Fear of death how to get rid of psychology. - Thanatophobia: obsessive fear of death. Is it possible to get rid of thanatophobia

The article considers the fear of death as one of the phobias specific features and features. The causes of fear of death, manifestations at different ages, the possibility of correction and treatment are characterized.

Thanatophobia, fear of death or phobia (fear, fear) of death - this synonymous series reflects a phenomenon associated with a person’s attitude to the finiteness of life: to death and dying, fear of this possibility and the real state.

The experience of anxious feelings about the discontinuity of life is the norm for a healthy person. If such fear does not affect the ordinary course of life, then it is justified and natural.

In a situation where this fear turns into an uncontrollable state, when it is impossible to get rid of and overcome it, we are talking about the fear of death, which manifests itself as a phobia.

Thanatophobia manifests itself through a string of symptoms:

  • awareness of the inevitability of death results in a feeling of despair;
  • constant fear and incessant anxious thoughts in the absence of real threat for life;
  • obsession with a concrete and fictional scenario of dying - death in a plane crash, from incurable disease in agony, which is accompanied by the avoidance of conditions conducive to the scenario (people do not travel by air, shun doctors and hospitals);
  • somatic manifestations: loss normal sleep, appetite and weight loss; decrease or absence sexual activity; painful sensations of a neurotic nature;
  • manifestations of accentuated character traits (increased suspiciousness or impressionability, anxiety, self-doubt and excitability);
  • obsession with overvalued ideas created by the person himself and energy (perseverance, aggression) in the process of their implementation and implementation;
  • the number of social contacts is reduced (including relatives and friends);
  • vital and professional affairs are relegated to the background;
  • constant stress contributes to the negatives in the physiology of the body (malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems; shudders are characteristic when falling asleep);
  • prolonged emotional stressful condition leads to drug addiction, alcoholism, and other addictions.


What is the fear of death in humans? There are several forms and manifestations:

  1. fear of pain suffering and loss of dignity. It manifests itself through the fear of the circumstances of death, and not the death itself. It seems that before death a person will suffer and suffer, lose dignity. The accompanying form is the fear of getting sick (nosophobia).
  2. Fear of the unknown and uncertainty. Not a single person will say exactly what death is - no one has ever returned after it. The individual is not able to comprehend the nature of death, is lost in his own expectations.
  3. Fear of eternal punishment and non-existence. Belief in painful punishments after death is inherent not only to religious people. Fears are actualized due to the expectation of punishment for bad deeds. Also, anxiety arises about the absurdity and injustice of human mortality - the individual simply ceases to exist.
  4. Anxiety about losing control. Death is uncontrollable, it is impossible to influence it - this frightens many. Even compliance strict rules A rational (healthy) lifestyle does not give a person a sense of control, but leads to even greater experiences.
  5. Fear of irreparable losses and mental anguish. It can manifest itself in women before childbirth, as the fear of losing a child. Or as the loss of loved ones and relatives of any individual. It feels like the world has stopped, everything is falling apart.
  6. Fear of being alone at death. Expectation total loneliness at the time of dying, each one goes through death individually.
  7. Fear of long dying that this process will drag on for a long time, will be gradual over many hours, days or even months.

Reasons for the fear of death

It is difficult to clearly name the specific cause of the fear of death. There are always several versions: starting with hereditary predisposition, conditions for the formation of personality, ending with the influence of society and social reality.

Generalized causes of thanatophobia can be:

  1. Features of the formation of personal life experience. The individual is formed in different circumstances, including those related to sudden loss(death of friends and loved ones) as a result of catastrophic events. Tragedies and misfortunes make you turn Special attention to death.
  2. Abrupt changes in individual life events. Loss of health, financial situation, work and opportunities can become a provoking factor.
  3. Violations in the spiritual development of the individual. Development in general develops according to the scenario of progress and positive, or as degradation and negative. In the second case, philosophical approaches to solving existential problems (questions of existence) lead to conclusions about threatening non-existence, thoughts about the meaninglessness of everything that exists, and give rise to suicidal thoughts.
  4. Life (age) crises. Here there is a reassessment of personal priorities and approaches to existence. Everything that is connected with the debunking of plans and hopes, goals and principles of self-realization is a problem. There are painful experiences.
  5. Effects religious beliefs . It manifests itself in the fear of making a mistake and doing something inappropriate, not according to the canons.
  6. Feeling dissatisfied with life. The brighter its manifestation, the more greater strength manifests thanatophobia.
  7. Pathological fear of everything new. This personality trait forces a person to keep himself within the usual framework at any cost. The possibility of death does not fit into this framework, which leads to a distorted and irrational perception of it, disturbing behavior.

Psychiatrists also refer manifestations of a person's subconscious to common causes of fear of death.:

  • unusually vivid and powerful dreams;
  • subconscious signals in the form of an inner voice and intuitive guesses (insights).

Age features

The perception and understanding of the phenomenon of death changes with age. Each period of a person's life - childhood, youth, adulthood, maturity - has its own characteristics of the fear of death.

In a child/adolescent

AT childhood the child determines the existence of death indirectly:

  • by the disappearance of a grandparent, a beloved pet, falling leaves and approaching insects;
  • reactions to the grief of parents, gravestones - a copy of the reaction of adults: silent restraint and grief; if fear is manifested by a child, parents try in every possible way to distract him from it.

Perceiving the fact of death, children begin to feel fear for it consciously only under the influence of the reaction of an adult. Misunderstanding of death creates psychological difficult situation for children, it can also cause fear of death.

Adolescence is characterized by the stage of personality formation. The understanding of death is specific: the process of dying causes increased anxiety, thoughts of suicide may even arise due to conscious hopelessness.

To overcome fear, compensatory behavior is born:

  • a teenager is looking for "salvation" in hard games on the computer (there is a feeling of dominating events);
  • manifests itself through impudent and unceremonious behavior;
  • takes activating substances, although after alcohol, nicotine or drugs, the fear becomes stronger.

In adults

Teenage anxieties and fear of death in a maturing person are replaced by basic life attitudes: career and family. The phobia of death manifests itself with renewed vigor during the midlife crisis (after 30-35). There is a feeling of the beginning of a life sunset, a reassessment of achievements and a place in life is made.

Anxious thoughts of a person about death remain with him forever. Neurosis, as a result of the intensification of the crisis and getting bogged down in it, develops a fear of dying in even more negative.

In the elderly

Old age and the fear of death coexist side by side - in the "everyday" mode. In old age, it is a consequence of reflection and acceptance of the inevitable.

Fear is aggravated in case of severe and protracted illness: it is not the death itself that frightens, but its duration, the loss of reason at the same time and the humiliation of dignity. There are also reactions of apathy and hopelessness, even a desire to hasten the end. own life not to suffer.

When Fear Turns into Phobia

Phobia is the state of fear when it goes beyond the norm.Pathological manifestations of the fear of death have a number of signs:

  • obsessive fear, permeates all actions: decision-making or their delay, becomes the cause of inexplicable actions and reactions;
  • a total apathy(“There is no point in doing something, anyway, the result of everything is death”);
  • alternation of apathy and overactivity, excessive fussiness (“you have to do everything, suddenly death is already tomorrow!”);
  • fear of events and objects associated with death (cemeteries, funerals, tombstones, wreaths, stories about death).

Is the absence of fear a pathology?

A healthy fear of death - as an instinct for self-preservation, an indicator of a well-formed personality that understands the biological and psychological nature of a person - is quite natural.

If an individual's fear of death is completely repressed from consciousness, this is a sign of the absence of a norm. Similar people appear in the following ways:

  • they do not have or manifest at an insignificant level the mechanism of empathy;
  • there is no satisfaction when communicating with another person (rejection of people in general);
  • there is no or reduced sense of physical danger;
  • reduced threshold for pain perception;
  • lowered the fear of death in brightly criminal personalities.

In itself, the absence of fear of death is not the cause of destructive manifestations; rather, it accompanies emotional disturbances with mental pathologies.

Reflection and an analytical approach are mental phenomena that will help overcome the painful perception of death. To a large extent, this is facilitated by cognitive-behavioral and humanitarian psychotherapy, as a result of the interaction between the psychologist and the client in the course of working out anxious and negative manifestations fear of dying.

How to overcome the fear of death to get rid of unhealthy fears? A few tips:

  1. Awareness of cyclicality. The existence of a person is a natural chain, starting at birth, continuing life span ending with the process of death. This is neither good nor bad - just a fact. All people go through this chain.
  2. The memory remains in the minds and hearts. Memories of loved ones and relatives about the individual are preserved. How more people will feel positive attention, good deeds of a person, the more constructive actions he does during his life, the stronger and more durable these memories will be. We must hurry to do as much as possible!
  3. The importance of sharing with others. Closure in oneself leads to the cyclicity of disturbing thoughts, to movement in a vicious circle.
  4. enjoy life while it is possible. Worrying about the finiteness of life and the inevitability of death can take too much time, prevent you from showing yourself as a person. Hobbies, new activities and experiences, reading books, work and other things should distract yourself from hopelessness.
  5. No need to worry ahead of time. With obsessive thoughts about death, a person only brings the end closer and will not be able to feel, appreciate any joys of life. This should be remembered.
  6. Optimism is the backbone. A cheerful attitude and positive thinking help to get rid of many diseases, including obsessive phobia of death.
  7. materialism or faith? Relying on them gives a clear position and reassures: either a person understands the biological nature of the living and takes it for granted, or faith gives support and hope for the existence of a person outside the body.
  8. Humor. You can just read jokes or funny stories about death.

No matter how varied the advice of specialists is, the main thing is the desire and motives of the person himself in an effort to reduce the significance of the fear of death.

Video: Fear of death


The fundamental goal of an optimist is to get the most out of life, enjoying the amazing surprises of the new day. According to pessimists, fate has prepared a series of tests and tests, leading to an invariable result - death. This type of people is prone to gloomy thoughts and a depressive state. They point-blank do not see positive aspects, complaining about the injustice of the current situation.

If you have the makings of a mental disorder, accompanied by regular thoughts about death, it is important to think in a timely manner about the extent of the emerging problem. You can deal with such a dilemma on your own only on early stages. If negative thoughts are allowed to securely settle in the mind, the result will be the emergence of a subconscious fear of death.

Causes of a person's fear of death

Loss of loved ones.

To remain in a familiar environment without a loved one is an eternal fear, which has incredibly large and realistic “eyes”. There are so many dangers and threats in the world that you involuntarily worry about your parents, spouse or children. Imagine for a moment possible development events, it becomes terribly from, taking possession of consciousness.


We do not know what will be experienced in the future. The endless changes in the world make it impossible to project own destiny. Some people trust practicing magicians and psychics, while others humbly wait for the allotted hour. If the unknown overtakes a person in real world, then thinking about the afterlife is an inappropriate decision. Such thoughts, gradually settling in the mind of the "victim", slowly destroy the rationality inherent in strong personalities. and depressive state are examples of variations of the oppressive fear of "the unknown".

Loss of control over one's own life.

Death often comes gradually, successively turning off in the human body biological mechanisms. In a short period of time, vital processes cease to function, the soul goes into oblivion, and the cooled body goes to the cemetery. People are afraid of being left helpless, unable to see or walk. It is impossible to return the joy of life if you do not enjoy the day, but meet it like a plant in a room “case”.

Leaving loved ones.

Often a person worries about their own life solely because of its importance to close friends and relatives. An elderly mother and father may not survive the death of a young son, so the offspring takes care of the safety of his pastime. This fear is similar to the loss of a loved one. Synonymous concepts are based on the fear of never seeing parents, comrades and the chosen one (ka) again.

And a depressive state, if the cause of the fear of death is possible pain- useless activities. We don't know how to die, so people figure it out on their own various options development of events. Some argue that the heart stops working in a second, and the person simply falls asleep. Others are convinced that death takes place in indescribable agony, which is a great test to endure. The question belongs to the category of rhetorical, because not a single person is able to solve the dilemma.

To get rid of the oppressive fear of death, returning the joy of life, you must first of all sincerely want to get into your own bright future. It is incredibly difficult to cope with an established problem on your own, therefore it is recommended to use the services of a competent psychologist who can correctly diagnose the features of your case:

Fear of impending death may be a sign depression. In this situation, try to change the daily and established way of life. Replace with a company of cheerful friends, or vice versa, take a day off and be alone with your own thoughts.
If a phobia that has appeared acquires pathological proportions, then do not think about the expediency of such a phenomenon, but immediately contact a practicing psychologist. Only a professional will be able to correctly diagnose your problem by finding out the prerequisites for its occurrence.
In those connected with the future, nostalgia becomes an indispensable psychological "tool". Remember how wonderful it is to enjoy a new moment, feel the rhythm of life, make life-changing decisions and experience adrenaline. Are you ready to give up such privileges?
Regularly "pull up" your own thoughts, which every minute try to dilute you into another portion of unpleasant imaginations. and - ungrateful "helpers" who should not be counted on.
Remember that fear is a temporary phenomenon that tends to begin and end. To succumb to phobias due to short-term panic or to life is an independent decision of a person obsessed with the fear of death.
Do not perceive non-existence as a cult and inexplicable phenomenon. Apart from you, the great minds of our time cannot answer the identical question, so worrying about the rhetorical implications of a judgment is an inappropriate choice. Think about it, many people live with such information and enjoy the adventures of a new day without forcing others with the thought of possible death.
Don't be alone with your own fears. Share information that worries you with loved ones. They will support you in difficult times and advise you on a rational solution to the problem.

Classify life beliefs and sort out your worldview, bringing the work done to its logical conclusion. If you streamline your own daily routine, guided by "sober" thoughts, you will be able to get rid of far-fetched facts and illusory fears.
Do not wind yourself up by projecting imaginary situations and aggravating the damaged psyche with intricate outcomes of events. If you regularly fantasize about death, then with the power of thought you will only bring an absurd accident closer. Learn to enjoy life by getting rid of the fear of the future. Constantly worrying about your own safety, you will never taste the truth, having comprehended the delights of life.
If you are worried about the uselessness of being in this world, then think about the material goods you left behind that your followers will be able to appreciate. Devote your free time to making a sculpture or draw a picture, sign up for programming lessons and create a multifunctional website - fix your talents in a tangible object, engaging in self-realization instead of bad thoughts.

Are you sincerely convinced that dangers lie in wait for a person at every corner? Are you really ready for the rest of your life to be afraid of an unforeseen outcome? Seize the moment by enjoying the amazing surprises of fate. Skydiving or rafting, hot air ballooning or conquering the majestic mountain range - get the most out of an adrenaline-filled life.
Realize that a person remains alive in the hearts and memories of people close to him. We will not sink into oblivion - we will be remembered by relatives and friends, lovers and work colleagues. The main thing is to spend your life in such a way that you are not ashamed of your actions and words.
Learn to think positively by finding in everyday situations positive points. If you forgot your lunch at home, then you have the opportunity to taste a culinary masterpiece in a restaurant located next to work. Were you not rewarded last month? There was a reason to prove to the authorities professional viability in the next decade.

People often justify their own fear of death possible pain which will have to be tested. It is important to remember that a painful outcome is rare. In the 21st century, a variety of drugs and anesthetics have been developed that can significantly alleviate the suffering of a dying person.

Verbal codes and phrases-amulets

For people who adhere to religious principles, effective way get rid of the fear of death - affirmation. Through regular self-suggestion, carried out by repeating short verbal codes, one can gain. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of the fear of death and return the joy of life, then use the following amulets:

My life path is full of adventures and surprises. I trust fate and the choice of my own path to the angels who patronize me.
I give my mind completely to God. Under any circumstances, I feel the participation of the Higher forces in my life. I am in a state of absolute peace. I am carefree and not subject to panic, because I feel the protection of the Almighty.
I am grateful to the Creator of the world for a number of trials and obstacles destined for my life path. The events that have taken place in my life are natural and not accidental. I completely trust the will of the Higher powers.
The feeling of the presence of heavenly guardians in my life does not leave me - they are constantly watching me, I feel their hands on my own shoulders, angels help me cope with pressing problems. They are sent to me Higher powers as a gift from God.
I am constantly under the protection of guardian angels, they protect and protect me from evil spirits every minute.

Regular repetition of uncomplicated verbal codes helps to mentally tune in the right way, feeling the charms of the world around. will leave the mortal body, because you will be under the protection of the Almighty.

Death is the logical conclusion of the life path, which you need to come to terms with, accepting such a phenomenon as an integral part of being. The main thing is to learn to enjoy the new day, realizing the illusory nature of such a judgment.

February 10, 2014, 10:29 am

B Most people experience the fear of death, but not everyone has an idea where it comes from. Such a phobia can accompany a person all his life or appear completely suddenly. In this case, it is necessary to differentiate the cause of the occurrence similar condition. An obsessive fear of death can haunt people who are unsure of themselves. Psychotherapists often find other concomitant phobias in such patients.

The feeling of fear of death can be so great that psychosomatic disorders occur. A patient with similar manifestations becomes irritable and aggressive. Life without fear of death is possible after the necessary psychotherapeutic work. It is not always easy to force such a phobia out of a person's consciousness, because the reason may be the most unexpected.

Life without fear of death is possible only after a person realizes naturalness. this process. The cycle of existence begins with birth and ends with departure to another world. Religious people are often intimidated by the very process of this transition. Fantasies affect much more than the very fact of a fatal outcome.

Why is there such fear?

There is no need to be afraid of death, because this is the natural end of human life. However, not everyone can accept this fact and do not want to come to terms with it. At the core of this phenomenon lie the problems associated with personal perception surrounding reality.

Complete absence of fear of death is also impossible. This is considered one of the types of psychological disorders. It is absolutely impossible to give up fears about your death. The presence of unexpressed fear should not be too frightening. However, when emotions about this go off scale, it is worth considering.

Fear of death can be associated with a lot of factors. They may have been present since childhood. The fear of death, which has a variety of causes, is one of the most serious types of phobic disorders. Main factors:

  1. Fear of illness or severe death. Many people are afraid of this. Their phobia is based on bodily sensations. Such patients are afraid of pain and agony. These fantasies may be reinforced by some kind of illness or certain negative experiences that a person experienced in the past.
  2. Pointless care. Most patients are afraid to die without leaving a trace. That is, not to do something significant in life. These people are always late. They are chasing luck. They want to achieve something meaningful, to be appreciated. The fear of leaving without a successfully completed task is worse for them than bodily pain.
  3. Loss of contacts. This phobic disorder affects people who suffer from loneliness. At the same time, they are afraid to die, left alone with themselves. Such patients cannot be alone for a long time. Here the cause is reduced self-esteem and a violation of socialization.
  4. Religion and superstition. People who are immersed in any beliefs are afraid to die because after death they will fall into some kind of scary place. The fear of hell is often much stronger than that of death itself. Many are waiting for death with a scythe or something like that.

Why are people afraid of death? You can answer unequivocally. People are primarily afraid of life. Both fears are identical.

Symptoms of this type of fear

Fear of death has a variety of symptoms. First of all, there is an increased sensitivity to any stimulus. A person is afraid of almost everything. He is afraid of being mortally ill. Concomitant phobias appear, which provoke a number of serious psycho-neurological disorders.

People who fear for their lives often sit at home and avoid any change. The upcoming flight on an airplane can cause them to faint and panic attacks. The second type of disorder deserves special attention.

Panic attacks, in which the fear of death is often underlying, are complex somatic disorder. At the same time, shortness of breath, dizziness, tachycardia appear quite suddenly in a person, blood pressure jumps, and nausea occurs. There may also be a disorder of the stool, frequent urination and intense fear which leads to panic. Patients with these disorders think they are about to die, but these are just manifestations of the autonomic nervous system, which thus responds to phobias.

The fear of death at the same time reaches a peak of intensity. The person may fall into despair. Panic attacks can occur in different time. Sometimes they happen at night, in some people they appear in public places or with some drastic changes.

Fear of death always accompanies people with panic disorders. Often an attack begins with a sharp release of the hormone adrenaline into the blood. In this case, the vessels spasm sharply and characteristic symptoms, accompanied by a jump blood pressure and nausea. Panic attacks can be accompanied by feelings of lack of air.

Panic fear of death in children is less common than in adults, and is much easier to correct. People who live in constant expectation of illness and trouble are afraid to leave the house, refuse relationships, as there is a phobia of contracting an infection.

Thanatophobia is often accompanied anxiety disorders. The person cannot relax. He is in constant tone. As a result, the nervous system is depleted, blood circulation in various organs and systems worsens. People with a constant sense of anxiety often feel painful manifestations in the stomach and intestines, suffer from colitis, gastritis and ulcer defects mucous membrane. As a result increased anxiety there is a stimulation of the production of gastric juice, which negatively affects the walls of the organ.

Often there are stool disorders. A person may be tormented by constant bouts of diarrhea or constipation. Often there is a lack of appetite. Patients with this fear lose weight and performance due to obsession with the phobia.

How to get rid of the problem?

Working with the fear of death is divided into several stages. First of all, it is necessary to be aware of the pathological nature of this phenomenon. Psychologists recommend approaching treatment with awareness of the inevitability of the transition from temporary to eternal life.

Most people want to know how to learn not to be afraid of death. Some psychologists use a unique technique that is based on playing a disturbing phobia. For this, it is necessary to submit own death how to experience it here and now.

Additionally, you should realize that a certain reason is hidden under this phobia. Revealing it is much more important than all the techniques combined. It is important to understand not how to stop being afraid of death, but what tool is better in this case apply. It will not be possible to eradicate fear forever, but it is quite possible to correct it and make it more rational.

How not to be afraid of death? It is necessary to eradicate fear by replacing it with a positive image. When a phobia comes to mind and haunts, you should imagine something exactly the opposite. For example, a wedding, some kind of fun event, and so on. This must be done until this fear ceases to be so intrusive.

To say how to get rid of the fear of death, it is recommended to understand the specifics of phobias. The more you feed a negative thought, the more dynamically it will progress. We need to recognize the need to replace the negative with the positive. Over time, positive changes will be noticeable.

In order to accurately answer the question of how to overcome the fear of death, one should delve into the essence of the problem and understand what a person is really afraid of. If it's related to fear pain during the transition to another world, it is recommended to analyze all cases when a similar fear or unpleasant manifestations arose. Perhaps the person has experienced serious illness or something like that.

Knowing how to overcome the fear of death, a person receives a powerful tool that allows him to look at life in a new way. When an attack sets in, and the thought literally begins to choke, it is recommended to turn it off abruptly. You can do this in any way. Turn on the music, start cleaning up, replace the negative fantasy with a positive one, etc. You need to do anything, just do not concentrate on fear.

What to do if constant fear is accompanied by panic attacks, you also need to know. First of all, when an attack occurs, you should stop and pinch yourself. You can simply hit yourself with the palm of your hand or leg. The main thing is to get involved in reality. Here it should be realized that given state does not threaten life and health. Additionally, it is recommended to change the breathing. Make it deeper, more conscious, learn to breathe with your stomach. In general, it is recommended to engage in reality using the described approach.

What methods can be applied?

How to overcome the fear of death? You need to understand that all people are subject to this. You should not be afraid of her premature arrival, as this is only a negative thought and has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. It is very important to learn how to take care of yourself. Relax more and indulge yourself with pleasant little things.

It is not always easy to understand how to cope with the fear of death, because sometimes phobias are so progressive that they prevail over common sense. In this case, you need to work with a psychotherapist. Good effect gives breathing exercises.

To get rid of the anxiety that accompanies such a phobia, you need to inspire yourself with positive attitudes. Change the bad for the good. Thus, one must mentally chew the problem and digest it. As long as the subconscious of a person cannot do this, nothing will work.

Additional techniques

It is necessary to answer the question, what is the worst thing about death. Then analyze your answer. If it is pain and torment, then try to remember similar situations. When the feeling of loneliness is the basis, then it is already necessary to solve the problem of socialization.

Fear of death is a phobia that affects almost 80% of people on the planet. To live with this, you need to become aware of your presence in the real world, and not in the cloud of your negative fantasies. The phobia of death tends to progress if the thought is constantly replayed in the head and experienced. It is very helpful to write down your fear on a piece of paper. It is desirable to state in detail all the unpleasant sensations, down to minor details. Then imagine yourself as a different person and read what is written, analyzing from the outside.

The fear of death has been studied by psychology for a very long time. The described method is effective. When a state of aggravation occurs, and the thought begins to choke, it is recommended to imagine yourself from the outside. Look at your condition from the position of a doctor and draw a conclusion.

You can even give yourself advice and prescribe treatment. Death from fear occurs in isolated cases. So be afraid that panic attack will end in death, not worth it. This type somatic manifestations refers to cyclic. During an attack, it is recommended to take any sedative and vasodilator and settle down in a horizontal position.

It must be understood that the stronger the fear, the more intense the symptoms will manifest. All this is easy to avoid if you keep at hand essential oil mint or ammonia. When there is a feeling of the onset of an attack, you just need to inhale the listed funds and it will immediately become easier. Will help correct breathing. If the heart beats very strongly, then you need to try to calm yourself. To do this, you can slowly walk around the room, turn on relaxing music or your favorite movie.

How to deal with the fear of death correctly, the psychotherapist will tell you after a preliminary consultation. In this case, the assessment of the patient's condition is very important.

Many people perceive the mention of death with anxiety. Inevitability and uncertainty often make people worry not only about their lives, but also about the lives of loved ones. When a paroxysmal fear of death arises, which is not justified by anything, this may indicate a disease such as thanatophobia.

Thanatophobia - fear of death

it special kind phobias, because it is most difficult to get rid of it with the usual corrective methods of psychotherapy. In addition, the fear of death is one of the most common problems of modern society.

Why is thanatophobia dangerous?

The phobia of death in psychological practice is quite common. Experts believe that this is due to the manifestation individual features fear in other phobias. The fear of death is the ancestor of all fears known to psychologists. And if timely psychotherapeutic assistance is not provided, the consequences can be unpredictable. Some individuals go crazy, others try to commit suicide.

If a person is concerned obsessive fear the fact that he suddenly dies, this cannot but affect his life. Attacks of fear become so strong that a person has a panic attack, the consequences of which have a detrimental effect on his well-being. The patient loses all interest in work, family and his hobbies.

From the point of view of psychologists, the fear of death can develop into a fear of one's own life. A person ceases to live normally, suffers from this and wants to end it. Such psychological problems are especially relevant among older people who know that the end of their lives is near. The result of this is chronic stress and mental disorder.

Negative emotions, anxiety and other signs of thanatophobia with age make people stop in their own development. Thinking that there is no point in further existence, the body is even more exposed to negative emotions and stop fighting them. Fear of death leads to health problems. Failures in the work of the nervous system are reflected in the work of the brain. And the result of this is psychosomatic pathologies. Further actions the patient is unpredictable. He can become depressed, refuse help, neglect his own health, find "salvation" in alcohol and drugs, and even decide to end his life.

A patient with thanatophobia often seeks solace in alcohol.

The main causes of thanatophobia

The fear of death haunts a person, hiding its roots in the subconscious. The fact is that thanatophobia belongs to the biosocial type of fears, since fear can develop due to genes and due to the influence of the environment. You can avoid the unpleasant consequences of the disease only by finding out the causes of its occurrence. Scientists have several hypotheses:

  • experienced stress due to the death of loved ones;
  • artificially created cult of death;
  • existential syndrome;
  • age crisis;
  • religious aspects;
  • excessive control of their own health.

It is impossible to deny the reason associated with the mystery of death, because its perception is different for each person.

For some, thinking about the unknown causes panic attacks and mental disorders. Subject to such problems are people who are possessed by strong rationalism.

Finding explanations for any diseases, problems and events, they cannot reliably indicate what will happen to them after death.

Experienced stress due to the death of loved ones

Fear of death can develop due to "contact with death." A person is subjected to emotional shock due to events in his life. The most common problem is the experience of death loved one. "Contact with death" can occur after an accident, with evidence of a plane crash, etc.

The panic fear of death in such people appears due to the activation of an irrational mechanism for searching for answers to unknown questions about what death is.

The fear of sudden death becomes even more acute, as a result of which a person loses the edge of a rational understanding of the difference between the living and the dead. The patient can think about his own death, suggest its causes and compare someone else's death with his own negative fantasies.

Influence of the death cult

The reasons for a person's hobbies often lead to a change in his thinking. Questions of studying esotericism with its hypotheses about human existence leave a negative imprint on the human psyche. According to domestic psychologists, thanatophobia appears from the influence on society of information flows that notify about warriors, disasters, violence, etc. In addition, there are separate materials that popularize the cult of death. The most dangerous sources of fears:

  • printed publications;
  • movies;
  • social networks.

Scenes of violence and death are presented before modern man daily. The experience for other people's lives leads to the fact that the patient himself begins to "try on" other people's (sometimes invented) social roles and even mentally puts himself in the place of the victim.

Horror movies can provoke a pathological fear of death

existential syndrome

The humanistic and existential-humanistic directions of psychology have their own assumptions about the phobia. Representatives of different schools explain the fear of death as a stoppage of personal development. In such conditions, a person awakens interest in the unknown. Thoughts of imminent death cause him stress and subsequent nervous disorders. Negative thoughts themselves are a sign of an existential syndrome.

age crisis

The fear of death can disturb people of all ages. But, most often, it is diagnosed in older people and in those over 40. According to psychologists, an obsessive fear appears due to certain life crises associated with age. A negative perception of the lived half of life or one's own old age brings terrible discomfort to people's lives. They become depressed and lose interest in life. During these periods, people should be helped to rethink their existence and give life rationality.

Elderly people are subject to thanatophobia

Religious aspects

According to psychotherapists, most of the patients who had the fear of death were involved in the spiritual life. They succumbed to the influence of religion and even sectarianism. There are many examples. The closest to us is Orthodoxy. AT Holy Scriptures It says exactly what awaits a person after death.

Faith in God becomes the cause of experiences. A believer on religious grounds may develop a mental disorder with its psychosomatic manifestations.

Wrong attitude towards yourself

More often this applies to perfectionists. Such people experience constant discomfort from the wrong course of affairs, appearance(own and loved ones) and have certain health requirements. Man wants to take control of everything around him. But, the thing is, some things are beyond people's control. Work internal organs, their state and cycles of work can change the "framework" of control. This is what causes the fear of death.

Clinical picture of the disease

Treatment of a phobia is impossible without determining its causes and clinical picture. Fear sudden death individual:

  1. The patient shows features not of fear of the end of the life path, but of the very process of biological death. The patient experiences an obsessive fear from thoughts of death in agony. This may also apply to unexpected cases - accidents, fires, etc. The patient is worried about the bad physical state and their own torment before death.
  2. There is a fear of becoming a feeble old man. Such people tune in to the fact that it is better to die young than to make life difficult for their loved ones. Such thoughts often do not have a definite basis under them. A person programs himself without knowing about his future, state of health and lifestyle.
  3. Frustration and the need for mentoring. Such problems arise in people over 40. The fact is that it is during this period that the “teacher” wakes up in the soul. They strive to pass on their thoughts about housekeeping, caring for loved ones, etc. to their children and grandchildren. The feeling of anxiety in such patients arises from the feeling of approaching death and the unpreparedness of the "students" for independent living.

A panic attack due to thoughts of death is also present in the younger generation. Poor psychological education, strong informational stress from the media, computer games and films can have a huge impact on the still unformed psyche.

Older people tend to pass on their life experiences to their grandchildren.

Symptoms of a phobia

The symptoms of a phobia can vary. They can be not only psychological, but also physiological in nature. The manifestation and nature of the symptoms depends on the state of the patient's psyche, as well as the stage of the disease itself. Thinking about his own death, the patient may experience:

  • anxiety;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sleep problems;
  • pseudo pain.

Thoughts about what will happen before death and after it are perceived by the body as severe stress. Symptoms are just a sign that the body is launching protective functions against a threat.

Frequent stress can become chronic, which leads to a change in the functioning of internal organs and systems. The patient may develop symptoms of cardio-vascular system, digestion, etc.

Signs of thanatophobia completely change the attitude towards the life of the patient. For example, if he is afraid of death in a plane crash, he will refuse any flights. If a person is afraid of death due to illness, any cold will cause him a panic attack and other signs of a phobia.

The fear of flying is dictated by the fear of death in a plane crash.

Features of treatment

Dealing with the fear of death does not have a single strategy. Each patient has their own causes of the manifestation of the disease and its symptoms. Therefore, a psychotherapist or psychiatrist can help with the study and treatment of a phobia. During the appointment, the doctor gets acquainted with clinical picture disease and determine the severity of the disorder.

Subsequent visits to a specialist are aimed at clarifying the “depth” of psychosomatic defects. The initial stages of the disease can be treated without medication.

Methods of cognitive behavioral therapy and neurolinguistic programming are common. In severe forms of the disease, tranquilizers and antidepressants may be required. Most often, anxiety and other signs of a phobia disappear after 10-15 sessions and one course of medication.

Dealing with a phobia on your own

The feeling of fear passes quickly if the person himself creates the necessary conditions to normalize your mental state. It is important to learn how to resist a panic attack on your own, controlling mental activity and not being afraid to ask for help from your loved ones or a psychologist. Experts advise patients:

  1. Don't shut yourself up with your problems. You always need to share them with loved ones or contact specialists.
  2. Find a way to realize your own values. This will help shift the patient's attention from death to life and its benefits.
  3. Refuse leisure, which is fraught with a threat to the psyche. It is important to stop watching news, films and TV shows that show or discuss the death of people.
  4. The main thing is to realize that death is not necessary to wait.

Life and death are components of the human biological cycle. The change from one state to another is natural process that awaits each of us. During treatment, it is important to tune in to pleasant emotions as much as possible and in every possible way to avoid the appearance of any negative thoughts. This is the only way to become stronger than your own fears and learn to control them.


The fear of imminent death is a common phobia. It's very hard to fight her. The fact is that most of the methods of psychological therapy are based on the confrontation "a person is an object of fear."

The main thing is that a person wants to live and is not afraid to share experiences with others. In addition, you can seek help from doctors - a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist. A specialist can prescribe sedatives to reduce the manifestation of symptoms of a phobia and work with him, the goals of which are the patient's correct perception of the biological cycle and the normalization of his psyche.

For, apart from death,

everything that matters

with space, everything is interchangeable.

And especially the body.

I. Brodsky

The feeling of fear of death is a common and normal phenomenon for most people. All people are mortal, but no one wants to die, and end-of-life fantasies can be frightening and painful. But sometimes the panic fear of death takes on excessive forms, flooding feelings and becoming a real psychological problem. For example, panic attacks can accompany a constant feeling of fear of death (thanatophobia), and sometimes turn a person’s whole life into an anxious expectation.

Thoughts of death can become intrusive and threatening for a variety of reasons. Regardless of whether the source of fear is realistic or not, it always has psychological causes and deserves attention.

But if fear of death is natural, then how to understand when the fear of death is a psychological problem? Thanatophobia in pathological form characterized by the following features:

  1. Uncontrollable seizures during which panic sets in suddenly, often for no reason or due to a minor event (for example, in transport, during medical procedures, and in other supposedly safe situations). During an attack, in addition to a feeling of uncontrollable fear, palpitations, respiratory disorders, sweating, trembling, disorientation, derealization, and other symptoms may appear.
  2. Intrusive thoughts that are difficult or impossible to get rid of and that take time and effort, affect sleep and appetite, interfere with normal functioning. AT extreme cases such thoughts take on the character of paranoia or delusions, occupying a central place in a person’s mental life and subjugating his activity: in order to avoid a mortal threat, the patient begins to hide, develop plans for self-defense, suspect the threat of strangers and objects, and so on.
  3. Changes in behavior. If a person is forced to regulate his behavior in order to avoid unbearable fear, this means that the phobia has taken over consciousness, and this is a clear sign of a violation.
  4. Obstacles to full life. Sometimes the fear of death is a paralyzing factor that prevents a person from doing what he wants - for example, use an elevator, fly a plane or drive a car. The fear of death often becomes the cornerstone of all phobias, and having cured one of them, the patient soon discovers another. In this case, the fear of death is unconscious, and the more it needs psychotherapeutic treatment.

What to do if one or more signs of a death phobia are present? It is important to remember that any psychological problem is realistic if it bothers you.

Any emotional discomfort deserves the attention and help of a specialist, because it ultimately determines the satisfaction and quality of life of a person.

Of course, many anxieties go away on their own with time, but it is not necessary to wait for this to happen. And if anxiety takes on such menacing forms, then it absolute reading to contact a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist, since all these conditions can develop into serious mental disorders. Even a single panic attack is an occasion to consult a specialist in order to avoid repeated attacks.

Photographer Egor Lekma

Why does fear appear?

The reasons why a person is haunted by the fear of death can be very different. Some of them are due to processes within the psyche, internal conflicts or mental disorders. Others have external origin develop due to objective events in life.

Here are the most common, although by no means all, causes of thanatophobia.

Entering a new life stage

Each of us goes through age crises- periods when the lived part of life is rethought, views change, the person grows up, becomes more mature or ages. At each new stage, the perception of death can also change - over the years, the end of life becomes closer and acquires more and more sharp, real features. Because of this, the idea of ​​death can begin to haunt a person.

The fear of death is especially acute for the elderly, who lose one by one their peers, friends and relatives, often being unable to accept their old age and begin to take stock of life.

Sudden severe illness

At any age, a person can be overtaken by a disease, life threatening. Whether or not the disease is curable, awareness of fragility and insecurity own body, as well as the realization of the inevitability of death, can be a real shock.

mental trauma

Often, natural disasters are traumatic, man-made disasters, Act of terrorism, accidents, wars and other events associated with injuries and deaths. However, in order to get mental trauma it is not necessary to be a participant in or witness to a disaster, sometimes it is enough to learn about it from the media in order to be hard pressed by the sudden death of other people.

The death of a loved one, relative or friend can also be traumatic, especially if the latter passed away unexpectedly. As a result of a psychotrauma, a person ceases to feel safe, acutely feeling that his life can end at any moment.

Internal conflict

In the psychoanalytic sense, the fear of death is usually associated with the fear of separation. Afraid of dying, a person is unconsciously afraid of losing what he is attached to - loved ones, his life's work, sunlight, the whole world. For an infant, death is equal to the loss of a mother, the loss of a nourishing and protecting person. Sometimes the obsessive fear of death speaks of deep depression associated with the lack of warmth, care and love in the inner world.

Anxiety and control mania

Many of us, to varying degrees, are afraid of not being able to do something important before we die. In a strict sense, this is not even a fear of death, but rather a fear of losing control. It is terrible to die unexpectedly, not having time to put things in order - to write a will, give out valuable instructions, take stock, leave behind a legacy (in the form of material values, knowledge, work, and so on).

Fear for loved ones

Sometimes the loss of loved ones seems really threatening and turns into an obsession. Often the roots of such anxiety lie in the defense mechanisms of the psyche, and it is a representation of one's own thanatophobia or fear of losing the object of affection.

By and large, all these reasons cause fears that have a very clear form and are represented in the mind by thoughts of death or how to get rid of threats. But the basic, instinctive fear of death can also cause other phobias, the content of which, at first glance, is not directly related to death.

Photographer Daria Skakun

Other "deadly" phobias

Even when thoughts of death do not in themselves cause panic or horror, fear can manifest itself insidiously in the form of phobias, which combine the component of thanatophobia and components of other, narrower fears associated with individual experience of the individual.

Typical phobias in this regard are the following:

  1. Claustrophobia - the fear of an enclosed space that limits and makes it impossible to move freely, function, breathe - as if symbolically "strangles" its victim;
  2. Agoraphobia is the fear of open space, which cannot be controlled, because of which it can hide an infinite number of threats;
  3. The fear of open water in bodies of water is often a fear of drowning - a special case of the fear of death;
  4. Aerophobia and other "transport" phobias - the fear associated with the risk of falling into a disaster - also plays here important role inability to control the situation;
  5. Fear of heights - expresses a feeling of extreme insecurity that occurs at a height unsafe for human life, even if a fall from a height is unlikely;
  6. Hypochondria - some special cases of hypochondriacal fears associated with an imaginary "deadly" disease.

Phobias are relatively easy to psychologically correct, but it is somewhat more difficult to work out the deep causes of the appearance of these phobias - as a rule, deep fear death requires long-term psychotherapy, which allows you to achieve authenticity and fullness of life, in which fear will not occupy a dominant position.

Photographer Egor Lekma

Death as attraction

In the classical psychoanalytic theory, it is widely believed that in addition to the fear of death, there is also an attraction to death, the so-called "thanatos" - a dark, self-destructive beginning of the human personality.

Perhaps it makes sense to consider some aspects intrusive thoughts, dreams and fantasies about death as an expression of this tendency - the desire to die (or kill) is unconsciously so great that on a conscious level they cause resistance in the form of panic.

Some modern psychoanalysts also point out that fantasies about death can be associated with a need for security - death in this regard becomes an escape, the end of life is loaded with a lot of additional meanings and is called “deliverance”, “salvation”, and suicide is the answer, how to get rid of from all troubles. In this case, suicidal tendencies can be replaced by fear of one's own impulses, and vice versa.

Obsessive thoughts about death are not always associated only with fear. Often, passing away as a phenomenon can be fascinating and mysterious, and play an important role in fantasies. This topic is especially relevant for those who believe in the continuation of life after death. Then fear is accompanied by thoughts about what will be "on the other side", which can be very ambivalently emotionally colored.

For example, religious people often perceive death as some kind of initiation, a transition to another form of life - and they can seriously worry about what awaits them - hell or heaven? Rebirth? Suffering? Reunion with God?

Such thoughts captivate not only religious adherents, but also skeptics - for years scientists have been trying to fix brain activity at the time of death, to find out about the last near-death experiences, thoughts and words. Of keen interest are the stories of people who have experienced clinical death.

A person seems to be unable to recognize the finality of death and somehow ascribes to it a symbolic, mystical, sacred or spiritual meaning.

After all, if there is only the death of the body, and the “soul” is immortal, then it is much easier to accept one’s perishability and fragility, and the approach of the end becomes safe, and sometimes turns into awe and interest.

Anonymous photographer, model: Daria Skakun

Psychotherapy of thanatophobia

Thanatophobia, as a rule, lends itself well to correction and control in psychotherapy. AT severe cases when fear paralyzes the psyche and disrupts its functioning, or if the condition is accompanied by delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, obsessions, it is necessary drug therapy. In cases where the patient's condition requires control due to suicidal or aggressive tendencies, a person is placed in a hospital for the selection of optimally suitable drugs that will help alleviate the condition and bring the person to adequate well-being, in which he can work productively with a psychologist or psychotherapist to work out their fears.

The study of thanatophobia may include the analysis of dreams and fantasies, free associations, interpretations, the psychologist may offer the client various exercises and techniques - art therapy or cognitive behavioral, which will allow you to consistently consider and “secure” frightening thoughts and ideas.

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