Nosebleed 1 help. All emergency measures for nosebleeds. Types of nosebleeds

Every person has had at least once in their life nose bleed. It can be caused by various reasons: trauma to the nasal septum, problems with coagulation (clotting) of blood, hypertension or a jump in blood pressure due to increased physical activity etc.

It is important to note that nosebleeds are not considered independent disease, does not have its own etiology, accompanying symptoms, diagnostic methods and plan therapeutic measures. Most often, nosebleeds are a symptom of a disease, and not only the nasal cavity and respiratory system but of the whole organism.

Causes of nosebleeds

Most often, the cause of nosebleeds is an injury, even a minor one. For example, the harmful childhood habit of picking one's nose constantly exposes the mucous membrane of the cavity to minor damage. As a result, the shell becomes thinner, and a person is more likely to face the problem of nosebleeds. In addition, acute or chronic form atrophic rhinitis (the so-called common cold, which is not always evidence of acute respiratory disease). Neoplasms inside the nose, both benign and malignant, can also cause bleeding. Other possible reasons include:

  • Various pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, ranging from arterial hypertension and ending with serious problems - atherosclerosis of blood vessels or heart defects.
  • Coagulopathy is the name given to diseases in which blood does not clot properly (most often too slowly).
  • deficiency or complete absence in diet certain vitamins.
  • Hyperthermia (increased body temperature) due to colds and other infectious diseases, with sun and heat stroke, after receiving hot bath due to other overheating of the body.
  • A number of syndromes characteristic of climbers, divers, as well as people who prefer leisure and those suffering from a drop in barometric pressure.
  • A sharp decline atmospheric pressure.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Hormonal imbalance characteristic of adolescents during puberty or pregnant women.

First aid for nosebleeds

Although this symptom is quite common, few people know how to properly provide first aid to the victim. In fact, correctly conducted emergency care is extremely important, since wrong actions can only worsen the patient's condition.

First you need to properly seat the victim: the person should sit straight, leaning on the back of a chair or sofa, but slightly tilt the torso forward. Do not tilt your head or lean back, lie down horizontally - this can lead to fluid entering the throat and subsequent vomiting. Also, don't try to blow your nose. similar actions only increase the bleeding.

Then you need to quickly identify possible cause nasal bleeding. If you are sure that this or that injury, fracture of bones or nasal septum is not it, you can start to stop the bleeding yourself. Otherwise, if you carelessly grasp the sore spot, you can touch a broken bone, which will adversely affect further treatment and patient recovery. The wings of the nose are pinched, pressing them against the nasal septum with large and index fingers. In this case, the patient slightly tilts his head forward and breathes through his mouth. It takes only 3-5 minutes to hold the wings of the nose.

If you have some simple skills and equipment, you should resort to the method of plugging the nasal passages. It is carried out with a tight cotton or gauze swab, which is pre-moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide or cool running water. A moistened swab is inserted into the nostrils and the wings of the nose are again slightly pressed against the septum. If possible, it is worth attaching a piece of ice or a small cloth (for example, a handkerchief) moistened to the nasal septum cold water. This method requires more time, it takes 10 - 20 minutes.

An important measure is to monitor the patient's condition. Most of all, with nosebleeds, one should be wary of fluid entering the nasopharynx and vomiting. To prevent this, look into the patient's mouth or ask him to spit saliva a couple of times. If the saliva is not stained with blood, and you do not notice blood in the mouth on back wall means everything is fine. Then it is necessary to carefully remove the swab from the nose, after wetting it with water (use a pipette for this).

If bleeding is caused by severe injuries or a number of pathologies, first aid cannot stop the symptom. Need to call ambulance and not tempt fate by self-medicating.

When exactly should you see a doctor?

Remember that even with a single nosebleed, there is a possibility of complications and a number of other problems. Therefore, consultation does not hurt in any case. However, there are several situations in which an appeal to a doctor is really necessary. These include:

  • increased bleeding or its duration for more than 10 - 20 minutes;
  • patient's history diabetes, coagulation disorders and frequent increase blood pressure;
  • treatment with Ibuprofen, Aspirin or Heparin;
  • the occurrence of vomiting due to improper first aid measures and blood entering the throat;
  • fainting and pre-syncope due to nosebleeds;
  • frequent or heavy bleeding.

In such cases, the decision on the need for outpatient or inpatient treatment takes an ENT (otolaryngologist). Most often, nosebleeds do not require serious interventions, but it is better to consult a specialist. Remember that self-medication is harmful to your health!

Nosebleeds may start different reasons. It can be traumatic, postoperative, spontaneous, and is usually caused by damage to the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Sometimes it goes away quickly on its own, but sometimes emergency care is needed for nosebleeds. This phenomenon may have different nature occurrence and varying intensities. It can start unexpectedly, even at night in a dream, but in some cases it may be preceded by symptoms such as headaches, tinnitus, general weakness.

Why does it occur?

The reasons are usually divided into general and local. The first ones include:

  • cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart defects, vascular anomalies;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sun and heat stroke;
  • bleeding as a result of changes in atmospheric pressure (when diving to a depth, when climbing to a height in climbers, pilots).

From local causes should be called:

  • any trauma to the nose, including the ingress of foreign objects, surgical intervention, medical manipulations;
  • formations in the nasal cavity;
  • plethora in chronic and acute sinusitis and rhinitis, with adenoids;
  • changes dystrophic character in the nasal mucosa (curvature of the septum, atrophic rhinitis).

Each individual case requires individual approach after examination and diagnosis. First aid for nosebleeds is necessary even before going to the hospital or before the ambulance arrives.

Types of nosebleeds

With nosebleeds, the head should not be thrown back, it should be tilted slightly forward and pinched the nose with your fingers

They vary in intensity and duration. Depending on the location, they are divided into anterior and posterior.

More than 90% of all nosebleeds are localized in the anterior nasal septum. Here is the so-called Kiesselbach area, which is also called bleeding. Frequent damage to blood vessels in this zone is due to the fact that there are many interconnected capillaries. In addition, the mucous membrane here is thin, practically does not have a submucosal layer. Vessels located in this place can be damaged even from minor mechanical influences or when pressure increases.

Bleeding with such localization is not dangerous to life and health, they do not differ in intensity and quickly stop themselves. In this case, the simplest measures are sufficient.

Posterior bleeding is caused by damage to larger vessels located in the deep layers of the nasal cavity. In this case, there is significant blood loss, which can be life threatening. As a rule, it is impossible to stop the bleeding at home; specialized help is required.

Symptoms depend on the intensity and location, the amount of blood lost, sex, age. Bleeding happens varying degrees gravity:

  • insignificant - pathological symptoms are absent, there is no danger, from a few drops to several tens of milliliters of blood is lost;
  • mild - about 500 ml can be lost in an adult (about 10%), pallor of the mucous membranes and skin, weakness, flies flickering before the eyes, dizziness, thirst, tinnitus, palpitations are observed;
  • medium - about 15-20% of blood is lost, symptoms intensify, pressure drops, shortness of breath and tachycardia appear;
  • severe - with losses of more than 20%, hemorrhagic shock, manifested by lethargy, thready pulse, increasing tachycardia, sharp decline pressure, impaired consciousness.

What is first aid?

Most often, the place of localization of bleeding is the anterior third of the nasal septum. First aid for nosebleeds in this case is quite simple and the bleeding stops quickly.

Dangerous bleeding from posterior divisions nose, where they pass large vessels. They may not be noticeable, as the blood drains through the pharynx into the stomach, and only the vomiting that has begun will be its first sign.

Usually blood is coming from one nostril. Most often this is associated with high pressure, nose injury, weak vessels mucous, sharp blowing nose.

Urgent care consists of the following steps:

  1. Have the patient sit down and tilt his head down and slightly forward, but do not tilt back, as many do, so that blood does not enter the stomach. In this case, control over the amount of blood flowing out will be lost, vomiting may begin.
  2. Pinch your nose slightly below the bridge of your nose with your fingers for ten minutes and breathe through your mouth. In this case, you can not do swallowing movements, blow your nose, talk. All this can prevent the formation of a blood clot.
  3. You can put cold on the bridge of your nose: ice wrapped in cellophane and a rag, frozen food from the refrigerator, metal objects.
  4. Insert tampons made of bandage or gauze into the nostrils. Before use, moisten the swab in hydrogen peroxide (3%), which helps stop bleeding.

What to pay attention to. If the blood has a pale, yellowish color, you need to urgently go to the hospital. This could be a sign of a base fracture. cranium if there is a trauma to the face and head.

If the blood does not stop within half an hour, you need to urgently contact a traumatology or an otolaryngologist after first aid is provided. Prolonged bleeding may end in shock. In this case, complex tamponing is necessary, which is carried out only by a medical professional.

If blood from the nose has gone as a result of overheating or prolonged exposure to the sun, the patient must be transferred to the shade and provided comfortable conditions with a fan or air conditioner.

If a person suffers chronic hypertension, then as a result of a sharp rise in pressure, bleeding from the nose may occur. In addition to measures to stop bleeding, the patient should be given a drug that reduces pressure, which he usually takes. It should be said that with hypertension, nosebleeds can reduce pressure.

If the reason is foreign object, caught in the nasal passage, you should not try to get it yourself. The displacement of the body may end up in the fact that it will fall into Airways and cause suffocation.

Methods of stopping blood can be divided into local and general. In the first case, there is an impact directly on the nose area: application of cold, pressing the fingers of the wings to the septum, tamponade, in some cases, surgical intervention. Sometimes measures may be required overall impact on the body. For example, with poor blood clotting, drugs that increase it are needed, for example, calcium chloride (10%) orally or intravenously, vitamin K, rutin and others. A blood transfusion may be needed in particularly severe cases.

What can't be done?

  1. Throw your head back so that blood does not flow into the throat, esophagus and stomach.
  2. Blow your nose so that the resulting blood clot is not damaged, otherwise the bleeding will begin again.
  3. Make swabs from cotton wool, the fibers of which stick to the walls of the cavity of the nasal passages, and when they are removed, the vessels are injured.
  4. Do not instill any drops in the nose. They can provoke swallowing movements, or movements like vomiting, which will prevent the formation of a blood clot.

Bleeding in children

Nosebleeds are common in children. Even with minor bleeding, the child may panic and even faint. Prolonged and pronounced, it can be dangerous to health: it weakens the body's defenses, leads to developmental delay and anemia. The algorithm by which assistance is provided to the child is as follows:

  1. Reassure the child as anxiety increases bleeding.
  2. Do not let the nose move and blow your nose, convince the child to press the wings against the septum with his fingers below the bridge of the nose.
  3. After the bleeding stops, so that the mucous does not dry out, gently lubricate the inside of the nostrils with petroleum jelly using a swab.
  4. After providing first aid, you need to go to the hospital, as bleeding can happen again. In addition, the child will need to be examined to find out true reason. It could be a blood disease poor clotting, pathologies of the liver, heart, lungs, kidneys and more.


If the nose bleeds, it must be stopped. Urgently seek medical attention for emergency care in the following cases:

  1. If the bleeding is intense and does not stop for more than 30 minutes.
  2. If it started after severe bruise heads.
  3. If the blood is watery, mixed with a yellowish liquid.

Bleeding that has become protracted can be dangerous to health.

In order to successfully perform all its functions (warm, humidify and purify the air, recognize odors), the human nose is equipped with a good blood supply, which is realized by a network of the smallest vessels - capillaries.

What causes nosebleeds?

In order to provide proper first aid for nosebleeds, you should be aware of what can cause it. Under the influence of certain factors, the capillary wall becomes looser and thinner, against which nosebleeds may appear. This phenomenon can be caused by various reasons. Physicians divide them into two categories: general and local.

Local factors

These include the following reasons:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Penetration into the sinuses of foreign objects.
  3. Adenoids, rhinitis and sinusitis.
  4. Tumor formations.

Common factors, most common causes

  1. Jumps in blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
  2. Blood ailments.
  3. Overwork, stress and lack of sleep.
  4. Recent infectious diseases (flu and SARS).
  5. Excessive dryness of the air in the room.
  6. Certain diseases of the liver and spleen.
  7. allergic conditions.
  8. Vitamin C deficiency.
  9. Heat stroke or overheating.
  10. Decreased ability of blood to clot.
  11. Restructuring phase hormonal background during adolescence, as well as in women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Regardless of the cause, first aid is provided for nosebleeds. Under the concept of "bleeding" it is customary to consider the penetration of blood outside the vessel. If the blood pours out, the bleeding is called external, but if it seeps through the tissues, pours into the cavity of the patient's body, it is called internal. The most serious for health due to the problem of definition, of course, internal bleeding, but outdoor can also be a health hazard.

The flow of blood outside the vessels occurs:

  • in case of a rupture of the vessel wall due to illness or injury;
  • when blood seeps through whole vessels, which happens with increased permeability of the walls or with a pathology of the blood composition.

What to do to stop the bleeding?

When providing emergency first aid for nosebleeds, you must first calm the victim, because anxiety and fear only increase bleeding. If an accident occurs in a room, windows should be opened to allow the victim the maximum supply of clean air. Immediately unfasten the collar or top button and relieve the victim of the compressive elements of clothing. Monitor the patient's breathing: he should inhale air through his nose, and exhale through his mouth. This method of breathing will help rapid blood clotting.

For first aid for nosebleeds, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to find out from which nostril the blood flows.
  2. Roll up a small swab, moisten with water, and insert it into the nostril that is bleeding. The tampon is inserted so that blood does not flow from the nose, but it should not cause pain.
  3. Attach a cold object to the back of the head.
  4. Pinch the nose with two fingers, slightly pressing on the wings.
  5. Keep your nose in this position for about two minutes.
  6. If necessary, change the swab for a new one.

Nosebleeds in pregnancy

Occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal reorganization.
  2. Lack of calcium in the body.
  3. Arterial hypertension.

If a pregnant woman has such a condition, there is no need to panic, it is better to take first aid measures for nosebleeds. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the volume of lost blood, and secondly, to understand what preceded this. Such a phenomenon during pregnancy does not always indicate a painful process, most likely, this indicates increased load and increased blood flow throughout female body. After stopping the blood, it is advisable to carefully rinse the nasal passages with running water so that the clots do not complicate the respiratory process. Overdried nasal mucosa should be lubricated with drops vegetable oil absorbed into cotton swab. It is necessary to smear the nasal passages very carefully, since the smallest damage to the nasal mucosa can provoke secondary bleeding.

Other First Aid Treatments for Nosebleeds

  1. Soak a cotton turunda in hydrogen peroxide (or vaseline ointment, fresh nettle juice, vinegar) and put it in the nostril.
  2. For greater effect, the nostril can be pressed against the nasal septum and held for several minutes. Remove swab. If the bleeding has not stopped yet, repeat the procedure.
  3. Put a few drops of lemon juice diluted with water in your nose.

If a person with a nosebleed has lost consciousness, they are rushed to the hospital in a supine position with their head turned to their side. Rendering first medical care with nosebleeds in this case is the speed of delivery of the victim to medical institution. At the same time, an ice bag or a napkin soaked in cold water is placed on the bridge of the nose.

Medical treatment and a thorough examination are necessary in a situation where nosebleeds occur too often. If the patient complains of dizziness, you need to give him a sniff of ammonia. After the bleeding stops, the condition of the victim and the volume of the leaked blood should be assessed. If the loss is significant, then in the hospital he is given a transfusion of blood products, and in case of weak blood loss, he should be given sweetened cooled tea to drink and sent to fresh air.

First aid for nosebleeds in children

This phenomenon is quite common in children. It can be provoked by a fall, blow, picking the nose, observed with a runny nose. Sometimes occurs without obvious reasons. In babies under 1 year of age, nosebleeds are rarely observed due to the structure of the nasal mucosa, the situation changes when the baby begins to actively walk and run.

The first step is to calmly assess the situation. At heavy bleeding caused by a head injury, you should call a doctor. Before his arrival, you should place the baby half-sitting (you can over a basin or washbasin) and squeeze his nostrils tightly for a few minutes. It is important to ensure that the child does not swallow blood, but spit it out.

If bleeding continues, a cold wet compress or crushed ice wrapped in a cloth should be applied to the bridge of the child's nose. Then close the nostrils again. If all methods fail, you need to enter into the nose a cotton turunda, corresponding to the size of the nasal passages, moistened with a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and lightly press both halves of the nose. With weak bleeding, these activities can be carried out without help. medical workers. If, after doing the first aid algorithm for nosebleeds on your own, it is not possible to stop it, you should definitely call a doctor.

You can not tilt your head back in order to stop the blood, since in this case it will fall into the throat, the child will swallow it, and it will seem to the parents that the process has been stopped. In addition, in this position, pinching the vessels of the brain, you can increase bleeding. After stopping the blood, the child should not blow his nose for 4 hours.

For those who dread the sight of blood, nosebleeds are a disaster. But, of course, there is no need to panic just because the vessel in the nose is damaged. Parents often get scared when colds their child has nosebleeds for no reason. In a baby, the vessels are much more susceptible to the effects of microbial toxins than in an adult, and this leads to increased bleeding of the mucosa during the period of infection. But sometimes nosebleeds can be a symptom of a serious disease of blood vessels, blood, lungs or heart. Therefore, if nosebleeds in a baby are a frequent occurrence, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When can bleeding from the nose turn into a danger to a person?

The most dangerous is strong highlight blood or lasting long time. At the same time, the person experiences acute blood loss. There is dizziness, cold sweat, flickering before the eyes, pale skin and mucous membranes. The pulse is weak and frequent, loss of consciousness is likely. The first aid algorithm for nosebleeds should be applied from the first seconds. This phenomenon requires the provision of immediate medical attention, but with less severe blood loss you can’t be inactive either - you need to do everything to stop the blood as soon as possible.

What should not be done?

  1. You can not lie down and at the same time raise your legs. In this position, the rush of blood to the head increases, which will only increase the bleeding.
  2. You can't tilt your head back. If you raise your chin, blood enters your throat, which can cause hematemesis, or blood can enter your airways and cause pneumonia.
  3. After the cessation of blood loss, you should not drink in the near future strong tea or coffee, as well as to consume hot food. They raise arterial pressure which may cause a relapse.
  4. If bleeding has taken place, you should not take inhalations for colds on this day, as the vessels should get stronger.


It is necessary to strengthen the vessels using the following procedures:

  1. Rinse the sinuses saline solution(2 tsp sea or ordinary salt per 200 ml of water).
  2. Crusts in the nostrils need to be softened vaseline oil and only after softening remove them.
  3. It is recommended to use "Askorutin" or drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. B vitamins must always be present in the diet ( high quantity them in citrus fruits, currants, rose hips).
  5. Doctors recommend, for the purpose of prevention, supplementing the menu with vitamin fruit drinks or green tea because they boost the immune system.
  6. Hardening procedures - a long-tried way to strengthen blood vessels, a contrast shower has an excellent effect on them.

When to contact the doctor?

If blood flows out of the nose in a strong stream or for more than a quarter of an hour, and no first aid method for nosebleeds helps, you should urgently call a doctor! It is also worth visiting the hospital if nosebleeds occur frequently and without a specific cause. It may be due to poor blood clotting or the presence of other diseases of the body.

But are we doing everything right? Consider step-by-step first aid for nosebleeds.

With a sudden nosebleed, many of us almost reflexively tilt our heads up or take horizontal position body. And this is our first mistake, since it is strictly forbidden to do this.

This is due to the fact that with this position of our body, blood from the nasopharynx will accumulate in the larynx, and from there very Great chance its entry into the respiratory tract or even into the stomach. And this, in turn, can cause vomiting.

What to do about a nosebleed

1) First aid consists mainly in calmness and planned actions. It is necessary to put aside the panic and calm the victim, invite him to sit down and tilt his torso forward and, with the help of his fingers, press the wings of the nose to the nasal septum.

In this case, the head should be slightly tilted forward and you need to breathe only through your mouth. It takes about five minutes to be in this position. If possible, it is recommended to measure blood pressure.

2) Moisten a handkerchief with cold water or take ice wrapped in a napkin and apply it to the bridge of the nose.

The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. The principle of action - the cold constricts the vessels of the bridge of the nose, which helps to reduce bleeding.

3) Also as a vasoconstrictor element, you can use either freshly squeezed lemon juice. To do this, you just need to drip two or three drops of the solution.

4) Drag with a rubber band thumb hands in the area of ​​the nail. This method is called su-jok - the constricted zone of the nail at the reflex level corresponds to the nose area.

5) Moisten a cotton pad or gauze swab hydrogen peroxide solution 3% or cold water and push it into the nasal passage, then pinch the nostril with your finger. The tampon must be kept for about half an hour.

It is necessary to make sure that the blood does not go inside the nasopharynx - for this it is enough to spit several times (saliva should be transparent). Before removing the swab, it is necessary to moisten it with cold water using a pipette.

First aid for bleeding from open wound in the nose:

  1. With frequent formations of a crust, it is necessary to periodically instill two to three drops of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil.
  2. If the cause of bleeding is increased vascular fragility, then it is necessary to take ascorbic acid or routine.
  3. To increase blood clotting, it is recommended to use herbal teas from yarrow, nettle, plantain, mountaineer or sea buckthorn leaves. Also very effective tool is a 10% solution calcium chloride, which must be taken one to two teaspoons up to three times a day immediately after meals. This drug helps to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall.

If all of the above methods of struggle did not give positive results and the blood continues to go, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Please note that if you notice large blood loss - 100 milliliters or more, then even if the bleeding stops, the patient must be shown to the doctors.

When do you need a doctor's help?

It should be remembered that with heavy and frequent recurring bleeding, a person should definitely consult a doctor (

However, often all these actions go against the generally accepted medical point vision.

So what should be done in such a situation?

Let's deal with this issue.

Nosebleeds can start:

  • after a nose injury;
  • with some common diseases(heart disease, liver and kidney disease, anemia, hemophilia, atherosclerosis, hypertension).

Anterior bleeding is most common, with blood flowing directly from the nostril.

More dangerous optionback bleeding, is characterized by the fact that the blood, flowing down the wall of the pharynx, penetrates first into the mouth, and then into the esophagus.

Most nosebleeds go away on their own without a doctor's intervention.. However, first aid for nosebleeds should be provided in any case.

What should be your actions in such a situation?

First aid for nosebleeds

1. First of all, pinch your nose with your fingers and breathe only through your mouth. This will help you compress the bleeding vessel. The head should be tilted slightly forward.

2. If you have ice on hand, be sure to use it. Place it in a plastic bag or in a heating pad and attach it to the bridge of your nose. Instead of ice, you can use any cold metal object or a napkin soaked in water.

3. If the bleeding does not stop, the nasal passage should be closed (plugged). Best Option in this situation, there will be the use of a pharmacy hemostatic sponge. In its absence, you can use a gauze swab.

4. Before insertion into the nasal cavity, a gauze swab should be moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) and slightly squeezed out. The swab can be fixed with a piece of bandage, which should also be inserted into the bleeding nostril. Outside, you need to leave a small tip of the bandage (about 2 centimeters).

5. If this also did not help stop the bleeding from the nose, then you should definitely take some hemostatic drug (dicino, vikasol). After that, immediately contact an otolaryngologist. If the bleeding happened at night, then it is urgent to call an ambulance.

6. After stopping the nosebleed, wait a while (about six hours) and carefully remove the swab from the nasal cavity. Try not to damage the blood clot formed in the nose.

For easier extraction, soak the tip of the bandage in your nose with hydrogen peroxide solution or plain water.

To stop bleeding faster medicines, contributing to increased blood clotting and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

These drugs include:

  • calcium gluconate;
  • calcium chloride;
  • ascorutin;
  • routine.

Emergency care for nosebleeds has a number of contraindications.

For example, with open bleeding, you can not:

  • plug nasal cavity cotton wool (it will be extremely difficult to remove it later);
  • throw back the head (blood will flow into the mouth);
  • blow your nose (you can break the formed blood clot).

Use these helpful tips as needed.

Be healthy!

Video: What to do with nosebleeds

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