Prunes fresh useful properties and contraindications. Benefits for weight loss. Prunes: useful properties

Plum lovers are very lucky, because, unlike other fruits, it can be consumed all year round, only in dried form. But nothing, neither the taste, nor even the vitamins disappear from this. Prunes, the benefits and harms of which have been studied for a long time, contain great amount vitamins and minerals. It can be used by everyone without exception, because not only is it useful, but its taste is simply amazing. So what is prunes?

The benefits and harms to the body of this product are unequal, because it has much more advantages than disadvantages. Let's see what its composition is?

Composition of prunes

Not all berries and fruits can boast of such an abundance of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Moreover, it contains as much fiber as there is in almost no other product.



  • Potassium is necessary for the functioning of all body systems.
  • Magnesium - fights anemia.
  • Iron is needed for the development and growth of bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus - is involved in all biochemical reactions of the body.
  • Calcium - maintains healthy teeth and bones, has an effect on muscle contraction.

Also in the composition of prunes there is fiber, which is necessary for correct operation gastrointestinal tract, and pectin, needed by the body to get rid of heavy metals, toxins, slags, radionuclides.

Phytonutrients and carotenoids are also found in prunes. They protect our body from various diseases, including cardiovascular.


Dried prunes, the benefits and harms of which have long been known in medicine, are prescribed in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular regular constipation. This is due to the fiber present in its composition and sorbitol, which acts as a mild laxative.

The constant use of prunes in food will restore normal process metabolism, as well as the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Just a few pieces a day are enough to normalize blood pressure, as well as prevent vascular diseases.

Prunes, the benefits and harms of which have long been known to nutritionists, are prescribed in the case of a diet for weight gain, since the berry allows you to more actively produce gastric juice and, accordingly, increase appetite.

If you dissolve prunes in your mouth for some time, this will get rid of microorganisms that have accumulated in oral cavity, as well as remove inflammation on the gums and teeth.

Prunes also contain antibacterial substances that stop the spread of infectious bacteria in the body, and also resist E. coli and salmonella.

Also, prunes are well used in the kitchen. It can easily return a fresh taste to the meat, while the berry should simply be added to the meat dish.

Harm and contraindications

As much as one would like, but this topic still has to be touched upon. Along with many useful properties, prunes can still harm, especially for diabetics. It is contraindicated for such a group of people, since in it great content sugars.

In addition, prunes lose in industrial terms. It is more expedient to cook it yourself, while you can be sure that it will not harm you in any way. But if you decide to still buy prunes on the market, you should be extremely careful here. First of all, you need to look at the "wrapper".

And the thing is that some unscrupulous producers treat their crops with sulfur dioxide in order to get more fruits and get rid of insects that spoil them. But that's not all. Before going on sale, prunes are subjected to another bad treatment - glycerin. This is done so that the berry shines and shimmers in the sun. Also sometimes it is subjected to artificial staining. Do you think such prunes will help our body? The benefits and harms in this case are clear, so the berry should be shriveled and "ugly", and the taste is not very pronounced. This will be natural prunes.

Is it possible to give prunes to children?

Of course, prunes are very valuable in themselves. The benefits and harms for children, however, are a separate issue. For too small crumbs, this product is not very useful due to its laxative effect, so it is better to refuse it before six months.

It is a completely different question if the child suffers from constipation (and his age has already reached 4 months of age), in which case it is more expedient to give him prunes compote, decoction or infusion.

To do this, take a few berries and wash them under running water. Pour in one glass of water and boil for a few minutes. Then insist for about an hour. Give the baby a teaspoon in daytime days.

If the baby is older, then you can cook for him delicious puree. To do this, fill a few pieces with water and leave overnight. In the morning, pour out the liquid and boil the prunes for several minutes until tender. Pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender - and healthy puree ready.

Berry for nursing mothers

If present desire eat prunes, then you can try, you just need to start with small doses in order to check the reaction of the baby. Try to eat one prunes on the first day. If the baby does not express dissatisfaction after your meal, is not naughty and normally walks in a diaper, then the next day you can increase the dose by exactly one berry, and so on up to 4 pieces per day.

If the mother has constipation, then in this situation one should also act quite carefully. Start with one berry first and continue until you reach desired result, but do not forget to monitor the reaction of the child, because prunes are quite aggressive in relation to the children's intestines.

To prepare a cure for constipation, a nursing mother should take a few pieces of prunes and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew all night. Drink the liquid in which the berries were infused, and eat the berries. You can also cook prunes compote or prepare an infusion, and after the baby is 4 months old, you can give him a try.

Many doctors do not recommend that nursing mothers consume prunes if the children do not react well to the product eaten by the mother. But everything is individual, rely only on your maternal intuition, it will definitely tell you what to do in this or that situation, how to properly take this wonderful product - prunes.

Benefits and harms during pregnancy

Everyone is well aware that during pregnancy one should limit oneself in various sweets, but those who have had to deal with this know that it is quite difficult, especially if the body of the expectant mother requires it. Therefore, it is more expedient to replace sweets with prunes.

It is an excellent prevention of bleeding gums, caries, which is very common during pregnancy.

Also, prunes, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times, are used for constipation in pregnant women, anemia, beriberi, to strengthen the immune system. It can be added to different dishes, cook compotes, make decoctions and infusions.

This prunes is so useful!

Benefit and harm. Calorie content. Does the berry help with weight loss?

calories this product is 244 kcal per 100 g of product, so it cannot definitely serve as a fat burner, and you should not replace your entire diet with it either. But it is still possible to achieve significant results with the help of prunes by combining its use with sports and adding to various dishes (cereals, salads, cocktails). If you decide to lose weight and use this product in your diet, then there is also a highlight here. It serves as an excellent snack, but it should be eaten no more than two pieces (5-6 per day).

It will be very useful to drink a glass of prune decoction in the morning so that you do not feel discomfort in your stomach throughout the day. And this is not all the qualities that prunes have.

The benefits and harms of this berry for weight loss, as mentioned above, are understandable, so if you want this delicious product rendered beneficial effect on your figure and body as a whole, then choose "ugly" and non-shiny prunes. And remember that everywhere there should be a measure, do not abuse it - and you will achieve excellent results.

Dried fruits and, in particular, prunes stand out as a separate link in the human diet. This dried delicacy has pleasant palatability and can be used to promote health. Fans of such a product should know what the benefits and harms of prunes for the body are, as well as to whom it is indicated and to whom it is prohibited.

Prunes: chemical composition and calorie content

Prunes have a fairly high energy value- 264 kcal for every hundred grams.

The chemical composition includes:

  • fats - 0.7 g,
  • proteins - 2.3 g,
  • carbohydrates - 57.5 g.

Also, the composition of dried fruit includes a whole bunch of useful substances, vitamins and minerals:

  • Sahara;
  • pectins;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, PP;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose.

Useful properties for the human body

What is useful prunes? The fetus has a positive effect on all body systems:

  • Cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins.
  • It is considered a good prevention of constipation.
  • Promotes natural weight loss.
  • It has a cleansing effect on blood vessels.
  • Resists free radicals, reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Renders antibacterial action(suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms: coli, salmonella, staphylococcus).
  • Serves for the prevention of dental diseases.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the quality of vision due to the content of carotene in its composition.
  • Helps improve performance.
  • Has a tonic effect.
  • It has a mild diuretic effect.

Treatment of constipation with prunes

The beneficial properties of prunes are relevant in the fight against such unpleasant phenomena like constipation. If this condition is not caused by serious pathologies, then traditional medicine recipes can be used to eliminate it.

Tea with prunes against constipation. Cooking steps:

  1. Pour boiling water over several fruits.
  2. Let them brew for at least 5 hours (best left overnight).
  3. Take the infusion throughout the day in small portions.

Advice. Take this decoction should not be more than 2 times a week. Those who do not like prune fruits can remove them from the decoction and take only the liquid.


Health 06.10.2014

Dear readers, probably, many of us are very fond of prunes. Today I propose to talk in detail about the benefits and harms of prunes for our health. Prunes are an affordable product for us, present on the shelves all year round. I think many of you eat it almost daily, consciously, or maybe unconsciously, benefiting yourself. But after today's article, I hope you will understand why fresh and dried prunes should be a frequent guest on our table.

The best part is that this product does not need any additional cooking and the taste itself is great. It is best, of course, to take advantage of the season, buy and eat prunes in fresh. But even in dried form, it is worth paying our attention to it. You can also cook compotes from it, add to pilaf, salads and confectionery.

Do you know about a simple and very healthy recipe from prunes, dried apricots, raisins, honey and nuts? I also make this recipe often. It is very simple. I mix prunes with dried apricots, raisins, walnuts and honey. Take only 200 grams. Grind all this in a blender or use a meat grinder and take it orally. One dessert spoon 3 times a day. It is very good to give this mixture to children instead of sweets, as a delicious and healthy dessert. Children can be recommended on a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. And of course, don't forget about us. It turns out just an energy mixture for our body. This recipe can be recommended to everyone in the absence of allergies to nuts and honey and nuts.

The composition and calorie content of prunes

Prunes are made from a special variety of plums - "Hungarians". The popularity of prunes among other dried fruits is due to its pleasant taste and availability. But besides this, prunes are also rich in useful substances that enrich our body. Among them:

  • Vitamins B1, B2 (riboflavin), C, PP, provitamin A, beta-kraotin
  • pectin substances
  • vegetable fiber
  • Organic acids - oxalic, citric, malic
  • Potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron
  • Sugars - fructose, sucrose, glucose

Calorie content of prunes: in 100 g of dried fruits - 231 kcal. By the way, 100 g of prunes is about 10 fruits, since one piece weighs about 10 grams.

Prunes. Benefit. Beneficial features

And now let's talk in detail about the benefits of dried prunes. Of course, we do not imagine prunes as a medicine. After all, it is usually used for culinary purposes - there are a lot of all kinds of recipes where prunes not only serve as an ingredient, but also give the dish a special shade, elegance and taste. Quite often we eat prunes, replacing them with sweets and sweets. Tasty and, as it turns out, useful. But the benefits of prunes are really noticeable.

What are the beneficial properties of prunes?

  • Has a choleretic and diuretic effect
  • It has an antibacterial effect. Reduces the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and E. coli
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing metabolism
  • Good effect on work of cardio-vascular system May reduce blood pressure in hypertension.
  • Helps with loss of strength, beriberi and decreased performance.
  • May be useful in the fight against cancer.

Prunes contain antioxidants, and these substances help the work of blood vessels, in particular, cleanse them of cholesterol plaques. They also fight free radicals, which explains the benefits of prunes for prevention. oncological diseases. The use of prunes improves blood circulation, rejuvenates the body, helps with anemia. That's truly delicious medicine. Although you won’t immediately understand whether this is a medicine, or more of a delicacy.

The benefits of prunes for weight loss

Talking about the beneficial properties of prunes, I deliberately did not use one of its most popular qualities - the ability to get rid of a couple extra pounds. I decided to make this property of dried plums a separate item. So, how is prunes useful for those who monitor their weight and seek to correct it a little?

  1. Reduces cholesterol levels. As we already know, prunes fight the accumulation of cholesterol. But in addition to the destruction of harmful deposits, dried fruit also helps to ensure that this unnecessary cholesterol leaves our body. And lowering cholesterol is one of the steps to losing weight.
  2. Has a low glycemic index. This means that the eaten fruits will give a feeling of satiety longer, preventing the premature appearance of hunger. They have enough fiber to create a feeling of fullness in the stomach. It makes an excellent snack that, despite the sweetness and sugar content, is still more healthy than a hastily grabbed sandwich with bread and butter. There are no saturated fats in dried fruit, the accumulation of which leads not only to obesity, but also to heart disease.
  3. By the way, about the sweetness of prunes. Everyone who has ever limited himself while on a diet remembers how you want something sweet, while almost all sweet treats are usually prohibited by diets. So prunes are not the case. Two or three dried plums - and you do not feel miserable because of a broken diet. So to keep positive mood it is also useful during the diet.
  4. Since we have touched on the topic of positive, let's continue it, applying prunes for weight loss to the benefits. Prunes are considered a good antidepressant. And any diet is stress, the scale of which is measured by the type and duration of the diet itself. But the fact that we limit ourselves in something is a fact. Our body immediately reacts to restrictions with “resentment”, which can be expressed in depression, sleep disturbance, mood swings. So that's nutritious and useful composition prunes will save us from these negative phenomena. Snacking on prunes will save you from bad mood improve mental and emotional state.
  5. Nourishes the body during the period of restrictions. Exclusion from the diet certain products can cause depletion of nutrients in our body. But prunes are able to cope with this thanks to the content of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin E and beta-carotene will save you from flabbiness and aging of the skin, which can be the result of a decrease in volume. But potassium (which in prunes, by the way, is 1.5 times more than in a banana) is useful for muscle tissue.
  6. And another property of prunes that is useful for weight loss is the ability to activate metabolism, substances, improve stool and relieve constipation. It is also important in the fight for harmony, or rather, it is even one of mandatory conditions any fight for weight loss. One of the common remedies is yogurt with prunes, the benefits of which are to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. One glass of unsweetened yogurt or kefir and 4-5 prunes can successfully replace one of the meals during the diet. You can simply eat prunes with yogurt or low-fat kefir, you can fidget the fruits and pour them into kefir, or you can beat everything in a blender, preparing a healthy and tasty cocktail.

The benefits of prunes for women

If speak about women's health and the ability of prunes to benefit him, one more property should be added to the above benefits. According to American scientists daily use 100 g of prunes can prevent bone fragility. This is especially important for women "at the age" approaching the menopause period, when the development of osteoporosis is most likely.

To strengthen the bones and prevent their fragility, prunes have a "complete set". So, the boron contained in the dried fruit, in combination with the calcium and vitamin D present there, contributes to the preservation of bone mass.

The benefits of prunes during pregnancy

Being in " interesting position» Women are careful about the use of any products. This is correct, because during hormonal adjustment The body can react differently to any incoming substance. The menu should contain only fresh, proven and harmless products for mom and baby. As for prunes, its use during pregnancy is not prohibited. On the contrary, it is indicated for the purpose of fortifying the body and maintaining future mother in normal physical and mental shape. And if a woman, as often happens during the period of bearing a child, is concerned about problems with constipation, then prunes should even be included in the diet. This natural laxative will gently affect the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing metabolism, and will not burden the liver, like a pharmaceutical drug.

Dried prunes. Harm

But in addition to useful properties, we all need to know that prunes have their own subtleties of use, contraindications, and we need to know in which cases prunes can harm our body.

Those who have problems associated with obesity and diabetes should not get involved in prunes. Several fruits daily with the permission of a doctor - yes, but uncontrolled and excessive consumption can exacerbate existing problems. Actually, the rule of the "golden mean" is applicable to everyone and in any situation when using any product.

Another “risk group” is breastfeeding women. With an eye on the laxative qualities of prunes, one can logically predict that substances that activate peristalsis can get into mother's milk. What can cause a child to have stool disorders, excessive gas formation and colic.

But as for the harm of prunes for everyone, it is rather not associated with the fruit itself, but with the chemicals that dried fruits are processed for long-term storage. So caution, as always, first of all.

Prunes. A photo

How to choose prunes?

Looking at the counter, first evaluate the color of the prunes. It should be black and only black. Unnatural gloss and faded color indicate that the fruits were processed with glycerin to improve the presentation. However, an unscrupulous manufacturer can replace glycerin with fat of unknown origin. So such a brilliance of fruits should not be enticing for you.

If the fruits have a brownish tint, then they were scalded for disinfection. Basically, lesser evil compared to chemical treatment. But "forewarned is forearmed". By the way, such a coffee-colored prunes will most likely have a bitter aftertaste.

To check if prunes have been processed in any way, you need to soak them in water for 30 minutes. The processed prunes will practically not change in appearance, but the “clean” product will turn white in places. In general, prunes should be washed well before use, sometimes it’s even worth letting it soak for about 15 minutes. You can also pour boiling water over the fruits. Interestingly, in fruits dried with a stone, the useful substance is retained more than in peeled prunes.

Recipe with prunes for bowel cleansing

And I want to recommend to everyone my favorite recipe with prunes for health. Take a few berries of dried prunes. I usually take about 10 pieces. Soak them in the evening warm water. And so leave until the morning at room temperature. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat a few berries and drink water. Berries can not be eaten all at once, but divided into a couple of receptions. I assure you that you will not have problems with the intestines. Apply such a recipe in the system. Very simple, affordable and very effective.

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Prunes are dried plum fruits used in medicine and cooking. The facts established by scientists speak of the benefits and harms of prunes for the body in the field of dentistry, skeletal system and maintaining excellent physical shape.

The main thing is that nothing needs to be done with it additionally - the taste is already excellent without it, and in any form - both dried and fresh.

The benefits of prunes for the body

The taste of prunes is supplemented with a rich composition represented by vitamins C, PP, B and A, minerals with large quantity potassium. The berry has a mild laxative effect with fiber. Pectin helps to remove from the body heavy metals, radionuclides and toxins with slags. The composition contains 4 acids - salicylic, citric, oxalic and malic with antioxidants in the form of phytonutrients and carotenoids. All of them fill prunes with benefits:

  1. For the digestive tract, relieving constipation and excess weight.
  2. Antibacterial, stopping development pathogenic bacteria and infections. This applies even to salmonellosis and E. coli.
  3. For slightly spoiled meat - prunes can fill it with freshness.
  4. Increasing appetite, forcing more active production of gastric juice.
  5. In the restoration of impaired metabolism. Prunes are also useful in the ability to stabilize kidney and liver activity.

Dry fruit normalizes blood pressure with regular use. For this, only 5 berries eaten per day are enough.

Prunes have a disinfecting effect that extends to the oral cavity, destroying pathogens. It is recommended to keep the fruit longer in the mouth, slowly dissolving.

dried prunes

Dried prunes are useful for their ability to increase elasticity blood vessels, their walls. As a result, the entire activity of the CCC improves. Berry in this form improves general well-being improving performance and strengthening the entire body. The reason is the tonic substances included in the composition.

Dried prunes are useful for a large potassium composition, clearly conveying nerve impulses and helping work muscular system. This substance stimulates normal functioning urinary and choleretic organs.

The presence of antioxidants in dry fruit increases immune system including general body resistance harmful effects surrounding factors.

Prunes are useful for women approaching pre-menopausal and menopause protecting bones from osteoporosis. It is enough to eat 100 grams of the product during the day.

Another important useful property of prunes for women is the removal and prevention of swelling of the face and body with the help of potassium.


Carrying a child makes future mother be careful with all foods and dishes due to hormonal changes in the body during this period. Prunes are on the list of permitted, providing benefits during pregnancy with their rich vitamin and mineral composition. This is due to:

  • Maintaining the general good condition of the physical and moral sphere;
  • Mild elimination of stool problems often accompanied by women during this period;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • The presence of potassium, which eliminates edema and prevents their occurrence;
  • Help in the prevention of anemia and beriberi;
  • Normalization of blood pressure.

Prunes are useful during pregnancy by the ability to improve the condition of the skin, eliminating problems that arise in the form of inflammation and acne. Dry fruit is an excellent diuretic and cholagogue and protection from harmful environmental factors.

lose weight with dried fruits

The combination of dried apricots, raisins and prunes is useful for people suffering from overweight and slagging of the body. This is a real salvation for lovers of sweets. But you should observe the measure without overeating, since all dried fruits are high in calories. Here is one of the recipes for preparing a dish from these products:

  • Prunes - 400 grams;
  • Raisins - 100 g;
  • Dried apricots - 100 g;
  • Figs - 200 g;
  • Rosehip (fruits) - 200 g;
  • Senna (grass) - 50 g.

Twist everything with a meat grinder, add honey and mix. Use the resulting mixture 1 tbsp. l. in the morning and evening, store in the refrigerator. For more good Dried apricots, raisins and prunes are recommended to drink plenty of water - at least 1.5 liters per day. Such a mixture is also indicated for people of age.

In addition to the listed benefits, prunes can also harm the body. To avoid this, you must have information about the contraindications of the product.

Obesity and diabetes are just such diseases. It can be used, but limited quantities and with the permission of a physician. Although this rule is recommended even by healthy people.

Prunes are contraindicated in lactating women, because of the laxative effect, which negatively affects the fragile digestive organs of the baby. Being careful when eating dry fruit does not hurt anyone in terms of the presence of chemicals on it. At long-term storage they process the fruits. Therefore, when buying at a retail outlet, you need to carefully look at the appearance.

It is contraindicated to eat prunes for people with kidney stones and allergic reaction on the product.

Choice of prunes

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a product is the color - black. The presence of gloss and fading indicates processing with glycerin, which improves the presentation.

A brownish tint indicates heat treatment. This is done for the purpose of disinfection - the lesser of all evils. The taste of such a product with a slight bitterness.

Before use, be sure to wash thoroughly, and it is better to let stand in water for 15 minutes. Processing allowed boiled water- just scald. Interesting fact- prunes with a stone retain more useful properties than peeled.

Prunes- a well-known dried fruit, which is obtained from dried fruits plums (see photo). Despite the dried appearance, plums do not lose their beneficial properties, but on the contrary, they normalize metabolic processes in the body to promote weight loss.

Prunes are made from plum varieties such as Hungarian, Stanley, Cromagne. The best dried fruits are obtained from the Hungarian variety, they are very tasty and healthy. Plums can be dried either with or without pits. It's better if the prunes are dried along with the seeds, so it will keep everything useful material. Plums are selected for the preparation of prunes large sizes, without flaws, they must be ripe.

How to choose and store?

Choosing quality prunes is not easy. To really buy useful product you need to follow these guidelines:

It is necessary to store prunes in zip-packages. Prunes for this are sorted in small portions, the packages are not fully fastened in order not to disturb the ventilation. Bags can be stored on the refrigerator door. Another in a good way storage of prunes in a container is considered. The container can be plastic, wood or glass. Prunes in a container should be stored in a cool and dry place.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of prunes are due to its composition. Dried fruit is rich in potassium, which is necessary for the cardiovascular system. Potassium also helps with urolithiasis. Berry perfectly tones the body and destroys free radicals. Prunes promote the excretion of bile, which is important for urolithiasis.

Vitamins and trace elements contained in prunes affect the maintenance of vitality. important processes. Prunes are indicated for constipation, as they have a mild laxative effect. Berry contains a large number of fiber needed for normal operation intestines. Prunes help to normalize all metabolic processes in the human body. Regular consumption of this dried fruit makes it easy to reduce weight by several kilograms.

The berry contains organic acids that are essential for the human body. Lemon acid, for example, participates in the process of cell renewal, increases skin elasticity, slows down the aging process. Oxalic acid is necessary to maintain tone and stimulate peristalsis, also given acid helps the body absorb calcium.

The berry is rich in iron, which is a good prevention of anemia. Doctors recommend eating a little prunes for pregnant women, because it copes well with beriberi.

Prunes are also widely used in cosmetology. A face mask is made from berries, which saturate the skin with vitamins, such masks are especially valuable in winter, when there is little fresh fruit. Due to the content of acids, prunes help exfoliate dead cells, acting on the skin as a gentle peeling.

The mixture, which includes prunes and dried apricots, helps to reduce weight. Complete recipe sweet mixture for weight loss, in addition to the ingredients already mentioned, includes figs and raisins. To prepare the mixture, dried fruits are crushed with a blender, mixed in a separate bowl. At the same time, it is necessary to steam senna leaves, this herb can be purchased at a pharmacy. For the mixture, 100 grams of each type of dried fruit will be enough. Take the remedy for weight loss should be 1 teaspoon every day. A salad recipe is also often found in the diet, which includes beets and prunes. Salad has a laxative effect and cleanses the body well.

Use in cooking

In cooking, prunes are used to make desserts, they are also added to meat dishes. Prunes are a delicious delicacy that lovers of dried fruits will love. The taste of prunes is sweet with a slight sourness. Also, the berry can be used to decorate festive dishes.

In addition to the taste properties, prunes help prolong the freshness of meat. Poultry such as goose, duck is often baked with prunes. It goes well with berries and pork, as well as beef. Meatloaf is prepared with the addition of dried fruit. Cheese, mushrooms, walnuts are added to baked meat and prunes. famous recipe is a salad with prunes and walnuts. These ingredients complement each other's taste and go well with other products.

Prunes are part of various compotes; traditional Christmas uzvar is prepared on its basis. Compote with prunes has a rich color and pleasant aroma, this vitamin drink can easily replace tea. A little prunes can be added to oatmeal, such a breakfast contains vitamins and fiber, which is necessary for digestion.

Prunes are great for fragrant baking. The berry is mixed with other ingredients, and the filling is also prepared from it. In the confectionery business, prunes are used to decorate cakes, pastries, buns and even cookies. AT dessert dishes often there are combinations of prunes with apples, bee honey, nuts, raisins. An excellent holiday dessert is prunes stuffed with cottage cheese, nuts in sour cream.

How to do at home?

At home, prunes are made from ripe plums of certain varieties. The fruits of the plum must be washed, if the prunes are planned without a stone, then it is removed at this stage. Washed plums are blanched in a soda solution for about 20-30 seconds at a temperature of 90 degrees. After blanching, the berries are washed hot water, now they can be prepared directly for drying. Plums are placed in an oven preheated to 50 degrees and left for 3-4 hours. After this time, the berries are taken out and mixed on a baking sheet. After the plums have cooled, the baking sheet with the fruits is again placed in the oven, but already preheated to 70 degrees. Plums are dried for another 5 hours, then they are again mixed and cooled. For the third time, the oven is heated to 90 degrees and the plums are dried until fully cooked for another 4 hours.

The benefits of prunes and treatment

The benefit of prunes is to normalize digestion, it also increases a person's performance. Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity. Prunes have a rejuvenating effect on the human body. The product is endowed with anti-cancer properties and is recommended to be used for the prevention of cancer. Prunes have general tonic properties, helps defensive forces organism.

Dried fruit has a bactericidal effect, it inhibits the growth of salmonella and E. coli. The antimicrobial properties of prunes kill harmful microorganisms no worse than special medical devices.

It is shown to use the berry and people suffering from hypertension and heart disease. Dried fruit has long been recommended traditional healers with increased blood pressure. Also, the berry strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which is important for cardiovascular diseases. There is evidence that prunes have a positive effect on the organs of vision, protect the eyes from overwork. The fact is that the berry contains a large amount of carotene, which the body needs to maintain good vision.

American scientists have proven that eating a certain amount of prunes every day, namely 8-10 berries, strengthens bones and is an excellent prevention of their fragility. Prunes are indicated for women during menopause, when the risk of osteoporosis increases. An indispensable addition to daily ration prunes are considered for the elderly.

Harm of prunes and contraindications

Prunes can harm the body when diabetes. You should not abuse this dried fruit for obesity. It is not advisable for women who are breastfeeding to use prunes. Prunes can adversely affect the health of the baby, cause diarrhea or intestinal cramps.

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