Calculate pressure. How to Calculate Mean Blood Pressure Using the Formula

A change in blood pressure occurs when there is a malfunction not only of the heart and blood vessels, but also of other organ systems.

To measure its value, a medical tonometer is used.

To detect or prevent pathology, you need to know how mean arterial pressure is calculated.

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Topic: Grandma's blood pressure returned to normal!

To: site administration

Moscow city

My grandmother's hypertension is hereditary - most likely, the same problems await me with age.

The parameters of the average blood pressure characterize the working cycle of the heart and blood vessels. Their measurement is carried out to assess health and obtain a clear picture of how the organs are supplied with blood, oxygen and important trace elements.

Average blood pressure is measured by the components:

  • Systolic - upper limit. Shows the force of blood pressure, which is ejected from the vein to the vessels.
  • Diastolic - lower limit. Characterizes the intensity of the heart when the muscle tissue is completely relaxed.

Low parameters of average pressure indicate insufficient blood supply. If you do not start treatment, then over time, organ atrophy may develop. Also, underestimated rates are due to problems with the brain and kidneys. High values ​​indicate diseases of the heart and circulatory system.

Average parameters allow the therapist to calculate stroke volume and heart rate. Based on these values, the doctor makes a conclusion about the state of health, prescribes effective treatment when a pathology development is detected.

  • Before calculating the mean blood pressure, you need to find the systolic and diastolic parameters. To calculate the values, a tonometer and a phonendoscope are used. Systolic pressure is the reading on the tonometer when 1 heart beat is heard using a phonendoscope. Diastolic pressure is determined by readings when no heartbeat is heard.
  • Calculation formula (2 (DAD) + SAD) / 3. If the systolic and diastolic parameters are known, then finding the average value is not difficult. You need to double the diastolic pressure numbers, then add the systolic value. Divide the resulting number by 3. The result is the average blood pressure. The doubling of the diastolic parameter occurs due to the fact that the heart muscle is in a relaxed state 2/3 of the time.
  • Application of the formula 1/3 (SAD-DAP) + DBP. To find the mean pressure, you should subtract the diastolic pressure from the systolic numbers. After the intermediate number, divide by 3, then add the diastolic parameter.
  • Formula SV*OPSS. To find blood pressure, cardiac output, measured in l / min., and total peripheral vascular resistance, measured in mm, are used. rt. Art. The formula does not give 100% measurement accuracy, but is practiced to obtain an approximate estimate.

Due to heavy employment, many people have no time to independently calculate blood pressure. In this case, you can use a special online calculator, where you just need to enter the systolic and diastolic indicators. The system will calculate the pressure itself.

In a healthy person, the pressure should be within the normal range. But some deviation from the permissible limits is not ruled out.

Norm indicators

Normal blood pressure values ​​are 80/120 mm Hg. Art. Such parameters indicate that a person’s health is in order, there are no problems with the functioning of internal organs, and there are no pathologies in the body.

80 mmHg Art. - diastolic pressure. It depends on the degree of filling of the heart chamber with blood.

120 mmHg Art. - systolic pressure. The indicator characterizes the work of blood during systole.

BP indicators 80/120 mm Hg. Art. is some "ideal" pressure. It is considered the norm not for everyone, but only for 70% of the world's population.

If the parameters differ somewhat from the norm and are located within 80 and 120 mm Hg. Art., then there is no danger to health. If the numbers on the tonometer are far from these indicators, then you should carefully monitor your well-being, if you feel unwell, consult a doctor to undergo an examination and determine the cause of the change in pressure.

High blood pressure often indicates a developing pathology in the body. In this case, the person must receive medical attention.

BP parameters are influenced by various factors. These include:

  • Food. It is not recommended to eat foods that contain a lot of salt and spices. They negatively affect the work of the cardiovascular system, contribute to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fried, smoked, oversalted food gives a strong load on the blood vessels.
  • Stress. If a person often experiences unrest, negative emotions, or becomes depressed, then this will necessarily affect the average blood pressure. The nervous system is in an excited state, which affects the heart rate.
  • Physical exercises. After playing sports, you should not take on a tonometer. The indicators will be overestimated, since motor activity speeds up the heartbeat, accelerates the blood, and warms up the muscular system.
  • Bad habits. Regular drinking and smoking lead to a malfunction of the circulatory system and heart. Blood circulation is disturbed, the organs are not supplied with the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen. Poisonous substances and toxins enter the body, causing intoxication and blood pollution.

In case of problems with pressure, a person needs to get rid of unhealthy habits, adhere to proper nutrition, observe a work and rest schedule. You should not worry and be nervous a lot, you should try to calmly respond to external stimuli.

In order for blood pressure to be within the normal range, the recommendations of doctors should be followed:

  • Include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. They contain a large amount of vitamins and useful elements necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. Complex carbohydrates will unload the heart muscle.
  • Eat more fish and protein.
  • Minimize the use of and, since they contain a large amount of caffeine.
  • Exercise, walk more in the fresh air.
  • Exclude, as they lead to the appearance of extra pounds, as well as the development of diseases of the pancreas.
  • You can not neglect the rest after a hard day, it is important that the body recovers after physical and mental stress.
  • Eat as many dairy products as possible. They help not only to improve the functioning of the intestines, but also have a positive effect on the work of the heart.

Every person should know how to find the average pressure. His indicators speak about the state of health. Deviations from the norm, as a rule, indicate the development of pathology. In this case, you should consult a doctor to undergo an examination and determine the cause of the change in values. If a disease is detected, adequate treatment should be started immediately.

The work of the cardiac and vascular systems is evaluated according to many criteria. People with problems in this area need to especially clearly control blood pressure, take prescribed medications. The generally accepted boundaries of normal values ​​​​are in the range from 110/65 to 130/85 mmHg. Deviations in one direction or another are the reason for going to the doctor. However, in medicine, several formulas have been defined that are more informative than the numbers on the tonometer. Having mastered them, you can easily calculate the mean arterial pressure and take the necessary measures to prevent complications.

Vessels and blood flow

The term blood pressure refers to the impact force that blood exerts on the vascular walls. Gradually, under the influence of time and negative factors, they lose their firmness and elasticity, becoming more susceptible to all kinds of damage.

An individual's blood pressure readings consist of upper (systolic or SBP) and lower (diastolic or DBP) values. The number before the fractional separator reflects the pressing force that the blood exerts on the walls of the artery directly during cardiac output. This is systolic pressure. The number after the fraction shows the load on the bloodstream during a pause or rest of the heart muscles. This is diastolic. For the calculation of all subsequent mathematical expressions, these final factors will serve as the main ones.

Determining Important Values

Doctors rarely warn people about the importance of such a concept as pulse pressure (BP). However, it can be used to determine the patency of blood vessels, the stiffness of the walls, the presence of spasms and inflammation in their tissues. Given how easy it is to calculate pulse pressure, everyone should know the formula. DBP must be subtracted from SBP, as a result we get the desired.

The normal value is 45 mm Hg. A number below 30 always indicates a problem.

It can be:

  • Left ventricular stroke.
  • Heart failure.
  • Large loss of blood from trauma and more.

If blood pressure is elevated, goes over 50, such reasons are not excluded: atherosclerosis, severe hypertension, heart block, endocarditis, anemia and other diseases.

Blood pressure norms according to WHO

The calculation of the mean arterial pressure (MAP) helps the doctor and the patient to control the process of the full cycle of cardiac activity. This indicator does not make it possible to finally describe the functions of the heart, but is basic in such an assessment. There are several ways to calculate mean blood pressure.

  1. The generally accepted and most common method is as follows: the lower number is subtracted from the upper digit of the tonometer, the difference is divided by 3, then the lower "Avg = (SBP - DBP) / 3 + DBP" is added. For example, the result of the measurement is 135/75, therefore, the calculation is as follows: 135 - 75 = 60; 60 / 3 = 20; 20 + 80 = 100. It turns out that the MAP of a person is 100.
  2. According to Hickem's formulation, to calculate MAP, the pulse value must be divided by 3 and the minimum or lower value of the tonometer must be added. But the calculation itself, in principle, is identical to the first method "Average blood pressure \u003d blood pressure / 3 + DBP."
  3. This method is also often used to calculate the average blood pressure: multiply the pulse rate by a constant value of 0.42, then add the DBP indicator “Mean blood pressure = (BP x 0.42) + DBP”. As an example, let's take the same numbers 135/75. First, you should find out the pulse value: 135 - 75 \u003d 60. Then 60 X 0.42 \u003d 25. Finally, 25 + 75 \u003d 100. As you can see from the example, the answer is identical.
  4. You can resort to the formula of Boger and Wetzler. To do this, the systolic pressure must be multiplied by 0.42. Multiply diastolic by another constant - 0.58. Add both results "Mean blood pressure \u003d SBP X 0.42 + DBP X 0.58." If the tonometer shows 135/75, then the mathematical expression is as follows: 135 X 0.42 = 57; 75 X 0.58 = 43; 57 + 43 = 100.
  5. It is easy to calculate the average value of blood pressure by applying the following formula: to the diastolic indicator, multiplied by 2, add the systolic, divide the result by three. It turns out "Mean AD \u003d (DBP X 2 + SBP) / 3". Making a calculation using the example of the number 135/75, we get the following result: (75 X 2 + 135) / 3 = 95. The answer differs slightly from other formulas, but it is used just as often.
  6. When using a tachooscilloscope device, doctors can record the minimum, average, maximum, shock, as well as lateral blood pressure on the vessels. Stavitsky developed his own way of deciphering such studies and the principle of calculating MAP. This happens as follows: multiply the lateral blood pressure by the SBP time in seconds, add the minimum DBP also in seconds, divide the result by the total cycle time of the heart.
  7. Just like the previous one, this method is used by health workers in a hospital, but with one significant difference. Its results are quite approximate and are used for a preliminary assessment of the patient's condition. To increase the accuracy of the calculation allows special equipment. So, the patient's cardiac output (CO) is multiplied by his total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR).

The average value of pressure throughout life remains approximately at the same level, regardless of changes in systolic or diastolic. Even over time, when hypertension or hypotension becomes a person's companions, the MAP should be constant and stable.

Normal performance

Based on any formula for calculating mean arterial pressure, for each person the figure will be identical. The range of normal MAP values ​​is usually considered to be 70–100 mmHg.

A person can assess his condition in many ways, the calculation of MAP is one of those. The formulas should be used both by patients with abnormalities in the work of blood vessels, and by those who are currently healthy. This will help in timely response and prevention of unwanted diseases.

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Blood pressure calculator

What is commonly understood in medicine under the concept of "blood pressure"? In simple terms, it is customary to understand blood pressure as the force with which blood acts on the vascular wall during contractions of the heart muscle. In medical practice, certain limits have developed, which are the boundaries of the norm of blood pressure, everything that is higher is hypertension, everything that is lower is hypotension. Both conditions carry very serious risks for human health - up to strokes and heart attacks (cardiovascular diseases occupy the first lines in the ratings of causes of death in the Russian Federation). The FOX-calculator project has developed an online calculation for you, with which you can easily determine whether your blood pressure is within normal limits.

Calculation of the norm of pressure for each age group

Knowing the norm of your blood pressure (BP) allows you to understand more fully the picture of the work of the cardiovascular system. It comes in two types:

- systolic or upper;

- diastolic or lower.

The first determines the effect of blood when the heart is active, and the second in the process of rest. Normal blood pressure is 110-130 / 65-85 mm Hg, and the maximum allowable is 100/60 and 140/90. Indicators when measuring the right and left hands can differ up to 10 mm Hg. Changes in blood pressure can be caused by temperature changes, a sudden change in body position, physical activity, etc.

Other types of blood pressure

In addition to the listed blood pressure, it can be pulsed and average.

Mean pressure, covering the entire cardiac cycle, is calculated in accordance with a formula that includes the values ​​of cardiac output and index, as well as stroke volume. Its optimal indicator is the range of 80-95 points. Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic values, which should not exceed 45 points.

How is mean blood pressure calculated?

This parameter can be determined not only on expensive equipment, but also independently.

  1. Using the standard formula;
  2. Using Hickam's formula;
  3. Using the Wetzler and Boger formula;
  4. Using the Stavitsky formula.

The standard formula means the following actions: subtract the upper BP value and divide by three, and add the total to the lower BP. The final figure, which is in the range of 80-95 points, is considered normal.

If you calculate according to the Hickam formula, then the pulse value is divided by three and added to the diastolic parameter.

The most difficult method for calculations is the use of the Stavitsky formula. To find the desired figure, you will need to multiply the lateral systolic blood pressure and the systole time. Add the minimum diastolic pressure to the result. Systole and diastole should be measured in seconds. The result is divided by the time of the cardiac cycle.

The average pressure does not directly depend on the fluctuations of the upper and lower parameters, even with age it should not change.

Attention! If the average value is less than 60 points, then the person is in critical condition.

Table “Normal blood pressure depending on the age of a person”:

Arterial pressure Systolic blood pressure mm Hg Art. Diastolic blood pressure mmHg Art.
Normal blood pressure (less than represented value - hypotension)
Optimal blood pressure Less than 120 mmHg Art. Less than 80 mmHg Art.
normal blood pressure Less than 130 mmHg Art. Less than 85 mmHg Art.
Elevated normal blood pressure 130-139 mmHg Art. 85-89 mmHg Art.
High blood pressure (hypertension)
1 degree GB (hypertension) 140-159 mmHg Art. 90-99 mmHg Art.
2 degree GB (hypertension) 160-179 mmHg Art. 100-109 mmHg Art.
3 degree GB (hypertension) Blood pressure is: more than 180 mm Hg. Art. Blood pressure is: more than 110 mm Hg. Art.
Borderline hypertension 140-149 mmHg Art. Blood pressure is: less than 90 mm Hg. Art.
Isolated systolic hypertension Blood pressure is: more than 140 mm Hg. Art. Blood pressure is: less than 90 mm Hg. Art.

Video instruction: how to independently measure your own pressure using a mechanical tonometer?

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Blood pressure is an important indicator of human health.

It can indicate not only problems directly with the cardiovascular system, but also with the endocrine, reproductive and urinary systems.

In addition to measuring your upper and lower blood pressure, it is also important to know your mean BP.

These data allow you to more accurately determine the state of human health and, if necessary, appoint a number of important studies to eliminate the pathology.

What is mean arterial pressure how to calculate it, as well as what this indicator indicates can be found in the information provided.

Types of blood pressure

The term BP refers to force and pressure with which blood presses against the walls of blood vessels, arteries and veins. From this they either narrow or expand. It is blood pressure that is the main indicator of the performance of the heart muscle and blood vessels, including capillaries.

There are two types of BP: systolic, which means the upper indicator, and diastolic, it refers to the lower data on the effect of blood on the vessels.

Systole shows the doctor and the patient how great the pressure on the vessels is when a new portion of blood is ejected from the heart muscle. Diastole It also shows the functioning of the heart at the immediate moment of muscle relaxation.

Under normal conditions, blood pressure may fluctuate from 110 to 135 mm when measuring high values, as well as from 65 to 85 mm when measuring lower values. Today, experts have slightly expanded the indicators of the norm, setting its maximum limits. Thus, BP data of 140/90 and 100/60 are those boundaries that are considered relatively safe for the patient, but only if they feel well.

Ideal numbers for measuring blood pressure are 120/80. But the patient can feel great at other values, while he will not have obvious health problems. To find out the exact blood pressure, it is required to monitor it immediately after waking up, while getting out of bed is impossible, and also before going to bed.

The obtained data can be affected by factors such as room temperature, problems with the water-salt balance, physical activity on the day of measurement, as well as the age of the patient.

At the same time, despite the presence of concomitant factors, if blood pressure indicators do not fall below 140, we can talk about the development of arterial hypertension, another name is hypertension. If the data falls below the mark of 90 mm, we can talk about hypotension.

Attention! When measuring blood pressure on both arms, you can get different results, but they normally cannot differ by more than 10 mmHg. In some cases, situations arise when a specialist can measure blood pressure data on the patient's legs in the popliteal cavities.

Video: "What is blood pressure?"

What is mean arterial pressure and why do you need to know it?

Mean arterial pressure refers to entire cardiac cycle. It is measured to understand how well all the organs of the body are functioning, how they are saturated with blood and essential nutrients. With a decrease in such indicators, we can talk about poor blood supply to tissues, which can lead to their atrophy, as well as the presence of problems with the kidneys and brain.

Attention! Ideally, mean arterial pressure should be calculated by the attending physician. The cardiologist will take into account the stroke volume, the number of heartbeats and the cardiac index. This is the only way to get an accurate picture of the real work of the heart and vascular system.

Formula for calculating mean arterial pressure

There are several ways to measure mean blood pressure. In a medical institution, special equipment is usually used for this.

At home, you can use one of the above formulas for such measurements:

  • Easiest first measure diastolic and systolic blood pressure. After that, you will need to subtract the lower ones from the upper numbers. The resulting difference will need to be divided by three and the lower blood pressure is added to the result. The result is considered normal, at which the pressure is in the range of 80-95 mm, but there may be deviations without the presence of dangerous diseases.
  • When calculating the average according to the formula of Wetzler and Boger you must first also measure both indicators. After that, the upper numbers are multiplied by a factor of 0.42. The lower numbers are multiplied by a factor of 0.58. Both numbers are added together.

These formulas are considered the simplest for an ordinary patient without a medical education. For more accurate data, you should calculate the mean arterial pressure in the morning and evening, while keeping a graph. If the data is constantly out of the normal range, it is better to contact a specialist for advice and prescribe the necessary examinations.

The norm of mean arterial pressure and the reasons for the deviation

Ideally, mean blood pressure should be in the range of 80-95 mm. But due to the characteristics of the organism and the presence of a number of factors that are not pathological, the borders were expanded by specialists within 70-110 mm Hg. st.

Several factors can also affect the final result at once, in the presence of which the doctor must exclude the danger to the patient's condition.

Such problems include:

If the values ​​are far out of bounds without these problems, the reason may lie in development of hypertension or hypotension. In this case, the appointment of specialized medications is required that can even out blood pressure and ensure normal averages.

Video: "How to measure blood pressure correctly?"

Treatment for elevated rates

Start by stabilizing you can try just with the help of diet and proper lifestyle. You should improve your diet as much as possible by including a large amount of vegetables, fruits, white meat and fish.

From drinks, preference should be given to green and red tea. Fermented milk products, especially natural preparations, will help well in such a situation.

Refusing sports and physical activity in this state is not required., it is important that they are feasible. If such measures do not help, you will have to seek help from pharmaceutical preparations. They will help to contain the growth of average and high blood pressure, which will prevent stroke, heart attack and other dangerous conditions.

To suppress such conditions a class of diuretic medications may be used, which will also relieve puffiness and congestion. It also helps to set up indicators. ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers.

Usually, the minimum dose of the active substance is prescribed first, which is gradually adjusted and, if necessary, combined with other medicines.

Treatment for low rates

There are no specially selected medicines to eliminate hypotension.. Usually such problems are associated with the development of vegetovascular dystonia, which can only be slightly corrected and prevented from worsening. To do this, the patient is advised to eat more healthy foods, diluting the diet with dishes with complex carbohydrates. They will give the necessary energy, which will remove the symptoms of hypotension in the form of weakness and apathy.

Attention! Any medications to correct mean arterial pressure should be selected under the direct supervision of a cardiologist. It is required to take into account problems with the kidneys, liver and other important factors.


It is important to constantly monitor your blood pressure, even if there are no obvious health problems. This will allow timely notice emerging problems with the functioning of many body systems, even if there are no obvious symptoms of pathology.

Average blood pressure will allow you to more accurately predict the possibility of developing specific diseases., which gives a chance to make a competent treatment and not allow health to deteriorate.

You can calculate the average pressure at home using some formulas. When indicators deviate below 70 and above 100 mmHg we can talk about diseases in the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you should consult a specialist for help in treatment.

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