Storage of dentures at night. Removable dentures care and storage rules

A removable denture is a device that is attached to the gums with special locks. Such designs are prescribed to patients who have lost one or more teeth. For the production of modern prostheses, acrylic is mainly used. Its advantages are strength, durability, wear resistance.

Modern orthodontic constructions are designed so that they do not have to be removed before going to bed. Dentists advise doing this in cases where the patient experiences dry mouth or discomfort on the mucous membrane. Some, especially sensitive people, may develop an allergy, which is expressed in rashes on the body. However, such cases are rare and require mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Removable dentures are used for partial or total loss teeth. This is especially true for the loss chewing teeth.

Another reason that prompts the patient to remove the prosthesis at night is his personal fears. Some people are very worried about their health and are wary of all innovations. They need time to get used to orthodontic design in your mouth and begin to perceive it as your own teeth. Such patients are afraid that during sleep it will come off, fall out of the mouth, accidentally get into the throat, or simply break.

Important! When installing a prosthesis, the dentist must explain to the patient how to use it correctly, as well as dispel all his fears and concerns. After that, a person will be able to safely leave the structure in his mouth overnight. But if it is more comfortable for him to sleep without her, then no one forbids doing this.

How to properly use a removable denture?

Many patients are ill-informed about what removable-type constructions are and how to use them correctly. This gives rise to all sorts of fears and prejudices. Despite the fact that almost a third of the population of our planet wears removable dentures, many people are ashamed and cannot get used to having them.

You can clean a removable denture with a regular toothbrush, but you must use special paste for prostheses.

To quickly get used to the orthodontic design, you need to follow some recommendations.

  • The first 4-5 days after the installation of the prosthesis should not be removed to give oral cavity get used to a foreign object.
  • Every day before going to bed, you need to remove the denture from your mouth and wash and clean it thoroughly, and then put it back on or place it in a special storage container.
  • It is advisable to eat less hard and sticky foods, as they shorten the life of the structure.
  • The first time after the installation of the prosthesis, it is necessary to avoid excessive load on it and eat only soft, liquid, crushed food.

Thus, the patient himself decides whether to remove the prosthesis at night or not. But in any case, it must be thoroughly washed before going to bed. To store the structure, you need to buy a special container.

Rules for the care of dentures

Manufacturers used to make removable dentures from rubber. Such products had to be removed at the time of sleep. Usually they were placed in a glass of water. Modern acrylic designs are much more practical. The first month and a half they need to be stored in a humid environment, and then this is no longer required.
Since the oral cavity itself is a humid environment, acrylic structures can be worn without removing. If it becomes necessary to remove the product, it is better to put it not in a glass of water, but in a convenient container designed specifically for this purpose. If there is no container, you can wrap the device in a piece of cotton cloth.

Removable dentures should never be cared for with hard-bristled toothbrushes. You should only use a soft toothbrush.

Those wishing to remove the prosthesis at night should follow these instructions:

  1. Remove the structure from your mouth and rinse well with warm boiled water.
  2. Clean it with a toothbrush with the addition of a special antiseptic liquid.
  3. Place the cleaned denture in a container filled with a disinfectant solution that kills germs accumulated during the day.

Attention! In order for the orthodontic construction to serve longer, it is necessary to give it to the dentist for professional cleaning every six months or a year. After installing the prosthesis, you need to ask the doctor how to properly clean it, what compositions to use for this, how to store it.

The dentist will answer all your questions and tell you how often you need to come for preventive examinations.

Dental hygiene

As already mentioned, it is necessary to store orthodontic constructions in a humid environment. Before putting the prosthesis in the container for the night, it is necessary to wash it with warm boiled water, removing plaque and food particles. You can clean it with a toothbrush with paste or a special solution.

At least once a day, preferably before going to bed, it is necessary to remove the prosthesis from the mouth and immerse it in a special antiseptic liquid, which can be bought ready-made

Once a week you need to hold the product in antiseptic solution to kill bacteria that have accumulated on its surface. The remedy can be purchased at a pharmacy or from your doctor. There are ready-made liquids or tablets that need to be dissolved in water.

Rules for storing removable dentures

You can store the orthodontic structure in a special disinfectant solution or in a container with boiled water. Never use for washing and storing dentures hot water, because under the influence high temperature the product may be deformed. Structures equipped with metal fasteners must not be immersed in chlorinated water.

Attention! Acrylic dentures do not have to be placed overnight in water or solution. Just enough to keep them clean. For this, there are special containers that will protect the product from dust, dirt, germs and accidental damage.

The container is made in the form of a case. You can pour water or an antiseptic solution into it and immerse the prosthesis there, or leave it dry. The container has a compact size, so it is convenient to carry it in a bag or take it on trips.

The removable denture container is a lightweight and convenient box that is designed specifically for temporary storage of dentures.

How long a denture will last depends on its quality. However, care and careful handling also have great importance. Therefore, each owner of an orthodontic structure must comply with the above rules of care and storage.

What threatens poor-quality prosthesis care?

Removable prostheses require daily care. Poor hygiene leads to a range of dental and oral problems. This includes:

  • bad smell from mouth;
  • caries of the remaining teeth;
  • inflammation, sores on the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • deterioration in the perception of the taste of food;
  • loss of attractive appearance prosthesis.

In order for the device to serve longer and not lose its aesthetic appearance, self-cleaning is not enough. It is necessary to go to the dental clinic from time to time for professional cleaning.

Absence complete care can lead to bad breath and loss of orthopedic design aesthetic appearance.

How to shorten the period of adaptation to removable structures?

Patients who are not yet accustomed to a foreign object in their mouth prefer to pull it out at bedtime. However, this only prolongs the period of getting used to the prosthesis. To begin to perceive artificial teeth as their own, the patient must make some effort and endure the primary physical and psychological discomfort.
Some patients who are just starting to wear a removable design complain of the urge to vomit. This doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. The problem can be fixed deep breathing drinking a large number liquids and sucking on lollipops (preferably mint or menthol).

Peppermint lollipops will help ease addiction to the prosthesis and relieve the urge to vomit.

Denture intolerance

Most patients successfully pass the adaptation period and get used to a new object in the mouth. However, there is a small percentage of people who never succeed. In this case, we can talk about individual intolerance. The prosthesis presses, presses, rubs, distorts diction and does not allow you to eat normally.

Important! If a person has intolerance to dentures, the orthodontist, unfortunately, is powerless. In most of these patients, intolerance has psychological roots, and in order to solve the problem, you need to contact a psychologist. For many people, this helps to cope with difficulties.

Pain and discomfort from the prosthesis

The first time after the installation of an orthodontic structure, a person, as a rule, experiences pain while eating. This is normal and goes away pretty quickly. Since the gum has already weaned from the teeth, foreign object presses on her, causing pain.

When adapting to a denture, it is worth abstaining from solid food and three injuries to the jaw, be sure to contact the dentist.

To reduce discomfort, dentists recommend not eating solid foods during the adaptation period (about a month). It is best to cook liquid, semi-liquid, mashed dishes. Such food does not load the gums and does not provoke pain. After the prosthesis ceases to cause inconvenience, you can gradually introduce into the diet solid food.
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mucous membranes. All microtraumas must be treated in a timely manner so that inflammation does not develop. If a pain does not go away for a long time, it is worth contacting a dentist. Perhaps the prosthesis is not properly made and fitted, or the patient suffers from increased sensitivity.
Massage of the gums will help relieve pain and other discomfort. Making it is very easy. First you need to wash your hands or treat them with a disinfectant liquid. Then light in a circular motion start stroking the gums, moving from a healthy area to a painful one. When stroking becomes comfortable, you need to add small pressure to them.
The implementation of all of the above recommendations will help shorten and facilitate the process of adaptation to a denture. And, of course, you can leave it in your mouth overnight without any fear.

Removable dentures are used for complete or partial loss of teeth, in the latter case, this is especially true for the loss of chewing teeth. Removable dentures can be used even in case of loss of one chewing tooth. In the arsenal modern dentistry there are technologies for the manufacture of removable dentures, which have extraordinary convenience, high wear resistance and aesthetic properties. Bulky and unsightly removable dentures, which our grandparents left in a glass of water at night, are gone forever. Complete removable lamellar dentures are used for total absence teeth in one or both jaws. Their task is to make up for the absence of all teeth. Removable partial dentures are used in the absence of single teeth or a group of teeth in the dentition. This type prostheses are used for the loss of the main chewing teeth and for defects in the dentition of a large extent. They can also be used as temporary prosthesis or missing one tooth. Lamellar partial dentures are used to restore lost fragments of the dentition and are the simplest and most affordable.

An immediate prosthesis can be used as a temporary structure that is applied to the jaw immediately after tooth extraction or in preparation for prosthetics with a permanent prosthesis.

Clasp prostheses (from German "clasp" - an arc) can be used in almost all cases associated with the absence of teeth, both complete and partial. The clasp prosthesis is the most reliable, expensive and convenient design. Its main difference is that the chewing load is distributed evenly between the gingival surface of the jaw and the remaining teeth, in contrast to partial dentures, where the entire load falls on the gum. In the manufacture of such prostheses, an accurate calculation and modeling of all elements of the prosthesis is carried out. Clasp prosthesis is used for periodontal disease and increased mobility teeth.

Removable segments are unilateral prostheses used for the loss of a row of chewing teeth on one side of the jaw.

Removable dentures are usually used when one chewing tooth is lost. Such a prosthesis can be fixed on adjacent abutment teeth using metal paws. The supporting elements of such a prosthesis can be glued to the tooth or fixed with light-curing cements. The patient does not need to remove such a prosthesis, which is why it is called conditionally removable.

Modern dentures are made from dental acrylic plastics by injection molding, hot and cold compression polymerization. The use of such plastics allows the prosthesis to retain its properties for a very long time - shape, color, density and strength. Artificial teeth, which are used in the manufacture of such prostheses, are available in the form ready-made kits, differing in color shades, shape, size. This allows you to choose exactly the set of teeth that the patient wants.

Modern removable dentures are fixed in the mouth in different ways. They can be fixed with the help of clasps - metal hooks that "hold" on the abutment teeth that are extreme to the defect. Clasps are made of stainless steel or noble metals with high spring properties. Thanks to these properties, the clasp securely holds the prosthesis in the mouth. Clasps are fixed at the very base of the tooth and are not visible when laughing and talking. This type of attachment can be used in partial lamellar dentures.

Removable dentures can also be fixed with the help of attachments - locks consisting of two elements. One of these elements is inside artificial tooth or the base of the prosthesis, and the other - on the abutment closed by the crown or at the root of the tooth. This option, compared with clasps, has a number of advantages - higher reliability and aesthetic properties.

Removable dentures need periodic cleaning, as they lie on the gingival surface of the jaw and create poorly washed areas. It is also necessary to periodically remove the dentures after eating to clean the surfaces. After that, you need to rinse your mouth well and return the prosthesis to its place. It is optimal to clean your dentures daily, at least before going to bed, and as a maximum after each meal.

Is it possible to leave a removable denture overnight? after the evening hygiene procedures for cleaning the prosthesis and the oral cavity, this is quite acceptable. It all depends on the desire of the owner of the prosthesis to leave it in the oral cavity at night or, conversely, to take a break from his presence. Many dentists recommend leaving a removable denture in the mouth overnight for better habituation in the first weeks after prosthetics.

Patients with removable dentures are advised not to consume viscous and sticky foods such as toffee, chewing gums etc. These products can stick to the denture and cause it to break. At first, you should not eat solid food. We are not talking about any special diet here, but in the first weeks after prosthetics, it is necessary to take well-chopped food in small portions. To practice chewing skills, you can use sliced ​​​​fruit - they are hard enough, but not hard enough to break the prosthesis.

If a removable prosthesis causes discomfort in the mouth or rubs the gums, you need to contact your dentist to correct it.

Previously, when the basis of a removable prosthesis was made of rubber, it was absolutely necessary to put them in a glass of water overnight, since the rubber could crack and lose shape in the air. When plastic prostheses appeared, they were also placed in a glass of water at night - apparently, according to old memory, although air is not terrible for plastic. Then publications began to appear that water in a glass is favorable environment for bacteria to grow, and dentures must be kept dry.

What about modern removable dentures? Some dentists recommend that during the first months the prosthesis is constantly in a humid environment - in the mouth or in a glass of water at night. They explain this by the fact that moist conditions contribute to the final formation and consolidation of the properties of the prosthesis.

Removable prostheses are represented by structures that are fixed on the gums not with glue, but with the help of special locks. Such prostheses are made when the patient has lost one dental unit or, most often, several. Most of current designs are made from modern acrylic plastics. This material is durable for a long time retains both color and shape.

Why it may be necessary to remove the prosthesis

If we discuss modern prostheses, then it is not at all necessary to remove them every night. Orthopedists recommend removing them if there is a burning sensation on the mucous membrane, there is a dryness in the oral cavity. It also happens that a rash appears on the body. But these cases are rare allergic character. If it happened, you need to go to the doctor, eliminate the causes of such a pathological situation.

Another point why the patient may need to remove dentures at night is his own fears. A certain percentage of people are rather suspicious of their own health and the manipulations that doctors make with it. Removable dentures are an innovation in their lifestyle, you need to get used to them, realize that now they replace missing teeth. A person may be afraid that in a dream the prosthesis will fall from its place, that it can be injured. Some wearers of dentures even worry that they will be able to swallow a small denture (although this is very problematic).

Of course, a doctor can dispel such fears. If the patient trusts his orthopedist, and he, in turn, explained to the person everything about the use of prostheses, worries will disappear on their own. But if the person himself decided that it was easier for him to remove the prosthesis at night, then he may well do so.

Many fears and anxieties arise due to ignorance, incompetence in a particular issue. The same applies to prostheses: people have a lot of prejudices regarding them. And even though almost a third of all the inhabitants of the planet have removable structures, people can be embarrassed by their prostheses, not give themselves the opportunity to minimally remember them, use them without any discomfort.

Useful information about removable dentures

There is only one conclusion: the prosthesis can be left in the mouth at night, the main condition is to clean it before going to bed. If you want to take a break from the prosthesis, you can remove it. And for storage, purchase special containers.

How to store dentures at night

The former, rubber prostheses, which were used before the modern acrylic structures, were necessarily removed every night. And left them overnight in an ordinary glass of water. Today, with prostheses, things are a little different. Only on initial stage construction requires a humid environment, no more than one and a half months. best view Acrylic plastic acquires precisely in air, which is explained by the passage of monomers.

The logic is simple: a person’s mouth is already a humid environment, which means that prostheses can be worn in the mouth, removing only occasionally. And you need to store them not in glasses, but in convenient containers. In some cases, dentures are allowed to be wrapped in cotton fabric.

If you are going to get dentures before going to bed, you need to follow simple instructions.

How to remove dentures at night:

  • the structures are removed, thoroughly washed with boiled water (but not running!);
  • cleaning of the prosthesis can be carried out with a special liquid with an antiseptic effect, as well as with a brush;
  • put the structure in a special solution: this composition destroys the bacteria that have accumulated during the day, and also removes the remnants of the fixing cream.

Corega tablets for cleaning dentures

Dentures should be professionally cleaned about once a year. dental clinic. Immediately after installing the structure, ask the doctor how to properly clean them, where to get the composition and storage container, how often to come for preventive appointments. The doctor is obliged to provide you with comprehensive information.

Consequences of insufficient care of prostheses

Removable dental structures require permanent care. If neglected, you can face a whole list of problems. Therefore, from the very first day of using prostheses, you need to follow the rules of care.

Possible consequences of insufficient care for prostheses:

  • repulsive odor emanating from prostheses;
  • carious destruction of native teeth;
  • ulcers and erosion on the mucosa;
  • inflammatory process on the gums;
  • change taste sensations for the worse;
  • aesthetic defects of removable structures.

Be sure to seek the help of specialists in order to professional cleaning restored the prostheses to their original form. This will prolong the life of the prostheses. As a rule, such cleaning is carried out by all modern clinics.

How to get used to dentures faster

The problem of leaving the prosthesis overnight or removing it, as a rule, occurs in those who are not fully accustomed to such teeth. At the same time, the person himself must show some effort, addiction requires the involvement of the owner of the prostheses during this adaptation period.

Getting used to removable dentures

Adaptation measuresHow often to doNotes

At least three or four times a day for at least five minutes.At the same time, you need to read expressively and measuredly so that the articulatory apparatus gets used to new teeth.

For at least 4-5 days, the dentures do not need to be removed at all.This is a mandatory measure - the key to successful addiction.

An ordinary apple will help: cut it into pieces, chew it gradually. In this way, eat one or two apples a day.Listen to your feelings, if the discomfort is strong, you should go to the doctor.

Dentures should be cleaned twice a day, morning and evening.Rinse your mouth after every meal.

Although infrequently, it happens that at first a new design can cause vomiting. No need to panic and remove the prosthesis: breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids. Sucking mints will help relieve the urge.

How common is denture intolerance?

There is a small percentage of patients who still cannot get used to removable structures. If the person himself fulfills all the requirements for successful adaptation, and the discomfort does not go away, this indicates intolerance to the prostheses. Usually, in this case, the prosthesis interferes, is perceived as a hindrance in the mouth, rubs the gums, spoils the pronunciation, does not allow eating without feeling uncomfortable.

Oddly enough, the dentist in such a situation is a poor helper. In most such cases we are talking about psychological intolerance. Some internal attitudes prevent a person from accepting a prosthesis. It is logical to assume that you need to contact a psychologist. Such a practice exists, and it is quite successful.

How to reduce pain symptoms when wearing a prosthesis

At first, a person may feel some pain during chewing. This is due to the unusual load, over time, such sensations should go away. The gum, a certain area of ​​​​which was without teeth for some time, “forgot” this condition with a full dentition, therefore it can be uncomfortable. Some patients say that they feel like the prosthesis is pressing on the gums.

To these negative feelings remove, give up the first month of solid food - food should be as soft and comfortable as possible. Solid foods are allowed only as you get used to the prostheses.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mucosa: any damage, even the slightest, should be stopped. They are fraught inflammatory process which will interfere with the use of prostheses. prolonged pain during the operation of prostheses, it is explained only by two reasons: hypersensitivity of the patient's mucosa or an incorrectly made prosthesis, the dimensions of which did not fit the patient.

To alleviate the condition of the gums in the first days of addiction, you can do self-massage. With fingers treated with an antiseptic, you need to stroke the gum itself in a circular motion. There is only one movement - from the healthy gum area to the inflamed side. When stroking becomes perceived as comfortable as possible, pressure can be increased.

Adaptation to prostheses is the work of the patient, his own efforts. Follow all the instructions, do not remove the prosthesis too often, remember that you can sleep in it without any warnings.

Video - How to get used to removable dentures

Modern achievements of dentistry amaze with their methods. Today, a person who, for one reason or another, has lost his teeth, does not experience discomfort - aesthetic or physical, since he can replace them with prostheses. Removable dentures can be made from different materials, they represent various forms and curves. Modern prostheses very comfortable to wear - easy to put on and take off. However, in order for the prosthesis to serve you longer, you need to take care of it as carefully as you would your own teeth.

How to store dentures at night

This question worries many owners of dentures. Since childhood, we remember that our grandparents dipped their prostheses into a glass of water. Modern designs are made of materials that do not crack from oxygen and can be stored without liquid. However, before you start using the prosthesis yourself, you need to make sure with your dentist that your prosthesis is not afraid to be left without water. Otherwise, it can be stored in any antiseptic liquid. In pharmacies you can find special formulations to be diluted with water (about one spoon per glass of water). The prosthesis is placed in this solution, not only to provide a moist environment, but also to decontaminate the hard surface of the structure. If a special antiseptic not at hand, you can lower the prosthesis into boiled water. This will help you in field conditions. In no case should you use tap water to store the prosthesis, it contains a lot of bleach, which corrodes the surface of the product.

If your prosthesis is not afraid of dryness, it can be stored in a special case. However, remember that the container for storing prostheses must be cleaned regularly - microbes can also accumulate on its walls. Also, the prosthesis can be kept at night in a simple cotton fabric, but it also needs to be washed regularly or changed to fresh. In general, many dentures do not need to be removed at night. If you are comfortable, you can sleep right in them.

How to clean dentures

In order for the prosthesis to serve for a long time and not be the cause of the development of inflammation on the gums, it must be properly looked after. Cleaning the prosthesis is one of the main conditions for its careful storage.

  1. Twice a day, the prosthesis, as well as your own teeth, must be cleaned of plaque. To do this, the prosthesis must first be removed. A special tool is used to clean dentures. toothpaste, the composition of which gently cleanses of microbes and spares the construction material. For dentures, there is also a special brush with thin and long bristles, which are designed for deep cleaning of the recess for the gums. After cleaning your dentures, don't forget to brush your teeth (if you have any). To do this, use a separate brush.
  2. Rinse your dentures after every meal and every snack. clean water. To do this, it is better to use bottled or boiled water, rather than running water. In addition to containing chlorine, it can be contaminated with bacteria that, after close contact, can lead to gum disease (especially if there are small open wounds).
  3. Once a week, the denture should be soaked in an antiseptic solution (even if you are not used to removing the denture at night). It is usually prescribed by a doctor, depending on the material of construction. Similar drugs can be easily bought at the pharmacy. They are sold as a liquid solution or effervescent tablet. Soak the prosthesis in an antiseptic for at least 3-4 hours. After soaking, be sure to go over the prosthesis with a brush to remove all softened particles of plaque.
  4. Even if you follow all the recommendations and do regular cleaning prostheses, every six months you need to take the design for cleaning to the dentist. Professional equipment will help you make a deep and thorough cleaning, which will extend the life of the prosthesis.
  5. Sometimes, in the absence of proper care, the prosthesis can darken, and many owners wonder - is it possible to whiten the prosthesis? In no case should you use whitening toothpastes, as they have a lot of abrasive particles that will simply scratch the surface of the prosthesis. The prosthesis is much softer than tooth enamel, so you can’t clean it with ordinary toothpaste. For deep cleaning, you can use an ultrasonic cleaner, which will get rid of microorganisms on the surface of the prosthesis and significantly whiten it.

If you wear removable dentures, use fixing gels, creams and pastes. Many of them contain antibacterial components, which inhibit the development of microorganisms in the area of ​​​​contact between the prosthesis and gums. In addition, such retainers facilitate the process of getting used to the prosthesis.

If you started wearing a prosthesis, you need to reconsider your diet. On the one hand, it is necessary to exclude too hard and viscous products, which can get stuck between the gum and the structure. On the other hand, taking only soft food does not give the necessary load on the gums and bone part jaws. You should exclude hard foods - crackers, candies, nuts. In addition, you need to give up toffee, fresh white bread, viscous cereals and other dishes that can penetrate under the prosthesis. The meat should be well stewed so that it is comfortable to chew. However, do not rush to switch to soft and crushed foods. You need to regularly eat vegetables and fruits, previously cut into small pieces. Skip the carrots for now, but apples and pears are fine.

Acrylic prosthesis needs more thorough and intensive cleaning, because the surface of its material is porous. In the smallest pores, food debris and microbes accumulate. Over time, acrylic becomes rough, which further promotes the development of bacteria. If the acrylic prosthesis is not cared for with due care, after a while it develops an unpleasant odor. Nylon is more practical - its surface is smooth and even. However, it is not recommended to brush it - only with special cleaning products. In addition, a nylon prosthesis should not be immersed in hot water. Unlike acrylic, nylon does not cling to the gums like a suction cup, because it is not able to fit as tightly. Therefore, in the complete absence of teeth on upper jaw recommend to put all the same acrylic prosthesis.

But plastic teeth are considered the most comfortable and effective when chewing. The disadvantages of such prostheses include their size - they are quite massive and take up a lot of space in the mouth. Besides, plastic prosthesis partially covers the palate and part of the taste buds. In care, a plastic prosthesis is not capricious - if it is regularly and properly cleaned, it can last up to five years.

A prosthesis is a real salvation for those who have not kept their teeth. With the help of a prosthesis, you can safely eat, smile, talk and laugh. Properly selected prosthesis with proper care will serve you for at least five years. Store and clean your dentures properly!

Video: denture care

Patients who are faced with prosthetics ask the following question - how to properly store removable dentures in principle, and especially at night? After all, everyone saw how older people put such structures in a glass of water near the bed. Is such storage correct and how to care for modern prostheses?

Previously, such structures were made of rubber and so that they did not dry out, it was necessary to place them in water when removing them. Modern materials have completely different properties, so they need to be treated differently.

Features of care

Most important factor, which affects the storage and care of prostheses - what material they are made of. For example, nylon or acrylic removable structures may not be placed in water or solution. It is enough to do this once a week for antiseptic additional processing.

If there are metal parts on the prosthesis, then it should not be lowered into a container of chlorinated water, because they will quickly darken and become unsightly.

In order for the prosthesis to last longer, it must not only be properly stored, but also carefully looked after. Doctors recommend the following manipulations:

  • After eating, it is advisable to remove the plug-in structures and rinse with boiled water. This regular procedure will help to avoid too early darkening of artificial materials, and will not allow the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • In the morning and in the evening you need to clean the denture special brush and toothpaste. Especially soft bristles are selected, and the doctor may recommend using a children's paste without abrasive or aggressive chemical components.
  • Periodically, once a week, it is better to place the prosthesis in a special solution for antiseptic treatment. Thanks to this, additional fixing substances are thoroughly washed off.
  • Every six months it is necessary to bring the design to the doctor. AT dental office it can be thoroughly cleaned with professional tools and devices, and correct if necessary. Prolonged use of a prosthesis professional care encourages the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

It should be remembered that when cleaning prostheses, you need to be careful, they do not tolerate aggressive mechanical impact. In order not to break the structure and not scratch the surface of the material, gentle movements should be made, without excessive pressure. This is especially true for plastic options.

It is believed that modern devices are quite convenient for round-the-clock use. In the process of adaptation, doctors do not recommend leaving the jaw without prostheses so that it quickly gets used to a certain effect.

It is only permissible to store inserts separately when the patient is fully accustomed to them and wishes to allow the mucous surface to recover overnight.

Remember that from exposure to direct sunlight, boiling water, aggressive chemical compositions and passing light lamp design may change shape or deteriorate.

Where to store removable dentures?

If you decide to take them off at night, it is better to place them in a special container for storing dentures. It is believed that in the container it is hidden from excessive dust and bacteria. But you can simply wrap the prosthesis in a clean, soft cloth.

So that in the morning when using it there is no discomfort dryness, you can rinse it lightly with water before fixing.

If there are no metal parts on the structure, then at night you can place the prosthesis in a glass of water. The main thing is that the liquid is clean, without unnecessary impurities and not hot.

In what solution?

The solution is purchased at the pharmacy in finished form or bought soluble tablets. Such products are hypoallergenic and do not cause reactions in sensitive patients. They are specially designed for quality care for designs at home.

Video: do-it-yourself solution for dentures.

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