Restoration of lung tissue with folk remedies. Causes and mechanism of development of pneumofibrosis. Breathing exercises in the fight against pneumofibrosis

Diffuse pneumofibrosis lung is a pathological process characterized by the growth connective tissue over the entire surface of the lungs.

The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the volume of the main respiratory organs, and, consequently, a decrease in the full ventilation capacity by several times.

Fibrosis is a connective tissue scar that forms at the site of a healthy functioning lung tissue as a result of certain factors.

The mechanism of development of the disease is based on insufficient blood supply lung tissue and, as a result, chronic hypoxia (lack of oxygen). In such an environment, fibroblasts are activated - cells that actively produce collagen, which is the basis of connective tissue.

Below we will talk about what it is and how to treat this condition.

Causes of diffuse pneumofibrosis

The reasons for the development of pneumofibrosis are very extensive and varied. Among the factors contributing to the growth of connective tissue in place of normal lung tissue, there are:

To the factors that create favorable conditions for the development of the disease, include:

  • traumatic injuries chest and the organs that are located in it;
  • various diseases cardiovascular systems s, one of the manifestations of which is blood stasis in the small circle;
  • long-term radiation therapy;
  • harmful working conditions - constant inhalation of dust particles, harmful and toxic gases.

Symptoms of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis

On the early stages development of this lung pathology symptoms of pneumofibrosis may be absent.

They appear as the connective tissue grows in the lungs and their functional ability decreases.

The clinical picture of the disease consists of such signs as:

  • , which also progresses as the disease progresses. At the very beginning, she practically does not bother the patient. Later, shortness of breath occurs with habitual physical activity, and then completely - in a state of complete rest;
  • cough with viscous thick sputum, often with purulent impurities. As the normal connective tissue is replaced, hemoptysis is noted (the appearance of traces of blood in the sputum);
  • pain syndrome accompanying cough urges. Soreness in the chest area can also appear outside of coughing attacks;
  • color change skin- they acquire a pale, and sometimes cyanotic (cyanotic) hue;
  • fluctuations in body temperature;
  • feeling of weakness without previous physical and emotional stress;
  • weight loss without connection with food intake, and not associated with diseases of the digestive tract.

During a detailed examination of the patient, the doctor notes:

  • the appearance of characteristic wheezing, acquiring a whistling character on inspiration. Wheezing is well heard in the projection of the lower pulmonary lobes;
  • bulging veins in the neck;
  • auscultatory over the surface of the lungs, a sound is heard similar to the sound of rubbing a cork;
  • painful appearance - excessive pallor of the skin;
  • "Fingers of Hippocrates" - a thickening of the distal phalanges of the fingers.

Classification of diffuse pneumofibrosis


Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis has 2 main stages:

  • progressive - it is characteristic fast development diseases and occurrence of various complications: etc.;
  • non-progressive - has an erased clinical picture, practically does not bother the patient.


Knowing what diffuse pneumosclerosis is, it is necessary to pay attention to its varieties. According to the etiology, it can be:

  • discirculatory;
  • postnecrotic.

Depending on which structures of the lung are affected, pneumofibrosis is distinguished:

  • alveolar;
  • interstitial;
  • peribronchial;
  • perilobular.


The basic method of examining a patient with suspicion of any disease broncho pulmonary system is a chest x-ray.

This method allows you to assess the state of the lung pattern (in this case there is a honeycomb pattern), a capillary network, the presence or absence of anastomoses (with this disease they appear).

With the aim of differential diagnosis and clarification of the diagnosis can be assigned:

  • bronchoscopy;
  • LHC-sputum culture to identify the pathogen;
  • bronchography - a method in which a radiopaque substance is injected into the bronchi, which allows to identify developmental abnormalities bronchial tree, as well as the presence of fistulas or bronchiectasis;
  • function evaluation external respiration- these tests help to assess the functionality of the lung tissue - the degree of ventilation ability. Pneumofibrosis is accompanied by a decrease in all indicators;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • biopsy - taking a part of the lung in order to determine the depth of penetration of fibrosis;
  • general laboratory analysis (general blood test).

Together, all these methods allow not only to most accurately diagnose the disease, assess its severity, but also identify the causes that caused it.

Treatment of diffuse pneumofibrosis

The treatment of the disease is based primarily on the elimination of its cause. So, if pneumofibrosis was provoked by any harmful factors– then it is necessary to eliminate them as soon as possible.

If in the role etiological factor an infectious agent has acted, then antibacterial or antiviral therapy is prescribed, depending on the specific pathogen.

With an advanced form of the disease that is not amenable to drug exposure, surgical treatment is indicated.

Treatment folk remedies also has the right to exist in the complex therapy of diffuse pneumofibrosis.

Medical treatment

Since pneumofibrosis is considered rather a syndrome than an independent disease, then the drugs should be selected depending on the underlying disease, which is the root cause.

If an infectious-inflammatory disease caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal agent acts as an etiological factor, then the basis of etiotropic therapy is the use of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents. medicines respectively.

The pharmaceutical preparation is prescribed strictly individually in a clear therapeutic dose.

If it's about pathogenic microorganisms(bacteria), then rational antibiotic therapy can be prescribed only after a test for the sensitivity of the microorganism to a particular group of antibacterial agents.

When treatment does not require delay, the antibiotic is prescribed empirically - broad-spectrum drugs are more often used.

Of great importance is symptomatic therapy, which includes the use of such groups of drugs as:

  • (Ketorolac, Ibuprofen);
  • glucocorticosteroid hormones (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone);
  • mucolytics (ACC, Mukaltin, Bronholitin, Lazolvan);
  • multivitamins (Vitrum);
  • analgesics (Analgin);
  • cardiac glycosides (Digoxin, Strofantin, Korglikon, etc.).


To surgical treatment with pneumofibrosis, it is necessary to resort when it is complicated by an abscess or other purulent process, which led to the destruction of lung tissue. Most often, radical treatment is carried out in two ways:

  • by removing part of the affected organ;
  • by organ transplantation in case of total defeat.

Another indication for radical treatment of pneumofibrosis is "honeycomb lung". It is characterized by the appearance of diffuse cysts in both lungs, the diameter of which can vary from 0.5 to 2 cm. This phenomenon got its name due to the fact that on the radiograph it is represented by closely spaced annular shadows resembling honeycombs.

Complementary and alternative therapies

As additional methods effects on damaged lung tissue is widely used oxygen therapy saturating the body necessary quantity oxygen, and a special complex of respiratory gymnastics.

Among physiotherapy Special attention given ultrasound and iontophoresis, which help to restore the elasticity of damaged alveoli

Therapy with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies gives an effect when exposed to pneumosclerosis only if used in parallel with traditional (drug or surgical) methods of exposure. Currently widely used tools such as:

  • decoction of pine buds. To prepare it, you need to pour 10 grams of pine buds into 200 ml of water, put on a small fire and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. After removing from heat, leave the product to infuse for about 15 minutes. Carefully filter the broth and take it warm for 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day;
  • a decoction of oman and wild rose. Grind oman and rose hips in such quantity that each of them turns out 1 tbsp. spoon. Pour the mixture of ingredients into an enameled container and pour 400 ml of water. Bring to a boil and leave to languish in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After removing from heat, pour the broth into a thermos and let it brew for about 3 hours. Use instead of tea, 150 ml three times a day for 2 months. You can add a small amount of natural honey to the drink;
  • chopped fresh ginger, which can be used as an additive to tea with daily tea drinking;
  • infusion flax seeds. 1 st. pour a spoonful of flaxseeds with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Strain thoroughly and drink at night;
  • oatmeal broth. 1 cup whole oat grains pour 1 liter cold water and leave it like that overnight. The next day, put the seeds to boil until the amount of water is reduced by 2 times. Strain the broth thoroughly and pour into three equal containers. Drink everything the day before each meal.

It is not possible to completely cure the disease due to the irreversibility of the pathological process occurring in the lungs. But rational therapy will help to significantly slow down the progressing disease and alleviate the condition of the life of a sick person.

Prevention of pneumofibrosis

Home preventive measure to prevent the development of pneumofibrosis, like any other lung disease, is to stop smoking. It is the toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke, have a primary aggressive effect on the tissues of the respiratory system.

General measures to strengthen the body and in particular the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are also excellent disease prevention. In order to increase the vital capacity of the lungs, moderate cardio loads and special breathing exercises are shown.

Life prognosis for patients

The prognosis for pneumofibrosis is very ambiguous. Early treatment helps to significantly slow down the development of the pathological process.

If the disease is started and such a complication as a lung abscess (purulent fusion of tissue) has arisen, then the prognosis of the patient's life worsens significantly.

Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Doctor of Functional Diagnostics.

Frequency lung diseases in last years growing steadily due to high level pollution environment, the rapid development of various types of industry. Pneumofibrosis - dangerous pathology lung, arising after primary diseases, characterized by damage to lung tissues. Pneumofibrosis is dangerous with serious complications that can lead to respiratory failure and lethal outcome.

What is pneumofibrosis

The group of pneumosclerotic pathologies includes a number of diseases characterized by damage to the lung tissue. varying degrees. In addition to pneumocirrhosis, such pathologies include pneumofibrosis (pleuropneumofibrosis) - a disease characterized by the growth of connective tissue in the lungs, which occurs due to dystrophic or inflammatory processes in the body.

As a rule, pneumofibrosis occurs as a result of previous diseases (pneumonia, syphilis, tuberculosis) or as a result of chronic obstructive diseases, occupational pathologies. Pneumofibrosis leads to loss of lung elasticity and disruption of gas exchange. If left untreated, the pathology can turn into pneumocirrhosis and pulmonary insufficiency..

Fine lung tissue has high elasticity, so the body makes serious efforts to stretch the tissue, which leads to an increase in intrapulmonary pressure. During breathing, the alveoli open up under pressure. With pleuropneumofibrosis, a significant number of alveoli are damaged, as a result of which the elasticity of the lungs decreases, which leads to a violation of the breathing process, a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the body.

The exit of the accumulated secret from the bronchi is difficult, which provokes the development pathogenic microflora. As a result of inflammatory processes, the vessels are squeezed, which leads to a violation of the lymph and blood flow. In places of fluid stagnation, connective tissue is formed, which over time grows and replaces nearby alveoli, which, if left untreated, can lead to lung failure over time.

Types of pneumofibrosis

Based on the location of the connective tissue, basal and basal pneumofibrosis. The first occurs in the upper zone of the lungs, the second - at the base of the organ. Radical pneumofibrosis is easily confused with other pathologies of the lungs, since the clinical picture is similar in both cases. Pathology can affect both lungs and one. Depending on the distribution, two types of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Local pneumofibrosis (focal) is characterized by the growth of connective tissue in a certain place (focus) of one lung, as a rule, it is asymptomatic and does not affect respiratory function.
  2. Diffuse pneumofibrosis is accompanied by damage to the vessels, tissues and alveoli of both lungs, the pathology is characterized by significant impairment of respiratory activity, changes in the structure of the lungs, their deformation, hypoxia of organs and systems. At diffuse form the formation of dense connective tissue occurs much faster than with local.

Depending on how soon the patient turns to a pulmonologist, two stages of the disease are distinguished - non-progressive, which is characterized by the almost complete absence of clinical manifestations, and progressive, characterized by rapid development and severe course. The progressive form of the disease can lead to abscesses and other dangerous complications.

Causes of pneumofibrosis

In most cases, the impetus for the growth of connective tissue is the inflammatory process, as a result of which hypoxia develops, which provokes activation special cells- fibroblasts. The latter are produced in in large numbers collagen, which is the precursor of future connective tissue. Causes of lung lesions that provoke the development of pleuropneumofibrosis:

  • infections of a different nature;
  • systematic inhalation of toxic substances;
  • sarcoidosis (formation of granulomas in the lungs);
  • chest trauma;
  • frequent effects of ionizing radiation on the chest;
  • bad habits (especially smoking);
  • beryllium disease - an occupational pathology resulting from contamination of the lungs with dust containing beryllium;
  • hereditary factor;
  • mycoses ( fungal diseases);
  • interstitial edema;
  • taking certain anticancer drugs.


Clinical manifestations of pneumofibrosis can be traced when the connective tissue of both lungs is affected. The main symptom of the pathology is shortness of breath, which in the initial stages of the disease disturbs the patient during physical exertion, and then appears at rest. Other signs of pneumofibrosis are as follows:

  • cyanotic shade of the skin;
  • coughing up mucus and pus;
  • chest pain;
  • general malaise, loss of strength;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • weight loss;
  • wheezing in the lungs when exhaling;
  • in some cases, swelling of the cervical veins is observed.


To establish accurate diagnosis the specialist needs to familiarize himself with the patient's history, conduct a physical examination. Pneumofibrosis should not be confused with lung cancer - despite the similarity of signs, pathology does not apply to oncological diseases. In addition, it is necessary to differentiate the desired disease from other pulmonary abnormalities.

by the most informative method diagnosis is x-ray examination- it allows not only to identify the disease, but also to determine primary causes, which led to the proliferation of connective tissue, as well as to differentiate pneumofibrosis from oncology. Computed tomography and radiography are used as related studies.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Therapy for pneumofibrosis consists primarily in the elimination of the primary disease that marked the beginning of the proliferation of connective tissue. For example, for the treatment of pneumonia are actively used antibacterial agents wide spectrum of action. To enhance the effect, along with antibiotics, glucocorticoids and expectorants (Bromhexine) are prescribed.

In heart failure, which developed against the background of pleuropneumofibrosis or was the root cause of the pathology, cardiac glycoside preparations (Strophanthin, Korglikon) are used. All medicines (including folk remedies) should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his constant control to avoid development allergic reactions or other serious complications.

As a rule, in the treatment of pleuropneumofibrosis and other diseases without signs of pulmonary insufficiency, physiotherapy is prescribed - for example, iontophoresis and ultrasound using medicines. Oxygen therapy has a beneficial effect, which can saturate the lungs with the necessary oxygen. In addition, for successful treatment, the patient should attend physical therapy classes that help improve blood circulation and muscle tone.

Vitamin therapy, diet and strengthening the immune system as a whole help the body fight the disease, contribute to the successful treatment of pathology at any stage. Pneumofibrosis, like other pulmonary diseases, must be treated until complete recovery in order to avoid relapses. In addition, a patient who has had pneumonia or pneumofibrosis must be registered in the clinic for one year after recovery to monitor and prevent complications.

Folk methods

Recipes alternative medicine widely used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. It should be noted that folk remedies are effective only for relieving some symptoms and alleviating the patient's condition. Some popular recipes:

  1. The crushed mixture, consisting of 200 g of white mistletoe, 200 g of elecampane, 100 g of hawthorn and wild rose, 50 g of two spikelet ephedra, is poured with a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes, then the broth is infused for one hour. Take the drug should be 100 ml during the day.
  2. crushed birch leaves and thyme are mixed in equal proportions, poured with water, boiled for 5-7 minutes, then insisted.
  3. 1 tablespoon of crushed rose hips and elecampane roots is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 3, boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled. The infusion should be taken daily, the course of treatment is 2 months.
  4. 1 tablespoon of flax seed is poured with a glass of boiling water, the composition is infused for half an hour. The resulting decoction should be consumed once a day before bedtime.
  5. Beat the leaves of fresh cabbage or burdock so that the juice comes out. Apply plants to the chest, wrap with cellophane and leave overnight.

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

Pneumofibrosis is a lung disease in which there is an overgrowth of connective tissue.

This pathology disrupts the structure of organs, reduces their ventilating function, leads to a decrease in lung volume, and also causes deformation of the bronchi. Complications or the presence of infection in the body can lead to death.

The code

The ICD 10 code is included in section J80-J84.

The reasons

The development of the disease is facilitated by certain conditions that lead to disruption of the pulmonary system. Therefore, the causes of the disease are very diverse.

Pneumofibrosis can provoke:

All these factors cause pneumofibrotic changes in the lungs.


Many patients do not suspect that they have the disease, because they do not know its symptoms. Therefore, it is important to know what the consequences of advanced stages pneumofibrosis, and why it is dangerous. The patient has a proliferation of connective tissue and respiratory failure occurs.

It is important to contact a pulmonologist in a timely manner, since in the later stages of the disease it is quite difficult to correct or stop this process. Complications can lead to death . Therefore, the patient must understand whether it is dangerous to neglect even minor symptoms and how to understand that medical attention is needed.

The main symptom is shortness of breath. At the initial stage, it appears only after physical exertion. Over time, shortness of breath is observed even at rest.

Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • Cough with sputum and pus;
  • During coughing in the chest, pain;
  • bluish skin tone;
  • There is increased fatigue;
  • During the day, body temperature can fluctuate;
  • On exhalation, wheezing is heard;
  • A sharp drop in body weight;
  • Neck veins swell during coughing.


The disease is characterized by alternation of normal areas of lung tissue with connective tissue.

In this regard, the disease is divided into types:

Post-radiation fibrosis is dangerous. He needs serious therapy. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and immediately begin treatment.

A special group is occupied by hyperpneumatosis. It's complicated pathological disease With pathogenetic syndrome.


Before determining how to treat the disease, the pulmonologist conducts a conversation with the patient, directs him to take tests, examines the chest, assessing its shape.

With the help of a phonendoscope, he listens to the work of the lungs to identify noises or wheezing.

Instrumental procedures will allow the doctor to determine whether the patient has pneumosclerosis or pneumoneurosis.

For this, appoint:

  • radiography;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Ventilation scintigraphy;
  • Spirometry;
  • transbronchial biopsy;
  • Bronchoscopy;
  • Plethysmography.

The procedures will also allow you to identify whether pleurofibrosis is on the right or left, to determine whether there are sclerotic changes or tumors in the tissues, to determine lung disease and what kind of pneumofibrosis it is.

If the diagnostics showed that the lung fields are pneumatized, then it is necessary to carry out several procedures and select the appropriate drugs. With the help of diagnostics, pleuropneumofibrosis can be detected.

Diagnostic measures will reveal pneumatosis in a patient, which is characterized by the presence of cysts. To do this, pneumatization is carried out, which will help to decipher the data of the radiograph or tomogram in order to identify the amount of air content in the lung fields.

If a patient has one or more cavities in the lungs with fibrotic changes or capsules, the patient is diagnosed with post-tuberculous fibrosis.

After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment that will reduce the risk of relapse in the future. It is impossible to completely cure the disease.


The task of the doctor is to choose such drugs that will eliminate the cause of the disease. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery, and not only when the symptoms disappear.

  1. To restore the patency of the bronchi appoint:
  • Bromhexine;
  • Salbutomol.
  1. To improve microcirculation— Trental.
  2. Patients are shown to receive antioxidants.
  3. Courses are assigned anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hormonal drugs.

During treatment it is important:

  • Get rid of bad habits;
  • Complete a course of oxygen therapy;
  • Normalize sleep and rest;
  • Do breathing exercises regularly.

In advanced cases, there may be a question of surgical intervention.


Adequate selection medical preparations, compliance preventive measures and use alternative methods treatment will help stop the development of pathological processes. The task of the patient is to strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.


Pneumofibrosis is a disease in which connective tissue grows in the lung. Pathology occurs as a complication. Pneumofibrosis is referred to pneumosclerotic diseases along with pneumosclerosis and cirrhosis of the lung.

During the formation of a "honeycomb lung", when small, cystic cavities form in the organ, the respiratory function is significantly reduced. If an infection joins the disease, then the death of the patient is possible.


There are many factors that increase the risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis:

  • Transferred or existing diseases - pneumonia, syphilis, tuberculosis, chronic obstructive diseases of the respiratory system;
  • activities or living conditions associated with the constant inhalation of harmful gases, dust;
  • heredity;
  • chest injuries associated with damage to the respiratory organ;
  • stagnant processes;
  • ionizing radiation affecting the chest area;
  • taking drugs with a toxic effect;
  • hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) tissues.

The disease develops approximately according to this scenario.

In the bronchi, the outflow of secretion is disturbed and its accumulation occurs. it favorable conditions to increase the number of pathogens. Also, due to inflammation and congestion, blood and lymph flow is disturbed. In a place where the flow of biological fluids is disturbed, connective tissue grows. It replaces the alveoli near itself.

Textile healthy lung elastic. Elasticity provides high intrapulmonary pressure, due to which, when inhaling, it opens inner wall alveoli. If the lung tissue is affected by fibrosis, then the pressure decreases, part of the alveoli does not open, and less oxygen enters.

When the disease progresses, the lung tissue gradually ceases to perform its function, which causes respiratory failure and disruption of gas exchange.


According to the volume of organ damage, local and diffuse pneumofibrosis are distinguished.

At local pneumofibrosis parts of the lung are affected. The patient's quality of life does not deteriorate much, since the loss of elasticity and tissue thickening are observed only in the affected area, the respiratory function worsens slightly.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis is much more dangerous. Then immediately in both lungs the tissue becomes denser and the volume of the organ decreases, the structure changes. The process proceeds quickly, the respiratory function weakens.

Both forms are characterized by a progressive and non-progressive stage. In the progressive stage, there are serious complications up to abscesses. Exacerbations can disturb throughout the life of the patient. More favorable is the non-progressive stage, which proceeds practically without clinical manifestations. More chance of easy current in people who follow a healthy lifestyle.

Symptoms of the disease

As mentioned above, the local form sometimes goes unnoticed. Symptoms usually appear if both lungs are affected.

The main symptom of pneumofibrosis is shortness of breath. In the initial stage, it appears from strong physical exertion, later - at rest. Other signs of illness:

  • Cough, with tenacious expectoration and pus;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • chest pain, especially when coughing;
  • weakness;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • weight loss for no apparent reason.

In the later stages, the doctor detects wheezing in the lungs and a squeak on exhalation, which is especially well heard in front, in the upper part of the chest. The patient has swelling of the cervical veins. However, symptoms of the disease that provoked pneumofibrosis may appear.

How to treat the disease

Before prescribing therapy, an examination is carried out in order to establish a diagnosis. The main method of diagnosis is radiography. Additionally, bronchoscopy is performed, evaluation respiratory function, general laboratory tests. This set of studies also reveals the root cause of pulmonary fibrosis.

Doesn't exist yet effective therapy against pneumofibrosis.

Pneumofibrosis without symptoms is not always treated with medication.

If the disease has not passed into the acute phase, treatment is carried out at home. the main task therapeutic measures - to eliminate the cause of the disease. When the cause is the ingress of dust particles, other harmful substances, then, first of all, they stop contact with the provocateur of the disease. The patient is contraindicated excitement and stress.

If the cause is an infection, antibacterial drugs depending on the pathogen. Supportive care is also prescribed.

Breathing exercises are useful, which helps to increase the functionality of the respiratory apparatus.

In running forms it is possible surgery. After a course of therapy, the patient is registered with a pulmonologist for a year or more.

Treatment with folk remedies

Often, with pneumofibrosis, they resort to the help of traditional medicine. In mild forms, it is this treatment that becomes the main one. use herbal decoctions and teas, compresses for the rapid withdrawal of sputum, lotion and warming.

Since ancient times, pine buds have been used for lung diseases. This valuable product contains many essential oils that have beneficial effect on the respiratory tract - help the waste of sputum, destroy pathogenic microbes, activate the secretory ability of the epithelium.

For a decoction, take 10 g of kidneys, pour a glass of water, and heat in a water bath for half an hour, leave for another 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk warm 3 times daily at a dose of 1 tablespoon.

Prevention methods

The main prevention of pneumofibrosis is smoking cessation, since inhalation toxic substances, which are contained, including in tobacco smoke, and the disease develops. It is important to treat respiratory diseases at the first symptoms. A healthy lifestyle will keep the immune system strong and strengthen the body.

When performing professional duties associated with risk factors, they use protective equipment - respirators.

Pneumofibrosis causes irreversible changes in lung tissue. Therefore, it cannot be completely cured. But the process can be slowed down. Therapy, which the doctor will prescribe after clarifying the diagnosis, is aimed at supporting the condition. It is important to take preventive measures.

Causes and mechanism of development of pneumofibrosis

The causes of the disease are different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases - mycoses, tuberculosis, syphilis;
  • prolonged exposure to allergens;
  • mechanical injury;
  • high doses of radiation;
  • impact chemical compounds;
  • hereditary disorders in which fibrillar protein is intensively produced - collagen, fibronectin;
  • severe liver damage with drug addiction;
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the lung parenchyma.

The risk group includes people with a history of COPD, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Men get sick more often professional activity which are associated with risk negative impact production processes on the respiratory system - miners, miners, metallurgists.

In pneumofibrosis, chronic inflammation is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of lymph from the affected organ.. It accumulates in the interalveolar septa and vessels of the lung. The movement of blood along the capillary bed is disturbed, the vessels become sclerotic and hypoxia develops. This process activates the production of fibroblasts and collagen, which further aggravates the process of blood circulation in the small circle.

Against the backdrop of increased pulmonary pressure, dystrophic changes in the right half of the heart, it increases in size. The patient develops a syndrome cor pulmonale". This is an extremely serious condition that leads to disability and eventually death.

With the rapid progression of pneumosclerosis (pneumofibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis), a healthy parenchyma is quickly rebuilt. The structure of the acinus itself, the structural unit of the lung, changes. Glandular pseudostructures are formed, capillaries weaken, decrease in volume, bronchioles become sclerosed. The growth of connective tissue in the lungs deforms the alveoli, they are destroyed, and fibrous and cystic neoplasms appear in their place.

Against the background of destruction of the lung, their main function- providing the body with oxygen through gas exchange during respiration.

Patients develop respiratory failure with hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide in blood).

Due to impaired perfusion (throughput) of the lungs, the level of oxygen in the body decreases. The ventilation-diffuse balance is disturbed. Due to hypoventilation, the level of carbon dioxide increases.


Depending on the location and extent of lung damage, pneumosclerosis can be of several types.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis of the lungs is an overgrowth of connective tissue throughout the organ. With such a pathology, clear boundaries of the modified areas cannot be determined. Not only the lung is deformed, but also the bronchi, the vascular network.

Local pneumofibrosis of the lungs develops very slowly and is asymptomatic at the initial stages. It is characterized by damage to a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200btissues. On the x-ray seals with clear contours are visible. This type does not affect the functionality of the organ and its mechanical properties.

Focal pneumofibrosis of the lungs also has a clear location, as well as local. But differs in that inflammatory foci, as a rule, are multiple. They can affect one lung or both. The focal form develops against the background of tuberculosis, purulent-inflammatory processes (abscess).

Clinical picture of the disease

The first sign that gives reason to think about the presence of pathology in the body is shortness of breath.
. But since it does not cause tangible discomfort at first, patients do not pay attention to it.

At the initial stage of the disease, this symptom manifests itself in the form of mild shortness of breath during physical exertion, which was previously well tolerated by the person. Patients attribute this fact to fatigue, malaise, bad dream. Gradually, shortness of breath increases when walking on the street, climbing stairs. It is not easy for a person to walk long distances, to talk for a long time. AT severe cases shortness of breath manifests itself in the form of breath holding, lack of air. This state is always accompanied by panic fear.

The nature of breathing in pneumosclerosis is determined by the degree of lung damage. It is superficial, frequent, sometimes intermittent. The patient cannot do deep inhale-exhale. This is how chronic respiratory failure develops. She is long time compensated, but inevitably leads to hypoxia.

Symptoms of respiratory failure in pneumosclerosis:

  • cyanosis of the skin (pale skin with a blue tint);
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • the act of breathing is possible with the participation of auxiliary muscle groups;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • sleep disturbance - insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • prostration, chronic fatigue, decreased performance;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • on the later dates- heart failure, edema different parts body.

Against the background of airway obstruction, pneumosclerosis is always accompanied by a cough. It comes in different intensities. It intensifies in the morning after sleep, when a person begins to actively move, and calms down by the middle of the day. Cough brings temporary relief. At severe attacks it causes pain in the chest, usually behind the sternum and from the back along lower border shoulder blades.

"Pulmonary heart", which develops more intensively with pneumofibrosis of the middle lobe right lung manifested by the following clinical signs:

  • severe shortness of breath in a horizontal position (lying down);
  • pulsation in the upper abdomen, in the region of the arch of the diaphragm;
  • heart pain caused by high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation and stretching of the pulmonary arterial trunk;
  • swelling of the neck veins, which increases on inspiration;
  • blood pressure may be slightly reduced;
  • hypothermia;
  • swelling.

The consequences of such irreversible processes are unfavorable.

Diagnosis of the disease

The study of patients is complex. It includes data collection, laboratory and instrumental techniques.

In order to determine the step-by-step direction in the examination of the patient, an anamnesis is collected. The patient is asked about the place of work, all the symptoms, the duration of the course of the disease, the estimated time of the onset of the first signs.

According to the laboratory data of the general blood test, no obvious changes are observed. Slightly elevated ESR, increased leukocyte count and clotting.

On auscultation - dry scattered or fine bubbling rales, breathing hard. With percussion - the sounds are short, the mobility of the pulmonary edge is limited.

Instrumental examination methods

key diagnostic methods is an x-ray of the lungs
. It accurately allows you to determine the presence, localization and extent of lesions. The lung on the right is always slightly lower than the left. The drawing is rebuilt, looks like honeycombs or cells.

Interpretation of the results of x-rays:

  • Basal pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a fibrous lesion of segments of the lower lobe of the lung, a consequence of the transferred inflammatory processes. It is also called postpneumonic fibrosis. In the affected area on the X-ray, increased brightness and a clear pattern are visible.
  • Radical pneumofibrosis of the lungs is the proliferation of connective tissue in the region of the root of the lung, where it connects to the mediastinal organs (heart, aorta). The x-ray shows clear compacted areas.
  • Linear pulmonary fibrosis - the defeat of one or more lung segments, linear shadows are visible in the image.
  • Post-radiation pneumofibrosis is a complication after irradiation (during treatment or as a result of an accident). On the x-ray there are no clear boundaries of the affected tissue, the outlines are blurred.

For the diagnosis of structural changes in pneumofibrosis of the hilar and basal departments prescribe computed tomography, since these areas are not sufficiently visible and the replacement dystrophic process can spread to nearby organs. TC of the lungs allows layer-by-layer and detailed assessment of the degree of tissue damage, revealing their nature and dynamics of development.

To assess the functions of external respiration, patients are prescribed spirometry - a test that determines deviations in the respiratory function of the lungs. During the study, the following indicators are evaluated:

  • lung volume (the amount of air inhaled at one time);
  • breathing rate;
  • maximum ventilation rates;
  • vital capacity of the lungs;
  • forced breathing;
  • exhalation airflow rate.

Patients are also prescribed bronchoscopy. She assesses the condition of the bronchi in the affected lung. With diffuse pneumosclerosis, no changes are observed, and with local ones, destructive transformations of the bronchial tree are possible.

During a bronchoscopy, a sample of lavage fluid is taken from the lung. Cytological examination of the biomaterial allows you to determine the etiology of the disease.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is palliative, aimed at maintaining general condition patient and stop or slow down dystrophic processes in the organ.

Drug treatment involves the fight against an infectious factor - fungi, bacteria, viruses:

  • To improve the drainage function of the bronchial tree appoint antispasmodic drugs- Norepinephrine, Teofedrin, Isadrin, Fenoterol.
  • In severe cases, pulmonary fibrosis can be treated hormonal means groups of corticosteroids - Cortisone, Prednisolone. They relieve the severity of inflammation, reduce the immune response.
  • To eliminate airway obstruction, relieve cough and sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs (expectorants) are shown - Lazolvan, Erespal, Ascoril.
  • For decreasing severe pain in the chest area, patients are recommended non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.
  • To maintain the work of the heart muscle and saturate it with oxygen, cardiac glycosides are shown - Adonizide, Strofantin, Digoxin. To nourish the myocardium, patients take potassium preparations - Panangin, Asparkam.
  • AT without fail prescribe angioprotectors - Actovegin, Cardioxipin, Vasonit, Bilobil. They improve microcirculation by relaxing the smooth muscles of blood vessels, increase permeability, relieve swelling.

Structural lesions of the lungs are accompanied by intoxication of the body. To eliminate it, I use a universal detoxifying agent - Penicillamine. The drug has an effect on immune system, inhibits the production of certain types of leukocytes, also disrupts the synthesis of collagen, which is extremely important in pneumofibrosis. The medicine is available in capsules for oral administration.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe chronic pathology which debilitates the body. Patients lose weight. Therefore, as part of complex drug treatment, vitamin preparations groups B and E.

It is not advisable to treat pneumofibrosis of the lungs with folk remedies. Medicinal herbs can be used as a general strengthening therapy to support the immune system.

Patients must be treated twice a year in a hospital.


To combat hypoxia of tissues and organs, oxygen therapy is indicated - blood oxygen saturation

The patient is connected to a special device through which the gas mixture is supplied in the required proportions. Thus, oxygen deficiency is temporarily eliminated.

O 2 supply methods:

  • through a mask if a person breathes on his own;
  • through a nasal catheter (if there is a need for a constant supply of oxygen);
  • through an endotracheal tube if the patient is unconscious;
  • by placing the patient in a pressure chamber.

Other physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, the use of currents) are ineffective for pneumofibrotic changes.

To combat shortness of breath, strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve the quality of life, patients undergo a rehabilitation course physiotherapy exercises. Classes are held under the supervision of medical staff with clearly dosed physical activity.

Doing sports on your own is strictly contraindicated. Incorrect calculation of the loads on the heart and lungs can lead to fatal consequences.

Preventive actions

Prevention of pneumofibrosis includes measures that reduce the risk of developing the disease.

In industries with an increased risk of exposure to chemical compounds on the body, the rules of safety, labor protection and rest must be strictly observed. People whose professional activities are associated with risks are recommended to undergo annual treatment in a dispensary, in a mountainous area or near the sea.

Also it is important to exclude household factors - smoking, inhalation of vapors chemical liquids(chlorine). Once a year, you need to undergo a fluorography and medical examination ( preventive examination doctors).

If a person leads a healthy and active image life, the risks of disease are reduced many times over.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe lung disease with a poor outcome. It is dangerous to human life, and it cannot be completely cured. If the pathology is not detected in time, then maximum duration life will not exceed 5 years. In a critically ill patient, supportive care will delay fatal outcome for 3-5 months.

Classification of the disease, its symptoms

AT medical practice pneumofibrosis of local and diffuse type. A disease of a local type is characterized by compaction of a separate fragment of the lung. There are no obvious violations of gas exchange processes. Diffuse pneumofibrosis of the lungs leads to the fact that they lose their original structure and shape, their density increases, and ventilation is disturbed.

According to medical sources, pneumofibrosis is divided into radical and linear. The linear form of the disease is a consequence of past tuberculosis or infections.

Where does hilar pneumofibrosis science is not known. It makes itself felt after the patient has had bronchitis or pneumonia. Pneumofibrosis rarely occurs as independent disease. Its appearance is preceded by a number of provoking factors, which include:

Depending on how long the patient goes to the doctor, he is diagnosed with a progressive or non-progressive stage of pneumofibrosis. The non-progressive form of the disease is characterized by the absence of severe symptoms.

In this case, treatment of pneumofibrosis with folk remedies is allowed. The progressive form is dangerous with complications. Relapses of the disease can disturb a person throughout life. It should be remembered that a disease such as pneumofibrosis is more typical for men.

Why is pneumofibrosis dangerous? Pneumofibrosis - insidious disease. The growth of tissue leads to a decrease in the lungs and the appearance of respiratory failure. Pressure in pulmonary artery increases. This process cannot be stopped or corrected. Death occurs as a result of complications.

Signs of pulmonary fibrosis appear if the connective tissue has grown in both lungs. The first and main symptom of the disease is shortness of breath. At the first stage, it worries a person after physical exertion, later, when he is at rest.

Other symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis include:

  • cough accompanied by sputum and pus;
  • the skin becomes bluish;
  • pain in the chest, aggravated by coughing;
  • prostration;
  • body temperature is unstable;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • swelling of the neck veins;
  • wheezing and squeaking in the lungs, especially on expiration.

However, in the picture of the disease appear concomitant signs disease causing pneumofibrosis.

Many patients diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis fear that it is cancer. Despite the resemblance clinical picture, pneumofibrosis does not apply to oncological diseases.

Treatment methods for pneumofibrosis

Pneumofibrosis requires timely complex treatment. It is impossible to get rid of it completely, but it is possible to reduce the likelihood of relapses with adequate and timely treatment.

The specialist is able to determine how to treat pneumofibrosis by determining the causes of its occurrence. If focal pneumofibrosis appeared due to inflammation, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. An additional method are procedures aimed at better sputum discharge.

Surgery is indicated when aggressive external causes pneumofibrosis. Additional measure- treatment of respiratory failure.

Preventive measures are aimed at eliminating and reducing provoking factors. If a person's profession is associated with toxic fumes, it is necessary to use respiratory protection. In addition, the work area must be ventilated.

As additional methods of prevention, doctors recommend hardening, increasing physical activity, do therapeutic breathing exercises, stop smoking.

With the development of pneumofibrosis, the volume of the lungs decreases, respiratory failure appears. The lungs shrink, along with it the structure of the bronchi is disturbed. The prognosis is determined by the severity of the course of the disease. If pneumofibrosis is diagnosed on late stage, the prognosis is poor.

Folk methods

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs, infusions and compresses.

It is not rational to treat pneumofibrosis exclusively with folk remedies. First of all, you should use the methods of official medicine.

Many medicinal plants can cause allergies. Before starting therapy, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications. Treatment of pneumofibrosis and smoking are incompatible.

Breathing exercises in the fight against pneumofibrosis

Breathing exercises are the most available remedy lung treatment. Physiotherapy improves gas exchange, facilitating the patient's condition. Dynamic exercises and diaphragmatic breathing help to improve the mechanical properties of the lungs.

A classic example of an exercise is exhaling with resistance. To do this, you need a glass and a straw. Having collected full lungs of air, you need to slowly exhale air through the straw. The duration of the exercise is 10-15 minutes, the number of repetitions is 4-5. It can be repeated several times a day.

At adequate treatment it is possible to stop the pathological process. Over time, breathing will return to normal, disappear characteristics reduce the risk of other diseases. A person must maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and systematically control the process of growth of lung tissue.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a chronic pathology in which the parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue.. In the affected organ, scarring occurs against the background of a sluggish inflammatory process. Gradually, the respiratory and gas exchange function is lost and develops pulmonary insufficiency. The degeneration of healthy tissue is irreversible, and the task of medicine is to stop the progression of the disease and maintain the health of the patient. It is impossible to cure pneumofibrosis and restore the lungs.

Causes and mechanism of development of pneumofibrosis

The causes of the disease are different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases - mycoses, tuberculosis, syphilis;
  • prolonged exposure to allergens;
  • mechanical injury;
  • high doses of radiation;
  • exposure to chemical compounds;
  • hereditary disorders in which fibrillar protein is intensively produced - collagen, fibronectin;
  • severe liver damage with drug addiction;
  • long-term use of drugs that have a toxic effect on the lung parenchyma.

The risk group includes people with a history of COPD, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Men are more often ill, whose professional activity is associated with the risk of negative impact of production processes on the respiratory system - miners, miners, metallurgists.

In pneumofibrosis, chronic inflammation is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of lymph from the affected organ.. It accumulates in the interalveolar septa and vessels of the lung. The movement of blood along the capillary bed is disturbed, the vessels become sclerotic and hypoxia develops. This process activates the production of fibroblasts and collagen, which further aggravates the process of blood circulation in the small circle.

Against the background of increased pulmonary pressure, dystrophic changes occur in the right half of the heart, it increases in size. The patient develops cor pulmonale syndrome. This is an extremely serious condition that leads to disability and eventually death.

With the rapid progression of pneumosclerosis (pneumofibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis), a healthy parenchyma is quickly rebuilt. The structure of the acinus itself, the structural unit of the lung, changes. Glandular pseudostructures are formed, capillaries weaken, decrease in volume, bronchioles become sclerosed. The growth of connective tissue in the lungs deforms the alveoli, they are destroyed, and fibrous and cystic neoplasms appear in their place.

Against the background of lung destruction, their main function is disrupted - providing the body with oxygen through gas exchange during breathing.

Patients develop respiratory failure with hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide in the blood).

Due to impaired perfusion (throughput) of the lungs, the level of oxygen in the body decreases. The ventilation-diffuse balance is disturbed. Due to hypoventilation, the level of carbon dioxide increases.


Depending on the location and extent of lung damage, pneumosclerosis can be of several types.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis of the lungs is an overgrowth of connective tissue throughout the organ. With such a pathology, clear boundaries of the modified areas cannot be determined. Not only the lung is deformed, but also the bronchi, the vascular network.

Local pneumofibrosis of the lungs develops very slowly and is asymptomatic at the initial stages. It is characterized by damage to a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200btissues. The x-ray shows seals with clear contours. This type does not affect the functionality of the organ and its mechanical properties.

Focal pneumofibrosis of the lungs also has a clear location, as well as local. But differs in that inflammatory foci, as a rule, are multiple. They can affect one lung or both. The focal form develops against the background of tuberculosis, purulent-inflammatory processes (abscess).

Clinical picture of the disease

The first sign that gives reason to think about the presence of pathology in the body is shortness of breath.
. But since it does not cause tangible discomfort at first, patients do not pay attention to it.

At the initial stage of the disease, this symptom manifests itself in the form of mild shortness of breath during physical exertion, which was previously well tolerated by the person. Patients attribute this fact to fatigue, malaise, poor sleep. Gradually, shortness of breath increases when walking on the street, climbing stairs. It is not easy for a person to walk long distances, to talk for a long time. In severe cases, shortness of breath manifests itself in the form of breath holding, lack of air. This state is always accompanied by panic fear.

The nature of breathing in pneumosclerosis is determined by the degree of lung damage. It is superficial, frequent, sometimes intermittent. The patient is unable to take a deep breath. This is how chronic respiratory failure develops. It is compensated for a long time, but inevitably leads to hypoxia.

Symptoms of respiratory failure in pneumosclerosis:

  • cyanosis of the skin (pale skin with a blue tint);
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • the act of breathing is possible with the participation of auxiliary muscle groups;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • sleep disturbance - insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • loss of strength, chronic fatigue, decreased performance;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • in the later stages - heart failure, swelling of different parts of the body.

Against the background of airway obstruction, pneumosclerosis is always accompanied by a cough. It comes in different intensities. It intensifies in the morning after sleep, when a person begins to actively move, and calms down by the middle of the day. Cough brings temporary relief. With severe attacks, it causes pain in the chest, usually behind the sternum and from the back along the lower border of the shoulder blades.

"Pulmonary heart", which develops more intensively with pneumofibrosis of the middle lobe of the right lung, is manifested by such clinical signs:

  • severe shortness of breath in a horizontal position (lying down);
  • pulsation in the upper abdomen, in the region of the arch of the diaphragm;
  • heart pains provoked by increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation and stretching of the pulmonary arterial trunk;
  • swelling of the neck veins, which increases on inspiration;
  • blood pressure may be slightly reduced;
  • hypothermia;
  • swelling.

The consequences of such irreversible processes are unfavorable.

Diagnosis of the disease

The study of patients is complex. It includes data collection, laboratory and instrumental techniques.

In order to determine the step-by-step direction in the examination of the patient, an anamnesis is collected. The patient is asked about the place of work, all the symptoms, the duration of the course of the disease, the estimated time of the onset of the first signs.

According to the laboratory data of the general blood test, no obvious changes are observed. Slightly elevated ESR, increased leukocyte count and clotting.

On auscultation - dry scattered or fine bubbling rales, hard breathing. With percussion - the sounds are short, the mobility of the pulmonary edge is limited.

Instrumental examination methods

X-ray of the lungs is the key diagnostic method.
. It accurately allows you to determine the presence, localization and extent of lesions. The lung on the right is always slightly lower than the left. The drawing is rebuilt, looks like honeycombs or cells.

Interpretation of the results of x-rays:

  • Basal pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a fibrous lesion of segments of the lower lobe of the lung, a consequence of the transferred inflammatory processes. It is also called postpneumonic fibrosis. In the affected area on the X-ray, increased brightness and a clear pattern are visible.
  • Radical pneumofibrosis of the lungs is the proliferation of connective tissue in the region of the root of the lung, where it connects to the mediastinal organs (heart, aorta). The x-ray shows clear compacted areas.
  • Linear pneumofibrosis of the lungs - the defeat of one or more segments of the lung, linear shadows are visible on the picture.
  • Post-radiation pneumofibrosis is a complication after irradiation (during treatment or as a result of an accident). On the x-ray there are no clear boundaries of the affected tissue, the outlines are blurred.

To diagnose structural changes in pneumofibrosis of the basal and basal sections, computed tomography is prescribed, since these areas are not sufficiently visible and the replacement dystrophic process can spread to nearby organs. TC of the lungs allows layer-by-layer and detailed assessment of the degree of tissue damage, revealing their nature and dynamics of development.

To assess the functions of external respiration, patients are prescribed spirometry - a test that determines deviations in the respiratory function of the lungs. During the study, the following indicators are evaluated:

  • lung volume (the amount of air inhaled at one time);
  • breathing rate;
  • maximum ventilation rates;
  • vital capacity of the lungs;
  • forced breathing;
  • exhalation airflow rate.

Patients are also prescribed bronchoscopy. She assesses the condition of the bronchi in the affected lung. With diffuse pneumosclerosis, no changes are observed, and with local ones, destructive transformations of the bronchial tree are possible.

During a bronchoscopy, a sample of lavage fluid is taken from the lung. Cytological examination of the biomaterial allows you to determine the etiology of the disease.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is palliative, aimed at maintaining the general condition of the patient and stopping or slowing down dystrophic processes in the organ.

Drug treatment involves the fight against an infectious factor - fungi, bacteria, viruses:

  • To improve the drainage function of the bronchial tree, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed - Norepinephrine, Teofedrin, Isadrin, Fenoterol.
  • In severe cases, pulmonary fibrosis can be treated with hormonal agents of the corticosteroid group - Cortisone, Prednisolone. They relieve the severity of inflammation, reduce the immune response.
  • To eliminate airway obstruction, relieve cough and sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs (expectorants) are shown - Lazolvan, Erespal, Ascoril.
  • To reduce severe pain in the chest area, patients are recommended non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.
  • To maintain the work of the heart muscle and saturate it with oxygen, cardiac glycosides are shown - Adonizide, Strofantin, Digoxin. To nourish the myocardium, patients take potassium preparations - Panangin, Asparkam.
  • It is mandatory to prescribe angioprotectors - Actovegin, Cardioxipin, Vasonit, Bilobil. They improve microcirculation by relaxing the smooth muscles of blood vessels, increase permeability, relieve swelling.

Structural lesions of the lungs are accompanied by intoxication of the body. To eliminate it, I use a universal detoxifying agent - Penicillamine. The drug affects the immune system, inhibits the production of certain types of leukocytes, and also disrupts collagen synthesis, which is extremely important for pneumofibrosis. The medicine is available in capsules for oral administration.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe chronic pathology that weakens the body. Patients lose weight. Therefore, as part of a complex drug treatment, vitamin preparations of groups B and E are prescribed.

It is not advisable to treat pneumofibrosis of the lungs with folk remedies. Medicinal herbs can be used as a general strengthening therapy to support the immune system.

Patients must be treated twice a year in a hospital.


To combat hypoxia of tissues and organs, oxygen therapy is indicated - blood oxygen saturation

The patient is connected to a special device through which the gas mixture is supplied in the required proportions. Thus, oxygen deficiency is temporarily eliminated.

O 2 supply methods:

  • through a mask if a person breathes on his own;
  • through a nasal catheter (if there is a need for a constant supply of oxygen);
  • through an endotracheal tube if the patient is unconscious;
  • by placing the patient in a pressure chamber.

Other physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, the use of currents) are ineffective for pneumofibrotic changes.

To combat shortness of breath, strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve the quality of life, patients undergo a rehabilitation course of physical therapy. Classes are held under the supervision of medical staff with clearly dosed physical activity.

Doing sports on your own is strictly contraindicated. Incorrect calculation of the loads on the heart and lungs can lead to fatal consequences.

Preventive actions

Prevention of pneumofibrosis includes measures that reduce the risk of developing the disease.

In industries with an increased risk of exposure to chemical compounds on the body, the rules of safety, labor protection and rest must be strictly observed. People whose professional activities are associated with risks are recommended to undergo annual treatment in a dispensary, in a mountainous area or near the sea.

Also it is important to exclude household factors - smoking, inhalation of vapors of chemical liquids (chlorine). Once a year, you need to undergo fluorography and medical examination (prophylactic examination of doctors).

If a person leads a healthy and active lifestyle, then the risks of the disease are reduced many times over.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe lung disease with a poor outcome. It is dangerous to human life, and it cannot be completely cured. If pathology is not detected in a timely manner, then the maximum life expectancy will not exceed 5 years.. In an extremely serious condition of the patient, maintenance therapy will delay the death by 3-5 months.

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