that there were no more problems.

Comment on the article "Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment"

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. Most often, heartburn occurs when exposed to acidic gastric juice on the esophageal mucosa. A defect (ulcer) appears on the gastric mucosa, which prevents it from contracting normally and pushing food into ...

With heartburn, you can not eat foods that irritate the esophageal mucosa and provoke the production of excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach! 4 ways to treat heartburn. You can get rid of heartburn with the help of different nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), but they ...

Heartburn is not hairs, it is the contents of the stomach that are partially pushed back into the esophagus. In my second pregnancy, heartburn went away only after childbirth: on the very first day I ate black bread with blackcurrant jam with such pleasure!

go to the doctor, only a doctor can find out the causes of heartburn, if you now find out the cause, you can just get by with drugs that lower acidity and de-nol, and if you delay it, you can reach ulcers with gastritis, and it’s already more difficult and more expensive to treat them.

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. We can go in and choose almost any dish - it can be a "quick" soup, "quick" cutlets, a "quick" side dish. what doesn't cause heartburn? Day and night. What are the main causes of heartburn and how to deal with it.

heartburn, stomach discomfort, bloating or flatulence bother you more than 1-2 times a week The answer is self-evident. But do you know why it occurs and how to avoid it, and most importantly, why it is dangerous ... How do you know that childbirth is coming soon?

The heartburn hurt. Girls, who than is saved from heartburn. At first, milk also helped, and Heartburn tortured me. Inspired by another sleepless night. Yes, in general, I can’t imagine what Heartburn during pregnancy would be: how to get rid of heartburn. Remedies for heartburn: diet...

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. Remedies for heartburn in pregnant women: diet or medication? The smell from the baby's mouth. As if heartburn tormented. Could this be?

4 ways to treat heartburn. Remedies for heartburn in pregnant women: diet or medication? Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. The reason for such discomfort is heartburn. From 30 to 60% of Russians, young and old, suffer from it.

I am suffering from heartburn this time. Yes, baking for sure, I just forgot, the bread is only dried. Dried bread is an idiot's dream: (We have a completely different rye here - sweet and with all sorts of seeds, so the same heartburn is guaranteed. When self-medication is dangerous. If you rarely have heartburn or stomach discomfort, take it.

Heartburn and others like them. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. About three years ago I had stomach-pancreatic problems, but then I underwent a course of treatment and all the unpleasant sensations disappeared from me. So I throw out more black bread and vegetables and fruits.

heartburn, stomach discomfort, bloating or flatulence bother you more than 1-2 times a week; if the symptoms are clearly not related to a particular food. How to protect the stomach? And caffeine has an unpleasant property to increase the acidity of gastric juice ...

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. How to get rid of heartburn? Print version. 3.9 5 (132 ratings) Rate the article. Contents: How does heartburn occur? Causes of heartburn.

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. 4 ways to treat heartburn. Remedies for heartburn in pregnant women: diet or medication? Another cause of heartburn is that the enlarged uterus presses on neighboring organs: the stomach, intestines.

Heartburn at this time begins because the baby's hair grows. Moreover, the more hairy "is going" to become, the longer and stronger the heartburn will be. You can eat chalk (but this is brrr), you can have half of gastal for the night, or you can have milk, as mentioned earlier.

Heartburn occurs when the ring of muscle (valve) that separates the esophagus from the stomach relaxes, allowing food and spicy stomach juices to flow from the stomach back into the esophagus. Stomach acid irritates a very sensitive mucous membrane...

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. The reason for such discomfort is heartburn. From 30 to 60% of Russians, young and old, suffer from it. About why heartburn occurs, how to treat it and how to avoid its occurrence ... Why does the right hypochondrium hurt?

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. How to get rid of heartburn at home? Almost every person has experienced such an unpleasant feeling as heartburn. Heartburn occurs due to increased acidity in the stomach, which can provoke ...

Heartburn: causes and methods of treatment. a terrible thing - heartburn, help ... And at night there are more pillows under the head to lift the upper body - then the acid from the stomach will be less thrown. We advise you to read: can there be heartburn from rice. how...

For heartburn, take activated charcoal, which binds acidic and toxic substances in the stomach and intestines. The heartburn hurt. Girls, who than is saved from heartburn. At first, both milk and Maolox helped, but now I just don’t know what to think of horror. show...

Acid burning in the chest from the stomach to the throat at least once in a lifetime has been experienced by many of us, most often an unpleasant sensation appears after eating, and there are foods that cause heartburn in almost all people. In addition, there may be individual sensitivity to certain types of food, so doctors advise keeping a diary for patients for whom severe heartburn is a daily nightmare.

The treatment of such people is aimed primarily at identifying food provocateurs, eliminating them and replacing them with healthy products that help overcome the painful symptom.

Heartburn usually appears either immediately or an hour or more after eating. It depends on the work of the stomach and intestines of a person, the presence of pathology in them.

Different foods that cause heartburn work in two ways:

  1. They irritate the gastric mucosa, which makes it necessary to quickly neutralize, get rid of low-quality or too fatty, spicy food by any means, including throwing it through the sphincter back into the esophagus.
  2. They increase the acidic environment in the stomach - with initially increased acidity (due to gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers), this leads to the desire to quickly remove such food, including due to reflux.

There are some foods that are not recommended for any digestive problems, as well as during pregnancy. It is a raw food that either promotes acidity by increasing hydrochloric acid production or can relax the cardiac sphincter muscles. This is how some ready meals work. For example, fatty meat (fish) fried in oil with a portion of onion, a slice of black bread and a glass of beer will definitely cause heartburn. Fast food restaurants, eateries and chebureks are definitely not the place to eat pregnant women and gastroenterologist patients who suffer from heartburn after every meal (after half an hour or an hour). The culture of eating food also matters - people who chew dry food on the go have more digestive problems than those who dine at the table in a leisurely setting.

Inflamed organs are hard and long to digest any food. Food provocateurs further exacerbate digestive disorders. Different products are not digested equally by individuals - this may be due to the genetic characteristics of enzymes (in relation to bread, milk, apples and other fruits.), The presence of individual sensitivity and sensitization to certain ingredients.

Therefore, it is advisable for all patients (especially with increased acidity) to note in the food diary which foods cause heartburn in them in order to make up their diet.

forbidden list

The following foods that cause heartburn are definitely prohibited during pregnancy and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Alcohol-containing drinks - from strong wine, beer and champagne, insufficiency of the lower esophageal sphincter occurs, the production of hydrochloric acid increases.
  • Fruits (applies to citrus fruits, sour apples, etc.) - after them, an excess amount of digestive juice appears in the stomach, which inevitably leads to reflux. Sometimes severe heartburn can occur from bananas, sweet apples, and other neutral-tasting fruits (when eating large amounts).
  • Tomatoes, as well as juices, sauces, ketchup - contribute to increased acidity.
  • From sour sauerkraut, onions, garlic, radishes, mushrooms, sweet peppers, constant or frequent heartburn occurs due to stimulation of the gastric glands.
  • Chocolate and desserts based on it, including those with the addition of apples or other fruits, relax the muscles of the cardiac sphincter.
  • All products containing caffeine, including black tea, coffee.
  • Spicy seasonings and spices are not immediately, but over time, addictive; an unpleasant burning sensation after eating does not occur.
  • Sauces with high fat content (mayonnaise or others) - slow down and impede digestion processes and linger in the stomach for a long time.
  • Fast food, deep-fried dishes - contain a lot of hard-to-digest fats, onions, garlic, spices. Fans of such food often develop flatulence, distension of the stomach, and constant severe heartburn.
  • Fatty varieties of sausages, lard, as well as all nuts, avocados, high-fat cheeses - complicate the normal process of digestion, which is why it is not recommended to get carried away with these products during pregnancy.

  • Drinks with gas (everything from kvass, lemonade, mint iced tea to non-alcoholic beer) - fill the stomach with bubbles and open the sphincter.
  • A number of dairy products - creamy spread, curd mass, ice cream.
  • Heartburn from sweets appears quite often immediately after eating confectionery, jam, jam, sweets, marshmallows. It can often happen in pregnant women and children. Severe heartburn from honey is also far from uncommon among lovers of this product.
  • Cereals (barley, millet, corn) provoke the release of acid, sometimes it can even appear from buckwheat (for example, when adding fried onions or drinking beer at the same time).
  • From freshly baked bread, especially black, flour (pie from dried apricots, cherries, apples with yeast), in an hour or two there will definitely be heartburn.
  • Freshly made juices with the pulp of apples or other fruits stimulate the formation of hydrochloric acid.

What to do

The group of foods that cause acid reflux in all people should definitely be excluded for those who have severe persistent heartburn half an hour or an hour after eating.

Such patients should do all the necessary examinations, clarify the reasons why they are tormented by burning sensation and discomfort behind the sternum.

It is quite possible to do without flour, sweet, apples, rye bread, tomatoes and beer.

  • in the morning drink a glass of plain water on an empty stomach;
  • be sure to have breakfast - the best option is oatmeal with a slice of white bread;
  • take food at the same hour, do not rush anywhere and chew thoroughly;
  • do not overeat at night, only a glass of warm milk is allowed;
  • do not lift weights, do not bend over for about an hour after eating.

During pregnancy, women often suffer from the unpleasant sensation of an acid burn in the chest, especially in the later stages. What to do in this case, a gynecologist or therapist can tell. It is usually recommended to eat little by little, chew thoroughly, stay up for about an hour after eating, eat less bread, give up beer, chocolate, soda and other provocateurs.

For pregnant women, many drugs cannot be used, so you must constantly adhere to the diet and diet.

Heartburn is an unpleasant feeling, the characteristic feature of which is an unpleasant sensation of heat or burning in the esophagus. Almost everyone has experienced this phenomenon, since its root cause may be eating too much food or an excessive amount of spiciness in the dish. Such a sensation may also appear with a sharp inclination forward or during physical exertion. But such cases are isolated and depend on the characteristics of the organism.

Usually, people do not pay much attention to such uncomfortable sensations, because in order to nullify them, it is often enough to drink a glass of clean water. Or you can drink a special medicine that can neutralize the acid in our stomach. But if the attacks are repeated, then constant discomfort can significantly impair the quality of life. Therefore, today we will consider what are the causes of heartburn, which foods can cause this condition and how to get rid of it.

Causes of heartburn

The root cause of the appearance of such a sensation is an increase in acidity in the stomach. And in some cases, discomfort can also occur with low acidity. But in this case, the presence of a special sensitivity of the body also plays a role. Also, the cause of the burning sensation is overeating, spicy food, alcohol abuse, smoking.

In general, the following causes of heartburn can be distinguished:

  1. Binge eating. If you eat too much, then the distension of the stomach will lead to the release of
    additional amount of acid;
  2. Taking pharmacological drugs such as Aspirin, Ortofen or Ibuprofen. The fact is that they can cause an increase in the release of acid in the body. In addition, under the influence of these drugs, acid is often thrown into the esophagus;
  3. Pregnancy, being overweight, or wearing clothes that are too tight around the abdomen. In this case, an increase in acidity is a consequence of an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. And this, in turn, causes heartburn;
  4. Sleep after eating. It turns out that if you lie down to take a nap immediately after a hearty meal, then the body will release much more acid to process food.

And, of course, do not forget about psychosomatics. After all, our body reacts to any of our experiences. And with the help of heartburn, our stomach can signal us that we need to stop giving in to the constant feeling of anxiety and try to find some way out of the situation. So do not be nervous about all sorts of trifles, because, otherwise, you can get a whole bunch of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Foods that cause heartburn

As we have already said, one of the reasons for the appearance of such an unpleasant sensation in the stomach may be the use of certain foods. But before we tell you about them, I would like to say that such a list is far from complete. These products cause heartburn in almost one hundred percent of cases, but you should not forget about the individual characteristics of each organism.

First of all, all sour vegetables and fruits should be attributed to such products harmful to the stomach. Lemon, pineapple, orange and tomato cause an increase in stomach acid just by the fact of their presence in the body.

Also, do not forget that they also contain acid. So it turns out a double blow to the body both from the outside and from the outside.

Stimulates the release of more acid and alcohol.

When it is used, irritation of the esophagus also occurs, which cannot but have a negative impact on your well-being. As for the types of alcohol that most often cause heartburn, they include red wine and beer. For this reason, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach.

The cause of discomfort in the stomach can also be chocolate with coffee. Therefore, if you feel that bouts of such discomfort have become more frequent recently, then it may be worth switching to a safer drink for our body - green tea.

Fatty foods also have a negative effect on our body. The fact is that it is digested in our body for quite a long time. This means that gastric juice, together with acid, can be excreted in a double amount. But do not think that in order to avoid discomfort, you should completely abandon fats. Just try not to end your meal with them.

And, of course, spicy food. If you notice that after eating a spicy dish, you have heartburn, then it is recommended to completely eliminate seasonings from the diet for several days.

After the symptoms that bother you disappear, start introducing each spice into your diet separately. At the same time, do not forget to follow your inner feelings.

Fast food is definitely one of the foods that cause heartburn.

In addition, the chemical-laden ingredients can not only give you a slight burning sensation in the esophagus, but also bloating. So with the use of such products, the discomfort in the stomach will only increase.

But there are also absolutely safe products, the use of which practically does not cause allergies in anyone. These include a variety of cereals, herbs, stewed vegetables such as beets, carrots, zucchini. Boiled meat and fish are also recommended.

How to get rid of heartburn: folk methods

If you do not want to get used to such an acid reflex, but a glass of water no longer helps, then you can drink some chamomile infusion. You need to prepare it as follows: pour two to three tablespoons of chamomile collection with boiling water and insist for ten to fifteen minutes. If discomfort torments you constantly, then you can drink this infusion three to four times a day.

Flaxseed will also help. But don't just eat it. You need to pour a teaspoon of seeds with half a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, add the same amount of water to half the volume of the product and drink a glass of diluted infusion on an empty stomach. You can drink brewed flaxseed for no longer than two weeks.

How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy

First of all, during pregnancy, all foods that cause heartburn should be excluded from your diet. Also, during the bearing of a child, it is desirable to reduce the amount of consumption of black bread, sauerkraut and whole milk. Do not abuse the berries.

Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation that resembles a burning sensation and occurs in the chest area. A person can suffer from heartburn for more than one year, without taking any action. Why does heartburn occur and how to get rid of it forever?

To understand everything, you need, firstly, to understand what happens inside the body in the process of eating food. This can be divided into several stages. The first - the food in the mouth is crushed and saturated with saliva, the second - the food enters the esophagus through the larynx, the third - the processing of food by gastric juices. Controls the mechanism by which food enters the stomach is a small opening called the cardiac sphincter or annular muscle. Due to the ability of the sphincter to contract, gastric juices do not enter the esophagus. But there are cases when, on the contrary, this muscle is unclenched and gastric juice enters the esophagus, thereby causing heartburn in a person.

Reasons for heartburn

1) Improper food consumption.

It is necessary to follow the rules of nutrition, i.e. regularly eat about 5 times a day, but little by little, and do not eat food 2 - 3 times and in large quantities. It is necessary to chew food thoroughly so that large pieces do not get into the stomach, do not rush. It is when an exorbitant amount of food enters the stomach that it does not fully cope with digestion, and thereby causes a protective reaction in the form of belching with heartburn. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the oral cavity and treat carious teeth and inflamed gums in time.

2) The systematic use of fast food with sweet carbonated drinks.

Fast food and sweet soda are "helpers" for the occurrence of heartburn, excess weight and problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In no case do not eat these foods daily! Of course, you can sometimes afford something from this list, but the key word is "sometimes"!

3) Nervous tension and stress.

Due to the state of stress and nervous stress, a "wolf" feeling of hunger arises, in which a person has absolutely no control over how he eats, what he eats and in what quantities.

And finally, in order to get rid of a burning sensation in the chest:

Use activated charcoal, it has only positive properties that will help not only to cope with the hated burning sensation, but also normalize the work of the digestive organs;

Baking soda will also help, but do not abuse it so as not to harm the body as a whole;

Various medicines that reduce the secretion of gastric juice.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, be less nervous, and if heartburn bothers you too often, consult a doctor.

Tereshkina Anastasia

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