Storage of removable dentures at night. Removable dentures (good to know)

Modern prosthetics allows you to restore the functionality of the jaws in the most difficult situations. Removable structures are associated by everyone with a glass of water, in which most of the patients keep them. Is it correct? Yes, since even modern products cannot dry out, because of this they lose their properties. How to store dentures at night so that they serve for a long time?

Consequences of improper care

Quality care significantly increases the life of the prosthesis.

High-quality and systematic care for a removable structure extends its life and protects the patient from unpleasant consequences:

  • particles of food, dead epithelial cells, plaque accumulate between the product and the mucosa, which gradually provoke the appearance of an unpleasant putrefactive odor from the oral cavity,
  • an infection that actively develops between an uncleaned prosthesis and the mucosa gradually provokes the development of inflammatory processes (gingivitis develops), which is accompanied by bleeding, swelling, redness and a feeling of general discomfort,
  • pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly and can contribute to the development of a carious process,
  • persistent unpleasant taste appears in the mouth,
  • the material loses its original color and aesthetic appeal.

The above unpleasant consequences can be avoided if the care of the structure is properly organized, including at night, when it is outside the oral cavity. The storage of dentures is an important point that should be taken seriously.

Where and how to store the product at night?

Use a special container to store the product.

Previously, removable dentures were made of rubber, which dried out and cracked when exposed to air. For this reason, dentures had to be placed in a glass of water at night. Modern designs are made of quality materials that do not deteriorate in case of being outdoors, but also require special care.

During the period of adaptation to the prosthesis, dentists recommend not removing it for the duration of a night's sleep in order to quickly get used to the presence of a foreign body in the mouth. If later the patient wants to sleep without a prosthesis, it must be placed in a container with a disinfectant solution. It can be a special container or any other clean container.

The humid environment helps the structure retain its original shape. If you use a disinfectant solution, overnight it destroys all infection on the structure, dissolves food debris and plaque. In the morning, you put on a perfectly clean prosthesis without foreign odors and bacteria.

Structure Storage Container

For storage of removable products, there are special containers that have a mass benefits:

  • a special disinfectant liquid can be poured into the container to clean the structure,
  • it is convenient to carry it with you, take it on trips and business trips,
  • the kit includes a special holder with which you can remove the prosthesis from the liquid without getting your hands wet,
  • The container is made of polypropylene, a material used in the manufacture of medical devices.

Care products

There is a wide range of dentures to choose from.

For high-quality cleaning of the structure from food debris, plaque, bacteria, there is a wide selection of special tools:

  • denture care brush, which needs to be changed every month with regular use,
  • brush,
  • non-abrasive paste (abrasive particles scratch the material of the product, which leads to its wear, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the penetration of infection into it),
  • soluble tablets for the preparation of a disinfectant solution,
  • the irrigator perfectly cleans both native teeth and hard-to-reach places of the structure where plaque accumulates,
  • floss.

If it is not possible to purchase a special container and a disinfectant solution, you can store the structure in plain water. The main condition is to keep it clean and not let the material dry out.

How to properly store dentures

Unfortunately, not all people who wear dentures know how to handle them. Many, in the old fashioned way, believe that devices should be put in a container of water at night. However, modern structures do not crack or dry out under the influence of oxygen. Today we will talk about how to store removable dentures at home correctly. Our grandparents did soak their dentures in liquid overnight. The properties of innovative products are such that they can be removed at any time and there is no need to lower such products into water.

How to properly store removable dentures at night

Proper storage depends on what materials the fixtures are made of. You can forget about functionality and aesthetic appeal if you do not provide proper care and storage.

The basic rule of care: treat artificial appliances in the same way as your own living teeth. Do not forget about oral hygiene, which is carried out twice a day.

How to clean removable structures:

  • Rinse the prosthesis under boiled water after each meal and snack;
  • Use a toothbrush with toothpaste that effectively removes food debris and plaque. This should be done when you flush the device;

Dental prostheses, just like teeth, must be cleaned, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms will begin to accumulate on their surface.

Washing with normal water

Although this is the easiest and most affordable method, it is not the most effective. It is not worth dwelling on it. It is important to perform the procedure after eating in order to eliminate excess food in the spaces between the teeth.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out more complex manipulations. Use boiled water. Chlorine in water can adversely affect the color of the product.

Use of solutions

Once every seven days, it is necessary to place the product in special antiseptic liquids for several hours. So you can get rid of harmful bacteria, food debris and adhesive. The product is sold in pharmacies. It can be special soluble tablets.

Solutions are suitable even for people with very sensitive soft tissues. Even all the efforts of dentists will not help when a person suffers from an allergic reaction.

Treatment of the prosthesis with a special solution

Other means that carry out ultrasonic cleaning will help here.

Cleaning with a brush

The brush should be selected with soft bristles. It is necessary to carry out cleaning with a microabrasive agent with rotational movements, affecting the entire surface of the teeth.

Do not press hard on the device. If the soft component of the prosthesis is damaged, it may be necessary to restore it. It is best to use baby toothpaste. This is what your dentist will advise you.

Do not forget to clean the tongue and cheeks from the accumulated plaque. If you neglect the procedure, an unpleasant odor will appear in your mouth. Rinse your teeth very well with water after cleaning. Feel free to put on the prosthesis again.

Professional cleaning

Even if all hygiene principles are observed, once every six months an artificial prosthesis should be given into the hands of professionals. For cleaning purposes, the same device is used as for ultrasonic calculus removal. With it, you can effectively clean the most inaccessible areas. The dentist will place the product in a special composition for disinfection. It is very useful to polish the surface of the teeth. Manipulation does not take more than an hour.

Do I need to remove my dentures at night?

This question is often asked by patients. It is necessary to store structures according to all the rules at any time of the day. At night, as you already understood, modern removable devices are not removed, since with systematic use a person gets used to them much faster.

If you prefer to sleep without a prosthesis, then you need to remove it and clean it well, carefully fold it into a special box for savings. A simple glass of disinfectant will do.

In order to maintain their correct shape at all times, most fixtures must remain moist. If the design is removed for a long period of time, then it is placed in a container with boiling water or in a special liquid that is designed to soak dental products. It is on sale in a pharmacy.

Denture container

It is not necessary to put a prosthesis with metal parts in a chlorinated liquid. This will help darken them.

Be aware that the denture can be damaged if allowed to dry out.

How to wear removable dentures

A person must learn independently and correctly install the prosthesis in the oral cavity. This is easy to do while in front of a mirror. The first time after installation it will be unusual and it is better not to remove the product at night so that the product adapts during sleep. Do I need to remove dentures at night in the future? This is done at the request of the client, but dentists recommend removing the prosthesis to resume trophic processes in the tissues and restore the qualities of the base material.

If there is any discomfort, the client should immediately visit the dental clinic. If pain occurs, a person can temporarily remove the structure, but before visiting the dentist, he must put it on again so that the damaged area is visible. Only a specialist has the right to adjust the prosthesis.

A person can eat any food, except for very hard and viscous. It is advisable to start with soft and non-sticky foods. It is very useful to eat slices of apples and pears. They have the necessary rigidity for training the chewing function and cannot cause injury to the mucous membranes.

In order to get used to the prosthesis and not to disturb your speech, it is very important to talk a lot and quickly at first. Read tongue twisters, newspapers, magazines.

Denture whitening

This manipulation is required if you have neglected the care of the devices for a long time. Such an attitude always entails a darkening of the product.

Experts do not recommend whitening with special whitening pastes. These tools have increased abrasiveness, the surface of the structure is not suitable for such procedures. The use of abrasive substances will cause serious damage to the structure.

Whitening dentures should only be done by specialists

If your prosthesis has darkened, it is worth taking it to professionals. At home, you can buy special cleansing tablets for this purpose. Purchase an ultrasonic cleaner for thorough cleaning and disinfection.

Professional cleaning can be carried out using special ultrasonic containers. In such baths, you will not only successfully get rid of plaque, but you will also be able to restore its original shade and aesthetic appeal.

Never use folk methods for whitening fixtures. They can destroy even strong tooth enamel. Materials can be severely damaged in this case.

Patients who are faced with prosthetics ask the following question - how to properly store removable dentures in principle, and especially at night? After all, everyone saw how older people put such structures in a glass of water near the bed. Is such storage correct and how to care for modern prostheses?

Previously, such structures were made of rubber and so that they did not dry out, it was necessary to place them in water when removing them. Modern materials have completely different properties, so they need to be treated differently.

Features of care

The most important factor that affects the storage and care of dentures is what material they are made of. For example, nylon or acrylic removable structures may not be placed in water or solution. It is enough to do this once a week for antiseptic additional processing.

If there are metal parts on the prosthesis, then it should not be lowered into a container of chlorinated water, because they will quickly darken and become unsightly.

In order for the prosthesis to last longer, it must not only be properly stored, but also carefully looked after. Doctors recommend the following manipulations:

  • After eating, it is advisable to remove the plug-in structures and rinse with boiled water. This regular procedure will help to avoid too early darkening of artificial materials, and will not allow the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • In the morning and in the evening you need to clean the prosthesis with a special brush and toothpaste. Especially soft bristles are selected, and the doctor may recommend using a children's paste without abrasive or aggressive chemical components.
  • Periodically, once a week, it is better to place the prosthesis in a special solution for antiseptic treatment. Thanks to this, additional fixing substances are thoroughly washed off.
  • Every six months it is necessary to bring the design to the doctor. In the dental office, it can be thoroughly cleaned with the help of professional tools and devices, and also corrected if necessary. Prolonged use of the prosthesis without professional care contributes to the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

How to store dentures at night?

It is believed that modern devices are quite convenient for round-the-clock use. In the process of adaptation, doctors do not recommend leaving the jaw without prostheses so that it quickly gets used to a certain effect.

It is only permissible to store inserts separately when the patient is fully accustomed to them and wishes to allow the mucous surface to recover overnight.

Remember that from exposure to direct sunlight, boiling water, aggressive chemical compounds and close lamp light, the design may change shape or deteriorate.

Where to store removable dentures?

If you decide to take them off at night, it is better to place them in a special container for storing dentures. It is believed that in the container it is hidden from excessive dust and bacteria. But you can simply wrap the prosthesis in a clean, soft cloth.

So that in the morning when using it there is no unpleasant feeling of dryness, you can lightly rinse it with water before fixing.

If there are no metal parts on the structure, then at night you can place the prosthesis in a glass of water. The main thing is that the liquid is clean, without unnecessary impurities and not hot.

In what solution?

The solution is purchased at the pharmacy in finished form or soluble tablets are bought. Such products are hypoallergenic and do not cause reactions in sensitive patients. They are specially designed for high-quality care of structures at home.

Video: do-it-yourself solution for dentures.

It was difficult at first to get used to the prosthesis. At night, the doctor recommended not to take it off. When I finally got used to the dentures, I decided to rest at night from unnecessary stress. For storage I use a special container, it protects the prosthesis from dust and various bacteria.

I have been using dentures for a long time. And although the doctor said that it is not necessary to put it in water or a solution at night, it is more pleasant for me when the structure is wet in the morning. Therefore, I usually keep it in a glass of boiled water and in the morning the sensations when using it are normal, there is no excessive dryness.

From childhood, I remembered how my grandmother kept her jaw in a glass of water near the bed. When he lived to such an age, it turned out that today it is not necessary. The doctor explained to me that there are metal fasteners on the prosthesis, and they are afraid of water, so I have to keep it in a special container.

I often leave home and on trips it turned out to be convenient to store the prosthesis in a special container. It is small, does not take up much space and no one will guess what it is for. It's my little secret. And I buy solutions in the form of tablets, which are easy to use, and they are also invisible to the outside eye.

Additional questions

Can dentures be stored without water?

Given that modern structures are made of acrylic and nylon, water is not needed for storage. This material does not dry out and does not deform. Therefore, they are left overnight in a special container without liquid or wrapped in a soft cloth.

Features of care - how to store removable dentures

Features of dentures

All orthopedic dental structures can be divided into two types: removable and non-removable. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, removable prosthetics is the most optimal in terms of the cost of services and materials. But fixed products are reliable and look more aesthetically pleasing.

Dentures in a glass of water

Features of storage of dentures

In order for the prosthesis to last as long as possible, you need to know some rules for storing it:

  1. After eating, remove the plug-in structure and rinse with boiled water. This procedure should be performed regularly to prevent early discoloration of the denture and to prevent bacteria from multiplying in the oral cavity.
  2. In the morning and evening, clean the denture with a special brush and toothpaste. Choose a brush with soft bristles, and use a children's paste, as it does not contain aggressive chemical and abrasive components.
  3. Place the prosthesis once a week in an antiseptic solution. It will wash away all microbes, and also contributes to the acquisition of additional fixing substances.
  4. Once every six months, carry out professional cleaning in the dentist's office. There, the doctor uses special tools and devices, and can also make adjustments if necessary.

With prolonged use of the prosthesis without professional care, an accumulation of pathogenic microflora occurs.

How to store removable dentures at night

Do I need to shoot at night

Modern dental structures do not have to be removed at night, as with their regular use, addiction occurs much faster. In addition, during sleep, the articular heads of the jaw bones often shift. But if necessary, the prosthesis can be removed at night. Just clean it, and then put it in a special storage container with a disinfectant solution.

Dental prosthesis in a glass with a special cleaning tablet.

Container for storage of removable dentures

Modern designs made of acrylic and nylon must be stored dry. For this, a special case is used, which is hermetically sealed with a lid. Thanks to the reservoir, hygienic conditions are created so that during the storage of the prosthesis at night, dust does not accumulate, there are no mechanical influences and contact with bacteria. In such a container, dental structures can be in a disinfectant solution or boiled water.

Do not put the prosthesis in hot water, as this will lead to its deformation.

Solutions for storing dentures

You can buy a special solution in finished form or as a powder, tablets, liquid concentrate. They are sold in a pharmacy. Due to such storage, antibacterial protection is provided, the remnants of the fixing agent are removed from the product. Leave the structure in the solution overnight.

When using a concentrated solution, do not keep the prosthesis in it for more than 15 minutes. This time is enough to remove all bacteria and soften the formed plaque.

How to properly remove a prosthesis

If it is necessary to remove artificial teeth, then the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Immediately after removing the structure, clean it so that there is no plaque and food particles on it.
  2. If the prosthesis is removed for a short time, then wrap it in a cotton napkin and place it in a special container. For storage, a disinfectant solution is suitable.
  3. If storage is to be long, then place the structure in a container with a solution or boiled water.

How to care for removable dentures yourself

Denture cleaning tablets

Pharmacies have special tablets that need to be dissolved in water. To prepare the solution, take 100 ml of water and drop the tablet there. Place the prosthesis for 15 minutes, and then rinse it with water. Do something like this every day.

Dentipur cleaning tablets

Thanks to this method, bacteria can be eliminated from the surface of the prosthesis and it can be cleaned as thoroughly as possible. The composition of such drugs contains oxidizing agents. They form small bubbles that clean the surface. The most popular are these pills:

Cleaning dentures with a toothbrush and toothpaste

The cleaning process with the help of these items is characterized by a mechanical effect on the prosthesis. This makes the method very efficient. With it, you can stop the raid. Better use paste with fluorine compounds. It will not only clean, but also protect the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora.

It is also worth choosing a special brush. Its head should be equipped with two types of bristles. On one part of it, the hairs should be stiffer. The main task of such a brush is to clean the structure from the outside. It is best that it be in the form of a zigzag. The softer bristles clean the inside of the denture. It should be convex in shape.

Cleaning the prosthesis with a special brush

The cleaning process is as follows:

  1. Remove the prosthesis from the mouth, treat it with a paste with a brush.
  2. Perform a thorough cleaning within 15 minutes.
  3. Lather the paste in a circular motion and start cleaning. Within a minute, clean the prosthesis as intensively as possible. Then rinse it with clean water.
  4. Carry out such activities 2 times a day. It is best to do this after a meal.

When cleaning the prosthesis, place it on a clean terry cloth. So you can protect the fragile structure from falling.

Express Foam

This drug is used when you need to quickly and efficiently remove dirt and bacteria from the surface of the prosthesis. But use express foam only in tandem with a soft nylon toothbrush.

Ultrasonic Denture Cleaning

To care for dentures as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to use an ultrasonic bath. It is great for cleaning tartar, pigment plaque and odor. In addition, it copes with bacteria by 100%. Thanks to this method, you can refuse to buy chemicals, and also do not rub the structure with a toothbrush.

An ultrasonic bath costs about 2800 rubles. The device can be used for non-contact cleaning and disinfection of objects for various purposes.

Ultrasonic bath for dentures

Caring for fixed dentures at home

Choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste

You need to clean your dentures in the same way as your natural teeth, using a paste and a brush. In this case, the brush must perform sweeping movements. They are carried out from the gum to the edge of the tooth. In this way, all harmful microorganisms, plaque and food residues can be removed.

It is important that the area with which the gum is in contact with the prosthesis is properly cleaned. It is in this place that plaque most often accumulates.

Single row interdental brush

This device is used to clean large interdental spaces in people with healthy teeth and those who wear orthotics. The range of interdental brushes is quite wide, they all differ not only in the manufacturer, but also in other parameters:

  • material, dense, length and stiffness of the bristles;
  • length, shape and diameter of the nozzle;
  • the material used to make the handle;
  • the shape of the pen itself.

Special rinses

The use of disinfectant antiseptics for rinsing the mouth will eliminate harmful microbes and food debris. After such treatment, the surface of the prostheses is sterile, and the pathogenic microflora leaves it for a long time, and then it can no longer attach.

The most effective drugs are:

Features of care depending on the material of dentures

Made of silicone

Silicone dentures need careful care. To clean them, dishwashing detergent or liquid soap is suitable. As part of these preparations there are no abrasives, while they do an excellent job with bacteria.

Before going to bed, remove the dentures and put them in antiseptic solution. Make sure that the structure does not dry out and does not come into contact with hot water, otherwise this will cause deformation.

This material is very easy to scratch, so when cleaning, use only non-abrasive pastes and soft brushes. Since acrylic absorbs odors and can be stained from food and drinks, special attention should be paid to disinfection. Soak dentures in special liquids, such as Fittydent.

Fittydent Cleansing Tablets

From cermet

Cleaning of such structures should take place in the morning and evening, as well as after each meal. At night, remove the prostheses, wipe dry and store until morning, or you can lower them into a special solution.


Rinse plastic dentures after eating, clean with toothpaste and keep in disinfectant solutions. The ideal option is to clean them regularly after each meal. If this is not possible, then a thorough cleaning is carried out 2 times a day. Brushes and dental floss are used to remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.

Plaque is removed by washing with water, using a brush with a special paste. The manipulation ends with the placement of the prosthesis in an antiseptic solution. Wear a plastic construction 2 times a year for professional cleaning to the dentist to remove stones and other deposits.


Cleaning dentures is a necessary procedure that allows you to extend the life of the structure and its appearance. In addition, regular care of prostheses will prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity and the development of the inflammatory process. Just choose high-quality and effective means for this, and they are different for each design.

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How to properly store a prosthesis?

Temporary dental structures, also called dentures, replace the "native" teeth after their removal, loss. Many patients believe that if the structure is artificial, it does not need serious care. On the contrary, dentures, especially temporary ones, require even more careful care and storage. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing a disease of the oral cavity. In this article, we will talk about how to store removable dentures and how to care for them in order to avoid problems and prolong the life of the product.

Features of prosthesis care

Before talking about how to properly store removable dentures, it is important to clearly understand how to care for such products. An artificial dentition, even made of expensive materials, eventually loses its appearance and becomes unusable.

The most common change that occurs with prostheses, but does not interfere with their use (with the exception of the psychological component), is the darkening or yellowing of the artificial enamel. The appearance of an aesthetic defect is promoted by bad habits (especially smoking) and food consumed (containing dyes).

If we talk about more serious defects that affect the operation of the structure, these include:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the structures of the prosthesis - chips, cracks.
  2. Damage or wear of the fastening mechanism - in such cases, the prosthesis is poorly fixed, dangles or even falls out.

To avoid these problems and delay discoloration, it is important to know how to properly store and care for your dentures. First, let's look at the most important rules for caring for an artificial structure.

Important! Any dental structures, regardless of what they are made of, require careful handling during the cleaning process. Do not use brushes with hard bristles (only soft ones), do not apply a lot of force during the cleaning process. Try not to drop the product, remove it from your mouth and insert it as carefully as possible.

How to properly store dentures at night?

How to store dentures at night? This question interests many. But first of all, it is important to understand that not every patient with a temporary denture installed is recommended by doctors to remove it at bedtime. It is not recommended to do this while there is an adaptation period, which often lasts up to 2-3 weeks, but in some cases it can take a month or more. At this time, a person gets used to a foreign body in the oral cavity.

Initially, patients feel discomfort associated with new, unusual sensations. Constant use of the design, even at night, accelerates the process of addiction, the structures of the oral cavity adapt faster. This is explained by the fact that while a person is sleeping, he is at rest, does not clench his jaw, eliminating excessive stress on the gums. The only exception in this case are people suffering from bruxism. Clenching the jaws in a dream is not only accompanied by an increased load, but also gradually damages the structure.

There is also an opinion that contradicts this hypothesis. Some orthodontists oppose the fact that the patient takes off the product before going to bed, even during the adaptation period. This is argued by cases when discomfort in the oral cavity forced the sleeper to make involuntary attempts to get rid of the structure. Hypothetically, in this case, there is a possibility of suffocation if the product gets into the throat and cuts off the oxygen supply.

The first statement is more logical, therefore, while the adaptation period lasts, it is better to leave the product in the mouth constantly. However, as you get used to the used orthodontic appliance, it should be removed periodically. Regarding how to store removable dentures at night, follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Before going to bed, it is important to systematically follow all the hygiene recommendations mentioned above. Remove the orthodontic appliance in the bath, rinse thoroughly with water, clean.
  2. At night, the product should be stored in a specially designated container. To do this, you should purchase a special container, but so far there is none, a clean cup or glass from which you will not drink will do (pre-boil the container).
  3. Storage of dentures at night obliges a person to use special solutions with a disinfectant effect. Pour the liquid into the selected container to prevent the product from drying out and getting harmful bacteria on it. Make sure that the liquid completely covers the structure.
  4. Do not use the disinfectant solution twice. Over time, it loses its properties and simply gets dirty.
  5. In the morning, it is recommended to rinse the prosthesis from the remnants of the solution. And also - rinse the oral cavity with an antiseptic before putting on the structure.

Important! In the question of how to properly store dentures, removing them at night, the first stage is important, which includes cleaning the structure. To prevent damage and deformation of the structure, do not wash it in hot water. The ideal option is cold water.

How to store dentures?

If for some reason it becomes necessary to remove the denture during the day and not at night, the recommendations on how to store dentures remain unchanged. But it is also worth understanding that there are some nuances in relation to different designs.

Particularly careful care is required for plastic products. They are very popular because of the low price, but because of the porous structure of the plastic, it strongly extorts the bacterial flora and quickly changes color. Plastic structures are the most susceptible to destruction. For these reasons, it is important to handle them with care, clean them regularly and use disinfectants. The same applies to products made of acrylic and nylon.

Structures made of metal or based on metal components do not react well to chlorine, they quickly darken from it. Therefore, it is recommended to clean them in distilled or boiled water, and disinfectants are selected so that they do not contain this chemical element.

The best and most unpretentious material for the manufacture of dental structures is ceramics. It is relatively unpretentious, it is easier to care for it, but on the question of how to store a removable denture, even in this case, follow the recommendations described earlier.

Important! After carrying out hygiene procedures and before putting on the prosthesis, check that there are no foreign objects, plaque, etc. on it. Even a small mote can cause discomfort when worn, rub the gums.

How to choose a storage container?

When it comes to how to properly store your dentures at night, the ideal solution is to purchase a special container. This product made of medical polymeric materials has the shape of a small box. The interior decoration of the container repeats the shape of the dentoalveolar structure. Some containers are equipped with a mesh for easy removal of the prosthesis.

The main advantages of these containers:

  • saving disinfectant solution;
  • safety of the product - damage is minimized;
  • duration of operation of the structure - the influence of external factors is excluded;
  • ease of transportation - the box is small and closes tightly.

The storage of removable dentures depends to some extent on the choice of container. Ignore his appearance, they are all almost identical. When choosing, be guided by the following characteristics:

  1. The quality of the plastic from which the container is made - choose a smooth and dense plastic.
  2. The shape of the interior finish - make sure that it repeats the shape of your prosthesis and is proportionate. Too small capacity, as well as too large, contribute to damage to the structure and violations of disinfection.
  3. The presence of a grid is an optional parameter, but it facilitates operation. The mesh allows you to get the prosthesis in one motion, while all the disinfectant liquid remains in the case and does not spill.

What solution to store?

When it comes to storing dentures at home, choosing a disinfectant solution is the easiest solution. All these liquids have hypoallergenic qualities, which eliminates the negative reactions of the body. Only their taste and manufacturer can differ, all properties are also identical. Such liquids are sold in pharmacies, it remains only to choose the right volume and price.

To this day, removable prosthetics remain a very popular and sought-after option for replacing extracted or lost teeth. Undoubtedly, the best method of restoring a smile is implantation, especially since modern treatment protocols allow you to restore the functionality and aesthetics of the dentition in just a matter of days. However, this is a rather expensive procedure, which, unfortunately, not everyone can afford. In such situations, orthopedic structures that can be removed from the oral cavity on their own become the best solution. Today we will talk about how such devices are attached in the mouth, as well as how to remove a removable denture and when to do it.

Today we’ll talk about how such devices are attached to the mouth, as well as how to remove and store a removable denture, and when it should be done at all.

Removable denture attachment options

Modern orthopedics involves a wide variety of structures, but all of them are united by a common task - to restore the functional component of the jaw system and restore the beauty of a smile. First of all, the models differ from each other in the material of manufacture. So, the patient can be offered a nylon, acrylic prosthesis or, for example, a design made of higher quality modern materials - "" or "". Plastic models are very often used in dental implantation as temporary solutions - they perfectly stabilize newly installed implants, contribute to their speedy osseointegration, but at the same time do not disturb their positioning, since such products are quite light.

On a note! Separately, I would like to highlight clasp prostheses, the design of which provides for the presence of a rigid metal arc, acrylic gum imitation and artificial crowns attached to it. There is also - in such models, special links depart from the arc, which fix loosened teeth.

As for the mechanisms for attaching removable structures, the following options for fixing prostheses in the mouth are currently distinguished:

All of the above options for fixing orthopedic systems are valid for partial removable dentures, that is, for models designed for the fact that the patient still has his own teeth or implants in his mouth that can be used as supports.

Structures for replacing all teeth in a row are fixed by suction - this option cannot be called reliable, because during the operation of the product and subsidence of the jaw bone tissue, which cannot be avoided when wearing even the most advanced removable structure, the fixation gradually weakens, and artificial teeth can move or fall out altogether. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use additional means to improve the quality of fixing the prosthesis - gels, creams, adhesives. It is also important to go to the dental office for correction or relocation of the product in time.

How often should a denture be removed?

Many patients who have just started using removable dental devices are concerned about the question: how often should the prosthesis be removed? The design should be removed from the mouth at least twice a day to clean it from food debris and bacterial plaque. It is better to do this after waking up and before going to bed. Some people remove their prostheses while sleeping, and this is not forbidden at all. However, in this case, the product must be left in a sealed box to avoid contamination with dust and microbes. Keep in mind that for the first time after installing a denture, experts strongly advise sleeping with the device in your mouth - this will help facilitate and speed up the adaptation period.

“The dentist immediately explained everything to me in detail: like teeth, dentures need to be cleaned with a brush and paste, but it’s better to buy children’s ones. First you clean, then you rinse in water, boiled, but cooled down. You can take them off at night, but in general it’s better to sleep with them at night - you’ll get used to it faster. I also specially bought a container with a mesh, it can also be used for disinfection. And no glasses of water - this is the last century!

Marina Vladimirovna V., Moscow, from correspondence at the thematic forum

According to world experts in the field of dental orthopedics, a complete care for a removable device is the correct and strong fixation of the device in the mouth, its regular cleaning, careful attitude while wearing, as well as careful storage in a place protected from dust and bacteria penetration. To prevent rubbing of soft tissues with protruding elements, it is necessary to acquire a special gel or cream, which will also improve the strength of the fixation of the prosthesis and prevent it from falling out at the most inopportune moment.

So how to remove the prosthesis on your own? The attending orthopedic dentist must explain this procedure in detail after the device is installed. He will show and tell you how to put on the device and how to properly remove it from the oral cavity. In this case, there should not be any sudden movements - first you need to remove the hooks or snap off the locks, after which you need to slightly loosen the product and slowly remove it from the supports.

Related video: Patient feedback on prosthetics of all teeth

General rules for the care and storage of removable orthopedic systems

Proper care of a removable denture system is a responsible attitude to the daily cleaning of the product. If elementary hygiene procedures are neglected, the structure will soon become unusable, and it will have to be changed, and this is an additional expense. So, care involves the following recommendations:

To ensure that the removable prosthesis remains in its original form, does not deform or fail, it is important to provide it with proper care and care. Despite the fact that these teeth are artificial, they need attention no less than real ones. Therefore, do not forget to regularly clean the structure and, if there is the slightest discomfort while wearing it, immediately take it to a specialist for relocation.

Methods for cleaning removable dentures and explanations for their use

Cleaning method Explanations for the procedure
Rinsing with water after meals After each meal, it is recommended to rinse the prosthesis in plain water. To do this, the product must be removed from the mouth and rinsed in water, preferably boiled and at room temperature. However, it should be borne in mind that a structure with metal parts may darken if it is rinsed too often and kept in water with bleach for a long time.
Brush and paste cleaning Cleaning should be done 2 times a day, in the morning and before going to bed. For this, a brush with hard bristles and abrasive paste will not work. Some experts advise for this purpose to purchase hygiene products intended for children.
Treatment with disinfectant solutions Regardless of what the structure is made of, once a week it must be treated with a special disinfectant solution. This procedure allows you to thoroughly clean the device, as well as remove dirt from hard-to-clean places. Similar formulations are presented in ready-made solutions and tablets for dissolution. Typically, the prosthesis is placed in a cleansing liquid for half an hour, but such products can be used for a longer time.
ultrasonic baths Cleaning in an ultrasonic bath is carried out due to the action of high-frequency vibrations, which effectively remove bacteria from the surface of the product. To do this, you need to fill the container with water, place the device there, turn on the device and leave it for 5-10 minutes. After the specified time, the prosthesis should be removed and wiped with a dry cloth.

Details on where to store your dentures while you sleep

Modern plastic prosthetic structures should be stored dry, but for this it is necessary to acquire a special container that will protect the product from dust and microbes. You can purchase a quality container with a sealed lid, which is also used to disinfect the device. The case is a more budgetary and simple option, which, nevertheless, reliably protects the device from contamination.

1. Containers for cleaning

Today, pharmacies offer a wide variety of boxes designed specifically for storing and effectively cleaning removable orthopedic systems. This is a small box, made in the shape of a jaw from the inside. In order to clean the product, a special solution is added to the container, but only after the prosthesis is placed in it. Advanced models are equipped with a special system that allows you to easily remove the prosthesis from the container. This is a small mesh with a convenient holder. As it rises, the cleaning solution flows into the container while the prosthesis remains on top. To create such boxes, polymeric materials are used.

Important! According to the recommendations of experts in the field of orthopedic dentistry, the structure should not be placed in hot water - because of this, it can be deformed. Do not use water containing chlorine, especially with models that include metal parts. Chlorine compounds settle on the metal, causing it to quickly darken.

2. Cases for easy storage

This is what a dentures storage case looks like

A more budget option for storing a removable orthopedic system is a simple case. It is not designed to disinfect the device, but is great for storing it, for example, while sleeping. These boxes cannot be:

  • rinse in hot water
  • dry in close proximity to heating appliances and in direct sunlight,
  • leave under lighting fixtures,
  • store near household chemicals.

Otherwise, the container may be deformed and become unusable. In order to prevent the box from breaking, it is important to protect it from exposure to high temperatures and falls, and in order for the prosthesis to remain safe and sound, strictly follow all the rules of care and regularly carry out hygiene procedures.

If an artificial structure is installed in the oral cavity, then special attention should be paid to its care at home. At the consultation, the doctor will tell you how to monitor the false teeth so that it retains its presentable and flawless appearance for a long time. First you need to purchase a special storage container.

How to care for removable dentures

Before talking about quality care, it is worth recalling that dentures are removable and partially removable. Such structures are easily removed, and their service life is noticeably extended by strict adherence to operating rules and timely cleaning. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the mouth, and removable or partial models lose their once perfect appearance. To prevent this from happening, the patient must know how to properly clean removable structures, how to care for them.

Adhesive for fixation

Caring for artificial teeth provides for their correct and strong fixation, neat everyday wear, removal of the model and subsequent cleaning to get rid of dangerous microbes. To avoid rubbing and irritation of the gums, you need to purchase a special glue. An impeccable appearance and inner comfort depend on the right choice, otherwise a person will automatically cover his mouth with his hand during a conversation.

Modern dentist patients choose domestic Korega glue, which has a natural composition and provides a strong fixation of the dentures. Zinc and paraffin are collected in a natural composition, and the action is soft, hypoallergenic, sparing. Studying all the advantages of this drug, it is worth recalling that it also needs to be cleaned from dentures in order to avoid the accumulation of pathogenic microbes. A worthy alternative is another Profitex glue, which guarantees reliable fixation for 12 hours.

Do I need to remove my dentures at night?

Fixed structures do not need to be removed for the period of sleep, while patients are already accustomed to placing removable models in a special container for dentures at night. In fact, such actions are irrelevant, since progressive nylon, clasp and acrylic prostheses do not need such careful care. If the patient sleeps with them, he will get used to the false teeth much faster. The presence of plastic prostheses in the mouth during sleep will eliminate the risk of displacement of the jaw joints, which is also an important indicator of reliability.

How to store removable dentures

Caring for structures includes daily home procedures that significantly extend the life of the purchased model. If we treat this important issue superficially, then the usual and already ground-in prostheses will soon become unusable, and an urgent replacement will be required. Proper care offers a person the following sequence of actions:

  1. Before going to bed, you need to remove removable dentures from your teeth, then rinse them under a stream of running water, you can boil it. It is desirable to perform such a procedure after each meal, but if there is no time, then at least in the evening.
  2. Clean with a special brush to remove plaque accumulated on artificial teeth. It is also important to choose a special toothpaste in advance, the presence of which is a prerequisite for the proper care of a removable structure.
  3. Additionally treated with antiseptics, and you can purchase such a bactericidal liquid at a pharmacy, dentistry. This is a great way to get rid of a harmful infection, protect the oral cavity, eliminate adhesive residue and flawed teeth.
  4. It is desirable to store the structures in a special container or pick up a sterile place. It is very important that in the morning you can safely put on artificial teeth again. Professional cleaning is required twice a year, it is not carried out at home.

Means for cleaning dentures

To ensure reliable protection, quality care and safety of artificial structures, it is necessary to additionally purchase special devices for everyday use. This is not only the dentures and the fixing cream, but also other means that are well known and in demand in modern dental practice.


If natural teeth are preserved in the mouth, the brush must be purchased from natural hypoallergenic material with soft bristles. If your units are completely absent, then you can use a gauze swab to remove plaque. It is necessary to change such a device once a month, and with an exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane - immediately. The price of brushes varies from 100 to 800 rubles, but dentists recommend not saving on such an important purchase.

Ultrasonic bath for dentures

To eliminate plaque, signs of pigmentation and stubborn dirt must be removed under the influence of ultrasound. If you buy a special bath with a similar effect in medical equipment, you can exterminate the pathogenic flora in the shortest possible time, restore the snow-white color, and ensure high-quality oral hygiene for every day. In addition, such a device quickly eliminates coloring substances, and it is easy and comfortable to use it at home. The price is too high, but the ultrasonic bath is designed for repeated use.

cleaning tablets

For quality care of new teeth, there are certain pills that the dentist will tell you about in detail. Special tablets are intended exclusively for topical use, and they contain oxidizing agents, dyes, carbonates. For a single use, it is necessary to dissolve one pill in water, after which the false jaw should be placed in the prepared solution overnight. This is effective hygiene, elimination of plaque, effective fight against corrosion, the ability to freshen breath.

Caring for fixed dentures

For fixed structures, this is a painstaking and complex process, but over time you can get used to it. It is necessary to remember certain rules that significantly extend the life and operation of such a structure. It:

  1. It is recommended to brush your teeth 2 times a day, and use a toothbrush with soft bristles and non-abrasive paste. The procedure is classic, known to all people from early childhood.
  2. Perform high-quality cleaning from the gums to the border of the dentition, and choose sweeping movements.
  3. To prevent food debris from accumulating between neighboring units with the subsequent formation of pathogenic bacteria, it is recommended to use dental floss after each meal.
  4. To eliminate hard deposits, the use of home methods is not at all enough. Once every six months, the patient should go to the dentist for professional teeth cleaning. Otherwise, artificial enamel will soon lose its rich white color.
  5. To prolong the service life of fixed structures, it is necessary to adhere to certain food restrictions: exclude the consumption of enamel-coloring foods, food irritants. Even with a limited menu, careful, regular care of artificial teeth is required.

Video: cleaning dentures

Previously, removable dentures had to be stored in a container of water. Then the rubber base did not crack under the influence of air. But modern designs are devoid of such shortcomings, as they are made using a special technology. But despite this, you need to know the rules for wearing, storing and caring for prostheses.

Features of dentures

All orthopedic dental structures can be divided into two types: removable and non-removable. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, removable prosthetics is the most optimal in terms of the cost of services and materials. But fixed products are reliable and look more aesthetically pleasing.

Dentures in a glass of water

Features of storage of dentures

In order for the prosthesis to last as long as possible, you need to know some rules for storing it:

  1. After eating, remove the plug-in structure and rinse with boiled water. This procedure should be performed regularly to prevent early discoloration of the denture and to prevent bacteria from multiplying in the oral cavity.
  2. In the morning and evening, clean the denture with a special brush and toothpaste. Choose a brush with soft bristles, and use a children's paste, as it does not contain aggressive chemical and abrasive components.
  3. Place the prosthesis once a week in an antiseptic solution. It will wash away all microbes, and also contributes to the acquisition of additional fixing substances.
  4. Once every six months, carry out professional cleaning in the dentist's office. There, the doctor uses special tools and devices, and can also make adjustments if necessary.

With prolonged use of the prosthesis without professional care, an accumulation of pathogenic microflora occurs.

How to store removable dentures at night

Do I need to shoot at night

Modern dental structures do not have to be removed at night, as with their regular use, addiction occurs much faster. In addition, during sleep, the articular heads of the jaw bones often shift. But if necessary, the prosthesis can be removed at night. Just clean it, and then put it in a special storage container with a disinfectant solution.

Dental prosthesis in a glass with a special cleaning tablet.

Container for storage of removable dentures

Modern designs made of acrylic and nylon must be stored dry. For this, a special case is used, which is hermetically sealed with a lid. Thanks to the reservoir, hygienic conditions are created so that during the storage of the prosthesis at night, dust does not accumulate, there are no mechanical influences and contact with bacteria. In such a container, dental structures can be in a disinfectant solution or boiled water.

Do not put the prosthesis in hot water, as this will lead to its deformation.

Solutions for storing dentures

You can buy a special solution in finished form or as a powder, tablets, liquid concentrate. They are sold in a pharmacy. Due to such storage, antibacterial protection is provided, the remnants of the fixing agent are removed from the product. Leave the structure in the solution overnight.

When using a concentrated solution, do not keep the prosthesis in it for more than 15 minutes. This time is enough to remove all bacteria and soften the formed plaque.

How to properly remove a prosthesis

If it is necessary to remove artificial teeth, then the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Immediately after removing the structure, clean it so that there is no plaque and food particles on it.
  2. If the prosthesis is removed for a short time, then wrap it in a cotton napkin and place it in a special container. For storage, a disinfectant solution is suitable.
  3. If storage is to be long, then place the structure in a container with a solution or boiled water.

How to care for removable dentures yourself

Denture cleaning tablets

Pharmacies have special tablets that need to be dissolved in water. To prepare the solution, take 100 ml of water and drop the tablet there. Place the prosthesis for 15 minutes, and then rinse it with water. Do something like this every day.

Dentipur cleaning tablets

Thanks to this method, bacteria can be eliminated from the surface of the prosthesis and it can be cleaned as thoroughly as possible. The composition of such drugs contains oxidizing agents. They form small bubbles that clean the surface. The most popular are these pills:

  • Korega;
  • Dentipur;
  • The president;
  • Rox.

Cleaning dentures with a toothbrush and toothpaste

The cleaning process with the help of these items is characterized by a mechanical effect on the prosthesis. This makes the method very efficient. With it, you can stop the raid. Better use paste with fluorine compounds. It will not only clean, but also protect the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora.

It is also worth choosing a special brush. Its head should be equipped with two types of bristles. On one part of it, the hairs should be stiffer. The main task of such a brush is to clean the structure from the outside. It is best that it be in the form of a zigzag. The softer bristles clean the inside of the denture. It should be convex in shape.

Cleaning the prosthesis with a special brush

The cleaning process is as follows:

  1. Remove the prosthesis from the mouth, treat it with a paste with a brush.
  2. Perform a thorough cleaning within 15 minutes.
  3. Lather the paste in a circular motion and start cleaning. Within a minute, clean the prosthesis as intensively as possible. Then rinse it with clean water.
  4. Carry out such activities 2 times a day. It is best to do this after a meal.

When cleaning the prosthesis, place it on a clean terry cloth. So you can protect the fragile structure from falling.

Express Foam

This drug is used when you need to quickly and efficiently remove dirt and bacteria from the surface of the prosthesis. But use express foam only in tandem with a soft nylon toothbrush.

Ultrasonic Denture Cleaning

To care for dentures as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to use an ultrasonic bath. It is great for cleaning tartar, pigment plaque and odor. In addition, it copes with bacteria by 100%. Thanks to this method, you can refuse to buy chemicals, and also do not rub the structure with a toothbrush.

An ultrasonic bath costs about 2800 rubles. The device can be used for non-contact cleaning and disinfection of objects for various purposes.

Ultrasonic bath for dentures

Caring for fixed dentures at home

Choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste

You need to clean your dentures in the same way as your natural teeth, using a paste and a brush. In this case, the brush must perform sweeping movements. They are carried out from the gum to the edge of the tooth. In this way, all harmful microorganisms, plaque and food residues can be removed.

It is important that the area with which the gum is in contact with the prosthesis is properly cleaned. It is in this place that plaque most often accumulates.

Single row interdental brush

This device is used to clean large interdental spaces in people with healthy teeth and those who wear orthotics. The range of interdental brushes is quite wide, they all differ not only in the manufacturer, but also in other parameters:

  • material, dense, length and stiffness of the bristles;
  • length, shape and diameter of the nozzle;
  • the material used to make the handle;
  • the shape of the pen itself.

Special rinses

SPLAT Mouthwash

The use of disinfectant antiseptics for rinsing the mouth will eliminate harmful microbes and food debris. After such treatment, the surface of the prostheses is sterile, and the pathogenic microflora leaves it for a long time, and then it can no longer attach.

The most effective drugs are:

  • Lacalut Dent;
  • Splat;
  • president.

Features of care depending on the material of dentures

Made of silicone

Silicone dentures need careful care. To clean them, dishwashing detergent or liquid soap is suitable. As part of these preparations there are no abrasives, while they do an excellent job with bacteria.

Before going to bed, remove the dentures and put them in antiseptic solution. Make sure that the structure does not dry out and does not come into contact with hot water, otherwise this will cause deformation.


This material is very easy to scratch, so when cleaning, use only non-abrasive pastes and soft brushes. Since acrylic absorbs odors and can be stained from food and drinks, special attention should be paid to disinfection. Soak dentures in special liquids, such as Fittydent.

Fittydent Cleansing Tablets

From cermet

Cleaning of such structures should take place in the morning and evening, as well as after each meal. At night, remove the prostheses, wipe dry and store until morning, or you can lower them into a special solution.


Rinse plastic dentures after eating, clean with toothpaste and keep in disinfectant solutions. The ideal option is to clean them regularly after each meal. If this is not possible, then a thorough cleaning is carried out 2 times a day. Brushes and dental floss are used to remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.

Plaque is removed by washing with water, using a brush with a special paste. The manipulation ends with the placement of the prosthesis in an antiseptic solution. Wear a plastic construction 2 times a year for professional cleaning to the dentist to remove stones and other deposits.


Cleaning dentures is a necessary procedure that allows you to extend the life of the structure and its appearance. In addition, regular care of prostheses will prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity and the development of the inflammatory process. Just choose high-quality and effective means for this, and they are different for each design.

With the help of removable dentures, a person manages to restore the functionality of the dentition after the loss of dental units, as well as regain a healthy smile. The procedure for manufacturing and installing removable structures is costly and time-consuming. Then the patient expects a difficult period of adaptation. It's a shame when, after such efforts, a removable prosthesis will be unusable due to breakage or lost aesthetic appearance. Faithful will help to avoid such incidents. But how to store dentures and what you need for this, you can learn from this article.

Most of us have seen how a grandfather or grandmother keeps a denture in a glass of water, but we have not heard what manipulations to clean and preserve it additionally are required. Therefore, in most patients of dental clinics, knowledge about the care of removable structures ends with the use of a glass of water, which is very erroneous. The main procedures for the safety and hygiene of removable dentures include:

  • rinsing the device with water every time after eating;
  • cleaning with brushes and pastes;
  • cleaning with antiseptic solutions;
  • professional cleaning and whitening.

But how to store dentures at night will depend on the material from which the structure is made. Our grandmothers used removable structures made of rubber. This material tends to dry out and crack, which leads to the unsuitability of the prosthesis. The role of a glass of water is to protect the structure from drying out and damage. To date, more modern materials are used in dental laboratories for the manufacture of prostheses. No need to use a glass of water every night. But in order for such a design to last as long as possible and at the same time not lose its aesthetic appearance, special rules for caring for it must be observed.

Acrylic and nylon are the materials that are most often used in the manufacture of removable dentures. Designs with their application are not placed in water for storage. And most experts do not recommend taking them off at night, especially during the adaptation period. But as a disinfection and deep cleaning, prostheses made from these materials are immersed once a week in antiseptic solutions that will help to better clean the prosthesis from food debris, adhesives and bacteria. In cases where the patient still wants to remove the prosthesis at night, you can purchase special containers or cases (we will read about their features and rules of use later).

Rules for the care of removable dentures

The basic rules for cleaning structures that will help to significantly extend the life of the prosthesis without breakage and loss of aesthetic appearance.

Rinsing with water

Cleaning the apparatus with water should be repeated after eating. For the effectiveness of the procedure, the apparatus is removed from the oral cavity and thoroughly washed with boiled and cooled to room temperature water. This will help remove food residues in the interdental space of artificial teeth and on the basis.

Important: A structure with existing metal elements will darken and lose its aesthetic appearance if it is often rinsed, and also stored in a container with chlorinated water.

This method of cleansing only allows less frequent more complex manipulations to clean the prosthesis.

Features of cleaning the prosthesis with a brush

The procedure for cleaning the prosthesis with a brush should be carried out at least once a day and very carefully, but the usual brushing of the teeth in this case will not work. The design has artificial teeth and a strong base, but you can not use a brush with coarse bristles and abrasive pastes to clean it.

Many experts and people who use removable devices advise purchasing brushes and pastes designed for children. Such brushes have fairly soft bristles, and micro abrasive pastes will not scratch the surface of the base and teeth. But even this is not enough. All movements must be performed in a circle and with minimal pressure, passing over the surface of the base and each tooth. Excessive pressure on the structure will cause its breakage or damaged appearance.

In addition to cleaning the removable apparatus, you will need to pay due attention to the oral cavity. The inner area of ​​the cheeks and tongue are cleaned of plaque. If this rule is ignored, an unpleasant odor will occur from the mouth.

Solutions and ultrasonic baths for cleaning and storing prostheses

Whatever material the removable denture is made of, once a week it must be immersed in special cleaning solutions. Their task is to remove bacteria in the most inaccessible places, as well as to dissolve and remove food debris and adhesive residues from the structure, which are used to better fix prostheses.

Such solutions can be purchased ready-made. For a deep cleansing procedure, it will be enough to place the structure in a container or glass, pouring a solution around the edge. If the cleanser was purchased in tablets, they dissolve in ordinary boiled water (1 tab. \u003d 150-200 ml of water). Usually the cleansing procedure lasts about half an hour, but these solutions can be used for a longer time. That is, the prosthesis can be safely left in such a solution overnight.

Among the large selection and solutions, the products of the firms "" and "LAKALUT" are especially popular. The compositions of their disinfectant solutions are selected so as not to irritate the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Important: There are patients who cannot choose a solution due to the characteristics of their body. Allergic reactions appear after using even the most expensive disinfectant. In this case, it is better to purchase an ultrasonic bath.

Designed for non-contact disinfection of jewelry, baby pacifiers and removable dentures. It will be enough to place the product in it. In this case, additional funds are not required. In addition to high-quality cleaning of the structure, the patient also has no problem with its storage. This device is able to solve two problems at once - storage and cleaning of the prosthesis.

How to store dentures at night

The question of how to properly store removable dentures at night is one of the first after the installation of this design. First you need to figure out whether it is worth removing the device at all for the night. The opinion of doctors on this matter was divided. Some argue that without removing the structure, the mucosa and gums quickly adapt to the foreign body. At night, the oral cavity is at rest and physical activity is not carried out on the gums. It is in such a calm state that it is easier for her to get used to the prosthesis and the adaptation time is reduced.

The second half of doctors does not deny this fact, but expresses their arguments against wearing removable dentures during sleep. Without controlling himself in a dream, a person may involuntarily want to get rid of a foreign structure in the oral cavity. The prosthesis can cause suffocation by blocking the airways.

Whether to remove the prosthesis at night or not will also depend on the material that was used to make it. The most affordable designs are made of plastic, and many patients choose them. But prolonged wearing of such prostheses can provoke:

  1. Inflammation of the gums of varying intensity.
  2. From constant contact with saliva, monomers, organic compounds, begin to be released from this material, which are harmful to human health.
  3. Metal alloys present in such structures as the basis of the prosthesis affect the taste sensations. There is an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and discomfort.
  4. Also, alloys can cause an allergic reaction, manifested in the form of swelling of the palate and burning.

Important: It is possible to reduce the negative impact of such structures. In the manufacture of a removable apparatus, nickel alloys are replaced by chromium alloys. Their price will be higher, but they are more hygienic.

But even the most expensive and high-quality designs need to be removed sooner or later. It is then that the question of their proper preservation arises. The most convenient and practical way to store the prosthesis is to place it in a special container.

Denture storage containers

Containers for storing and cleaning prostheses are externally made in the form of a box. Its inner space imitates the appearance of the dental jaw. Such forms allow you to save the amount of solution used for disinfection of the apparatus. Some selected models have a special system that helps to easily remove the product from the container. It looks like a mesh with a small holder. When this mesh is lifted, the disinfectant solution flows back into the container, and the product itself is at the top.

Such containers are made of polymeric materials that are used in medicine. Inside, a liquid is poured, previously recommended by the attending physician. Pour or add this liquid only after placing the product inside the box. This will help to avoid spilling it through the top and make sure that the prosthesis is completely covered. After, the container is closed with a lid, which ensures the tightness of the container.

The main functions of the container:

  1. High-quality disinfection of products. The prosthesis is completely covered with a disinfectant solution. It is qualitatively cleaned from food debris and other contaminants, which helps to restore the product to its original aesthetic appearance.
  2. Additional amenities. Removing the product from the glass is quite inconvenient. Fragile plastic products can be easily damaged. Using the container, the patient gets better access to the prosthesis and guarantees its integrity.
  3. Bacteria protection. Storing the product in a glass does not guarantee that bacteria or other contaminants will not enter it. Sometimes the entry of such bacteria into the oral cavity leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the soft tissues. The treatment is prolonged, and the prosthesis itself cannot be used for this time.
  4. Safety of the product during transportation. Buying a box will be a good decision for people who travel a lot. Transportation in this form will guarantee the integrity of the structure.

Feedback on containers is only positive. They highlight the following benefits of this product:

  • tight and sealed lid of the container prevents spillage of disinfectant liquid in any of its positions, which is very convenient during transportation;
  • the tightness of the lid allows you to protect the structure from the penetration of dirt on it, and hence the oral cavity from infection;
  • the box is strong enough and when it falls, the denture is completely protected from various mechanical damage;
  • materials for the manufacture of boxes are used opaque, which helps to hide the design from prying eyes;
  • the small dimensions of the boxes allow them to be transported in small handbags.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the use of a container allows you to keep a removable prosthesis in an absolutely clean environment, maintain its integrity, facilitate the process of transportation and hide it from prying eyes.

How to choose a container for storing dentures

Some patients approach the choice of storage container for removable dentures solely on the basis of price. This is due to the fact that the appearance of the boxes is almost identical and many simply do not understand what the difference is. In fact, the boxes are very different from each other.

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing is the material that was used to make the box. Cheap containers are made from cheap plastic. It quickly loses its shape, deteriorates and gets dirty. The pores present in the plastic are quickly contaminated by various microorganisms and bacteria that destroy the container itself and adversely affect the prosthesis.

Next, you should pay attention to the shape of the cavity inside the container. Different designs have different sizes. If, with a compact size of the prosthesis, a large internal volume of the box is chosen, the use of a disinfectant solution will be irrational. But with small dimensions of the inside of the box, the construction of massive dimensions may not fit.

The third parameter when choosing a box is the presence of a removable mesh in it. Its presence is optional, but it is easier to carry out the procedure for rinsing the device and removing it from the box.

If, nevertheless, buying a box turns out to be too expensive, you can opt for a special case for storing prostheses.

Storage cases for removable dentures

If it is not possible to buy a high-quality container, it is better to opt for a case than to buy a cheap and low-quality box. Cases are simpler models of boxes. They are not suitable for disinfection procedures, but only perform the functions of transporting and storing prostheses at night. Modern prostheses do not need to be left in water overnight, so it will be sufficient to cover the bottom of the case with a sterile bandage.

Case for removable dentures and the design itself cannot be:

  • wash with hot water;
  • leave to dry near heaters and in the sun;
  • store under table lamps;
  • throw near household chemicals.

All this can cause them to deform and lead to damage.

The attending physician will tell you about the correct storage of removable dentures at night after they are installed. But many patients on the forums share their storage secrets. Judging by the reviews, these methods are simple and effective. Here is some of them.

  • My attending physician explained that the prosthesis does not have to be kept in solution at night. It is enough to disinfect it once a week. Over time, I noticed that when you put on a wet prosthesis, you feel more comfortable and there is no excessive dryness. Now I store the product in a glass of water.
  • I have been using removable dentures for many years. I always put them in a container at night, but fill them with distilled water. So far there have been no problems.
  • I don’t wear prostheses myself, but I watched my grandmother’s actions. She always takes them out at night, cleans them and wraps them in a handkerchief.

Whatever method is chosen for storing removable dentures at night, the main thing is to prevent its breakage or deformation. And for this it is better to avoid the influence of hot temperatures on it, protect it from falls and follow all the rules of hygiene.

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