What causes the appearance of an ulcer on the labia? Painful ulcers of the genitals - causes and diseases Small ulcers on the labia

Ulcers on the labia most often occur due to trauma to the genital organs. Rashes and various formations on the labia may indicate the development of sexually transmitted diseases that require urgent medical attention. Therefore, let's figure out what it is - ulcers on the labia, what diseases they can indicate, and also how to solve this kind of problem.

Causes of ulcers on the labia

Ulcers can form in such cases:

  • with genital herpes;
  • venereal lymphogranuloma;
  • primary syphilis.

Also, such formations can be caused by:

  • abdominal typhoid;
  • dermatitis;
  • scabies mite;
  • pseudodiffrenia.

As a rule, genital herpes becomes a frequent cause of the formation of ulcers. This is a sexual disease that periodically occurs and is transmitted during intimacy. In women, genital herpes manifests itself in the form of rashes and sores in the labia (internal and external), cervix and vagina.

Ulcers on the labia may be red or white. The stage, form and manifestations of the disease depend on what color they are.

Red rashes

Characteristic signs:

  1. Red ulcers. Often the cause of such rashes are hormonal imbalances.
  2. Another dangerous signal can be syphilis, then the ulcers have a pronounced red outline. The diameter of the formations may be different. Sometimes ulcers can grow, then they become granular and dark red in color.
  3. An ulcer of the gonorrheal type can be recognized because the bottom of the formation is red and pus may be released.
  4. Pyodemia is expressed by round formations and has a brown (red) color. Complications - an increase in the size of the inguinal nodes.
  5. Nicolas-Favre disease - an ulcer in the form of a circle, dark red. The first formations appear in the affected area. After a month, certain symptoms may occur, which may indicate that the woman has lymphogranuloma.
  6. Lipschutz-Chapin. The disease occurs in isolated cases, but the obvious symptoms are ulcers covered with a purulent coating on the labia. There is intoxication of the body. An acute ulcer can occur in women of any age category. The causative agent of the disease is the vaginal bacillus. Often, rashes are accompanied by unbearable itching, the cause may be the papillomavirus, which enters the body due to unprotected intercourse. The virus is dangerous, and no such cure has yet been found to cure the disease.

White sores on the external genitalia

If a woman finds a white rash in herself, this indicates that genital herpes is progressing. In this case, you need to take a vaginal smear to identify the cause and begin appropriate treatment. If the cause is not a virus, then local therapy with the use of antiviral drugs is prescribed.

How is the diagnosis

It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on the clinical picture. Of course, if the symptoms of the disease are pronounced, the course of therapy begins immediately without laboratory tests. In all other cases, they resort to immunofluorescence, which helps to identify pathogenic bacteria that are the causative agents of a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Methods are also used: sowing on selector media and microscopy. A correct diagnosis will allow you to find out the real cause of the formations on the labia and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is strictly forbidden to self-diagnose. Since any uncontrolled intake of any inappropriate drugs can lead to negative health consequences.

Genital ulcers: prevention and treatment

The best treatment is proper prevention. Remember, diseases are easier to prevent than to cure later. Necessary:

  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene, use only personal products (towel, gels, soap, etc.);
  • avoid any contact (intimate, household) with infected people;
  • be sure to use a condom during sexual intercourse;
  • strengthen the protective functions of the body.
  • avoid injuries and damage to the skin in intimate places.

Treatment begins only after an accurate diagnosis. As a rule, with the manifestation of rashes on the external genitalia, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Antimicrobial therapy may be prescribed.

It is recommended to observe the rules of personal intimate hygiene, the use of sedentary baths with potassium permanganate, the use of Anestezin powders in combination with preparations with sulfanilamide properties. Ointments with antimicrobial enzymes and preparations are used (Levomekol, Betadine). Vaginal suppositories "Luracil" and with sea buckthorn oil can also be used.

injection treatment

The doctor prescribes injections of Penicillin or Ecmonovocillin - 3,000,000 - 5,000,000 per course of therapy. Irradiation is carried out using a Minin lamp. Recommended immunotropic, desensitizing drugs, if necessary, eubiotics. In combination, vitamins B, E, A and gamma globulin are prescribed.

Antibiotic cephalosporins may be recommended - Ceftriaxone, Tarivid. If the pain is severe - Analgin, Baralgin together with Diphenhydramine. Enzymes of the proteolytic type are also prescribed - Chymopsin, Trypsin. Acyclovir can be used in the presence of herpes. It is worth noting that a herpes vaccine is currently being tested, if it is successful, all young people will be able to protect themselves from the virus.

Sores on the genitals in women often look like lesions or bumps that can form around the vagina. While some may be painful, tender, itchy, and discharge, others do not have any symptoms.

Attention! The article contains photos of diseases hidden under spoilers. Click on them to open. It is not recommended to view these images if you are under 18 years of age.

Associated symptoms

This condition refers to the appearance of bumps or bumps that may be red, itchy, or painful. They can bleed, especially if they are injured.

You may also experience symptoms such as pain when urinating or during intercourse. Depending on why the sores appeared, vaginal discharge may also occur.

The reasons


Improper shaving in the genital area can irritate the labia or other areas of the skin in the groin area. There may be bumps, pimples on the vagina, and if not taken care of, this can lead to more complex problems.

Shampoos and cleansers

Some shampoos and cleansers may contain ingredients that cause irritation and soreness in some people. In this case, tingling or other unpleasant sensations are observed when using these products to wash or cleanse the vagina and delicate skin of the genital organs.

ingrown hair

Ingrown hairs after shaving occur in the form of bumps that bother and cause inflammation in the genitals. The skin in the labia area is extremely sensitive and delicate, and if ingrown hairs appear, sores often form, especially if the hair follicles become infected.

Do not confuse this with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as ingrown hairs appear after shaving the pubic area using the wrong methods or tools.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes (herpes type 2) can cause vaginal lesions, bumps, and sores. One of the common symptoms of this disease is bumps, rashes or pimples filled with fluid.


Syphilis causes sores that tend to be red and may not cause much discomfort. In the case of unprotected intercourse, it is worth considering going to the doctor for an examination.

See photos of syphilis


Vaginal lubricants can cause hypersensitivity reactions to the vagina, such as acne, vaginal rashes, which subsequently cause open sores.

Dryness in the vagina

It is usually caused by low levels of estrogen in the body, low fat, and a decrease in certain tissues.

It is very easy to damage the surface of the vagina when dry during sex. This is a noteworthy cause of ulcers and sores on the labia, clitoris, vulva.

Thick underwear, thongs, tight jeans

Tight underwear and jeans can get wet, absorbing sweat and secretions while walking, running, exercising or daily workouts. This can cause bumps, pimples, and sores to form in the groin area.

Condom use

Condoms are artificial items that the body sees as foreign objects and may react with sores on the labia in some women.

A 2005 study in Germany confirmed that some condoms contain cancer-causing ingredients. That is why their use can lead to diseases of the cervix or ovaries.

Open sores and sores on the labia should be examined by a gynecologist to confirm that they are caused by condom use and are not related to STDs.

What do friction blisters look like?

They are also sometimes called friction blisters. Such a blister looks like a bulging pocket of skin filled with fluid. They often result from constant pressure or friction. According to Drug.com, "Blisters due to friction usually occur on the legs or the inner thigh or vulva, where tight or ill-fitting boots or jeans can rub and irritate the skin for a long time."

Irritation of the blister can cause minor damage to the skin, as well as damage to the tissues that are under the skin. This causes fluid to accumulate in the top layer of the skin, and in cases where tissue damage is severe, a blood-filled blister may form.

Contact dermatitis can also cause blisters. This is a skin reaction to allergens such as poison ivy, latex, adhesives, or irritants such as various chemicals, pesticides. In this case, redness, inflammation of the skin and the formation of blisters are observed.

fungal infection

Thrush (candidiasis) is a common fungal infection on the genitals. In most cases, it can lead to genital ulcers. It is possible that swelling may appear on the vulva, labia, as well as inflammation of the walls of the vagina and white or red spots.

In addition, irritation, itching, and vaginal discharge may occur. The infection is more common in women, but it can also affect men.

According to research, itching of the genitals is the most common symptom and is present in most cases of vaginal candidiasis, which leads to sores on the labia.

See photos of thrush

Why is this happening?

Balanced levels of fungi and bacteria are present in the female vagina, but imbalances in this balance can lead to infection leading to genital sores.

Factors that increase the risk of a vaginal infection include:

  • Use of antibiotics, corticosteroids
  • Pregnancy
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives or contraceptives
  • uncontrolled diabetes
  • Weakened immunity


Chancroid is a bacterial infection that, according to Healthline.com, “attacks tissue cells and causes an open sore. This sore appears on or near the external reproductive organs. Both men and women are affected by the disease.

See photos of soft chancre

In men

If a man develops a chancre, there is a "small red bump" on the genitals that turns into an open sore after a day or two. This sore occurs on any of the male reproductive organs, such as the scrotum and penis.

Among women

Healthline.com states that “A woman may develop four or more red bumps on the labia, between them and the anus, or on the thighs. Once the bumps become ulcerated or open, women may experience burning or pain during urination or defecation.”

ingrown hair

Chelsea 17 Marina, NY There was a post on Seventeen.com on this subject:

“Is the formation of acne in the vagina normal? Not in it, but around where I shave?

“When girls or even guys shave their pubis, it’s not uncommon to see ingrown hairs. Pubic hair tends to be shorter and coarser than on the legs or head, which can be more likely to lead to ingrown hairs. This problem can lead to acne. If the pimple is reddened and becomes large, tender, or warm, it could be an infection and should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible..

To minimize the chances of bumps and sores on the labia, dry shaving should be avoided, shaving gel or cream should be used, and the procedure should be performed in the direction of hair growth, not against it, to prevent irritation.

Bartholin gland cysts

Bartholin's gland "is a small, fluid-filled lesion within the orifice of a woman's vagina." NHS UK

If the cyst continues to grow and becomes very large, it can be easily seen, causes some discomfort, develops into pain, and makes it uncomfortable when a person walks, sits down, and even has sex.

According to NHS.UK, “A cyst can sometimes affect the labia majora surrounding the vagina. One side of them may look swollen or be larger than normal."

Treatment for this problem depends on the size of the cyst, how painful it is, and whether there is an infection.

View photo of Bartholin gland cyst

Treatments and home remedies

The vagina is a regenerative organ that requires good care. Sores and injuries on the labia, vulva should be examined by a specialist or gynecologist before you start treatment at home.

Vaginal creams and gels

During menopause, almost 85% of women experience vaginal dryness due to low estrogen. To cope with this problem, you can use products with phytoestrogens, such as Vagisil and Replens, which promote hydration. This is a good way to avoid pain and ulcers.

unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fatty acids such as omega 3, 6 and 9 can help produce hormones to relieve vaginal dryness. They can be found in fish, olive and flaxseed oils.


Rinse gently and dry the affected area with a clean towel. Try to avoid vigorous movements. Apply petroleum jelly to keep the area lubricated and cool. Avoid tight underwear.

Oils / lubricants

Modern oils and lubricants may include menthol for a cooling effect. This can have a negative effect on the sensitive skin and mucous membranes of some people. To prevent unpleasant reactions and consequences, you should check any remedy before using it in full.

Sores on the genitals in women are an alarming signal that not everything is in order in the body. Of course, such an anomaly can be associated with mechanical or thermal influences, but it often becomes a symptom of dangerous diseases. In any case, the appearance of an ulcer on the labia should be a good reason to visit a gynecologist. Only a doctor can establish the true causes of the phenomenon. Self-medication is contraindicated in order to avoid serious complications.

The term "ulcer" usually refers to various wounds of an inflammatory or weeping nature that have arisen on the skin or mucous membrane and do not go away for a long time. In their appearance, these can be erosions (superficial variant), ulcers (deep formation) or an inflamed wound. Such defects can be open (with suppuration, bleeding, exudate, weeping) or covered with a crust.

Ulcers can be localized on the external genital organs or on the vaginal mucosa. They differ in their size (small, medium, large), shape (correct and irregular), color (white, pink, red, different shades, etc.) and quantity (single or multiple in the form of a rash).

The sores under consideration can have a different degree of danger. It is assessed by the accompanying local symptoms: pain, itching, burning, swelling or swelling, redness, suppuration, bleeding. In addition, the presence of signs of general intoxication of the body should be taken into account: fever, weakness, headache, nausea, etc. Important characteristics: duration of existence without self-healing, growth in the size of the focus and spread to nearby tissues or further throughout the body.

Non-pathological ulcers are usually associated with external influences: mechanical, chemical or thermal injuries. Damage can be caused by cuts, abrasions, burns. These anomalies do not have any connection with internal pathologies, but if the necessary antiseptic and antimicrobial treatment is not carried out, they can cause an infectious disease.

STD as a cause

Wounds and sores in the intimate area in women are sometimes provoked by sexually transmitted diseases. Ulceration often becomes a characteristic sign of diseases that require immediate medical attention. The following most common pathogenic causes of wounds can be distinguished:

  1. Chancroid, or soft chancre. This is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi (Ducrey's bacillus). Initially (10-15 days after infection), red spots appear on the labia, in place of which a pink ulcer gradually forms with suppuration in the center. Within 8-10 days, the wound heals with the formation of scar tissue. A mature chancre looks like a weeping ulcer with a funnel-shaped shiny bottom and raised edges. The neglected disease passes to the inguinal lymph nodes, where bubonic ulcers can form.
  2. Genital herpes. Generated by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Whitish sores on the labia in the form of numerous vesicles are a characteristic sign of the disease at the initial stage. Accompanying symptoms: pain and itching.
  3. Venereal granuloma, or donovanosis. It is a bacterial infectious disease of a slowly progressive nature. At the initial stage, small pimples appear on the genitals, which then turn into an ulcer. If you do not take action, then the ulcer constantly grows deep into the bone tissue. By self-infection, the infection enters the face, neck, mouth, where it also creates lesions. The development of pathology is accompanied by itching and pain, and sometimes headache, general weakness and chills.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum. The disease is caused by the poxvirus. The main method of infection is sexual contact, but contact-household infection can also occur. Most common in girls under 12 years of age. Pathology manifests itself in the form of a skin rash of 3-10 mm orange-pink papules with a mother-of-pearl top. The incubation period is 4-5 weeks. The disease often resolves on its own without treatment.
  5. Syphilis. It is the most severe venereal disease, the advanced stage of which threatens to damage many systems of the human body. The initial stage of syphilis is a hard chancre that may appear on the vulva. It is a solitary ulcer with raised edges and a hard, flat, glossy red bottom. An important feature is the absence of itching and pain. In the second stage, the chancre is replaced by a syphiloid in the form of a rash and numerous ulcers.
  6. Gonorrhea. It is considered a fairly common sexually transmitted disease. The causative agent is Neisser's gonococcus. The genitourinary system, rectum, nasopharynx, conjunctiva are affected. The gonorrheal ulcer has a red tint with pronounced purulent discharge.

Influence of other diseases

Sores and sores can also cause some diseases and pathologies that are not related to sexual transmission. It is these pathologies that cause ulceration in girls before puberty. The following diseases can be distinguished:

  1. Vulvar dysplasia. It is a precancerous condition. Pathology is accompanied by the appearance of whitish, reddish or brown spots on the labia with severe itching. A similar symptom is detected by melanoma.
  2. Allergic dermatitis of chronic type (neurodermatitis). It manifests itself when exposed to an allergen with a genetic predisposition of the body. A clear seasonality of exacerbation is found, and, as a rule, in the winter season. The manifestation is characterized by intense itching. In adult women, pathology is rare, but in girls up to 11-13 years of age it is found quite often.
  3. Contact dermatitis or contact eczema. They develop as an allergic reaction, but when exposed to an intensifying factor: ultraviolet light, highly aggressive detergents, extreme temperatures, etc.
  4. Vulvovaginitis, or an inflammatory reaction in the vagina and external genitalia. The most common pathogens are pyogenic and Escherichia coli, helminths. Provoking causes are non-compliance with hygiene rules, intoxication of the body, external influences. In addition to skin manifestations, the following symptoms are found: vaginal discharge mixed with pus, itching, pinpoint bleeding.

Uncharacteristic varieties

Ulceration of the genital organs in women can also be caused by another rare pathology that cannot be discounted. Such ulcers can also form at different ages.

The following pathologies are distinguished:

  1. Pyoderma. It is a fairly common skin disease, but rarely occurs on the genitals. The disease is a purulent skin lesion caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Pathology can be characterized by such skin lesions as folliculitis, staphylococcal sycosis, pemphigus in young girls (including newborns), boils, carbuncles, hidradenitis. The disease can occur in acute and chronic forms. The most characteristic genital ulcers are brown-red rounded formations. The disease is accompanied by swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes.
  2. Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease, or inguinal lymphogranuloma. Excited by chlamydia. The incubation period is about 20-30 days, after which papules, vesicles and superficial dark red pustules appear on the labia and vaginal walls. Possible damage to the cervix and the entrance urethral site. Subsequently, the disease passes to the lymph nodes, which increase significantly in size.
  3. Lipshütz-Chapin disease. It is generated by a vaginal stick, which in principle is considered a non-pathogenic microorganism, but under certain conditions becomes a provocateur of the disease. As a result of the lesion, an ulcer is formed on the labia, covered with a purulent coating.
  4. Various skin diseases. They cause genital anomalies. Lichen planus is most common among women aged 50-65 years. Various lesions of the genital organ occur with lichen sclerosis, vitiligo.
  5. Cystic formations: functional benign cyst; Bartholin gland cyst (located at the very bottom of the labia majora in the form of an oval formation); vaginal cyst (dense, elastic, superficial formations); ovarian cyst; follicular cyst; paraovarian cyst.

Principles of treatment of pathology

Treatment of ulcers on the genitals begins only after an accurate diagnosis of the underlying disease.

Trying to eliminate just skin pathologies is pointless, as they will be repeated again. Basic treatment should be directed at the underlying pathology. Before starting active therapy, it is necessary to take preventive measures: hygiene of intimate places using quality products; cessation of reckless sexual relations; use of barrier contraception during sexual intercourse; optimization of nutrition with an increase in the consumption of foods rich in vitamins.

Basic therapy is aimed at eliminating the infection: taking antimicrobial, antibacterial agents. Treatment is carried out using systemic preparations and external agents: ointments, gels, suppositories, bath solutions. Levomekol and Betadine ointments, Luracil suppositories are widely used.

With a complicated course of the disease, Penicillin and Ekmonovocillin are prescribed. Positive results are provided by the use of cephalosporins - Ceftriaxone, Tarivid. Analgin, Baralgin are recommended as painkillers. As an enzyme therapy, the drug Himopsin or Trypsin is used. When diagnosing herpes, Acyclovir is prescribed.

An effective way in the fight against all kinds of infection is the use of irradiation with a Minin lamp. With the allergic nature of ulcers, treatment includes the administration of antihistamines. Effective therapy is impossible without taking immunomodulators and immunostimulants, as well as vitamin complexes and gamma globulin.

Sores on the genitals in women signal unwanted processes in the body. In the presence of complicating symptoms, you should not self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a doctor. The timely start of taking the necessary medication opens the way to a successful cure.

Sores on the labia can indicate very serious diseases. Some of them are caused by unprotected sex, others are not. In any case, vesicles and ulcers on the labia minora and labia majora are a serious reason to see a doctor, he will study the symptoms and find out the causes of skin damage. If a woman has a wound on the labia, then she needs to contact a gynecologist immediately.

It is also necessary to immediately take precautions that will prevent the spread of a possible infection: get yourself separate towels, bed linen, dishes, warn your sexual partner about a possible disease.

What causes rashes on the genitals?

The main reasons that can cause ulcers and blisters on the labia in women are as follows:

  • primary syphilis;
  • genital herpes;
  • venereal lymphogranuloma;
  • Lipschütz-Chapin disease.

Whatever disease causes sores, its diagnosis and treatment must be taken as seriously as possible. These diseases can lead to the development of very serious complications, infection of sexual partners, households and others. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and determine what caused the sores. After research and diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe a treatment that will correspond to the individual characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease.

Wounds caused by primary syphilis

Ulcers or chancres (sores with a hard base) on the body are one of the signs of primary syphilis, which is caused by treponema or pallidum spirochete. Pathogens are transmitted in everyday life, in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, sexually. Such a wound has a size of 0.5-2 cm. The middle of the sore has a dark red or purple hue. With primary syphilis resulting from unprotected intercourse, a woman has similar sores on her labia and pubis. Gradually, chancres can spread and appear on the abdomen and other parts of the body.

The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin. The disease can develop, and the patient's condition worsens. Primary syphilis leads to the development of secondary and tertiary, which are fraught with serious consequences for the body. When diagnosing syphilis, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy. Taking antibiotics and following all the doctor's prescriptions helps to get rid of the disease in the early stages.

Genital herpes

Herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2 can cause sores on the labia.

As a rule, genital herpes is caused by HSV-2. Sensations with genital herpes are the same as with normal. There is itching, discomfort, tingling and burning in the subcutaneous region. Then bubbles with liquid appear on the skin, which burst after a while. In their place, sores with scabs are formed, which gradually dry up and fall off.

The general well-being of the patient worsens, the body temperature may rise to 37.5 °. Genital herpes can appear long after infection with the virus. External manifestations of the disease often occur with a decrease in immunity.

The sensations of genital herpes can be extremely painful. Many women find it difficult to go to the toilet, as urine, falling on the labia, causes a strong burning sensation. When trying to defecate, the muscles tense up, which causes pain, as does the touch of laundry.

With genital herpes, the likelihood of re-infection is high. Therefore, it is recommended to use disposable wipes when washing, rather than towels. It is advisable for sexual partners not even to sleep in the same bed.

For treatment, internal and local antiviral therapy, immunomodulating drugs and pain relievers are prescribed. In the future, most patients should comply with maintenance therapy to avoid recurrence of the disease.

Infection with venereal lymphogranuloma

A high probability of infection with venereal lymphogranuloma is indicated by the appearance of irregularly shaped sores, dark in color and painful. This pathology is also called Nicolas-Favre disease or inguinal lymphogranulomatosis.

Ulcers on the labia in this case are caused by an allergic reaction, which is provoked by some serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis. The causative agents of the disease penetrate through the mucous membrane or in places of damage to the skin under the skin and cause the appearance of wounds. The first damage to the skin occurs at the site of infection. Gradually the rash spreads. The first wounds appear about a month after infection.

For treatment, drugs are prescribed that contain substances to which pathogens are sensitive.

Lipshütz-Chapin disease

The rather rare Lipshütz-Chapin disease is manifested primarily by ulcers on the labia. The rash is caused by Dederlein's vaginal bacillus. The appearance of the disease may not be related to sexual activity. If the disease is accompanied by ulceration in the oral cavity, then it is considered secondary, the root cause is Touraine's large aphthosis. In this case, the rash in the mouth, on the skin of the whole body and the labia can be of a completely different nature and be represented by various sores.

With this disease, sores on the genitals can have various forms. Usually the sores are small, each surrounded by a corolla with pus. With an increase in their size, the sores merge. Their texture is usually soft. In some cases, the sores resemble a soft chancre. Their shape may be round or irregular, and the depth of the lesion of the skin may vary.

Possible gangrenous form of ulcers. In this case, each sore causes burning pain. The rash affects the outer and small labia. The defeat is profound. The surface of the sores is covered with a scab of a dark yellow-gray shade.

The prognosis for this disease is favorable. As a rule, local treatment is prescribed. The skin is treated with an infusion of potassium permanganate, powders, ointments, vaginal suppositories are used. In addition, antibiotic injections are prescribed. In the gangrenous form, analgesic therapy is mandatory.

Preventive measures

Any sexually transmitted diseases, including those that cause sores on the female external genitalia, can be avoided if you follow the simple general rules of prevention. The main recommendations are:

  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, the use of individual items for this;
  • careful attitude to any contacts with other people, including contacts in everyday life;
  • use of barrier contraceptives during sexual intercourse;
  • immune support;
  • keeping the skin intact.

Sometimes a rash on the genitals is caused by diseases that have nothing to do with the genital area. For example, scabies mite or typhoid fever can manifest itself in this way.

If any alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor to undergo a diagnosis and determine the causes of the appearance of wounds. Otherwise, rashes on the genitals can cause severe pain and cause serious complications.

) or, more rarely, in the region of the labia majora.

Externally similar formations can be with. Which in adults can be transmitted through sexual contact. The sores are painless, and when pressed on them, a cheesy-white mass is released. Treatment is usually carried out only in immunocompromised individuals or to achieve a cosmetic effect.

Sores in the form of vesicles in the genital area can be a sign of a viral infection - genital herpes. Human papillomavirus causes the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes of genital warts - formations in the form of lobules on the leg (like "cauliflower").

Sores in the form of single or multiple sores can also be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Up to such serious ones as syphilis, trichomoniasis, venereal lymphogranuloma, etc.

For white sores on the labia are mistaken for

Elements of curdled discharge in candidal vulvovaginitis (colloquially - thrush). As a rule, with this disease, there are also complaints of itching, redness, swelling of the affected area.

A specific female problem is the pathology of the Bartholin glands. These are the glands of the vestibule of the vagina, located on both sides at the base of the labia majora. When the infection enters the duct of the gland, the latter becomes inflamed. Bartholinitis develops, requiring antibiotic therapy.

In a complicated course, bartholinitis can lead to an abscess.

Sometimes the lumen of the Bartholin gland becomes blocked. The secret accumulating without exit leads to the formation of a cyst. Such formations, in the absence of suppuration, usually do not require treatment.

The listed options are only a small proportion of situations in which sores on the labia are noted. That is why for adequate diagnosis and timely initiation of therapy for any deviation from the usual state, it is necessary to contact a venereologist.

If you have any sores on the labia in women, contact the author of this article - a venereologist, urologist in Moscow with 15 years of experience.

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