At what time do the most people die? The scary word is cancer. How many people die every year in the world

From plane crashes to lightning, here are the 25 things statistically that cause the most deaths in people:

25. Fireworks

In the United States of America, about 10,000 people apply to ambulance due to firework-related injuries. Chance to die from fireworks: 1 in 615448.

24. Tsunami

Naturally, the risk of dying from a tsunami greatly depends on where you live, but in terms of statistics, the chance is 1 in 500,000.

23 Asteroid Impact

In the past, it was believed that the chance of death from an asteroid impact was about 1 in 20,000. this moment, thanks to the development of science, we have learned that the chance is actually 1 in 500,000. Although even this probability is quite high.

22. Dog attack

Chance to tear you apart best friend person is 1 to 147717.

21. Earthquake

Again, living in an area of ​​high tectonic activity will greatly increase your risk. However, in general, the chance of dying in an earthquake is 1 in 131,890.

20. Poison bite

At a 1 in 100,000 chance, the risk of death from a bee sting is twice that of a dog sting.

19. Lightning

Every year around a quarter of a million people around the world are struck by lightning. The chances of dying from such an event are 1 in 83,930.

18. Tornado

Living in the US or India increases the chance of death, but overall it is about 1 in 60,000.

17. Death penalty

Yes, if you do not kill and do not commit high treason, the chance of death under such circumstances will be greatly reduced, especially if you do not live in China, North Korea, Yemen, Iran or the United States then the death penalty you are not threatened. Still, the chance is 1 in 58,618.

16. Flood

Floods, being one of the most common and dangerous natural disasters, take away annually more lives than any other disaster on this list. Chance of death: 1 in 30,000.

15. Plane crash

Flying in airplanes is much (as you will see below, hundreds of times) safer than traveling in a car. The chance of death is 1 in 20,000.

14. Death by drowning

Drowning is the third most common accidental death according to the World Health Organization. Thus, hundreds of thousands of people die every year. Chance: 1 in 8,942.

13. Defeat electric shock

If lightning deaths and executions are included, electric shock causes about 1,000 deaths per year in the US. Of these deaths, the most common are those related to safety at work. Chance of death: 1 in 5,000.

12. Bicycle

Usually, when someone dies while riding a bicycle, that death is caused by a motorist. The chance is 1 in 4,717.

11. Forces of nature

This item includes lightning, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and any other natural disaster. It is interesting to know what is the chance that you will die as a result of the wrath of mother nature? 1 to 3 357.

10. Fire or smoke

Roughly 50-80 percent of fire-related deaths are due to smoke inhalation rather than burns, but overall, in the US alone, fires claim thousands of lives each year. Chance to die: 1 in 1,116.

9. Death by gunshot wound

Living in the United States, Guatemala, Brazil, or South Africa increases the chances of dying under these circumstances, but the overall chance is 1 in 325.

8. Fall

If this seems harmless to you, you must be young. It is the leading cause of death among the elderly population of the Earth. Chance: 1 in 246.

7. Intentional self-harm

Every 40 seconds in the world someone commits suicide and every year about 1 million people die from it. Chance: 1 in 121.

6. Car accident

Exactly this dangerous action that we regularly do, and about 50,000 Americans die every year as a result of car accidents. Chance of dying: 1 in 100.

5. Accidental injury

This collective category is responsible for about 30 million visits to locations emergency care every year, and about 100,000 people die each year as a result of such circumstances. Chance: 1 in 36.

4. Stroke

For people living in developed countries, one of the four remaining items is what they will eventually die from. The chance of dying from a stroke is 1 in 23.

3. Cancer

If a person lives long enough, cancer becomes almost as inevitable as death and taxes. Chance: 1 in 7.

2. Heart disease

Many experts believe that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Chance to die: 1 in 5.

1. Hayflick limit

Even if we assume that a person will not get sick and will not die a violent death, as it turns out, our cells can divide limited quantity times, after which they will disintegrate anyway. This amount is known as the Hayflick limit. Although modern research in genetics can extend this process, according to some sources, the current maximum limit of human life is 125 years.

All biorhythms are of cosmic origin. Daily biorhythms are caused by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Therefore, all living organisms living on our planet have their own daily biorhythms.

It has long been no secret that there are “larks” and “owls” people who have shifted biorhythms. More fortunate were people of the "average type", the so-called "pigeons". They can safely take into account the scientifically recognized circadian biorhythms…

At midnight - lung phase sleep when it is easy to wake up from external factors. This is the hour of greatest sensitivity to pain.

From 01.30 to 02.30 - "hour of blindness". Visual acuity is reduced to a minimum. You should not, for example, read at this time, be driving.

Midnight to 4 am is the hour of natural births.

From 3 to 5 am - "peak lethargy", accompanied by the largest decrease blood pressure. On the night shift, if possible, it is advisable to eat, thereby spurring the body, and take an hour of break, rest. If there is no such possibility and it is necessary to work, then it is necessary, without dissipating, to concentrate as much as possible on the fulfillment of the required task.

4 am is the hour when most people die. The body works at the smallest "turns".

Early in the morning and in the evening, at dusk - greatest content hormones in the blood, which is good for love, conception.

To wake up according to normal biorhythms, in order to be energetic during the day, you need to at 6 am and immediately take a contrast tonic shower.

After a shower - a light warm-up, stretching exercises. Doing excessive gymnastics in the morning is good for employees physical labor(ballerinas, for example), but not mental. After all, it is known that the morning gymnastic exercises With increased load tire the body, which leads to increased toxicosis in the blood and weakens mental activity. And another shower!

7 am is a difficult period when the stress hormone (norepinephrine) is produced. This is also the hour of the "edematous face".

From 7 to 8 in the morning, the content in the skin increases active substances. This is the hour skin rashes”, skin allergic reaction.

In the morning, especially at 8 am, in no case should you “hit” the liver with alcohol.

From 7 to 9 am, the activity of the large intestine is maximum, and the body must be accustomed to this.

From 8 am to 1 pm - best time for skin care. However, anti-cellulite products at this time will be ineffective.

9 am - the least sensitivity of the skin to various procedures, including injections. rises mental activity. The heart is working at full capacity.

From 9 to 10 am - increased activity, openness to new acquaintances.

From 10 to 12 days - increased activity of the brain. Creative time, able-bodied phase. You should not be sprayed at this time on vain, secondary matters.

By 12 noon - the mobilization of all forces.

13 hours - the hour of digestion, when most gastric juice is produced.

From 12 to 13.30 - the greatest muscle activity.

At 14 hours, the body's reactions slow down. Decreased energy.

At 15 o'clock - the rise of energy, sharpening of taste, smell.

From 15:00 to 16:00 is the “hour of mastery”, when the fingers are most agile.

From 15:00 to 18:00 - auspicious time for the circulation of air, blood, lymph and other fluids in the body, which is good for physical activity and sports.

At 4 p.m., blood sugar rises. Physical exercise help lower blood sugar levels.

At 5 p.m., energy doubles, which is good for training, changing activities. Decreased sensation physical pain. This is the time to fight cellulite.

16:00 to 18:00 – restoration of skin cells, active growth nails and hair.

After 18 hours, it is advisable not to take high-calorie, heavy food.

At 19 o'clock mental stability weakens. It is necessary to avoid at this time any stress, showdown, strive for harmony and diplomacy.

From 18 to 20 hours - the liver most easily copes with alcohol and other toxic substances for the body.

At 20 o'clock the maximum body weight. Weigh yourself better in the morning.

From 20:00 to 22:00 is the “hour of loneliness”, when it is difficult for lonely people to be alone with themselves.

From 18 to 21 hours - moisturizing and nourishing the skin, cleansing of makeup. However, with manifestations of allergies, intensive nutrition skin from 20 to 21.30 is undesirable.

From 21 to 22 hours - best hour evening memory.

From 21.30 to 22.30 - "hour of immunity", when the immune system most effectively protects the body from infection. For people with allergies, this can be the peak of an exacerbation, an increase in the symptoms of the disease. At 22 o'clock - the blood is filled with white blood cells. Body temperature rises.

Eaten food after 22 hours can have a bad effect on the body as a whole, especially on the skin of the face, provoke rashes, swelling. From 10 pm to 6 am there is a decrease in the number digestive enzymes, and any food, especially proteins consumed in the evening, are not fully digested overnight, forming toxins in the body (according to Ayurveda - “ama”). By the way, this is one of the main causes of diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure. In addition, the phase of rest and rest breaks down. The body spends energy on digestion instead of rest.

After 23 hours, it is already highly undesirable to apply on the skin of the face and body. cosmetics, especially nourishing masks. You can end up with a “not rested and edematous” result. As they say: the result is in the face.

Practitioners noted the following fact: patients, whether they are "larks" or "owls", starting to take into account The biological clock and follow the recommendations to them, improve their health faster, becoming more efficient and energetic. Health to you!

IN THE WORLD approximately 150,000 people die every day. Approximately 100,000 die due to age-related diseases, of which about half are cardiovascular system. About 50,000 people a day die from heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure.

Few people know, but approximately 40,000 people a day die from hunger, malnutrition, and unsanitary conditions. It is hard for children from third world countries, especially South Asia and Africa. Children simply do not live past the age of five. While on the other side of the world people are overeating, gaining weight and dying of a heart attack due to being overweight, the children of Africa are dying of hunger and lack of clean drinking water.

Thousands of lives are claimed every day by AIDS (14,000 people a day) and CANCER (5,000 people a day). because of bad habits, alcohol, cigarettes, promiscuity kill thousands of people.

6,000 people die every day as a result of an accident. Approximately 3,000 more people die every day in road traffic accidents around the world.

IN RUSSIA about 6,300 people die every day. Most deaths occur in villages - villages, in cities the mortality rate is lower. About 100 people a day die on the roads in Russia. For comparison, in Japan, only about 13 people die on the roads per day. There are up to 120 murders per day in Russia, and at least 160 people commit suicide.

The main cause of death in Russia is alcohol. About 1,400 people a day die from alcohol in Russia. Officially, there are 4,580,000 registered alcoholics. Many traffic accidents, murders, fires are caused by alcohol.

Contrary to popular belief, the natural increase in the population of Russia is declining not because of high mortality, but because of low birth rates. Today, the natural increase is minus 700,000 people per year.

IN MOSCOW Approximately 35 people die per day. However, this figure varies depending on the season. So in the hot heat, the death rate of the population increases. Road traffic accidents claim about 3 lives per day. In this case, most often this is an accident, pedestrians are knocked down less often.

2 people in Moscow die from an accident every day and one person commits suicide. Approximately 1 more person dies as a result of violent acts. About 5 people a day die in Moscow from circulatory diseases (mainly from heart attacks and strokes). 3 people a day die from cancer in Moscow, and from HIV, hepatitis and tuberculosis, taken together, only 2 people a day. Also, 2 people die from diseases of the liver and stomach. About 11 more people die in Moscow every day for unknown reasons.

How many people die per year?

In Russia every year about 2,000,000 + - 300,000 people die. In 2016, 1,887,913 people died in Russia. At the same time, 1,893,256 people were born. Despite the fact that the birth rate fell compared to 2015, due to the fall in the death rate, the natural increase in the population of Russia amounted to + 5,343 people. In 2015, 1,940,579 people were born in Russia and 1,908,541 died.

In the world every year approximately 57,920,000 people die and 146,474,696 children are born. These are the indicators of 2016, the natural increase of which amounted to 88,554,027 people. In 2017 about 9,630,000 people have already died and 24,467,000 people have been born. In 2017, the population of the earth will increase and will amount to 7,577,030,490 people. In this case, the natural increase will be positive and will amount to + 90,168,762 people.

How many people die per second?

A second seems so small, but on a global scale, in just 1 second, a lot of deaths occur: Every second, about 3 people die in the world, and 4 people are born. Someone perishes during the war during this second, someone dies at the hands of a killer , someone dies of hunger, dies in a car accident, commits suicide, or dies of illness.

How many people die per minute?

In Russia every minute about 3 babies are born, but about 4 people die. About 255 children are born in the world per minute, and 106 people die. Every minute a woman dies in childbirth. Thanks in large part to third world countries, one in 20,000 women in the UK dies in childbirth, and one in seven women in Ethiopia.

6 people die from AIDS every minute. About 10 people per minute die from smoking and smoking-related diseases. The number of inhabitants of the earth is steadily growing. Every minute we become more by 150 people, and every year the number of inhabitants of the earth increases by 80 million. At this rate, by 2050 there will be 9 billion of us, not 7.

FROM It should be understood that the mortality rate largely depends on the standard of living of people, on the state of medicine, nutrition, availability pure water. Largest number people die in third world countries, for example, in Lesotho in southern Africa, the stronger sex does not live to be 45 years old, and the female is up to 51 years old.

The longest living country is Japan, where average duration life is 83 years. Perhaps this is due to the abundance of sea and spicy food perhaps with the mentality.

Russia in this regard, it does not have outstanding results, the average life expectancy in Russia is 65 years for men, and 76 years for women. Researchers believe that most of the problems of low life expectancy of Russians are associated with bad emotions - which leads to cardiovascular problems and the abuse of alcohol and tobacco, which leads to accidents and diseases caused by smoking.

Death comes first natural processes body aging. It is known that at some point the cells simply stop dividing. According to studies, the absolute maximum life expectancy is currently 125 years.

Common deadly diseases

Diseases are the most dangerous of cardio-vascular system. These include: ischemic disease heart disease, heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke.

Slightly inferior to diseases of the cardiovascular system is cancer, the incidence of which is increasing every year against the backdrop of a lack of funds for a guaranteed cure. To date, more than 200 varieties are known. oncological diseases.

Death by vehicle

In the leading position is invariably the death rate from a car accident. The car is recognized as the most traumatic vehicle. Despite this, thousands of people around the world continue to neglect the simplest safety rules.

a little less likely death in a bicycle accident. Most often, the death of cyclists occurs due to the neglect of the recommended safety rules, including the non-use of a helmet.

In third place in popularity is a plane crash. Therefore, the fear of the planes of some people can be safely called unjustified. It is much more rational to avoid cars.

Seems to be, Railway is one of the safest Vehicle.

deadly mother nature

Natural disasters are the next possibility. All over the world there are various natural disasters with the participation of water, lightning, wind, sliding of lithospheric plates.

On the last place cost death from insect and animal bites. Interestingly, the risk of dying from a bee sting exceeds that of a sting.

Death by human hand

In the first place is the deliberate deprivation of one's own life. In the world every 40 seconds someone kills themselves. And this is without taking into account suicidal attempts that were unsuccessful.

And finally, deprivation of life by all means other than killing with firearms.


In the first place - death from an unsuccessful fall. Falls are especially common among the elderly and children.

Electric shock and drowning are more unlikely ways to die.

An interesting, but also quite common way to die by accident is death from careless handling of fireworks.

Why do people die in Russia

The main causes of death of Russians remain cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Since this is quite common and in this our country does not differ from the rest of the world, we usually refer to what makes us different. We often talk about violent deaths and deaths from alcohol poisoning in young and middle age, especially among men. But these are not the main reasons for the death of the Russians.

That is why the main efforts to reduce mortality are directed to the obvious - to main reason mortality: from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Alas, narrowly focused actions are ineffective and are not economically justified. It is in the kitchen that you can selectively paint the ceiling - cheap and noticeable effect. In order to reduce the death rate, it is necessary to increase the general well-being of the people, their living conditions. This is the method that has worked in developed countries.

For the last five, even eight years, life expectancy in Russia has been growing due to a decrease in mortality at all ages. Russians still too often (compared to citizens of prosperous countries) die at a young and middle age. The peak falls on 50-65 years (most Russians die at this age).

Women live longer. The reason for this phenomenon throughout the world is not clear, but it is known that the longer and better people live, the less difference between male and female mortality (however, in countries where they live for a very short time, men and women die at about the same age). In Russia, the difference between male and female mortality was, alas, large.

Why do women live longer? The hypothesis is that before menopause, women are protected from disease by their hormones. But there is another hypothesis: women, including in Russia, tend to be less aggressive, less self-destructive behavior.

At the beginning of 2014, I predicted a period of a new increase in mortality in our country in 2014+. I really hope that the increase in mortality that has begun will be shallow and short-lived. The more “normal” in the “Western” sense our life is, the longer we will live. This is the main rule. If we have "normality" like in Sharia or in the USSR, then, unfortunately, everything will again go downhill.

Let's remember the Soviet years

During the Soviet era, life expectancy grew until it was highly dependent on infectious diseases and other easily preventable causes. Since 1964, the mortality rate has ceased to decline and began to form modern type high mortality. He is tall for reasons that are no longer connected with traditional diseases, primarily infectious and killing a quarter of people in early childhood, and the rest - mostly before the age of 40. In developed countries, since the middle of the 20th century, and in most transitional countries, including China, an “epidemiological transition” has been observed since the end of the century. This means that people no longer die en masse from infections and do not die in large numbers in childhood.

The structure of mortality in our country looks like in a "Western" country, but people die in large numbers.

The reasons for this are not entirely clear, but the most plausible explanations are a dirty, dangerous environment, low quality products, their shortage, poor nutrition, poor living conditions, hazardous production. Crime. Suicide. We really still have a lot of deaths from murders and suicides. It is not surprising that at the same time people drink a lot and die a lot simply from vodka poisoning.

How can life expectancy be increased in Russia?

Life expectancy in our country can only be increased through progress. The vector set by the English and French revolutions is the only means known to mankind. And Japan has become a country of longevity to the extent that it has mastered this vector of change. Only by changing people's lives according to this type - security, the quality of the environment, nutrition, confidence in the future, reducing the level of violence, state and criminal - can we ensure that people live a long and healthy, happy life.

The longest people live in Japan, Spain, Australia, Switzerland, Italy and Singapore. Least of all live in countries such as Somalia, Nigeria, Mali, Uganda.

Moscow and regions

The capital differs from the rest of Russia in relatively low mortality, and favorable processes recent years in Moscow were expressed even more than in most regions. This is most likely determined by the migration to the capital of more active young people and higher incomes. Many things, including living conditions, are better in Moscow than in most of the country.

But comparing regions is difficult. Some of them are known for their unreliable statistics. For example,

The North Caucasus is known for false births and distorted death records.

This tradition has come to us since Soviet times: in the years of the USSR, there was a fictitious "Caucasian longevity" used to promote the "achievements of socialism."
Part Russian regions has a high mortality due to the fact that the old population lives in these regions.

Aircraft and cars

People act under the influence of the information they absorb and the emotions that reinforce that information. A person tries to "treat" himself in bizarre ways. For example, bossy people believe that if suicides are not reported, then people will not "suicide." This is nonsense, of course.

People practice killer smoking because death in smokers does not come immediately after smoking, but after years, as it were. naturally. It is impossible to notice with the human eye that one dies at 50, and the other at 60.

If smokers died at 20, things would change. Then death from smoking would become noticeable.

It is important that risks can be avoided different ways, but they are not obvious either to others or to themselves successful people. So, it is difficult to explain why some drivers on the roads never get into an accident. Even the police won't stop them. It is impossible to categorically state that those who stayed to swim in Egypt after the terrorist attack risk their lives more than those who left everything and fled the country. Plane crashes are often reported, but cars are rarely reported. About pedestrians who died under the wheels - even less often. In Soviet times, information about accidents and disasters was classified, and older people now think that life has become more dangerous after the collapse of the USSR.

People are limited in their ability to understand their lives.

That is why it is important that they have equal opportunities to receive a minimum income, disability assistance, quality medical care- even if these people are not smart enough to lead a healthy lifestyle. It's very difficult indeed. Scholars who advise on healthy way life, have so far limited knowledge. As a result, even basic nutrition recommendations are approximate and some of the scientific recommendations are recognized as erroneous after 10-20 years.

Hence one more conclusion: it is necessary to finance medical science to understand people's health and learn how to maintain it. For example, despite the recommendations of the World Health Organization, there are no public health surveys in our country and we do not know how well Russians eat, what kind of food they lack. The lack of scientific knowledge about the nutrition of our people is replaced by the import of foreign problems, for example, hatred of McDonald's, although it has nothing to do with the nutrition of the vast majority of Russians.

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