How to take propolis tincture: tips and recipes. How to drink propolis on alcohol? Alcohol tincture of propolis: medicinal properties and contraindications

Propolis - a beekeeping product created by insects from the sticky substances of birch buds and other natural components, contains more than 16 groups of organic substances, which allows it to be actively used for medicinal purposes. As a dosage form, propolis tincture is usually used, the use of which is justified in many diseases.

Medicinal properties of propolis tincture

The medicinal properties of propolis are due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of biologically active substances. It:

  • polyphenols;
  • aldehydes;
  • alcohols;
  • aromatic acids;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • steroids;
  • flavonoids, etc.

In addition to the above, the product includes B vitamins, many enzymes, trace elements, essential components.

Due to this, propolis has the following effect on the body:

  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • dermaplastic;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Today, bee glue is used not only by healers and herbalists, but also by representatives of official medical science.

Why is propolis tincture used in folk medicine

As mentioned above, propolis helps with many diseases. Methods of application of tincture in this case can vary significantly. Consideration should be given to the use of the drug on a case-by-case basis.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

To prepare the tincture, 20 grams of propolis are crushed and poured into 80 ml of 90% or 70% ethyl alcohol. You can use vodka, but the concentration of ethanol in it does not allow you to completely extract the maximum amount of necessary substances from the product.

The components of the product are mixed, poured into an opaque glass dish, and then placed in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. During this time, the drug is periodically shaken. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze. This recipe is used for all diseases that are treated with bee glue.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, the tincture is consumed in 20 drops, previously mixed in a glass of water. The frequency of admission is once a day. The course of treatment is six months. It is better if the composition is used on an empty stomach.

During treatment, the condition of patients improves significantly: gastritis and gastroenteritis disappear, chronic inflammation goes into remission. In the indicated dosage, the drug is safe for patients with peptic ulcer. However, its use requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Liver disease

Liver diseases are always accompanied by intoxication, which the diseased organ cannot overcome. Propolis tincture will help him with this. It should be taken for a long time, six months or more. Start taking 1 drop in a glass of water, once a day, on an empty stomach. The number of drops is increased daily until it reaches 40-50 per dose.

During treatment, the level of intoxication in patients decreases, the processes of regeneration of hepatocytes (liver cells) are accelerated. This fact was officially confirmed in the course of the research.

Propolis is of great importance for bees, as it provides cleanliness, sterility and a "healthy atmosphere" in the hive. It protects the bee house from harmful external influences and mercilessly destroys various types of viruses, bacteria and even some of the fungi. Similarly, propolis can act on the human body. Due to its unique properties, this substance is able to cope with a variety of both internal and external diseases. However, to achieve a positive effect, it must be used correctly.
To solve various problems with the body, dry propolis is used quite rarely, most often the treatment occurs with the help of products prepared from it. One of these means is propolis tincture on alcohol - it is about it that we will discuss today.

What is useful alcohol tincture of propolis

Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees to decontaminate combs, seal the hive, and isolate objects that may have accidentally entered it. It can have different colors, mainly the shade depends on which plant the resin was extracted from by insects for its production. Brown, gray, brown, reddish and even greenish propolis is equally useful and suitable for making tinctures. About what kind of useful properties this substance has, it was described in. Propolis tincture on alcohol, in principle, has the same properties. The main one is a powerful bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, which gives the agent the ability to destroy pathogens. At the same time, taking it orally, unlike most antibiotics, does not lead to dysbacteriosis, but on the contrary improves the composition of the intestinal microflora.
In addition, alcohol tincture of propolis has a wound healing and analgesic effect. It is an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. With its help, you can strengthen the immune system, rid the body of toxins, improve metabolic processes and prevent the occurrence of blood clots.

Propolis tincture on alcohol - application

Due to the fact that propolis tincture is endowed with an impressive list of useful properties, it can help in solving many health problems, both external and internal. Especially often it is used in the presence of the following diseases:

Propolis on alcohol - preparation

For treatment, alcohol tinctures are used, having different concentrations. It can be from 5 to 40 percent. Naturally, the higher the concentration of the tincture, the more pronounced the therapeutic effect will be from it. However, it is better to refuse to use too concentrated products, because they have a great irritating effect on tissues. In this regard, it is usually recommended to use products with a concentration of 15 percent.
To prepare such a tincture, place 15 grams of propolis in the refrigerator. When it hardens well, remove and then grind into pieces no more than 4 millimeters. It is convenient to do this with a grater. Keep in mind that the fewer particles you get, the more active substances propolis will give to alcohol.
After grinding, place the propolis in a bottle, preferably dark glass, and then fill it with 85 milliliters of 70% alcohol. Seal tightly and shake container well to ensure all particles are in contact with the liquid. Place the bottle in a well protected from light, dark place. For one to one and a half weeks, take out and shake the bottle of propolis twice a day. When the infusion time comes to an end, strain the product, this can be done through a special filter paper or folded gauze. Store the tincture in a cool, dark place. Under these conditions, its shelf life can be up to three years.
To prepare a product with a concentration of 5%, it is recommended to mix 95 milliliters of alcohol with 5 grams of propolis, 10% - 90 milliliters of alcohol with 10 grams of propolis, 20% - 80 milliliters of alcohol with 20 grams of propolis, etc.
To get a really good, high-quality propolis tincture at home, it is recommended to use raw materials purified from impurities. If you could not find one, the proportion of impurities should be taken into account when preparing the product. To do this, you need to increase the amount of propolis by about 30-40%. For example, to prepare a ten percent tincture, you will need not 10, but already 14 grams of propolis.

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Means to increase potency

How to cook propolis on alcohol quickly

As a rule, the disease appears suddenly and at the same time the right remedy is not always at hand. If you need to quickly prepare propolis tincture with alcohol, you can use the following method:

  • Pour medical alcohol into a suitable container and place it in a water bath. When it heats up to fifty degrees, add crushed propolis to it. Constantly stirring the composition, wait until the propolis dissolves, then cool it and strain it. In this case, mix the components, as for the preparation of infusion, in the usual way.

Propolis on alcohol - treatment for various diseases

  • With ulcerative lesions and inflammation of the digestive tract
    . Start treatment with a 5% remedy, if it is well tolerated and does not cause any discomfort, switch to a tincture with a concentration of 20 or even 30%. It should be drunk 40 drops an hour and a half before a meal, dissolving in a quarter glass of water or milk. The duration of treatment is one to two months.
  • With diabetes use 30% tincture to a tablespoon per day for a month.
  • With atherosclerosis it is useful to take a tincture of garlic and propolis. Prepare garlic tincture, for this, pour two hundred grams of garlic with a glass of alcohol and put the mixture in a dark cabinet for a week and a half. Shake the product periodically during this time. When the tincture is ready, strain it and add 30 milliliters of 10% propolis tincture and 50 grams of honey. Means take twenty drops three times a day.
  • With hypertension it is recommended to carry out treatment with propolis tincture on alcohol, having a concentration of 20%. It should be taken one hour before meals, 20 drops three times a day. The duration of treatment is a month, after which a two-week break is made and, if necessary, the course is repeated.
  • For diseases of the oral cavity. Pour a teaspoon of tincture with half a glass of water, use the resulting solution for rinsing. The procedure is carried out on the first day every two hours, on the next - three times a day. In addition, the affected areas can simply be lubricated with a slightly concentrated tincture.
  • For problems with the gallbladder and liver add twenty drops of infusion to warm tea and take the resulting remedy for a week every day in the morning and evening. After that, take a break for a week, and then resume treatment.
  • For sore throat it is recommended to rinse at least three times a day with a solution prepared from a glass of water and a tablespoon of tincture. You can also prepare an infusion of their mixture of sage, calendula and chamomile, and then add the tincture to it.
  • For congestion and pain in the ears. Three times a day, drip two drops of tincture into the ear canals. For purulent inflammation, make small flagella from gauze or bandage, soak them in tincture, and then insert them into your ears for a quarter of an hour.
  • For skin problems– wounds, psoriasis, eczema, ulcers, etc. lubricate the affected areas with pure propolis tincture about three times a day.
  • With a cold. Dilute thirty grams of propolis tincture with ten grams of olive, peach or eucalyptus oil. Place the resulting solution in a container with warm water and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Instill the remedy into the nose twice a day, three drops.
  • With sinusitis in addition to inhalations with propolis, punctures with tincture are often prescribed. They are recommended to be done twice a week.
  • With a cold add thirty drops of tincture to warm tea or milk and take the resulting remedy three times a day.

He took a course for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. I did it as recommended at the Merry Hornet apiary - 2 courses with a break. In the first month of taking it, I felt some changes in the prostate, but the inflammation did not completely go away. When taking the second course, I began to feel much better. For 8 months now, the prostate has not bothered. Thank you very much for your products and advice.

Ignatenko Vladislav


Thank you Dmitry and Olga for your products, and especially for eye drops. I have suffered from glaucoma for many years. The disease is progressing, but thanks to your drops, I feel that the progress has decreased and my vision has become a little better. It is a pity that they do not cure this disease, but thanks for that.

Larisa Ivanovna

For a long time I was looking for candles from hemorrhoids on a natural basis, since in a pharmacy very often a chemical preparation is included in the composition of candles. I saw that in the family apiary of the Merry Hornet, the composition includes only cocoa butter and propolis. I was very happy and ordered immediately. I was satisfied with the candles - the problem is not completely solved, but the progress is significant.

Raisa Pavlovna

I have been switching to natural cosmetics for many years now. Some I do myself, taking information from the Internet, some I buy. But from your nourishing cream, I'm just delighted. I use it all the time for my face and hands. Yes, and the same honey soap is now constantly available in our family. We will not change to a supermarket.

Kryuchko Valentina


Much thanks to you, Olga, for the garniy recommendations of the product - real wax moth. My child (a girl of 7 years) was constantly ill with inflammation of the bronchi and we often spent a lot of hours at the librarians, in some cases they did not give antibiotics. At first, folk ways to cure bronchitis and know you. My child began to grow richer less sick and easier to endure illness. It’s also okay for bjolin bee bread for immunity.

Kanonenko Olga

He suffered a serious crisis and had a stroke. My daughter found information that helps with this problem to restore wax moth. Having called, we received a consultation that it is better to take a course of wax moth with a tincture of subpestilence. So they did. I have been taking it for 4 months now. Face changes. But for a full recovery, I want to take another 2-3 months. Thank you and your bees for good products.

Ivan Fedotovich


As a nursing mother, when feeding a child, there was a problem with lactation at 6 months. I read that Apilak based on royal jelly helps very well, but pure royal jelly has an even stronger effect. We ordered this product from a family apiary. And after 4 days of taking the milk resumed in the right amount, and after 2 weeks of taking it, I had to express the excess. Liked your product very much. Now I'm thinking about the course of raising immunity. Thanks for the help.



Many thanks to the bees and the Merry Hornet. I have been suffering from diabetes for many years. Apart from medicines and special nutrition, nothing helps in life. But I am an optimist and I try to engage in a healthy lifestyle. Buying acacia honey from Dmitry, he advised me to buy a tincture of dead bees to lower sugar. Not very trusting, I bought. And she didn't do it in vain. After 1 month, sugar began to rise less often (more often it was her own fault, because she did not follow a diet). Been drinking for 3 months now. I feel much better. Some kind of efficiency appeared. Dmitry, thank you very much.

Lakuta Valentine

Dmitro, thank you very much for the savory Sonyashnikov honey and for the propolis honey. We lived in the distant past, and all winter our great homeland did not get sick. Only onuk is not rich. For the upcoming season, we will renew the backlog.

Dashko Ivan

I have been suffering from sinusitis for many years. As they struck, he became a regular "client" of the hospital. When ordering honey at the Merry Hornet apiary, I saw the Stop sinus ointment and decided to try it, since the price was pretty affordable. And after 2 weeks of use, I saw improvements. With my chronic advanced sinusitis, I began to feel better. I recommend.

Pakhomov Sergey

He underwent treatment at the family apiary "Merry Hornet" for the treatment of prostate adenoma. There was a strong inflammation from hypothermia and the prostate was very inflamed. Yes, and doctors diagnosed an increase in adenoma. After 2 weeks of taking the course, I felt that the inflammation had partially gone. And after 2 months of taking the inflammation disappeared. The adenoma did not decrease after the ultrasound at the end of the course, but there was no increase either. Thanks for the advice and help provided. I plan to take another course in the near future.

Igor Marchuk

After a year of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and drug resistance in the hospital, the doctor himself recommended trying wax moth tincture. I searched for a long time on the Internet and stopped at the family apiary "Merry Hornet", where I received a full consultation and, after receiving the products, they gave instructions for use. I was also interested in the treatment regimen for wax moth tuberculosis with propolis tincture, since I have not heard this anywhere else. Already after 3 months of taking the disease, the disease turned into a closed form, and by the 7th month, the holes also disappeared. Now, being already healthy, I drink prophylactically 3-4 times a year. Thanks for the second life.


My son has been suffering from psoriasis for many years, and we have probably already tried half a pharmacy of drugs for this disease. Almost all or do not give effect, or cause allergies. I read that propolis ointment helps very well. Having received advice from Olga that it is 40% propolis ointment that copes well with this disease, we ordered and were very satisfied. Now only she can be saved. And most importantly - there is an effect and there are no side effects of this product.

Kramarenko Irina


I work outside and in the garden all the time. Hands are often weathered. I tried to use the Kremlin ointment as a cream. And I really like it. Now I order periodically this ointment from Olga.

Zhanna Ignatievna

Since ancient times, propolis has been considered a good medicine. They were treated for almost any disease. And in modern medicine, propolis tincture for alcohol is successfully and widely used. Experts say that it is the alcohol tincture of propolis that has a strong therapeutic effect compared to a decoction. In addition, it is not at all necessary to buy medicine in a pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself.

Propolis alcohol tincture recipe

Propolis tincture on alcohol is prepared quite easily at home. To prepare such a medicine, you need 300 ml of alcohol, 0.5 liters. vodka, 80 gr. propolis and a bottle of dark color. Pre-cooled raw propolis is rubbed on a grater and poured with cold water for a few minutes. Water with rising impurities is carefully drained, the propolis is left to dry. Then propolis, vodka and alcohol are placed in a bottle and tightly closed.

The mixture prepared in this way is left to infuse for two weeks at room temperature (approximately 21 degrees), not forgetting to shake it daily. The tincture is poured into a storage bottle after two weeks of infusion and pre-filtered in any way possible. From this point on, the alcohol tincture is ready for use. Everyone who has used such a remedy leaves excellent reviews about it, as a medicine with a good therapeutic effect.

The use of alcohol tincture of propolis

The field of medical application of tincture is quite wide. She treats a variety of diseases. For example:

  1. Respiratory diseases, colds, throat diseases.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), liver and gallbladder.
  3. Pain syndromes of unclear etiology - tincture acts as an antispasmodic and anesthetic.
  4. Ulcers, open wounds, fistulas, bedsores.
  5. Problematic skin, acne and blackheads, itching and swelling.
  6. Varicose veins.
  7. Fractures and cracks in the bones.
  8. Fungal diseases, thrush.
  9. Nervous disorders, including insomnia and restlessness. Reviews about the use of tincture in such diseases are very positive.
  10. Strengthening immunity during periods of a surge of infectious and colds.

Treatment with alcohol tincture of propolis

  • Propolis alcohol tincture prepared at home has a concentration of 10%. This is quite enough to safely apply it for treatment. The use of infusion of higher concentration is not recommended.
  • For the treatment of throat diseases, it is necessary to add 30 drops of medicine to any herbal gargle and gargle at least 4-6 times a day.
  • If you need to strengthen your teeth and gums, as well as reduce inflammation in the oral cavity, it is enough to rinse your mouth with a solution of infused propolis (half a teaspoon in a glass of water).
  • In case of serious skin problems in the form of ulcers, bedsores and fistulas, it is necessary to directly lubricate the wounds themselves with undiluted tincture.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear is a rather unpleasant disease and cotton flagella soaked in propolis infusion will help alleviate the condition. They are inserted into an ear cleansed of pus for twenty minutes to relieve inflammation and for pain relief, after which the medicine is instilled.
  • For colds, SARS and flu, you can add 20-30 drops of tincture to a mug of hot drink to help the body cope with the virus faster, the recovery process will be significantly accelerated. But this is not a complete list of treatment options using a healing drug.

Numerous reviews of patients who have successfully cured nail fungus with tincture speak of the effectiveness of this remedy; a cotton swab moistened with liquid is applied to the nails. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), liver and gallbladder, every day in the morning and evening, it is necessary to drink tea with 20 drops of propolis alcohol extract. After a week of taking the medicine, you should take a break and repeat the treatment again.

Reviews of many women suffering from hypertension and in the menopause testify to the tangible benefits of taking the infusion orally for some time with interruptions (a month after two weeks) in the amount of 20 drops. An alcoholic extract of propolis is indispensable for oncological diseases, when many drugs are prohibited from taking. It supports the immune system and helps the body recover.

Few people know, but alcohol propolis can be used for poisoning, as an emergency aid - taking thirty drops inside relieves nausea and stops vomiting. But these measures do not cancel the appeal to the doctor, and the sooner the better.

The use of propolis tincture to strengthen immunity

Everyone knows that propolis helps to strengthen the immune system. The stronger the immune system, the less a person gets sick. Its use contributes to the inhibition of the development of the disease and pathogenic bacteria, that is, it acts as a natural antibiotic.

To achieve the best result in strengthening immunity, the tincture must be taken before the onset of a period of mass morbidity - for preventive purposes. Then there is every chance not to get sick or to endure the disease in a mild form.

Propolis is used orally with water or another drink, starting with one drop a day. The dosage must be increased daily and brought to thirty drops, and then reduced. You can not use such a drug for a long time, you need to take breaks.

Contraindications to the use of alcohol tincture of propolis

Alcohol-infused propolis should not be used by people allergic to honey and other bee products (patient reviews confirm this), they are not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age.

Since propolis tincture is alcohol, there is a possibility of overdose, so it is recommended to carefully monitor the amount of medication used to avoid excessive consumption and side effects. An overdose can cause pressure surges, heart rhythm disturbances, drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue. At the first sign of intolerance to the drug, it is necessary to stop using it and consult a doctor to relieve symptoms.

In the article we discuss propolis tincture. We will talk about its medicinal properties and contraindications for use. You will learn how to properly take the remedy for gastritis, ulcers, tonsillitis, coughs and for immunity. Following our advice, you will learn how to prepare tinctures with alcohol, vodka, water and milk.

Propolis - treatment with propolis

Propolis is a resinous substance of dark green or brown color. It is produced by bees from sticky substances that they collect from tree buds in spring..

Appearance (photo) of propolisThis beekeeping product is widely used in folk medicine. Propolis contains a complex of vitamins and microelements, flavonoids, glycosides. The beneficial composition provides a general strengthening effect on the immune system.

The drug is taken orally as a tincture and applied externally. Propolis is used in its pure form to treat inflammation of the oral cavity, diseases of the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract.

Propolis tinctures - medicinal properties

Propolis has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antioxidant, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects. This bee product is effective against bacterial and viral infections.

Most often, propolis is used in the form of a tincture, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared independently. The tool accelerates tissue regeneration and neutralizes poisons and toxins.

What does propolis tincture treat?

Propolis tincture is a universal remedy. It has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis. A useful remedy for hepatitis, it is used for poisoning to remove toxins from the body.

Propolis tincture improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It is effective in atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, increased nervousness.

The tool is used to treat diseases of the respiratory system: SARS and influenza, sinusitis, tuberculosis, asthma, tracheitis. Propolis strengthens the immune system. The vitamin-rich composition saturates the body with vitamins and trace elements. The medicine is effective for beriberi.

The tool effectively fights cancer. Propolis tincture stops the development of cancer cells and destroys them.

Another useful property of propolis is the strengthening of the skeletal system. Tincture based on it is useful for osteochondrosis, arthritis, sciatica.

Propolis tincture is used to treat skin diseases and restore the epidermis after burns and wounds. The tool increases tissue regeneration, prevents their infection. It is used for: eczema, psoriasis, fungal infection, furunculosis, allergies.

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Propolis tincture regulates the reproductive system. It is used for impotence, prostatitis, infertility, mastopathy, endometriosis, myoma.

How to prepare propolis tincture

Before preparing the tincture, propolis is crushed and soaked in cold water for a couple of hours to wash out foreign particles and improve the quality of raw materials. Then the water is drained, and the bee glue is dried.

Propolis tincture is alcohol and water. Alcohol is stronger, and contains a maximum of useful substances. The water tincture is less concentrated and is suitable for use during pregnancy and for children.

Consider various recipes for making tinctures at home.

Propolis tincture on alcohol

To prepare the tincture, 70% alcohol is used. A highly concentrated product must be diluted with water before use.


  1. Propolis - 10 gr.
  2. Medical alcohol - 100 ml.

How to cook: Grate propolis, melt in a water bath, remove from heat and pour alcohol. Infuse the remedy for 2 weeks, shaking the container daily. Strain the finished tincture and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: For oral administration, dilute 20 drops of tincture in 100 ml of milk, tea or water. In this form, the product can be used to rinse the throat and mouth.

Result: Tincture strengthens the immune system and eliminates inflammation in the stomach and intestines. This recipe is suitable for the treatment of influenza, bronchitis and sore throats.

For more information on preparing propolis tincture for alcohol, see the video:

Propolis tincture on vodka

Propolis tincture on vodka is consumed orally and used for external use. To prepare the product, you should choose high-quality alcohol.


  1. Propolis - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grate propolis, pour it into a bottle, pour vodka and shake. Infuse the remedy for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place. Shake the medicine daily. Strain the finished tincture and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 20-30 drops of the product with water or milk. The maximum daily dosage is 50 drops.

Result: The agent has a general strengthening effect, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Water tincture recipe

If you are intolerant to alcohol or if there are contraindications to the use of products based on it, you can prepare a tincture with water. This tool has a mild effect and is suitable for pregnant women and children of any age. This tincture can be used in its pure form. You can store water tincture for only 7 days.


  1. Propolis - 20 gr.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Pour the crushed propolis with boiled water, put in a water bath and heat up to 80 degrees. Keep the pot on the stove for 1 hour without bringing the liquid to a boil. Remove from heat, cool and strain.

How to use: Take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day. For rinsing, dilute 30 drops in a glass of water.

Result: Tincture strengthens the immune system. The tool is especially effective during periods of SARS and influenza, it can be used for prevention purposes. The medicine is suitable for the treatment of dental diseases, diseases of the lungs and ENT organs.

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milk tincture recipe

Propolis with milk effectively fights against paroxysmal cough. This tincture is suitable for the treatment of adults and children.


  1. Propolis - 10 gr.
  2. Milk - 300 ml.
  3. Butter - ½ teaspoon.

How to cook: Heat the milk in a water bath, add the grated propolis and stir the liquid until it dissolves. Strain and add oil.

How to use: Take the remedy in a warm form up to 3 times a day for half a glass. To treat colds, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the finished infusion.

Result: The tincture relaxes the muscles, eliminates the painful cough and soothes the irritated throat.

Propolis tincture in a pharmacy

In any pharmacy you can buy a ready-made alcohol-containing tincture of propolis (lat. Tinctura Propolisi). Usually it is available in 25 ml bottles. Before ingestion, the product must be diluted with water or other liquid.

Pharmacy tincture is suitable for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and oral cavity. Instructions for use are attached to the tincture, which must be followed so as not to harm the body. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Instructions for use of propolis tincture

Depending on the concentration of the tincture and the specific disease, the regimen of administration is selected. That is why it is important to read the instructions before starting treatment.

Consider the most common options for the use of propolis tincture.

How to drink propolis tincture for the stomach (for gastritis and ulcers)

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 20 drops of tincture are prescribed 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily allowance is no more than 50-60 drops. In this case, the product must be diluted in 100 ml of any liquid. The course of treatment is 1 month.

For the throat (for sore throat and sore throat)

Propolis tincture is used to gargle with sore throat and any sore throat. To do this, 15 ml of the product is diluted in a glass of warm water. The procedure is repeated up to 5 times a day. It is necessary to gargle for 3-4 days, until the painful symptoms subside.

For colds (cough and runny nose)

Propolis tincture helps with cough and runny nose. The tool is used to treat influenza, acute respiratory infections, SARS. Based on it, a solution for inhalation is made. To do this, dilute 1 part of the tincture in 20 parts of water.

Propolis tincture is used to wash the nose. The agent is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:10. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

For teeth (for gums)

For rinsing the mouth, prepare the same solution as for the throat. Propolis tincture strengthens teeth and gums, treats periodontal disease. The rinsing procedure is repeated 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

With thrush

In gynecology, an aqueous infusion of propolis is used for douching. The remedy is effective for thrush. It quickly eliminates discomfort. The procedure is carried out daily for 10 days.

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Propolis tincture for children

Propolis tincture is used to strengthen the immune system, fight diseases of the respiratory system and oral cavity. Most often, for the treatment of children, an aqueous infusion is used in combination with milk, butter and honey. Single dosage - 1 teaspoon before meals. Such a drink is not only healthy, but also tasty, which is important in the treatment of children.

Other forms of propolis

Not only tinctures are made from propolis. It is used in its pure form and combined with other medicinal components to enhance the beneficial effect.

Can you chew propolis

Propolis is chewed for diseases of the mouth and throat. It has a specific taste and smell. The product saturates the body with vitamins, improves blood flow and eliminates harmful microorganisms.

To get the maximum benefit from the procedure, you need to know how to chew propolis properly. Take a small piece of the sticky substance and chew for 15-20 minutes, then spit it out. It is not worth swallowing, it is hard to digest.

Propolis is a potent substance, so you should use it in its pure form with extreme caution. When chewing, watch your well-being.

Tea with propolis

After hypothermia and during the spread of viral infections, drink tea with propolis. This drink strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of colds.

In a half-liter teapot, brew 1 tablespoon of loose tea, 2 teaspoons of propolis and 2 cloves. Infuse the drink for 20 minutes, add honey to a teaspoon and drink warm.

Propolis and hawthorn for pressure

Propolis tincture reduces blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and eliminates their spasms. To enhance the beneficial effect, it is combined with hawthorn tincture in equal proportions.

Take 20 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. The drug is effective in hypertension, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Honey with propolis

Honey gives propolis not only a pleasant taste, but also enhances its beneficial properties. The product can be bought in the store or prepared independently at home. To do this, melt propolis in a water bath and mix with honey. Store the healing mixture in the refrigerator.

Propolis honey take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day to strengthen the immune system. The tool can be used for warming compresses.


The main contraindication to the use of propolis tincture is individual intolerance. Treatment should begin with small doses, gradually increasing them in the absence of an allergic reaction. Before use, consult with a specialist.

What to remember

  1. Propolis insist on alcohol, vodka, water or milk.
  2. Propolis tincture strengthens the immune system, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and respiratory systems.
  3. The tool is used externally to treat skin diseases and restore the epidermis after burns and wounds.
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