The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is 50. It consists of. What does high and low pressure mean?

Article publication date: 06/08/2017

Article last updated: 12/21/2018

From this article you will learn about such a phenomenon as a big difference between the upper and lower pressure. This condition may cause certain complaints in the patient, or it may turn out to be a completely random finding during the next pressure measurement.

When measuring pressure with a tonometer, two numbers are used as a result - upper and lower blood pressure, respectively. The first - the largest number in value - is the upper, or systolic, pressure. It reflects the work of the heart. The second indicator - a smaller number - is the lower or diastolic pressure. It reflects the work of blood vessels and the passage of a portion of blood through large elastic vessels - the aorta, arteries and arterioles. BP is measured in millimeters of mercury.

A large difference between the two components of blood pressure is considered to be the difference between the upper and lower indicators by more than 50 mm Hg. Art. In the vast majority of cases, such a “run-up” is achieved precisely because of the high numbers of the upper pressure, while the lower one remains within the normal range. This condition is called isolated systolic hypertension, or ISH. it special kind hypertension, which we will discuss in more detail below.

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Usually, isolated arterial hypertension is not subject to radical cure, however, it is necessary to control blood pressure numbers and receive corrective treatment. isolated high top pressure and a large difference in its indicators with the lower one can provoke strokes, cerebral and cardiac circulatory disorders to the same extent as ordinary arterial hypertension.

Most often, the problem of ISH is dealt with by general practitioners and cardiologists.

Reasons for the large difference between pressure readings

The culprit for the large difference in the measured blood pressure is precisely the upper or. It is the increase in this indicator of more than 50 mm Hg. Art. compared with diastolic characterizes the onset of systolic arterial hypertension. The heart works at full strength, pumping up blood pressure, but for a number of reasons, the vessels do not respond to changes in blood pressure - the lower one remains stably normal or even low.

ISH is otherwise called hypertension in the elderly, since it is age-related factors that determine its main causes:

  1. Destruction and thinning of the muscle layer in the arteries. It is the muscle layer in these vessels that determines the elasticity of the arteries and the possibility of changing their diameter to control blood pressure.
  2. Atherosclerosis of the arteries - the deposition of salts of cholesterol, calcium and thrombotic masses on the inner lining of the arteries - the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Vessels become "glassy" - dense, unyielding and unable to fully contract in response to pressure changes.
  3. Depletion of kidney reserves and their chronic diseases. The kidneys are powerful regulators of blood pressure, and in old age their condition is deteriorating.
  4. Destruction of special receptors in the heart and large vessels, which are responsible for the reaction of vessels to changes in upper pressure. Normally, these receptors should "catch" high blood pressure blood from the heart and force the vessels to balance it.
  5. Deterioration of the blood supply to the brain and brain centers for the regulation of vascular tone.

All these features, so characteristic of older people - over 60 years old, are the main reason for such a condition as a large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure.

Symptoms of pathology

The main problem of isolated systolic hypertension is its latent and sluggish course. Patients with high numbers of upper pressure may not be disturbed in any way.

In some cases, patients present fairly general complaints:

  • ear congestion and tinnitus;
  • headache, dizziness, heaviness in the temples;
  • wobbly and unsteady gait, impaired coordination of movements;
  • memory loss, psycho-emotional instability;
  • heart pain, disorders heart rate.

The main difference of this type of hypertension is a mild and stable course, however, with concomitant complicating factors, it can also lead to hypertensive crises and circulatory disorders. These aggravating factors include:

  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Recumbent or sedentary image life.
  • Heart failure and disorders of the structure of the heart - left ventricular hypertrophy.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • History of strokes and heart attacks.


By and large, the diagnosis of ISH is simple. It is enough to measure the patient's pressure several times in dynamics or make it with a special tonometer - SMAD.

As a clarifying study, the patient can do:

  1. Clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  2. Blood test for glucose.
  3. A biochemical blood test with an emphasis on the lipid profile - indicators of the metabolism of cholesterol and its fractions.
  4. Coagulogram or blood clotting test.
  5. Electrocardiogram of the heart.
  6. Ultrasound examination of the heart, large vessels, in particular, BCA - brachiocephalic arteries that feed the brain.
  7. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and renal vessels.
  8. Specialist consultations: neurologist, endocrinologist, vascular surgeon.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of ISH should be prescribed by a general practitioner together with a cardiologist after a proper examination of the patient.

It is very important to keep a few mandatory conditions to treat this type of hypertension:

  • Under no circumstances should the pressure be reduced abruptly. Its upper numbers should fall gradually so that the vessels "have time to get used" to their new indicators. Otherwise, the patient may experience strokes, heart attacks and other ischemic disorders.
  • Drugs for the treatment of ISH should have the maximum effect only on systolic pressure. It is necessary to start therapy with the smallest possible doses of the drug, gradually increasing the dosage.
  • The action of drugs should not adversely affect the kidneys and cerebral circulation which already suffer in the elderly.

The following groups of drugs are used to treat ISH and equalize the difference between upper and lower pressure:

  1. Antihypertensive drugs - medicines for high blood pressure. AT this case it is preferable to use calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, and angiotensin receptor blockers. These drugs for correct use fully meet the specified criteria.
  2. Diuretics are diuretics. A decrease in circulating blood volume can significantly reduce upper pressure and cardiac output.
  3. Drugs that improve cerebral, renal and cardiac blood flow additionally protect these organs from harmful influence pressure.
  4. Neuro- and cerebroprotectors - drugs that improve the nutrition of nerve tissues and the brain - are used to prevent strokes and cerebrovascular accidents.

With the aim of best effect you can use combinations of drugs, and sometimes even radically change drugs and their combinations under the close supervision of a doctor.

The lifestyle of the patient is also very important: proper nutrition With low content fats and simple carbohydrates, dosed physical activity, walks on fresh air, good sleep and rest, vitamin therapy, rejection bad habits.


The course of ICH is not aggressive. In many patients, the disease lasts for years and even decades, and periods of normal well-being alternate with deterioration.

The problem of ISH lies in the fact that against the background of a pronounced increase in systolic pressure (200 mm Hg and above), against the background of altered inelastic vessels, there is a high probability of hemorrhages in the brain, retina, and kidneys. Such "glass vessels" do not withstand the load of blood pressure and burst.

Timely treatment and individual approach for each patient, stable maintenance of upper blood pressure at a level not exceeding 140 mm Hg. Art., correct image life significantly increase life expectancy and quality of life in elderly patients.

The reasons for the small difference between upper and lower pressure may be different, but in any case, this condition is not normal and requires, at a minimum, a medical examination.

Blood pressure (BP) is considered one of the important indicators state of the body. Systolic (upper) is the pressure in the arteries at the time of contraction of the heart, diastolic (lower) is the pressure in the arteries during relaxation of the heart muscle. The difference between the upper and lower pressures is called the pulse pressure. What should be the pulse pressure? Normally, the interval between systolic and diastolic pressure should be 40 mm Hg. Art. (at an ideal pressure of 120 to 80 mm Hg), a deviation of 10 units up or down is also normal. The answer to the question of how much the normal pulse pressure is in a child is similar to that for an adult, that is, 30–50 mm Hg. Art.

Why is too small a gap between indicators dangerous? Too little difference between the upper and lower pressure, confirmed by several measurements, indicates the presence of serious illnesses and can even pose a threat to the life of the patient, as it is a sign of dysfunction of the cardiovascular vascular system.

If, according to the results of the examination, no serious diseases that could cause low pulse pressure have been identified, the condition is corrected by changing the lifestyle in healthy side.

How to spot a small gap in pressure

Low pulse pressure is determined during the measurement of blood pressure, subtracting the lower value from the upper pressure value.

Measurement of pressure should be carried out after the patient has been in a state of complete rest for at least 10 minutes. The hand on which the measurement is taken should be approximately at the same level as the heart. cuff mechanical tonometer put on the shoulder and fix a little obliquely, since the thickness of the arm in this place is not the same. The cuff is then inflated to approximately 20 mm Hg. Art. more than the level at which the pulse will cease to be heard. Then the air is slowly released from the cuff, fixing the first and last blow. The first indicates that the pressure in the cuff is equal to systolic, the latter corresponds to diastolic. For measuring blood pressure automatic blood pressure monitor no need to inflate the cuff manually, just fix it on your wrist and turn on the device. The measurement results will be displayed.

In order to determine the cause of pathologically low pulse pressure, the patient may be prescribed additional examination: electrocardiography, echocardiography, ultrasound procedure kidneys, magnetic resonance angiography of the aorta and/or blood vessels kidney, general and biochemical analysis blood, etc.

Why can be a small pulse pressure

A small difference between the upper and lower pressure in the case when the upper one is normal, most often indicates the development arterial hypotension. This condition is typical for women under 35 years of age. Other causes include diseases of the urinary system, inactive lifestyle, heart disease, somatoform autonomic dysfunction nervous system, spasms of blood vessels. A small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in a patient against the background of injuries may indicate internal bleeding.

Transient, i.e., a transient decrease in pulse pressure occurs with a lack of nutrition, increased physical and / or mental stress, lack of sleep, hypothermia.

Pulse pressure can also decrease with an increase in the lower or a decrease in the upper indicator. Such conditions are observed in chronic diseases kidneys, atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels of the kidneys, coronary vessels and/or aortic stenosis aortic valve, aortic aneurysm, neoplasms of the kidneys or adrenal glands, constrictive pericarditis, high heart rate, ventricular arrhythmias, left ventricular failure, cardiogenic shock, low concentration of iron in the blood, dehydration of the body.

A small gap between upper and lower pressure with increased upper pressure is observed in arterial hypertension.

A transient, i.e., transient decrease in pulse pressure occurs with a lack of nutrition, increased physical and / or mental stress, lack of sleep (overwork), hypothermia. In this case, the elimination of the cause, i.e. eating, rest, warming, leads to the normalization of blood pressure.

How does too little pulse pressure manifest itself?

With an excessively small interval between upper and lower pressure, the patient experiences dizziness, headache, muscle weakness, pallor skin, decreased concentration, impaired short term memory, drowsiness, apathy, irritability, hypersensitivity to sounds, photophobia, and sometimes - a fainting state. A person does not feel rested even after a long sleep.

Low pulse pressure due to a cardiogenic or other shock condition is manifested by pallor and / or cyanosis of the skin, cold sweat, shortness of breath, confusion or fainting.

The difference between the upper and lower pressure of less than 20 units is critical, i.e., it means that the patient needs emergency medical care.

Low pulse pressure is determined during the measurement of blood pressure, subtracting the lower value from the upper pressure value.

What to do if pulse pressure is low

First of all, you should not self-medicate. The pathology is serious enough to seek medical help as soon as possible in order to find out the cause.

If, according to the results of the examination, no serious diseases that could cause low pulse pressure were detected, the condition is corrected by changing the lifestyle in a healthy way. Such patients are advised to eat a balanced diet, give up bad habits, spend more time outdoors, get rid of physical inactivity, take a short break every hour of work, monitor their condition cervical spine, and be sure to get enough sleep. The minimum duration of sleep should be 8 hours.

In the event that the cause of a small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is determined, the treatment consists in eliminating the causative factor.

So, with atherosclerotic lesions of the blood vessels, the patient needs to take drugs that reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, vitamin therapy, the intake of unsaturated fatty acids can be prescribed.

In case of chronic inflammatory diseases urinary system are prescribed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial medicines, physiotherapy procedures.

In chronic left ventricular failure, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, and cardiac glycosides are indicated. In some cases it is required surgery. At acute form diseases, diuretics, glycosides, ganglionic blockers are used.

Normally, the interval between systolic and diastolic pressure should be 40 mm Hg. Art.

At coronary disease heart may need surgery– carrying out shunting, stenting, laser angioplasty, etc.

Aneurysms require surgery.

For constrictive pericarditis, pericardectomy is performed.

If the pathology is caused by aortic valve stenosis, it is replaced with an artificial one.

At severe violations heart rate, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed, and if they are ineffective, implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator is indicated.

If the patient has neoplasms, both conservative and surgical treatment can be carried out.


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Cardiologists and therapists pay attention to changes in blood pressure (BP) in humans. An increase and decrease in the measurement criteria relative to the working state is not the norm, indicating the development of hypertension or hypotension. There is also a difference between systolic and diastolic pressure, which can indicate a state of health and help prevent the progression of an incipient disease.

The concept of pulse difference and its norms

The pulse difference is the indicator between the upper arterial and lower blood pressure.

With ideal indicators of 120 to 80, the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is the norm of 40.

But physicians in many countries accept extended criteria from 30 to 50 as the norm. We are talking about the patient's habitual state - if he had a pulse difference of 50 throughout his life, then reducing it to 30 may be a symptom.

You should keep this in mind when measuring blood pressure, it is desirable to know what difference between systolic and diastolic indicators is typical for a particular person. You also need to know which of the pressure indicators can change the pulse difference.

Systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure

Systolic blood pressure is the top measurement. It denotes the pressure in the vessels after the contraction of the heart. At this point, an intense ejection of blood occurs, increasing pressure on the walls of blood vessels. This indicator is popularly called the top.

Diastolic pressure - the lower indicator of measurements. It is fixed at the moment of maximum relaxation of the heart and indicates the residual pressure in the vessels. vernacular name- lower blood pressure.

The difference between them, measured in mm Hg. Art. and there is pulse pressure. It's the same important criterion indicating the patient's condition. A small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure can serve as a clue to the physician about the processes taking place in the body. The same applies to the increase in this indicator.

Influence of pulse pressure on diagnostics

Even in the presence of hypertension or hypotension, the pulse difference may remain unchanged. There is a parallel increase or decrease in the upper and lower values ​​of blood pressure while maintaining a normal gap between them.

In addition to a parallel increase or decrease in pressure, there are several other options for changing the pulse difference:

  1. Isolated decrease in diastolic blood pressure;
  2. Isolated increase in systolic blood pressure;
  3. The increase in diastolic blood pressure with unchanged systolic;
  4. General decrease in systolic blood pressure with unchanged diastolic;
  5. A sharp increase in systolic blood pressure with a slow rise in the lower one;
  6. An increase in the upper indicator of blood pressure with a slow increase in the lower one.

Each variation indicates different failures in the body, some of them are not associated with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, during the diagnosis, you need to pay close attention to all three indicators of pressure measurement.

An excessively small difference between systolic and diastolic pressure with a constant upper indicator indicates a definite diagnosis. The same small pulse difference with a decrease in systolic pressure will already indicate other deviations from the norm.

Pulse difference in hypertension

If during the life of the patient there was a difference between the systolic diastolic pressure of 50, then with the parallel development of hypertension, it will remain the same. The upper and lower readings will rise evenly, keeping the pulse pressure close to 50. The same happens if hypertension develops in parallel, and the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures of 30 has been observed throughout life.

A uniform increase in the upper and lower indicators of blood pressure does not always occur.

Often there is only an increase in systolic or diastolic pressure, causing changes in the pulse difference up or down. This is observed both with hypertension and without its pronounced symptoms.

A small pulse difference with mild hypertension sometimes indicates concomitant endocrine disorders. Even a small increase in blood pressure, relative to the working one, with a decrease in the pulse difference, often indicates a lack of thyroid hormones.

In hypothyroidism, there is usually a decrease in pressure and a decrease in the pulse difference, but if there are reasons for the development of hypertension, then the upper and lower values ​​remain within the normal range or slightly increase. In general, the pressure looks relatively normal, although a small pulse difference indicates a lack of hormones.

In case of violations of the functioning of the heart, it is excessively intensive work, there is an increase in the pulse difference due to an isolated increase in systolic blood pressure. Other diseases and conditions of the body are also able to change the pulse pressure up or down.

Large pulse difference

Despite the fact that the pulse pressure is considered normal with indicators of 30-50 mm Hg. Art., the upper limit may be a sign of deviation.

A gap of 50 is considered elevated if most of life, a particular person had a pulse pressure of 30.

A difference between systolic and diastolic pressures of 60 indicates a threat of a heart attack with an isolated increase in the upper measurement value.

High systolic pressure with non-critical values ​​is typical for the elderly, it rises with age in isolation from diastolic or with a strong slowdown of the latter.

An increase in pulse pressure in various diseases

A pronounced large difference between systolic and diastolic pressure often occurs with isolated systolic hypertension. The lower BP remains unchanged or rises more slowly than the upper.

Arterial hypertension is not the only cause of increased pulse gap. Increased difference frequent companion cardiovascular diseases such as valvular insufficiency and endocarditis.

Thyrotoxicosis, anemia, and intracranial pressure can also increase the difference.

A large pulse difference is sometimes provoked by emotional shock or an imbalance of potassium, magnesium and calcium.

small pulse difference

In this case, the lower indicator is higher than normal or remains unchanged when the upper pressure drops. If during life the gap between blood pressure measurements was at the upper limit with an indicator of 50 mm Hg. Art., then the decrease in the difference to the lower value is also abnormal.

Depending on the type of change in pulse pressure due to deviations of the upper or lower indicator, certain disease. The most difficult to recognize are the combined factors.

An example is an increase in systolic blood pressure due to a violation of the heart in combination with hypothyroidism. The pressure remains almost normal with a rapidly deteriorating state of health.

It is also difficult to diagnose a jump in upper pressure against the background of severe overwork - the pulse difference with a general increase in performance will look normal.

But a decrease in the difference in pulse pressure in pure form makes it easy to determine the cause of the change.

Low pulse pressure in various diseases

The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure 10 often indicates renovascular hypertension that occurs against the background of stenosis, aneurysm renal artery or the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque in it.

This is a common reason for a decrease in pulse difference in young people. Older people also face this problem, but more often due to age-related changes in vascular elasticity.

Doctors distinguish other diseases and conditions that reduce the pulse difference. Often the pulse gap decreases for the following reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Kidney malnutrition;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • Latent heart failure;
  • Internal and external bleeding;
  • Severe physical or psycho-emotional overwork.

The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse pressure and serves as a tool for diagnosing abnormalities in health. Arterial hypertension sometimes occurs against the background of an unchanged pulse difference, but sometimes systolic or diastolic pressure rises in isolation.

This leads to changes in the pulse difference up or down, indicating disorders in the body, stress or emotional overload.

Why is a small difference between upper and lower pressure dangerous?

Difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure

A timely response to a change in the pulse difference can prevent a serious threat to health, so when measuring it is necessary to pay attention to it, and not just fix the upper and lower pressure.

Blood pressure (BP) is one of the main characteristics of human health. The difference between the upper and lower pressure shows how stable and harmonious his heart and blood vessels work. According to the magnitude of deviations from the norm of each indicator, experts judge possible malfunctions in the body. What is the danger of BP deviation from the norm, and what should be the difference between lower and upper pressure?

Upper and lower pressure - characteristics

On the initial appointment any doctor measures the patient arterial pressure. Fix two numbers:

  • The first (upper blood pressure), when the first pulse beat is heard in the stretched arm, is systolic or cardiac. It corresponds to the force with which the heart pushes blood into the vascular bed.
  • The second refers to the level of lower or diastolic blood pressure. Diastole is fixed when the heart muscle is relaxed. Lower pressure shows how much the vascular wall is able to resist blood flow.

The upper indicator of the tonometer characterizes the work of the heart muscle. The lower one largely depends on the kidneys - it is the kidneys that produce the hormone (renin) "responsible" for vascular tone. The more elastic peripheral vessels and small capillaries, the more normal indicators of lower pressure fixes the tonometer.

Healthy BP ranges from:

  • Upper - from 100 to 140;
  • Lower - from 60 to 90.

Stable indicators are higher than normal when elevated lower pressure and is diagnosed as hypertension. A persistent state of low blood pressure indicates hypotension.

The difference between the numbers of the upper and lower arterial values called pulse pressure (PP). The ideal figure for this indicator is 40 units. with a total of 12080 mm Hg. Art. Permissible deviation in each direction 10 units. healthy norm the difference between the upper and lower pressure is considered to be a gap of 30 to 50 units.

PD is sensitive to any change in the physical and psychological state person. A temporary decrease occurs with hypothermia, lack of nutrition, physical or emotional stress. When the condition stabilizes, the indicators quickly return to normal values.

A stable large or small difference between the upper and lower pressure indicates a pathology, the causes of which need to be clarified. A symptom of ill health will also be a deviation in the acceptable range, when one's own AP shifts by more than 10 units.

For example, if a person always had a difference between the upper and lower pressure was 50 units. and suddenly it steadily dropped to 30 units, then such a transition may be a symptom of the disease. Although the PD remained within the accepted acceptable values, but in this case it will be considered low.

Causes of hypertension

The etiology of elevated blood pressure remains unknown in 90% of cases of diagnosed hypertension. In the remaining 10% of the increase in arterial parameters, the diseases are “guilty”.

According to the etiology, hypertension is divided into:

  1. Primary - hypertension for unknown reasons, which occurs as if "by itself". The reason for the increase in upper and lower pressure is genetic predisposition. Growth stimulators of arterial parameters are age, excess weight, bad habits, hypodynamia.
  2. Secondary. Here, an increase in the level of systolic and diastolic pressure is a symptom of the underlying disease. The culprits can be kidneys, heart, hormonal diseases.

Obesity increases the risk of developing hypertension by several times, regardless of gender and age. The vast majority of hypertensive patients themselves are the cause of their ill health.

The classical development of hypertension involves a synchronous rise in the level of upper and lower blood pressure. However, in practice there is often a low or high gap between indicators.

Reasons for the large difference between upper and lower pressure

When the gap between two shocks of blood flow when measuring arterial parameters is more than 50 units, then the upper blood pressure is “guilty” here. It rises above 140 mm Hg. Art., and the bottom does not budge and remains normal or even reduced.

At physical activity, fright or strong excitement, an increase in systolic pressure is natural reaction body to the load. The frequency of heart beats and the simultaneous volume of ejected blood increase. The difference between the upper and lower arterial index also increases. The big difference between the upper and lower pressure is the figure from 50 units. Such a gap may have natural, non-disease-related causes.

In the absence of disease, blood pressure levels are restored naturally when the person is resting

The more frequent and longer jumps in pulse pressure occur, the more likely development pathological changes in the heart muscle, in the work of the kidneys and brain activity. The constant excess of the upper pressure with a normal lower indicator is a special form of hypertension - isolated systolic.

The main "culprit" of the occurrence of isolated systolic hypertension is considered to be lived years, since with age-related changes related health problems. In young people, this form of hypertension is always associated with the disease.

Pathological causes:

  • Glazing of blood vessels in atherosclerosis. Rigid vessels also cannot "give an answer" with their contraction with an increase in heart pressure.
  • thinning vascular walls and loss of tone. Flabby vessels are not able to sufficiently change their diameter, leaving the lower pressure normal or reduced in response to increased cardiac output.
  • decline functionality kidneys.
  • Deterioration of the work of the brain centers for regulating blood pressure.
  • Decreased sensitivity of the receptors of the heart muscle and large vessels, which are responsible for the "vascular response" to cardiac output.

The natural decrease in the functionality of organs and systems is the most common cause of a large difference between upper and lower pressure.

Reasons for the small difference between upper and lower pressure

A small gap between the level of upper and lower pressure is less than 30 mm Hg. Art. This is a situation where the lower blood pressure is higher than normal, and the upper one is normal or low. According to current international standards such a condition is diagnosed as hypertension, since the disease is recognized by any high indicator.

The gap between the upper and lower pressure is less than 20 mm Hg. Art. needs urgent medical care. Against this background, the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke increases dramatically.

The reasons for a small gap in arterial parameters lie in the pathology of the heart and kidneys. If low pulse pressure is recorded against the background of an injury, then it may indicate internal bleeding.

At healthy people a small difference in pressure between the upper and lower readings occurs against the background emotional stress, physical fatigue or nervous strain(exhaustion). Usually, abnormal pressure normalizes as soon as a person rests, “comes to his senses”.


High upper and lower blood pressure is a variant of "classic" hypertension. The disease is terrible for its complications on the kidneys, heart and brain. At sharp rise systolic and diastolic pressure to very high numbers speak of a hypertensive crisis - a special, extremely serious condition when a patient needs immediate medical attention to save his life.

Hypertensive crisis is accompanied by:

  • Sudden and very severe headache;
  • "Dizziness" - nausea, vomiting, flies before the eyes and sudden weakness;
  • A state of unmotivated fear, panic;
  • Loss of consciousness.

With such symptoms, the patient should be laid down and an ambulance called.

How is moderately elevated upper pressure and lower elevated pressure manifested? The patient is accompanied by a aching headache, a feeling of pressure in the eyes, tinnitus, general malaise.

Symptoms of a large difference between arterial indicators

Isolated systolic hypertension proceeds smoothly, which often misleads patients about their condition. Their ailments, especially older patients, explain external causes, old age, but not associated with elevated blood pressure.

The patient has the following symptoms:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Flashing flies before the eyes or weakening of vision;
  • Uncertain gait, when a person staggers or stumbles out of the blue;
  • Decreased mood, state of apathy, self-doubt, fears;
  • Weakening of memory, decreased mental performance, difficulty concentrating.

Big difference between systolic and diastolic pressure, as well as classical hypertension, can lead to a heart attack or stroke. A similar outcome is most likely if a person moves little, eats poorly, smokes, or likes to drink too much.

The situation is aggravated:

  • Obesity and diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis and elevated level cholesterol;

Often, one elderly patient has a history of several pathologies from the list at once, plus unhealthy image life. A large difference between upper and lower blood pressure several times increases the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, compared with people who have normal arterial indicators.

High systolic blood pressure is the cause of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis peripheral vessels, severe heart failure.

Women are several times more likely to suffer from this form of hypertension than men. This pattern is explained by the changing hormonal background in post menopause - blood pressure rises with estrogen deficiency.

Small tear symptoms

The clinical picture of a small difference between upper and lower pressure is characterized more by "behavioral" than somatic symptoms:

  • Weakness, apathy, irresistible drowsiness during the day;
  • Difficulties with concentration and memory;
  • Unmotivated outbreaks of aggression, hysteria, tearfulness.

Occasionally may experience headaches, chest discomfort, or abnormal heart rhythms

Treatment of hypertension

Treatment of any type of hypertension is to combat the causes of its occurrence. Secondary hypertension begins to be treated with the treatment of the underlying disease. Treatment of primary hypertension consists of lifestyle changes and drug correction of the state of blood flow.

Treatment of isolated systolic hypertension

Given the reasons for the large gap between upper and lower pressure, treatment given state requires a comprehensive and careful approach. Elderly patients respond more actively to drug antihypertensive therapy. At the same time, a decrease in blood pressure in them by more than 30% of the initial value often leads to complications in the functioning of the kidneys and brain.

The management of elderly people with isolated systolic hypertension depends on their heart condition. If the patient does not have a history of coronary disease, then the lower his arterial parameters, the higher his predicted life expectancy. Medical pressure correction should keep blood flow characteristics close to physiological norm healthy.

The average level of pressure, which is considered normal, is called the parameters 120/80, while the gap between the indicators is 40.

If the difference rises or is less than normal, there is a risk that complications will arise. By themselves, conditions in which blood pressure can either rise or fall are called hypertension and hypotension. it dangerous states. For example, high pressure leads to a hypertensive crisis, paralysis, etc. As for lowering blood pressure below normal, it can cause a violation visual functions, cardiac arrest, brain atrophy.

Systolic blood pressure is called the intensity number blood pressure on the vessels from the inside during the period when the heart contracts. Since the systole indicator indicates the state of the functions of the heart, coronary arteries, sometimes the pressure can be called "heart" or "upper". Whether high systolic pressure will be detected or whether the tonometer will detect a low one depends on the size of the left ventricle, the rate of heart contractions and blood ejection.

Diastolic pressure is the number during the period when the heart is relaxed. The pressure is intended to testify to the resistance that the blood, overcoming the vessels, meets.

The pressure is formed when the aortic valve closes. The tension of the arterial wall, which can be triggered by prolonged contraction of smooth muscles, can increase or decrease its performance.

Diastolic pressure in the mass is commonly called "renal" or "lower", since this organ produces an enzyme that can change vascular tone, reduce elasticity and patency of the arteries. When the lower pressure is too low, it is necessary to check the thyroid gland and kidneys. As a rule, lower blood pressure increases until the age of 60, then stabilizes, and may decrease slightly.

In addition to the fact that there is pressure upper and lower, upper and lower average, at which a person feels comfortable, is called "working". Even if there is some difference between working and normal pressure(90/60 or 140/90), then treatment at this pressure is not required.

pulse rate

The difference in numbers between systolic and diastolic pressure is called a pulse rate by physicians. Normally, the difference between the upper and lower pressure is 30-50 mm. The gap between the upper and lower pressure is affected by the distensibility of the aorta and departments large arteries. Given that the aorta is an elastic fiber, it is not surprising why it can be stretched several times. When the left ventricle contracts, the systole (contraction) phase begins, then relaxation (diastole).

Before deciding what to do if the difference between blood pressure indicators differs from the norm, it is necessary to establish which of the indicators deviates from the standards. Both a small and a large difference between the upper and lower pressures are dangerous to human health.

Pulse difference is abnormal

If the difference between systole and diastole becomes large, the symptom may indicate an impending myocardial infarction or stroke. Further, increased pulse pressure sometimes leads to a slowdown in heart activity, bradycardia. heart at high rate the pulse is overloaded, and when the systolic pressure rises above 140, and the lower one is above 90, they diagnose arterial hypertension. If systolic blood pressure is normal, but diastolic blood pressure is low, it is difficult to concentrate, fainting, tremors, dizziness and drowsiness are possible.

High pulse pressure indicates damage to the digestive organs, gallbladder, and tuberculosis. It is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the causes of the condition.

Pulse difference below normal

The main reason why there is a small difference between the upper and lower pressure is problems with the heart and blood vessels. But not those that cause a big difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. Mostly here we are talking about problems that prevent blood flow from moving with the necessary force through the vessels.

Another factor in which low diastolic pressure is practically compared with systolic in numbers is internal bleeding. Instead of circulating through the vessels, the blood will flow into the peritoneum, the vessels will weaken and this will affect the pressure drops - the difference will be small. Both small and large differences in blood pressure negatively affect the body.

First, minor factors appear that reduce the quality of life - dizziness, headache. Then a tachycardia attack is likely to occur, kidney failure, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Too big and too small BP difference

So, as mentioned above, for such a parameter as pulse pressure, the norm is 40-50 units. In addition, if the upper pressure is high and the lower pressure is low, but they are in the range of 130/90 or 110/60, one can be relatively calm. If there are pains in the head, pulsation in the temples and the back of the head, too low lower pressure, you can go to the doctor.

If the difference is more than 70 and 80 units, and the upper pressure is high, the lower is low, what should be taken immediately from a general practitioner or cardiologist. This difference suggests that the vascular system and the heart work in load mode, as a result, the blood flow puts a lot of pressure on the vessels, the state of them and the heart muscle itself is disturbed. An urgent need to call an ambulance and tell that high upper pressure and low lower pressure, as well as indicate the numbers and accompanying symptoms.

No less serious is the situation when high diastolic pressure is accompanied by increased systolic and vice versa. How to lower both indicators so that they are within the normal range?Find the cause of the imbalance.

For example, in addition to problems with the vascular beds, a small pulse difference can signal kidney pathology.

The same pressure for both indicators

In some situations, both indicators are almost the same. This indicates the presence of pathologies of the heart. To understand the essence of the problem, you need to imagine the circulation process. The heart drives blood through the vessels, pumping it through contractions. If for some reason it cannot do this, it stops filling with blood and contracts more than it should.

It is about such a pathology that one can speak if the pressure is lower than 110, and upper 120. You should immediately call the doctors, but if this is not possible, you can use the available funds. More precisely, it will be necessary to increase the upper and bring down the lower pressure, the lower pressure readings to return down, and the upper ones to rise to the norm for a certain pulse difference.

You can't do it abruptly. It is better to take antagonists that normalize the rhythm of the heartbeat. Diuretics will help reduce pressure, and sweet tea and citramone will help to raise it.

BP values ​​are subject to change as a result of various factors. From the outside, this is the regime of the day and psycho-emotional stress, the presence of bad habits and medication, exhaustion, excessive work, etc.

By normalizing the diet and taking vitamins, reducing the amount bad cholesterol in the blood and avoiding stress, you can support normal condition vascular system and organs without facing problematic pressure.

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