Folk remedies for bronchitis for expectoration. Treatment of bronchitis at home. How to treat chronic bronchitis with folk remedies - the power of medicinal plants

Every adult has experienced a cough at least a few times in their life. This phenomenon is often a symptom of bronchitis. It's dangerous inflammatory disease which requires immediate treatment. What should be safe complex treatment bronchitis at home in adults, is described below.

Basic principles of treating bronchitis at home

Cough is a key symptom of the disease under discussion. In addition to it, the patient may experience pain in the chest, severe headache, fever, general weakness.

Only with the mildest forms of the disease is it allowed to treat it exclusively with folk remedies. A doctor must give permission for this method of therapy. But it is better to combine folk remedies with high-quality modern medicines.

What drugs, antibiotics help with the disease?

The action of any selected drugs for bronchitis should be primarily aimed at eliminating sputum from the bronchi, returning breathing to normal, fighting pathogens and relieving inflammation. All medicines must be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination.

Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is relevant only for bacterial bronchitis. In this case, the patient is most often prescribed Erythromycin or Amoxicillin. Amoxiclav and Erythromycin are also popular antibiotic options for bronchitis. Any of these drugs must be drunk in full to prevent relapse.

Bronchodilators are used to relieve coughing and speed up sputum excretion. These are Berodual and Teofedrin. They are prescribed to a patient with a severe illness that cannot be cured for a long time.

Mucolytics are also used to thin and remove sputum. They quickly improve the patient's condition. These are Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Fluditec. If there is no sputum in the bronchi, then you need to choose drugs that effectively fight dry cough. This is Codelac or Sinekod.

Inhalation as a remedy for bronchitis

Inhalations modern drugs from bronchitis with a nebulizer - very viable option therapy. As a result, the drugs do not enter the bloodstream and stomach, but immediately find themselves deep in the bronchi. Procedures are prescribed for acute or chronic illness. It is impossible to carry out inhalation during the period of exacerbation of the chronic form.

The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day for 1-1.5 weeks. For an adult patient, the optimal duration of inhalation is 7-8 minutes (no more than 10). Medicines are combined with saline before use for inhalation. These are Lazolvan (mucolytic), Berodual (bronchodilator), Tonsilgon ( homeopathic remedy), Fluimucil (an anti-inflammatory drug that thins sputum).

Folk remedies

Among the traditional medicine, you can also find many options. natural medicines and treatments for bronchitis. For example, these are inhalations with sea ​​salt. A pound of this ingredient is dissolved in 4 liters of filtered water. The mixture is brought to a boil, after which 1 teaspoon of dry extracts of raspberry and black elderberry is added to it.

From aloe you can prepare a healing tincture. 4 leaves of the plant are cut in the middle, after which half a liter of high-quality dry white wine is poured. The mixture is infused for 3 days at room temperature. Tincture is used 1 teaspoon after meals 3 times a day.

Before going to bed, it is important to rub the chest goose fat and then put on warm pajamas. It is advisable to drink a glass after the procedure warm milk with oil and/or bee honey.

An effective decoction against bronchitis is prepared from birch buds. For this, a liter is connected clean water and 8-9 fresh kidneys. The mixture is brought to a boil and left on fire for 3-4 minutes. Then the product is cooled, filtered through 2-3 layers of clean gauze and applied 40 ml 3 times a day before meals. Full course treatment - 5 days.

Massage and therapeutic gymnastics

Massage for bronchitis to the patient to alleviate his condition should be done by an experienced specialist. This procedure normalizes metabolism and blood circulation in the respiratory organs (including the lungs), and will also have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.

Massage will include several stages at once: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. It is allowed to independently conduct it during the recovery period of the patient after the illness.

No less useful for the disease under discussion and exercise therapy. Improve specific exercises general state the patient, restore the elasticity of the bronchial tissue, contribute to the liquefaction and active excretion of sputum, strengthen the defenses of the patient's body.

Among the recommended exercises for bronchitis are the following:

  • Starting position - lying on the left side. The body is slightly bent. Inhaling, the patient raises right hand and unfolds. Exhaling - again bends the body. The movements are repeated on the other side.
  • Starting position - lying on your back with outstretched arms. On inspiration, the arms rise and wind up behind the head (behind the back of the head). On exhalation, the patient returns to the starting position.

Treatment depending on the form of bronchitis

There are several forms of the disease under discussion. This characteristic must be taken into account when prescribing treatment to the patient. Therapy various forms disease is significantly different.


In chronic bronchitis, the patient is prescribed inhalations, diuretics (to reduce blood pressure), hormonal bronchodilators (in the form of injections), as well as drugs that reduce body temperature. Usually complex treatment includes antihistamine medicines, antibiotics and vitamins.

For accelerated recovery body after illness, the patient may be recommended massage chest, phytotherapy and healing gymnastics.


Be sure to treat acute bronchitis with a whole range of drugs from different groups. Hospitalization is necessary if there is a threat of pneumonia.

Antibiotics for acute bronchitis are rarely prescribed - only in cases where the disease is characterized by a complicated course or when purulent sputum appears.


With this form of the disease, the patient is prescribed antibiotics (for example, Amoxicillin) or drugs of the cephalosporin group, which are administered intramuscularly and are used in hospital therapy.

Obstructive bronchitis is also treated with bronchodilators. They can be combined with antibiotics. The drugs are taken for at least a week. But a more precise period is determined by the doctor. With persistent narrowing of the bronchi, the patient is prescribed treatment with glucocorticosteroids. These are, for example, Decortin and Medopred.

smoker's bronchitis

The therapy of smoker's bronchitis is always very long. It is carried out at home. For maximum effectiveness, it is worth combining medicines with folk remedies.

Of course, the first step is to quit smoking. Otherwise, any therapy will be useless. At an early stage of the disease, giving up a bad habit is enough.

If the problem is running, then mucolytics should be used to remove accumulated mucus in the lumen of the bronchi. These are preparations based on thyme, marshmallow root and / or bromhexine. To relieve swelling of the body, antihistamines are selected. Bronchospasm will eliminate inhalation with salbutamol and various bronchodilators.


To begin with, the factor that provokes the disease is eliminated. This action alone can help prevent complications and achieve remission.

AT acute period diseases are used in the complex of mucolytics, antihistamines and enterosorbents. Their task is to remove the allergen from the body.

You can also combine inhalation with physiotherapy. Actual use of laser therapy, electrophoresis and wave radiation.

How to relieve cough with bronchitis?

To improve the process of sputum discharge, the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids. If the mucus in the bronchi is not thin enough, expectorants can cause severe, painful coughing fits. It is especially useful to drink warm teas, decoctions of herbs and broths.

Help relieve cough and humidifier. If the air in the room is treated with an evaporator, it is easier to inhale and does not irritate the mucous membranes. This is especially true for night time.

How to cure bronchitis during pregnancy?

Often, expectant mothers whose immunity is greatly reduced as a result of active hormonal changes suffer from bronchitis. Any infection can be complicated by inflammation of the bronchi.

If the disease is running, then antibiotics are indispensable. In this case, the infection itself is more dangerous for the baby than the medication. Minimal effect on the fetus the following means: Flemoxin Solutab and Amoxicillin.

Among antibacterial drugs, expectant mothers can be prescribed Bioparox, among expectorants - Mukaltin. But Codeine is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Allowed for patients in an "interesting position" and inhalation. It is best to carry them out with mineral water and saline without drugs. They will relieve an attack of coughing, moisturize the mucous membrane, and accelerate the withdrawal of sputum.

Folk remedies for bronchitis and cough are, first of all, various herbal preparations. Many of them have received the approval of official medicine. Some of these medicinal herbs are used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce cough syrups and various expectorants. In everyday life, compresses are made from them, used for inhalation, they drink instead of tea, etc. But no matter how effective they may be, a consultation with a doctor is required, since even herbal preparations have contraindications.

warm drink

Used to treat coughs and bronchitis various methods- teas, compresses, steam inhalations. Honey and other bee products are also recommended.

If there is a cough, regardless of its nature, it is necessary to give the patient warm drink. Classic recipe- milk with honey. You need to warm a glass of milk by adding baking soda to it (on the tip of a knife) and dissolving butter(small piece). In the finished milk put 1 tsp. honey and stir. You need to drink warm, better - at night. You can make milk with sage. To do this, boil 200 ml of milk and add 1 tbsp. l dried sage. The agent is insisted for 40 minutes, filtered and heated again to an acceptable temperature. Drink at night.

A proven remedy is lingonberry infusion. It is especially good for acute bronchitis, since the berry (leaves of the plant) have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The easiest option is to make an infusion of fresh or dried berries(the amount depends on individual preferences, but not less than 2 tablespoons per 250 ml of boiling water). The remedy is infused for half an hour, honey or sugar is added to taste and drunk throughout the day 2-3 times a glass.


Inhalation is the most common proven folk method. In official medicine, this is more often used special devices- inhalers and nebulizers. And at home, steam inhalations are popular. More often they are made over a teapot with a paper funnel on its spout. It should be remembered that too high a steam temperature during such a procedure can cause mucosal burns even in adults. For children, such inhalations are carried out with extreme caution. But at correct execution procedure, it has a bronchodilatory effect. In addition, inhalations help relieve swelling, improve blood supply to the mucosa, and have an expectorant effect (that is, they contribute to abundant sputum discharge).

In order for inhalations to be beneficial for the bronchi, certain rules must be observed:

  1. 1. The procedure time should not exceed 5-10 minutes.
  2. 2. It is not recommended to do inhalations after eating (you need to wait at least an hour).
  3. 3. Do not breathe directly over the boiling liquid, especially with bronchitis or laryngitis, this will cause a burn.
  4. 4. Breathe calmly, but not deeply, inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose.
  5. 5. If inhalations are done using several agents at once, then first you need to use a bronchodilator, then an expectorant collection (with a break of 15 minutes). And when the sputum leaves, you can take an antiseptic.

More often for inhalation, decoctions of herbs are used. The most popular are sage and eucalyptus (they are prepared in the same way - 2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water). You can use the essential oils of these plants - add a few drops to a glass of boiling water (these products differ high concentration active ingredients). Also used for inhalation alkaline solutions(usually 1 teaspoon of soda per cup of boiling water) and potatoes boiled "in uniform" (you need to breathe steam over it, covering your head with a towel).


Compresses are effective in treatment. The honey-oil mixture helps well even with chronic bronchitis.

In an enamel bowl, combine 1 tsp. butter (butter) and flower honey. The ingredients should be melted in a water bath (you can’t boil, because honey will lose its healing properties). This composition must be constantly stirred until it becomes homogeneous. Then it is cooled to an acceptable temperature, applied to the skin in the chest area, covered with gauze. It is better to do the procedure at night.

A popular compress is a mixture based on mustard powder, wheat flour, vodka, fat. Aloe juice and honey are added to the composition. Each ingredient requires 1 tbsp. l. Stir and heat until the product becomes homogeneous. Then you need to cool it down a bit. The finished mixture is applied to the chest, but so as not to hurt the heart area. This remedy is also left overnight.


Treatment of diseases with folk methods also includes the use of herbal decoctions. To do this, you need a spring primrose root: take 1 tbsp. l raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cook, stirring the mixture occasionally. Then the broth is filtered. Use the remedy before meals for 1 tbsp. l.

Spring primrose root has an expectorant effect, helps to remove phlegm. It is used to treat acute bronchitis. Some caution should be exercised, because if the dosage is exceeded, the decoction causes nausea or even vomiting. It is advisable for children to consume less than adults (1 teaspoon 3 times a day). In any case, before taking the remedy, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Primrose can be combined with other herbs, such as lungwort. This collection is recommended to drink with symptoms of obstructive bronchitis. It is brewed as follows: lungwort grass and primrose root are taken in equal proportions, you will need to take 2 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. l. raw materials. The broth is insisted for 2.5 hours. Use 3-4 times a day (dosage per reception - 100 ml).

Decoction of elecampane also has expectorant properties. It makes the cough productive. Elecampane is brewed in the same way as other herbal teas - 2 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of boiled water.

Other herbs that are used in the treatment of coughs are fennel, fennel, marshmallow, sage, and coltsfoot. Each of these components has medicinal properties. But more often they are used as part of a collection to improve sputum discharge. All components are taken in equal proportions, half a teaspoon, they are brewed in a liter thermos. You need to infuse the remedy for 2 hours. Before taking the mixture should be filtered. Recommended dose: 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day for 5 days.

Other means

Other folk remedies in combination with honey are also popular:

  1. 1. Black radish. Take a medium-sized vegetable, remove the top from it and make a recess in which to put 1 tsp. honey. Gradually, the radish secretes juice, which is mixed with honey. The resulting mass is taken 4 times a day, 1 tsp. The last time was before bed. It is undesirable to seize and drink.
  2. 2. Bow. It can be used for both children and adults. For 4 st. l. honey take 2 onions, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 100 g of sugar. Onions are peeled and boiled in a saucepan for 2 hours. Then they are crushed in a blender, honey and sugar are added, vinegar is added and mixed again. The mixture is taken in 1 tsp. every hour. After a day of admission, the cough should subside, but you need to endure the entire course of treatment - a week.
  3. 3. Kalina. It relieves a hacking cough. But a strong allergic reaction occurs to the remedy, so it is better to start with a small amount. Viburnum berries and honey are taken in equal proportions - 200 g each. They are placed in a saucepan and poured with half as much water. The agent is boiled until the liquid evaporates, and the composition acquires a uniform consistency.
  4. 4. Tangerine peel. It is recommended when a strong cough is paroxysmal in nature. It is important to take such a remedy strictly according to the scheme. The first time you need to drink before breakfast (the norm is 5 tablespoons). After (about an hour later) - 4 tbsp. l., after the same period of time - 3 tbsp. l. And so to reach the minimum amount - 1 spoon. Then they take a break for two hours, then they begin to take the infusion again, gradually increasing to 5 tbsp. l. Prepare tangerine infusion as follows: take 100 g of zest per liter of water. It is divided into two parts - half is placed in a container, poured with water and cooked for an hour over low heat. Be sure to cover the pan with a lid and stir occasionally. After the container is removed from the heat, the remaining zest is added to it and the mixture is infused for another 2 hours. After filter and pour into a glass container. It is recommended to keep the infusion cold, heating as needed.
  5. 5. Lemon. It needs to be washed well. Then make several punctures on the fruit (for example, with a knife) in different places and place in boiling water. After 5 minutes, the lemon is taken out of the container and allowed to cool. Next, juice is squeezed out of the fruit (manually or with a juicer) into a regular glass (200 ml), add 2 tbsp. l. glycerin. The resulting mixture is stirred. Put honey to completely fill the glass. Stir again, and put in the refrigerator (or other cool place) for 3 hours. It is recommended to use 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before eating. At strong cough- 4-7 times, in other cases - 2-3 times during the day.

In the treatment of bronchitis and cough, not only healing herbs but also spices. An effective medicine is ginger root - it can alleviate dry cough and reduce fever. healing properties the powder of this spice also possesses. For cooking healing tea you need to take literally a pinch of powder per 200 ml of boiling water, stir everything and drink.

Turmeric also relieves bronchitis. It can be added to a warm drink, milk with honey. It is recommended for bronchitis to drink coffee from chicory powder, you can add honey. In the diet during illness, it is worth including almonds.

If not properly treated, bronchitis can cause a number of complications that can affect the functioning of the respiratory system, cause hearing loss, and cause pain in the heart and stomach. That is why it is so important to complete the course in a timely and effective manner. complete recovery organism!

In adults, bronchitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • frequent interfering with sleep;
  • , perspiration, plaque;
  • weakness, loss of appetite.

Many cases of bronchitis without fever have been recorded, in which there is general weakness, pallor of the body and face. There may be no appetite, dry cough and soreness in the larynx. The manifestation of bronchitis without fever may indicate the presence chronic diseases which are exacerbated during this period.

You can focus on several symptoms of allergic bronchitis:

  • closer to the night, the manifestation of a persistent cough;
  • elevated temperature during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • when eating certain foods or contact with an animal (depending on the cause of the disease), the cough becomes aggravated;
  • , skin rash, conjunctivitis (in some cases);
  • exhalation of air is accompanied by wheezing in the chest.

Signs of the disease

Bronchitis is divided into several types, each of them can be accompanied by a temperature or proceed without it. Although, in general, they can be very similar to each other. Consider the signs of bronchitis without fever:

  • the disease begins with a dry cough;
  • there is discomfort in the throat;
  • labored breathing;
  • sometimes sputum is secreted (colorless or with a gray-yellow tint).

Signs of bronchitis accompanied by fever are hoarse breathing, dry cough, fever long time, general weakness, fatigue.

Such bacterial immunocorrectors include drugs Bronchovax, Bronchomunal. They help deal with allergic bronchitis when potent allergens enter the body. What else can be used, we have already written.

But before spending money on expensive pharmacy drugs, it is worth trying to treat bronchitis in adults with folk remedies. To put accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor and discuss folk methods of treatment!

For rubbing, camphor alcohol, essential oils, turpentine ointment, which, when heated, help to improve blood circulation in the respiratory system.

To reduce the temperature in acute bronchitis, the patient should be wiped with vinegar, in a ratio of 1:5 with water. For diaphoretic action, drink plenty of fluids, raspberry tea, sage decoctions,.

For improvement general well-being the patient can be given a light massage using fir or eucalyptus oils. The patient will breathe fumes, improving the functioning of the respiratory system.

On the basis of folk remedies, you can make effective warming compresses by applying boiled potatoes in their skins to the back and chest area, Burr oil. Keep for 3-5 hours, until the condition of the body improves.

After completing the procedure, the patient should drink a warm decoction based on licorice,. In addition to compresses, banks can be used, but not for acute bronchitis, with a large amount of sputum.

Inhalations for the treatment of bronchitis

Therapeutic effect from inhalations is very high, they can get rid of prolonged bronchitis when it is difficult for a person to remove mucus from the body. The main components of the procedure are antimicrobial and vasodilators.

There are the following types of inhalations:

  • with the addition of essential oils;
  • boiled potatoes with balms;
  • grated garlic and onion.

How to treat bronchitis folk method, inhalation, can not be called expensive. Inhalations are recommended for exacerbation of the disease, as well as for prevention. Just follow these procedures carefully.

Important! Inhalations should be completely abandoned for problems with the heart, lungs, and high blood pressure.

You can do home inhalations over steam and over water. Such procedures are generally not suitable for children as a treatment, because they can cause burns of the delicate mucous membrane.

You can perform inhalations over alkaline heated water, to which add a few drops of anise or eucalyptus oil. Do the procedure several times a day for three minutes.

Folk remedies for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Thyme, as well as any essential oils based on this herb, help perfectly with exacerbation. If bronchial obstruction occurs, then not only people's doctor, but the doctor from the clinic will advise thyme as a soothing and analgesic herb. Patients say that from the use of thyme, it becomes easier to breathe. Sputum is expectorated better, the mucosa is freed from unnecessary mucus.


For the treatment of bronchitis, propolis is used in different ways (it all depends on the form and symptoms of the disease). Tincture is recommended for adults with acute and chronic diseases:

  • 10 g of crushed propolis pour 100 ml of medical alcohol;
  • shake the bottle and put it away for 2 weeks in a dark place;
  • take 10 drops after meals.

A cake for a chronic and protracted form of the disease is prepared in this way: roll out propolis and put on the chest, carry out the procedure at night (in the absence of temperature and inflammation).

badger fat

Badger fat is useful for its composition of substances: polyunsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B and E. It is worth noting that it is contraindicated to use:

  • children under three years old;
  • in capsules - up to 12 years;
  • with dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract;
  • individual intolerance.

Treatment regimen for adults:

  • the first 2 weeks for a patient from 30 kg, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day;
  • the next 2 weeks - the same dosage 2 times a day.

Children preschool age are treated according to the same scheme, changing the dosage (1 tbsp. to 1 tsp.). For children 3-6 years old badger fat reduced to 1/2 tsp, adhering to the standard scheme.

What else will help from the disease in this form

  1. Decoction. The tool has an expectorant and antipyretic effect. For brewing, two small spoons of the plant are taken, and 0.2 liters of boiling water is poured. Then simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour, remove and insist for an hour. Take 50 ml three times a day before meals.
  2. Elecampane root. It is also used as an excellent expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis. You will need a small spoonful of crushed dry root. Pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and send for 10 minutes for water bath. Allow the infusion to cool, and you can take 50 ml, always before meals.
  3. . In the treatment of bronchitis with folk methods, the herb is recommended to relieve inflammation, and as an expectorant. Two small spoons of chopped dry grass pour 250 ml of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for several hours. Take a large spoon, after straining. Up to four tablespoons of infusion can be taken per day.

How to treat different types of bronchitis at home


Since it is complex folk treatment is different. The most popular tool is. It will be necessary to pour 30 grams of grass into 100 ml of vodka. Then insist 2 weeks and take up to four times a day, three dozen drops.

Other folk ways:

  1. Boil potatoes in their skins and mash. When cooking, add three small spoons of soda. Spread the puree in a towel, and put between the shoulder blades or in the front of the chest. Wrap the body area and hold the potatoes until they stop heating.
  2. Lamb fat will help to cope with attacks of chronic bronchitis. They rub the back and chest, the fat must first be melted. The therapeutic effect can be enhanced by wrapping the place where the fat will be with plastic wrap. Relief should come after the first night of using such a folk remedy.
  3. Mix 250 ml of boiled milk with a tablespoon of badger fat and natural honey. Take in the morning.

Acute bronchitis

Many people ask the question. As a rule, treatment should be supported by the rejection of bad habits and management healthy lifestyle life. Therapy of acute bronchitis is carried out in a complex with the use of medications:

  • cough suppressants (Lazolvan, Gerbion);
  • expectorants (Mukaltin, Ambroxol);
  • antibiotics (Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Biseptol);
  • probiotics (Lineks, Yoghurt);
  • drugs with antipyretic properties (Ibuprofen, Ferveks);
  • gargling with solutions (soda);
  • antiseptic sprays (Ingalipt, Faringosept);
  • drugs that increase immunity and vitamins;
  • bronchodilators (Neofilin).


Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is based on the use of several methods:

  • preparations for dilating the bronchi (Salbutamol);
  • drugs to stimulate the bronchi (Tiotropium bromide);
  • expectorants, mucolytics (Mukaltin);
  • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Erythromycin).

An effective folk remedy for obstructive bronchitis:

  1. 200 g viburnum berries, 200 g natural honey and 100 g of water mixed in an enameled container, cook until the water evaporates.
  2. Allow the mixture to cool and transfer to a glass jar.

Kalina on honey is taken according to the scheme:

  • I day - 1 tsp. every hour;
  • II and III day - 1 tsp each. with an interval of 3 hours.

Treatment of viral bronchitis

During treatment viral bronchitis adults use different methods:

  • immunostimulants and vitamins;
  • antibiotics (if the temperature of 38 degrees keeps on three days);
  • compliance with bed rest;
  • drinking plenty of water, means to reduce the temperature;
  • preparations for sputum removal;
  • therapeutic exercises, diet, inhalations.

Traditional medicine against viral bronchitis:

  • finely chop or scroll in a meat grinder 100 g of raisins, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire;
  • boil for 10 minutes, strain and drink throughout the day.

AT this case treatment for each patient is selected individually, it will necessarily be complex:

  • antibiotic (for infection);
  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • ventilate the room in which the patient spends time, do not contact with animals;
  • reception antihistamines, the introduction of the allergen into minimum quantities(if necessary);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, inhalations;
  • massotherapy, breathing exercises.

You can use herbal remedies, but keep in mind that they can cause an allergic reaction, like honey, which is mentioned in many recipes.

Prolonged bronchitis

The treatment of protracted bronchitis should be dealt with by the grabber. It is dangerous for health to choose drugs on your own, since the viral and allergic forms of the disease are not treated with antibiotics, and in order to identify bacteria, it is necessary to take tests. Doctors adhere to a single scheme for the treatment of an advanced form, which sets the following tasks:

  • normalize the temperature;
  • get rid of cough, anesthetize;
  • expel mucus.

At home, use traditional medicine. Must be made from fresh banana puree and add sugar and water to it, you can eat in unlimited quantities.

Dry cough

The result of the treatment of dry cough with bronchitis in adults depends not only on medications, but also on compliance general principles: regularly ventilate the room, drink more fluids, use absorbable lozenges, do inhalations. Drugs to cure the disease are selected based on the nature of the cough:

  • Sinekod, Stoptussin (prolonged and paroxysmal);
  • ACC, Ambroxol (to thin sputum);
  • Solutan (an expectorant).

Antibiotics, antiviral and hormonal drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the disease.

Nutrition for bronchitis

The number of calories consumed for bronchitis should be 2500 - 3000. At the same time, it is recommended to include in the diet:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • chicken, pork and veal boiled meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • dairy products;
  • honey, drink more tea with raspberries and lemon;
  • vegetable broths;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal - better on a milk basis).
  • more liquid.

Exclude sweets, chocolate products, muffins, salty foods from the diet. Also, foods containing cholesterol, fatty, spicy and smoked foods, alcohol, condiments and drinks containing coffee and cocoa are not recommended.

What vitamins will help?

Very good folk medicine, for bronchitis in any form, refers to herbs that contain a lot of vitamin C. Pay attention to which you can brew and drink like tea (but the temperature for brewing should be 70 degrees Celsius so as not to kill beneficial features plants).

Also take extra nicotinic acid B3 for the treatment of bronchitis. You can take it in the form of tablets, or eat more liver, fish, chicken meat, carrots and sprouted grains of wheat. A lot of acid is found in chamomile, nettle and parsley.

Therapeutic exercises for bronchitis

The patient should not spend a long time in bed, as they may develop various complications, this and heart failure and pneumonia. It is necessary to do simple breathing exercises.

The complex includes:

  • hand imitation of "chopping firewood";
  • circular rotations by hands;
  • body tilts in different directions;
  • deep breath and slow exhalation;
  • easy walking in place.

It’s not worth overworking yourself, but keeping your body in excellent physical form you always need, of course, if you don't have high temperature and other contraindications to motor gymnastics.

Medicines for treatment


Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic that belongs to the cephalosporin family. Group drug III generation often used for bronchitis. Ceftriaxone is used to treat adults and children. At standard scheme the drug is administered intramuscularly:

  • adults - no more than 2 g per day;
  • children - the dosage varies according to body weight.

Contraindicated in allergic reactions to the drug. Side effects can cause improper antibiotic intake: nausea, vomiting, allergies, jaundice, problems with blood clotting.


Sumamed is a drug of the macrolide group, it is well absorbed gastrointestinal tract and tolerated by the patient. The antibiotic is taken at for three days, 500 mg at a time (1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal). Before prescribing the drug, a sputum test is performed for the sensitivity of bacteria.


The antibiotic Amoxiclav is prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis when certain bacteria are detected: streptococci, echinococci, listeria, shigella, moraxella, bortadella, gardnerella, klebsiella. The dosage is determined by the doctor, starting from body weight:

  • mild and moderate severity of the disease (1 tablet 500/125 mg) twice a day;
  • severe form of bronchitis (1 tablet 850/125 mg) 2 times a day.


If the disease was provoked: pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, marocella, mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella, Azithromycin is prescribed. This is an antibiotic of the macrolide group, the course of treatment with this drug should not exceed 5 days. Antibiotic regimen for bronchitis.

  1. Adults: I day - a single dose of 500 mg; from II to V day - 1 time per day 250 mg.
  2. Children: I day - daily dose 10 mg per 1 kg of weight at a time; II-V days - 1 time per day, 5 mg per 10 kg of weight.


Flemoxin, like all antibiotics, is taken as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is used to treat bronchitis with:

  • elevated temperature (above 38 degrees for three days);
  • intoxication of the body;
  • breathing problems;
  • leukocytosis;
  • leukoformula shifted to the left;
  • The causative agent was staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, moraxela catharalis.

Often the medicine is used for chronic bronchitis. The dosage is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the age, stage of the disease and the presence of chronic diseases.


When using a nebulizer during bronchitis, drugs are used:

  • Berotek, Atrovent (bronchodilators);
  • Lazolvan (for thinning and removing sputum);
  • Furacilin (antiseptic);
  • Pulmicort (hormonal preparations);
  • Rotokan (vegetable).

In the treatment of any disease, positive thoughts and a humorous attitude will help you recover faster, and faith in a speedy recovery will lift even the most seriously ill people to their feet. After all, it gives the brain a strong impetus to fight viruses and other ailments.

What do we have to do? Read positive books, meditate, say well-known affirmations for healing the soul and body, smile, be in good mood, do not lose heart. The disease will pass very soon, and then interesting, exciting and happy Days. Take care of yourself and keep your body in a fighting spirit!

Disease prevention

In order to prevent bronchitis, you need not to overcool, wear clothes that are appropriate weather conditions. If available bad habits(smoking), it is recommended to quit. Perform breathing exercises (inflate balloons), ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning.


bath is great way for the prevention of bronchitis or recuperation after suffering a chronic form of the disease. You can go for a steam bath after seven days after bronchitis, but not for everyone. It is forbidden to visit the bath at a body temperature above 37 degrees, if shortness of breath appears during physical exertion, the pulse is above 90 beats / s, and also at a pressure above 140/90.

These are the main treatments. Before you decide to try any remedy, we strongly recommend that you discuss with your doctor. Yes, alternative treatment is effective, but self-medication often leads to sad consequences.

If symptoms appear - cough with sputum, wheezing, fever - you should consult a doctor. Treatment usually includes antiviral or, drugs to thin sputum and make it easier to cough up, antipyretic and vitamin complexes.

Of some importance is the so-called distraction, or reflex therapy, as well as ingestion herbal remedies that improve the condition bronchial tree. These treatments can be used at home, are simple, and are traditionally used for inflammation. respiratory tract.

"Reflex" therapy

The following means are used:

  • medical banks;
  • mustard plasters;
  • warm foot baths.

All of them have one main contraindication: elevated temperature over 37.5˚С. At a lower but still abnormal level of body temperature thermal treatments it is recommended to reduce the time or completely abandon them. It depends on how you feel and how it changes after the thermal procedure.

Cupping causes an increase in the blood supply to the skin and tiny hemorrhages in her. This leads to a reflex improvement in blood flow in the underlying tissues. At the same time, lymphatic drainage is normalized in them. As a result, tissue supply is improved nutrients and oxygen, foci of inflammation resolve faster, and the disease is cured faster.

To put jars, the skin of the interscapular region and under the shoulder blades is smeared with a greasy cream (can be for children). Prepare tweezers, cotton balls and alcohol. Grabbing the ball with tweezers, moisten it with alcohol, set it on fire and quickly heat the air inside the jar, and then apply it to the skin. As the air cools, it shrinks in volume, sucking in part of the skin and subcutaneous tissue inside the bank. They are placed for 15 minutes, and then carefully removed, slightly pressing with your finger at the glass edge, with your free hand tilting the jar in the opposite direction.

Mustard plasters are also intended for reflexology at home. Mustard oil causes local skin irritation and vasodilation. At the same time, blood flow is activated in deeper located organs.

Before use, the mustard plaster is dipped in warm water for 5 seconds and applied to the interscapular region and side surfaces chest for 5-15 minutes, cover the top of the patient with a towel and a blanket. Mustard must be placed with great care in allergic diseases, as well as in skin diseases.

Warm foot baths for bronchitis are very useful to do at night. They usually contain mustard. The water temperature should be 39-40˚С. For 10 liters of water, take a tablespoon of dry mustard powder, stir it in a small amount water, filter and add to the basin. From above, it is better to cover the basin with a towel. The patient takes a warm foot bath while sitting, the legs should be bent at the knees at a right angle. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Then the legs should be wiped dry with a towel, put on clean thin socks, and woolen over them, and so go to bed. Foot baths can be done every day or every other day as long as the cough continues.


During inhalation, the patient inhales an aerosol formed by medicinal or biological active substances. In this article, we will not touch on inhalations using. This device uses only ready-made medicines prescribed by a doctor. Let's talk a little about ordinary steam inhalations that can improve sputum coughing.

In acute and chronic bronchitis, steam inhalations with soda or table salt are useful. To prepare a solution of a 2% solution of soda for inhalation, you need to take a teaspoon with a small slide of soda, dissolve it in 2 glasses of water, heat the water in a small saucepan until steam is formed. You can bend over such a container, covering yourself with a towel, or you can make a cone out of cardboard and put it on the kettle, inhaling the steam from the cone. It is important that the steam does not burn the mucous membrane.

For inhalation with salt, a 2% solution of sodium chloride is used. The proportions for its preparation are the same. Such inhalations can be carried out 1-2 times a day when coughing, but when normal temperature body. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.

Allowed and old method"potato inhalation". Boil the peeled potatoes, drain the water and breathe over the pot of potatoes, covered with a towel.

Help a patient with bronchitis inhalation based on eucalyptus leaves. Along with an expectorant effect, eucalyptus disinfects the respiratory tract and promotes the healing of microdamages of the mucous membrane.


To accelerate the cleansing of the bronchi from sputum, herbal remedies are used.

Herb thermopsis lanceolate - universal remedy in diseases of the respiratory tract. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect, restores mucociliary clearance, that is, self-purification of the bronchi. It grows in the Baikal region, in the south of Siberia, but it is more convenient to purchase ready-made raw materials in pharmacies. It is prepared from medicinal infusion. It can also be added to solutions for inhalation.

Marshmallow root has an enveloping, protective, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and analgesic effect. For bronchitis, a decoction of the root is used.

Helps to cough up stagnant sputum and a decoction of plantain leaves or coltsfoot. You can prepare an infusion of oregano. Most of the listed herbal ingredients are part of the breast collection, sold in pharmacies and conveniently packaged in sachets.

If you get sick with acute bronchitis, you have a cough, do not rush to buy expensive medications. Consult your doctor, because in many cases folk remedies will help to cope with the disease along with medicines.

Which doctor to contact

If symptoms of acute bronchitis appear in adults, it is necessary to consult a therapist. If the disease lasts more than a month or more, you should consult a pulmonologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist. All "home" remedies should be used only after examination and permission from the doctor. If, then a visit to a doctor is necessary: ​​self-medication can be dangerous for the mother and fetus!

Bronchitis (the bronchus itself will be inflammation in Latin) it's a wicked disease healthy system your breath, with inflammation of healthy bronchi. Current inflammation begins to affect any lungs, or rather its mucous membrane.

Practice has proven that folk remedies against bronchitis are ready to give a “battle” to bronchitis today.

Exists misconception that bronchitis is only a disease of people after 50 years. This is erroneous, not accurate and not true. I do not argue that age also plays a role in this, but this is a tiny percentage of all other reasons. Bronchitis treatment with folk remedies will allow you to get rid of many causes.

The reasons.

We have already learned that age does not particularly develop painful bronchitis. People having affinity with harmful, diverse and various conditions in their ecology and environment, and even those who received poor, limited, low-quality nutrition with terrible or simply poor living conditions, with a rather low body weight, will always be especially prone to inflammation.

Smoking, even passive smoking, heredity, frequent dampness, mists all contribute to the evocation of the bronchi. Many doctors cite smoking as the #1 cause. Statistics constantly confirm that smokers are many times more prone to bronchitis than non-smokers.

There are 2 types of bronchitis.


The main character of this bronchitis is respiratory, various infections, such as acute respiratory infections, or SARS. The process of inflammation begins with the nasopharynx, affects the tonsils together with the trachea and begins to spread to the bronchi.


Long-term inflammation occurring in a long disease of the bronchi, which cause changes and developed structural disturbances in the structure of any mucosa.

Bronchitis treatment with folk remedies at home

The mistake of many is not serious attitude to bronchitis. Many people think and believe that it will go away on its own. It's all deceptive. Firstly, consult a doctor for a decision, and secondly, try to use simple homemade ingredients.

Sometimes it happens that there is a lack of access to treatment, especially modern, advertised methods. Do not waste the passing time, use the "arsenal" of nature. In the home environment, you can use inhalations, various rubbing, various compresses.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies is the most effective


Aloe is the most common home, medicinal and famous flower. Grinding the leaves (1 liter) to a fine state, add lard, be sure to pork (1 liter). Mix everything perfectly with delicious honey (1 kg) and heat a pound of chocolate, always black. We put everything in a saucepan and set it on fire, preferably weak. During the cooking process, be sure to mix the ingredients. Everything should continue until our mixture is converted into a paste, a homogeneous state. We are treated for half an hour before the onset of food.


You will need a whole, sour lemon. On a low heat, cook the lemon for about 10 minutes. To get a large amount the right juice, any accessible way squeeze out all the juice without residue. Add glycerin in the amount of two ordinary tablespoons to the juice, followed by mixing. For a favorable effect, add a little honey. If strong enough, then 6 times, but only 1 tsp. will already be enough. If the cough is rare, then two or three necessary times is also enough.


Milk is a very serious remedy that any housewife has. In a simple glass filled with milk, immediately dissolve a spoonful of delicious honey. To enhance the medicine, it is advisable to add soda and a small piece of butter, preferably butter. We dilute it equally with milk with water, “Borjomi” is excellent. Drink the resulting remedy in the evening.—


Especially used for coughs. Exactly 500 grams as little as possible chopped ordinary onion, mixed with 400 grams of fine sugar and only 50 grams of plain honey and a liter of water. All this must be cooked for about three hours, over a slow, open fire. After a good cooling, we do the straining. We store in a bottle that must be closed. A dark and cool place is suitable, it is a place for quality storage. It is necessary to apply in the following dose: exactly six times, exactly one tablespoon, throughout the day.


You will need to grind the miraculous raspberry leaves in the amount of a couple of spoons. These leaves are brewed in a very hot water(2 cups) followed by strong boiling, duration time 10 minutes. Drink only hot (not much) form. Replace any expectorant, advertised remedy.

Chronic bronchitis symptoms and treatment with folk remedies


Chronic bronchitis is considered a cough, the duration of which is considered to be more than three and a half months. This is the biggest symptom. Deaf, tricky will reduce strength in the morning with copious wet discharge. The temperature rarely signals itself, more often it is insignificant.

Other important symptom is shortness of breath associated with blockage of the bronchi. Even less common is a cough with a small amount of blood, which requires an urgent arrival at the hospital.

Before you want to heal Chronical bronchitis folk remedies try to apply the right and right nutrition. This will definitely help. Before the most immediate treatment, it is desirable for the patient to sweat. Receipt desired effect, will help pre-cooked, diaphoretic reliable means from herbs. We give preference to mint or sage. Drink only water for a couple of days, this will facilitate the discharge of existing sputum.

For the entire duration of your treatment, drink lemon water but no sugar. Water can be replaced with milk with the addition of honey.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults folk remedies

Bronchitis occurs either with or without temperature. The reliability of treatment is the selection of the correct treatment, the rejection of unfavorable habits, in particular, especially smoking, a regimen in bed, the strengthening of strong immunity, the obligatory frequent ventilation of the place where you are, especially the bedroom.


The consequences of bronchitis will upset any of us. Complications certainly lead to various chronic forms, respiratory or cardiac, no one needs insufficiency, pulmonary hypertension or emphysema.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults with folk remedies

To improve a favorable state, take natural remedies and you will overcome coughing, wheezing, spasms, fever. The procedure in the form of rubbing, as well as compresses, phytotherapy using inhalation can normalize health.


Rubbing procedures include the use of camphor alcohol, various oils (essential), turpentine ointment. The application of all this is done in a heated (warm) form.

If the goal is to lower the temperature, go through a rubdown with vinegar. True, it must be diluted 1: 5 with water. Decoctions of wonderful sage or tea with medicinal raspberries can improve the diaphoretic effect.

To ensure good and necessary well-being, apply a light, not long massage with fragrant eucalyptus oil. This will help you breathe in the fumes that occur, which is important for your respiratory system.


We leave the pepper patch on the back for a couple of days and change it to a new one. Whoever has unforeseen redness, immediately lubricate them with cream. The cough will usually start to go away after a couple of weeks. These patches can even be applied to the feet.


With the help of boiled potatoes together with the peel, we make a warming simple compress. AT upper region of your back, as well as the chest (only the chest area) cells, we apply our potatoes and butter, only burdock. We hold the compress for up to three hours. After the procedure, immediately drink a warm decoction of medicinal chamomile, or thyme or St. John's wort.


The priority of high effect is in obtaining inhalations. It is better for prolonged and bothersome bronchitis with the release of mucus from your body. Inhalations are done not only during exacerbation, but also as a preventive measure, taking special care.

Very important! Do not allow inhalation to children, with pressure, with problems with the lungs, as well as with the heart.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults with folk remedies

Obstructive bronchitis - this is total defeat any bronchi due to prolonged inflammation, as well as irritation, in which usually there is immediately a narrowing (gradual) of the bronchi and a great difficulty in sputum exit.

There is difficulty in breathing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, which can affect the ventilation of your lungs. Using a folk remedy for bronchitis in adults will strictly ensure that you get rid of all this.


Make the recipe a breeze. 1) Only 10 grams preferably chopped medicinal propolis only 100 ml required good alcohol(medical). 2) Shake all this in a regular bottle. 3) After that, we clean it in a darkened place, for a period of two and a half weeks.

After delicious food We take strictly 10 necessary drops.

Badger fat.

It won't be too hard to get it. The scheme of its application is also simple. Within two weeks, with a patient weighing from 30 kg, three single use of 1 tbsp. l. Over the next two weeks, the dosage will be exactly the same, but you will need two single uses.

Important! If you have a preschool image, then the best dose would be a regular teaspoon. It is forbidden for children under four and a half years old, if fat is in capsules, then generally up to 13 years old, with liver dysfunction, as well as with biliary tract dysfunction, with individual (allergic) intolerance.

Primrose root.

Available in almost every pharmacy. The first action is to correctly read the information about its side and adverse effects (written on the packaging). We need a glass of pure boiling water, to which we add a spoon, preferably a tablespoon of chopped and already prepared root. Occasionally we mix in baths, naturally water (30 min). When everything cools down, we begin to filter it. 3-4 times a day, only 1 tbsp. l. usual norm.

Treatment of bronchitis in children with folk remedies

Only if the temperature of your child is from 38 degrees, the child has great difficulty in breathing, the blood that appeared in the sputum that your child coughed up immediately ran to the doctor.


It is important for any mother to notice the following symptoms. This will actively contribute to obtaining a positive and reliable result.

So sharp and rapid appearance, more than usual, the release of bad sputum, or even vice versa when coughing, its complete absence, wheezing, accompanied by lethargy, as well as drowsiness, swelling in the chest area, the appearance of blue circles around the child’s immediate lips are considered symptoms.

The reasons.

Factors that provoke bronchitis are infections, especially bacteria, as well as a variety of fungi. Even simple dust, or dust on growing plants, the hair of your animals in the house, bad air in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bvarious enterprises can also upset your child in the form of bronchitis. The course of bronchitis in any children is difficult and long. Any, be it folk, be it modern treatment childhood bronchitis, should be strictly allowed by a pediatrician.

Folk recipes for cough and bronchitis


For a child, this will be the easiest and most enjoyable way, because any kid knows the taste of chocolate. In addition to chocolate, the recipe includes fat, but only badger, butter, but only butter, medicinal aloe juice and irreplaceable honey. The number of all proportions will strictly depend on the right amount desired mixture. The dose will be - 1 tsp. The norm will be - a day up to three times.


Any mustard plaster can be replaced with such a cake. Mixing regular mustard with flour and plain honey. From this unusual mixture we will prepare an unusual healing cake. Before going to bed, put a cake on the chest. To prevent it from rolling, put a pillow on top. It is recommended to divide the cake exactly into 2 even parts, not only for the chest, but also for the back of the child.

Important! Watch the temperature of the cake, in order to avoid getting burned.

Flatbread number 2.

For short, not big time you can deal with a flatbread made of potatoes. Add starch and sweet honey to the previously cooked potatoes. From this mixture we will form two desired cakes. After warming them in the oven, we treat the chest and upper back. Remove only after complete cooling.


Syrup best helper to get better from coughing up phlegm. Raspberries will be indispensable for syrup. It will help in expectoration, help in pain relief and really relieve any temperature. Pour the berries of delicious raspberries with cold, filtered water and immediately bring to the boil. For a good taste, sweeten with honey, you can also sugar.

Important! Many people try to add lemon to this recipe, but this should not be done because of its influence and irritation of the mucosa.


Such a valuable drink will calm the baby from coughing. It is advisable to use with honey, as well as with soda and oil, which will be good for cleansing from child's body any toxins, and the oil will certainly soften the cough and remove the tickle.

Friends, share your existing recipes by posting in the comments. Do not use any prescription without prior permission right doctor and until you identify exactly all the others, extraneous, side effects. Clicking on your icon social network, You share a positive article on your own page, and this will definitely help others in need.

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