Glaucoma has no cure. Folk remedies for glaucoma - treatment without surgery. Treatment of congenital glaucoma

Glaucoma is an ophthalmic disease characterized by a progressive decrease in vision due to increased intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. Patients often ask if the disease is curable. It is completely impossible to recover from the pathology, however, proper therapy will stop its progress and preserve visual functions.

Causes of development and symptoms

Glaucomatous damage develops in older people, it is difficult to diagnose, since an increase in pressure in the eye most often goes unnoticed. When the patient notes a decrease in visual acuity, it is too late to treat. Signs of glaucoma at the initial stage are not specific, they can be:

  • halo effect - the appearance of rainbow circles when looking at the light;
  • clouding of the image;
  • decreased vision;
  • tearing or dryness;
  • headache.

The pathognomonic sign of glaucoma is a concentric narrowing of the visual fields.

Atherosclerotic deposits in the vessels contribute to the development of such a pathology of the visual organs.

There is a primary form - when the disease arose independently, and a secondary one, which arose due to a previous pathology (trauma, cataracts). The pathogenesis of the development of the glaucomatous process has not been studied enough, there is no reliable information about the causes of the onset of the disease. The onset of the primary form is often associated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. It develops as a result of the natural aging process of the eyeball. Researchers note the influence of factors such as:

  • heredity;
  • age;
  • features of the anatomy of the patient's eye, including the narrow angle of the anterior chamber;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies (atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes).

Stages of development

There are several classifications of the disease. The most common option is based on the assessment of the degree of narrowing of the visual fields, presented in the table:

Is the disease curable?

The course of the disease adversely affects the condition of the optic nerve.

The claim that glaucoma is curable is false. Neither conservative nor surgical therapy can help the patient to become completely healthy again and regain the already lost visual functions. Due to the increase in pressure in the eye, the cells of the optic nerve die. Nervous tissue is replaced by glial cells, and is no longer restored. Although the disease is not curable, it is possible to slow down or even stop this pathological process by tightly controlling intraocular pressure.

If the development of the disease is suspected, a complete ophthalmological examination is necessary. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient should be observed by an ophthalmologist once every 6 months. Measurement of IOP should be routine, monthly. Drops prescribed by a doctor are used for life, otherwise there is a risk of losing vision completely. Only an oculist can change the appointment on the basis of a repeated full examination. It should include basic instrumental methods such as tonometry, perimetry, ophthalmoscopy and additional - OCT of the optic disc.

Methods of treatment


Treatment of glaucoma without surgery is possible. There are many groups of antiglaucoma drugs, the main ones are presented in the table:

Currently, various types of glaucoma occupy a leading position among the causes of visual impairment and the development of blindness. Despite a wide range of treatments for this disease, the percentage of disability among patients with glaucoma remains unchanged. Can glaucoma be cured? We will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

Secondary glaucoma is the easiest to treat, it is the only form of the disease that is curable, with timely treatment of the causative disease, it completely disappears.

Modern ophthalmologists have developed three directions in the treatment of glaucoma: conservative, surgical and laser.

Conservative therapy for glaucoma

The conservative treatment of glaucoma has three principles:

  • the presence of general and local therapy aimed at lowering IOP (intraocular pressure) with the help of various eye drops (ophthalmohypotensive);
  • the appointment of drug treatment that improves blood microcirculation and trophism of that part of the optic nerve that is located inside the orbit, as well as the membranes of the eye;
  • treatment that helps stabilize metabolic processes in the structures of the eye and affects the degenerative processes that cause the development of glaucoma.

Antihypertensive therapy

When prescribing local drugs that lower blood pressure (hypotensive), the following circumstances must be taken into account.

IOP after instillation of drops into the eyes decreases almost immediately, the therapeutic effect is enhanced with each subsequent use of the drug. If the course of therapy is long, the effect of the drug may decrease until it disappears completely as a result of adaptation of the body to it, in this case, a timely replacement of the drug is required.

Sometimes the patient's body is resistant to the effects of the drug, and it is simply impractical to prescribe it.

Some drugs may have a paradoxical effect - they increase intraocular pressure.

With a terminal degree, the appointment of antihypertensive drugs is useless.

That is why it is better to entrust the selection of a course of treatment to an experienced specialist who will conduct all the necessary tests. Usually, during the time that antihypertensive drugs are selected for the patient, he will be under the supervision of a doctor (up to 20 days). After that, you need to visit an ophthalmologist, first once a month, and then every quarter to monitor the condition.

Local antihypertensives

In the conservative treatment of glaucoma, antihypertensive drugs of local action are primarily prescribed.

Cholinomimetics - pilocarpine hydrochloride (1 or 2% in the form of drops, 2% ointment or in the form of eye films) - is responsible for improving the outflow of intraocular fluid, Carbacholin - eye drops concentration from 1 to 3%, Aleclidine (from 2 to 5%) .

Cholinesterase inhibitors - Prozerin, Tosmilen, Phosphacol, these drugs have the same effect as cholinomimetics.

Fetanol (3 or 5% solution) - is indicated for patients who develop glaucoma against the background of hypertension.

Adrenopilocarpine, Adrenaline hydrotartrate, Epinephrine dipivalil - medicines that reduce IOP by reducing the volume of fluid produced by the ciliary body, more often secondary glaucoma is treated with their help.

Optimol (0.5%), Anaprilin (1%), Propranolol (1%) - drugs to reduce the secretion of moisture that do not dilate the pupil.

The concentration of the drug depends on the degree of the disease, the health of the patient, his age and weight.

Antihypertensive agents of general action

With low efficiency of local treatment for a short time, drugs can be prescribed to reduce pressure of general action, these include the following groups:

  • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - Diacarb, Diamox;
  • osmotic - Glycerol;
  • neuroleptic - Aminazine.

Improved blood supply

In order to achieve an improvement in the blood supply to the structures of the eye, it is necessary to take Phezam (Capilar), a remedy for normalizing cerebral circulation, it improves hemodynamic processes in the eyes and normalizes the state of the retina and helps to cure the disease.

Means for improving metabolic processes

Stimulation of metabolism in the tissues of the eye is produced by the following drugs: Taufon 4%; Emoxipin 1%; agents that improve the regeneration of the cornea (Korneregel, Solcoseryl); drugs that contain animal cornea components (Adgelon); antioxidants (Erisod); combined and monocomponent vitamin products. With the help of these funds, the secondary form of the disease is more often treated, since it is with it that accelerated regeneration of the cornea is required.

Surgical and laser treatment of the disease

The issue of surgical intervention is decided for each patient individually, based on the form, type and degree of the disease, the patient's condition and its anatomical features. The main indicators for surgical intervention in glaucoma can be considered:

  • persistent, chronic increase in IOP, not stabilized under the influence of medications;
  • a sharp deterioration in visual functions;
  • unstable nature and negative dynamics of the clinical course of the disease;
  • the most severe diagnosis is terminal glaucoma; its treatment almost always consists in removing the eye.

What method of surgical intervention to choose in order to cure the disease, the specialist decides. The most common laser treatment methods are: iridoplasty, trabeculotomy, iridectomy. Most often, surgical and laser methods are used to treat 2, 3, and terminal stages of the disease.

Folk remedies for the treatment of glaucoma

Treatment with traditional medicine prescriptions, as well as conservative therapy, is aimed at lowering IOP and stabilizing the condition of the optic nerve. The use of traditional medicine in the treatment of glaucoma is best agreed with your doctor and carried out under his supervision as an addition to traditional methods of treatment.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to measure intraocular pressure and throughout the course to monitor its changes at least once a month. For the preparation of traditional medicine recipes, the following are used: aloe, mummy, raw potatoes, wild rose, honey, blueberries, golden mustache and many more plant and mineral components. The use of traditional medicine is justified at 1-2 degrees of the disease, at 3 it is not very effective.

Features of the treatment of various forms of glaucoma

Consider how to treat glaucoma, depending on its type. Primary glaucoma is treated according to the standard scheme described above; congenital, juvenile and secondary have some features of therapy.

congenital glaucoma

The main methods of treating congenital glaucoma are surgical or laser. The most commonly used surgical intervention in the area of ​​​​the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye, which is performed in order to eliminate unresorbed embryonic tissue and improve the excretion of intraocular fluid. Surgical intervention is carried out immediately after the diagnosis is established, regardless of the age group of the sick child.

In addition to surgical methods, drugs that reduce IOP in a certain dosage are locally prescribed: 1-2% pilocarpine, 0.25% optimol, 0.013% phosphakol, 0.055% armin. In addition, it is necessary to use medicines with a tonic and anti-allergic effect, as well as glycerol or diacarb (the dose of which is chosen according to the weight and age of the small patient).

Treatment of juvenile (juvenile) glaucoma

Prescribe drugs that relieve the tension of the muscular apparatus of the eye (Armin, Pilocarpine, Carbacholin). If there is no positive dynamics, surgical intervention is necessary.

Secondary glaucoma

Due to the fact that secondary glaucoma is the result of a disease that affects the visual analyzer, treatment is based primarily on eliminating the cause that caused the development of the pathological process. If the factor that caused the development of the disease was eliminated before the onset of stage 3, then an almost complete cure is possible.

Specific therapy aimed at eliminating the causative factor should be supported by local (Pilocarpine 1-2%, Timolol-based agents, combined preparations) and general (Diacarb or Glycerol) therapy. Operative or laser treatment is carried out according to general indications.

Secondary glaucoma developing against the background of inflammatory processes (uveitis or iridocyclitis)

Secondary glaucoma, which develops against the background of inflammatory processes, is most often diagnosed in the acute stage. The first stage is the treatment of the underlying disease (if it is in the acute stage), it is necessary to inject epinephrine subconjunctivally or prescribe applications with it.

To expand the pupil, a mydriatic agent is used (0.25% Scopolamine hydrobromide), corticosteroids are prescribed as local therapy (2.5% Hydrocortisone in suspension, drops - 0.3% Prednisolone, Sofradex). If therapy does not give a positive result for a long time, the issue of treatment with surgical or laser methods is decided.

Vascular secondary glaucoma

As in the treatment of other types of the secondary form of the disease, the targeted therapy of the underlying disease is first carried out. Vascular secondary glaucoma can occur with the formation of new vessels in the iris and without.

In the absence of newly formed microvessels in the iris, the patient is prescribed drugs with a miotic effect. If there are such vessels, it is necessary to use adrenaline, Optimol or Clonidine, corticosteroid drugs can also be prescribed. If vascular pathologies are not eliminated in a timely manner, the development of a 3rd and even terminal degree of the disease is possible.

A disease of the organs of vision, in which intraocular pressure increases, is called glaucoma. Actually, this is a group of pathologies with one common symptom. Glaucoma takes a wide variety of forms that determine the nature of the treatment. We will find out how this disease is treated and whether it can be cured with folk remedies.

What causes glaucoma and how does it manifest itself?

With a constant increase in pressure in one or both eyes, almost all structures and tissues of the eyeball are damaged, mainly the optic disc and the cornea. Lack of treatment and progression of the disease cause atrophy of the optic nerve, damage to the cornea and other components of the optical system, which inevitably leads to the loss of all visual functions - up to complete blindness, which is irreversible.

An increase in pressure in the eye is observed when the outflow of intraocular fluid is disturbed. This happens as a result of damage to certain eye structures. Aqueous moisture - one of the components of the optical system of the eye - begins to stagnate in the chambers of the eyeball and presses on their walls, causing a pressure surge. Glaucoma develops for various reasons. It can be provoked by injuries of the head and organs of vision, eye surgery, which led to complications, ophthalmic diseases. However, these factors cause secondary glaucoma, it disappears after the elimination of the underlying cause.

Primary glaucoma is a pathology that develops independently, and not against the background of any other ophthalmic diseases. It occurs due to age-related changes in the eyeball, in violation of the blood supply to the intraocular structures and the nervous regulation of the functions of the eye, due to the progression of farsightedness or myopia, genetic predisposition.

Forms of glaucoma and symptoms of the disease

There are two main types of glaucoma - open-angle and closed-angle. There is also a mixed form in which signs of both types are observed. Open-angle glaucoma is more common, but it is much more difficult to diagnose because it is asymptomatic for a long time. The only sign that the patient can notice himself is visual impairment. In this case, visual acuity does not decrease immediately. First, there is a narrowing of the field of view. It is not always possible to notice this at the initial stage of the development of the disease, which is why it is rapidly progressing, and it becomes much more difficult to treat it. It usually develops in both eyes. Other symptoms of open-angle glaucoma are redness of the eyes, watery eyes, photophobia, pain in the eyes and head. These are already signs of the next stages. These symptoms are characteristic of many ophthalmic pathologies, which further complicates the diagnosis.

Angle-closure glaucoma is diagnosed much less frequently, but its symptoms are more pronounced. It is accompanied by acute attacks of increased pressure, which are characterized by:

  • pain in the eye area;
  • redness of the protein coat;
  • visual impairment;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the region of the heart.

Some of these signs are present in the symptoms of concussion, hypertensive crisis, heart attack. Patients who called an ambulance are prescribed appropriate drugs, and increased intraocular pressure is not detected. This leads to serious and irreversible visual impairment.

Diagnosis of the disease

When a patient contacts the clinic with complaints of pain in the eyes and deterioration of vision, the oculist will definitely measure the intraocular pressure. If it turns out to be elevated, other methods of examination will be prescribed:

  • measurement of fields of view;
  • visual assessment of the anterior chamber angle (gonioscopy);

During the diagnosis, the type of glaucoma, its causes and stage are determined. Based on these data, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Treatment methods for glaucoma

There are three ways to treat glaucoma: conservative (medication), which includes the appointment of eye drops and vitamins, surgical and laser. Treatment of open-angle glaucoma must begin at an early stage of its development. Then it is possible to stop the progression of the disease with drugs, that is, without the help of surgery. In the later stages, only surgical treatment is possible.

In acute attacks of glaucoma, first aid should be provided immediately. A few hours of delay can cost a person dearly.

Increased pressure can lead to severe damage to the optic nerve head. Vision in such cases disappears irreversibly.

As for folk remedies, they only partially help to stabilize intraocular pressure. They cannot cure glaucoma. At the same time, traditional medicine can only be used in the context of general treatment and on the advice of a doctor.

Medicines for the treatment of glaucoma

Conservative therapy refers to treatment with drops. The advantage of eye preparations is that they act instantly and do not cause side effects. The choice of a particular drug depends on the type of pathology. Open-angle glaucoma is treated with drops that reduce the production of aqueous humor in the eye (Timolol, Betaxolol). With angle-closure glaucoma, drugs are prescribed that narrow the pupil (Pilocarpine, Carbacholin). This helps open the angle of the anterior chamber through which aqueous humor circulates.

In addition to ophthalmic drops, the patient is prescribed vitamins that stimulate blood circulation in the eye and optic nerve, which helps prevent the death of nerve fibers. For any type of glaucoma, it is recommended to take thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6), nicotinic acid (PP).

Eye drops and vitamins help with the initial stages of glaucoma. They are also discharged after operations for quick recovery.

Operative treatment of glaucoma

A lot of surgical methods have been developed to combat glaucoma. The most common is trabeculectomy. Its essence is to remove part of the trabecular meshwork. Trabeculae are empty spaces in the chambers of the eye. With the elimination of part of the trabeculae, the rate of outflow of aqueous humor increases. The operation is often performed under local anesthesia, but in rare cases under general anesthesia. The doctor makes a micro incision on the conjunctiva, through which he gains access to the trabeculae. At the last stage of the procedure, the surgeon sutures the operated area. After that, eye drops and vitamin complexes are prescribed. They help speed up healing. Surgical treatment of glaucoma is not without its drawbacks. It does not always allow you to completely cure the patient. Sometimes there is a recurrence, which requires repeated surgical intervention.

Can be prescribed for glaucoma and lens replacement surgery. It becomes necessary in the secondary form of the disease, when glaucoma causes subluxation of the lens. Replacing it with an intraocular lens allows you to cure glaucoma and save the patient from various refractive errors.

Surgical treatment of glaucoma is being replaced today by laser methods. There are several laser surgeries prescribed for this pathology.

New in the treatment of glaucoma: modern laser methods

Acute angle-closure glaucoma is treated with laser iridectomy. The doctor makes a micro-hole in the iris with a laser. Through it, intraocular fluid quickly leaves the eye through both of its chambers. Before the procedure, the patient is instilled with anesthetic drops and miotics - drugs for constricting the pupil. After that, a lens is installed on the eye, which collects laser beams in a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe iris, where a hole will be made. This method has a significant drawback. It is not used for clouding of the cornea and its swelling, which is often the case with glaucoma.

Another laser technique that has been successfully used to treat glaucoma is called laser trabeculoplasty. Today, it is the main treatment for open-angle glaucoma. During this procedure, several dozen burns are made on the trabecular meshwork with a laser. In the process of recovery and healing, small scars begin to form, due to which the trabecular network is stretched and the distance between the trabeculae increases. Due to this, aqueous humor leaves the chambers of the eye faster. This technique is not effective for the treatment of angle-closure glaucoma, in which it is necessary to act on the angle of the anterior chamber.

The most modern way to treat glaucoma is laser cyclocoagulation.

This operation helps even in the second and third stages of the development of pathology. During the procedure, the tissues of the ciliary body are destroyed by the laser, in which aqueous humor is formed. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the rate of production of intraocular fluid. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis. It doesn't last more than an hour. After the procedure, a bandage is applied to the eye, which can be removed after a couple of hours.

Treating glaucoma in the elderly is no different than treating the disease in people of other ages. However, glaucoma occurs most often in old age. The primary form of this disease in young people and even more so in children is diagnosed extremely rarely.

Alternative treatment of glaucoma

Treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies should not replace the main methods. Do not resort to traditional medicine without consulting a doctor. Commonly used for glaucoma are:

  • Tincture from wood lice. This herb contains many vitamins that improve the functioning of all structures of the eye. The tincture must be taken orally.
  • A decoction of blueberries. The properties of blueberries that are beneficial for the organs of vision have long been known. These berries are also used for glaucoma.

  • honey solution. It is very easy to prepare. You need to dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of water. Wash the eyes with the solution 1-2 times a day.
  • Infusion of aloe leaves. It is also used for washing. You can make an infusion as follows: chop the leaves of the plant and pour them with boiling water. Cool the decoction before washing the eyes.

It is important to detect glaucoma early. This allows you to completely cure it without surgery.

However, after any treatment, a person should measure intraocular pressure as often as possible, since no operation can insure against relapse.

Glaucoma is a large group of eye diseases that gradually impair vision without any initial symptoms. In the early stages of glaucoma, there may be no symptoms. The cause of this condition is too high blood pressure that prevails in the eyeball. The disease leads to complete or partial blindness. In any form of glaucoma, early treatment can reduce intraocular pressure and keep it within normal limits. This minimizes the harmful effects on the retina and optic nerve.

What is eye glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease that increases intraocular pressure (IOP) and damages the optic nerve. Translated from Greek, it means “blue clouding of the eye”, “color of sea water”. Other names for the disease are "green water", "green cataract". In this case, vision is reduced, up to the onset of blindness. One of the main external signs is a change in the color of the pupil - its repainting in a greenish or azure hue.

Glaucoma code according to the ICD:

  • ICD-10: H40-H42;
  • ICD-9: 365.

According to statistics, about 70 million people in the world suffer from glaucoma, and a million of them live in Russia. Experts predict that 80 million people will be affected by this disease in 2020.

The reasons

Glaucoma is usually caused by an inability to maintain a proper balance between the amount of internal (intraocular) fluid produced and the amount of fluid drained into the eye.

The underlying causes of this imbalance are usually related to the form of glaucoma that the person suffers from. Normally, this fluid flows out of the orbit through a special channel. When it becomes blocked (usually a congenital anomaly), fluid accumulates excessively inside the eye, and glaucoma develops.

Intraocular pressure can increase due to two reasons:

  1. The intraocular fluid is formed in excessive quantities;
  2. The removal of fluid through the drainage system of the eye is disturbed due to its changes.

Other causes of blockage of the excretory canal are:

  • imbalance between the outflow and inflow of aqueous humor in the cavity of the eye, accompanied by increased intraocular pressure;
  • myopia;
  • elderly, senile age;
  • heredity;
  • the presence of myopia;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eye, for example, uveitis;
  • taking funds to expand the pupil;
  • smoking, addiction to alcohol;
  • the presence of diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypotension, atherosclerosis, disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • swelling of the eye;
  • burns, eye injuries.

Depending on the causes of the formation of the disease, several types of glaucoma are divided: primary, congenital, secondary.

  1. Primary glaucoma appears in middle-aged people as a result of myopia, heredity, diabetes mellitus, dysfunctions of the nervous system, thyroid gland, and unstable blood pressure.
  2. Congenital develops as a result of failures in the embryonic development of the organs of vision in the fetus. Also, the cause may be an inflammatory process, trauma, a tumor during pregnancy.
  3. Secondary: causes and symptoms depend on the underlying disease, which subsequently led to the formation of pathology.

Risk factors for developing glaucoma are:

  • Age, especially after 60 years;
  • Myopia (myopic refraction);
  • Farsightedness;
  • Heredity;
  • pupil dilation;
  • Small eyes found in people of East Asian origin, such as Eskimos. The risk of developing the disease increases up to 40 times, and in women even more (3 times), which is due to the smaller anterior eye chamber.

Forms of the disease

In any form, it is necessary to be under dispensary observation by an ophthalmologist in the eye office, to control at least once every 3 months, to select an adequate treatment with the help of a doctor. There are several forms of glaucoma.

Open angle glaucoma

The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that, as a rule, it progresses imperceptibly. The eye looks normal, a person most often does not feel an increase in intraocular pressure, and only an ophthalmologist can diagnose the disease in the early stages during a preventive examination.

Angle-closure glaucoma

A relatively rare form in which the pressure in the eye rises too quickly. Angle-closure glaucoma mainly occurs with farsightedness in people over the age of 30 years.

These two forms of glaucoma differ in the mechanism of obstruction of the outflow of intraocular fluid.

Symptoms of glaucoma (eye photo)

Most people are asymptomatic until severe vision problems develop. The first complaints of patients are usually the loss of peripheral vision, which is often also ignored, and the disease continues to progress. In some cases, people may complain of reduced vision in the dark, the appearance of rainbow circles, and headaches. Sometimes it is noted that one eye sees, the other does not.

There are three main symptoms of glaucoma:

  1. increased intraocular pressure;
  2. narrowing of the field of view;
  3. change in the optic nerve.

Narrowing of the field of vision is possible, the so-called tunnel vision appears, which can develop to complete loss of vision. An acute attack is accompanied by a sharp pain in the eye, in the forehead, deterioration of the general condition, the appearance of nausea, vomiting.

In order to recognize glaucoma in time, it is important to know its symptoms and subjective feelings of the patient.

Types of eye glaucoma Symptoms
The clinical course of open-angle glaucoma is usually asymptomatic. The narrowing of the visual field develops gradually, sometimes progressing over several years, so often patients accidentally discover that they see with only one eye. The following signs that appear regularly or from time to time should alert:
  • feeling of discomfort in the eyes, tension, tightness;
  • slight pain in the eye sockets;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • eye redness;
  • blurred vision at dusk and in the dark;
  • the appearance of rainbow halos when looking at a light source;
  • blurred vision, the appearance of a "grid" in front of the gaze.
closed angle Often occurs in the form of seizures. An acute attack of this form of glaucoma has characteristic features:
  • a significant increase in IOP (up to 60-80 mm Hg),
  • severe pain in the eye
  • headache.

Often during an attack may appear:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • general weakness.

Vision in the diseased eye drops sharply. An acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma is often mistaken for a migraine, toothache, acute gastric disease, flu, because the patient complains of headache, nausea, general weakness, without mentioning the eye.

Approximately every fifth patient notes that he began to see rainbow circles, looking at a light source (for example, a light bulb), many complain of a "fog" or a veil before their eyes that appears from time to time.

Both types of glaucoma can lead to blindness by damaging the optic nerve; however, with early detection and treatment, intraocular pressure can be controlled and severe visual loss prevented.

Stages of the disease

There are 4 stages of glaucoma. The stage of this disease is determined by the degree of damage to the optic nerve. This lesion is manifested in the narrowing of the visual fields:

  • Grade 1 - visual fields are narrowed, but in all meridians wider than 45 degrees
  • Grade 2 - visual fields are narrowed in all meridians and at least in one is between 45 and 15 degrees
  • Grade 3 glaucoma - visual fields are narrowed in all meridians and at least in one is between 15 degrees and 0
  • Grade 4 is complete blindness or residual vision sufficient only to recognize light / shadow.

A person with risk factors for developing glaucoma should consult an ophthalmologist. If an ophthalmological examination is carried out on time and the disease is detected at an early stage, then, as a rule, the treatment of glaucoma stops the further development of the disease.


Early detection of glaucoma has an important prognostic value, which determines the effectiveness of treatment and the state of visual function. The leading value in the diagnosis is the determination of IOP, a detailed study of the fundus and optic disc, the study of the visual field, the examination of the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye.

To diagnose the disease, the following methods are used:

  • Perimetry and campimetry. Necessary to identify central and paracentral scotomas, narrowing of the visual fields.
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure. Daily tonometry is especially informative. Glaucoma is indicated by significant fluctuations in IOP throughout the day.
  • Direct or indirect ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy using a high diopter lens. Allows you to see changes in the fundus.
  • Ultrasound, gonioscopy, electrophysiological and some other studies
  • Checking the condition of the fundus. In most patients with suspected glaucoma and with the initial stage, the fundus is usually normal. However, in some cases, there is such a sign as a shift in the vascular bundle on the optic nerve head.

As a preventive diagnosis of glaucoma, regular measurement of intraocular pressure is recommended: at the age of 35-40 years - at least once a year, at the age of 55-60 and older - at least 1-2 times a year. If abnormalities are detected, a full examination should be carried out immediately.

Diagnosing a disease in a child is quite difficult due to the impossibility of carrying out some procedures. The main methods for diagnosing glaucoma in children include:

  • general examination by an ophthalmologist (assessment of the anatomy and functionality of the eye);
  • study of the patient's history (identification of genetic predisposition, study of symptoms);
  • measurement of the level of intraocular pressure;
  • study of optic nerve cells;
  • diagnostic examination using anesthesia in a hospital setting.

Doctors have not identified the main causes provoking the development of glaucoma in children. Experts are inclined to believe that the disease can manifest itself due to a hereditary predisposition or due to the influence of other factors during the period the child is in the womb.

  • The appearance of a "shroud" when looking at a light source;
  • visual impairment;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Redness of the eyeballs;
  • Loss of peripheral and then central vision.

Glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma can be treated with eye drops, medications, laser surgery, conventional surgery, or a combination of these methods. The goal of any treatment is to prevent vision loss, as vision loss is irreversible. The good news is that glaucoma can be controlled if caught early, and that with medical and/or surgical treatment, most people will retain their vision.

Treatment of any type of glaucoma is aimed primarily at normalizing intraocular pressure:

  • with drops(selection of medicines and instillation regimen is individual, determined after examination)
  • with laser therapy(carried out with the ineffectiveness of drug therapy).
  • with a surgical operation(performed with the ineffectiveness of drug therapy, after the operation the patient is relieved of the need to use drops for 5-7 years).

Drops for glaucoma

The basis for drug treatment consists of three areas:

  • therapy to reduce intraocular pressure,
  • improvement of blood supply to the optic nerves and the inner membranes of the eye,
  • normalization of metabolism in the tissues of the eye.

The leading role in the drug treatment of glaucoma has ophthalmohypotensive therapy (lowering IOP). The other two directions are of an auxiliary nature.

Drops according to their action are divided into three large groups:

  1. drugs that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid (for example, Xalatan, Carbachol, Glaucon, etc.),
  2. drugs that inhibit intraocular fluid products (Clonidine, Timoptik, Okumed, Betoptik, Azopt, etc.),
  3. combined (or mixed) preparations (Kosopt, Fotil, etc.)

If, against the background of this, intraocular pressure returns to normal, the patient should, without stopping the use of drops, regularly consult an ophthalmologist in order to undergo a complete ophthalmological examination and control IOP.

Laser correction

Treatment of glaucoma with a laser is used to reduce the effectiveness of medical conservative therapy and is intended to form additional pathways for the outflow of intraocular fluid.

The most popular laser treatment methods:

  • trabeculoplasty;
  • iridectomy;
  • gonioplasty;
  • trabeculopuncture (outflow activation);
  • descemetogoniopuncture;
  • transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (contact and non-contact).

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. A device is installed on the eye - a goniolens, which limits the effect of the laser only on the selected area.


Surgical treatment of glaucoma is aimed at creating an alternative system for the outflow of intraocular fluid or at normalizing the circulation of intraocular fluid or reducing its production. As a result, intraocular pressure is compensated without medication.

Operation for glaucoma:

  • painless (performed under intravenous anesthesia),
  • lasts about 20-40 minutes, outpatient,
  • the postoperative period is from 1 to 3 weeks (during this period, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drops), discomfort in the eye area is possible within 5-7 days.

Eat right

Nutrition in glaucoma of the eye plays an important role in the process of combating this disease. Thanks to a properly formulated diet, it is quite possible to improve the result of drug treatment and reduce the risk of complications.

People suffering from glaucoma, in order to successfully fight the disease, should receive daily enough B vitamins, as well as A, C and E. They help improve the functioning of the visual organ and prevent further progression of the disease.

The diet should be aimed mainly at protecting nerve cells and fibers from damage under the influence of high intraocular pressure. To do this, it is necessary to pay special attention to antioxidant substances and foods that are rich in them.

However, there are products not recommended for use during glaucoma, as they can weaken the effectiveness of medications, and aggravate the patient's condition. These products include fatty, smoked, spicy foods, as well as conservation. Alcoholic drinks, strong tea or coffee are completely excluded. Smoking should also become one of the prohibitions in order to exclude a negative effect on the vessels of the visual organ.

Folk remedies for glaucoma

Before treating glaucoma with folk recipes, you need to divide all recipes into local ones (eye instillation, compresses, and so on) and general ones, which can be regularly consumed orally. Useful substances contained in plant and natural ingredients, even when taken orally, have their positive effect.

  1. Aloe. Wash one leaf of aloe and finely chop. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Infuse aloe for three hours, then strain and you can wash your eyes two to three times a day.
  2. Honey drops: dissolve honey in warm boiled water at the rate of 1 to 3 and drip 1 drop in the morning and evening until a lasting improvement.
  3. Dill seed compress- To do this, put a few dill seeds in a small linen bag and lower the bag into boiling water. After 2-3 minutes, remove the bag, cool slightly and apply to the eyes overnight in a warm form.
  4. Take duckweed - a grass that grows in water, for example, on a pond. Wash and pass through a blender, that is, just chop it. Then pour two hundred grams of vodka and keep it like that for four days. Take one tablespoon three times a day with a quarter glass of water.

Note! 100% effective folk methods for the treatment of glaucoma currently do not exist. The funds are aimed at restoring normal IOP and preventing the disease.


If left untreated, the disease leads to complete blindness. And even the treatment and prevention of complications carried out in glaucoma does not always lead to improvement. Approximately 15% of patients lose their sight completely within 20 years, at least in one eye.


The disease may end in disability, but the prognosis is favorable if treated at the initial stage. Prevention of glaucoma should include regular examination by an ophthalmologist, if a person has poor heredity, there are somatic factors.

Patients suffering from glaucoma should be registered with an ophthalmologist, regularly visit a specialist every 2-3 months, and receive recommended treatment for life.

Prevention methods:

  • Watch TV in good lighting;
  • When reading after 15 minutes, you need to take breaks;
  • Eat according to age characteristics with the restriction of sugar, animal fats. Eat natural vegetables and fruits;
  • Do a test before drinking coffee. Measure your intraocular pressure 1 hour after drinking coffee. If it does not rise, you can drink a drink;
  • Nicotine is harmful to the eyes, so you should get rid of the habit to cure the disease;
  • Good sleep, taking 2-3 teaspoons of honey at night, warm foot baths - reduce pressure inside the eyes;
  • To prevent the occurrence of glaucoma and simply to maintain good or adequate vision, physical activity is necessary.

This is all about glaucoma: what it is, what are the main symptoms and signs, the causes of the disease, the features of treatment and prevention. Do not be ill!

The treatment of glaucoma is a rather multifaceted issue, since not only the causes of the disease are treated, but also its consequences. You can learn more about the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease.

In order to understand how to treat glaucoma, you need to decide on the main links of the pathological process. So, an increase in intraocular pressure occurs, firstly, due to an increased amount of aqueous humor produced in the eyes and, secondly, due to a narrowing or complete blockage of the drainage system for this fluid in the corner of the anterior chamber of the eye.

The diagnosis of "glaucoma of the eye" indicates that the intraocular fluid, accumulating in the eyeball in excess of the norm, creates an increased pressure here, which damages other structures of the eye. The optic disc, the place where the nerve exits the eyeball and carries visual signals to the brain, suffers from constant fluid pressure. The picture of the fundus shows how, over time, the ONH (optic nerve head) undergoes changes, expands, its swelling and excavation (deepening) occur. The person gradually loses his sight.

At the initial stage, which can last asymptomatically for several years, this is almost imperceptible. But gradually the patient begins to feel a narrowing of the peripheral field of vision, which in the terminal stage takes on the character of a narrow tunnel, and then decreases simply to light perception.

Treatment options for glaucoma include conservative treatment (eye drops, tablets), surgery (laser and conventional surgery), a combination of these methods, and in some cases traditional medicine.

All measures are aimed at preventing vision loss, since it is irreversible in glaucoma.

Treatment of congenital glaucoma

In patients with a similar diagnosis, drug therapy is ineffective. Treatment of glaucoma without surgery in this case is impossible. Medications are given immediately before surgery to reduce the amount of aqueous humor in the eyes. The most effective are drugs from the group of beta-blockers (Timolol maleate) and drugs that inhibit carbonic anhydrase (Dorzolamide, Brinzolamide). Systemically, patients are prescribed osmotic diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the entire body.

It is impossible to cure glaucoma without surgery, since the drainage system of the eye itself does not work in a newborn with such a pathology, therefore, it is necessary to physically form a path for the evacuation of fluid, and in case of its congenital hyperproduction, reduce the volume of cells responsible for this.

How to treat an open-angle form of the disease

This type of glaucoma is characterized by the fact that the drainage angle of the anterior chamber of the eye is free, but for one reason or another it is narrowed and unable to provide a normal outflow of aqueous humor.

Conservative therapy is based on the local application of drugs of the following groups:

  • reducing the production of aqueous humor: beta-blockers (Timolol, Octipol), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Dorzolamide, Brinzolamide, Azopt, Brizal).
  • improving uveoscleral outflow and the functioning of the drainage system: cholinomimetics (Pilocarpine, Armin, Carbacholin, Phosphacol, Fosarbin) and prostaglandin analogues (Xalatan, Travatan, Lanatan).
  • acting in combination on both links of the pathological process: alpha-adrenergic receptor agonists (Clonidine).

Summation of the antiglaucoma action of various groups of drugs

Normalization of intraocular pressure at an early stage can stop the progression of the disease. Many doctors believe that glaucoma in this case, although not completely curable, is controllable.

Some drugs - prostaglandin analogues and beta-blockers - are prescribed for regular use. The patient should instill them every day two or three times to keep IOP (intraocular pressure) under control. Other drugs are able to reduce intraocular pressure so sharply that they are used to stop an acute attack of glaucoma.

Rapidly increasing IOP is manifested by acute pain in the eye, blurred vision, clouding of the cornea, the appearance of precursors in the form of iridescent halos around light sources. The eye turns red, the pupil dilates, the eyeball itself feels harder to the touch - it “hardens”. Drug treatment of glaucoma of the eye during this period consists in the introduction of a 1% solution of Pilocarpine every quarter of an hour, two drops into the eye, and a subcutaneous injection of Promedol. Sedatives are also needed, and if there is no effect within three hours, an intramuscularly lytic mixture consisting of Aminazine, Pipolfen and Promedol is needed. In addition, patients may administer intravenous diuretics or rectal saline laxatives.

If medical relief of an attack is not possible, they resort to surgical intervention to remove excess intraocular fluid.

Pilocarpine is used to rapidly lower IOP

To cure glaucoma, and most importantly, its negative effect on the optic nerve and retina, in addition to antiglaucoma drugs, it is necessary to use drugs to improve blood circulation in the inner membranes of the eye and optic nerve and drugs that normalize cellular metabolism. These include ginkgo biloba, trental, dicinone, cinnarizine, nootropil, emoxipin, mexidol, vitamin complexes, drugs Vitaiodurol, Vitafacol, Fakovit. These drugs are especially relevant if glaucoma is accompanied by cataracts (clouding of the lens). In many especially elderly patients, these two diseases develop in parallel, and if glaucoma of the eye is treated by surgery, then the cataract can also be removed at the same time.

Surgical treatment is also addressed with an unsatisfactory effect of drugs, a rapid decrease in vision, a sharp increase in IOP, and atrophy of the optic nerve papilla.

Can glaucoma be cured this way? It is definitely possible to effectively reduce the risk of developing damage from high intraocular fluid pressure. During the operation, new pathways for the outflow of moisture are formed and existing channels are unblocked, and the number of cells that produce the aqueous humor itself is also reduced.

Despite the good positive effect, surgical treatment has several contraindications:

  • viral, fungal, other chronic diseases in the acute stage, acute allergies or other inflammatory processes;
  • previous heart attack or stroke;
  • predisposition to retinal detachment.

Open-angle glaucoma can be treated with drooping surgery, non-invasive surgery, and laser surgery.

Penetrating operations create artificial channels for the evacuation of intraocular fluid. To do this, part of the trabecular meshwork is removed, resulting in a sharp decrease in the amount of fluid in the anterior chamber of the eye. An artificial shunt (Ahmed valve) can also be installed, which acts as a one-way valve to the outlet in one direction.

Various types of eye valves and shunts

Non-invasive method is non-penetrating deep sclerectomy. This method is based on the thinning of the trabecular meshwork layer, as a result of which it becomes more permeable and fluid leaves the anterior chamber of the eye more easily. This manipulation can be performed not with surgical instruments, but with a laser. It is called laser trabeculoplasty. In laser iridectomy, a small hole is burned in the iris to allow additional fluid drainage.

To reduce the production of aqueous humor resort to a decrease in the ciliary body. A small area of ​​it is removed with a laser, as a result of which less fluid is produced and IOP decreases.

After surgery, some complications are possible:

  • for some time the operated eye does not see, pain and cramps are felt;
  • possible accidental damage to the lens;
  • there is a high probability of inflammation and the addition of a bacterial infection;
  • formation of a hematoma in the eye;
  • detachment of the choroid.

Therapeutic measures for angle-closure glaucoma

Glaucoma of this type develops with the absolute impossibility of outflow of intraocular fluid through the drainage angle. Pathology can be congenital or acquired as a result of trauma, while the iris or other structures of the eye block access to the trabecular meshwork and the intraocular fluid simply has nowhere to go. Is there a cure for glaucoma? Yes, and the treatment is mostly surgical. Medicines are used to relieve acute attacks of angle-closure glaucoma and before surgery to slightly reduce fluid production.

The main directions of intervention are the formation of another way of outflow of moisture and the maximum reduction of its production.

Artificial channels are formed during the installation of fistulas and valves from the anterior chamber of the eye into the sub-Tennon space, where the intraocular fluid is drained.

Reductions in aqueous humor production are achieved by transscleral cyclocoagulation. With the help of heat or cold, some of the ciliary cells are destroyed, acting on them through the layers of the conjunctiva and sclera.

Laser iridectomy (formation of outflow through the hole in the iris) is indicated if the patient has congenital acute-angle glaucoma. In this case, the operation is preventive in nature. With a closed angle, such an operation allows you to quickly eliminate an acute attack of IOP growth.

Laser peripheral iridotomy is used in narrow angle glaucoma to increase the angle between the iris and cornea to improve fluid flow.

Physical unblocking of the drainage angle can be achieved using modern methods of laser gonioplasty, in which the iris is coagulated in the root zone. After this stage, trabeculoplasty must necessarily follow, otherwise the coagulation zone may grow again in the future.

After the treatment of glaucoma by surgical methods, as well as against the background of taking medications, regular examinations by a doctor are mandatory. They are necessary to control IOP and take timely measures - replacing drugs with stronger ones or adjusting the dose.

Alternative medicine

At home, in the initial stages of the disease, it is possible to maintain the visual functions of the eyes with folk remedies.

Recipes for the treatment of glaucoma are quite simple and include decoctions, infusions, tinctures, compresses from medicinal plants - ginkgo biloba, eyebright, nettle, fennel, dill, blueberries and black currants. Also, traditional medicine recommends drinking carrot juice with spinach inside, and preparing a paste with honey from onion juice and applying it to the eyelids. There are a great many recipes using bee products for treatment, where, along with honey, propolis and pollen are called.

Non-traditional methods include:

Acupuncture - irritation and massage of certain points that can reduce intraocular pressure.

Aromatherapy is the application of specially selected mixtures of aromatic oils to active points, which stimulate blood circulation, cell nutrition, and also contribute to general relaxation and lower IOP.

Hirudotherapy is a technique where glaucoma is treated with leeches. This practice, as a means of reducing IOP, is based on the ability of leeches to activate lymphatic drainage and blood microcirculation in the eyeball and its structures. Medicinal leeches are placed on the temple area from the side of the diseased eye, on the ear lymph node and behind the ear, on both sides of the second cervical vertebra. It is believed that the animal instinctively sucks at the most active points, which enhances the positive effect of lowering intraocular pressure.

Such funds are good as an additional treatment, but still stable normalization of intraocular pressure can be achieved only with the use of medications or surgery. In addition, do not neglect, because preventing a disease is always easier than treating it.

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