What discharge can be considered the norm in a healthy woman. Vaginal discharge: from normal to pathological

There is no woman in the world who does not care about the nature of the discharge from her genital tract. Among them are those that are part of the female physiology, and some may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in the body, or an inflammatory process. To protect yourself, it is more competent to contact a gynecologist and take tests for the microflora of the vagina and for bacteriological culture. Therefore, many are interested in which discharges are considered normal, and which ones are the reason for visiting a doctor.

Normal discharge and menstrual cycle

Allocations in healthy women appear from the moment of puberty and are present until the onset of menopause. Another name for vaginal discharge is leucorrhoea. They vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The amount and color of leucorrhoea depends on the concentration of the hormone estrogen in the blood. Consider what normal discharge looks like at different periods of the female cycle.

So, in the first phase of the female cycle (about 1-14 days), the discharge is usually the most meager - about 1-2 mg per day. This amount of white leaves a spot with a diameter of 2-3 cm on the panty liner. During this period, vaginal discharge is normal if it has a transparent or whitish tint. Usually they are odorless or the smell is slightly sour.

At the end of the first period, ovulation occurs, which lasts 1-2 days. As for vaginal discharge, an increase in their abundance compared to the first phase is considered the norm. Their number is about 4 mg per day, and the diameter of the spot on the pad can reach 5-6 cm. Whites are similar to chicken protein - they are also transparent and have a viscous and mucous character. Such secretions are a favorable environment for the promotion of spermatozoa to the egg.

The second half of the menstrual cycle is characterized by a comparative decrease in the amount of whites. These secretions become thicker and have a jelly-like or creamy character. With the approach of menstruation, the abundance of leucorrhoea increases, their color becomes whitish. Thus, on the eve of the onset of menstruation, white discharge is normal. Naturally, provided that they do not bring a feeling of discomfort, itching or burning.

Normal female discharge and various factors

You also need to know what normal discharge should be, depending on the influence of various life situations:

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

Vaginal discharge in women is a consequence of the occurrence of certain processes in the body. Mucus from the cervical canal performs important functions of the reproductive system. And according to the state of the fluid released, it is possible to diagnose a violation at an early stage of development.

What discharge in women is considered normal

There is no clear picture of what a healthy woman's discharge should be. However, doctors argue that the rate of discharge in women has the following relative characteristics:

  1. Volume. A few milliliters per day, but not more than 5 ml. You can determine by daily pads, on which the stain should not exceed 1 or 1.5 cm in diameter.
  2. Consistency. . Fairly thick but no lumps. Watery are allowed only in a certain period of the cycle, during pregnancy and with strong arousal.
  3. Structure. Homogeneous without lumps, large clots or flakes. Minor seals up to 4 mm are allowed.
  4. Aroma. due to the environment of the vagina, but more often the smell is completely absent.

To assess your condition, you need to study what color the selection should be:

  • transparent;
  • white;
  • beige;
  • yellow.

The importance of the secret and its composition

Many women try to get rid of any vaginal discharge, considering it to be unnatural and pathological. But cervical fluid or mucus plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system and maintaining women's health.

The vaginal secret normally has the following composition:

  1. Cellular and fluid components. The uterine mucosa is constantly updated, old cells die off, join the vaginal discharge fluid and go outside. Plasma and lymph transudate may be present.
  2. Mucus of the cervical canal. The cervix contains special glands that produce secretion, thereby protecting the reproductive system from the penetration and further reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Bacteria and fungi of the vaginal flora. The sexual microflora contains not only useful lactobacilli, but also conditionally harmful microorganisms in a small amount. In a healthy girl, these pathogens die and come out along with the vaginal secretion.
  4. Leukocytes. According to their content, it is possible to diagnose the presence of an inflammatory process. Limit of norm - 10 pcs. in a smear, but minor deviations are allowed.

Women's secretions have many functions:

  • self-cleaning of the vagina;
  • maintaining a healthy microflora;
  • fight against harmful bacteria, bacilli, fungi;
  • natural hydration during intercourse;
  • removal of dead cells;
  • protection of the fetus during pregnancy.

The most important purpose of the vaginal secret is the early warning of a woman about adverse processes in the reproductive system.

What affects the vaginal secretion

Ovulation. The fertile period is characterized by the release of a large amount of fluid, which is easily stretched between the fingers, resembling snot or egg white. Mucus can be white, transparent, beige. Sometimes there is an admixture of blood, which indicates a favorable moment of conception.

second phase of the cycle. The vaginal secret becomes much less, sometimes it disappears altogether. The liquid has a creamy or jelly-like consistency.

A few days before menstruation, spotting is allowed, which signal the approach of monthly bleeding.

The nature of normal discharge in women (photo above) is modified according to the time of the cycle, but this is not the rule for every case. Sometimes they continue to be produced in large quantities and remain liquid without discomfort, which indicates a hormonal surge or lack of progesterone.

Reasons for minor deviations

It is important to find out what discharge is considered normal from the vagina under certain conditions. Change the nature of secretion without the presence of diseases of the reproductive system can:

  • pregnancy;
  • premenopause;
  • menopause;
  • recent birth of a child;
  • lactation period;
  • taking birth control pills;
  • treatment with certain drugs.

Depending on the specific cause, the consistency, amount and color of natural secretions in women change, but not for long. You should consult a doctor if the fluid from the vagina has an unpleasant odor or has other symptoms, such as itching, burning, severe pain.

How to identify a disease

The most common cause of pathological discharge in women is a violation of the vaginal microbiocenosis. Causes changes in the normal functioning of the microflora of the vagina, non-observance of hygiene of the genital organs or excessive douching with water or special solutions.

And also the problems of self-cleaning of the vagina arise against the background of:

  • use of antibiotics;
  • hormonal treatment;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • diabetes;
  • weakened immunity.

It is advisable to study the nature of the discharge in girls in terms of color and smell, since these two signs will help to understand what is happening in the body and whether there is a reason to contact a gynecologist and pass the necessary tests.


Even colorless mucus from the vagina can indicate certain disorders:
Inflammation of the endometrium or appendages. The amount of cervical fluid with an unpleasant odor increases against the background of endometritis and andexitis. In advanced cases, the mucus contains blood clots.

Dysbiosis. The disease is accompanied by redness of the external genital organs, abundant watery fluid from the vagina,.


The type of vaginal discharge in women plays a significant role in the study of the current state of the reproductive system. Knowing the features of a normal secret from the vagina, it is possible to detect the disease at an early stage in time and, with the help of a doctor, choose a treatment.

With the onset of puberty, a woman's body undergoes biological processes associated with preparation for the possible conception and bearing of a child. At the same time, the uterus and its appendages are reliably protected from infection by special mucus produced in the cervix. Naturally, some of the mucus is released to the outside. Physiological secretions do not cause inconvenience to a woman. It is only required to observe hygiene rules in order to avoid the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.


Composition and causes of physiological secretions

At the age of 9-12 years (the beginning of puberty) and up to 50-52 years (the end of menopause), women normally have clear or white mucous discharge between periods. Their presence is as natural as other bodily fluids in the body: tears, saliva, mucus in the nose.

The composition of vaginal secretions includes:

  1. Mucus produced by special glands in the cervix. It forms a plug that does not allow the infection to enter the internal genital organs. In addition, changing the consistency and environment of this mucus allows the body to regulate the process of sperm penetration into the fallopian tubes, where the egg is fertilized. Within a few days after ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the protective shell), conception is possible. At this time, the protective cork liquefies, its environment becomes slightly alkaline, favorable for the viability of spermatozoa. In other phases of the menstrual cycle, the mucus is acidic, which is detrimental to them.
  2. Useful lactobacilli, the product of which is lactic acid. In addition to them, there are so-called conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (Candida fungi, gardnerella, streptococci). They are not dangerous until a favorable moment comes for their development (for example, hypothermia, an unusual stressful situation, diseases of other organs or injuries, and the use of certain drugs by a woman).
  3. Dead cells of the epithelial membrane lining the genitals. They are constantly replaced by new cells.
  4. Physiological fluids that penetrate the walls of organs (plasma, lymph).

The difference between normal discharge and pathological

Normal discharge is directly related to the menstrual cycle or a change in physiological state. Their volume and consistency change. They are usually transparent or white in color. May have a pale tint (creamy, yellowish). They have no smell, sometimes due to the presence of lactic acid, it can be slightly sour. Such secretions are not associated with sensations of pain, burning or itching, do not cause skin irritation.

Pathology is the appearance of green, bright yellow, black, brown discharge. Moreover, their form does not depend on the phase of the cycle. Often they have a heterogeneous structure, an unpleasant odor appears (fishy, ​​sour milk, sweetish). Pathological discharge occurs in diseases of the genital organs (inflammatory or tumor processes).

Physiological mucous secretions appear in girls about 1 year before the onset of menstruation. At an earlier age, girls should not have any discharge from the genital tract. If they appear, this is a sign of a disease (for example, a congenital infection with fungi, Trichomonas). You can also get infected through bed linen. During the passage of the child through the birth canal, infection with herpes is possible.

Sometimes inflammation occurs due to trauma to the external genital organs or the ingress of foreign objects into them (for example, sand in a sandbox). The cause of the disease may be poor hygiene care for the child.

Pathology is also any kind of discharge from the genital tract in postmenopause, when the reproductive system completely ceases to function. During this period, discharge (usually mixed with blood) occurs either due to damage to the vaginal mucosa as a result of thinning and dryness, or as a symptom of oncology.

Warning: In the event of a discharge in a little girl, it is imperative to consult a pediatric gynecologist, since in the future an untreated disease will result in infertility and other complications. For older women, a timely visit to the doctor and a diagnosis can sometimes save lives.

Video: Discharge in women. Norm and pathology

Types of natural secretions

The nature of physiological secretions depends not only on the stage of the menstrual cycle, but also on the age of the woman, hormonal changes, the presence or absence of sexual activity.

Discharge associated with the menstrual cycle

Immediately after menstruation, the so-called dry period begins, when the amount of discharge is minimal. By the time of ovulation (in the middle of the cycle), the amount of mucus, resembling raw egg white in appearance, increases, can reach up to 4 ml per day. On this basis, a woman learns about the onset of ovulation. After 2-3 days, the volume of secretions decreases.

Immediately before menstruation, the discharge becomes like rice water, the intensity increases slightly.

Video: Normal discharge during the menstrual cycle

Occurring after the onset of sexual activity or change of sexual partner

In the genital tract of a woman, the microbiological composition changes due to the ingress of bacteria that are part of the natural microflora of the genitals of the sexual partner. During the period of adaptation to these changes, the amount of secretions increases, their shade and consistency change. At the same time, the woman does not experience any discomfort.

After intercourse, if a condom was not used, the discharge is jelly-like with clots. They are colorless or slightly white with a yellow tinge. After a few more hours, the intensity of the secretions increases, they become more liquid, white. If the sexual intercourse was protected, then after it there are white meager discharges.

During pregnancy

Due to changes in the hormonal background, the blood supply to the genital organs increases, while more plasma enters the mucus through the walls of the vagina, so it liquefies, and the intensity of the discharge increases. A harbinger of an early birth is an even greater increase in their volume due to the increased work of the glands that produce mucus to lubricate the birth canal.

Warning: In the second half of pregnancy, the appearance of very liquid and copious discharge, especially with an admixture of blood, may indicate the onset of premature birth. Immediate medical attention is required. In a normal pregnancy, an increase in the volume of discharge in the last weeks may be associated with the discharge of amniotic fluid. Such changes cannot be ignored.

After the abortion

The nature of the discharge depends on the method of artificial termination of pregnancy, on its duration, as well as on the characteristics of the body.

After a surgical abortion (curettage), bloody discharge with clots is observed for several days. They are normal and are associated with damage to small blood vessels. Then they darken and stop. Replaced by regular discharge.

Medical abortion is performed with the help of hormonal drugs. In this case, bleeding occurs in the uterus, detachment of the fetal egg occurs. After 2 days, the woman's condition returns to normal.

Vacuum abortion is the least traumatic, the discharge after it is insignificant, their usual nature is quickly restored.

Video: Restoring the menstrual cycle after an abortion

After childbirth

At this time, lochia appear - physiological secretions, consisting of blood clots, exfoliated uterine epithelium and cervical mucus. They can exist up to about 6-8 weeks, then their intensity gradually weakens, they brighten. In the first days, lochia is similar to menstruation, then blood impurities disappear, the color becomes yellowish-white. The consistency of mucus is similar to egg white.

Subsequently, if a woman is breastfeeding a child, then in the absence of her menstruation, slight discharge is observed until the feeding period ends. Then they become ordinary, regularly changing in character.

Premenopausal, during use, and after discontinuation of hormonal contraception

Due to a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body, the production of mucus in the cervical canal decreases, the epithelial layer becomes thinner. Vaginal dryness increases. Reducing the volume of secretions increases the risk of inflammatory diseases.

Hormonal contraception suppresses ovulation. In this case, the discharge becomes insignificant. If a woman stops drinking birth control pills, then the nature of the discharge is restored.

Normal discharge from the genital tract is a sign by which a woman's reproductive health is assessed. Trying to get rid of them by douching or using inappropriate hygiene products can lead to a change in the composition of the microflora, cause inflammatory diseases or allergies. A change in the nature of the discharge, even in the absence of concomitant negative symptoms, should alert the woman, as it can be a manifestation of hidden diseases.

What's in the article:

Discharge from the genitals of a woman is a natural defense mechanism of the body. Moisturizing the mucous membranes, the mucous secretion prevents the reproduction of pathogenic pathological microorganisms and bacteria, protects against the development of infections and is a self-purification mechanism of the vagina.

In order not to harm women's health with excessive cleanliness, you need to know what secretions are considered the norm in women.

What should be the natural discharge of a healthy woman

To understand what a woman's normal discharge should be, it is important to know what they are.

Normal vaginal discharge is a mixture of:

  • dead cells of the epithelium of the mucous membranes of the cervical canal (cervical canal) and the woman's vagina,
  • mucus from the cervical canal,
  • microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, viruses that inhabit the genitals.

Normal microflora in women of reproductive age is characterized by the presence of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli, Doderlein bacillus), enterobacteria, fungi (Candida, gardnerella), a small number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, streptococci.

Due to the presence of lactobacilli, vaginal discharge has a normal acidic environment (normal pH = 3.8 - 4.4) and a specific sour smell.

Types of vaginal discharge

The vaginal secret of a woman is not abundant mucus, which does not have a sharp unpleasant odor and unnatural color. A normal secret promotes lubrication and cleansing of the mucous membranes of the epithelium from irritation and drying out. After the completion of menstruation in a healthy woman, normal discharge has a colorless liquid consistency. Before the onset of ovulation in a woman (12-16 days with a normal 28-day menstrual cycle), they become plentiful, cloudy and thicker, viscous. This means that the egg is ready for fertilization. This time is most favorable for the successful conception of a child.

So, what should be the discharge of a healthy woman:

  • transparent mucous membranes
  • colorless creamy, characteristic of the post-ovulation period,
  • pink with bloody streaks in the pre-ovulation period,
  • colorless, odorless, jelly-like (appear before the onset of menstruation),
  • brownish - brown can appear in the first 2 - 3 weeks when taking hormonal contraceptives,
  • liquidish light white, not causing discomfort - typical for the period of pregnancy, with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, such discharge may increase,
  • whitish-cloudy (appearing after sexual intercourse).

In different periods, cervical discharge in women can acquire a different consistency, smell, color. And their quantity and quality indicates deviations from the norm, the presence of any disorders, diseases, inflammations in the reproductive system.

If a woman's discharge has become abnormal - abundant with an unpleasant fetid odor and an unusual color (yellowish, green, brown - brown) and irritating the skin of the perineum - this is a sign of the disease. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist - a gynecologist to take smears for bacterial culture of the vaginal microflora and exclude STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), venereal diseases.

Causes (norms) of a change in the color of normal discharge in women:

  • pregnancy,
  • menopause,
  • postpartum, during breastfeeding,
  • taking hormonal contraceptives and certain types of drugs,
  • venereal diseases.

For each of the above reasons for deviations from the norm, various variations in the consistency of these discharges, their colors, the appearance or absence of an unpleasant odor and other accompanying signs indicating a specific reason for the change in the acceptable state are possible. The absence of any cervical discharge can also indicate the presence of pathologies.

What discharge is considered normal in women

Let us dwell in more detail on what kind of discharge is normal and in what period of a woman's life.


A transparent vaginal secret is the most harmless and natural type of normal discharge. A similar secret can manifest itself in the premenstrual period, before the onset of ovulation in a woman, during the puberty of a teenage girl. It consists of dead epithelial cells, waste products of the vaginal microflora, lactic acid fungi and bacteria. A feature is the complete absence of smell or a very slight sour smell.

The following symptoms (deviations from the norm) are a cause for concern and an urgent visit to the doctor:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor,
  • burning and irritation in the vulva,
  • cramps during urination and sexual intercourse,
  • the appearance of flakes or bloody clots in the discharge.

Similar symptoms may indicate diseases such as: endometritis, vaginal dysbacteriosis (vaginosis), salpingo-oophoritis, neoplasms in the cervical cavity.

White (white)

In terms of consistency and smell, women should have normal white discharge. Beli can appear before the onset of menstruation, ovulation and in early pregnancy. If their consistency is homogeneous, odorless, and they do not bother a woman, then there is no reason for concern. Changes in quantity, composition (thick, frothy), appearance of white flakes, fetid odor (similar to rotten fish) may indicate diseases such as:

  • fungal infections (candidiasis),
  • vaginitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina),
  • andexite,
  • STDs (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis).

Reasons for changing whites:

  • Improper use of personal hygiene products, poor quality of raw materials used, the presence of chemical flavors and fragrances,
  • Frequent douching without a doctor's prescription, which wash out the beneficial microflora of the cervical canal,
  • Long-term use of certain types of hormonal contraceptives,
  • Inactive lifestyle, lack of physical activity,
  • Failure to observe daily intimate hygiene.

A sharp increase in the amount of whiteness in the middle of the cycle is due to the upcoming ovulation. If the increase in whiteness, the development of unusual symptoms occurs throughout the cycle and pregnancy is excluded, then this indicates the development of a pathology or disease.


The color of the cervical secret in yellow may be due to natural normal changes in the female body.

What yellow discharge occurs normally in women:

  • no smell, discomfort, burning sensation,
  • color slightly yellow, muted,
  • the consistency is watery, uniform (without jelly-like clots).

In cases where yellow discharge is accompanied by a sharp increase in their number, an unpleasant odor (like rotten fish), a burning sensation, discomfort, pain during urination, you should immediately seek medical help and take a smear on the flora. Since such symptoms indicate diseases such as: inflammation of the ovaries and their appendages, andexitis, salpingitis, vaginitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.


The green color of cervical discharge is a clear sign of a pathological genesis. As a rule, it is accompanied by severe itching, irritation. It is a sign of STDs and a serious inflammatory process in the vagina.

Causes of the green secret:

  • Bacterial vaginosis, fungal candidiasis - the nature of the discharge is jelly-like or curdled,
  • Trichomoniasis,
  • Gonorrhea,
  • Syphilis,
  • Chlamydia, gardnerellosis.

The appearance of greenish discharge is always a sign of pathology (inflammatory process or STDs). The key to successful treatment is timely consultation and diagnosis by a specialist - a gynecologist.

Bloody (brown).

Such secretions are recognized as the most dangerous, threatening the life and health of a woman.

A woman should be alert:

  • Increasing the amount of excreted secretion
  • Itching, burning sensation in the vulva,
  • Bad smell
  • Pain when urinating
  • intermenstrual discharge,
  • Foamy discharge mixed with pus and bloody streaks.

The causes of the appearance of a bloody - brownish secret can be:

  • Abortion,
  • Infection in the genitals
  • menopause, menopause,
  • Taking inappropriate hormonal contraceptives, improper placement of an intrauterine device,
  • Neoplasms in the vagina (cervix) - warts, polyps, ulcers,
  • Intense rough intercourse, rape.

The secret of a bloody - brown color can be a symptom of diseases such as:

  • Cervical erosion,
  • adenomyosis,
  • endometritis,
  • Tumors and neoplasms (sarcoma, fibroma, myoma).

If a discharge of this color is found, it should be a reason for immediate medical attention. To exclude serious violations and make an accurate diagnosis, smears and tests are required.

Having considered the main types of what should be discharge in women, we can conclude that normal vaginal discharge is a natural process of cleansing a woman's reproductive system from pathological microflora. A change from the norm in the structure, color, consistency, intensity of secretion, the appearance and intensification of odor can appear during such normal physiological processes as: pregnancy, menopause, menopause, the postpartum state, with the onset of ovulation and menstruation, during the puberty of a girl.

If the discharge has acquired an unpleasant odor, not a specific consistency, purulent particles - this is a reason for an urgent appeal to a medical facility. Making the correct diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment will help the delivery of appropriate smears for STDs and cytology, blood tests for certain types of diseases, and cultural studies.

Often, women who love cleanliness and diligently maintain body hygiene are overzealous in trying to get rid of whiteness. When vaginal discharge is observed on underwear in women and girls, most often you should not worry about the pathology - this is a natural process due to physiology. But when discomfort, an unpleasant odor or a suspicious color are added to the secret, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist - such phenomena indicate possible inflammatory or infectious processes in the genitourinary system. In order to take timely action, it is necessary to understand where the natural processes end and the development of pathology begins.

How are secretions formed and what are they

Before considering what normal whites should be, let's define what they are. As a rule, the secret that stands out is a natural phenomenon, it is produced by glands located on the mucous layer of the vestibule of the vagina, the cervix. A certain amount of effusion of the vaginal vessels, the discharge of the uterine cavity, is added to the composition of the mucus. One of the main tasks of the secret is to protect the uterine and vaginal walls from the introduction of pathogens. It is also necessary to prevent the drying of the vagina, cleaning the genital tract. Accordingly, eliminating those whites that are the norm, the woman also removes the protective layer, opening up access to infections.

Usually, from 1 to 5 ml of vaginal mucus is secreted during the day, while during the menstrual cycle its characteristics may change, including shade and consistency. The volume may also change, the natural reasons affecting this indicator are:

  • ovulatory period;
  • bearing a child;
  • sexual arousal.

With insufficient production of vaginal fluid, pain during sex can occur, and frequent infection of the body. If we consider the parameters of the vaginal mucus in a woman, its composition includes cells and a variety of microorganisms:

  • Mucus formed by the cervical canal, which is a protection against infectious pathologies in the cervix.
  • Constantly renewing cells of the epithelium of the uterus, while the detached ones descend into the vaginal cavity, then coming out.
  • Microflora, which includes from 5 to 12 varieties of microorganisms, including a small amount of coccal bacteria, viruses and fungi. Actively multiplying under the influence of negative factors, they are able to provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

It is believed that normally the ovaries, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, along with the cervix, are completely sterile and microorganisms inhabit only the vagina.

In women and girls of reproductive age, the natural vaginal microflora for the most part includes lactic acid bacteria, due to which the normal excreted secret is an acidic environment with a pH value of 3.8 to 4.4. This explains the possible sour smell of mucus.

Characteristics of natural vaginal discharge

Every girl who has reached childbearing age should have a discharge that indicates the health of her reproductive system.

There are a number of signs, according to which a woman is able to independently determine how much the allocated secret meets the norm:

  • It is estimated what color the secret is, the results are correlated with the period of the menstrual cycle - shades can be white, cream, yellow, or differ in transparency.
  • Most of the natural vaginal discharge almost does not smell or there are sour shades.
  • The consistency of mucus can vary from liquid to viscous.
  • Despite the fact that the volume of the secret may vary, it should not exceed about a teaspoon.
  • The amount of mucus increases significantly before menstruation, after sexual intercourse, during sexual arousal.

The nature of vaginal discharge is largely influenced by the woman's age, the hormonal background of her body, the presence or absence of a sexual life, and other factors. In girls, leucorrhoea should be absent until the puberty, given the peculiarities of the hormonal background and the structure of the genital organs characteristic of this age.

Allocations are evidence of pathology if they have a smell, color and appear in girls of 10-12 years of age. Usually such mucus indicates problems in the genitourinary or digestive system. Approximately 12 months before the start of the first menstrual cycle, teenage girls begin to experience the production of vaginal fluid, which is due to hormonal changes. Beli can be liquid or mucous, painted white or slightly yellow, when they leave the vagina there should be no unpleasant sensations - soreness, burning or itching, swelling and redness. After the stabilization of the monthly cycle, cyclic changes in the properties of secretions are observed. Given that most often girls and women have a monthly cycle of 28 days, consider the natural changes in vaginal discharge, taking it as a basis:

  • In the initial phase of the cycle - and this is the period from the first to the twelfth day after the end of menstruation - the secreted mucus is often liquid, of a homogeneous consistency, sometimes with the inclusion of lumps, which consist of dead epithelium. Its color is transparent, but white or yellow shades are not considered a pathology. The smell is absent or gives slightly sour.
  • On the thirteenth - fifteenth day, the ovulatory period begins, in which the volume of daily secretions increases to 4 ml, their consistency is similar to viscous mucus, the color ranges from transparent to white or light beige tones.
  • In the second phase of the cycle, which begins on the fifteenth or sixteenth day, normal discharge in women decreases in volume, the consistency is similar to jelly or a thin cream. The color remains transparent, whitish or yellowish. Immediately before menstruation, the discharge becomes mucous and smearing, acquiring a brown tint.

Why do whites change

In addition to the monthly cycle and pathological conditions, there are many most often hormonal factors that affect the nature of the secret:

  • When a girl begins to have sex or a change of partners occurs, a new microflora enters the vagina, which is essentially non-pathogenic, but completely alien. As a result, during a certain time period, the duration of which is individual for each individual organism, the reproductive system adapts to the changed composition of the microflora. At such moments, there may be an increase in the volume of the allocated secret, a change in its consistency and color. In this case, any discomfort, including itching or burning, should be completely absent.
  • Sexual contact itself also provokes the production of specific whites - after an act without using a condom for several hours, vaginal discharge is like transparent clots, painted in whitish or yellowish hues. After six or eight hours, the mucus changes again - it becomes liquid and plentiful, painted white. When using a condom or when interrupting the act, the secret that is subsequently released has a structure similar to a cream, since it consists of a “waste” vaginal lubricant. Its color is whitish, the amount is quite scarce.
  • Female oral contraceptives significantly change the hormonal background, inhibit ovulation and, during their use, help to reduce the volume of secretions. After stopping the use of the drug, the nature of the vaginal discharge is restored. Similarly, the nature of the leucorrhoea has a period of lactation. When the lactation period ends, the amount of mucus produced is quite low.
  • Consider what discharge is considered normal for women who are carrying a child. Usually their number increases, since blood circulation in the genitals is accelerated and a certain amount of plasma penetrates into the lumen of the vagina. In the last trimester, the volume of the secret increases even more noticeably, which is a harbinger of labor activity.

Pregnant women need to pay increased attention to the nature of the substance released from the vagina, as it may indicate hidden problems. For example, liquid mucus in the last trimester often indicates a discharge of water.

The leucorrhoea that appears after labor is called lochia, they are uterine secretions, which include blood, mucus, rejected due to the non-viability of the tissue. Normally, lochia is released for three to six weeks, sometimes this period increases to almost one and a half months. At this stage, the trend towards a decrease in the volume of lochia and their clarification is important - the first seven days of discharge resemble ordinary heavy menstruation, which may contain clots. Gradually, the volume of lochia decreases, and the color changes towards yellow-white shades, which is facilitated by a large amount of mucus contained in them, and bloody inclusions may be present. Closer to about the fourth week, the discharge becomes smearing, at the end of the sixth week (this period can last up to the eighth week), the whites become the same as before the conception of the child.

The hormonal background in women changes significantly in the period before the onset of postmenopause. Consider what the discharge should be at this time - their volume is significantly reduced, for the most part coccal microorganisms are observed, which include streptococci and staphylococci.

It should be remembered: regardless of the period of the menstrual cycle and other circumstances, the release of vaginal secretions should not be accompanied by discomfort. Otherwise, an immediate gynecological examination is necessary.

Signs of pathological discharge

We examined the natural discharge in girls and women, now it is necessary to understand when leucorrhoea becomes pathological and the development of what diseases they accompany. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, present in small quantities in the vaginal environment, under the influence of certain reasons, begin to actively multiply and suppress lactobacilli, causing inflammation and processes.

These factors include:

  • violated rules of personal hygiene;
  • taking antimicrobial drugs;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Focusing on the changed properties of leucorrhea, one can assume the development of pathology in the reproductive system, although it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis without conducting appropriate tests. Danger signals are:

  • Discomfort, itching, burning.
  • The secreted mucus becomes foamy, acquires yellow, green or white hues.
  • Cheesy clots of white or yellow shades are released from the vagina, irritating the external genitalia.
  • Abundant leucorrhoea with the smell of fish is observed, the volume of which increases with sexual arousal.
  • Beli acquire a yellow tint, accompanied by problems with urination, pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The discharge becomes thick, with inclusions of blood, their smell is strong and unpleasant.
  • Between the planned periods, the appearance of bloody discharge is observed.
  • When carrying a child, brown or red discharge appears.
  • Thick purulent discharge with impurities of blood, with a pungent odor.

Beli is classified according to where exactly they are formed and can be tubal, occurring during inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, cervical, appearing with problems in the cervix, uterine, forming in the presence of endometritis.

The safest is the vaginal discharge, which, however, with a change in color or the presence of an unpleasant odor, may indicate the development of trichomoniasis, thrush, gardnerellosis and other pathologies.

Despite the fact that it is not possible to determine the exact cause of pathological changes in mucus without special laboratory tests, focusing on the smell, color and consistency, it can be assumed which disease is taking place. It should be borne in mind that the same signs may indicate different pathologies, therefore an examination by a gynecologist remains a necessity:

  • The development of chlamydia may be indicated by foaming whites of a transparent color.
  • A gray tint, combined with an unpleasant fishy odor, usually indicates bacterial vaginosis or bacterial vaginosis.
  • White leucorrhoea may be a natural phenomenon or indicate thrush. It should be noted that candidiasis in a mild degree may not be accompanied by burning and itching, its usual signs, but the change in the volume of leucorrhoea in the direction of increase, their thick consistency and curdled appearance is of concern.
  • Light yellow leucorrhoea can be the norm, a day or two before menstruation is not considered a pathology and a more saturated shade. However, accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor, with an increase in the allocated volume, irritation and redness of the genital organs, the presence of trichomoniasis can be suspected.
  • Green shades are never normal, even in the absence of other symptoms, this is a danger signal. Usually, such secretions warn of the development of vaginal inflammatory processes, since the green color is caused by an increased number of leukocytes. Greenish leucorrhoea can be released with vaginitis, cervicitis, or inflammation of the ovaries.
  • Red leucorrhoea becomes from an admixture of blood, immediately before menstruation this is a normal phenomenon, but you should be wary when such mucus appears between menstruation. Breakthrough bleeding indicates a possible oncology of the cervix, endometriosis, spontaneous abortion at the beginning of pregnancy, and others.

Pathological odor can be:

  • acidic, which often indicates the reproduction of fungi;
  • fish, when vaginosis can be suspected;
  • putrid, often indicating the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • glandular with secretions with the inclusion of blood.

What to do if vaginal discharge is suspicious? The most reasonable way out is to go to the clinic for an examination and take a smear for analysis, which will identify the causative agent of the problem. Self-medication is unacceptable, since taking pharmaceutical drugs without a doctor's prescription can aggravate the situation.

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