Healthy lungs. The main components of a healthy lifestyle are factors that affect our health. Balanced nutrition in a healthy lifestyle

Every modern person needs to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. In many cities, the ecological situation leaves much to be desired, the modern pace of life dictates new rules of human behavior, the present stress factor makes one make rash decisions. All this creates a large group of adverse factors affecting human health. And as a result, exacerbation of chronic diseases, neurosis, insomnia, diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system. Digestion suffers from malnutrition. Alas, we are constantly in a hurry and cannot adhere to proper nutrition. lie in the activity of a person, in his desire to move, to lead a correct way of life.

Factors affecting health

Hereditary factors largely determine the state of human health. It has been scientifically proven that the future health of a child is formed in the womb. Therefore, during pregnancy it is very important to take care of yourself and your unborn baby.

External factors also negatively affect the human body. Smoking, alcohol, drugs - this is what gradually kills us. Smokers die from cardiovascular diseases ten times more often than non-smokers. And people suffering from alcoholism gradually kill their liver.

But in addition to negative external factors, what we already know about from childhood, are also influenced by external environmental factors. For example, bad environment. In the cities of millionaires, with a large number of cars, a rich transport system, the ecology has been greatly changed. A bad ecological situation affects the occurrence of oncological, allergic diseases and diseases of the respiratory system. The level of development of medicine plays an important role for human life. Our health is not only in our hands, but also in the hands of doctors. Therefore, the treatment of the disease depends on their qualifications.

HLS - a healthy lifestyle

The concept of healthy lifestyle combines the concepts of physical and mental health, preventive measures to strengthen one's spirit and body. Active lifestyle. Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. , positive emotions - all this contributes to longevity. It is also important that the family has a motivation for a healthy lifestyle. If there are people in the family who suffer from bad habits, or people who have been malnourished throughout their lives, then it is unlikely that the child will be able to have the right sports motivation and interest in a healthy lifestyle.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle

From early childhood, a daily routine is formed in a child, a desire to play sports is instilled. Parents should talk about the harmfulness of bad habits. Healthy lifestyle is basis of human health.

Everything in a person's life should be measured. Work and rest should alternate. Any work must have rest. It is impossible to constantly be in stressful situations. A person should be able to relax: chatting with friends, listening to light music, walking in the forest, for this you can change the environment, you can use meditation, yoga.

About proper nutrition

A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of every person's life. To get rid of many diseases, to improve your health, to increase activity, it is necessary. Nutrition must be balanced. The required amount of fats, carbohydrates, protein.

The diet should include meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and various cereals. In the summer, be sure to eat a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. Fiber must be included in the diet for good digestion. In the spring, when the body needs vitamins and trace elements, it is possible to use various pharmacy multivitamins.

Let's not forget healthy sleep. You need at least 8 hours of sleep to feel refreshed in the morning. For better sleep, you can use herbal teas or evening walks. The ability to control one's emotional state leads to favorable relationships in the family. Family stress is devastating for both parents and children.

About physical activity

It is impossible to talk about a healthy lifestyle without touching on sports. Lying on the couch, eating healthy food, it is impossible to achieve a healthy body. Calories eaten should be spent, not stored. Therefore, you can do training in the gym, you can ride a bike, you can go jogging through the forest. Yoga is now popular.

Physical activity gives improvements in all indicators of our body's activity. In addition to improving your health, you will learn to control your emotional state. People who exercise are more resistant to stress factors. People engaged in physical activity have a healthy sleep and a good mood during the day.

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle

It is necessary to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle with the right and healthy motivation. From childhood, it is necessary to instill in the child an interest in sports and work. Teach your child to exercise, the daily routine. Every person, even deeply occupied with a career, can and is able to do morning exercises. It will not take much time, only 10 minutes, but you are guaranteed vital activity and positive emotions.

The results of striving for a healthy lifestyle may not be immediately visible. It is important to have perseverance and perseverance to achieve goals. You should not be afraid of difficulties on the way, and then you will succeed. If you have changed your diet, then it is important to stick to it. If you decide to throw off a couple of extra pounds, then do not go away from this goal, do not let yourself relax. Keep yourself in good shape.

If you decide to quit bad habits, then you don’t need to return to them or make exceptions for yourself and feel sorry for yourself. You will immediately feel the results of getting rid of bad habits. A smoker who has quit smoking will feel that he has stopped choking when walking up the stairs. A person who has stopped drinking alcohol will feel more vitality, feel that he has a family and support. In case of illness, it is also necessary to be motivated to recover, follow the doctor's instructions and take care of yourself. Only purposeful people who want to defeat the disease are cured the fastest.

7 foundations of a healthy lifestyle

Exist seven pillars of a healthy lifestyle:

      • Proper and balanced nutrition
      • Avoidance of bad habits
      • Physical activity
      • Raising children's motivation for a healthy lifestyle
      • Alternating work and leisure
      • Healthy sleep
      • Be attentive to your health, undergo medical examinations on time

By following these simple rules, you can achieve good health, good mood, and vitality. By eating right, you can strengthen your immune system. High vital activity will give you the opportunity to communicate more, expand the circle of contacts, circle of interests. A healthy lifestyle can bring new hobbies to your family, and they, in turn, will bring more mutual understanding.

Healthy lifestyle principles

Many modern people have a car. Yes, it is convenient, but with the presence of a car, our motor activity decreases. A person stops walking, moving even to the store by car. Here you need to find the golden mean. At least on weekends, try to give up the car, take a walk, and at best, change to a bicycle.

The principles of healthy eating completely exclude your favorite fast food. If there is no time for a full and balanced lunch, then kefirs, yogurts, which can be bought at any supermarket, will help. Avoid large amounts of coffee. Replace coffee with green tea, especially in the heat. Green tea is healthier, speeds up metabolism, and quenches thirst better.

Do not forget about mental and intellectual activity. Solve crossword puzzles, read books, learn foreign languages. Mental activity also refers to the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Spend more time with your family going out of town, walking in the woods, going to the river in summer, skiing and skating in winter. Life is beautiful when it is full of activity, good mood and positive emotions.

The definition of what a healthy lifestyle is is quite broad. It includes a lot of interconnected moments that together help a person feel active, strong and happy.

Definition of the concepts of "health", "healthy lifestyle"

Health is a state of the body, all functional systems of which fully perform their functions. This phenomenon can also be characterized as the absence of diseases and physical defects.

It is also worth paying attention to the definition of what a healthy lifestyle is. This is human behavior aimed at strengthening the immune system, preventing diseases and creating a satisfactory state of health.

If we consider this concept from the point of view of philosophy, then this is not just a way of life of a particular person. This is a society problem. If you look from the perspective of psychology, then healthy lifestyle is considered as a motivation, and from a medical point of view, it is a way to improve health.

Prerequisites for the development of the healthy lifestyle concept

Among other things, it is necessary to find out exactly what prerequisites helped to define the named phenomenon. Healthy began to be of particular interest to society in the 70s of the last century. This was due to the fact that the development of scientific and technical progress has radically changed a person's life, due to which the issue of strengthening immunity and increasing life expectancy has become acute.

As for the present, the doctors sounded the alarm. Given the improvement in working conditions (compared to past centuries), the expansion of opportunities for obtaining quality food and the availability of sufficient free time, life expectancy is nevertheless constantly decreasing. This is due to the fact that people have become more passive and susceptible to harmful influences. The number of diseases is growing rapidly.

Based on the foregoing, a healthy lifestyle is important not only for a particular person, but also for society as a whole. Only those who feel good can be active and do their job well. Following helps a person to become a valuable member of society.

and its components

Healthy lifestyle is a systemic phenomenon that consists of many components. These include several components:

  1. Education and from early childhood (in the family and educational institutions).
  2. Creating a safe environment that promotes the all-round development of the body and does not harm health.
  3. Rejection of bad habits and the formation of a negative attitude towards them.
  4. Developing a food culture that encourages eating healthy foods in moderation.
  5. The need for regular physical activity, the intensity of which corresponds to the age and general condition of the body.
  6. Knowledge and observance of the rules of hygiene (both personal and public).

Key Aspects

It should be noted that HLS has a rather versatile definition. What is a healthy lifestyle can be formulated with confidence, given the combination of several aspects:

  1. Physical involves maintaining good health and strengthening the body's defense mechanisms.
  2. Emotional - the ability to control emotions, adequately respond to problems.
  3. Intellectual - the ability to search for the necessary information and its rational use.
  4. Spiritual - the ability to set life guidelines and follow them.

How a healthy lifestyle is formed

The definition of "healthy lifestyle" is not limited to physical condition and satisfactory well-being. This is a multifaceted phenomenon, the formation of which occurs at several levels.

So, propaganda is carried out on the social, which is carried out by educational institutions, the media and public organizations. The infrastructural level implies changes in living conditions, material and physical capabilities, the implementation of preventive measures, as well as control of the environmental situation. And personal - a person's own motives, his life values ​​​​and the organization of life.

A person's desire for self-improvement in the physical plane has a specific definition. What is a healthy lifestyle, you can answer by listing the whole range of targeted actions that are aimed at improving the functional state of the body. If you want to follow this philosophy, start following these guidelines:

  • Start every morning with a workout. Physical activity allows you to activate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.
  • Plan your meals so that you consume as many nutrients as possible. In winter and spring, when there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables, drink a vitamin complex.
  • Practice hardening, which will save you from colds and strengthen the nervous system. Start by washing with cool water, gradually moving on to rubbing and dousing.
  • Be sure to consume protein, which is found in meat, fish, dairy and cereal products. It is this substance that is responsible for the formation of the immune system.
  • Nutritionists recommend drinking 5 cups of quality black tea daily. It saturates the body with theanine, which strengthens the body's protective barriers.
  • Monitor your emotional state. Protect yourself from negativity and stress. Listen to calm music, watch funny movies, enjoy nature.
  • Make time for meditation. Even if you are not familiar with this practice, just relax for a few minutes, immerse yourself in yourself and try not to think about anything.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol destroy the immune system. However, a moderate amount of quality alcohol, for example for a holiday, will not harm you.
  • Every day, 7-8 hours should be devoted to sleep in order to fully restore the body's strength for further fruitful work. And don't sleep too long either.
  • Don't forget about hygiene. Washing hands before every meal and after visiting public places is a must.

Compliance with the daily routine

As you can already see, a healthy lifestyle consists of many elements. Its basic concepts and definitions are numerous components that make up the complex structure of a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps the most important role is played by the correct regimen of the day. If there is a clear schedule, the body begins to work automatically. Thus, fewer resources are spent on the performance of certain tasks. It also significantly reduces stress.

The human body is a complex mechanism, in which interruptions can begin if treated carelessly. The first thing you should pay attention to is a good sleep. Go to bed and wake up at the same time. In addition, sleep and wakefulness should coincide, respectively, with the dark and light hours of the day.

No more than 8 hours per day should be assigned to work. At the same time, active work should be accompanied by short, but regular periods of complete relaxation. This applies not only to professional duties, but also to household chores.


Nutrition plays a decisive role in such a task as the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Determining the right diet helps to saturate the body with all the necessary substances that will ensure its smooth operation. Healthy eating includes the following:

  • reduction in the amount of animal fats;
  • refusal of fatty meats (preference should be given to poultry);
  • rejection of fast carbohydrates (sweets, fast food, muffins);
  • fractional meals (frequent, but in small portions);
  • refusal of a late dinner;
  • intensive fluid intake;
  • eating fresh foods that have undergone minimal heat treatment (or without it at all);
  • matching the amount of consumed and consumed energy.


To ensure the smooth functioning of all body systems, as well as good health, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. It takes a lot of willpower to get on this path. Nevertheless, after a while it will become a habit, and the healthy lifestyle rules will be carried out automatically. You will work productively and look younger.

A healthy lifestyle is a very common concept today, which is largely interpreted by each person in his own way. Someone invests in this concept more physical, someone - spiritual.

One aspect of a healthy lifestyle is keeping your body in good physical condition. The tool for this, each person chooses his own sport, fitness and so on. We will talk about yoga as a priority way of leading a healthy lifestyle. ? Since yoga is more focused on spiritual health, while not depriving physical health of its attention, it is the most effective method of healthy lifestyle.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle

In order to understand what a healthy lifestyle is, let's take a closer look at each of its components:

  1. . Under the system of proper nutrition is meant the rejection of any food that is harmful to our body. This refers to any products containing harmful chemical additives, carbonated drinks, fried foods, any spices and salt, fatty dairy products. Eat more vegetables and fruits, all kinds of cereal-based cereals. Determine for yourself the time of each meal throughout the day and exclude late dinners, and above all, minimize your portions. Try to give regular rest to your digestive system. It is also advisable to refrain from eating animal flesh. Vegetarianism offers us the most rational nutrition program. Since we have chosen the teachings of yoga as a companion in the difficult process of leading a healthy lifestyle, we must follow its main principle - ahimsa, or non-violence. Thus, having freed our stomach from meat, we will cleanse not only our body, but also our karmic energy;
  2. Abstinence from alcohol, smoking, drugs. Here it is very important to come to the realization that these addictions not only negatively affect us as a physical body, but also suppress our ability to think sensibly - this is exactly what the yoga teaching calls us to do. How can we lead a healthy lifestyle if our mind is drugged and we lose the ability to control not only our lives, but our behavior in individual situations?;
  3. Constant physical activity. If a person constantly improves his body, he improves his spirit, his will and his consciousness, and it is the spiritual component that is primary here. The practice of yoga is, first of all, discipline, fortitude and the ability to achieve the goal. Only through continuous work on ourselves, our physical body, we improve internally;
  4. The principle of healthy sleep and healthy wakefulness. It is important to give your body the right hours of sleep, then the hours of wakefulness will be the most productive. At the same time, you need to listen to yourself and understand how many hours of sleep you need. For example, if your body is ready to wake up and start a new day at five o'clock in the morning, you should not lie in bed until seven o'clock, being in a state of idle laziness and waiting for your alarm clock to ring. If you need to rest, say, only six hours - that's great! The remaining 1.5-2 hours before you need to start gathering for work, you can devote to meditation and asana practice. Thus, you will organize your thoughts and plan the coming day;
  5. Constant striving for self-development. The more new information we receive, the clearer it becomes the realization that we know nothing and there is a whole abyss of new ahead. The same applies to the capabilities of our body. The work on oneself is endless, one is engaged in it all one's life;
  6. Rationalization of own time. How often before going to bed we complain that during the day we do not have enough time. In fact, there is enough time for everything, you just need to learn how to use it rationally and set priorities for yourself correctly. You should not waste your time on what is secondary. However, putting your own interests first is wrong. First of all, you need to take care of others, and then your care and participation in the lives of other people will return a hundredfold;
  7. Pious behavior. It is necessary in all situations to behave appropriately, not to stoop to swearing, hatred and other destructive emotions. It is important to treat people kindly, with respect, and not only at work, but also in public places, theaters and so on. Just think that if you start behaving like this everywhere: at home, with your children - they will carry the example of such attitudes to school, to university - in this way, our society will take one more step towards recovery.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is very difficult at first, because it is inherent in a person to follow his desires. However, over time, having accustomed himself to the system, a person no longer imagines a different way of life. Enlisting the support of an experienced yoga teacher, you will learn how to go from simple to complex, gradually mastering each of the components of a healthy lifestyle. You should not overload your body and rush into the pool with your head - this will do more harm than good, start with a balanced diet and pure thoughts, everything steel will flow out.

HLS and its components

As we have already found out, a healthy lifestyle is a whole set of components, the main of which are:

  • Healthy diet;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Compliance with the daily routine.

It is noteworthy that these components are generally recognized, but not the only ones. This, so to speak, is the basis of a healthy lifestyle, however, if you take these basics for granted, some kind of painful duty, this idea will not bring anything good.

Turning to the practice of yoga, you will undoubtedly learn to perceive a healthy lifestyle as a goal that you want (!) to strive for. Among other things, you will supplement the already existing foundations and greatly expand their list at your own discretion. In this sense, the experience of group yoga sessions is very interesting, during which you will exchange your knowledge with other practitioners and learn a lot of new things for yourself.

The basics that make up a healthy lifestyle

It is clear that a healthy lifestyle relies on two very important foundations:

  1. The basis is physical;
  2. The basis is spiritual.

The physical basis includes those activities that are aimed only at the health of our body. When all our organs and systems function normally, our life becomes richer and brighter, we are not distracted by illness, pain, and so on. Of course, it is difficult to develop habits of non-smoking, non-drinking of alcohol and proper nutrition within yourself, but it is quite possible. The situation with the spiritual basis is much more complicated. It is more polyhedral, it contains countless aspects. Awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle based on spiritual foundations does not come to a person immediately. As a rule, in youth, a person is more prone to following fashion trends: he begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, not realizing the full depth of this concept. However, at a certain age, the understanding comes that a person seems to be physically healthy, but does not experience much happiness. That's when the painful search for ways of spiritual perfection begins.

The physical basis of a healthy lifestyle is impossible without a spiritual basis, they complement each other, unfortunately, the realization of this fact comes to a person at a later age. As a result, we all understand that changing the world for the better should start with ourselves.

The concept of healthy lifestyle and its components

You can talk about a healthy lifestyle endlessly, and the more we delve into the essence of the concept, the more important additions appear. However, based on the above, you can try to define a healthy lifestyle.

So, a healthy lifestyle is a system of activities, both physical and spiritual, which are aimed at maintaining human life, relying on all aspects of existence (health, career, family, leisure, friendship, and so on) at a decent level. As mentioned above, each person determines the components of a healthy lifestyle for himself, the fundamental ones are: moderate and natural plant foods, daily routine and abstinence from bad habits. It is very important on this difficult path to enlist the support of like-minded people and find your ideal method of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle today is a hot topic for any person, whether it is an adult or a child, a schoolboy or a student. Sometimes in the family, the culture of a healthy lifestyle is taught by parents in children, starting from preschool age. Kindergartens, schools, and the media are now actively promoting a healthy lifestyle and its constituent elements: physical education, gymnastics, and a variety of diets. This trend has its reasons.

The thing is that modern life requires from a person large investments of his labor, time and, most importantly, health in order to achieve his own goals. The situation is also aggravated by bad ecology, sedentary working conditions, low-quality products and poor diet, harmful radiation from a variety of equipment and many other factors that can affect our mental and physical well-being. Despite the fact that modern medicine has achieved significant success in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, it often turns out to be powerless in cases where the human body is no longer able to fight the disease even with the help of drugs and medical measures. In order to avoid such cases, you need to know and follow special preventive techniques and rules that are the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

In this training, we invite you to take a series of free online lessons on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, form healthy eating habits, exercise and sports, how to build an optimal daily routine, and maintain your mental health. The course program is designed to help everyone form their own healthy lifestyle system.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle, or what is it?

Healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) is a skill of a person, which consists in the ability to perform special actions (or vice versa, to refuse to perform such actions) aimed at maintaining and improving his health and preventing diseases.

Disease prevention called a system of measures to prevent or eliminate the causes of disease. Prevention can be of different levels: primary prevention is a system of measures to eliminate the causes and factors of diseases, secondary prevention is the prevention of the progression of an existing disease, and tertiary prevention is the prevention of recurrence of diseases. Within the framework of a healthy lifestyle, it is customary to consider the primary prevention of diseases.

Have the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle - it means to have special knowledge about what is healthy and what is not, how to discipline yourself, build the right daily routine, as well as perform special procedures and eat the right food.

Why lead a healthy life?

Each of us has our own physical and mental characteristics, some of which are transmitted to us at the genetic level. Someone, without doing any physical exercises and special dietary recommendations, always remains in good shape, someone is not prone to colds, and in winter it is impossible to infect with acute respiratory infections, someone is able to sleep 4 hours a day and stay alert . All these abilities are more of an exception to the rule, peculiar only to some people. And we can certainly say that in the world there is no ideally healthy person who has all the advantages listed above. That is why it is important for us to know our weaknesses and be able to take all necessary measures in order to prevent diseases. This is the role of a healthy lifestyle.

The application of healthy lifestyle knowledge can be useful to any person in a variety of situations, for example, it will allow:

  1. Correctly educate children (parents, teachers, educators and teachers).
  2. Live longer and feel better - absolutely everyone.
  3. Do not ruin the health in youth for everyone who studies a lot in the student's bench, and who works tirelessly to climb the career ladder.
  4. Organize events and make the right decisions if you are involved in the organization of human pastime, for example, you are an employer, school principal or university president.

It should be noted that a healthy lifestyle culture affects the quality of life of any person, which is associated with the achievement of longevity, the ability to fully perform social functions and actively participate in the family, work, and social life of society.

How to learn it

Many of us sometimes think about how to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise or eat moderately and balanced. But often things never go further than promises to themselves that from Monday it is necessary to change their lives. These promises can be repeated many times until a really serious problem appears, which will be quite difficult to deal with.

In order not to bring your body to such situations, you need to observe special rules, which will help maintain your health and which you will learn from the lessons of this course. Compliance with these rules must be purposeful and systemic . To do this, firstly, you need to decide what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle, and set yourself. Secondly, you need to try and confidently strive for the goal every day. It is very important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as in any other business, to develop a regimen, habits and self-discipline.

One of the important habits should be proper nutrition, consisting of a balanced diet and taken in the right mode. No less important for health are such components as the correct balance of work and rest, sleep, moderate physical activity, understanding the biological rhythms of your body, and much more. However, even a person leading a healthy lifestyle is not immune from all diseases, and therefore it is important to know how to behave correctly in case of illness or injury. To successfully lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to be able to understand your body, learn from your own experience, constantly replenishing your knowledge base.

A healthy life also requires a complete rejection of bad habits that can negate all your efforts. You must understand that drinking, smoking, overeating and many other weaknesses only exacerbate the impact of factors associated with poor ecology, mental and labor stress on the human body.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Healthy lifestyle course

Below is a plan for a healthy lifestyle course. In our lessons, we tried to collect everything you need for self-study: information about the key elements and concepts of a healthy lifestyle, diagrams and pictures, videos, notes, programs, scenarios, as well as projects of activities aimed at improving health and preventing diseases. We see the key function of this training in the fact that, unlike school essays, reports or class hours, from these lessons you will receive not so much theoretical and propaganda knowledge as practical skills applicable in the life of every person.

How to take classes

You can take lessons on a healthy lifestyle in any order, paying attention to what is interesting for you. The material in the lessons is presented, to some extent, concisely and is aimed at general familiarization with the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. However, there are many practical tips and examples in the lessons. General recommendations include the following:

Practice self-discipline. It is the ability to adhere to the correct regimen from day to day that is the main component of almost all elements of a healthy lifestyle. In order not to let yourself relax, remember more often that the most important thing is at stake - your health. And if you need other motivational techniques, you can find them in time management training on our website (coming soon!).

Learn to understand your body. Each person has his own physical and mental characteristics, so no ready-made universal techniques will replace your own experience.

Approach any recommendation carefully and with hesitation. Any time you have any doubts about the effectiveness and safety of any advice on a healthy lifestyle on our website or in any other source of information, do not follow the advice until you are completely sure of it. Try from time to time to consult with specialists, doctors, nutritionists, trainers, and also read reviews on the Internet - all this will help to avoid mistakes.

In order to learn the principles of a healthy lifestyle as efficiently as possible, and then form your habits and daily routine, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the lessons of this training, try to complete the proposed exercises and recommendations. After reading all the lessons, you will have enough knowledge to start creating your own healthy lifestyle program. You may need additional knowledge. You can find some useful information in the materials discussed below, as well as using conventional search engines. But remember that everything should be taken a little critically, and remember that often taking some particularly drastic measures to improve health, you risk getting the opposite effect and causing serious damage to your body.

Additional material

In addition to online lessons, in this section we will collect all the useful information about a healthy lifestyle: articles, videos, books, textbooks, abstracts, charts, as well as reviews and recommendations from specialists and ordinary people about the practice of applying the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Also, take a look at the Healthy Body category on our blog where you can read articles like.


1. Healthy lifestyle as a means of maintaining and strengthening human health

A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at maintaining and improving people's health. A healthy lifestyle is promoted by:

Physical exercises;


Proper nutrition.

Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs interfere with a healthy lifestyle.

A prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle is a properly composed regime of work and rest.

Human labor is varied. It includes both mental and physical activity of a person and represents, on the one hand, the content of life, and on the other, the stages of improving the mental, spiritual and physical development of the individual.

However, in order to properly organize your work and ensure high performance, while avoiding overwork, it is necessary to provide for the alternation of different types of activity and rest, based on the general physiological laws of the functioning of the body.

During the day, the state of the body and its performance are subject to clear rhythmic periods. The highest level of body performance is noted in the morning (from 10 to 12 hours), and then there is a slight decrease. A repeated increase in working capacity is observed from 16 to 18 hours. In the evening, the functions of the body are significantly reduced, and the time of the beginning of the onset of a new day is accompanied by low performance.

Due to the change in working capacity, the productivity of labor also changes. Therefore, work should be planned in such a way that the most difficult and responsible work falls on those hours when working capacity is at a high level.

In order not to waste time and energy in vain, it is necessary that any activity be planned. Planning will allow you to evenly distribute work, avoid unnecessary overload and fatigue.

During work, it is advisable to take several breaks, which should be filled with physical exercises, or, especially if you spend time at books or a computer, exercises for the eyes.

To ensure that the work is not accompanied by unnecessary waste of energy, it is necessary to prepare the workplace:

Ventilate the room;

Remove unnecessary items that interfere with work;

Adjust lighting;

Eliminate everything that can distract from productive work.

Violation of these conditions contributes to fatigue, fatigue, which can acquire a chronic course and turn into overwork, which is much more difficult to cope with. It requires a long rest, and sometimes even treatment.

Free time can be spent, depending on interests, in the world of art, literature, technology, sports.

On the one hand, this is switching between activities, and on the other hand, expanding one's horizons, one of the ways of self-improvement. It is important that there is a component of active actions in free time. You should exercise at least twice a week for 2-3 hours.

Periodic alternation of wakefulness and sleep is also one of the manifestations of biological rhythms. Sleep is rest. The duration of sleep should be at least 7-8 hours, and the best time to sleep is from 10 pm to 6 am.

The processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex that occur during sleep must be replaced in the morning by excitation processes that are stimulated by exercise, breakfast, and a walk.

2. The impact of bad habits on human health

A healthy lifestyle involves the exclusion or minimization of factors that adversely affect human health.

Factors that can cause irreparable harm to human health, his mental and spiritual development include such bad habits:


The use of alcoholic beverages,

The use of toxic and narcotic substances.

According to the UN data, 3 million people die from smoking every year in the world, that is, 1 person dies from smoking every 13 seconds. At the same time, harmful substances affect not only the smokers themselves, but also those who are close to them and are forced to inhale tobacco smoke.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 90-95% of lung cancers, 45-50% of all cancers and 20-25% of cardiovascular diseases are caused by smoking. Men who smoke are 22 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. Smoking is the main cause of malignant neoplasms of the lips, oral cavity and pharynx, larynx, esophagus.

Smoking also contributes to the development of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Smokers are more likely to experience relapses of these diseases, they are more difficult to treat.

Alcohol belongs to the group of neurodepressants - substances that depress the activity of the centers of the brain, reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to a weakening of brain activity and poor coordination of movements, confused speech, fuzzy thinking, loss of attention, the ability to think logically and make the right decisions, up to to insanity.

Statistics show that the majority of those who drowned were in a state of intoxication, every fifth traffic accident is associated with alcohol, a drunken quarrel is the most common cause of murder, and a drunk person risks being robbed in the first place.

In Russia, persons under the influence of alcohol commit:

81% kills

87% severe bodily injury,

80% of rapes

85% of robberies,

88% hooligan actions.

Sooner or later, a constantly drinking person develops diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, etc. In addition, the drinker experiences disintegration and degradation of the personality (partial or complete).

Painful changes in the nervous system, various internal organs, metabolic disorders, and personality degradation that occur in drunkards lead to rapid aging and decrepitude. The average life expectancy of alcoholics is 15-20 years shorter than usual.

Drugs are a poison that has a depressing effect on all organs and tissues, and especially on the central nervous system. Unlike alcoholism, when a person continues to work, albeit with low labor productivity, drug addiction leads to a rapid loss of ability to work and leads to death. The average life expectancy of drug addicts is 30 years.

There are a large number of substances (means) that can intoxicate a person. These substances that actively affect the human nervous system and psyche are called psychoactive or intoxicating substances (drugs).

As a result of drug use, drug addiction develops - a special serious disease, which consists in the formation of a persistent dependence of a person, his physical and mental well-being on the presence or absence of a drug in the body.

Along with drugs, there are a large number of drugs, as well as household and industrial chemicals that can cause, due to the toxic effect on the brain, a state of intoxication.

Such substances (means) are called toxicants, and the disease state caused by dependence on them is called substance abuse.

At the same time, the formation of drug and substance abuse is characterized by the development of the following features:

mental dependence;

physical addiction;


The death of patients is caused not only by complications of serious diseases caused by drugs, but also by drug overdose, accidents and suicides while intoxicated or during "withdrawal".

In addition, patients die from vascular thrombosis, HIV infection, blood poisoning when using dirty syringes.

Currently, the legislative base is being strengthened and the punishments for people who contribute to the distribution of narcotic substances are being tightened (see Appendix No. 1).

3. Basic criteria for human health

Along with other means that heal our body, prevent diseases, slow down the onset of old age, lengthen our life, sufficient sleep and rational nutrition are of exceptional importance.

With sleep disorders and malnutrition, everything that gymnastics, athletics, and the most strict health regimen gave health can be nullified in the shortest possible time.

Sleep is the surest remedy that eliminates all phenomena of fatigue and quickly restores strength in the body. During sleep, consciousness is turned off and only some areas that are not covered by inhibition continue to function and give rise to extraordinary dreams.

With deep sleep, blood pressure drops, heart activity weakens, breathing becomes rarer, metabolism slows down, muscle tone often decreases, and skeletal muscles relax. Thanks to this, the body rests.

Healthy people immediately fall into a deep sleep, which becomes more superficial by morning. They wake up energized and refreshed. Neurosthenics and overworked people have shallow sleep.

The experiments of a number of scientists found that in people who were put off the onset of sleep for 3 hours, memory was weakened by 50%. The same was registered in relation to quick wit and ability to perceive.

Systematic violation of sleep patterns can cause hypertension and stomach ulcers. The time of night sleep, sufficient for the rest of the central nervous system, is different for different ages.

At the age of 20-50 years, sleep should be at least 8 hours a day, the elderly - 6-7 hours, and adolescents aged 14-16 years - 9-11 hours.

Normal nutrition is one of the most important factors contributing to health promotion, increased working capacity and body resistance to all external influences.

For each of us, whether we work physically, go in for sports or engage in mental work, food is a source of the energy that is needed both when our body is in motion and when it is at rest.

Energy is consumed during active muscle contraction and during sleep. At the same time, in a dream, the work of the heart and blood supply to all organs and tissues continues, the work of the respiratory apparatus and the gastrointestinal tract continues. The expenditure of energy in the animal organism is connected with the formation of heat, without which our organism could not always maintain the same temperature necessary for the life of its cells.

The main nutrients for humans are:


mineral salts,


All these substances that make up our body do not remain unchanged. Some of them undergo transformation, destruction, decay into substances that are simpler in their chemical structure or, as they say, “oxidize”, “burn out”, while releasing the energy necessary for the life of the organism.

At the same time, food coming from outside provides the body throughout a person's life with the material that maintains the heat necessary for tissues and constant cell growth. Abundant food, rich in sugar and starch, in the absence of physical work, leads to obesity, to the great displeasure of lovers of sweets and starchy foods.

With a lack of iodine in food, a thyroid disease develops, a lack of sodium and chlorine (table salt) leads to a violation of cardiac activity and water metabolism, to dizziness and fainting. Magnesium takes part in the processes associated with cardiac activity, and potassium is related to the water content in tissues, to acid-base balance.

Excessive salt content in food contributes to gout, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension.

Food should be varied and deliciously prepared. It must be taken at least three times a day in hot form at a strictly set time.

4. The need for physical education

Physical culture and sports are the most effective means for long-term preservation of youth, health and prolongation of human life.

Physical exercises, diverse in form, comprehensively acting on the body, are available and can be successfully used by a person of any age. Selected taking into account the state of health, age and gender characteristics, physical exercises, activating, strengthening and training all organs and systems of the body, are a source of unique sensations of bodily joy, muscle freshness, excess energy and general cheerfulness.

At the same time, it has been proven that any movements that affect the muscles as much as possible, for example, walking, breathing exercises, gardening, various types of games, have a positive effect on all body functions to the same extent both in persons of mental and physical labor.

Sport has a positive effect on the central nervous system and on all the most important organs and systems of the human body. Going in for sports, you can change the strength of physical stress, shorten or lengthen distances, reduce or increase the time allotted for training.

When exercising, you must follow the following basic rules:

1. Graduality and accessibility. This means that the exercises should be selected at first accessible and only as you master them, you need to gradually complicate them. The load should also be accessible, and only as fitness grows, should it be gradually increased.

2. Classes should be emotional.

3. During classes, it is necessary to use fresh air as much as possible.

4. Systematism and regularity of classes. These are absolutely necessary conditions for physical exercises. If you can't exercise regularly, it's best not to start exercising.

5. Use of environmental factors for hardening

It is necessary that each person realizes the exceptional importance of hardening the body.

Hardening by natural factors of nature with the help of sunlight, ambient temperature and water procedures protects the body from colds (for example, influenza, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract diseases), often with severe complications.

Hardening is available to everyone, it does not require any special devices, special home environment and can be carried out throughout the year. Hardened people are able to walk in severe frosts in winter in light clothes, without a coat, to make long swims in icy water.

Any type of hardening is inevitably associated with skin care, which performs such functions as protecting the body from various damages, adapting it to the external environment, excreting end products of metabolism, and regulating the heat consumed by the body. The skin, which perceives various stimuli to which the human body is exposed, through the nervous apparatus embedded in it, is in constant and close connection, interaction with the external environment and with the cerebral cortex.

External irritations received by the skin from sun and air baths or water procedures, through complex reflexes, affect the central nervous system, and through it - on the functions of the body.

The sun's rays have healing properties due to their thermal, light and chemical qualities.

Hardening by the sun increases metabolism, increases the number of red blood cells (balls) in the blood, increases the release of sweat and toxic metabolic products.

The effect of sunlight on mood, performance is noted, which occurs due to the exciting effect of solar radiation on the nervous system.

Sunbathing should be taken in the supine position with a slightly elevated and, if possible, protected head, wearing dark glasses. Sunbathing starts from 5 to 10 minutes, adding 5 minutes daily and gradually increasing the exposure to one hour. Physically strong people can bring it up to two hours.

Hardening with air baths is possible throughout the year: in summer - outside the room, and in winter - in the room. Morning hygienic gymnastics should also be accompanied by taking an air bath, performed in the nude.

According to thermal sensations, air baths are divided into:

For cold (6-14 ° C),

Cool (14-20 °С),

Indifferent (20-22 °С),

Warm (22-30 ° C).

Hardening should begin at an air temperature of - 20-22 ° C, the duration of the first air bath is 10-15 minutes.

Increasing daily air bath intake by 10-20 minutes, gradually bring it up to two hours.

Hardening with cold water is the most common and most effective way to make the body immune to low temperatures.

Cold water procedures, when used systematically, significantly improve human health, protect against diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as from influenza and tonsillitis. Cold baths invigorate, revitalize, increase efficiency.

According to thermal sensations, there are:

Cold water treatments (below 20 °C),

Cool (20-33 °С),

Indifferent (34-35 °С),

Thermal (36-40 °С),

Hot (above 40 ° C).

Hardening of the body should firmly enter our everyday life, as morning exercises entered it.

1. Organization of work and leisure of students in the system of secondary vocational education

The process of learning in the system of secondary vocational education, the forms of its organization, methods and requirements differ to a large extent from school ones.

This causes a number of difficulties:




Didactic difficulties are associated with a change in teaching methods, with a larger volume of classes than in high school, and often with poor school preparation or a significant break in study.

Socio-psychological difficulties are caused by a change in the lifestyle of students. Many people change their place of residence, because of which there is a change of scenery and there is a need for independent housekeeping.

Professional difficulties arise for students due to the fact that major disciplines do not begin from the first year;

The process of forming the future of students at the initial stage requires the study of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, a foreign language, mathematical and natural sciences.

And only later does more in-depth special (professional) training begin.

Knowledge by students of the basics of the culture of mental work contributes to the preservation of health and ensures the high efficiency of intellectual work with minimal nervous costs.

A special science is devoted to these aspects - mental health hygiene, which studies educational activities and the working environment from the point of view of their impact on the human body.

At the same time, the negative factors that lie in wait for a person engaged in mental labor depend not only on the specifics of the labor itself, but also on the conditions in which it is performed.

Students experience overwork, in order to avoid which it is necessary to observe the correct daily routine. Compliance with the daily routine contributes to the improvement of working capacity, the successful completion of tasks and the assimilation of new material. There are three stages of fatigue during mental work.

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