What to eat for the night? Is it possible to drink kefir at night: this action will bring benefit or harm to the body

Every person who follows healthy lifestyle life knows that it is necessary to drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day. Those who want to drop a few extra pounds wondering if you can drink water before bed? In our article you will learn how to lose weight with plain water, and how useful a glass of water before bed will be.

Can you drink water at night?

In fact, there is no single “possible” or “impossible”. It all depends on individual characteristics organism and the presence chronic diseases. For example, if you have kidney problems, you should limit fluids at night. To understand how your body will react to drinking water at night, you can conduct a small experiment. Before going to bed, drink at least a glass of water and analyze how you feel and general state since morning. It is necessary to refuse water before going to bed if the following ailments are observed:

  • Sleep became restless.
  • Legs swell in the morning.
  • Swelling around the eyes.
  • The urge to go to the toilet is too frequent.

If a similar symptoms do not worry, you can safely drink a glass of water at night.

Is it good to drink water before bed?

Drinking water relieves thirst and normalizes the functioning of the body. Consider what other benefits the liquid will bring at night:

  • Water eliminates waste and toxins that linger in the intestines and have bad influence on metabolism.
  • As you know, water is absolutely non-caloric, but it perfectly replaces a meal at night. By filling the stomach, you can deceive the body and fall asleep peacefully.
  • Helps to avoid discomfort in the form of heartburn. Water reduces acidity gastric juice and reduces the risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • During a night's sleep, a person without noticing it actively loses fluid. To avoid dehydration of the body and at the same time maintain water - salt balance, 150 - 200 ml of pure water will fill the lost liquid.

How to lose weight with water

To get rid of hated centimeters, the best way become regular use drinking water. Following the rules will help you achieve maximum results.

  • How much water should you drink? The best option is 2 - 2.5 liters of water. Many people think that if you drink 5 liters of water a day or more, the weight will start to go away much faster. Of course, this opinion is erroneous. A large amount of water can "wash" everything out of the body. useful vitamins and essential micronutrients.
  • Water on an empty stomach. Make a habit of drinking a glass of water immediately after waking up, before the cherished portion of breakfast. Keep in mind that lemon water before bed is just as beneficial as it is in the morning. Also, many experts advise on an empty stomach and at night to drink a glass of water with a spoonful of honey to normalize metabolism.
  • How long before bed can you drink water? It is not recommended to drink water right before bedtime, the best option will be the use of clear liquids 15 minutes before bedtime.
  • Drink liquid with a straw. Take your time to drink a bottle of water as quickly as possible. To quench your thirst as soon as possible, it is necessary to drink liquid in small sips.
  • Computer work. If you work at a computer, make it a habit to drink a few sips of water every half an hour. Thus, during the working day, you can easily master 2 liters of water.
  • Correct water temperature. The water must have room temperature. This is due to the fact that too cold water will not bring absolutely any benefit to the body, and too warm, in turn, causes increased appetite.
  • Knowing of limits. If after the last dinner you really want to eat, replace your meal with a glass of water. It makes no sense to wait for the result from drinking liquids if in between you eat sweets and flour products in unlimited quantities.

What water to drink at night?

Drinking water at night is allowed only clean water: not salty, sweet or carbonated liquid should not be consumed in any case. However, scientists have proven the benefits of honey with water before bed. It is necessary to dissolve a spoonful of honey in boiled water, this contributes sound sleep and rapid digestion of food residues in the intestines.

It can be concluded that water at night will only benefit the body, provided that the amount of water is observed. If you find it hard to get used to drinking two liters a day, make it a habit to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before each meal.

On the video with Malysheva in the program "Live Healthy" dated 05/23/2016, this issue is considered from the 26th minute

Water is one of the most important elements human body. When you don't drink enough H2O, your body becomes dehydrated, leading to weakness and decreased motivation - you may feel like you're always hungry, and surprisingly, this can make you look puffy. This is because your body tries to hold onto every last drop of water when you're dehydrated, which can make you look like you've gained some extra weight.

By drinking the recommended intake, your weight loss goal becomes more achievable. Drinking enough water can boost your metabolism, help you feel fuller, and even keep your energy levels up. high level. A recent review published in the journal Obesity found that women on four widely accepted, popular diets experienced greater weight loss when drinking more water.

Is drinking water at night good or bad?

This is not to say that drinking water at night is bad. The main thing is not too much. Drink as much as you want to avoid dehydration.

But here's the thing: there is a right time and a wrong time to quench your thirst.

How many hours before bed can you drink water?

You should drink very little water at night or before bed. the most obvious and main reason in order not to drink a lot of water before bed is that it will make you get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, thereby causing sleep disturbance.

Therefore, the last glass of water should be drunk a few hours before bedtime.

Here are some reasons not to drink water at night

  • Drinking large amounts of water before bed can cause kidney problems. Because the body is not active, water is not fully utilized and the kidney drainage system does not function properly. Therefore, it is better not to drink too much water at night.
  • The bladder is elastic in nature and contracts and expands accordingly when drinking water enters it. At night, it should be left in its original state, as drinking too much water means that bladder will remain dilated all night and water will not be able to exit the body.
  • Drinking too much water before bed can cause water retention in the body. This affects not only the excretory system, but also the circulatory system.
  • Drinking water in the evening can also lead to a drop in salt levels in the body. it serious illness, which can cause cerebral edema and affect nervous system.
  • A drop in sodium levels in the body can cause cells (including brain cells) to swell. This can lead to loss of consciousness, convulsions and other related neurological problems. However, this is due to hydration, and only if the person drinks more than the required amount of water.

Therefore, it can be seen that although water is considered the elixir of life, it should be drunk properly. Too much water or too little water can cause health complications affecting the organs. In addition, the time factor must be taken into account. It is better to drink water proportionately throughout the day rather than drinking a lot at one time before bed. To avoid dehydration, remember the above points.

1-2 glasses before bed is not harmful. But a liter and a half, besides, plus a liter of water at night, this already threatens to burden the kidneys with increased pressure and swelling. There is only one but - your body does not have an imbalance of salts, in other words, simply speaking, you are not hungover and did not drink alcohol before bed)). In this case, the body requires water for excretion and processing. harmful substances, which you poured into yourself before.

If, however, before going to bed, of course, during sleep, thirst is disturbing, there is a wire for a doctor's visit and checking the blood sugar level.

the creator of the question selected this answer as the best answer

Drinking water is good. This helps to maintain water balance organism. There will be no dry skin, which means that wrinkles will not form. But it is better to drink all the same in the morning. I don't think this should be done at night. In addition, during normal kidney function, swelling under the eyes may appear. But that's if you're healthy. Have a drink warm tea with raspberries for colds, in order to sweat - this is possible and also necessary. And suddenly you really want to drink, then it’s better to eat a juicy apple with sourness at night.

During sleep, the body works in slow motion, so your glass or two will be like a liter or two in gravity. If you really want to drink water, you need to completely empty your bladder and drink water, but not more than a glass, but rather half a glass of pure cool water. If a large number of drinking at night and not going to the toilet before going to bed, the bladder is stretched and its functionality is disturbed, then there may be frequent urge to urinate during the day, in addition, if the toilet is not required.

Men need to drink at night. From the beginning you will want to go to the toilet. Later organism you get used to it and you won't get up until the morning. It is extremely useful to train the bladder, it is useful for potency. Not what the kidneys will not take too much. The body will take what amount it needs, the rest will remain in the stomach. But if you do not finish drinking, the body ages earlier, from this all diseases. The Chinese drink 5 liters of tea and water per day and live for 100 years without getting sick. The body consists of 90% water.

Penta correctly saw that the remainder of the water remains in the stomach. Later, it passes through the intestines and cleanses them of layers and deposits. As a result, the epithelium is exposed, absorption improves nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract. But this only works if there is no hard food. And for complete cleaning it takes from 25 to 40 days (depending on the slagging of the body). 3 weeks ago

5 reasons to drink water before bed:

  1. Maintaining a balance. At night, the body loses a large amount of water along with later or breathing. But in a dormant person, the feeling of thirst weakens. And even more so, he does not want to get out of bed once again in order to go to the kitchen. Based on this, medicine recommends that it is better to stock up on water in advance - drink a glass of water and put another one next to the bed.
  2. Help digestion. Water is essential for proper digestion of food. It can regulate stomach acid issues, and when combined with fiber, it can help manage constipation caused by dehydration. Based on this, if you also had a good dinner, then you just need 1-2 glasses of water before going to bed and leave 1 for the night near the bed so as not to get up at once to drink 3 glasses at once, it is not recommended so as not to overload the stomach, but slowly drink during night!
  3. Cleansing. Water helps flush out toxins from the body. By the way, at the same time she gives healthy look your skin. Lack of water can lead to kidney stones and gallbladder. The intracellular metabolism worsens and the accumulation of toxins occurs. Their removal requires energy, so instead of thirst, there is a craving for sweets. But in reality, you simply do not have enough liquid for you!
  4. Benefit for the figure. This point, of course, is related to the past. But in addition to removing toxins, water also takes up space in the stomach. It satisfies the appetite well, despite the fact that it does not contain calories - a pleasant fact from the standpoint of those who do not eat after 18.00!
  5. Benefits for the heart. According to studies by American scientists, people who drink more than 5 cups of water a day have the opportunity to die from heart attack 41% lower than those who drink less than 2 cups. At night, your heart also lacks care - so why not drink a glass of water for a future dream?

So, we make a very important conclusion for ourselves: 5 cups of water a day for a person is not only not harmful, but useful and necessary. Just distribute them evenly throughout the day, evening and night. For example: if you drank 2 glasses of water during the day, drink 1 glass in the evening, 1 glass before going to bed and 1 glass at night, and if you suddenly want to drink 1 more glass of water, drink to your health and don’t ask anyone questions! I wish you only good health.

Each of us loves to eat sweet, which, according to manufacturers, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and also improves general well-being and mood. At the same time, not many give their preference to kefir, which is also fermented milk product, although not as sweet and tasty, but more useful. Today we will talk about what is included in the composition of kefir of various fat content, why the product should be consumed before bedtime, and what it is better to mix it with.

About the benefits of kefir

Let's start with the general benefits of a fermented milk product for our body.

Helps to deal with digestive problems. Since the composition of the drink includes lactic acid bacteria that regulate and improve the digestion of food, the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is restored. AT this case kefir replaces probiotics.

Antibacterial properties. The same probiotics that improve the functioning of the digestive tract help, as well as protect against infection. Part fermented milk drink are included beneficial bacteria that can protect us from coli and salmonella.
Protection against osteoporosis. Since the drink contains a large amount of calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin K2, which regulates calcium levels, the risk of bone problems is significantly reduced.

Important! Kefir can be consumed by people whose body does not absorb lactose.

Other beneficial features fermented milk product:

  • acts as an antioxidant;
  • prevents atherosclerosis;
  • fights skin diseases.

Composition and nutritional value of the product

We turn to the composition of kefir, energy and nutritional value. Since there are several variants of this product, we will look at the performance of each individual variant to understand which one is better.

low fat

It should immediately be clarified that it is not advisable to completely remove fat from the product, otherwise no one will use it, therefore kefir is considered fat-free, which contains no more than 1% fat.

AT 100 g this drink contains 40 kcal, that is, about 400 kcal per 1 liter. Let us clarify that grams and milliliters should not be identified, since the first indicator refers to mass, and the second to volume.
The nutritional value:

  • - 3 g;
  • fats - 1 g;
  • - 4 years

Micro and macro elements: , , .

As you can see, the composition of kefir is simply great amount all kinds of minerals. Only a very small number of food products can boast of such a rich composition.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that 90.4% of the drink is.

medium fat

Medium fat product 2.5% fat in the composition and is the most popular version of the drink, which is found in stores and supermarkets.

The energy value 100 g products is 53 kcal.
The nutritional value:

  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fats - 2.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4 g.

Vitamin and mineral composition identical to the low-fat version, with the exception of which is present in medium-fat kefir.

It is also worth knowing that 100 g of the product contains 8 mg of cholesterol. The daily maximum is 300 mg.


AT bold version contained exactly 3.2% fat.

calories 100 g product is 59 kcal, which is not much different from a medium-fat product.

The nutritional value:

  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fats - 3.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4 g.

Fatty kefir contains not only an additional percentage of fat, but also several additional vitamins. If we compare the drink to fat-free kefir, then this option additionally contains vitamins A, beta-carotene.
It turns out that more fatty product has not only high calorie content, but also an extended vitamin composition.

Benefits of taking kefir at night

Consider benefits of dairy products, which is accepted before bedtime:

  1. The feeling that occurs if more than 3 hours have passed between the last meal and the “lights out” disappears.
  2. Accelerates metabolism.
  3. Calcium contained in a fermented milk drink is better absorbed at night.
  4. Positive effect on the central nervous system.
  5. During sleep, lactic acid bacteria are better absorbed, since additional food is not supplied for many hours.
  6. Relaxes and helps faster.
  7. When using kefir before going to bed in the morning, there is a feeling of hunger immediately after waking up, which allows you to use required amount food.
  8. Helps to deal with constipation.

Is there any harm?

Despite all the positive statements in the direction of the fermented milk product, there is still harm that is worth talking about.

In a small percentage of people, kefir causes problems with digestion, therefore, if it is used before bedtime, then the night will be "fun". It should be understood that a fermented milk drink helps with constipation, but should not cause diarrhea.

The product contains animal protein , which, when consumed at night, can cause in the morning unpleasant symptoms fatigue (head and muscle pain). The problem is that your digestive tract busy processing protein at the moment when you sleep, although you should be resting. The stomach works in tandem with other organs, respectively, they also do not rest during the night, which causes a feeling of fatigue.

Since a fermented milk drink is a product of fermentation, it can spoil quickly. The spoiled version not only contains more alcohol, but can also cause severe poisoning.
The drink will cause some harm to those who are diagnosed with kidney problems or excretory system. The fermented milk product is strong enough diuretic, therefore, can cause an overload of these organs.

Did you know? Kefir came to us from the Caucasus. There it was made from milk, which was poured into a wineskin, leaven was placed there, and then taken out onto the road. Travelers kicked the waterskin with liquid, which caused the milk to turn sour faster.

What to drink kefir with: recipes

We learned that it is useful to take kefir at night, so next we will talk about what supplements you can use a fermented milk product with and how this will affect the overall benefit.


Paired with kefir, it has fat-burning properties, speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduces pressure.
We take 200 g of the drink, add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to it, and then let it brew for 10 minutes. If you want more delicious option, then add 2 tsp. honey. Also, red ground pepper can act as additives.

With bran

Bran is a good addition to the drink, but it is worth remembering the following: depending on the raw material from which the bran was obtained, use this product in large quantities or at permanent basis it is forbidden. All for the reason that they remove vitamins and elements from the body, therefore, using, it would seem, useful product, you can "earn" .
To prepare a drink, you need to take bran, and then pour boiling water over them. Let it brew for 20 minutes, then mix with a glass of kefir.

So that kefir with bran does not overload the stomach, you should take a steamed product 4-5 times less than fermented milk.

With prunes

It acts as a delicious addition to a fermented milk product. This combination will help diversify the diet, as well as satisfy the needs for sweets.

Preparing a drink is very simple: we take prunes without pits, grind it in a blender, and then pour a glass of kefir. Adding sugar is not recommended, so as not to increase the calorie content.

You should know that prunes contain a lot of sugar, which is why it is contraindicated in diabetes or overweight. It is also not recommended to use it if you have been diagnosed with kidney stones.

with garlic

We take 2 medium cloves of garlic, after which we crush them in a garlic press. Next, mix with a glass of kefir, beat with a blender and drink.

It is worth noting that garlic is contraindicated in ulcers or inflammatory processes GIT. Also, do not add it if you have problems with the genitourinary system.

With honey

is a good option for dinner, while you get useful material not only from a fermented milk drink, but also from honey.

To prepare a sweet drink, add 1 tsp to 200 ml of kefir. honey, then shake well until dissolved.

With olive oil

It is a good addition to a fermented milk product, although not so common.

We heat the kefir over low heat or in the microwave, after which we add a teaspoon of oil. Mix and drink.

It is worth understanding that olive oil does not have a low calorie content, so you should not increase its dose, or add it to kefir if you have consumed a lot of fat during the day. It is also worth giving up the oil if you have problems with the gallbladder.

with an apple

copes well with constipation, so this fruit is recommended to be mixed with a fermented milk product in case of problems with defecation.
We clean the apple from the skin and seeds, and then rub it on a grater. The juice that is released during the rubbing process can be added to the drink. Next, mix the gruel with kefir and drink.

Important! Sour apples should not be consumed hyperacidity gastric juice.

With sugar

Since sugar significantly increases the calorie content of the drink, in this case 1% kefir is used to make the total the energy value did not harm the body.

Mix 200 ml of a fermented milk product with 5 g of sugar, 2 drops of vanilla extract and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix thoroughly and drink.

How not to get an upset stomach: the rules of choice

Let's start with the fact that kefir is a fermented milk product, and the fermentation process occurs constantly, as a result of which the drink is oxidized. After opening the bottle, additional organisms enter the product, which accelerate the oxidation process, which increases the amount of alcohol and acid.
So it turns out that three-day kefir causes diarrhea, since it is much sourer than that the product you just opened. To prevent this from happening, you should consume the product as soon as possible, preventing its further oxidation.

Also, indigestion can cause a drink that is sold in the wrong package. You should buy the product that is packaged in tetrapack or glass. Kefir in bags and plastic bottles is the worst choice, as it is very easy to fake, and the packaging itself saturates the drink with harmful substances.

Best before date. Everyone knows how to find the expiration date on the package, but there are some nuances here. It is very risky to buy a product with a manufacturing date stamped in ink. The fact is that sellers can easily fake such markings. Preference should be given to those packages on which the production date is laser-etched. This marking cannot be erased.

Important! The shelf life of real kefir is no more than 10 days. If the product is packed in a bag - 5 days.

Now for the storage temperature. In no case do not buy a drink if it is not in the store. Optimum temperature storage ranges from 0 to +3 °C. If the temperature rises above the specified mark, then the product deteriorates, if it can be frozen, then in this case it is suitable only for baking and cheesecakes.
Remember that open kefir can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours, after which it must be disposed of or used as a baking ingredient as soon as possible.


In conclusion, let's talk about those cases when drinking is prohibited.

Do not give kefir children under six months, because it will cause them serious problems with digestion. Also, you can not use with increased acidity of gastric juice, heartburn, epilepsy and allergies to its components.

Did you know? Kefir in its effect on the central nervous system is the opposite of caffeine. It calms the nervous system and slows down the reaction, so it is not recommended to use it in the morning.

Now you know why it is useful to drink kefir at night, what is included in the drink, and what it can be combined with. Keep in mind that home product always healthier than store-bought, so if possible, get a drink that sours naturally, and not through the addition of bacteria.

Sarah DiGiulio: You will feel tired and irritable the next day

Of course, one glass of wine in the evening will not spoil you. night rest. But what happens after a few?

“There is a lot of evidence that drinking alcohol at night does not improve sleep. Even more, experts agree that eradicating the habit of drinking before bed is the first thing to do to improve it,” writes American journalist Sarah DiGiulio in an op-ed for The Huffington Post.

But it's getting colder outside, and red wine season is opening. “At first, alcohol may seem to make you sleepy, making it easier to fall asleep, but you end up waking up more often in the middle of the night,” says Tomothy Roers, director of research at Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital’s Center for Sleep Disorders.

Of course, this does not mean that a glass of wine before bed will make you toss and turn all night - upsets usually begin only after a few.

Why is alcohol before bed so bad? The thing is, it turns you off. At first, alcohol causes drowsiness - for those who like to sip a glass of wine at the end of a long day at work, this is not news.

You will wake up more often in the middle of the night

Research shows: brain activity A person after drinking alcohol “turns off” faster than a sober person. Accordingly, the first falls asleep faster. “The same effect will be if you drink a glass in the middle of the day,” DiGiulio continues.

But, unfortunately, the story does not end there. After the first phase (and sometimes after the second - it all depends on how much you have consumed), alcohol begins to suppress the phase. REM sleep, which, by the way, is very important because it is responsible for memorization and long-term memory.

The next day, the columnist emphasizes, you will feel tired and irritable. You will wake up in the middle of the night.

What's more, once the body metabolizes the alcohol (that is, the blood alcohol concentration returns to zero), sleep experiences a rebound effect. In the second half of the night, the body, in an attempt to restore what was lost in the first half, will stay longer in REM sleep.

“The effect of strengthening sleep in the first half of the night is compensated restless sleep in the second,” says Irshaad Ebraim, director of the London Center for Sleep Research. Ebraim and his colleagues found that alcohol invariably caused an increase in sleep disturbances in the second half of the night. A study that tracked brain activity after a night of drinking found that people wake up about twice as often as usual.

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