Symptoms and treatment of inguinal granuloma. Donovanosis - Inguinal granuloma in men and women

This disease has many names. But it is best known as donovanosis or venereal granuloma. latin word"granulum" is translated as a grain. Why is the disease called a grain? It's simple: small formations appear on the genitals, resembling a grain in shape.

Distribution and transmission routes

This disease is quite exotic for Russia. Compared to other STIs -, - infectious granuloma is rare. It is transmitted only sexually, and only adults are affected by it.

The causative agent of the disease is Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. It is a small bacterium shaped like an egg. It is also called Aragana-Vianna's stick or Donovan's body. As a result of sexual contact, the bacterium moves from the skin of a sick person to the skin of his partner.

The peculiarity of the microorganism is that it prefers a moist and warm environment. In temperate zones, the bacterium feels uncomfortable. It has received the greatest distribution in some regions of African countries, India, South America. Russian tourists who have sex with local residents epidemiologically dangerous states, they bring the infection home. The problem is that it is not always possible to protect yourself from infection with a condom.

Map of the worldwide distribution of donovanosis. Shaded countries are the likely permanent presence of the infection. Countries are also noted in which imported donovanosis is consistently detected.

But there is no need to panic. The presence of sexual contact with the carrier does not mean the inevitability of infection. Moreover, it is impossible to catch donovanosis in everyday life. Bacteria cannot live long outside human body in our latitudes.

Many consider venereal granuloma a disease that does not deserve attention. Undoubtedly, there are heavier ones. However, this disease cannot be completely ignored. Like others venereal infections, donovanosis is dangerous, first of all, by complications. The disease does not go away spontaneously. If the venereal granuloma is not treated, it is fixed in the body, becomes a chronic form, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Signs of a venereal granuloma

From the moment of infection to the first symptoms of donovanosis, it can take three days, or maybe three months. It is easier for bacteria to enter the body through damaged skin. The disease is manifested by the appearance of inflamed papules. Then the formations are covered with red ulcers with a granular surface. The edges of the formation may be jagged or wavy. The papule itself is soft, but surrounded by hyperemic skin.

photo: ulcerative manifestation of donovanosis on the male genitalia

If the infection is secondary, then the ulceration becomes dirty-gray, covered with dead particles and crusts. Bloody pus, unpleasantly smelling, is released from them.

Favorite localization of sores is the genitals. However, the occurrence of papules near the anus, groin area and in other places is not excluded.

At the same time, the patient may feel well - the ulcers do not reveal themselves in any way (they are painless and do not itch).

Types of donovanose

Consider several forms of the disease: verrucous, ulcerative, necrotic, sclerosing, mixed, blooming, mucous.

  • Most often, donovanosis manifests itself in ulcerative form. The sores that appear on the genitals are located in groups or singly. They are capable of spreading from the genitals to inguinal region. One of the manifestations of this type of venereal granuloma is keloid scars.
  • At verrucous form, ulcers are observed, the bottom of which is strewn with bleeding warty growths. As a result of the appearance of scanty exudate, serous crusts with a bloody admixture are formed. The verrucous form is represented by two varieties: hypertrophic and elephantiasis. In the first case, a pink sore rises above the tissues adjacent to it. It is characterized by painlessness and slow growth.
  • elephantiasis the form is characterized by a strong growth of the genitals (elephantiasis).
  • blooming the form of donovanosis is manifested by ulcerations red with a velvety surface. Surrounding tissues are edematous and infiltrated. Pus flowing from ulcerative elements smells bad. The affected area is characterized.
  • The most severe type of disease necrotic. Most often appears as a result of secondary infection. From the ulcers, a thickish content is released, which has dark brown color. The ulcer deepens into the muscle and bone tissue. The genitals are completely destroyed. The disease is complicated by lymphangitis and lymphadenitis. Patients may experience headache, chills, weakness, fever. Connection of secondary anemia is not excluded. After some time, the infection moves to the area of ​​the spleen, liver and other organs. Without timely treatment sepsis develops and death occurs.
  • As a result of the appearance sclerosing types of infection is the narrowing of the external opening of the urinary duct, anus and the entrance to the vagina. The genitals are deformed.
  • At mixed form, several types of donovanosis are simultaneously observed. The outcome depends on the prevailing form.


Venereal or inguinal granuloma should be differentiated from and syphilis. To exclude syphilis, a serological sample is taken and people with whom the patient has had sexual contact are examined.

in the figure - STIs with ulcerative manifestations, with which it is easy to confuse donovanosis

To exclude a soft chancre, the doctor conducts microscopic examination ulcerative exudate. If the causative agent of the disease is not found in it, an assumption is made about the presence of donovanosis.

To make a final diagnosis, the venereologist examines the patient, examines the discharge of the ulcer under a microscope. With insufficient information, a sowing technique is used: ulcerative exudate is applied to a special nutrient substrate. Bacteria (if present) actively multiply and become noticeable during the study. All examinations are carried out in stationary conditions.

Treatment of venereal granuloma

Some patients do not attach due importance to the treatment of donovanosis. For some reason, many people think that this is a harmless disease. Apparently misleading primary signs diseases: painless bumps on the skin.

But any disease, if left untreated, becomes chronic. For many years, the patient has been disturbed by ulcers that appear from time to time. If ignored, serious complications can arise.

The main principles of treatment of donovanosis include:

  1. early therapy;
  2. Contacting a specialist.

The fact is that venereal granuloma, like other STIs, is treated according to a strictly individual scheme. The choice of antibiotics depends on the development of pathology, the health of the patient and other factors.

Antibiotics are used to treat donovanosis. wide range actions and also sulfa drugs. With an uncomplicated form of the disease, the course of therapy is about four weeks. It is important to observe the terms of treatment, and not be limited to the disappearance of signs of venereal granuloma. To raise immunity, vitamin therapy and immunomodulatory agents are prescribed.

Therapeutic measures are completed if during the control examination of the patient the causative agents of donovanosis are not detected.


The disease can be cured completely with timely diagnosis and holding adequate therapy antibiotics. Consequences of delayed treatment:

  • Necrosis develops, due to which the destruction of the external genitalia occurs, and in some situations - the internal ones.
  • Appear cicatricial changes of the genitals, elephantiasis.
  • There is a risk of squamous cell carcinoma at the site of ulcers.
  • Secondary progressive anemia develops.

Prevention of venereal granuloma

Preventive measures can be divided into two groups:

  1. The first group includes measures that are carried out before infection occurs: explaining to people the dangers of casual sexual intercourse, the need to use protective measures during sexual intercourse, compliance hygiene requirements. It's important to lead healthy lifestyle life to maintain immunity.
  2. Activities of the second group are carried out after infection with Calymmatobacterium granulomatis has occurred, but the first symptoms have not appeared. People who have been to tropical regions and had unprotected sex recommended to be tested for STIs. If the causative agent of an infectious granuloma is detected, therapeutic measures are taken.

Video: doctor about donovanosis

Donovanosis is a chronic, slowly progressive disease belonging to the group of sexually transmitted diseases. It is also called Broca's donovanosis, tropical ulcerative granuloma, venereal granuloma. Otkrat in 1905 by the Irish physician Donovan. This is where the name came from. The disease is common in countries with a hot, humid climate: India, Burma, Central and South Africa, Vietnam. We have only "imported" cases, but given the development of the tourism industry, the departure of people in order to earn money, it does not lose its relevance.

The causative agent of this pathology is Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. When it is found in the material under study, given the length of the name, it is called Donovan's bodies. This immortalized the name of the discoverer once again. This microbe has the form of a stick surrounded by a capsule. It is resistant to acids. May exist in the form of cysts (when a protective sheath is formed). The route of transmission is sexual, but infections through household contacts are also described. It is believed that the condition for the spread of infection is a humid and warm climate, as well as non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, defects (even micro defects) of the skin and mucous membranes.

The incubation period (hidden) lasts from 8 to 80 days. On average 17 - 50 days. At the site of the introduction of the pathogen, a papule appears - a formation the size of a pea. Reminds me of a Mantoux shot. Frequent localization in men: foreskin, glans penis, scrotum, in women: labia minora and the place of their confluence.

A few days later, the papule ulcerates. Ulcers form, which slowly grow in size. Discharge from them is scanty, serous ( clear liquid), or serous-purulent with a characteristic unpleasant odor.

As mentioned above, donovanosis chronic illness. After a certain period of time, the skin heals or scars form and a period of imaginary well-being develops. The person feels healthy. Relapses can begin after 6 - 8 months, and sometimes after 2 - 4 years. Very often the infection is dirty hands and other areas of the skin. Despite the extensiveness of the process, the ulcers are painless, the nearby lymph nodes are not enlarged or slightly enlarged.

During oral contact, extra-sexual localization occurs - this is the oral cavity, when the lips, gums, cheeks, palate, larynx, nose, neck, and chest are affected. Teeth may also be involved in the process. Unlike the classic form, all this can be accompanied by soreness. During pregnancy, the symptoms will not differ. The difference is the choice of drugs and the management of childbirth in the future as pathological.

Donovanosis should almost always be differentiated from diseases such as syphilis, chancroid, skin tuberculosis, amoebiasis, squamous cell carcinoma skin. Accurate Diagnosis can only be delivered by passing tests, and for this you need to contact a venereologist.

Donovanosis treatment

The "gold" standard in diagnostics infectious process is the detection of the pathogen in the discharge of ulcers, which are taken with a curette or tweezers. It is also possible to inoculate the material on nutrient media, with the further growth of Donovan bodies. Also, with donovanosis, it is necessary to be examined for all sexually transmitted diseases.

The main method of treatment, as well as other sexual infections, are antibiotics: levomethicin, gentamicin, Unidox.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to prescribe benzylpenicillin or erythromycin. Fortifying preparations (vitamins).

The treatment of ulcers is also very important (cold lotions with further local application hydrogen peroxide). The prognosis for properly initiated and timely therapy is favorable.

During the treatment of ulcerative granuloma, it is necessary to strictly observe the rule of personal hygiene: daily change of underwear and bed linen, their boiling, ironing. Sexual intercourse and the use of alcohol in conjunction with antibiotics are excluded.

Given that donovanosis can occur as a chronic disease, a doctor's supervision for 2 years is necessary.

As you can see, the application folk remedies, especially the herbs growing in our latitudes, are not relevant.

Complications of donovanosis

The most unfavorable thing is that the symptoms of this disease, such as pain, malaise, are mild. Therefore, a lot of complications can occur. For example: tissue necrosis during prolonged current process(necrotic form). The process spreads along the periphery and in depth, destroying muscles and bones. All this can affect the liver, spleen. This phenomenon is facilitated by: post-abortion conditions, miscarriages, operations. With such a development of events, a fatal outcome is possible.

Quite often, inflammation, and as a result of impaired blood and lymph circulation, leads to elephantiasis - an increase in skin and subcutaneous tissue. This area (most often the genitals) acquires an ugly appearance with a violation of their function. As a result of the fact that in place of ulcers, connective tissue, that is, scars, and, as a result: narrowing of the vagina, phimosis (difficulty or inability to open the glans penis) and, as a result, difficulties in sexual activity.

Violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes with donovanosis is the entrance gate for other microbes, so it is possible that they penetrate the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the appearance erysipelas, abscesses. long-term consequences- This is a consequence of reduced local immunity and tissue degeneration, squamous cell skin cancer.

Prevention of donovanosis

The main method of prevention this disease is caution when staying in the above countries: avoidance of casual sex, use of condoms, personal hygiene.

Consultation of a dermatovenereologist on donovanosis

Q: How reliable is the use of chlorhexidine to prevent donovanosis?
Answer: Generally ineffective. In prevention, condoms and personal hygiene play the first role.

Question: When traveling to tropical countries, can I be vaccinated against donovanosis?
Answer: There is no such vaccine.

Question: Is it possible to get infected from exotic animals?
Answer: No. Donovanosis is transmitted only from person to person.

Dermatovenereologist Mansurov A.S.

Donovanosis is the fifth sexually transmitted disease, also known as granuloma inguinal, granuloma venereum, tropical inguinal granuloma, genital ulcerative granuloma, or granuloma sclerosus. This chronic illness, transmitted through sexual contact, is infectious, and, manifesting itself as an ulcerative granulomatous lesion of the integument of the body and subcutaneous tissue, is usually located on the genitals and in the perineum.

Donovanosis Facts

This disease is common in countries such as Africa, Asia, America and Australia due to the favorable tropical and subtropical climate for the pathogen. However, outbreaks of donovanosis also occur in European countries such as England, France and Spain.

This disease affects both men and women, being transmitted during sexual contact, and can also be transmitted to children and persons who do not have sexual relations with an infected person through prolonged household contact.

The disease got its name from the name of the scientist Donovan, who discovered in 1905 the microorganism that is the causative agent of this disease. This bacterium Galymmatobacterium granulomatis, although scientists are still not sure about the nature of this microorganism.

Manifestation of donovanosis

The incubation period of venereal granuloma can last from several days to several months or more, it all depends on the ability of a particular strain of bacteria to infect structures. given organism, as well as on the stability of the patient and on the state of his immunity. Initial manifestations donovanosis are observed in those places where the bacterium has entered the body, and most often it turns out to be the genitals. That is, the head and foreskin of the penis in a man or the labia and cervix in a woman will be affected. Skin around the genitals and in the area anus is affected by the disease much less often, and very rarely manifestations of inguinal granuloma are observed on any parts of the trunk, face, hands or mucous membranes respiratory tract, mouth, pharynx and larynx.

Donovanosis symptoms

The initial symptom of donovanosis is inflamed, dense, flattened formations at the sites of infection. There may be several of them at once and in the future ulcers appear in their place. Ulcers at the edges are slightly raised, soft to the touch, practically not causing pain. The bottom of the ulcers has a granular texture and is often covered with a thin film or crust of pinkish or red color. Ulcers practically do not separate anything, only a little purulent or bloody - serous secretions carrying a nasty fetid odor. Ulcerative lesions are not prone to healing, on the contrary, they increase in diameter, destroying an increasing area of ​​healthy tissue.

Despite such extensive ulcerative manifestations, tropical venereal granuloma does not cause a deterioration in the patient's well-being, without even provoking an increase in lymph nodes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200baffected tissues. It happens that in subcutaneous layers inguinal granulomas lie, which, together with swelling of the surrounding tissues, give the impression of enlarged local lymph nodes, called pseudobuboes in medicine.

Forms of donovanose

Looking at how the tropical venereal granuloma, or donovanosis, proceeds, and paying attention to the most severe symptoms diseases, the fifth venereal disease is divided into the following forms:

  • Ulcerative;
  • Verrucous;
  • blooming;
  • Necrotic.

Diagnosis of donovanosis

It is not difficult to diagnose donovanosis, however, even with obvious clinical symptoms in the form of ulceration of the genital organs and the characteristic structure of these lesions of the integument, a series of mandatory tests. This is a laboratory microscopic examination of areas of the edge of the ulcer, in which Donovan bodies should be detected. The smear is taken in the usual way, the preparation is prepared on a glass slide, stained in a special way. Donovan bodies are Gram-negative bacteria engulfed by large macrophages or histiocytes. Rare cases the course of the disease requires additional histological examination providing confirmation of the diagnosis. In the future, the detection of donovanosis will be trusted to such microbiological research like a polymer chain reaction.

In order to avoid any complications after this disease, it is necessary to strictly observe the treatment prescribed by the doctor and start it in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing sepsis as a result of a lesion internal organs, as well as death.

One of the diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact is donovanosis. Another name is inguinal granuloma. This is a rather rare disease in our country. In all cases of infection, the disease is brought from abroad (more often from South Africa, South America or India), after sexual contact with a carrier of the infection. In developed countries, this pathology is almost never found.

The source of infection is only a sick person. Donovanosis most commonly affects humans with non-traditional sexual orientation. A feature of the inguinal granuloma is that its course is chronic, and it slowly progresses. Affects the skin and The lymph nodes perineum.

It may seem that such a pathology is not terrible, since it does not bring much discomfort. Also pain and its clinical manifestations are mild. Despite all this, donovanosis can lead to severe complications, up to malignant tumors . In medicine, the diagnosis of "donovanosis" can also sound like "venereal granuloma".

The cause of the disease is the ingestion of a pathogen into the human body - a bacterium, which is called Donovan's body. Moisture and heat are necessary for reproduction of this microorganism. That is why the inguinal granuloma is not common in our country.

Infection is possible only through sexual contact. However, protected intercourse is protection against disease only half the time. The transition of the pathogen to a healthy partner occurs upon contact of the skin. The possibility of getting sick, even without protection, is no more than 50%.

Some people are immune to Donovan bodies so they can never get sick. According to statistics, venereal granuloma affects young people who lead a disorderly sexual life or are homosexual. A prerequisite infection is the presence of injuries to the skin or mucous membranes.

IN Everyday life infection with Donovan bodies is not possible. This is due to the fact that the pathogen is very unstable in environment and immediately dies outside the host organism.

Risk groups for donovanosis:

  • Residents of countries with a tropical climate;
  • Tourists traveling in the tropics;
  • Individuals with weakened immune systems;
  • People with diseases and injuries of the genital organs;
  • Homosexuals.


With an inguinal granuloma, the genital organs are mainly affected. Symptoms do not appear immediately, but may occur only a few months after infection. But already during the incubation period, a person becomes dangerous to others. Time from infection to onset clinical manifestations depends on:

  1. The state of human health;
  2. The presence of immunodeficiencies or other diseases immune system;
  3. Vitality and activity of Donovan bodies.

After incubation period passed, a person has the first clinical symptoms. Inguinal granuloma in men begins with an appearance that has pink color And small size. A man does not always notice him or does not pay due attention to him, which affects the timeliness of diagnosis and the effectiveness of therapy.

After the spot, a nodule appears. It grows during 14 days, has the same pink color and can increase in size up to 40 mm. The next stage in the development of such an element of the rash is an ulcer. It has its own features:

  • Does not hurt;
  • soft;
  • Of red color;
  • The bottom is grainy;
  • The edges are uneven and raised;
  • It can be both deep and superficial;
  • Has a pungent odor;
  • Increases in size.

Such ulcers can be observed from one to several, which, as they increase, become one extensive ulcer. characteristic feature such a rash is that a person can increase the number of ulcers on his own while taking a shower or transfer it through his hands to other parts of the body.

Inguinal granuloma in women has exactly the same features, only the disease begins more often in the vaginal area and can spread to the clitoris and labia. Also, ulcers can form on the pubis, in the area anus or scrotum. Donovanosis is rare in other parts of the body. In a disease such as inguinal granuloma, the symptoms are not limited to a rash. Clinical signs diseases can be:

  1. Headache;
  2. Deterioration of the general condition;
  3. Chills;
  4. Increase in body temperature.

Such symptoms are characteristic of advanced donovanosis. At the beginning of the disease, except for the rash, there are no symptoms. If treatment is started, the inguinal granuloma can turn into lingering course and cause a number of complications.

Possible Complications

Like any other sexually transmitted disease, inguinal granuloma has a number of severe complications with an unfavorable outcome:

  • With inappropriate treatment, the ulcer may drag on with the formation of a scar, which further leads to;
  • Scars can narrow both the vagina and the anus;
  • Ulcer without adequate treatment grows to such a size that the genitals begin to collapse;
  • Elephantiasis reproductive organs- an increase in the genital organs, which is observed in violation of the outflow of lymph;
  • Development oncological process in which the ulcer degenerates into squamous cell carcinoma.

Such complications are possible only with the advanced form of inguinal granuloma. If you start treatment in time, then the disease will pass leaving no consequences behind.


Diagnosis of donovanosis is not difficult. It must be carried out exclusively dermatovenereologist, it is possible to consult a urologist or, if the patient is a woman, a gynecologist. An examination begins with and, which will help to establish the presence of an inflammatory process in the body and the nature of the disease. After that, they are assigned specific methods diagnostics:

  1. Microscopic examination of the discharge from the ulcer, in which Donovan bodies can be found, which are very clearly visible under a microscope;
  2. Sowing of the discharged ulcer, during which the pathogen grows in a favorable environment for it;

In parallel, research is being conducted on other diseases that can be transmitted during sexual contact. The most similar diseases to donovanosis that need to be excluded are:

  • , which also has ulcers on the penis;
  • , which is very similar to the primary nodule in venereal granuloma;
  • AIDS, complications of which are similar to donovanosis.

Along with this, the doctor should conduct a conversation with the patient, finding out the epidemic history (where he went for the last 3 months, whether there was contact with patients with donovanosis or with migrants from tropical countries). A thorough examination of the external genital organs and digital rectal examination, which will help to identify the narrowing of the anus.

When carrying out diagnostic manipulations, which are carried out in a specialized state, it is possible to consult related specialists.


Treatment of inguinal granuloma should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician in specialized hospital. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, since a person alone will not be able to find out the cause of the disease and choose drugs that are right for him. After the diagnosis is made, therapy begins immediately. The most effective is the use of:

  • Sulfamethoxazole at a dosage of 160 mg 2 times a day orally;
  • Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day orally.

The duration of treatment with these drugs is prescribed individually. Usually the course of therapy is from 3 weeks to 3 months. It depends on the state of health and immunity of the patient and the presence of complications. You can also use drugs not inside, but in the form of powder.

Vitamins, biostimulants and immunostimulating drugs are added to antibiotics. In the event of complications, according to indications, apply surgical intervention. This is especially true of the resulting scars on the penis, in the vagina and anus. After the treatment is completed, the patient is re-tested. This is necessary to resolve the issue of the patient's discharge.


With this disease, the prognosis depends on a number of factors:

  • The state of health and immune system of the patient;
  • Timeliness of contacting a specialist;
  • Implementation of all doctor's recommendations;
  • The activity of the causative agent of the disease.

If a person is interested in his health and carefully follows all medical instructions, the prognosis is often favorable. Otherwise, the development of complications up to death is possible.


There are primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of venereal granuloma. Primary prevention aimed at preventing the occurrence of the disease. It includes such activities:

  1. Sanitary and educational work of the population regarding donovanosis;
  2. Using a condom during sexual intercourse (not only with residents of tropical countries);
  3. Even if unprotected sexual contact took place, it is necessary to be examined for donovanosis and other sexually transmitted diseases;
  4. Compliance with personal hygiene;
  5. Rejection of bad habits;
  6. Active lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Unfortunately, people are not always careful, which leads to infection with Donovan bodies. If this happens, apply secondary prevention. It aims to prevent the occurrence of complications. It includes:

  • Timely seeking help from a specialist;
  • Careful diagnostic measures;
  • Appointment of adequate treatment;
  • Implementation of all recommendations of the doctor.

Tertiary prevention is carried out after the patient has recovered to prevent the development of relapse. In such cases it is recommended:

  1. Regular visits to the doctor;
  2. Protected sex;
  3. Refuse for the near future from trips to the tropics.

Inguinal granuloma is a tropical sexual ailment characterized by damage to the genital area and not only. Another name for the pathology is donovanosis. The presented disease belongs to the group of venereal pathologies. It is worth noting that venereal granuloma is common in tropical countries such as South Africa, India, New Guinea etc. In Russia, such a pathology is quite rare and only in cases where the patient "brought" it with him to the country.

What is an inguinal granuloma, how this ailment manifests itself, whether it is treated in Russia - we will tell you all this in our article.

Causes of Donovanosis

Donovanosis is caused by the bacterium Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. The Irish doctor Ch. Donovan opened this disease. That is why the venereal granuloma began to bear such a name. The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact from a sick person to a healthy one. But at the height of the disease, the granuloma can also be transmitted through household contact (towels, washcloths, etc.).

The inguinal granuloma has such a name for a reason, since the presented type of disease develops in inguinal zone, both in the representatives of the strong and the weaker sex. The granuloma bacterium is very fond of humid, hot air, so it is often found in tropical countries, and not in the USA or Europe. The disease is especially common in South Africa and Brazil. In this country, the presented disease ranks fifth among sexually transmitted diseases sexually transmitted.

In our country, granuloma is not common. But due to the improvement in the standard of living of citizens, tourist trips to tropical countries have increased significantly.

Many tourists, returning home, “bring” donovanosis with them. The saddest thing is that at first they don’t even know about it, since the disease can “open” itself after two months.

Dermatovenereologists recommend that tourists who have had sexual contact with local residents of tropical countries, upon returning home, undergo an examination in the form of blood donation and a smear from the genital organs in order to avoid the development of this most unpleasant disease.

Symptoms of an inguinal granuloma

A granuloma may appear a few days after infection, but often "reveals in all its glory" after a month or two. Donovanosis is characterized inflammatory process on the dermis, damaging the subcutaneous tissue. The bacterium penetrates through the mucous membranes or microcracks of the epidermis.

An early granuloma looks like an acute inflammatory papule with a flattened surface: the size is small, about a pea.

Sometimes the papule develops a little differently, but also has a seal, and is painless. Over time, single wounds begin to ulcerate, forming no painful ulcers with a velvety surface and fuzzy edges.

Inguinal granuloma in women can spread not only to the inguinal zone, although the spread of the disease begins from this location, but also affects pubic part, genitals (labia, clitoris), perineum. Moreover, often donovanosis manifests itself on the hands, face, mucous membranes of the nose, lower leg, pharynx and larynx.

Donovanosis in men manifests itself in almost the same way as in women. Distinctive feature and the danger of granuloma is that it tends to quickly spread through the dermis. In men, it usually begins to develop in the groin, affecting the penis, scrotum, and perineum.

Clinical picture


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Medical practice: more than 30 years.

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Types of venereal granuloma

The presented disease has several stages of development. Granuloma may be minimal or may be short span time to cover the body with ulcers. You can find numerous medical photos on the Internet that show granuloma in all its manifestations. To date, there are such types of granulomas:

  • Typical granulosa ulcer. IN this case ulcers are delimited, slowly grow along the periphery. In shape, they look like enlarged granules with torn, uneven edges. The structure of the ulcer is soft, painless when pressed. Over time, the skin around the granule becomes inflamed and thickened. With repeated infection, foul-smelling pus may be released from the ulcer. If a typical ulcer is localized in oral cavity, it can cause pain and discomfort in a person. Looks like a shallow ulcer with a deep groove;
  • Verrucous granuloma. This form is characterized by the appearance of pale pink papules with a painless bottom. Wounds bleed leaving serous exudate which dries quickly. The presented type of disease has two forms: hypertrophic and elephantiasis. In the first case, the ulcers are painful and practically do not grow. In the second - there is a tendency to the formation of elephantiasis of the genitals;
  • Blooming form. This species is characterized by juicy, bright red granulations, which are always moist in texture, and soft and velvety in structure. Ulcers in this form are bad smell, strongly distinguished. Patients usually complain of unbearable itching in the affected area;
  • Necrotic granuloma. Most dangerous view granulomas, as it affects the human skin, deadening the cells of the dermis. This type usually appears when chronic form donovanose;
  • Sclerosing granuloma. dangerous form, which is characterized by a narrowing of the external opening of the urination canal, the entrance to the vagina. Women are severely impaired anatomical structure genitals, which leads to their deformation;
  • Mixed granuloma. This species includes several forms of donovanosis at once.

It is worth noting that the granuloma has serious consequences if treatment is not started on time. After a certain period of time, the granuloma may disappear on its own, but this is the whole danger of the disease, since the patient is no longer in a hurry to say goodbye to such an ailment, and after a relapse, a necrotic form of granuloma is formed that kills body cells.

Diagnosis and treatment

treatment similar diseases a dermatovenereologist is involved, who, when examining a patient, immediately sends him for an examination. It includes the donation of blood and urine, a swab from the affected area (from an ulcer), an analysis to identify the pathogen.

To date, a tropical disease, like donovanosis, can be successfully treated in Russia.

Most effective method treatment of granulomas are antibiotics of various groups.

Usually these are sulfamilanide agents, which are used in the form of powder or lotions. The disease is treated locally, i.e. through lotions, if the doctor has not prescribed additional therapy.

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